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CHAN 3119 BOOK.qxd 20/9/06 12:00 pm Page 80and I have never found a home.I’ll gladly give you all my wealthif you and yours will offer me your friendly home.DalandWhat are you saying?DutchmanDo you have a daughter?DalandI do, a loving child.DutchmanShe’ll be my wife!Daland (joyful, yet perplexed)What? Is this true? If it’s marriage he meansand seems a serious bidder,if I don’t strike while his appetite’s keenI fear that he’ll reconsider!Who knows if I’m dreaming or waking,but he seems almost perfect to me.Such luck comes but once for the taking,with a happy heart I agree; truly happy!He seems a serious bidder,he seems quite sincere.DutchmanI am alone without child or wife,I have no ties to bind me.Fate drags me on through this wretched lifeand torments follow behind me.My hopes of a home have been buried,this boundless wealth is more than I need.Once I and your daughter are married,take my treasure, it’s useless to me!DalandYes, stranger, yes, I have a lovely daughter,who loves me as a loyal daughter should.She is my pride, the best of my possessions,my constant comfort and my greatest joy.DutchmanThe love she has for you will never weaken,faithful as daughter, faithful, too, as wife.DalandYou give me diamonds, pearls and other treasures,but dearer still than these, a faithful wife.DutchmanYou give to me?DalandMy word should be enough!I feel for you; you have a generous heart.It shows me your nobility of soul.But rich or poor alikeyou’re still the man that I would chooseto be my daughter’s husband!DutchmanYou’re kind! And shall I see the girl today?DalandThe next fair wind will bring us into port;Then you will see, and if she suits your taste…DutchmanShe will be mine!(aside)Will she fulfill my prayer?Now, as my yearning heart sees Heaventhrough blinding veils of black despair,Can I still hope or am I never to findthe love that leads me there?Can I still hope or am I never to findthe love that takes me there?Is this my angel, come to find me?Is this my dream to final peace?And from the heavy chains that bind me,can I believe I’ve found release?Ah! All the hopes I had are goneand yet new hope still drives me on!DalandI thank the storm, those powers of Naturewho drove us here, that I might claspwith just one further, timely gesture,what almost lies within my grasp.My blessings on the wind and waterthat made him shelter on this shore!A wealthy husband for my daughter,a father could not ask for more!Yes, a kindly man who’d pay his waycould have my house and child today!(The storm is quite over and the wind has changed.)Steersman (on board )South wind! South wind!‘Ah, gentle South wind, find that shore!’Sailors (waving their caps)Halloho! Yohohey! Halloho!DalandYou see, now Fortune takes your side,the wind has turned. It’s calm at last.So weigh the anchor, catch the tide!And sail for home! The storm is past!.DutchmanIf you are willing then why not take the lead?The wind is brisk, but after many a milemy weary crew must have the rest they need.Steersman and Sailors (raising the anchor andhoisting sail )Ho, ho, ho! Hallohey! Halloho!DalandDon’t miss the wind!DutchmanIt’s set to blow awhile.My ship is fast, she’ll soon catch up with you.DalandAll right, you’re sure? Then that is what we’ll do.Farewell. I hope you’ll meet my child today!DutchmanIndeed.Daland (going on board his ship)Hey! Now the tide has turned our way!Hallo! Hallo!(He gives a signal on the whistle.)8081

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