buletin ştiin ific - Facultatea de Stiinte Economice - Universitatea din ...

buletin ştiin ific - Facultatea de Stiinte Economice - Universitatea din ...

buletin ştiin ific - Facultatea de Stiinte Economice - Universitatea din ...

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Psychosocial spec<strong>ific</strong> in the interaction manager-management team members2. The balance between manager and team membersManagerial psychology put in place and highlights the place and role of balance betweenmanager and managerial team members in the interaction manager - the members of thecorrespon<strong>din</strong>g group.Integration and training of the managerial team as a group of participatory managementof the company heavily <strong>de</strong>pend on the balance between manager and team members. In theresearch of this balance will be consi<strong>de</strong>red the main characteristics of such relationships and inthis framework is necessary to insist not on the obligations of members of the managerial team,but on the duties and the initiative of the manager in creating the respective balance.Among these, the most important are:• manager should respect and show a careful attitu<strong>de</strong> towards the views andsuggestions of members of managerial team. He has the right and duty to participateactively in the formation of these views. To create an atmosphere that will facilitatemembers' un<strong>de</strong>rstan<strong>din</strong>g of body work team managerial goals and methods to achieveand to ensure a total consistency between personal beliefs and the line promoted bythe correspon<strong>din</strong>g group. Such an atmosphere should not lead to the offence of theconvictions of managerial team members.;• in the process of mutual adaptation, it should not reach a situation in which themanager is in opposition with the entire managerial team or most of them;• manager is required to regularly inform the managerial team of the main tasks, so thatthe respective group un<strong>de</strong>rstands this line and assimilates it;• manager is required to show care towards how the managerial team membersdischarge the duties of service and their personal problems;• has to strive to create an atmosphere of friendship and mutual trust between managerand managerial team members and between all members of the group.Our research shows that the balance between manager and the managerial team membersis one of the most important areas for creating a state of satisfaction - dissatisfaction. Polarrelationship manager - managerial team members is not uniform in both directions, in relation tothe formation of satisfaction. For the members of her managerial team it is a much morepowerful source of satisfaction - dissatisfaction than for the manager.The balance between manager and managerial team members raised some managerialproblems with psychological implications. In the managerial process, the managerial teammembers can manifest ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to impose partial views, and tend to increase the <strong>de</strong>gree ofinfluence over others. They should therefore be mo<strong>de</strong>rated, on the one hand by obtaining a pointof view of discussed issues, on the other hand, by limiting their role within the team, to exercisetheir rights without infringing on other members.The balance between manager and the managerial team members is a fundamentalrelationship, a bilateral alive relationship. In this process between the members of the respectivegroup there are born different relationships and wrapping, appear elements of social psychology,managerial team acquires a spec<strong>ific</strong> feature that the manager has an obligation to know at alltimes to influence and use it in or<strong>de</strong>r to achieve the major objectives arising for the company theeach stage.76

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