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CHAN 3119 BOOK.qxd 20/9/06 12:00 pm Page 20of the Geoffrey Mitchell Choir. Earlyrecordings resulted in the Choir’s long-terminvolvement with Opera Rara for which it hasmade over thirty recordings. The Choir isenjoying a growing reputation with furtherwork from the BBC and international recordcompanies. For Chandos the GeoffreyMitchell Choir has participated in numerousrecordings in the acclaimed Opera in Englishseries sponsored by the Peter MooresFoundation.The London Philharmonic Orchestra has along-established reputation for its versatilityand artistic excellence. These traits are evidentfrom its performances in the concert hall andopera house, its many award-winningrecordings, its trail-blazing international toursand its pioneering education work. KurtMasur has been the Orchestra’s PrincipalConductor since September 2000. Previousholders of this position, since its foundation in1932 by Sir Thomas Beecham, have includedSir Adrian Boult, Sir John Pritchard, BernardHaitink,Sir Georg Solti, Klaus Tennstedt and FranzWelser-Möst. Since 1992 the LondonPhilharmonic Orchestra has been ResidentSymphony Orchestra at the Royal FestivalHall. It has also been Resident SymphonyOrchestra at Glyndebourne Festival Opera forthe past thirty-eight years.David Parry studiedwith SergiuCelibidache andbegan his career asSir John Pritchard’sassistant. He madehis debut withEnglish MusicTheatre, thenbecame a staffconductor at Städtische Bühnen, Dortmundand at Opera North. He was Music Directorof Opera 80 from 1983 to 1987 and since1992 has been the founding Music Director ofAlmeida Opera.He works extensively in both opera andconcert, nationally and internationally. He hasconducted several productions at EnglishNational Opera and Opera North and appearsregularly with the Philharmonia and LondonPhilharmonic Orchestras. In 1996 he made hisdebut at the Glyndebourne Festivalconducting Così fan tutte, following it in 1998with the world premiere of Jonathan Dove’sFlight.He is a frequent visitor to Spain where hehas given concerts with most of the majorSpanish orchestras. He conducted the Spanishpremiere of Peter Grimes in Madrid and in1996 the first Spanish production ofThe Rake’s Progress. He has appeared inGermany, Switzerland, and The Netherlands,at the Pesaro Festival in Italy, the Hong KongInternational Festival, in Japan with a tour ofCarmen, and in Mexico with the UNAMSymphony Orchestra. Recent new productionshe has conducted include Fidelio at the NewZealand Festival, Lucia di Lammermoor at NewIsraeli Opera and Don Giovanni at StaatsoperHannover.His work in the recording studio includesthe BBC Television production of Marschner’sDer Vampyr and twenty-eight complete operarecordings under the sponsorship of the PeterMoores Foundation. Among these arenumerous discs for the Opera Rara label whichhave won several awards, including the BelgianPrix Cecilia for Donizetti’s Rosmondad’Inghilterra. For Chandos he has conducted aseries of recitals of operatic arias – with BruceFord, Diana Montague, Dennis O’Neill,Alastair Miles, Yvonne Kenny, John Tomlinson,Della Jones and Andrew Shore – as well asThe Marriage of Figaro, A Masked Ball,Idomeneo, Carmen, The Thieving Magpie, DonGiovanni, Don Pasquale, The Elixir of Love,Lucia of Lammermoor, Ernani, Il trovatore,Aida, Faust, Cavalleria rusticana, Pagliacci,La bohème, Turandot, the award-winning Toscaand highlights from Der Rosenkavalier, all inassociation with the Peter Moores Foundation.2021

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