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Scient<strong>ific</strong> Bulletin – Economic Sciences, Vol. 7 (13)Psychosocial orientation in planning the responsibilitiesUniversity Professor PhD Marian POPESCUUniversity Lecturer PhD Emilia POPESCUUniversity of Pitestiemilia_popescu@yahoo.comAbstractThe complexity of problems that are put before the managerial team makes that therigorous division of tasks within the group have a spec<strong>ific</strong> purpose: to create conditions forevery action to have a solid background and a better contoured efficiency.In our point of view the responsibility of the managerial team represents a spec<strong>ific</strong>psychological phenomenon, which is expressed through the ability of each member, and thewhole body to choose a particular line behavior, taking into account the social sign<strong>ific</strong>anceof his actions and the immediate and remote consequences together, the emotionalexperience of the state arising from the obligations assumed on this occasion.Psychological aspects of the responsibility of managerial team have more broadly sense,more comprehensive than legal.1. IntroductionThe complexity of problems that are put before the managerial team makes that therigorous division of tasks within the group has a spec<strong>ific</strong> purpose: to create conditions for everyaction to have a solid background and a better contoured efficiency. Superficial treatment of thismatter may lead to unnecessary and excessive loa<strong>din</strong>g of the work team, the dispersion ofinsign<strong>ific</strong>ant and marginal efforts.The manager must strive to achieve a balanced distribution of responsibilities betweenmembers of the managerial tea. In this process he has a duty to organize such activities that usethat opportunity to promote personality and responsibility of each.It is good that in planning responsibilities, the manager requires to the team members toexpress views on how they can contribute most effectively to achieve the objectives and tasks. Inthis way it monitors and, of course, can make a correlation with the tasks, qualities and interestsof members. There will be also consi<strong>de</strong>red the difficulties that faced or might face teammembers.In terms of responsibility the participatory management system complements itscontents, giving new values:• managerial team receives the opportunity to focus on major problems and needs ofthe enterprise and to find more effective solutions to resolve them;• materializes formal relations between managerial team members;• <strong>de</strong>velops some managerial skills to team members, giving them the possibility ofparticipation in the process of <strong>de</strong>cision-making;• raises the level of conscientiousness of each member of the managerial team.86

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