RVCC @ Bridgewater - Raritan Valley Community College

RVCC @ Bridgewater - Raritan Valley Community College

RVCC @ Bridgewater - Raritan Valley Community College

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<strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>Spring 2011 CoursesClasses in <strong>Bridgewater</strong> & North BranchALLIED HEALTHTECHNOLOGY & TRADESPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTBUSINESS, CAREER & COMPUTER SKILLSwww.raritanval.edu/cce | 908-218-8871

Customized Training Grant FundsAs your pArtner we:Assess your training needsDesign your training planDevelop and help you submita fundable grant proposalserve as your liaison tothe State of New JerseyDeliver your training 24/7the way you want it delivered<strong>RVCC</strong> Continuing Education’sGrant Writers have been assistingcompanies with developing andsubmitting customized training grantproposals for over 15 years.Grant development and submissiontakes approximately four monthsfrom start to finish. Once approved,your organization has 12 months tocomplete the training program.Letter from <strong>RVCC</strong> President Casey CrabillWhether you are looking to train for a new career, upgrade your skills or are in searchof personal enrichment, <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> is here to serve you. Weoffer the highest quality education at an affordable price.This spring we are pleased to offer a wide range of technology and trade coursesat the <strong>College</strong>’s newest location in <strong>Bridgewater</strong>. The facility, formerly the SomersetCounty Technology Institute, is home to such technical programs as automotivetechnology, welding, auto body repair, construction technology, and heating andair conditioning as well as cosmetology. In many cases, students are able to pursueeither certificates or degrees in these fields. Many of our noncredit continuingeducation courses have moved to this new location.We recognize that in these difficult economic times you may need to return to schoolto learn new job skills. At <strong>RVCC</strong> we offer special support for adult learners who havebeen out of the classroom for many years. Our division of Continuing Education stayson top of workforce trends and specializes in offering training in the fields with thegreatest growth potential.Please take a few minutes to look through this brochure and see if there is a courseor area of study that meets your needs. I hope to see you on campus.Casey CrabillPresident, <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development, CustomizedTraining Funds are available to upgrade the skills of NJ’s workforceTo learn more about the grant programs andother learning solutions contact <strong>RVCC</strong> CE:jwest@raritanval.edu • 908.526.1200 ext. 8319Board of TrusteesPaul J. Hirsch,ChairmanEvelyn S. Field,Vice ChairCatherine Hebson McVicker,Vice ChairFrank T. ArapsRaymond H. BatemanTrudy DoyleJohn Graf, Jr.John L. McGuirePeter G. SchoberlFrederic C. SterrittGerald J. VernoticaKate R. WhitmanRobert P. WiseKimberly Schwabe,Alumni RepresentativeCasey Crabill, President<strong>RVCC</strong> Continuing Education14 Vogt Drive<strong>Bridgewater</strong> NJ 08807Phone: 908-218-8871Fax: 908-722-4617www.raritanval.edu/ccewww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce

TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSACCOUNTING_________________1Accounting FundamentalsAccounting with QuickBooks CertificateCMA PART 1: Financial PlanningCMA PART 2: Financial Decision MakingQuickBooks for Small BusinessesQuickBooks A/R and A/P for Small BusinessesSmall Business Record-KeepingUnderstanding Financial StatementsACCOUNTING ANDQUICKBOOKS_______________ 46Accounting FundamentalsQuickBooks for Small BusinessesQuickBooks A/R and A/P for Small BusinessesPAYROLL______________________2APA Payroll Professional Learning SeriesFundamentals of PayrollProfessional Payroll CertificationAIR CONDITIONING,REFRIGERATION_______________3Air Conditioning Systems DesignCommercial HVAC Controls & instrumentationHVAC/R Technician Certification ReviewRefrigeration IRefrigeration IIAUTO BODY__________________4Advanced Auto Body & Frame RepairAuto Body: Custom PaintAuto Body RefinishingAuto Body-Welding & Metal WorkIntroduction to Auto Body, Shop PracticesPaint & Color Matching TechniquesAUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY__6Auto Theory, Service & EnginesAutomatic Transmission Service &Repair PrinciplesAutomotive Electrical SystemsClutches & Manual TransmissionsEngine DiagnosisBOMI INTERNATIONALBUILDING DESIGN ANDMAINTENANCE______________ 18Air Handling, Water Treatment andPlumbing SystemsDesign, Operation and Maintenance ofBuilding SystemsBUILDING MANAGEMENT___ 17Green Building PrincipalsBUSINESS MANAGEMENT_____7Project Management CertificateCAREER DEVELOPMENT_______9Essentials of Human Resource ManagementMastering the Phone InterviewCAREER TRACK COURSES___ 10Animal Control Officer TrainingCourt ReportingSolar Panel InstallationCLINICAL RESEARCH________ 30Clinical Data ManagementClinical Research Associate (CRA) & ClinicalResearch Coordinator (CRC)Clinical Research Wrap-UpClinical Trials Assistant (CTA)Essentials of Clinical Project ManagementInterpretation of Laboratory ValuesOverview & Management of 21-CFR-11ComplianceProtocol Preparation and WritingCOMPUTER TECHNOLOGY___ 11Business Applications Computer SpecialistMicrosoft Office 2007 Basic Certificate ProgramMicrosoft 2007 New FeaturesMicrosoft Windows BasicCISCO EMPHASIS____________ 14Advanced CISCO NetworkingCOMPUTER PRESENTATION_ 15Adobe InDesign I (Mac)Intro to Photoshop (Mac)Microsoft PowerPointCOMPUTER PROGRAMMING/NETWORKING______________ 14Advanced Computer NetworkingComputer Literacy (MAC)Desktop Computer Hardware & SoftwareInternet & WEB ArchitectureDATA MANAGEMENT_______ 13Microsoft Access BasicMicrosoft Office Project 2007SPREADSHEETS_____________ 13Microsoft Excel BasicMicrosoft Excel IntermediateMicrosoft Excel AdvancedWEB PAGE DESIGN__________ 15DreamweaverFlash FundamentalsFlash IntermediateHTML, XHTML & CSS Web PageWORD PROCESSING_________ 12Microsoft Word BasicMicrosoft Word IntermediateCARPENTRY________________ 16Professional CarpentryWoodworking & CabinetryCONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGY_______________ 16Architectural CAD DrawingComputer-Aided Drafting IConstruction Materials & Procedures IIConstruction Planning & SchedulingConstruction Quality EstimatingFoundations of Deck ConstructionHow to Construct a Quality DeckSurveyingWorkplace Skills Using AutoCadCULINARY ARTS PROGRAM__19Cookies! Cookies! Cookies!Introduction to Gourmet CookingOriental FusionRolling in the DoughSouthern CuisineDENTAL RADIOLOGY________ 33ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGY_______________ 18Electrical Apprentice ProgramElectrical Trades I: Intro to AC Principles &Blueprint Reading, Part IIElectrical Trades II: Circuitry,Generators, TransformersElectrical Trades III: AC PrinciplesElectricity IIEDUCATION_________________ 20Introduction to the Teaching ProfessionThe Educational InterviewPathways to Teaching in New Jersey:An Alternate Route to TeachingPraxis II Exam Review: Elementary EdTeaching Students with Autism:Successful StrategiesEVENT PLANNING___________ 11Event & Wedding PlanningEXAM PREP_________________ 33Arithmetic ReviewGED PreparationMathematics Review and RefresherGENERAL INTEREST_________ 34Beaded JewelryBoaters Licensing PreparationBuild an Autonomous Mobile RobotDance – <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Dance EnsembleDefensive DrivingEssentials of Landscape DesignMeandering River of Beads BraceletOutboard Maintenance RepairRetirement PlanningFOOD SAFETY_______________ 25Food Handlers CertificateServSafe EssentialsGRAPHIC DESIGN___________ 25Adobe InDesigniv www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/ccev

TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSHEALTH PROFESSIONS______ 26Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)CPR/AED for the Professional RescuerCPR Refresher CourseECG Analysis, Basic Arrhythmia &12 Lead PlacementECG Technician National CertificationPharmacy TechnicianPhlebotomy / Lab AssistantTourette Syndrome, ADHD, OCD & RelatedDisordersINTERIOR DECORATING_ ____ 24Principles of Interior DecoratingQuick Sketching & Rapid VisualizationTechniques for Interior Decoration & HomeRemodelingINTERIOR DESIGN___________ 23Design Studio IIDesign Studio IVLighting for InteriorsMarker Rendering/PresentationTrade Codes & Business PracticeLANGUAGES________________ 21Introduction French IIIntermediate French IIIntroduction Italian IMEDICAL ASSISTING_ _______ 29Clinical Medical Assistant PrinciplesMedical Assistant Professional PracticumPhlebotomy Theory & LabManagement Skills for Healthcare PersonnelOPHTHALMIC SCIENCE______ 33Ophthalmic State Board Licensing Exam ReviewOphthalmic State Board Practical ReviewPROJECT MANAGEMENT______7Green Project Management for the 21st CenturyIT Project ManagementQuality ManagementRisk ManagementScheduling / Cost ControlREAL ESTATE________________ 36Real Estate Licensing PreparationSIGN LANGUAGE____________ 23Sign Language BasicSign Language IntermediateSIX SIGMA SERIES_____________9Six SIGMA: Black BeltSix Sigma: Green BeltSix Sigma: White BeltSix Sigma: Yellow BeltSMALL BUSINESSDEVELOPMENT CENTER_____ 37ENTREPRENEURIAL CERTIFICATEPROGRAM (ECP)____________ 38A Flourishing Business & Floundering LifeBusiness ConceptsEfficiently Getting Cash Out Of Your BusinessEntrepreneur AssessmentLegal I - Start-up SpecificsLegal II – ContractsMarketing StrategiesOverview of a Business PlanSmall Business Record-KeepingSmall Business TaxesSocial Media Marketing Made SimpleThe Business PlanUnderstanding Financial StatementsMARKETING & SALES_______ 41Anatomy of a SaleCommunication SkillsComprehensive MarketingCustomer ManagementGuerrilla MarketingMulti-Generational MarketingNetworkingPersonal BrandingTrade Showmanship & Expo MarketingUnconventional and Strategic MarketingWord Of Mouth AdvertisingSENIORS’ WEEK – BUSINESSPROGRAMS_________________ 43Launching a Home-Based BusinessStart a Consulting BusinessTurn Your Hobby into a BusinessGENERAL ENTREPRENEURIALCOURSES____________________ 43Building and Financing Your BusinessCreating Audio/Video Content for Your WebsiteDrive Traffic to Your WebsiteEvent & Wedding PlanningGet Found Online!How to Obtain Financing and BusinessPlan ReviewIncrease Your Website TrafficJumpstart Your Marketing InitiativeShould the Title ‘Franchisee’ Be Your Next Job?The ABCs of SalesWOMEN IN BUSINESS:_______ 45Effectively Managing Your BusinessGrowing and Expanding Your BusinessJump-Starting Your Business for SuccessWELDING___________________ 47Advanced WeldingBasic Welding5 Easy Ways to Register____ 48Fax RegistrationIn-Person RegistrationMail RegistrationOnline RegistrationTelephone RegistrationPHILOSOPHY, RELIGION &SOCIOLOGY_________________ 36American Minority RelationsCurrent Moral & Social Issuesvi www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/ccevii

Tax Preparer Competency ExamWage and Non-Business Form 1040Exam Part 1Wage and Business Form 1040Exam Part 2The Internal Revenue Service announced new taxpreparer requirements and regulations aimed atsetting higher standards for income tax preparersbeginning with the 2011 tax season.If you are anunenrolled tax preparer (those who are not CPAs,Attorneys or enrolled agents), you need to meetthe new tax preparer requirements.Under the new requirements,all tax preparers must:• register with the IRS• pass a competency test• participate in ongoingcontinuing education• comply with ethical standardsThe SBDC @ <strong>RVCC</strong> along with itspartner, EisnerAmper LLP, offers the taxpreparation courses to help you pass theIRS competency tests.Un-enrolled tax preparers have 3 yearsto pass a test of competency.• Exam Part One is for preparers ofWage and Non-Business Form 1040individual returns.• Exam Part Two is for preparers of Wageand Business Form 1040 individualreturns including Schedules C, E & F.Please note course fee does not includecost of the text book required. Please visitthe following website for book purchasehttp://passkeypublications.com/titles.aspxREVIEW COURSEIn order to adequately prepare forExam Part Two it is recommendedthat both courses below be taken.Classes can be taken simultaneously.Course ContentWage and Non-Business Form 1040Tax Preparer Competency Exam ReviewEXAM PART 1Gathering Taxpayer DataTaxable/Non Taxable IncomeAdjust to Gross Income/Tax CreditsStandard DeductionsItemized DeductionsBasis/Capital Gain (Loss)Non –Recognition TransactionsEthicsSB251-01Instructor: Bonnie Trochim, CPAEisnerAmper, LLPCRN 23849 18 hours 6 sessionsTue Apr 19-May 24 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $379 ($364 tuition, plus fees)Wage and Non-Business Form 1040Tax Preparer Competency Exam ReviewEXAM PART 2Recordkeeping RequirementsInventory ValuationBusiness Income and ExpensesRental/Royalty IncomeBusiness Tax CreditsRetirement PlansFarmingEthicsSB259-01Instructor: Dan Gibson, CPAEisnerAmper, LLPCRN 23967 18 hours 6 sessionsThu Apr 21-May 26 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $379 ($364 tuition, plus fees)ACCOUNTINGAre you ready to take your accountingand finance career to the next level? TheCertified Management Accountant (CMA)Learning Systems course, prepared by theInstitute of Management Accountants(IMA) helps management accounting andfinance professionals enhance their skills,advance their careers, and increase theirearning potential. The CMA credential ishighly recommended for managementaccounting and finance professionalswho work inside organizations whereexpertise in decision-making, planning,and taking control over value-creatingoperations are crucial elements ofoperational success. By earning theCMA credential, you can demonstrateboth technical competencies and anunderstanding of the linkage betweenstrategy and financial performance,grounded in a firm commitment toupholding strict professional ethicalstandards.CMA PART 1: Financial PlanningFI565 _ _________________________30 hoursThis course reviews elements of financial planningfor performance and control. The course presents thefollowing concepts:ÌÌPlanning, Budgeting and Forecasting PerformanceManagementÌÌ Cost ManagementÌÌ Internal ControlÌÌ Professional EthicsPrerequisite: Understanding of basic accountingfundamentalsInstructor: Phil Ganz, CMACRN 23856 Sect. 60 6 sessionsSat Apr 16-May 21 8:30am-1:30pmCourse fee: $1,199 ($384 tuition, plus fees)CMA PART 2: Financial Decision MakingFI566__________________________33 hoursThis course examines the strategies of financial decisionmaking. Concepts presented in this course:ÌÌ Financial Statement AnalysisÌÌ Corporate FinanceÌÌ Decision Analysis and Risk ManagementÌÌ Investment DecisionsÌÌ Professional EthicsInstructor: Phil Ganz, CMACRN 23857 Sect. 60 6 sessionsSat Feb 26-Apr 9 8:30am-2:30pm(No class Mar 12)Course fee: $1,399 ($434 tuition, plus fees)Accounting with QuickBooks CertificateThis program is designed to cover thebasics of accounting fundamentals andthen to apply those fundamentals toQuickBooks. Attend all three courses inthe following sequence – AccountingFundamentals, QuickBooks for SmallBusinesses, and QuickBooks A/R & A/P(must be taken in this sequence) – for atotal of 21 hours to earn a certificate; ortake them individually to improve yourknowledge base by enhancing your skillsin one particular area.Accounting FundamentalsAC105 _ _________________________6 hoursThis course is designed to provide students withfundamental knowledge of accounting procedures andis a complement to QuickBooks for Small Businesses.Students become proficient in concepts needed forbookkeeping and accounting terminology used toeffectively operate financial software.Instructor: Carla Fallone, MBA, Fallone BusinessResourcesCRN 23837 Sect. 01 2 sessionsMon/Thu Feb 7 & 10 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23838 Sect. 02 2 sessionsMon/Thu Mar 7 & 10 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23839 Sect. 03 2 sessionsMon/Thu May 2 & 5 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $109 ($72 tuition, plus fees)QuickBooks for Small BusinessesSB016___________________________6 hoursThis introductory course explains how QuickBooks cansimplify the accounting process for a small business.Students learn about the set-up for a small business.Learn how to record transactions, understand thereports generated from QuickBooks and the componentsof financial statements. (Participants should haveknowledge of basic keyboarding.)Instructor: Carla Fallone, MBA, Fallone Business ResourcesCRN 23840 Sect. 01 2 sessionsMon/Thu Feb 14 & 17 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23842 Sect. 03 2 sessionsMon/Thu Mar 14 & 17 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23843 Sect. 02 2 sessionsMon/Thu May 9 & 12 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $109 ($72 tuition, plus fees)www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011 Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce a c c o u n t i n g 1

QuickBooks A/R and A/P for SmallBusinessesSB129 _ _________________________9 hoursThis intermediate course is designed to put the studentin a simulated real business environment managing boththe Customers/Sales and Vendors/Expenses capabilitiesin QuickBooks. Accounts Receivable transactionsinclude creating customer and job lists, setting up item(product) lists, creating quotes, tracking employee timefor customer jobs, applying customer payments, journalentries, and accounts receivable reporting. AccountsPayable transactions include setting up vendors,preferences, processing vendor invoices, credit cardstatement payments, applying invoices to customer jobs,batch and single check process, voiding checks, journalentries, and Account Payable reporting. QuickBooksfor Small Businesses or good working knowledge ofnavigating QuickBooks is a prerequisite.Instructor: Cindi Ebert, Ebert Consulting Group, LLC,Advanced Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor & CertifiedQuickBooks Point-of-Sale ProAdvisorCRN 23844 Sect. 01 3 sessionsTue/Thu Feb 22-Mar 1 6:00-9:00pmInstructor: Linda E. Dousis, Administrative Services &Consulting, LLC Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisorCRN 23845 Sect. 02 3 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 22-29 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23846 Sect. 03 3 sessionsTue/Wed/Thu May 17-19 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($94 tuition, plus fees)Small Business Record-KeepingSB006___________________________3 hoursThis course instructs students on what records need tobe kept for small businesses, how to do bookkeeping,and how to use records as a management tool. Keytopics include: manual and/or recommended software touse, inventory control, cash flow management, end-ofmonthsummary procedures, accounts payable, accountsreceivable, cash receipts, cash disbursements, profit andloss controls, internal controls and back-up needed fortax deductions.Instructor: Deb Weyman, CPA , EisnerAmper, LLPCRN 23918 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Apr 28 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Understanding Financial StatementsSB003___________________________3 hoursLearn to enhance and clarify your bottom line. Topicscovered include spreadsheets, understanding revenueand expense, structure and relationships, developingmeaningful forecasts and projections, break-evenanalysis, balance sheets, P&L, and cash flow.Instructor: Deb Weyman, CPA , EisnerAmper, LLPCRN 23920 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu May 26 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition plus fees)PAYROLLAPA Payroll ProfessionalLearning SeriesThe American Payroll Association (APA)certification is a valuable, objectivecredential that verifies a specifiedlevel of knowledge, skills, and abilitiesin the payroll profession as payrolladministration is becoming increasinglymore complex and challenging. Thisbody of knowledge is the basis for twonationally recognized certificationsfor the payroll professional: theFundamental Payroll Certification (FPC)and the Certified Payroll Professional(CPP). The courses are taught by leadingpayroll professionals holding theCPP certification in conjunction withcertification from the APA.Certification helps individualsdemonstrate their payroll expertise,secure promotions, advance their careersand enhance their standing within theprofession. The mastery level of PayrollCertification is the second of a two-partcourse. It incorporates the primary andfundamental payroll skills in the areasof core payroll concepts, compliance,principles of paycheck calculations,payroll process and systems, accountingand management. It is designed to helpstudents prepare for the CPP exam.Fundamentals of PayrollFI552__________________ 32 hours/3.2 CEUThis is the first of a two-part series which leads to anational certification as a payroll professional. Thecourse prepares students for the Fundamentals of PayrollProfessional (FPC) examination. It is intended for newpayroll professionals and anyone who is in the payrollindustry. The program provides a thorough overview ofthe laws and regulations that affect payroll. Studentsgain practical knowledge with “hands-on” activities.Topics include:ÌÌ Calculating gross pay and deductions from payÌÌ Paycheck fundamentalsÌÌ Determining which employer-provided benefits aretaxable or subject to reportingÌÌ Calculating tax withholdingsÌÌ Reporting payroll taxesÌÌ Preparing Forms W-2 and 941Instructor: Lydmila Dukhovnaya, CPPCRN 23858 Sect. 60 8 sessionsSat Jan 29-Mar 19 9:00am-1:00pmCourse fee: $630 ($192 tuition, plus fees)Professional Payroll CertificationFI550__________________ 32 hours/3.2 CEUThe course is the second of a two-part series leadingto a nationally recognized certification as a payrollprofessional and prepares participants for the CertifiedPayroll Professional (CPP) examination. Students aregiven intensive training on complex payroll functionsand regulations. Issues such as benefits and humanresources departments are also presented. This course isintended for individuals with payroll experience or whohave passed the Fundamental of Payroll (FI552) class.Topics covered include:ÌÌ Federal taxation and withholdingsÌÌ Payroll systems and reporting payroll taxesÌÌ FLSA “white collar” exemption rulesÌÌ Understanding fringe benefitsÌÌ The impact of benefit plans on the payroll processÌÌ Skills and responsibilitiesInstructor: Lydmila Dukhovnaya, CPPCRN 23859 Sect. 61 8 sessionsSat Mar 26-May 21 9:00am-1:00pm(No class April 23)Course fee: $630 ($192 tuition, plus fees)AIR CONDITIONING,REFRIGERATION& HEATING TECHNOLOGYAssociate of Applied ScienceDegree/Technology CertificateThe Associate of Applied Science degreeprogram in Air Conditioning, Refrigerationand Heating Technology preparesstudents in manipulative skills, design,estimating, theory, instrumentation, andelectricity and control systems. Academiccourses in electrical and thermodynamictheories as well as practical applicationsin the laboratory provide students withthe background necessary to becometechnicians, installers, sales personnel,entry level designers and middlemanagers. (See <strong>College</strong> Catalog for fullrequirements and course details.)If you are considering transfer to afour-year institution for a bachelor’sdegree in technology, it is stronglyrecommended that you consult with atransfer counselor early in your programto determine the requirements of thetransfer institution.To receive a Technology Certificatecredential from the Division of ContinuingEducation, the following courses must becompleted:ÌÌ Refrigeration IÌÌ Electricity IÌÌ Computer-Aided Drafting IÌÌ Air Conditioning Systems DesignÌÌ Electricity IIÌÌ Heating Systems DesignÌÌ Residential HVAC Controls &InstrumentationÌÌ Refrigeration IIÌÌ Commercial HVAC ControlsRefrigeration IARTC 101_______________________6 creditsThis is an entry-level course for students in the HVAC/Rfield. Its purpose is to provide the student with apractical blend of technical theory and laboratoryskill- building activities. The course content aimsat developing in the student a solid foundation inthe basics of thermodynamic theory as applicableto refrigeration, and in the operation of the mostmodern tools, instruments and equipment in currentuse by field service professionals during installation,troubleshooting, maintenance and service procedures onpresent-day refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.Instructor: Eric Symborski, Jr.CRN 23742 Sect. 51XTue/Thu/Fri Jan 18-May 2 6:00-8:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & fees2 p a y r o l lwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g, r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3

Air Conditioning Systems DesignARTC 102_______________________6 creditsCourse deals primarily with the application of thefundamentals of engineering to the practical design ofair conditioning systems. The course begins with theconcepts of human comfort and the dependence on theproper conditioning of air continuing with cooling loadestimating, psychometric analysis, indoor air qualityissues, the design of the air distribution system, andthe selection of the air conditioning unit and peripheralcomponent. The student is also trained in the use ofengineering design software and computer-aideddrafting software.Instructor: Paul FlorCRN 20339 Sect. 01XMon/Wed/Fri Jan 19-May 2 8:30-11:20amFri11:25am-12:20pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesRefrigeration IIARTC 201_______________________6 creditsPrerequisite ARTC101-Refrigeration IThis advanced refrigeration course requires a basicknowledge of refrigeration systems and components.The student is introduced to operation, maintenance anddesign procedures for large commercial and industrialrefrigeration equipment and associated instrumentationand control systems. Classroom training is enhancedby means of field trips to commercial buildings forthe purpose of viewing actual equipment at workand receiving additional on-site training through thesponsorship of plant engineering personnel.Instructor: Paul FlorCRN 20341 Sect. 01XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 11:30am-4:30pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesCommercial HVAC Controls &InstrumentationARTC 207_______________________4 creditsPrerequisite: ARTC206-Residential HVAC ControlThis is an advanced course in instrumentation andcontrols for Commercial HVAC The student is introducedto pneumatic control systems and componentscommonly used in buildings to operate heating and airconditioning equipment. An introduction to electronicand to microprocessor-based controllers currently in usein commercial buildings, often known as DDC (DirectDigital Controllers), is provided. The student is expectedto have had previous education (or training) in heatingand air conditioning design, be familiar with basicconceptual knowledge of air conditioning processes andwith electricity for HVAC/R.Instructor: Paul FlorCRN 20342 Sect. 01XTue/Thu Jan 18-May 2 10:00am-12:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesHVAC/R Technician Certification ReviewHVCE121_ _______________________9 hoursHVAC/R Technicians are required by law to get FederalCertification on Section-608 of the Clean Air Act. Thisfour-day seminar reviews the Refrigerant HandlingConcepts, as well as E.P.A. regulations to improve yourchances of passing the Federal Test to become certified.Instructor: Paul Flor, HVAC Faculty, <strong>RVCC</strong>CRN 24021 Sect 01 4 sessionsMTWTh Jan 10-13 9:00am-12:00pm(Training Jan 10-12; Test proctored on Jan 13)Course fee: $110 ($82 tuition, plus fees)AUTO BODYThis program is directed to studentsinterested in a career in automotivecollision repair and refinishing. This oneyear program teaches the components forbody work, painting, welding and othercomponents while focusing on safety andOSHA requirements. Safety goggles andsteel-toed shoes are required. Studentsare required to purchase materialsidentified in the first day of class.Course work:ÌÌ Auto Body RefinishingÌÌ Auto Body: Metal Work & WeldingÌÌ Auto Body, Shop PracticesÌÌ Major Auto Body Repairs & FrameAlignmentsIntroduction to Auto Body, ShopPracticesAB100_________________________48 hoursStudents learn shop practices and proper procedures tostraighten small dents using a metal file, pick hammerand dollies. Hands-on procedures to prepare andapply auto body filler and smooth auto body surfacesare covered. Safety goggles and steel-toed shoes arerequired.Instructor: George ByrdCRN 23860 Sect. 50X 12 sessionsMon/Wed Jan 24-Mar 2 6:00-9:50pmCourse fee: $425 ($235 tuition, plus fees)Auto Body-Welding & Metal WorkAB101_________________________48 hoursStudents continue with the basic elements learned in theIntroduction (AB100) course with instruction in the useof welding techniques and metal work. Safety gogglesand steel-toed shoes are required.Instructor: Raymond EslerCRN 23861 Sect. 50X 12 sessionsTue/Thu Jan 25-Mar 3 6:00-9:50pmCourse fee: $425 ($235 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWAdvanced Auto Body & Frame RepairAB104_________________________64 hoursTopics include advanced body and frame theory,use of framer equipment as it applies to majorcollision damage. Collision repair, estimating & shopmanagement are also covered.Instructor: Raymond EslerCRN 23964 Sect. 50X 16 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 15-May 5 6:00-9:50pmCourse fee: $576 ($335 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWPaint & Color Matching TechniquesAB105_________________________64 hoursCourse instruction emphasizes overall refinishing,including color matching, finishes and detailing.Instructor: George ByrdCRN 23965 Sect. 50X 16 sessionsMon/Wed Mar 14-May 4 6:00-9:50pmCourse fee: $576 ($335 tuition, plus fees)Basic RiderCourseAuto Body RefinishingAB102_________________________55 hoursIn this course, students learn the how to use paintshop materials, spray equipment, solve paint problemsand learn safety rules of painting. The course is opento students with some body work experience. Safetygoggles and steel-toed shoes are required.Instructor: George ByrdCRN 23862 Sect. 60X 10 sessionsSat Jan 29-Apr 9 7:30am-1:00pmA103 (No class March 12)Course fee: $390 ($190 tuition, plus fees)Auto Body: Custom PaintingAB103_________________________22 hoursThe course introduces the basic techniques of customizedpainting for autos, motorcycles, and more. The courseis hands-on, working on your own individual piecesof artwork. Student to purchase paint material. Safetygoggles and steel-toed shoes are required.Instructor: George ByrdCRN 23863 Sect. 51X 4 sessionsSat Apr 16-May 7 7:30am-1:00pmCourse fee: $170 ($105 tuition, plus fees)Motorcycle Rider Course<strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>, in partnership with Rider Education ofNew Jersey, is offering the following Motorcycle Rider Education course at the <strong>College</strong>In the Basic RiderCourse (BRC), experience motorcycling and street skills. TheBRC, approved by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the NewJersey Motor Vehicle Commission, is designed to teach the novicemotorcyclist the basic skills and mental strategiesrequired to ride. The course consists of 15-20 hoursof combined classroom and hands-on trainingtime. Motorcycles and helmets are provided byRider Education. This course is a must for anyoneinterested in obtaining a motorcycle license.Schedule:Courses run every weekend, April through OctoberDays and Hours (actual times may vary):Friday: 6:00 - 10:00 pmSaturday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pmSunday: 7:30 am - 3:00 pmEnding times are approximate, so please leavethe whole day open and bring a brown bag lunch.Course fee: $250For details, to register or for the Experienced Rider Coursecall 800-893-RIDE or visit www.renj.com4 a u t o b o d ywww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce a u t o b o d y 5

AUTOMOTIVETECHNOLOGYAssociate of Applied ScienceDegreeThe Associate of Applied Science degreeprogram in Automotive Technologyprepares students for entry into theautomotive service field as techniciansand middle managers. Instructionincludes fuel systems, electrical systems,acetylene/electric welding, and analysisof engines, suspension systems andwheel alignment. (See <strong>College</strong> Catalog forfull requirements and course details.)If you are considering a transfer to afour-year institution for a bachelor’sdegree in technology, it is stronglyrecommended that you consult with atransfer counselor early in your programto determine the requirements of thetransfer institution.Auto Theory, Service & EnginesAUTC 101 ______________________4 creditsUpon completion of this course, the student will befamiliar with the tools, service procedures, and safetycustomary to the automotive field. Training is provided ingeneral and specific maintenance areas.Instructor: Steven A. McChesneyCRN 23743 Sect. 35XSat Jan 22-May 2 7:30am-9:20amSat9:30am-2:20pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesAutomotive Electrical SystemsAUTC 104_______________________3 creditsPrerequisite: AUTC 101 – Automotive TheoryPrinciples of electricity, circuitry and service areincluded. It covers ignition, charging, lighting andwarning systems. Skills in trouble-shooting the electricalsystem are developed with modern testing and serviceequipment.Instructor: Ivan W. AndersonCRN 20343 Sect. 01XMon Jan 24-May 2 3:10-6:10pmMon1:00-3:00pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesClutches & Manual TransmissionsAUTC 106_______________________3 creditsPrerequisite: AUTC 101 – Automotive Theory, Service &EnginesIn this course fundamental principles and types ofclutches ad manual transmissions and their componentparts are covered. Students experience the installationand adjustment of components such as drive shafts.Diagnosis and service of standard transmission areincluded.Instructor: Ivan W. AndersonCRN 20344 Sect. 01XFri Jan 18-May 2 3:10-6:10pmFri1:00-3:00pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesEngine DiagnosisAUTC 202_______________________4 creditsPrerequisite: 22 credit hours in Automotive TechnologyThe course covers theory and lab practice in methods oflocating automotive malfunctions. The use of up-to-datetesting equipment, including the chassis dynamometer,is used in checking the electrical system, carburetion,emissions and general engine conditions.Instructor: Thomas A. HeinbachCRN 20345 Sect. 01XTue Jan 18-May 2 2:30-7:20pmWed3:00-5:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesAutomatic Transmission Service &Repair PrinciplesAUTC 206_______________________3 creditsIn this course the students develops theoreticalunderstanding of hydraulic principles coupled withmaintenance and simple adjustments required by today’sautomotive transmissions.Instructor: Richard A. ReinaCRN 20346 Sect. 01XThu Jan 20-May 2 6:10-9:10pmThu4:00-6:00pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesBUSINESS MANAGEMENTProject Management CertificatePM 018_________________________36 hoursIn today’s fast paced world, more and more of the workis done through the creation and execution of projectswhether the goal is to deliver a new drug to market,design and develop a new business application, or painta house. Project Management is a key managerial skillneeded for success, not only in the business world, butalso in personal life.The Certificate in Project Management Programfeatures 36 hours of training. The class is based on bestpractices as prescribed by the Project ManagementInstitute (PMI), the global organization representingthe Project Management profession through theProject Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Thecurriculum presents the nine bodies of knowledge inpreparation for the PMP examination, combined withmaterial that presents practical real-world experiences.The program provides students with the training hoursneeded to meet the educational requirements forthe Project Management Professional (PMP) and theCertified Associate Project Manager (CAPM) certificationsoffered through PMI. Note that the educationalrequirement is just one of several needed to be eligiblefor the exam. Visit the PMI website at http://www.pmi.org for more information. At least one year of projectmanagement experience is recommended for this course.Topics include:ÌÌ Requirements for and benefits of PMI certificationÌÌ Foundational concepts of project managementÌÌ Project management framework and integrationÌÌ Project scope, time and cost management (the“triple-constraint”)ÌÌ Quality, communications, human resources, risk &procurement managementÌÌ PMI professional responsibilityÌÌ Practical application of PMI principlesÌÌ Exam study and test-taking strategies and practicequestions and a practice final examInstructor: Steve Cohn, PMPCRN 23864 Sect. 50 12 sessionsThu Feb 3-Apr 28 6:30-9:30pm(No class March 10)Course fee: $989 ($360 tuition, plus fees)Mastery ProjectManagementCertificateProject management is one of themost popular processes in businesstoday. This series of courses providea comprehensive review of four ofthe most critical topics within projectmanagement. All courses are taughtbased on the Project ManagementInstitute’s Guidelines of ProjectManagement.Risk ManagementPM 013_________________ 24 hours/2.4 CEURisk Management is one of the most critical areasof project management. The course provides both acomprehensive study of the six phases outlined in theProject Management Institutes (PMI) 4th edition of theirproject management techniques.Instructor: Steve Cohn, PMPCRN 23865 Sect. 02 3 sessionsMon/Tue/Wed Feb 21-23 8:00am-4:00pmCourse fee: $299 ($120 tuition, plus fees)Green Project Management for the21st CenturyPM 014_________________ 24 hours/2.4 CEUThis course presents an overview of this very fastgrowing field covering an evaluative process toincorporate “Green” in the work environment. Discussionfocuses on current and timely topics of the greeninitiatives as they relate to project management.The class presents a simple multi-scope process forbusinesses to start in this growing arena.Instructor: Steve Cohn, PMPCRN 23866 Sect. 02 3 sessionsMon/Tue/Wed Mar 14-16 8:00am-4:00pmCourse fee: $299 ($120 tuition, plus fees)6 a u t o m o t i v e t e c h n o l o g ywww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce business m a n a g e m e n t 7

Professional CertifiCation ProgramCertified Professional Secretary Review Course (CPS)Certified Administrative Professional Review Course (CAP)CPS & CAP Exam Review Coursesfor either May 6 & 7 or November 5 & 6, 2011IAAP CPS/CAP ExamsCourse ScheduleCPS: Wed. 5:00 - 8:00 pm, Dec, 2010 – Apr. 27, 2011Registration still being acceptedWed. 5:00 - 8:00 pm, May 11 – Oct. 26, 2011Fee: $2,000CAP: Thurs. 5:00 - 8:30 pm, Feb 24 – Apr. 28, 2011Thurs. 5:00 - 8:30 pm, Aug 25 – Oct. 27, 2011Fee: $1,150Don’t miss this important professional development opportunity!For more information call Kathy Petrillo, 908-526-1200 ext 8624 or email kpetrill@raritanval.eduScheduling / Cost ControlPM 015_________________ 24 hours/2.4 CEUThis three-day course provides a solid understanding ofthe integration of time, cost and scope management.Students learn techniques for building and developingwork timelines which eliminate time and cost. Learneasy ways to apply concepts to real world projects.Instructor: Steven Cohn, PMPCRN 23867 Sect. 02 3 sessionsMon/Tue/Wed Apr 4-68:00am-4:00pmCourse fee: $299 ($120 tuition, plus fees)Quality ManagementPM 012_________________ 24 hours/2.4 CEULearn a comprehensive understanding of qualityfor project managers. Course provides an in-depthunderstanding of quality as outlined in the ProjectManagement Institute (PMI) 4th edition.Instructor: Steve Cohn, PMPCRN 23868 Sect. 02 3 sessions::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWIT Project ManagementPM026_ ________________________36 hoursThis course provides strategies and techniques developedin the field by experienced IT projectManager (Example: Risk Analysis, Communication Plan).The course addresses the role of the project managerand the project team at each phase of the project lifecycle, helping you gain the foundation, basic experience,techniques and tools to manage each stage of your ITproject. Learn to manage projects of varying size andcomplexity within approved scope, budget and timelineby utilizing standard project methodology and toolsets. You’ll take home powerful tools to enhance yourIT project management capabilities. Key emphasis ison validated/ non-validated project methodologies forPharmaceutical IT projects. This course is ideal for anyonewho is the field of IT programming, non-IT projectmanagers aspiring to switch to project management, orjunior project managers looking to increase their skill set.Instructor: Atul KamarSIX SIGMA SERIESCERTIFICATESSix Sigma presents a rigorous, focusedand highly effective implementation ofproven quality principles and techniques.Six Sigma aims for virtually error-freebusiness performance while usingstatistics to measure the variability in theprocess.Six Sigma: White BeltBU028____________________4 hours/.4 CEUDesigned to present a broad understanding of Lean/SixSigma principles and practices; learn to build capabilityto implement Lean/Six Sigma initiatives and to operatewith awareness of Lean/Six Sigma at the enterpriselevel. Learn proven principles and techniques to becomemore profitable while increasing customer satisfaction.Students also learn the four key elements to Lean SixSigma.Instructor: Joan Whitehead, MBA, Certified Six Sigma,Black BeltCRN 23869 Sect. 51 2 sessionsMon/Wed Feb 7 & 9 7:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $149 ($34 tuition, plus fees)Six Sigma: Yellow BeltBU029____________________5 hours/.5 CEULearn how to implement the Lean Six Sigma principlesby linking these concepts to business priorities.Concepts presented are the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)methodology and the five laws of Six Sigma. Studentsidentify processes that could benefit from improvementand when to apply a DMAIC methodology to maximizecost savings using Statistical Process Control.Instructor: Joan Whitehead, MBA, Certified Six Sigma,Black BeltCRN 23870 Sect. 51 2 sessionsMon/Wed Feb 14 & 16 7:00-9:30pmCourse fee: $229 ($44 tuition, plus fees)Six Sigma: Green BeltBU030_________________ 30 hours/3.0 CEUThe course continues to build upon the Lean Six Sigmafoundational concepts by providing case studies whichoffer practical applications. Principles such as preventivemaintenance, sustainability, performance metrics andlean enterprise alignment are presented. An introductioninto Black Belt methods is also given.Prerequisite:Previous experience or Six Sigma: Yellow BeltInstructor: Martin Czebotar, Certified Six Sigma,Black BeltSix SIGMA: Black BeltBU043_________________ 36 hours/3.6 CEUThe course is a continuation of the Six Sigma body ofknowledge. Class presents real life simulation exercises,practical examples and case studies. The course presentsinformation that is useful guidance for practicalapplication and for the exam preparation. Prerequisite:Previous experience or Six Sigma: Green BeltInstructor: TBACRN 23872 Sect. 51 12 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 29-May 5 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $849 ($234 tuition, plus fees)CAREER DEVELOPMENTEssentials of Human ResourceManagement CertificateHR 101_ ________________________15 hoursThis program, aligned with the Society of HumanResource Managers (SHRM), is designed for entry levelhuman resource professionals or small business ownerswith HR responsibilities. Students taking this coursemay be new to the field or have some current humanresources responsibilities and wish to learn more.Instructor: Charlene Watler, SPHRCRN 23873 Sect. 51 5 sessionsWed Mar 30-Apr 27 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $349 ($94 tuition, plus fees)Mastering the Phone InterviewCD 220_ _________________________3 hoursLearn how to prepare for a telephone interview at amoment’s notice. More and more employers are usingthe telephone as a way of recruiting and selectingcandidates for employment. This course presentsinformation to help you gain the confidence to masterthat phone interview and get you to that next step of theface to face interview.Instructor: Nancy AndersonCRN 23874 Sect. 51 1 sessionWed Feb 16 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $59 ($20 tuition, plus fees)CRN 23871 Sect. 51 10 sessionsMon/Tue/Wed Apr 25-27 8:00am-4:00pm CRN 24011 Sect 50 6 sessionsWed Feb 23-May 4 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $299 ($120 tuition, plus fees) Wed Apr 27-June 1 6:00-9:00pm(No class March 9)Course fee: $689 ($229 tuition, plus fees)Course fee: $849 ($154 tuition, plus fees)8 p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n twww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce six s i g m a series 9

CAREER TRACK COURSESFOR IN-DEMAND CAREERSThe following courses are designated“in-demand” career tracks providing thestudent with the knowledge to gain entryinto the different fields as technicians orself-employed individuals.FREESoftwareSkills TrainingSolar Panel InstallationThis introductory course is intended to present thebasic materials for individuals performing design,self-installation and maintenance of a residential solarelectric power system, also known as a Photovoltaicsystem. Through a combination of hands-on-labs andlecture you are introduced to the following: WorkingSafely with Photovoltaic (PV) Systems, Conducting aSite Assessment, Selecting a System Design, Adaptingthe Mechanical Design, Adapting the ElectricalDesign, Installing Subsystems and Components at theSite, Performing a System Checkout and Inspection,Maintaining and Troubleshooting a System. The coursecovers the current tax rebates and incentives availablefor PV home installations. Fee includes course textbookand equipment necessary for use during class.For information on class dates and times please contactBridget Waverka at 908-526-1200 ext. 8471 or emailBwaverka@raritanval.edu.Classes offered in partnership with theNJ Business and Industry Association(NJBIA) the NJ <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>Consortium with funding provided bythe N.J. Department of Labor & Workforce Development. You must be currentlyemployed at last 20 hours by a New Jersey business to take advantage of these freetraining opportunities.Word Beginners Word Intermediate* Excel Beginner Excel Intermediate*23879 Jan 14 23884 Feb 25 23889 Jan 21 23890 Jan 2823881 Feb 4 23985 Mar 11 23980 Feb 11 23977 Feb 1823983 Apr 1 23986 Apr 15 23981 Mar 4 23978 Mar 1823987 May 27 23982 Apr 29 23979 Apr 8*Beginner class is a prerequisiteFee: FREE, howevermust register using NJBIARegistration FormFor registration form visitwww.raritanval.edu/cceFor more information contact:Kathy Petrillo at (908) 526-1200 ext 8624or kpetrill@raritanval.eduFax: 908-722-4716Court ReportingCD215 _ _______________________________This course is designed to prepare students for verbatimcourt reporting. Included in the class is instruction inmachine shorthand, transcription; Graduates of this coursework in legal and court procedures; legal terminology andcomputer-aided transcription (CAT). Students work in aareas where a true record of the proceedings is needed suchas in the courts, governmental agencies, Congress, statelegislatures, the United Nations, free-lance and industry.Career opportunities are also available in broadcastcaptioning and CART. Students gain the skills and trainingrequired to succeed in a professional reporting career. Theclass work is done both online with selected class meetingson campus.For information on class dates and times please contactBridget Waverka at 908-526-1200 ext. 8471 or emailBwaverka@raritanval.eduCRN 24002Course fee: $4,200 ($595 tuition, plus fees)Animal Control Officer TrainingCD245 _ ________________________56 hoursApproved by the New Jersey Department of Health andSenior Services, this course meets the requirements ofN.J.A.C. 8:23A-2.2. Successful completion of this courseis required in order to be appointed as an Animal ControlOfficer by a New Jersey Municipality. Additionally, this isthe only Certified Animal Control Officer Course whosegraduates are also certified by the American Red Crossfor Pet First Aid and in Incident Command Systems100 and 700 by the National Wildlife Fire CoordinatingGroup. Enrollment is open to any person 18 years of ageor older. There is no requirement for prior experienceor training to attend this course. Anyone interested inanimal welfare personally or as a profession shouldattend.Instructor: Career Development InstituteCRN 24010 Sect. 01 7 sessionsM/T/W/Th/F Apr 25-May 3 8:30am-4:30pmCourse fee: $450 ($64 tuition, plus fees)Tuition waiver not acceptedEVENT PLANNINGEvent & Wedding PlanningBusiness 101EP003__________________________15 hoursThis course is designed for professionals interested inpursuing a career in the special event, bridal planningindustries or planning for that special event. Participantsare introduced to business basics, best practices andtools for success. Topics Include: client consultations,proposal writing, theme creation, timeline management,budgeting, logistics, technology, day-of coordination andvenue and vendor management and evaluations.Instructor: Paulette Robinson, Paulette RobinsonWeddings & EventsCRN 23954 Sect. 01 5 sessionsSat Mar 5-Apr 2 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $234 ($109 tuition, plus fees)COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY<strong>RVCC</strong> has provided computer trainingfor over 25 years delivering qualitytraining by offering the most sought-aftercertificate programs in networking andsecurity, web design, graphic design,and Microsoft Office. All Microsoft Officecourses are taught using the XP version,Office 2007, and all courseware is MOS(Microsoft Office Specialist) approved.Competencies tested at various levelsof the Microsoft Office SpecialistCertification (MOS) are taught withinthese courses. If you are unsure of whichcourse to take, please call 908-218-8871.WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEMMicrosoft Windows BasicWO 441___________________6 hours/.6 CEUThis hands-on course trains individuals who have littleor no experience with Windows to use the excitingfeatures found in this software. No computer experienceis necessary.Topics include:ÌÌ Windows desktopÌÌ Working with using the taskbar and start menuÌÌ Working with menus, toolbars, and dialog boxesÌÌ Using the help window and contents tabÌÌ Working with the Index tabÌÌ Working with My ComputerÌÌ Working with Windows ExplorerÌÌ Working with filesInstructor: Anne Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23875 Sect. 62 2 sessionsSat Feb 5 & 12 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($42 tuition, plus fees)10 c a r e e r t r a c k c o u r s e swww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce event p l a n n i n g 11

Microsoft Office 2007Basic Certificate ProgramMO204_________________ 30 hours/3.0 CEUStudents are given 30 hours of instruction in MicrosoftWindows, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Theprogram teaches the basic applications for each softwarepackage to give students a solid foundation necessarybefore studying at an intermediate or advanced level.All courseware used is MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist)approved.Instructor: Ann Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23963 Sect. 60 10 sessionsSat Feb 19-Apr 23 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $686 ($159 tuition, plus fees)Business ApplicationsComputer SpecialistMO208_______________ 200 hours/20.0 CEUObtain the computer skills you need to compete intoday’s job market by learning the latest softwarepackages. This intensive certificate program allowsbeginners to become proficient in the use of MS Office2007 products. The course focuses on teaching the skillsemployers want their employees to possess. This coursemeets at times that are convenient for the workingparent. Funding is available for eligible individuals whoapply early and qualify.Topics include:ÌÌ Introduction to Windows XPÌÌ Word 2007ÌÌ PowerPoint 2007ÌÌ Excel 2007ÌÌ Access 2007ÌÌ Microsoft Office integration conceptsPrerequisite: keyboard skillsInstructor: JoEllen Govantes, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23876 Sect. 03 32 sessionsMon-Thu Feb 7-Mar 31 9:00am-3:00pmCourse fee: $3900 ($1548 tuition, plus fees)Microsoft 2007 New FeaturesMO213__________________________3 hoursLearn various new features of Word, Excel, andPowerPoint. Topics presented are the Microsoft Officebutton, Ribbon tabs and Ribbon groups, galleries,contextual Ribbon tabs, Live Preview, the Quick Parts andbuilding blocks, charts and reports, Dynamic SmartArtgraphics, and the Mini toolbar. This course is offered as apreview to the Office 2007 courses.Instructor: Ann Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> FacultyCRN 23878 Sect. 51 1 sessionWed Jan 26 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: (Free, registration required)WORD PROCESSINGMicrosoft Word BasicMO212____________________6 hours/.6 CEUMicrosoft Word is the most widely used word processingsoftware in the world. Classes are taught using MOSapproved courseware. Prerequisites: Windows 98: Basicor Windows 2000/XP: Basic or equivalent experience.Topics include:ÌÌ Editing documentsÌÌ Moving and copying textÌÌ Formatting characters and paragraphsÌÌ Creating and managing tablesÌÌ Controlling page layoutÌÌ Using proofing toolsÌÌ Alternative user inputÌÌ MOS exam objectives mapInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23877 Sect. 04 2 sessionsMon/Wed Jan 31 & Feb 2 6:00-9:00pmInstructor: Ann Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23880 Sect. 62 2 sessionsSat Feb 19 & 26 9:00am-12:00pmInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23882 Sect. 52 2 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 1 & 3 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($42 tuition, plus fees)Microsoft Word IntermediateMO201____________________6 hours/.6 CEUPrerequisites: Word Basic or equivalent experienceTopics include:ÌÌ Working with sections and columnsÌÌ Formatting tablesÌÌ Working with imported dataÌÌ Using styles and Auto TextÌÌ Working with headers and footersÌÌ Working with graphicsÌÌ Introduction to templatesÌÌ Workgroup collaborationÌÌ Printing optionsInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23883 Sect. 50 2 sessionsMon/Wed Mar 7 & 9 6:00-9:00pmInstructor: Anne Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct facultyCRN 23985 Sect. 53 1 sessionFri Apr 15 9:00am-4:00pmInstructor: TBACRN 23987 Sect. 54 1 sessionFri May 27 9:00am-4:00pmCourse fee: $158 ($42 tuition, plus fees)SPREADSHEETSMicrosoft Excel BasicSP404_____________________6 hours/.6 CEUExcel is an easy-to-use spreadsheet program. All Excelcourses are taught using MOS approved courseware.Prerequisites: Microsoft Windows Basic or equivalentknowledgeTopics include:ÌÌ Entering and editing dataÌÌ Modifying a worksheetÌÌ Using functions & Formatting worksheetsÌÌ Creating chartsÌÌ Alternative user inputÌÌ MOS exam objectives mapInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23885 Sect. 52 2 sessionsMon/Wed Feb 21 & 23 6:00-9:00pmInstructor: Anne Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23887 Sect. 54 2 sessionsSat Apr 2 & 9 9:00am-12:00pmInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23888 Sect. 55 2 sessionsTue/Thu Apr 12 & 14 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($42 tuition, plus fees)Microsoft Excel IntermediateSP400_____________________6 hours/.6 CEUPrerequisites: Excel Basic or equivalent experienceTopics include:ÌÌ Working with large worksheetsÌÌ Working with multiple worksheets and workbooksÌÌ Advanced charting, formatting & • List managementInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23891 Sect. 52 2 sessionsMon/Wed Feb 21 & 23 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $158 ($42 tuition, plus fees)Microsoft Excel AdvancedSP402_____________________6 hours/.6 CEUPrerequisites: Excel Intermediate or equivalentexperienceTopics include:ÌÌ Table Creating and enhancing using 2007 techniquesÌÌ Using Lookups and data tablesÌÌ Advanced list managementÌÌ Working with Pivot TablesÌÌ Exporting and importing & using analytical optionsInstructor: Anne Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23892 Sect. 03 1 sessionFri Mar 25 9:00am-4:00pmCourse fee: $158 ($42 tuition, plus fees)DATA MANAGEMENTMicrosoft Access BasicDM400 ___________________6 hours/.6 CEUPrerequisites: Windows Basic or equivalent experience.Topics:ÌÌ Working with fields and recordsÌÌ Querying tablesÌÌ Creating and using forms & reportsÌÌ Importing, exporting, and linking objectsÌÌ MOS exam objectives mapInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23893 Sect. 03 1 sessionFri Mar 18 9:00am-4:00pmInstructor: Anne Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23894 Sect 62 2 sessionsSat Mar 5 & 12 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($42 tuition, plus fees)Microsoft Office Project 2007MO217_________________ 12 hours/1.2 CEULearn features of MS project 2007 and how it helpsmanage projects through the phases of initiating,planning executing, controlling/monitoring and closing.This four-day instructor-led course provides studentswith the knowledge and skills to build, maintain andcontrol well-formed project plans. Some of the conceptsstudents learn are how to create and define projects,work with estimates and dependencies, task calendars.A familiarity with key project management concepts andterminology is recommended as well as basic Windowsnavigation skills.Instructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23972 Sect. 50 4 sessionsMon/Wed May 2- May 11 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $266 ($60 tuition, plus fees)12 w o r d processingwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce spreadsheets 13

COMPUTERPROGRAMMING/NETWORKINGComputer Literacy (MAC)CISY 102________________ 3 credits/60 hoursA computer literate person is referred to as one whounderstands how computers work, uses them, andidentifies the role of computers in society. Studentsshould have a basic understanding of computersand how to access information on the World WideWeb. Emphasis is placed on the application ofmicrocomputers; the use of productivity software (wordprocessing, spreadsheet management, presentationmanagement and data base management, searchtools, and multimedia) to gather, analyze, and presentinformation; and the social, ethical, and privacy aspectsof the impact of computers on society. Students may notenroll for credit in this course if they have earned creditfor a higher level computer science course. Open lab timerequired.Instructor: TBACRN 23634 Sect. 21XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 10:30am-12:20pmThis section of the course is geared for MAC users withMicrosoft Office 2008.Course fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesDesktop Computer Hardware &SoftwareCISY 113________________________3 creditsThis course provides an introduction to the infrastructurecomponents of desktop computers and their applicationto business problems. A study of current hardware andoperating environments is presented. The course alsocovers basic troubleshooting methods and systemsadministration tasks.Instructor: Bob WoodhallCRN 23259 Sect. 51XWed Jan 19-May 2 5:30-9:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesInternet & WEB ArchitectureCISY 232________________________3 creditsStudents gain an appreciation for the architecturalfactors that a Web Manager must consider whenimplementing Web servers and services accessibleon the Internet. This course covers relevant aspects ofthe Internet architecture including the Doman NameSystem, how to obtain domain name IP addresses, accesstechnologies and TCP/IP Web Servers including OperatingSystems, Server Software and Services. Security Servicesand Server Performance as also cover in detail.Instructor: TBACRN 21699 Sect. 01XFri Jan 21-May 2 5:30-9:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesAdvanced Computer NetworkingCISY 253________________________3 creditsPrerequisite: CISY 219 – Networking Essentials orequivalent experience (required permission of instructor)This course builds on the foundations of moderncommunication networks covered in CISY 219 –Networking Essentials. The principle focus of this courseis on the TCP/IP family of network protocols as theyapply to all types of networks including LANs, WANs, andthe Internet. Particular attention is directed towards thedatagrams for each protocol and the inter-dependencesof all protocols for successful communication. Thetopics of Network Security, IP Routing and NetworkManagement are introduced.Instructor: Thomas EdmundsCRN 20225 Sect. 51XMon Jan 24-May 2 5:30-9:20pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesCERTIFICATE OFCOMPLETION –CISCO EMPHASISAdvanced CISCO Networking ICISY 272________________________3 creditsPrerequisite: CISY 271 – Intermediate CISCO NetworkingThis course is the third of four semesters in a programcalled the CISCO Academy which is a partnershipbetween <strong>RVCC</strong> and the CISCO Corporation. This coursecovers Classless Routing Protocols, OSPF and EIGRPRouting Protocols, Switch Configuration, LAN Switching,Virtual LANs and VLAND trunking. Students havehands-on experience including Basic Router and SwitchConfiguration is a standalone laboratory environment.Instructor: Tom EdmundsCRN 20548 Sect. 52XTue/Thu Jan 18-Mar 1 6:00-9:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesAdvanced CISCO Networking IICISY273________________________3 creditsPrerequisite: CISY 272-Advanced CISCO Networking IThis course is the fourth and final semester in a programcalled the CISCO Academy. This course covers Wide AreaNetwork Design considerations in-depth, PPP, ISDN,Frame Relay and a final review of all four courses inpreparation for students considering the CCNA exam.Students have hands-on experience including BasicRouter and Switch Configuration in a standalonelaboratory environment.Instructor: Tom EdmundsCRN 20549 Sect. 52XTue/Thu Mar 15-May 2 5:30-9:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesCOMPUTER PRESENTATIONMicrosoft PowerPointPS001_____________________6 hours/.6 CEUPrerequisite: Windows Basic or equivalent experience.Topics:ÌÌ Building new presentationsÌÌ Formatting and proofingÌÌ Using drawing tools; working with WordArt & clip artÌÌ Enhancing & delivering presentationsInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23895 Sect. 02 1 sessionFri Apr 1 9:00am-4:00pmInstructor: Anthony Valvano, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23896 Sect. 54 2 sessionsMon/Wed Mar 21 & 23 6:00-9:00pmInstructor: Anne Marie Delprincipe, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23897 Sect. 62 2 sessionsSat Mar 19 & 26 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($42 tuition, plus fees)Adobe InDesign I (Mac)GD003_ ________________ 15 hours/1.5 CEUStudents and professionals learn the tools andtechniques of the most powerful and widely used pagelayout program in the graphic communications industry.This class will showcase InDesign’s capabilities througha series of well-rounded, real world projects whileemphasizing design, computer, and production skills.Instructor: Paula Uribe, <strong>RVCC</strong> FacultyCRN 23898 Sect. 50 5 sessionsWed Mar 2-30 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $236 ($44 tuition, plus fees)Intro to Photoshop (Mac)GD001_ ________________ 14 hours/1.4 CEULearn basic and advanced photo editing, as well as waysto ensure images print correctly. Using layers and amultitude of filters you are able to enhance any phototo be a museum-grade piece. The seminar also reviewsphoto techniques and working with digital photography.Instructor: David Martinez, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23899 Sect. 51 7 sessionsThu Feb 3-Mar 17 6:45-8:45pmCourse fee: $295 ($70 tuition, plus fees)WEB PAGE DESIGNCERTIFICATEThis program is designed for peopleretraining in the IT field or who workwith web sites as a part of their officetasks. The courses provide a foundationfor the underlying technologies for websites and web pages. Students receivea web hosting service to publish liveon the Internet. The courses are taughtusing the latest software. After successfulcompletion of each course, studentsreceive a Certification of Completion.Prerequisite: experience using PC andNetscape.HTML, XHTML & CSSWeb Page Formatting 1WP499_ ___________________9 hours/.9 CEUThe course covers the fundamentals of using HypertextMarkup Language (HTML), eXtensible Hypertext MarkupLanguage (XHTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).HTML, XHTML and CSS are the essential technologiesneeded to create web pages and to format web pagecontent. Beginner programmers learn how thesetechnologies are critical to the successful use of webdesign tools. Learn about the use of CSS styles toenhance the traditional XHTML tag formatting as wellas page layout and content styling techniques. Externalstyle sheets are also covered enabling participants tocreate common styles across multiple web pages andto build, update and manage web sites. Prerequisite:experience using PC and Netscape.Instructor: Lon Hosford, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23900 Sect. 51 3 sessionsTue Mar 1-15 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $256 ($138 tuition, plus fees)DreamweaverWP480_ ___________________9 hours/.9 CEUThe course introduces students to creating web pagesusing the Dreamweaver software program. Dreamweaveris a leading web page and web site design tool. Basicpage layout and content formatting are covered, alongwith including graphics in a web page. Learn howDreamweaver works to help you easily manage your website with the site function and built-in visual FTP (FileTransport Protocol) capabilities. HTML and CSS are nottaught in this course but are essential for successfullylearning Dreamweaver. CSS Page Formatting for WebPages course is strongly recommended as a prerequisite.Instructor: Lon Hosford, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23901 Sect. 51 3 sessionsTue Mar 22-Apr 5 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $256 ($138 tuition, plus fees)14 c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m m i n g/n e t w o r k i n g www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce c o m p u t e r presentation 15

Flash FundamentalsWP495_ ___________________6 hours/.6 CEULearn how to use the Flash animation tool. This coursecovers the basics of the Flash product for creatinganimations with graphics, text and images. Studentsare introduced to timeline, basic vector drawing tools,tweening, text, importing images, ActionScript movieplayback control and the library. The course focuses oncreating interactivity with the Flash button symbol andthe movie clip symbol. Learn how to create reusableanimation elements that play independently throughMovie clips. Importing and using sound are alsointroduced. Basic projects for this course include a Flashweb advertisement you see on web sites like Fox News,Forbes and Yahoo and a movie controller that enablesone to start, stop and play animations and embeddedsound. Prerequisite: Exposure to graphic software toolssuch as in PowerPoint, Fireworks or Photoshop.Instructor: Lon Hosford, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23902 Sect. 51 2 sessionsTue Apr 12 & 19 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $158 ($40 tuition, plus fees)Flash IntermediateWP496_ ___________________6 hours/.6 CEUThis course focuses on linking Flash movies to externalmedia files and other Flash movies. The course includescreating multi-page Flash applications. Explore thestrategies of applying Flash for navigation betweenpages both internal and external to the Flash movie.This course addresses bandwidth and streamingoptimization.Instructor: Lon Hosford, <strong>RVCC</strong> Adjunct FacultyCRN 23903 Sect. 51 2 sessionsTue May 3 & 17 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $158 ($62 tuition, plus fees)CARPENTRYProfessional CarpentryCT401__________________________42 hoursStudents are introduced to Residential Carpentrypractices and techniques through project development.Both hand and portable power tool safety aredemonstrated in relation to project development.Students utilize acquired skills by building an in-shopstructure. Class emphasis is on personal safety, propermachine techniques, and problem solving. Safety glassesand tape measure required as well as other equipmentidentified in the session. Tuition includes a $60 materialfee. Past students may register and continue to learnnew carpentry skills.Instructor: George Lee, Master Carpenter, G. LeeCarpentry Services, Inc.CRN 23953 Sect. 51X 14 sessionsThu Feb 3-May 5 5:30-8:30pmCourse fee: $285 ($200 tuition, plus fees)Woodworking & CabinetryCT405__________________________42 hoursLearn the basics of carpentry including construction,joinery, and assembly and finishing. The fundamentalsof basic woodworking skills involving safe use of handand power equipment are presented. Students work ona project that includes different joinery and assemblytechniques. Safety goggles and hard-toe shoes required.Instructor: George Lee, Master Carpenter, G. LeeCarpentry Services, Inc.CRN 23955 Sect 50X 14 sessionsTue Feb 1-May 3 5:30-8:30pmCourse fee: $285 ($105 tuition, plus fee)CONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGYComputer-Aided Drafting IESTC 110_ ______________________3 creditsThis course is an introduction to basic CAD (computeraideddrafting) techniques using AutoCAD software.Fundamentals of drawing and editing are presented andpracticed.Instructor: David B. PeinsCRN 20546 Sect. 01XTue/Thu Jan 18-May 2 10:00am-12:20pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesArchitectural CAD DrawingCNTC 104_______________________3 creditsPrerequisite: ESTC 110 – Computer-Aided Drafting IConstruction related application of computer aideddrafting are presented and practiced in detail withemphasis on preparing a complete set of residentialdrawings.Instructor: Marvin J. LefflerCRN 23744 Sect. 01XSat Jan 22-May 2 8:30am-1:00pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesSurveying ICNTC 106_______________________2 creditsIntroduction to surveying the theory of measurementsand errors is covered. Lecture and laboratory stressespreparation of field notes, care and use of equipment,linear measurements, leveling, angle measurements,topographic and construction surveys and deeddescriptions.Instructor: Marvin J. LefflerCRN 23744 Sect. 01XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 4:00-5:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesConstruction Materials & Procedures IICNTC 205_______________________2 creditsThis course is designed to explore the basic principlesof heavy construction. Site investigation, use ofheavy equipment, foundations, structural frames,and industrial roof systems are typical of the topicsinvestigated.Instructor: Ben PokrywaCRN 20352 Sect. 51Tue/Thu Jan 18-May 2 8:30-9:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesConstruction Planning & SchedulingCNTC 215_______________________3 creditsPrerequisite: CNTC 213 – Construction QuantityEstimatingFundaments of construction management and contractadministration, bar chart, critical path method andcomputer scheduling techniques are presented andpracticed.Instructor: Benjamin PokrywaCRN 20352 Sect. 51XTue/Thu Jan 18-May 2 6:00-7:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & fees::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWFoundations of Deck ConstructionCT407___________________________4 hoursLearn the principles of deck construction, pricinginformation, material selection and the permit processinvolved with a residential deck addition. Concerns suchas contractor selection, job costing and time allocationswill be presented.Instructor: Richard PerlmanCRN 24006 Sect. 50 2 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 15 & 17 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $89 ($24 tuition, plus fees)Workplace Skills Using AutoCadAD005_ ________________________21 hoursThis class provides a guided, hands-on environmentto learn the basics of AutoCAD. This course is anintroduction to basic CAD (computer aided drafting)techniques using AutoCAD software. Fundamentals ofdrawing and editing are presented and practiced. Classsize is limited.CRN 23986 Sect. 60 7 sessionsThu Feb 3-Mar 24 6:00-9:00 pm(No class March 10)Course fee: $189 ($54 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWHow to Construct a Quality Deckfrom Footing to FinishCT408__________________________18 hoursStudents learn basic deck design from the beginningof the project to completion. Concepts such as spaceplanning, frame assembly, techniques of construction,guard rails and stair case design are taught in this class.Display samples are provided as part of this course.Instructor: Richard PerlmanCRN 24007 Sect. 50 6 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 15-Mar 31 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $289 ($54 tuition, plus fees)Construction Quality EstimatingCT300_________________________ 36 HoursThis course prepares the student to perform detailed andaccurate quantity estimate of the materials used in theconstruction of typical residential and small constructionprojects.CRN 24005 Sect. 50 6 sessionsTue/Thu Apr 5-26 6:00-9:00pm(No class April 21)Course fee: $229 ($24 tuition, plus fees)BUILDING MANAGEMENTGreen Building PrincipalsCT301__________________________12 hoursStudents learn options and choices to use effective GreenBuilding Principles by selecting products and techniquesto make a home or business more productive and moreefficient over its lifespan. Students review designing andplanning, needs analysis and build vs. remodel.Instructor: Wayne Baruch, Artisan GroupCRN 23906 Sect. 50X 4 sessionsMon Mar 7-Mar 28 6:00-8:50pmCourse fee: $220 ($205 tuition, plus fees)16 c a r p e n t r ywww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce building m a n a g e m e n t 17

BOMI INTERNATIONALBUILDING DESIGNAND MAINTENANCEThe following courses are offered byBuilding Owners and Managers InstituteInternational (BOMI)Please contact (908) 526-1200 ext. 8871to register. Course period is January 25-May 10, 2011 (online courses)Design, Operation and Maintenanceof Building Systems(online)________________________90 hoursThis course provides information that property andfacility managers need to manage the ongoing operationand maintenance of building systems and to maximizebuilding efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Student willbe provided information about building design andconstruction, project delivery, construction materials,and HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning)systems. Other areas of interest that are also covered inthis course book include roofing systems, ceilings andfloorings, interior walls, and plumbing systems.Course fee: $1430 ($595 tuition, plus fees)Air Handling, Water Treatment andPlumbing Systems(online)________________________90 hoursStudents learn concepts regarding safety andfundamental principles of water treatment, proper aircontrol and plumbing systems.Course fee: $1275ELECTRICALCONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGYElectrical Apprentice ProgramIn affiliation with the New JerseyIndependent Electrical ContractorsAssociation (IEC), this four-year, 600 hourprogram is for both the person planninga career in the electrical trades orindividuals who wants further expertisein the commercial, industrial or residentialelectrical fields. Program follows theNational Electrical ApprenticeshipCurriculum.Electrical Trades I:Intro to AC Principles &Blueprint Reading, Part 2CT301B________________________75 hoursPrerequisite Electrical Trades, Part I (CT301A) orpermission of instructorUpon successful completion of this course, the studentwill be able to explain and apply basic safety and firstaid measures; apply the principles of basic electricity;explain and use safe techniques in working withelectricity; utilize technical mathematics in computingvarious electrical functions; explain and develop differenttypes of residential electrical circuits; install branch andfeeder circuits; install various types of electrical outlets;use the tools and materials associated with the level ofexpertise; and use the National Electrical Code book asa reference to find relevant Code citations. Major topicscovered in the first year courses are hand tools; safetyand first aid; technical mathematics; basic electricaltheory; National Electrical Code; blueprint reading;electrical wiring methods; branch and feeder circuits;lighting and receptacle outlets; basic concepts of circuitprotection; basic concepts of lighting; and conduitbending, knots, and basic rigging.Instructor: Peter Palmeri, Master ElectricianCRN 23630 Sect. 50XMon/Wed Jan 24-Apr 26 6:00-8:50pm(No class March 8 & 10)Course fee: $585 ($385 tuition, plus fees; includes books)Electrical Trades II:Circuitry, Generators,Transformers – Part 2CT302B________________________75 hoursPrerequisites: CT302A, Part I & registered in theapprentice program or permission of instructorObjective: To provide the student with fundamentalsof AC circuit theory, AC/DC motors, generators, andalternators, and industrial and commercial wiring. Uponsuccessful completion of the second year course, thestudent must be able to explain and apply the principlesof AC electricity and circuits; utilize trigonometry inperforming basic circuit calculations; explain and developresistive, inductive, capacitive series, parallel, andthree-phase circuits; demonstrate a basic understandingof the various types and applications of generators,transformers, and motors; demonstrate ability to usethe National Electrical Code in the specification andinstallation of generators, transformers, and motors; anddemonstrate ability to use the National Electrical Codein the application of branch and feeder circuit wiring forindustrial and commercial occupancies..Instructor: Edward Kurzum, Jr., Master ElectricianCRN 23631 Sect. 50XM/W Jan 24-Apr 25 6:00-8:50pm(No class March 7 & 9)Course fee: $710 ($550 tuition, plus fees)Electrical Trades III: AC Principles,Part 2CT303B________________________75 hoursPrerequisites: CT303A & registered in the apprenticeprogram or permission of instructionObjective: To interpret blueprints and constructiondrawings and properly install electrical wiring for singlephase and three phase motors and their controls and forcommunications equipment and alarm circuits. Uponsuccessful completion of the third year courses, thestudent must be able to read and interpret constructiondrawings; properly apply requirements and installationtechniques for electrical grounding; properly applyrequirements and installation techniques for three-phaseand single-phase electrical motor controls; develop andutilize logic and line diagrams for motor controllers;properly install equipment for use in hazardouslocations; properly install signs and sign connections;demonstrate a basic understanding of fiber opticsystems; and properly interpret and utilize the NationalElectrical Code.Instructor: Michael McClainCRN 23944 Sect. 50XMon/Wed Jan 24-Apr 25 6:00-8:50pm(No class March 7 & 9)Course fee: $710 ($550 tuition, plus fees; includes books)Electricity IIESTC 102_ ______________________2 creditsPrerequisite: ESTC 101 – Electricity IThis course exposes the student to a variety of controlswhich are part of refrigeration and air-conditioningschematics and wiring diagrams cooling units, andaims at integrating such controls into fully-operationalelectrical circuits. This course develops a workingknowledge of refrigeration and air-conditioning circuitsby assembling groups of controls in simulators andactual equipment. The student will see first-hand theactual operation of motor starts, refrigerating equipmentand air-conditioning equipment ranging in size from thesmall window unit to the more complex home and officecentral air-systems.Instructor: David B. PeinsCRN 20340 Sect. 01XThu Jan 20-May 2 2:30-5:20pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesCULINARY ARTSPROGRAMThese culinary workshops are perfect foranyone who desires to learn more aboutfestive cooking while having fun at thesame time. Explore new techniques infood prepping, cooking and presenting.Learn to create various different typesof dishes and cultural foods. Gainknowledge from a professional chefbefore planning your next event!Rolling in the DoughGI70I___________________________18 hoursThis course provides an introduction to puff pastry, creampuffs and how to make tasty and appealing dessertswith dough. Students make such desserts such as Danishdough and cannoli, cinnabons using sweet dough, applestrudel, and much more. All material is supplied.Instructor: John Vingara, Chef Gourmet CookingCRN 23910 Sect. 60 6 sessionsSat Jan 22-Mar 5 9:00am-2:30pmCourse fee: $220 ($120 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWOriental FusionGI708_ __________________________6 hoursFusion cuisine at its best! Delight in a popular Asiantechnique applied to foods of other cultures. Foodsfrom the Far East have been a part of the American foodvenue for over a century. This course teaches you newtechniques in preparing and presenting culturally fusionfoods such as Mexican Egg rolls, Potato Cheese Wontonand Stir Fry Italian Style Chicken over Angel HairInstructor: Shaun VancliefCRN 24012 Sect.50 2 sessionsTue/Thu Feb 15 & 17 6:00-9:00 pmCourse fee: $ 79($24 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWSouthern CuisineGI709_ __________________________6 hoursThis course demonstrates how southern cuisine evolvedin the United States. Southern cuisine at its best ispresented with influences from other continents such asEurope, Africa, Caribbean and Latin America. Southerncooking has become one of the most favored cuisinesworldwide. Learn how to make such foods such as threeWay Macaroni & Cheese, and Biscuits & Gravy, Greenswith Smoked Turkey Wings and Sweet Potato Pudding.Instructor: Shaun VancliefCRN 24013 Sect. 50 2 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 22 & 24 6:00-9:00 pmCourse fee: $ 79 ($24 tuition, plus fees)18 b o m i i n t e r n a t i o n a l building design www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce c u l i n a r y a r t s p r o g r a m 19

Introduction to Gourmet CookingGI702_ _________________________30 hoursStudents are introduced to a comprehensive seriesof cooking areas such as soups, salads, appetizers,vegetables, potato and pasta, soufflés, meat andseafood, and much more. Learn how to prepare andplate gourmet foods using proper cooking techniques.Class provides all ingredients for each dish as well asa tasty lunch each session. All course materials aresupplied.Instructor: John Vingara, Chef Gourmet CookingCRN 23910 Sect. 50 10 sessionsThu Jan 20- Mar 24 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $279 ($100 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWCookies! Cookies! Cookies!GI704_ __________________________9 hoursLearn to create the four most popular types of cookies.Students will sample and bake roll cookies, drop cookies,bar cookies and butter cookies.Instructor: John Vingara, Chef Gourmet CookingCRN 23912 Sect. 50 3 sessionsThu Feb 3-17 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $59 ($29 tuition, plus fees)EDUCATIONPathways to Teaching in New Jersey:An Alternate Route to TeachingThe New Pathways to Teaching (NPTNJ)program at <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong> is a collaborative programwith New Jersey City University (NJCU)designed to provide an alternate routeto teacher certification in the stateof New Jersey. Students/candidateswho successfully complete the NPTNJprogram and who elect graduate creditsearn 15 NJCU graduate credits that canbe applied toward a graduate degreeprogram at NJCU upon matriculation.Please visit www.raritanval.edu/cceand click on Teacher Development forprogram and registration instructions orcall 908-218-8871.Those who elect certification-only andsuccessfully complete the program areawarded a Certificate of Completion by<strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> as anagent for the New Jersey Department ofEducation. All students who successfullycomplete NPTNJ and all related NJDepartment of Education (NJ DOE)requirements are eligible for AlternateRoute Teacher Certification through NJCUas agent for the NJ DOE.Stage I classes begin in January, April andJune 2011.For specific start dates and times, pleasevisit www.raritanval.edu/cce.Admission Requirements: Stage IÌÌ 2.75 undergraduate GPA and appropriateundergraduate majorÌÌ Passing score on Praxis II examÌÌ Achieved a Certificate of EligibilityAdmission Requirements: Stage IIÌÌ Successful completion of Stage IÌÌ Promise of employment from school district within thesubject area of Certification of Eligibility (CE)Information SessionsCRN 23913Tue Feb 22 6:00-7:00pmCRN 23914Wed Mar 16 6:00-7:00pmCourse fee: (Free. Please pre-register atwww.raritanval.edu/cce or calling 908-218-8871)Introduction to the Teaching ProfessionED403__________________________20 hoursCandidates for the Pathways Program must take a 24hour pre-service component. Topics presented in thiscourse include classroom management, lesson planning,terminology in the educational profession and acomponent of teacher observation. This course is a mustfor anyone entering education as a substitute teacher orentering the Alternate Route Teaching Program.CRN 23915 Sect. 60 5 sessionsSat Jan 29-Mar 5 9:00am-1:00pmCRN 23916 Sect. 61 5 sessionsSat Mar 19-Apr 16 9:00am-1:00pmCRN 23917 Sect. 50 10 sessionsMon/Wed Feb 28-Mar 23 7:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $200 ($85 tuition, plus fees)Teaching Students with Autism:Successful Strategies(Online) ________________________40 hoursThis six-week online class provides teachers witheffective strategies with high functioning autism andAsperger’s syndrome. Students gain valuable knowledgeat their convenience with flexibility to study at their ownpace combined with structure and support to completethe course. Go to: http://www.ed2go.com/rvccibpdCourse fee: $83The Educational InterviewED071___________________________4 hoursStudents are exposed to and familiarized with theeducation interview process through learning “The SixP’s to the Perfect Interview.” Discussions take place abouthow successful candidates are selected through effectiveresume writing and personal presentation during theinterview. Sample interview questions are examinedthrough guided discussion. The seminar concludes witha mock interview conducted to practice applicationstrategies.Instructor: Joseph PetrosinoCRN 23919 Sect. 50 2 sessionsMon/Wed Feb 7 & 9 6:30-8:30pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Praxis II Exam Review: Elementary EdED003__________________________15 hoursThe course presents the types of questions asked onthe Elementary Education Content Knowledge PraxisII 0014 Exam. This praxis exam is a requirement forcertification to teach elementary school in New Jersey.The exam review covers Social Studies, Language Arts,Mathematics, and Science. Proper test preparation helpsstudents minimize the anxiety associated with taking astandardized test. At the time of print, testing dates werenot available.Instructor: Patricia JohnstonCRN 23921 Sect. 51 5 sessionsTue/Thu Apr 5-19 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $266 ($216 tuition, plus fees)LANGUAGESIntroduction French IIFREN 104_______________________3 creditsPrerequisite: FREN 103 – Intro to French I or appropriateplacement testThis course is a continuation of Intro to French I andis designed for students with one college semester ofFrench or two years in high school. The primary goal ofthe course is to expand basic listening speaking abilities,to build vocabulary and to help student to developeffective reading and writing strategies. Students expandand deepen their knowledge gained in class throughvarious exercises given as homework. In-classes exercisesare supplemented by work in the laboratory.Instructor: Sandra Laurie ReynoldsCRN 22640 Sect. 01XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 1:00-2:50pmCRN 22641 Sect. 02XTue/Thu Jan 18-May 2 11:00am-12:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesIntermediate French IIFREN 202_______________________3 creditsPrerequisite: FREN 201 – Intermediate French I orappropriate placement test scoreThis course emphasizes each of the four modes ofexpress (speaking/writing) and comprehension(listening/reading.) It is designed for students with threesemesters of college level French. Native speakers andstudents with successful completion of two or moreyears of French (within past 5 years) cannot receivecredit for this course. The class is multi-media within theclassroom and a language lab is available to supplementindividual/group learning.Instructor: Sandra Laurie ReynoldsCRN 21011 Sect. 01XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 9:00-10:50amCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & fees20 e d u c a t i o nwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce l a n g u a g e s 21

Cosmetology<strong>RVCC</strong> @<strong>Bridgewater</strong>, 14 Vogt Drive, <strong>Bridgewater</strong>, NJ 08876STARTING JANUARY 2011PROGRAM START/FINISH DAY/TIMEPART TIME - Option ACRN 23974 CM101-51X Complete in 18 months1100 hour program option in three 19 week semesters& two 10 week summer sessionsJanuary 18, 2011to July 31, 2012M/T/W/Th5:30–9:45pmPART TIME - Option BCRN 23975 CM101-52X Complete in 20 months1100 hour program in three 19 week semesters &two 12 week summer sessionsFALL 2011 - DAY/FULL TIMEComplete in 10 months1100 hour in two 19 week semestersJanuary 18, 2011to August 16, 2012August 30, 2011to May 31, 2012Prerequisites for all 1100 hour programs:1. High school diploma, official transcript or equivalency (GED)2. Satisfactory score on Basic Skills Admissions Test3. Interview with Cosmetology Program CoordinatorNEW for JANUARY 2011!CosmetologyRefresherPROGRAM START/FINISH DAY/TIMECosmetology RefresherCRN 23973 CM110-51X 250 hoursJanuary 10M/W 4:00-9:30 pm &Applicants entering the refresher course must be scheduled to July 11, 2011 one Saturday per monthfor a practical & theoretical assessment prior to admission.9:00 am-1:00 pmTotal Tuition Cost: $2100 Admissions Fee: $100 Admissions Test Fee: $25 (nonrefundable)Supply kit, uniform and textbook fees not includedCandidates for the Cosmetology Refresher Course include: Licensed professionals that need a refresher on foundation & basic salon practices Applicants who are applying for examination, less than 5 years from the date he/she completed training Applicants who want to retake their state exam, providing it is within 3 years of taking their first exam Applicants that have not renewed their license and are required to re-examineQuestions about transfers or need further information?Contact: Marcia H. Bird at mbird@raritanval.eduor 908-526-1200, ext. 8618Visit our website for information on additional workshops& seminars at www.raritanval.edu/cceM/T/Th 5:30–9:45pm& two Sat per month9:00am-3:30pmM/T/W/Th/F8:30am–3:30pmTotal Tuition Cost: $7800 Admissions Fee: $100* Test Fee: $25 (nonrefundable)Supply kit, uniform & textbook an additional $600.*Admission fee refunded if not admitted into program. Finance options and industry scholarships available.Introduction Italian IITAL 101________________________3 creditsThis course introduces students to the fundamentalstructures of the Italian language and develops thefour language skills of listening, speaking, reading andwriting. The course is designed for students with noknowledge of Italian. Native speakers and students withsuccessful completion of two or more years of Italiancannot receive credit for this course. Classes include threehours of instruction and one hour of laboratory activitiesper week.Instructor: TBACRN 21011 Sect. 01XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 9:00am-10:50amCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesSIGN LANGUAGESign Language is the third most used“language” in the United States. Theclass’ objectives are to promote culturalawareness, and develop vocabulary andpractical conversational skills. AmericanSigns in straight English word order, withvoice, is used in all classes.Courses are instructed by GeorgeJohnston, NJ Certified Teacher of the Deafand American Sign Language TeachersAssociation Certified.Sign Language BasicSL200 _________________________20 hoursCRN 23997 Sect 50 10 sessionsWed Feb 16-Apr 20 5:45-7:35pmCourse fee: $132 ($112 tuition, plus fees)Sign Language IntermediateSL200 _________________________20 hoursCRN 23998 Sect 50 10 sessionsWed Feb 16-Apr 20 5:45-7:35pmCourse fee: $132 ($112 tuition, plus fees)INTERIOR DESIGNDesign Studio IIIDTC 200_______________________3 creditsPerquisite: IDTC 100 – Design Studio IThis course is a continuation of the study of interiordesign. More complex residential design problems areaddressed. The client/designer relationship introducedand emphasis is based on the needs of the client.Instructor: Virginia S. SmithCRN 22224 Sect. 01XThu Jan 20-May 2 9:00am-12:50pmInstructor: Noelle ViaCRN 23225 Sect. 51XThu 6:00-9:50pm Jan 20-May 2Course fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesLighting for InteriorsIDTC 204_______________________3 creditsLighting for Interiors is an introduction into the excitingworld of lighting where science and art are blendedtogether in one form. Color theory, the behavior of lightand our behavior toward light are introduced with thegoal of working vocabulary and understanding of lightas a medium.Instructor: TBACRN 23225 Sect. 51Wed 6:00-8:50pm Jan 19-May 2Course fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesTrade Codes & Business PracticeIDTC 205_______________________3 creditsStudent study the International Residential Codeprevisions applicable to interior design in one-andtwofamily dwellings. Topics to be covered includepermits, inspections, foundation requirements, woodconstruction, exits, fire-resistive construction, glazing,interior finishes, ventilation, and natural light provisions.Other codes are reviewed such as the National ElectricCode, The International Fire Code and NFPA standards.Instructor: Irene S. FaragCRN 22223 Sect. 05XWed Jan 19-May 2 1:00-3:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & fees22 l a n g u a g e swww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce s i g n l a n g u a g e 23

Design Studio IVIDTC 240_______________________3 creditsPrerequisite: IDTC 230 Design Studio IIIThis studio course concentrates on larger commercialspaces, providing additional detail information regardingspace planning and programming codes in commercialspaces. It explores the relationship between architect,contractors, and designers, budgets and scheduling.Instructor: TBACRN 21213 Sect. 51XMon Jan 24-May 2 6:00-9:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesMarker Rendering/PresentationVCTC 211_______________________3 creditsA practical and modern approach in the use of markersas a rendering medium is covered in this course.Students render architecturally based subjects, objects,interiors, figures and create effectively renderedpresentations.Instructor: Virginia S. SmithCRN 23741 Sect. 01XFri Jan 21-May 2 9:00am-12:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesINTERIOR DECORATINGQuick Sketching & Rapid VisualizationTechniques for Interior Decoration &Home RemodelingID107_ __________________________8 hoursThey say a picture is “worth a 1000 words.” Sell yourdesign ideas with a quick sketch or drawing. Learn tomaster quick sketching and visualization techniquesfor presentation to a client, cabinet/furniture maker,supplier, builder or contractor to eliminate any“guesswork” regarding your ideas. We cover sketchingof interior objects, furniture, simple perspectivesand elevations, fabrics, window treatments, flooring,lighting indication and surface textures. Please bring asketchbook and a ball point pen to the first class. A smalllist of art supplies needed for class is covered in the firstsession.Instructor: Kenneth SchwarzCRN 23970 Sect. 50 4 sessionsTue Feb 1- 22 6:00-8:00pmCourse fee: $120 ($88 tuition, plus fees)Animal ControlOFFICER TRAININGTHE CERTIFIED ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERcourse offers participants the opportunity tobecome an Animal Control Officers certified bythe New Jersey Department of Health and SeniorServices (NJDHSS).Course is presented by Career DevelopmentInstitute, an approved provider by the stateof New Jersey. Students have the opportunityto receive a state certification, seek and obtainimmediate employment in any New Jerseymunicipality or in private facilities.CRN 24010 50 hoursM/F April 25 - May 3 8:30 am - 4:30 pm$789 ($450 tuition) plus feesCareer Development InstitutePrinciples of Interior DecoratingID108_ _________________________12 hoursMake a home beautiful for yourself or the next ownerwith interior and space re-decoration. Transform yourhome using interior decorating elements such as color,texture, materials, pattern and light. This course presentsconcepts that increase the value and quality of the livingspace with time-tested principles. Students exploreendless possibilities using mirrors, plants, furnitureplacement and architecture. Experiment with swatchesof paint and fabric samples. Create a presentation boardof a re-decorated room in a living space to infuse newconcepts. The basic elements of home staging to preparefor sale are also presented.Instructor: TBACRN 23971 Sect 50 6 sessionsTue Mar 15-Apr 19 6:00-8:00pmCourse fee: $148 ($110 tuition, plus fees)GRAPHIC DESIGNAdobe InDesign I (Mac)GD003 _________________ 18 hours/1.8 CEUStudents and professionals learn the tools andtechniques of the most powerful and widely used pagelayout program in the graphic communications industry.This class showcases InDesign’s capabilities througha series of well-rounded, real world projects whileemphasizing design, computer and production skills.Instructor: Paula UribeCRN 23968 Sect. 50 6 sessionsWed Jan 19-Feb 23 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $172 ($128 tuition, plus fees)Adobe InDesign II (Mac)GD004_ _________________ 18 hours/1.8CEUPrerequisite: Adobe InDesign I or related experience.This class builds on the basic skills learned in InDesignI through continued in-depth exercises and auxiliarymaterial with incredible attention to detail. Learnadditional functionality of Adobe InDesign, relatedtools and underlying graphic design concepts. Industryrequirements are also explored.Instructor: Paula UribeCRN 23969 Sect 50 6 sessionsWed Mar 16-Apr 20 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $172 ($128 tuition, plus fees)FOOD SAFETYFood Handlers CertificateFS576_________________________ 3.5 hoursIn cooperation with <strong>Bridgewater</strong> Township, theFood Handlers Certificate offers food establishmentrepresentatives a one-session program focusingon Chapter 24 of the New Jersey Sanitary Code.The program is presented by a New Jersey StateLicensed Environmental Health Specialist providingan assessment of the practical application of foodsanitation techniques involved in the operation of aretail food establishment. Primary issues of discussioninclude the cause, spread and control of food and waterrelateddiseases. Participants are provided interactiveinstruction on the proper sanitary techniques appliedduring food preparation, service and storage. Topicsof discussion include the growth of bacterial and viralagents, prevention of food borne illness, common foodallergens, sanitary facility design, personnel hygieneand application of recognized sanitation, self-inspectionand food security procedure. Participants receive anintroduction to the basic elements of the Hazard AnalysisCritical Control Point (HACCP) systems approach to foodproduction operations. Successful completion of a foodsafety certification program is a requirement of manymunicipal ordinances.Instructor: Chris Poulsen, Registered EnvironmentalHealth SpecialistCRN 23956 Sect. 01 1 sessionMon Mar 21 5:30-9:30pmCRN 23957 Sect. 02 1 sessionMon Mar 21 5:30-9:30pmCRN 23958 Sect. 03 1 sessionMon Apr 4 5:30-9:30pmCRN 23959 Sect. 04 1 sessionMon Jun 20 5:30-9:30pmCourse fee: $103 ($60 tuition, plus fees)ServSafe EssentialsFS579___________________________8 hoursThis eight hour course is designed for food serviceworkers and includes the text book and exam. Anyonelooking to pass the ServSafe exam should take this classprior to testing. The course covers The Fifth Editionof the ServSafe Essentials book. It is scheduled astwo, half-day classroom sessions, to allow study time.Upon successful completion of the course a certificatefrom the National Restaurant Association is awarded.The test is given during the second session. This courseis taught in English, although the exam is available inseveral languages including Spanish. If you need a testin another language please give us a minimum of eightweeks notice. No prerequisite.Instructor: TBACRN 23961 Sect. 01 2 sessionsMon Feb 14 -21 5:30-9:30pmCRN 23962 Sect. 02 1 sessionSat Mar 12 8:00am-5:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($82 tuition, plus fees)24 interior d e c o r a t i n gwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce g r a p h i c design 25

HEALTH PROFESSIONSAccording to the U.S. Bureau of laborstatistics, in recent years the demandfor healthcare professionals has rapidlyincreased. There are tremendousshortages of trained personnel. As aresult, Allied Health disciplines are amongthe fastest growing occupations. Ourcourses prepare students for employmentopportunities in a variety of areas.Classes are offered year-round, days,evenings and weekends. Classes can alsobe customized to fit the needs of yourorganization or company.Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)HLTH102 _______________________4 creditsThis course is approved by The New Jersey StateDepartment of Health and Senior Services, which willprepare you for the NJ State competency evaluationand CNA licensure exam. Certification allows you towork at long-term care facilities and other health careorganizations. This course includes classroom lecture,nursing lab experience, and clinical practice at along-term care facility. The course covers:ÌÌ Role of nursing assistantÌÌ Providing safe and ethical basic nursing skillsÌÌ Communication skillsÌÌ Infection control and emergency proceduresÌÌ Personal care and resident’s rightsÌÌ Techniques for assisting the older adultÌÌ Learn about common diseasesPrerequisites: A clear understanding of written andspoken English. All applicants must pass the mandatorybackground check and finger printing (at no extra costto the student). Students must also obtain professionalliability insurance (approx. $40) and have documentedproof of the following immunizations: Mantoux (2-stepTB), HBV, MMR, and Varicella. Students are also requiredto have a clean uniform, white shoes and a watch with asecond hand (not included in tuition).Instructor: Maxine Willoughby, MSACRN 24087 Sect. 51 27 sessionsMon/Wed Jan 26-May 4 5:30-9:45pm(No class Mar 7 & 9)Course fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesCPR/AED for the Professional RescuerTP543___________________________8 hoursThis course is designed for individuals that are beingtrained to assume responsibility for delivering healthcare and ensuring public safety. This course preparesyou to respond as the first trained person to arrive at anemergency scene. Learn the appropriate action to takefor life-threatening emergencies until advanced medicalpersonnel arrive. The course covers:ÌÌ Priorities of CareÌÌ Breathing, Choking and Cardiac Emergencies (Infant,Child & Adult)ÌÌ Breathing DevicesÌÌ Automated External Defibrillator (AED)Upon successful completion, participant receives anAmerican Red Cross Certification. Participant must bringtheir own personal pocket mask to class (approx. $14),which can be purchased at <strong>RVCC</strong> bookstore.Instructor: TBACRN 23809 Sect. 01 2 sessionsTue/Thu Feb 1 & 3 5:00-9:00pmCRN 23811 Sect. 02 2 sessionsTue & Thu Mar 15 & 17 5:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $109 ($78 tuition, plus fees)CPR Refresher Course for theProfessional RescuerTP544 __________________________4 hoursThis recertification course is designed for individualswho are currently certified by the American Red Cross orAmerican Heart Association and need to be recertifiedannually. Participant must bring their own personalpocket mask to class (approx. $14), which can bepurchased at <strong>RVCC</strong> bookstore.Instructor: TBACRN 23812 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Feb 3 5:00-9:00pmCRN 23813 Sect. 02 1 sessionThu Mar 17 5:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $57 ($45 tuition, plus fees)ECG Analysis and Basic Arrhythmia &12 Lead PlacementTP545 __________________________6 hoursAre you looking to work as an ECG Monitor Technician, orto be able to identify and understand ECG arrhythmias?This course will help you achieve this. We have addedthe 12 Lead ECG lead placement to bring this class onestep higher.ÌÌ Anatomy of the HeartÌÌ Electrical Conduction of the HeartÌÌ Normal ECGÌÌ Abnormal ECGÌÌ Identifying ArrhythmiasÌÌ 12 Lead ECG PlacementÌÌ Complexes and Intervals of Cardiac CycleNo experience is necessaryInstructor: Margaret Legue, CMA, Cardiology SupervisorCRN 23814 Sect. 01 2 sessionsWed Feb 2 & 9 5:30-8:30pmCourse fee: $108 ($40 tuition, plus fees)ECG Technician National CertificationTP546 _________________________40 hoursBecome certified in one of the most in-demandoccupations. Obtaining an electrocardiogram (ECG)is often an important part of a medical workup. Aproperly recorded ECG may be critical in determining theproper care for a patient. This 40-hour course preparesindividuals to function as an ECG Technician in a widevariety of settings: including hospitals, physician’soffices, clinics, sport medicine facilities, nursing homes,and insurance companies. Participants will:ÌÌ Review the anatomy and physiology of the heartÌÌ Learn how to correctly operate the ECG machineÌÌ Understand the components of the ECG waveformÌÌ Identify how each component of the ECG waveformrelates to cardiac functionÌÌ Understand Electrode placement and obtain thevarious signalsUpon successful completion of this course, students areeligible to sit for the American Society of PhlebotomyTechnicians (ASPT) National exam. There is an additionalcharge for the ASPT National exam that is not included inthe course fees. The certification exam is held at <strong>RVCC</strong>.Instructor: Margaret Legue, CMA, Cardiology SupervisorCRN 23815 Sect. 01 10 sessionsSat Feb 5- Apr 16 9:00am–1:00pm(No class Mar 12)Course fee: $775 ($357 tuition, plus fees)Patient Care Technician (PCT) Track ITP701 _______________________ 158 hoursAre you ready to enter into a rewarding career as aPatient Care Technician (PCT)? This 158-hour courseprepares you to become multi-skilled Patient CareTechnician. After successful completion of this course,you are eligible to sit for certification through theNational Center for Competency Testing (NCCT). Thiscertification allows you to work at hospitals, long-term,sub-acute facilities and other healthcare organizations.The course includes 90-hours of classroom lecture andlab experience and 60-hours of clinical practice. Clinicalpractice runs from 5:00-10:00pm, on Tuesdays. Thecourse covers:ÌÌ Role of the PCTÌÌ Basic Anatomy & PhysiologyÌÌ ECGÌÌ VenipunctureÌÌ Infection controlÌÌ Vital signsÌÌ CPR certificationÌÌ Legal & ethical aspectsPrerequisites: A clear understanding of written andspoken English and a high school diploma or GED.All applicants must pass the mandatory backgroundcheck and finger printing, obtain professional liabilityinsurance (approx. $45), have documented proof ofthe following immunizations: Hepatitis B(HBV), MMR,Varicella and Mantoux(2-step TB) test.Call for information 908-526-1200 x862926 health professionswww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce health professions 27

Patient Care Technician (PCT) Track IITP702_________________________ 50 hoursThis course trains the Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) tobecome a Patient Care Technician. This 50-hour courseprepares the student to learn the subjects and skillsneeded to sit for the Patient Care Technician certificationexam through the National Center for CompetencyTesting (NCCT). This course covers:ÌÌ Role of the PCTÌÌ VenipunctureÌÌ ECGÌÌ CPR/AED for Professional RescuerÌÌ NCCT Exam reviewPre-requisites: A state-certified Nurse Aide Statecertification and clear understanding of written andspoken English. There is an additional charge for theNCCT National exam that is not included in the course fees.National Exam day: TBACall for information 908-526-1200 x8629Pharmacy TechnicianTP552__________________________60 hoursBecome certified in one of the most in-demandhealthcare occupations today. This comprehensive90-hour course is designed to provide hands-ontraining to individuals who seek a career as a PharmacyTechnician (PT). The role of the PT is to assist thepharmacist in all aspects of current pharmacy practice inretail and hospital environments. This course provides afundamental understanding of the nature of pharmacyeducation and all necessary tools to permit the PT tobecome an effective extension of the Pharmacist.This course covers:ÌÌ Basic principles of pharmacologyÌÌ Medical terminology specific to pharmacyÌÌ Reading and interpreting prescriptionsÌÌ Defining drugs by generic and brand namesÌÌ Dosage calculations/ dose conversionsÌÌ IV flow ratesÌÌ Drug compoundingÌÌ Dispensing of prescriptionsÌÌ Materials management/inventory controlÌÌ Billing and reimbursementÌÌApplied mathematics and application of theseprinciples in retail and hospital environmentsThe course involves 50-hours of classroom instruction,question/answer review, exams, plus 40-hours ofpractical experience in a pharmacy. The practicalexperience will be scheduled at the beginning of thecourse and must be completed by the last day of class.This course is designed to enable students to successfullycomplete the national Pharmacy Technician CertificationBoard (PTCB) exam.Instructor: Maharaj Raina, Ph.D.CRN 23818 Sect. 01 10 sessionsSat Feb 5-Apr 16 9:00am-3:00pm(No class Mar 12)CRN 23819 Sect. 02 17 sessionsMon/ Wed Jan 31-Apr 4 6:00-9:00pm(No class Mar 7 & 9)Course fee: $1,199 ($586 Tuition, plus fees)Court Reporting Certificate ProgramCourt Reporting Training & Information SessionFrom the courthouse to TV studios, court reporters, deposition reporters, andbroadcast captioners are in demand! Embark on a career that’s vital, exciting,and rewarding, with coast-to-coast opportunities. Work in legal, providecommunications access for people with hearing loss, or be an independentcontractor.Record events and history in the making – from high-profile trials tocaptioning the Super Bowl!COURT REPORTERS including deposition reporters and broadcastcaptioners earn $60,000 to $100,000 a year.Representatives speak on career paths to this exciting fieldof court reporting and other career options:For more information or to register contactTuesday, January 18, 2011, 6:00-8:00 pm bwaverka@raritanval.edu or call 908-218-8871Phlebotomy / Lab AssistantTP553________________________ 180 hoursPhlebotomists are integral members of the laboratoryteam who are trained in specimen collection andprocessing. This 180-hour course consists of lecture,lab, and clinical practice. It prepares students to seekemployment as a phlebotomist in hospitals, outpatientclinics, medical practices, and insurance companies. Thecourse consists of 100-hours of classroom instructionand 80-hours of clinical practice at a hospital. The clinicalpractice runs from 7:00am-3:30pm, Monday throughFriday, for 10 days, (scheduled dates will be assigned atthe end of the first month of the class). Course subjectsinclude:ÌÌ Medical terminologyÌÌ Anatomy and physiology of the basic cellÌÌ Circulatory systemÌÌ Arm and handÌÌ Basic hematologyÌÌ Specimen transport and processingÌÌ How to read prescriptionsÌÌ Infection controlÌÌ Quality controlÌÌ Confidentiality and communication skillsUpon successful completion of this course, students areeligible to sit for the American Society of PhlebotomyTechnicians (ASPT) National Certification Exam, whichwill be held at <strong>RVCC</strong>. There is an additional charge for theASPT National exam that is not included in tuition.Prerequisites: Clear understanding of written and spokenEnglish, professional liability insurance (approx. $40),and proof of the following immunizations: Mantoux(2-step TB), HBV, MMR, and Varicella titer, and amandatory background check (approx. $60). For moreinformation please call 908 526-1200 x8235. <strong>RVCC</strong>is an approved provider for the American Society ofPhlebotomy Technicians (ASPT).Instructor: Hans Angenor, B.S., A.S., CPTCRN 23820 Sect. 01 29 sessionsTue/Thu Jan 18- May 3 6:00-9:30pm(No class Mar 8 & 10)Course fee: $1,273 ($629 tuition, plus fees)Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, OCD &Related DisordersAH402__________________________3 hoursTourette syndrome, ADHD, OCD, related disorders andlearning disabilities will be addressed during thisseminar. The diagnosis/clinical assessment of TouretteSyndrome will be explained, along with currentmedical interventions. School related issues will beemphasized. Helpful interventions and modificationsfor behavior management are addressed along withappropriate forms of discipline. This seminar enableseducators to recognize student’s challenges, as well astheir strengths and potential. The course trains schoolnurses to provide peer in-services in their respectiveschools, along with ability to understand the natureof these disorders and their impact at school and athome. The presenter has been a professional educatorfor over two decades and the parent of a child with TS.He has conducted workshops on Tourette Syndrome forprofessionals at several NJ school districts, the NJ SchoolCounselors’ Convention as well as many <strong>College</strong>s. Whoshould attend?: Teachers, counselors, school nurses,psychologists, social workers, all health and nursingprofessionals, and anyone who is interested to learnabout this subject. Workshop presenters are affiliatedwith the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome.Instructor: Robert Zambrano, M.D.CRN 23821 Sect. 01 1 sessionFri Mar 18 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $59 ($30 tuition, plus fees)MEDICAL ASSISTINGPhlebotomy Theory & LabMATC 116________________________1 creditThis course is designed to provide the student withthe necessary theory and instruction in phlebotomytechniques. Upon completion, the student possesses anorientation to basic phlebotomy procedures includingequipment and techniques used for capillary puncture,venipuncture, and bleeding times. Other topics coveredinclude infectious diseases and their prevention;professionalism and total quality in phlebotomy services;and medical/legal issues and health law procedures.Instructor: Martha Logan-BielerCRN 23655 Sect. 01XThu Jan 20-May 2 6:00-8:00pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & fees28 health professionswww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce m e d i c a l assisting 29

Clinical Medical Assistant PrinciplesMATC 121_______________________7 creditsThis course is designed to provide the student thenecessary clinical theory and lab practice to become acompetent medical assistant in an entry-level position.Basic clinical skills covered in this course includevital signs and patient assessment; nutrition; patienteducation and health promotion; infection control;surgical asepsis; surgical supplies; instruments andassisting with surgical procedures; assisting with primaryphysical exam and specialty exam; and assisting in theclinical laboratory and the analysis of urine and blood.Instructor: Martha Logan-BielerCRN 23654 Sect. 01XWed/Fri Jan 19-May 2 9:00-11:20amMon9:00am-12:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesMedical Assistant ProfessionalPracticumMATC 128_______________________6 creditsThe Professional Practicum course is designed to providethe student with administrative and clinical experiencein the medical assisting field. The practicum siteprovides the student with a broad basis for “hands-on”experiences. Emphasis is placed on preparing the studentto perform safely and competently in an administrativeand clinical environment. Students are to maintain aconsistent level of professionalism appearance andattendance through the entire practicum.Instructor: Martha Logan-BielerCRN 23785 Sect. 01XCo-operative Education Approval Form RequiredCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesCLINICAL RESEARCHClinical Research Associate (CRA) &Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC)CR200__________________________36 hoursThe demand for qualified and trained clinical researchprofessionals continues to grow. This course can opendoors to new and exciting career opportunities in theclinical research field. This course will provide a detailedoverview of the key aspects of preparing for a careerin the management of clinical trials. The course isappropriate for those who wish to build a knowledgebase to pursue a career as a clinical research associate(CRA) representing a pharmaceutical sponsor, ContractResearch Organization (CRO), or as a clinical researchcoordinator (CRC) in a physician-investigator’s office/clinic. The participants are provided with detailed coursematerial, which will include a valuable checklist ofactivities and responsibilities at every step of the clinicalstudy process. Course covers:ÌÌ An overview of the pharmaceutical industry and thedrug development processÌÌ Understanding and complying with Good ClinicalPracticeÌÌ Study protocol and Case Report Forms designÌÌ Practical aspects of site monitoring and coordinationÌÌ Regulatory Overview, Human Subjects Protection, IRBreview and Informed ConsentSuggested prerequisite courses: Medical Terminology andHIPAA Compliance coursesInstructor: Susan Schardt, CRACRN 23822 Sect. 01 5 sessionsSat Jan 22- Feb 19 9:30am-4:30pmInstructor: Jennifer Turpin, M.S. and Susan Torok-Rood,MSJ, BSN, CCRP, CIMCRN 23823 Sect. 02 12 sessionsMon/Thu Jan 24- Mar 3 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $1,749 ($969 tuition, plus fees)Clinical Data Management in thePharmaceutical Industry (CDM)CR205__________________________36 hoursThis course is for those with a degree in life science,nursing, or computer science. It is also for students whohave an interest in exploring a career as a clinical datamanager, clinical database programmer, or a clinical datacoordinator in the pharmaceutical industry. The courseis designed to give the student a broad knowledge ofclinical data management and hands-on experience.Specific topics include:ÌÌ The roles of a clinical data manager, clinical databaseprogrammer, and clinical data coordinatorÌÌ Terminology used in clinical researchÌÌ Protocol/study designsÌÌ Case report form design and data validationÌÌ Data management plansÌÌ Database design and edit check programmingÌÌ Data entry and data coordination, including databasecorrection processes and quality control proceduresÌÌ Regulations and good data management practicesÌÌ Current topics in data management, includingElectronic submissions, Electronic Data Capture, 21 CFR11, Clinical Data Interchange standards ConsortiumSuggested prerequisite course: Medical TerminologyInstructor: TBACRN 23824 Sect. 01 6 sessionsSat Feb 26-Apr 9 9:30am-4:30pm(No class Mar 12)Course fee: $1,749 ($969 tuition, plus fees)Essentials of ClinicalProject Management:Developing a Clinical ProgramCR212__________________________24 hoursThis course is designed to give the student the essentialknowledge, tools, and experience to manage a clinicaltrial from beginning to end. This course provides anoverview of clinical project management and how toinitiate a project plan. The key topics that are presentedand discussed include:ÌÌ Overview of the fundamentals and concepts of projectmanagementÌÌ Project planning, scheduling, resource and costestimatesÌÌ Risk assessment and managementÌÌ Monitoring and controlling for performanceÌÌ Organizational structures and team dynamicsÌÌ MS Project planningPre-requisite: Clinical Research Associate/ClinicalResearch Coordinator (CRA/CRC)Instructor: Jennifer Turpin, M.S.CRN 23825 Sect. 01 8 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 15- Apr 7 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $1,200 ($696 tuition, plus fees)Overview & Management of21-CFR-11 Compliance, EDM Systems, &Electronic Submission of Data toFDA for Clinical TrialsCR202__________________________12 hoursThe U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21-part 11,“Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures” has been ineffect since August 1997. This course is appropriate forindividuals wanting an introduction to the sweepingnew rules governing the treatment of electronic data inclinical trials and who are tasked with having to bringexisting clinical study related documents and databasesinto compliance as expeditiously as possible. Topicsinclude:ÌÌ Review of the Current 21 CFR 11 Rule and subsequentclarifications: Being complaint in clinical trialsÌÌ Updates in the Regulation for 2008/2010ÌÌ Requirements of 21 CFR 11 - training anddocumentationÌÌ International Outlook on 21 CFR Part 11 - TheEuropean Union and rules for electronic dataÌÌ Defining “computerized systems” used in Clinical Trialsand “electronic data capture”ÌÌ Carrying out a 21 CFR 11 audit to identify the noncompliantareas of the study or studiesÌÌ Identifying processes to bring clinical studies intocompliance with 21 CFR 11ÌÌ Data and system securityÌÌ Preparation of electronic data for submission to theFDA and EMEAÌÌ What happens if the FDA finds your group or yourcompany out of compliance with the rules?ÌÌ FDA Actions previously taken for failure to abide byPart 11 regulationsSuggested Prerequisite Courses: CRA/CRC, Clinical DataManagementInstructor: TBACRN 23826 Sect. 01 2 sessionsSat Apr 16 & 23 9:30am-4:30pmCourse fee: $990 ($595 tuition, plus fees)30 c l i n i c a l researchwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce c l i n i c a l r e s e a r c h 31

Interpretation of Laboratory Valuesin Clinical TrialsCR208___________________________7 hoursThis course is designed to provide Clinical Trial staff witha fundamental knowledge of common laboratory tests,seen on protocols for investigational drugs. New MedicalTechnologists or Technologists and Technicians returningto the lab can also benefit from this course. The classcovers:ÌÌ Overview of laboratory data and implications forclinical trial activitiesÌÌ Clinical Chemistry and Hematology Laboratory DataÌÌ Other special test areasÌÌ Pre-analytical specimen problemsÌÌ Interference factors affecting laboratory resultsÌÌ How to follow up on abnormal lab results so as not tolose a study patientÌÌ Quality assurance and quality control in laboratorymedicineInstructor: Andrew DeLuise M.S, M.B.A., Certified Trainer/Lab ManagerCRN 23827 Sect. 01 2 sessionsMon Mar 21 & 28 6:00-9:30pmCourse fee: $303 ($141 tuition, plus fees)Management Skills forHealthcare PersonnelTP561___________________________7 hoursIf you’ve been given a supervisory position withoutadequate training or need to add to or refine yourefficacy and supervisory skills: This seminar servesas a primer for the new healthcare supervisor or as arefresher course for current managers. Participants comeaway with a better understanding of a supervisor’s rolein an organization and guidelines on functioning in thatrole. Topics include:ÌÌ Managing staff performance and productivityÌÌ Discipline and other distasteful dutiesÌÌ Managing quality and costsÌÌ Safety issues— OSHAÌÌ Performance appraisal processÌÌ Regulatory issues in the healthcare environmentÌÌ Practical examples in being a successful team leaderInstructor: Andrew DeLuise M.S, M.B.A., Certified Trainer/Lab ManagerCRN 23828 Sect. 01 2 sessionsMon Apr 4 & 11 6:00-9:30pmCourse fee: $162 ($99 tuition, plus fees)Protocol Preparation and WritingCR206___________________________7 hoursThis class is designed for pharmaceutical professionals,nurses, physicians and professionals in related fields.Learn what background is necessary to be able tosupport decisions made in protocol writing. Topicscovered include:ÌÌ Importance of experimental researchÌÌ Review of protocol structure, ethical considerations,research designs and methodsÌÌ Researching the background for a protocol - commonsearch methods and techniquesÌÌ Good Clinical Practice principles involved in making agood protocol.Prerequisites: Clinical Research Associate/Coordinator(CRA/CRC) or Clinical Data Management course desirable.Familiarity with Microsoft WORD and World Wide Web ismandatory.Instructor: Jennifer Turpin, M.S.CRN 23829 Sect. 01 1 sessionSat Apr 16 9:00am-5:00pmCourse fee: $680 ($283 tuition, plus fees)Clinical Research Wrap-Up:Applying the PrinciplesCR217 _ ________________________12 hoursCRA/CRC and CDMs can now put their regulatory andresearch knowledge to the test. This module providesyou with hands-on application of the principles youhave learned about the appropriate conduct of wellimplementedclinical trials. This focused 4-sessionactivity allows you to hone your monitoring / auditingskills. You will be able to identify common transcription/ documentation errors and develop effectiveinterventions to improve the quality and conduct ofclinical trials. This course covers:ÌÌ Review of a mock protocol, research record and othersupporting documentsÌÌ Review of mock drug / device accountability recordsÌÌ Examples of adequate and inadequate researchdocumentation, including specifics of SAE reportingÌÌ Reporting your findings and corrective actionsPre-requisite: CRA/ CRC, or CDM courses. Students mustbring the CRA/CRC and regulations handbooks to class.Instructor: Susan Torok-Rood, MSJ, BSN, CCRP, CIMCRN 23830 Sect. 01 4 sessionsMon Apr 4- May 2 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $987 ($595 tuition, plus fees)Clinical Trials Assistant (CTA)CR227 _ ________________________12 hoursOur Clinical Trials Assistant course is for studentsthat are currently administrative professionals in thepharmaceutical industry or want to advance their careersbut can’t find the right path to follow. Administrativeprofessionals provide essential services in the clinicalresearch field. Knowledgeable Clinical Trial Assistants arein growing demand. If you would like to use the skillslearned in this class and launch a career in the clinicaltrials industry, this is a course for you. The course covers:ÌÌ Review and maintenance of the “essential” studystart-up document in the Trial Master FileÌÌ A brief overview of the drug development processÌÌ Historic events that have shaped the industryÌÌ A review of the clinical trial phasesÌÌ How to navigate the FDA website, finding applicableregulations and compliance documentsÌÌ The Investigator Meeting tips and tricks to help youorganize an effective training sessionInstructor: Susan Schardt, CRACRN 23831 Sect. 01 2 sessionsSat Apr 2 & 9 9:30am-4:30pmCourse fee: $525 ($284 tuition, plus fees)OPHTHALMIC SCIENCEOphthalmic State Board LicensingExam ReviewOP402 _ ________________________12 hoursThe course is recommended for students who are eligibleto take the State Licensing Exam. This course reviews themajor areas of study in ophthalmics that are covered onthe State Exam.Instructor: Brian Thomas, Ph.D., ABOMCRN 23833 Sect. 01 4 sessionsFri Feb 4- Feb 25 7:00-10:00pmCourse fee: $122 ($56 tuition, plus fees)Ophthalmic State Board PracticalReviewOP403__________________________3 hoursThis course covers the requirements for the State Boardpracticum examinations. Key topics include: fitting,adjusting, facial measurements, neutralization andlaboratory prescription fabrication. Students are given anopportunity to work in any or all of the subject areas.Instructor: Brian Thomas, Ph.D., ABOMCRN 23834 Sect. 01 1 sessionFri Mar 4 7:00-10:00pmCourse fee: $57 ($32 tuition, plus fees)DENTAL RADIOLOGYDental RadiologyDE301 _ ________________________75 hoursThis course prepares students for the licensingexamination required by the State of New Jersey DentalRadiologic Technology Board of Examiners. This 75-hourcourse consists of 30-hours of didactic instruction,15-hours of laboratory instruction in a dental office,and 30-hours of clinical education. Upon successfulcompletion of the didactic and laboratory instructioncourse, the clinical portion (30-hours) will be obtainedthrough patient experience in a private dental office thathas been identified by the student and approved by theNJ State Department of Environmental Protection. Thecourse covers:ÌÌ Basic understanding of the dental anatomyÌÌ Infection controlÌÌ X-ray production, processing, quality assuranceÌÌ Radiation biology and safetyÌÌ Radiographic evaluationÌÌ Intraoral and extraoral exposure techniquesÌÌ Storage of unexposed film and processing chemicalsÌÌ Mannequin simulationPrerequisite: At least 18 years of age, High SchoolDiploma/GED or equivalent. Proof must be submittedwith registration.Instructor: Lori Gerstl, RDACRN 23832 Sect. 01 13 sessionsWed Feb 2- May 4 1:30-5:00pm(No class Mar 9)Course fee: $665 ($300 tuition, plus fees)EXAM PREPGED PREPARATIONEX505 _ ________________________45 hoursThis course is designed for anyone who desires to passthe General Education Development exam leadingto a GED. This course offers a study skills review andcomprehensive instruction of the subject areas neededto pass the GED. Practice exams, pre-testing and posttestingevaluations are provided. GED exam testing isalso conducted at <strong>RVCC</strong>. Classes offered in two locations;<strong>RVCC</strong> @ <strong>Bridgewater</strong> and Hunterdon Central High School.Instructor: <strong>RVCC</strong> StaffCRN 23991 Sect. 51 18 sessionsMon/Wed Feb 7-Apr 6 6:30-9:00pm<strong>RVCC</strong> @<strong>Bridgewater</strong> locationInstructor: Patricia Johnston, <strong>RVCC</strong> StaffCRN 23992 Sect. 52 18 sessionsTue/Thu Feb 1- Apr 5 6:30-9:00pm(No class March 10)Hunterdon Central High School locationCourse fee: $199 ($94 tuition, plus fees)32 c l i n i c a l researchwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce o p h t h a l m i c s c i e n c e 33

Arithmetic ReviewMA001_ ________________________25 hoursThis course covers such areas as arithmetic concepts,whole numbers, fractions and decimal numbers as wellas ratios, proportions and percents. After completingthe course students are able to develop and reasonquantitatively with basic arithmetic skills.Instructor: Patricia JohnstonCRN 23989 Sect. 01 5 sessionsMon-Fri July 25-29 9:00am-1:00pmCourse fee: $168 ($81 tuition, plus fees)Mathematics Review & RefresherMA002_ ________________________20 hoursIf you have been away from math for a long time and areinterested in refreshing skills for professional endeavorsor for college placement tests, both undergraduate andgraduate, these courses provide the means to improvethose skills.Algebra ReviewThis course covers a review of basic algebraic concepts,including solving and graphing linear equations,factoring, polynomial operations, integer exponents andradicals. Students completing this course are able tocompute with real numbers, simplify expressions, add,subtract, multiply and divide rational expressions andsquare roots.Instructor: Patricia JohnstonCRN 23990 Sect. 01 5 sessionsMon-Fri July 18-22 9:00am-1:00pmCourse fee: $168 ($81 tuition, plus fees)GENERAL INTERESTDance – <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Dance EnsembleGI660_ _________________________30 hoursTake this exciting opportunity to work as part of asemi-professional touring dance company. Through thisexperience, you have the opportuanity to practice andperform a variety of dance techniques. Weekly rehearsalsand public performances are required. Interestedcommunity participants are welcome to join RVDE ona non-credit, fee-paying basis through the Divisionof Continuing Education, and non-dance majors mayparticipate on a credit or noncredit basis. <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Dance Ensemble (RVDE) members are selected each yearby audition on the first day of class. Dance outfit will bepurchased by the student.Instructor: Loretta Fois, <strong>RVCC</strong> Dance CoordinatorCRN 23995 Sect. 01 15 sessionsFri Jan 21-May 2 1:00pm-4:50pmCourse fee: $50 (Tuition)Beaded JewelryGI692_ _________________________ 5 HoursLearn how to create basic beaded jewelry. Discoverdesign techniques, what materials and tools are neededto make beaded jewelry. This course introduces studentsto wire wrapping basics and how to make plan orwrapped wire loops. Students complete a necklace andmatching earrings during the class.Instructor: Laurie Werner of Treasured CraftsCRN 23996 Sect. 51 2 sessionsMon Mar 21 & 28 6:30-9:00pmCourse fee: $69 ($34 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWMeandering River of Beads BraceletGI705_ ________________________ 2.5 hoursLearn one of the latest techniques in bracelet creations.Use 2 strand spacers to create soft curves in this doublestrand bracelet. Beginning beaders can create thisimpressive yet easy design.CRN 24003 Sect 50 1 sessionMon Apr 11 6:30-9:00pmCourse fee: $69 ($34 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWBuild a Mobile RobotCT701________________________ 12.5 hoursAs an adult, have you ever wanted to build your ownrobot but didn’t know where to start? Then this courseis for you! Learn the basics of electronics, use wirestrippers, solderless bread boards and basic electroniccomponents to build a power supply and sensors toaccess your robot’s brain. Program a Microchip PICembedded controller to make an autonomous mobilerobot dance, follow a line, stay on a table top andcompete against other robots in Robot Sumo! Labincludes all electronic components, (including PIC16F876A Controller), robot chassis, gearbox, wheels,programmer and materials to build sensors. Class gearedto 16 years and older.Instructor: David PeinsCRN 24025 Sect 51 5 sessionsThu Feb 3-Mar 3 6:30-9:00pmFee: $98::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWOutboard Motor Repair Part OneGI706_ _________________________21 hoursThis course is designed for recreational boaters whowant a better understanding of outboard mechanicaland electrical systems. The course also presents a reviewof fuel systems, cooling systems, maintenance and basicrepairs.Instructor: Jack GilbertCRN 24008 Sect. 50 7 sessionsWed Jan 26-Mar 16 6:00-9:00pm(No class Mar 9)Course fee: $329 ($104 tuition, plus fees)Saturday, March 26, 1:00 pm performanceBus leaves 10:00 am returning approximately 6:00 pmCost: Rear Orchestra $162 Family Circle $74Includes transportation, lunch on your own.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWOutboard Motor Repair Part TwoGI707_ _________________________21 hoursThis course is designed for students who want toadvance their knowledge of outboard diagnosis, repairand marine mechanics.Instructor: Jack GilbertCRN 24009 Sect. 50 7 sessionsWed Mar 23-May 4 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $329 ($104 tuition, plus fees)Opera!Join us for The New York Metropolitan Opera’s production of Pique DameQUEEN of SPADESBy TchaikovskyPremiered in 1890, Tchaikovsky’spowerful Pique Dame is a ghost story ofobsessive love and compulsive gambling,based on a tale by Aleksandr Pushkin,whose fiction and poetry also inspiredthe libretti of Boris Godunov and EugeneOnegin. It was the composer’s favorite ofhis own operas and in it, as composer GianCarlo Menotti commented, “…he producedsome of the most dramatic music that theopera literature has.”Learn the secret of the three cards…if you dare!To reserve a seat, call(908) 526-1200 x8235or complete registrationform. MasterCard, VISA,& Discover accepted.34 general interestwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce general interest 35

Defensive DrivingGI693_ __________________________8 hoursThis course is certified for Insurance Discount and TwoPoints off NJ Driver’s License. This enjoyable classroomadventure helps you to evaluate your driving habitsand attitudes, and identify what simple changes can bemade to enhance your driving experience. The course feeincludes a supplied workbook and educational videos.Instructor: Dave Rzewnicki, Garden State Safety CouncilCRN 23994 Sect. 60 1 sessionSat Mar 26 9:00am-4:00pmCourse fee: $92 ($39 tuition, plus fees)Boaters Licensing PreparationBS076 _ _________________________8 hoursThis licensing course prepares students and satisfies theState of New Jersey requirement to lawfully operatea boat or personal watercraft. All necessary filings arecompleted for each participant after successful passing ofthe licensing test that is administered at the conclusionof the class. Course accredited by the N.J. State Police.Instructor: Kermit Koch, U.S.C.G., License #891675CRN 23993 Sect. 50 2 sessionsTue/Thu Apr 5 & 7 6:00-10:00pmCourse fee: $109 ($34 tuition, plus fees)Essentials of Landscape DesignRE091___________________________8 hoursThis course is for anyone who is considering a homelandscape project and does not know where to begin.Students learn how to create unique residentialenvironments that are aesthetically stunning andfunctional. Lean the essentials of good landscapingdesign. Topics include proper plant selection, deerresistance, grading and drainage solutions and “OutdoorRooms,” material options and municipal regulations.Participants are encouraged to bring photos andquestions about their yard and landscape projects.Instructor: Michael Medea, CLA, LEED APCRN 23988 Sect. 51 4 sessionsWed Apr 6-27 7:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $129 ($24 tuition, plus fees)Retirement Planning for TodayFF565 __________________________5 hoursDetermine the amount of money you need to retire.Learn how to create goals for a “Successful Retirement.”This workshop reviews ways to eliminate debt andimprove cash flow.Instructor: Ron Hunter, CFP(R), CWS(R)CRN 23999 Sect. 50 2 sessionsThu May 12 & 19 6:30-9:30pmCRN 24001 Sect. 52 2 sessionsTue May 17 & 24 6:30-9:30pmCourse fee: $59 ($24 tuition, plus fees)PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION &SOCIOLOGYCurrent Moral & Social IssuesPHIL 106_______________________3 creditsThis course is an examination of both practical andtheoretical issues in the area of moral philosophy.Reading include historical sources and recent andcontemporary material on such topics as euthanasia,assisted suicide, abortion, reproductive technologywarfare and terrorism, wealth distribution, capitalpunishment, and matters concerning the environment.Instructor: Braydyn S. HeppardCRN 22911 Sect. 80Wed/Fri Jan 19-May 2 12:50-2:15pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesAmerican Minority RelationsSOCI 231_______________________3 creditsExamines racial, ethnic, sexual, religious and otherminority groups in American society with particularemphasis on oppression of these populationsInstructor: Barbara SeaterCRN 22852 Sect. 90Tue Jan 18-May 2 6:00-8:50pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesREAL ESTATEReal Estate Licensing PreparationRE076__________________________ 75 hoursCompletion of this course with a passing grade qualifiesthe student to take the state examination for a realestate sales license. Material to be covered includesproperty interests and rights, transfer of title, liens,contracts, mortgages, leases, business opportunity sales,municipal and state laws and regulations, law of agency,mathematics, license law, rules and regulations.Instructor: Jerry CohenCRN 23847 Sect. 01 26 sessionsTue/Thu Jan 25-Apr 21 6:30-9:30pmInstructor: Loretta SmithCRN 23848 Sect. 02 10 sessionsSat Feb 5-Apr 9 8:30am-4:00pmCourse fee: $580 ($330 tuition, plus fees)Sma l l Bu s i n e s s Development CenterThe Small Business Development Center at <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> offersaspiring and already established small business owners the assistance they need toplan and develop successful and profitable ventures. Services include:Ì Ì Free Counseling – free, confidential, one-on-one counseling for start-ups andestablished small business owners. Our experienced counselors can address yoursmall business questions and concerns on a variety of topics, including starting asmall business, strategic business planning, marketing, recordkeeping, financialneeds, online and web-based technology and more.Ì Ì Free and Low-Cost Classes, Seminars and Workshops – conducted by smallbusiness professionals, successful owners, consultants and federal and stategovernment specialists. Topics are designed to benefit both start-up and establishedbusinesses. Visit www.sbdcrvcc.com for listings.Ì Ì Free Information – Guidance for accessing online resources and databases, printedhandouts, magazines, literature and more on small business topics of interest.Ì Ì Podcasting - Informational sessions for small businesses via podcasting. Check ourwebsite, www.sbdcrvcc.com, for the latest podcast updates and podcast links.“Ou r c o m p a n y n e e d e d a s s i s t a n c e u p d a t i n g o u rQu i c k Bo o k s b u s i n e s s r e c o r d s. Be c a u s e o f t h eSBDC’s e x p e r t i s e a n d t i m e l y a s s i s t a n c e, w ea r e n o w a b l e t o b e t t e r e v a l u a t e o u r b u s i n e s sa n d o u r j o b c o s t i n g is m u c h m o r e e f f e c t i v e! ”Thank you SBDC!Danielle Pallito, DeSantis ConstructionReasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks inadvance by contacting Larry Jenkins, Director of SBDC at <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> @ <strong>Bridgewater</strong>,P.O. Box 3300, Somerville, NJ, 08876. Phone: 908 526-1200 ext. 8516. E-mail: sbdc@raritanval.eduWeb: www.sbdcrvcc.com36 p h i l o s o p h y, religion & s o c i o l o g ywww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce small business development center 37

ENTREPRENEURIALCERTIFICATE PROGRAM(ECP)Looking to start your own successfulbusiness? Do you want to maximizeyour businesses sales and profitability?Position your business in a highlycompetitive market? If so, then the NewJersey Small Business DevelopmentCenter Entrepreneur Certificate Programis for you. The program, jointly sponsoredby NJSBDC and New Jersey <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong>s, covers business planning, legalaspects, human resource tools, marketresearch techniques, comprehensivemarketing strategies includingadvertising, sales and promotions,financial management tools includingrecord keeping and tax reporting andmore. The statewide 33-hour certificateprogram comprises seven core courses –take all seven and receive a certificate.Seven Core ECP CoursesLegal I - Start-up SpecificsSB005___________________________3 hoursThis workshop provides basic knowledge of the lawsaffecting business. Business owners learn how to choosethe appropriate business structure, assess business risks,provide adequate protection and establish proper recordkeeping and controls.Instructor: Nicole L. Voigt, Attorney, KilcommonsShanahan, LLCCRN 23907 Sect. 01 1 sessionMon Jan 24 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Legal II – ContractsSB007___________________________3 hoursThe course provides the basic understanding of contractlaw, legal ownership of a business, stock and partnershipagreements.Instructor: Nicole L. Voigt, Attorney, KilcommonsShanahan, LLCCRN 23922 Sect. 01 1 sessionMon Feb 7 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Marketing StrategiesSB004___________________________6 hoursFailure to define your target markets costs youmoney and maybe your business. This program offersinformation about such topics as market research,strategic marketing decisions, advertising and sales,public relations, promotions and networking, Itprovides an introduction to all phases of a marketingplan, beginning with extensive research and targetmarket identification followed by the development andimplementation of a marketing action plan. Learn howto define the markets where your services or productswill be most successful and how to implement creative,low-cost guerrilla marketing strategies by investingtime, energy and imagination. Topics include resourcesfor market research, horizontal and vertical markets,strategic database technology and the anatomy ofthe sales. The program also offers an overview ofa myriad of up-to-the-minute marketing tactics,including: networking, referrals, public relations, events,promotions, media resources and advertising.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, Russmor MarketingGroupCRN 23908 Sect. 01 2 sessionsThu Mar 3 & 10 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23966 Sect. 02 2 sessionsThurs May 19 & 26 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $109 ($94 tuition, plus fees)Small Business TaxesSB002___________________________3 hoursLearn which type of entity is best for you to structureyour company: as an LLC, Sole Proprietor, Partnership, SCorporation, or C Corporation. Receive information abouttax responsibilities based on the entity you choose,including estimated taxes, sales tax, payroll taxes andcorporate taxes. The course covers tax deductions you areentitled to and would not want to miss.Instructor: Dan Gibson, CPA & Bonnie Trochim, CPA,EisnerAmper,LLPCRN 23909 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Mar 17 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Small Business Record-KeepingSB006___________________________3 hoursLearn what records you need to keep, how to doyour own bookkeeping and how to use records as amanagement tool. Key topics include: manual and/orrecommended software to use, inventory control, cashflow management, end of month summary procedures,accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash receipts, cashdisbursements, profit and loss controls, internal controlsand back up needed for tax deductions.Instructor: Deb Weyman, CPA, EisnerAmper,LLPCRN 23918 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu April 28 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Understanding Financial StatementsSB003_________________________ 2.5 hoursLearn to enhance and clarify your bottom line. Topicsinclude spreadsheets, understanding revenue andexpense, structure and relationships, meaningfulforecasts and projections, break-even analysis, balancesheets, P&L and cash flow.Instructor: Deb Weyman, CPA, EisnerAmper,LLPCRN 23920 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu May 26 6:00-8:30pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)The Business PlanSB001___________________________9 hoursA sound business plan helps you manage your businessmore effectively and is a requirement for any businessseeking financing. Using a business plan to chart yourcourse improves your chances for success. This workshopcovers all components of a business plan.Instructor: Karen Katcher, Katcher Associates LLCCRN 23923 Sect. 01 3 sessionsTue Apr 19-May 3 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23924 Sect. 02 3 sessionsWed May 18-June 1 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $130 ($115 tuition, plus fees)SBDC FREE SBDC FREESBDC offers the following classes forfree during the Spring 2011 semester.To register for these free classes simplye-mail sbdc@raritanval.edu and provideus with your name, address, telephonenumber and name of course.“Th e SBDC a t <strong>RVCC</strong> h a s been a blessingto m y business. My recent SBA l o a na p p r o v a l w a s a d ir e c t result o f m yi nv o l v e m e n t w it h t h e SBDC. I c a n’t s a ye n o u g h a b o u t t h e assistance I received.I w o u l d u r g e a n y entrepreneur w h o isser ious a b o u t t a k i n g t h e ir business tot h e n e x t level to e x p l o r e t h e mentorshipa n d c o u n s e l i n g o p p o r t u n it i es a v a i l ab l ea t t h e SBDC.”Tod Wilson, Mr. Tod’s Pie Factory2009 ABC Shark Tank WinnerEntrepreneur AssessmentSB043 _ _________________________3 hoursHave you ever considered being a business owner? Doyou have the characteristics and fundamentals to runa business? Find out if entrepreneurship is right foryou. During the session complete a self-assessmentquestionnaire to determine if you have the personalcharacteristics, the financial fitness and the businessreadiness skills to own a business. Then score andinterpret your own results.Session held at Affinity Federal Credit Union, BaskingRidge, NJInstructor: Karen Katcher, Katcher Associates LLCCRN 23928 Sect. 01 1 sessionTue Mar 8 6:00-9:00pmSession is held at <strong>RVCC</strong> Franklin Center, Somerset, NJInstructor: Conny Jasper, MBECRN 23929 Sect. 02 1 sessionTue Mar 22 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)A Flourishing Business &Floundering LifeSB253___________________________3 hoursLearn specific techniques for managing your timeand priorities so that you can succeed at work and athome. Success is measured by a fulfilled, happy lifestylecombining financial gain, personal growth and relationaldevotion. Create a ‘success-skill-set’ that teaches youhow to advance your career while keeping your personallife intact. The course helps you to evaluate your currentsituation, make strategic plans for change and createthree to five specific measurable actions steps.Instructor: Teresa HaggertyCRN 23852 Sect. 01 1 sessionTue Mar 8 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)38 entrepreneurial c e r t i f i c a t e p r o g r a m www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce s b d c f r e e s b d c f r e e 39

Business ConceptsSB065___________________________3 hoursThinking about starting a business or need help withthe business you have started? You don’t want to missthis discussion of the major areas of concern for businessowners. Topics include naming the business, registration,myths about ownership, success factors and where tofind help. This session will assist you in starting, runningand developing your business now and in the future.Also discussed are highlights of each of the topics in theEntrepreneur Certificate Program (ECP) and how theEntrepreneur Certificate Program is structured.Session held at Affinity Federal Credit Union, BaskingRidge, NJ.Instructor: Karen Katcher, Katcher Associates LLCCRN 23926 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Mar 9 6:00-9:00pmSession held at <strong>RVCC</strong> Franklin Center, Somerset, NJInstructor: Conny Jasper, MBECRN 23927 Sect. 02 1 sessionTue Apr 5 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)SCORESenior Corp of retired exeCutiveSSCORE mentors offerFREE, helpful business adviceonline and in-person.To make an appointment call:908-526-1200 x8235Efficiently Getting Cash Out ofYour BusinessSB312___________________________3 hoursAn overview of business structures, accounting methods,timing of income and expenses, specific ways to getcash out of your business, including salary, guaranteedpayments, loans, distributions, rents, royalties, fringebenefits and retirement plans, special tax deductionsand a summary of the new 2009 tax law changes.Instructor: Bonnie Trochim, CPA & Sarah Anderson, CPA,EisnerAmper,LLPCRN 23932 Sect. 01 1 sessionTue March 29 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)Social Media Marketing Made SimpleSB252___________________________3 hoursStrategies and best practices to get the most out of yoursocial media activities including time managementand measuring the return of your activities. We talkabout what social media marketing really is, how toincorporate it into your business life without losingproductivity and look at how other businesses areusing these low-cost tools to gain visibility, developrelationships and drive sales and response. Discuss thevarious social media outlets that are available, how theyinteract together and ways to leverage their inherentstrengths and to evaluate them for best use for yourbusiness or organization.Instructor: Wendi Caplan-Carroll, Regional DevelopmentDirector, Constant Contact NY MetroCRN 23851 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Apr 13 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)Overview of a Business PlanSB181___________________________3 hoursDiscover what elements comprise a sound business planand why every business needs one. Businesses don’t planto fail, they fail to plan. Find out how to identify yourcompany’s strengths, overcome inherent weaknesses,recognize product and market opportunities and forecastyour businesses financial requirements.Session held at Affinity Federal Credit Union, BaskingRidge, NJ.Instructor: Dom Celentano, Celentano & CompanyCRN 23930 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Apr 20 6:00-9:00pmSession is held at <strong>RVCC</strong> Franklin Center, Somerset, NJInstructor: Karen Katcher, Katcher AssociatesCRN 23931 Sect. 02 1 sessionWed May 11 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)MARKETING & SALES (MASP)CERTIFICATE PROGRAMLooking to increase sales in your businessor enhance your sales ability? Do youwant to maximize your businesses salesand profitability? Position your businessin a highly competitive market? This33-hour Marketing and Sales certificationprogram (MASP) comprises seven corecourses and four additional courses. Takeall eleven and receive a certificate.Introduction to Marketing-Part 1/3Comprehensive Marketing Program –Make Your Business Recession-Proof inThis EconomySB235___________________________3 hoursRedefine your marketing plan to meet today’scomplex, hyper-competitive market in a world ofglobal competition, proliferation, new technologiesand products and relentless cost cutting. Course topicsinclude: market research, market-driven philosophy,database marketing, horizontal vs. vertical marketing,differentiated products and services, goal-setting,comprehensive marketing tactics and measuring returnon investment. Session held at Affinity Federal CreditUnion, Basking Ridge, NJ.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, Russmor MarketingGroupCRN 23933 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Jan 20 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)Introduction to Marketing-Part 2/3Guerrilla Marketing: What Is It & HowWill It Help My BusinessSB038___________________________3 hoursLearn how to write and implement a 7-SentenceGuerrilla Marketing Plan. The seminar is packed withclever and unconventional small-business marketingtips you can use right away. Topics include: how to makethe best marketing decisions, how to avoid mistakes,how to outdistance the competition by using the media,maximizing technology and turning your customersinto salespeople. The program includes a list of 100marketing ‘weapons’ (half are free), a marketing IQ selfassessmentand a marketing plan template to jumpstartyour new marketing program.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, Russmor MarketingGroupCRN 23934 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Jan 27 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Introduction to Marketing-Part 3/3Unconventional Strategic MarketingSB236___________________________3 hoursUnconventional, clever strategic marketing is the keyto gaining the multiple exposures you need to achievebrand recognition and trust within the target marketyou are best suited to serve. This workshop offersdifferentiated, just-in-time strategies and tactics, avideo of case studies and examples of effective collateralmaterials. The best news is that you don’t need a bigmarketing budget to beat the competition and to attractthe repeat and referral business you need for a lifetimeof business success. Explore creative, real life marketingtactics and examples to use immediately.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, Russmor MarketingGroupCRN 23935 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Feb 3 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)40 s b d c f r e e s b d c f r e ewww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce m a r k e t i n g & sales (m a s p ) 41

Personal Branding: How to GainIdentity, Trust, & Profitability withYour Value PropositionSB239___________________________3 hoursPersonal branding is becoming increasingly essentialfor professional success. Explore four key elements thatserve as the foundations for personal branding. Assessyour USP (unique selling proposition) and ‘featurebenefit’models that help you to communicate youridentity as well of the value of doing business with youto your target audience. Learn to develop yourself as abrand.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, Russmor MarketingGroupCRN 23936 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Feb 10 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Multi-Generational Marketing –Pivotal Factors in Today’s AggressiveMarketplaceSB138___________________________3 hoursLearn to identify each generation and adjust youroutreach accordingly. Generations are affecteddifferently by factors such as advancements in researchand technology, prosperity and depression, politicaland economic conditions, trends, fads, war and peace.They continue to be influenced by deeply implantedpreferences and factors specific to their generations.Knowing their preferences helps you prepare to meet thespecific needs of your audience.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, RussmorMarketing GroupCRN 23937 Sect. 01 1 sessionMon Feb 14 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Customer Management: PreventChurn, Attrition, Turnover, & DefectionSB238___________________________3 hoursSuccess in business today is measured in terms of repeatand referral business. Entice customers to buy over andover again by providing the Exceptional Customer Serviceyour customers expect. The Five Full-Circles strategiesyou can easily develop to create your own customerservice program include: relationship, customer, product,presentation and after-the-sale strategies. Exceed yourcustomers’ expectations and earn the ‘loyalty for alifetime’ you seek for your business.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, RussmorMarketing GroupCRN 23938 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Feb 24 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Communication Skills: Written & VerbalSkills That Pull, Persuade & Propel:Real Marketing Case StudiesSB237___________________________3 hoursEffective communication skills set the pace and successin the process of conducting business. We need to beclear, concise and consistent in our communications,taking into consideration the needs and preferences ofthose with whom we communicate. The program pointsout the dos and don’ts of communication that we oftenoverlook today.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, RussmorMarketing GroupCRN 23939 Sect. 01 1 sessionMon Mar 7 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Word of Mouth - The Least Expensive,Most Effective Form of AdvertisingSB132___________________________3 hoursWord-of-Mouth Marketing is the world’s best-knownmarketing secret. Although most business people knowthat WOM builds credibility, trust, sales and profitability,few truly understand how to accelerate the decisionmakingprocess using strategic WOM advocacy andpeer influence. Explore the critical elements of WOMMarketing and how to launch your own campaign tocreate customer loyalty for a lifetime.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, RussmorMarketing GroupCRN 23940 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Mar 31 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Anatomy of a Sale & How to Avoid 6Mistakes That ‘Born Salespeople’ Don’tKnowSB209___________________________3 hoursProfessional selling sales skills know-how helps you tomeet today’s challenges and succeed. The ‘Anatomy ofa Sale’ system is based upon a relationship-building,customer-driven approach that gives you the confidenceto unleash your earning potential and achieve yourgoals. Follow this strategic selling system and you’llbe sure to meet and exceed your goals for sales andprofitability.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, RussmorMarketing GroupCRN 23941 Sect. 01 1 sessionMon Apr 4 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Networking…A Professional &Personal NecessitySB137___________________________3 hoursIt’s all about who knows you. Networking can get you ajob or expand your business horizons and for everyone inevery industry and career is a mandatory fundamentalfor success. The program explores the why, where andhow-to of networking. Discover more than 40 places tonetwork and develop and deliver an attention-getting‘elevator speech’ that really works. Start networkingimmediately: bring your business cards and brochures.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, RussmorMarketing GroupCRN 24026 Sect. 01 1 sessionThu Apr 7 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Trade Showmanship & Expo MarketingSB049___________________________3 hoursDon’t underestimate the value of trade show and eventmarketing – the most powerful tools in the marketingmix. Whether you’re a seasoned trade show warrior or anovice just beginning your career, get prepared; becausethe business of exhibiting is changing fast. Find out whatyou don’t know about trade shows and how to: chooseyour exhibit space, budget time and resources, promoteyour participation (before, during and after), increasebooth traffic, capture the interest of those passing by (inless than 7 seconds), qualify visitors, and get the bestfollow-up results.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, Russmor MarketingGroupCRN 24004 Sect. 01 1 sessionMon May 9 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)SENIORS’ WEEK –BUSINESS PROGRAMSSBDC offers the following classes forseniors even if you’re not a senior. (Pleasenote: Senior discounts do not apply tothese classes.)Start a Consulting BusinessSB197___________________________3 hoursYou have great skills and experience; take control ofyour own destiny and put your skills and experience towork when and where you want. The seminar coversthe number one necessary and sufficient ingredientfor starting a successful consultancy, the four stepsto guaranteeing a continuous stream of clients, thesecret to differentiating yourself from all of the otherconsultants in the market and more.Instructor: Ed Dolan, EPIC Results, Inc.CRN 23943 Sect. 01 1 sessionFri Mar 11 1:00-4:00pmCourse fee: $35 ($20 tuition, plus fees)Launching a Home-Based BusinessSB168___________________________3 hoursThe program gives you the know-how to start ahome-based business including: the pros and cons ofentrepreneurship, key elements of a business plan,steps to set up a legal entity, where to find free helpand support to launch and grow your business, whatto expect in the home-based environment, pricingstrategies and tips for identifying and reaching yourtarget market.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, Russmor MarketingGroupCRN 23945 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Feb 16 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $35 ($20 tuition, plus fees)Turn Your Hobby into a BusinessSB163___________________________3 hoursOne of the most time-tested rules of success in businessis “Do what you love.” The session is geared for those whowant to turn a favorite hobby into a successful business.It includes the key steps to setting up and operatinga profitable business, the number one necessary andsufficient ingredient for starting a successful business,four critical resources and how to obtain them.Instructor: Ed Dolan, EPIC Results, Inc.CRN 23946 Sect. 01 1 sessionFri Mar 18 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $35 ($20 tuition, plus fees)GENERALENTREPRENEURIALCOURSESDrive Traffic to Your Website UsingSearch Engine Advertising - A Guide toGoogle AdWords & Google AnalyticsSB204___________________________3 hoursEngage consumers while they’re searching forinformation related to your business. In this course you’lllearn how to: identify unique keywords and phrases thatconsumers are currently using to find your business (andcompetitors), write ads, design landing pages, setupa campaign in Google AdWords, test the effectivenessof your ads and learn more about the visitors to yourwebsite using Google Analytics.Instructor: Roland Reinhart, Marketing Consultant,Owner, Reinhart Marketing Group.CRN 23947 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Jan 26 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)42 m a r k e t i n g & sales (m a s p )www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce seniors’ week – business p r o g r a m s 43

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWShould the Title ‘Franchisee’ Be YourNext Job?SB254___________________________3 hoursIf you are thinking about going into your own business,being a franchisee may be one way of doing it.Understand what a franchise is. See if franchising orowning a business is right for you. Learn the benefitsof purchasing a franchise; the criteria to selecting one,what a franchisor looks for in a partner, the numbers anda business plan.Instructor: Karen Katcher, Katcher AssociatesCRN 23853 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Feb 16 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Increase Your Website Traffic withSearch Engine OptimizationSB173___________________________3 hoursA website isn’t effective if it can’t be found by the searchengines. Whether it is an existing website or a newone, this class is essential to understanding how toimprove website visibility in the major search engines.Participants learn SEO best practices to follow and havethe opportunity to have the websites critiqued duringthe session.Instructor: Roland Reinhart, Marketing Consultant,Owner, Reinhart Marketing Group.CRN 23948 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Feb 23 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Event & Wedding Planning Business 101EP003__________________________15 hoursThis course is designed for professionals interested inpursuing a career in the special event, bridal planningindustries or planning for that special event. Participantsare introduced to business basics, best practices andtools for success. Topics Include: client consultations,proposal writing, theme creation, timeline management,budgeting, logistics, technology, day-of coordination andvenue and vendor management and evaluations.2.0 CEUInstructor: Paulette Robinson, Paulette RobinsonWeddings & EventsCRN 23954 Sect. 01 5 sessionsSat Mar 5-Apr 2 9:00am-12:00pmCourse fee: $234 ($109 tuition, plus fees)Get Found Online!An Introduction for Business OwnersSB242___________________________3 hoursThe focus of this class is to help your business be foundon the Internet. Learn the essential steps every smallbusiness owner should follow to introduce and managetheir brand online. Gain a better understanding of socialmedia marketing and how to best use social networkingsites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and others topromote your business.Instructor: Roland Reinhart, Marketing Consultant, Owner,Reinhart Marketing Group.CRN 23949 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Mar 23 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWCreating Audio/Video Content forYour WebsiteSB255___________________________3 hoursDemonstrate your subject matter expertise to prospectsthrough audio and video. From planning to production todistribution, this class pieces together the skills and toolsneeded to create professional content to promote yourbrand or organization and publish it online.Instructor: Roland Reinhart, Marketing Consultant/President, Reinhart Marketing GroupCRN 23854 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Mar 30 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)The ABCs of SalesSB212___________________________3 hoursMany people are uncomfortable selling: however intoday’s business world the need to sell your goods andservices is vital to the success of your company. Comelearn simple techniques to feel more comfortable in frontof your prospects and increase your close rate.Instructor: Karen Katcher, Katcher Associates LLCCRN 23950 Sect. 01 1 sessionTue Apr 5 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Jumpstart Your Marketing Initiativewith Differentiated & UnconventionalMarketing Tactics & Case StudiesSB201___________________________6 hoursLooking for new ideas that differentiate your business inour highly competitive, global economy? Unconventionalmarketing is the key to gaining the multiple exposuresyou need to achieve the brand recognition and trustwithin the target market you are best suited to serve.This workshop offers a study of clever, differentiatedstrategies and tactics in a PowerPoint slide presentation,a video of guerrilla case studies and examples ofcollateral materials that help you design and launch thebest tactics to achieve the repeat and referral businessyou need to achieve your goals.Instructor: Vicki Lynne Morgan, CMS, RussmorMarketing GroupCRN 23951 Sect. 01 2 sessionsThu Apr 28 & May 5 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $79 ($64 tuition, plus fees)Building and Financing Your BusinessSB053___________________________3 hoursAre you an entrepreneur who needs to learn more aboutfinancing your small business and meeting the peoplewho can assist you? The first part of this seminar explainsthe process of how a small business owner can obtainfinancing via different methods and various lenders andwhat resources are available to small businesses. Duringthe second part, lenders are available to review anddiscuss issues one-on-one with the business owners.Light refreshments are served.Location: Phillips Lighting, Somerset, New JerseyCRN 23952 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed May 4 12:00-3:00pmCourse fee: Free (registration required)How to Obtain Financing and BusinessPlan ReviewSB066___________________________3 hoursNow that you have written your business plan, learnhow to use the plan and the steps necessary to obtainfinancing. In addition, bring your business plan to havean expert review and comment on your plan.Instructor: A commercial lender and Karen Katcher,Katcher Associates LLCCRN 23925 Sect. 01 1 sessionTue May 10 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NEWWOMEN IN BUSINESS:Success Strategies forthe Woman EntrepreneurWomen business owners face differentchallenges and as entrepreneurs theyneed to make sure that they are wellprepared to move forward. Duringthis series learn to design innovativestrategies that focus on both the womanentrepreneur as well as her businessoperation. This nine-hour course can betaken all together or individually.Jump-Starting Your Business forSuccessSB256___________________________3 hoursWhether you have recently launched your business, orhave been established for years, now is the time to learnabout new strategies to really jump-start your business.During this session strategize how to: build a roadmapfor success, conduct a thorough feasibility analysis;recognize how the 14 “key trend categories” affect yourbusiness; develop realistic milestones and goals; fullyunderstand the funding food chain and its implications;and surround yourself with winners.Instructor: Denise Singleton, President, ThriveProsConsultantsCRN 23855 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Feb 2 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)44 general entrepreneurial c o u r s e swww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce w o m e n in business: 45

Effectively Managing Your Business byBuilding Strong Business HabitsSB257___________________________3 hoursLearn the critical success factors to effectively managingyour business for the long term. These success factorsinclude: strengthening your business brand andidentity; leveraging customer touch points; increasingpersonal productivity; ensuring that your business andlife complement each other; effectively leveragingtechnology; renewing your relationship with money;confidently facing economic cycles and recessionproofingyour business.Instructor: Denise Singleton, President, ThriveProsConsultantsCRN 23904 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Feb 16 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)Growing and Expanding Your Businessfor the FutureSB258___________________________3 hoursNow that you have built a successful business, are youready to take it to the next level? Are you prepared forgrowth? This session discusses strategies to build on yoursuccess and your capabilities to grow your business. Theareas of focus include: Staffing effectively to complementyour skills; using innovation to catapult new productdevelopment; tapping into social media mechanisms;leveraging public relations resources; pitching yourbusiness effectively to investors and customers.Instructor: Denise Singleton, President, ThriveProsConsultantsCRN 23905 Sect. 01 1 sessionWed Mar 2 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $50 ($35 tuition, plus fees)ACCOUNTING ANDQUICKBOOKS CERTIFICATEThis program is designed to cover thebasics of accounting fundamentals andthen to apply those fundamentals toQuickBooks. Attend all three courses inthe following sequence – AccountingFundamentals, QuickBooks for SmallBusinesses and QuickBooks A/R & A/P(MUST BE TAKEN IN THIS SEQUENCE) – fora total of 21 hours to earn a certificate; ortake them individually to improve yourknowledge base by enhancing your skillsin one particular area.Accounting FundamentalsAC105_____________________6 hours/.6 CEUThis course is designed to provide students withfundamental knowledge of accounting procedures andis a complement to QuickBooks for Small Businesses.Students become proficient in concepts needed forbookkeeping and accounting terminology used toeffectively operate financial software.Instructor: Carla Fallone, MBA, Fallone BusinessResourcesCRN 23837 Sect. 01 2 sessionsMon/Thu Feb 7 & 10 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23838 Sect. 02 2 sessionsMon/Thu Mar 7 & 10 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23839 Sect. 03 2 sessionsMon/Thu May 2 & 5 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $109 ($72 tuition, plus fees)QuickBooks for Small BusinessesSB016___________________________6 hoursThis introductory course explains how QuickBooks cansimplify the accounting process for a small business.Students learn about the set-up for a small business.Learn how to record transactions, understand thereports generated from QuickBooks and the componentsof financial statements. (Participants should haveknowledge of basic keyboarding.)Instructor: Carla Fallone, MBA, Fallone BusinessResourcesCRN 23840 Sect. 01 2 sessionsMon/Thu Feb 14 & 17 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23842 Sect. 02 2 sessionsMon/Thu Mar 14 & 17 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23843 Sect. 03 2 sessionsMon/Thu May 9 &12 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $109 ($72 tuition, plus fees)QuickBooks A/R and A/P for SmallBusinessesSB129___________________________9 hoursThis intermediate course is designed to put the studentin a simulated real business environment managing boththe Customers/Sales and Vendors/Expenses capabilitiesin QuickBooks. Accounts Receivable transactionsinclude creating customer and job lists, setting up item(product) lists, creating quotes, tracking employee timefor customer jobs, applying customer payments, journalentries and accounts receivable reporting. AccountsPayable transactions include setting up vendors,preferences, processing vendor invoices, credit cardstatement payments, applying invoices to customer jobs,batch and single check process, voiding checks, journalentries and Account Payable reporting. QuickBooksfor Small Businesses or good working knowledge ofnavigating QuickBooks is a prerequisite.Instructor: Cindi Ebert, Ebert Consulting Group, LLC,Advanced Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor & CertifiedQuickBooks Point-of-Sale ProAdvisorCRN 23844 Sect. 01 3 sessionsTue/Thu Feb 22, 24, Mar 1 6:00-9:00pmInstructor: Linda E. Dousis, Administrative Services &Consulting, LLC, Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisorCRN 23845 Sect 02 3 sessionsTue/Thu Mar 22, 24, 29 6:00-9:00pmCRN 23846 Sect. 03 3 sessionsTue/Thu May 17, 19, 24 6:00-9:00pmCourse fee: $139 ($94 tuition, plus fees)WELDINGBasic WeldingWTTC-108_ _____________________3 creditsThis course is designed to combine classroom theoryand hands-on shop experience. Students practiceoxyacetylene cutting, brazing, electric arc, MIG, andTIG welding techniques which are used in industrial,automotive, truck and construction settings. Selectionsof electrodes, safety procedures, welding terms, andAmerican Welding Society (AWS) welding symbols arecovered. Students are required to purchase safety gearidentified the first day of class.Instructor: Richard H BerginsCRN 23228 Sect. 01XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 3:00-5:50pmInstructor: Paul VetterCRN 20837 Sect. 51XMon/Wed Jan 19-May 2 6:30-9:20pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & feesAdvanced WeldingWTTC 109______________________3 creditsThe student learn the following through hands-onexperience and classroom theory: SMAW F1,2,3,4 andG1,2,3,4,5,6 setup and welding procedures on aluminumand stainless steel; how to select gasses for weldingferrous and nonferrous metals, welding dissimilarmetals, welding hard surfacing, cast iron, cast steeland copper/copper alloys. Prerequisite: WTTC 108-BasicWeldingInstructor: Herbert A BrowneCRN 23745 Sect. 35XSat Jan 22-May 2 7:30am-1:30pmInstructor: Donald SmithCRN 20839 Sect. 51XTue/Thu Jan 18-May 2 6:30-9:30pmCourse fee: Use form on page 49 to calculate tuition & fees46 a c c o u n t i n g a n d q u i c k b o o k s c e r t i f i c a t e www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce welding 47

Register Early!Many of our classes have limited enrollment and fill quickly.Sign up early to ensure a place in the course of your choice.5 Easy Ways to RegisterOnline Registrationwww.raritanval.edu/cceVisit our website for a full listing of allof our courses.Telephone Registration908-218-8871Dozens of exciting classes are just a phone callaway. Simply call us with your VISA, Discover orMasterCard information.Please fax or mail youth registrations.Fax Registration908-526-3576FAX your registration to us anytime, 24 hours aday. Be sure to include all of the information,including your VISA, Discover or MasterCardnumber.Mail RegistrationComplete the registration form and mail it witha check or money order made payable to <strong>RVCC</strong>or complete the credit card section and mail to:<strong>RVCC</strong> Continuing EducationP.O. Box 3300Somerville, NJ 08876In-Person Registration<strong>RVCC</strong> @ <strong>Bridgewater</strong>14 Vogt Drive, <strong>Bridgewater</strong>Office hours:Monday - Friday,8:30 am - 5:00 pmMake checks payable toRVC <strong>College</strong>Registration PolicyCourse Confirmation & LocationApproximately 5 days before the start of yourcourse, a confirmation notice is e-mailedcontaining all necessary course information. If youdo not receive an email confirmation regardingyour course within 2 business days of the coursestarting date, please call 908-218-8871.Cancellation & Refund PolicyContinuing Education operates on a self supportingbudget based on tuition income. We are pleasedto offer you a refund for your course provided youadhere to the following refund policy and process.ÌÌ The <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to limit registration forcourses and to cancel courses if enrollment isinsufficient or to combine courses. If the <strong>College</strong>cancels a course we will contact you by email ortelephone. At that time, you may choose to registerfor another course or to process your full refund. Allrefunds are sent by mail. Please allow 4-6 weeks forprocessing.ÌÌ We regret that there can be no exceptions to thefollowing cancellation policy due to an individual'spersonal or professional circumstances:Registrants cancelling their enrollment ten (10) ormore business days in writing before the beginningof a course, receive a full refund less a non-refundableregistration fee. The written request should include:your student number, name, home address, home andbusiness telephone numbers, and the course name andcourse number or CRN.Please fax request to 908-526-3576or e-mail cce@raritanval.edu or mail to :<strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>, ContinuingEducation, PO Box 3300, Somerville, NJ 08876Anyone qualifying to attend classes on a tuition-free basis from Somerset and Hunterdoncounties is permitted to register for regularly scheduled noncredit courses one day prior to thestart of the course, on a space available basis, and on the basis that tuition paying studentsconstitute the minimum number required to offer the course. A $15 registration fee per courseplus any lab, administrative and material costs are required at the time of registration for all seniorcitizens and other qualifying persons enrolling in noncredit courses unless otherwise noted inthe course description. Specially designed courses for the 55+ life long learning institute do notqualify for the senior discount.Quick admit registration formMail this form along with payment to <strong>RVCC</strong> - Continuing Education, PO Box 3300, Somerville NJ 08876 or fax 908-526-3576XXX - XX - / /Social Security # (last 4 digits) Date of Birth Gender (check one) Male FemaleLegal Name (Last, First, Middle)Home Phone NumberCOURSE SELECTIONSCRN Course Section Course Title CREDITS Credit Tuition Non CreditCourse FeeEx. 13196 Ex. ENGL 112$$$$$$$$subtotals $A$BQUICK ADMISSION APPLICATION — Not Seeking a Degree or CertificateDEGREE SEEKING students contact Enrollment Services 908-218-8864Please complete the information below only if this is your FIRST TIME at <strong>RVCC</strong> and you are not seeking a degree.If this is your first time at <strong>RVCC</strong> and you are seeking a degree, please complete a standard Application for Admission.Prerequisite: If you are signing up for a course that has a prerequisite, and if you have not taken the prerequisite at <strong>RVCC</strong>,then proof that you have completed the prerequisite (such as a college transcript or grade report) must accompany this Registration Form.See NEW Student Information section. If you have attended <strong>RVCC</strong> in the past 3 years, you do not have to complete the information below.What category below best describes your admission to <strong>RVCC</strong> as a non-degree student?First-Time <strong>College</strong> Student - You never attended collegeReturning/Readmit - You previously attended <strong>RVCC</strong> or Somerset County <strong>College</strong> and wish to re-enrollTransfer - You have attended another college/university. Name of <strong>College</strong>(s)_ ______________________________________Are you a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident? (check one) Yes NoInternational student seeking an F-1 visa, must complete the standard Application for Admission as a degree seeking student.Secondary Education (check one) Earned GED Graduated High SchoolGED Center or High School City State Zip Date EarnedDo you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino? Yes NoIn addition, select one or more of the following racial categories to descrive yourselfAmerican Indian/Alaska Native Asian White Black/African-American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderSIGN HERE ______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________My signature here indicates that I agree to the statement below my signature and that all information that I have provided on this form is complete and accurate.In the event that the financial obligations contained in this agreement are referred to an agency or attorney for collection, the student agrees to pay all reasonablecollection costs and attorney's fees equal to a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding balance.Credit Cards & Checks ONLY at <strong>Bridgewater</strong> location. Cash payments at Main Campus in Branchburg.Degree seeking students contact Enrollment Services 908-218-8864If paying a bill by Credit Card, provide the information in this box.Charge to my: Visa Master Card DiscoverAccount Holder: _ _____________________________Card Number: ________________________________Exp Date: __________ Amount: _ _________________Card Holder Signature:___________________________Student Name: _______________________________Student ID#: G ____________ Semester: _ ___________TUITION CALCULATORIn-County Tuition$99 x creditsOut-of-County Tuition$109 x creditsOnline Courses (tuition only–no fees) $125 x creditsGeneral Registration Fee$22 x creditsLab Fee (any section followed by “X”) $60 x # of labsTechnology Fee - Part Time Student $50Technology Fee - Full Time Student $75Enrollment Services Fee $30Developmental Student Fee $15International Student Fee $200Application Fee (first time students) $2548 5 easy w a y s t o registerwww.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce register early! 49Updated 110810Former NamesEmail AddressMailing Address City State Zip County CountryPermanent Home Address (not a PO Box) City State Zip County CountryUse Tuition calculator to the right for Credit TuitionTOTAL $A + $B =Total Cost:

Continuing Education Administration__________Spring 2011 DirectoryMarcia BirdCosmetology Coordinator908-526-1200, ext. 8318mbird@raritanval.eduBrenda FisherAssistant DeanProfessional Development908-526-1200, ext. 8367bfisher@raritanval.eduBill HarndenOperations DirectorSmall Business Development Center908-526-1200, ext. 8403bharnden@raritanval.eduCynthia HynesAdministration Manager908-526-1200, ext. 8620chynes@raritanval.eduLarry JenkinsRegional DirectorSmall Business Development Center908-526-1200, ext. 8515ljenkins@raritanval.eduJulia West JohnsonAssociate DeanWorkforce Business Development908-526-1200, ext. 8319jwest@raritanval.eduJanet Luton PerantoniDeanCorporate and Continuing Education908-526-1200, ext. 8364jperanto@raritanval.eduKen SchwarzProgram Coordinator908-526-1200, ext. 8622kschwarz@raritanval.eduOffice StaffRuth Butler Beatty908-526-1200, ext. 8235rbeatty@raritanval.eduAllison Gill908-526-1200, ext. 8516agill@raritanval.eduKathy Petrillo908-526-1200, ext. 8624kpetrill@raritanval.eduBridget Waverka908-526-1200, ext. 8471bwaverka@raritanval.eduDirectionsDirections to our locations can befound on our web site at:http://raritanval.edu/about/directions.htmlTHE HISPANIC INSTITUTEIn Cooperation with <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>English as Second Language(LEVELS 1-5) & Conversation CoursesSpring Cycle: March 26 – June 11, 2011Summer Cycle: June 25 – September 10, 2011Saturday classes 10 sessions9:00 am-1:00 pm 40 hour course1:30 pm-3:30 pm 20 hour courseRegistration dates:Spring cycle: March 12 & 19, 2011, 9 am-5 pmSummer cycle: June 11 & 18, 2011, 9 am-5 pmCost: English as a Second Language (any level) (40 hours) - $200.00Conversation (20 hours) - $100.00$20.00 late fee if you register on or after first day of class. $20.00 placement test feeCASH OR VISA/MASTER CARD. NO PERSONAL CHECKSThe Hispanic Institute is a non-profit organization serving the Hispanic community since 1984.For more information call (201) 368-1414Instruction Location: <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>, 118 Lamington Road, Branchburg, NJTHE HISPANIC INSTITUTEEn Cooperacion con <strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>Inglés (Niveles 1-5) & ConversaciónCiclo De Primavera: 26 De Marzo – 11 De Junio, 2011Ciclo De Verano: 25 De Junio – 10 De Septiembre, 2011Clases los sábados (10 Clases)Sesión De Mañana: 9 am-1 pm cursos de 40 hrsSesión De Tarde: 1:30-3:30 pm cursos de 20 hrsFechas De Inscripción:Ciclo De Primavera: 12 Y 19 De Marzo, 2011, 9 - 5 pmCiclo De Verano: 11 Y 18 De Junio, 2011, 9 - 5 pmCosto De Los Cursos:Inglés - (Cualquier Nivel)- 40 hrs- $200.00Conversación- 20 hrs - $100.00$20.00 De Recargo Si Se InscribeEl Primer Día De Clase O Después.$20.00 De Cargo Por El Exámen De NivelaciónForma De Pago: Efectivo O Tarjeta De Crédito Visa/Master Card. Sno Se Aceptan Cheques PersonalesEl Hispanic Institute es una organización sin fines de lucro que sirve a la comunidad Hispana Desde 1984.PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN, LLAME AL (201) 368-1414www.raritanval.edu/cce Spring 2011Spring 2011 www.raritanval.edu/cce

Non-ProfitUS PostagePAIDNew Brunswick, NJPermit No. 411Spring 2011 CoursesClasses in <strong>Bridgewater</strong> & North Branch<strong>Raritan</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>118 Lamington Road, Branchburg, NJ 08876www.raritanval.edu/cce908-218-8871<strong>RVCC</strong> @ <strong>Bridgewater</strong>14 Vogt Drive<strong>Bridgewater</strong>, NJ 08807cce@raritanval.eduLEARN ABOUTProfessional Development CoursesTechnology & Trade CoursesAssociate Degree Programswww.raritanval.edu/cce| 908-218-8871

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