Electrobar HX - Price - Magnetek

Electrobar HX - Price - Magnetek Electrobar HX - Price - Magnetek


With our combination of extensive application experience andleading-edge products, Magnetek provides the ultimatesolution for overhead motion control.JOINT ASSEMBLY KITJoint Assembly Kit connectionassemblies are available to assure fullcurrent carrying capacity without interferingwith free travel of collector contacts. The jointassembly is designed to automatically align conductor barsections during installation. Fastening hardware ensures a good,tight electrical and mechanical joint between conductor sections.The joint assembly kit includes the insulating joint cover.Catalog NumberDescription400 Amp 700 Amp 1000 AmpJoint Assembly Kit HX-400JK HX-700JK HX-1000JKApproximate Shipping Weight 1.5 lbs. 2.0 lbs 3.0 lbs.POWER FEED KITThe Power Feed Kit includes acover and cable lug terminalsfor power connection.HANGER ASSEMBLYTo provide support ofconductor sections, choosefrom polymer snap-in, steel,or insulated steel hangerassemblies. Hanger assembliesaccommodate a minimumconductor spacing of 4 inches.Line ElementRatingPolymerSnap-In TypePolymer Snap-InHangerSteel HangerCatalog NumberSteel ClampTypeInsulatedSteel Type400 Amp HX-400H N/A N/A700 & 1000 Amp HX-1000H HX-1000SH HX-1000SHIApproximateShipping Weight.2 lbs./.3 lbs. .6 lbs. 1.20 lbs.Insulated SteelHangerEND COVERSystemRatingCatalog NumberWeb mounting brackets are availablein 24 inch lengths with mounting holespunched every two inches. Mountinghardware is included.For more information, contactMagnetek Material Handling or yourlocal Magnetek Sales Representative.Approximate ShippingWeight400 Amp HX-400FK .8 lbs.700 Amp HX-700FK 2.4 lbs.1000 Amp HX-1000FK 3.2 lbsMOUNTING BRACKETDescriptionCatalogNumberApproximateShipping WeightWeb Mounting Bracket, 24 inch BK-HX24 3.7 lbs.This vinyl cover insulates the conductorbar at each end of a system.DescriptionCatalogNumberCollector assemblies are offered in single ordouble shoe designs. They provide continuouscurrent pick up from 200 through 400 amperes.The contact shoes are mechanically supportedby an insulating support assembly that is springloaded by an arm and body mechanism.Collectors are furnished with copper graphitecontacts for speeds up to 900 feet per minute.ApproximateShipping WeightEnd Cover for 400 Amp HX-400EC .7 lbs.End Cover for 700 & 1000 Amp HX-1000EC 1.0 lbs.COLLECTOR ASSEMBLIESSingleShoe CollectorDouble Shoe CollectorCollector Type Catalog NumberApproximateShipping Weight200 Amp Single Shoe PHX-200SPC-A .7 lbs.400 Amp Double Shoe PHX-400STPC-A 1.0 lbs.WWW.MAGNETEKMH.COMN49 W13650 Campbell DriveMenomonee Falls, WI 53051Toll-Free Phone 800.288.8178Toll-Free Fax 800.298.3503Phone 262.783.3500Fax 262.783.3510MH113_HX Brochure update© Magnetek, Inc. 2013 11/13

With our combination of extensive application experience andleading-edge products, <strong>Magnetek</strong> provides the ultimatesolution for overhead motion control.JOINT ASSEMBLY KITJoint Assembly Kit connectionassemblies are available to assure fullcurrent carrying capacity without interferingwith free travel of collector contacts. The jointassembly is designed to automatically align conductor barsections during installation. Fastening hardware ensures a good,tight electrical and mechanical joint between conductor sections.The joint assembly kit includes the insulating joint cover.Catalog NumberDescription400 Amp 700 Amp 1000 AmpJoint Assembly Kit <strong>HX</strong>-400JK <strong>HX</strong>-700JK <strong>HX</strong>-1000JKApproximate Shipping Weight 1.5 lbs. 2.0 lbs 3.0 lbs.POWER FEED KITThe Power Feed Kit includes acover and cable lug terminalsfor power connection.HANGER ASSEMBLYTo provide support ofconductor sections, choosefrom polymer snap-in, steel,or insulated steel hangerassemblies. Hanger assembliesaccommodate a minimumconductor spacing of 4 inches.Line ElementRatingPolymerSnap-In TypePolymer Snap-InHangerSteel HangerCatalog NumberSteel ClampTypeInsulatedSteel Type400 Amp <strong>HX</strong>-400H N/A N/A700 & 1000 Amp <strong>HX</strong>-1000H <strong>HX</strong>-1000SH <strong>HX</strong>-1000SHIApproximateShipping Weight.2 lbs./.3 lbs. .6 lbs. 1.20 lbs.Insulated SteelHangerEND COVERSystemRatingCatalog NumberWeb mounting brackets are availablein 24 inch lengths with mounting holespunched every two inches. Mountinghardware is included.For more information, contact<strong>Magnetek</strong> Material Handling or yourlocal <strong>Magnetek</strong> Sales Representative.Approximate ShippingWeight400 Amp <strong>HX</strong>-400FK .8 lbs.700 Amp <strong>HX</strong>-700FK 2.4 lbs.1000 Amp <strong>HX</strong>-1000FK 3.2 lbsMOUNTING BRACKETDescriptionCatalogNumberApproximateShipping WeightWeb Mounting Bracket, 24 inch BK-<strong>HX</strong>24 3.7 lbs.This vinyl cover insulates the conductorbar at each end of a system.DescriptionCatalogNumberCollector assemblies are offered in single ordouble shoe designs. They provide continuouscurrent pick up from 200 through 400 amperes.The contact shoes are mechanically supportedby an insulating support assembly that is springloaded by an arm and body mechanism.Collectors are furnished with copper graphitecontacts for speeds up to 900 feet per minute.ApproximateShipping WeightEnd Cover for 400 Amp <strong>HX</strong>-400EC .7 lbs.End Cover for 700 & 1000 Amp <strong>HX</strong>-1000EC 1.0 lbs.COLLECTOR ASSEMBLIESSingleShoe CollectorDouble Shoe CollectorCollector Type Catalog NumberApproximateShipping Weight200 Amp Single Shoe P<strong>HX</strong>-200SPC-A .7 lbs.400 Amp Double Shoe P<strong>HX</strong>-400STPC-A 1.0 lbs.WWW.MAGNETEKMH.COMN49 W13650 Campbell DriveMenomonee Falls, WI 53051Toll-Free Phone 800.288.8178Toll-Free Fax 800.298.3503Phone 262.783.3500Fax 262.783.3510MH113_<strong>HX</strong> Brochure update© <strong>Magnetek</strong>, Inc. 2013 11/13

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