1849 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1849 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
1849 - Robert Wells' Web Pages
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<strong>1849</strong>The Galloway Advertiser andWigtownshire Free PressBirth, Marriage and Death RecordsTranscribed by Diana Henry5 th January <strong>1849</strong> (Week 1)BIRTHSHere, at Sun Street, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Turnbull, ship-carpenter, of a daughter.Here, at Bridge Street, on the 29th ult., the wife of Mr Samuel Cluskie, Excise officer, Kirkliston, of a son.Here, at Princes Street, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr Alexander M'Meikan, plasterer, of a daughter.At Portpatrick, on the 2d instant, the wife of Mr David Rankin, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at Hanover Street, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Gregor, Mr James Rodgers, to Margaret, thirddaughter of Mr A. Chalmers.Here, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Gregor, Mr William M'Crackan, to Elizabeth,third daughter of Mr James Rankin.At Edinburgh, on the 26th ult., the Rev. James Boe, of the parish of Dunblane, to Augusta Jane, onlydaughter of the late William Steele, Esq., Trinidad.At Edinburgh, on the 27th ult., Thomas Cleghorn, Esq., Advocate, to Elizabeth, third daughter of the Hon.Lord Cockburn, one of the Senators of the College of Justice.At Wigtown, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. P. Young, Mr Alexander M'Bryde, blacksmith to Miss JeanChesney.DEATHSHere, at George Street, on the 3d inst., Mr Wm. Collins, cabinet-maker, aged 38 years.At Croach, parish of Inch, on the [blank] instant, Mr William Murray, farmer there, aged [blank] years.Here, at Queen Street, on the 1st inst., Mr John Aitken, carpenter, aged 73 years.At Sandhead, Stoneykirk, on the 3d inst., of scarlet fever, Jessie M'Nillie, aged 9 years, youngest daughterof Mr James M'Nillie, blacksmith.At Wigtown, on the 31st ult., Helen, daughter of Mr Peter Shennan, baker.At Port-William, on the 28th ult., Hugh infant son of Mr Alexander M'Culloch, innkeeper.At Glasgow, on the 26th ult., Mary Anne Murray, formerly of Stranraer.At Liskeard, on the 20th ult., after a severe illness, Mr James Milroy, merchant, aged 40 years - muchregretted by all who knew him. The deceased was son of Mr John Milroy, Stranraer.At Kirkcudbright, on the 25th ult., after a painful and protracted illness, Mary Anne, aged 36, Lady ofLieutenant-Colonel Charles Cathcart, of the H.E.I.C. Service, Bombay Establishment.At 28, High Street, Ayr, on the 26th ult., Mrs I. Reid, - much regretted.At Ballantrae, on the 28th ult., Mr John Thorburn aged 96 years.
At Ballantrae, on the 2d inst., Miss Ann Allan, daughter of the late Mr Hugh Allan. The deceased up to thetime of her death was in perfect health and vigour of youth, and had just been engaged in cheerfulconversation with several of her friends when she suddenly sunk down and expired.12 th January <strong>1849</strong> (Week 2)BIRTHSHere, at George Street, on the 10th instant, the wife of Mr Alexander Christie, tinsmith, of a daughter.Here, at Trade Street, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr John Irving, of a son.Here, at Neptune Street, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr James Agnew, of a son.At Port o' spittal, on the 2d inst., the wife of Mr John Cochran, joiner, of a daughter.At Coodham, Ayrshire, on the 18th ultimo, the lady of J. O. Fairlie, Esq., of a son.MARRIAGESAt Sheuchan Mill, Stranraer, on the 8th inst., Capt. George Walker to Mary, daughter of Mr James Douglas,ship-builder, there.At Dinduff, parish of Leswalt, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Mr James Irving, stocking-maker,to Jean, third daughter of Mr Murray.At Garliestown on the 2d instant, by the Rev. Edward K. Sloan, Mr William <strong>Robert</strong>son, to Miss IsabellaMaxwell, both of the parish of Sorbie.At Barsalloch, parish of Mochrum, on the 28th ultimo, by the Rev. A. Young, Mr William M'Gowan,Clerkburn, to Miss Agnes M'Cormick.DEATHSHere, at High Street, on the 5th instant, Elizabeth Cully, wife of Mr Henry O'Neill, aged 32 years.At Drumore, on the 9th instant, after a lingering illness, John eldest son of Mr Alex. M'Gaw, mason, aged 19years.At Pitmaive, parish of Glenavie, county Antrim, on the 7th inst., Mr Samuel Smith, farmer there - muchregretted by all who knew him.At the Free Manse, Penpont, on the 3d instant, Isabella Fulton wife of the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Crawfurd.At Canada West, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Gillies, late minister of Carlaverock.At 35 Rose Street, Garnethill, Glasgow, on the 5th instant, Mrs Agnes Grant, relict of the late Hector GrantEsq.At 24 Wilson Street, Glasgow, on the 30th ult., Mrs Mary Snodgrass. The deceased has long carried on anextensive trade as a wholesale cheese dealer, has had many large transactions with the leading dairyfarmers of the Rhins of Galloway, all of whom will attest to the strict rectitude of her conduct, while muchof them as have called at her residence, will long remember her unostentatious and kind hospitality. Amidall the bustle of business, she was strictly attentive to her christian duties, has lived respected, and diedregretted.19 th January <strong>1849</strong> (Week 3)BIRTHSHere, at George Street, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr Charles Kerr, gunmaker, of a daughter.Here, at George Street, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr M. M'Intyre, of a son.At Carnderry, parish of Minnigaff, on the 14th inst., Mrs M'Millan, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Auchencrosh, parish of Ballantrae, by the Rev. R. Hogarth, Stranraer, on the 4th inst., Mr Alex. E.M'Cracken, Moorstone, to Jane, daughter of the late Mr William M'Cracken, farmer, Auchencrosh. - Theparties, immediately after the marriage, left for Australia.
DEATHSHere, at High Street, on the 11th inst., Janet M'Credie.At Port-William, on the 16th inst., Jane Helen, daughter of Mr James Cumming, joiner.At Wigtown, on the 9th ult., Miss Jean Kelly, aged 75 years.At the Manse, Wigtown, on the 11th inst., Miss Janet Young, aged 78 years.At Ardsheen, parish of Colmonell, on the 13th inst., John, third son of Mr John Gordon, farmer, there, aged19 years.At Liverpool, on the 15th inst., Mr Thomas Bryde, sen., timber merchant, St.James Street, at the advancedage of 80 years. The deceased was a native of Whithorn, but has carried on an extensive business inLiverpool for the last 53 years, and his loss is now regretted by a large circle of friends.26 th January <strong>1849</strong> (Week 4)BIRTHSAt Markbrooms, Old Luce, on the 19th instant, Mrs M'Caw, of a son.At the Free Church Manse, Glencairn, on the 22nd instant, Mrs Borrowman, of a son.At Kennet, on the 13th instant, the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Bruce, Esq., of a son and heir.At 32, Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, on the 22d January current, the lady of <strong>Robert</strong> Stewart, Esq., of Carfin, ofa son.MARRIAGESAt St. Nicholas Church, Nottingham, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. Mr Butler, Mr John Maclean, draper,to Miss Eliza Murray, third daughter of Mr John Murray, farmer, Cubbox, New Galloway.DEATHSHere, at Fisher Street, on the 19th instant, Mr Alexander Wilson.At Glenluce, on the 19th instant, Agnes, infant daughter of Mrs William Saunders.At Glenluce, on the 23d instant, Arther Burns, carrier, after a long and lingering illness.At Ballantrae, on the 8th instant, Mr Samuel M'Credie, in the 93d year of his age.At Sandhead, on the 7th instant, John M'Culloch, aged 79 years.At Clayshant, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 23d instant, Mr Fergus McMaster, aged 82 years.At Wigtown, on the 17th instant, in her 95th year, Miss Margaret Stewart Maitland, daughter of the lateRev. James Maitland, minister of Sorbie.At Kirkcudbright on the 12th instant, Elizabeth Wallace, widow of the late Mr John Bell, some years tenantof Portmary, in the 97th year of her age.At Kirkcudbright, on the 16th instant, after a short illness, Mrs Miller, spouse of Mr David Miller - deeplyregretted as a pious and exemplary relative and friend.At No 37, Albany Street, Edinburgh, on the 12th instant, Thomas Johnstone, Esq., of Underwood, S.S.C.2 nd February <strong>1849</strong> (Week 5)BIRTHSAt Sheuchan Mill, near Stranraer, on the 30th ultimo, Mrs James M'Douall of a daughter.Here at Millhill Street on the 1st instant, the wife of Mr Hunter of a son.At Dumbay, on the 26th ultimo, Mrs Bowie, of a son.At Craigends, parish of Colmonell, on the 24th ultimo, the wife of Mr Andrew Gregg, of a son.At Barrhill, on the 25th ultimo, the wife of Mr John Logan tailor, of a son.At Ebans, parish of Colmonell, on the 31st ultimo, the wife of Mr Alex. Jones of a son.At Newton Stewart, on the 23d ultimo, the wife of Mr John Todd, baker, of a daughter.On the 24th ultimo at the Dowager Lady O'Brien's, No 1 Upper Merrion Street, the lady of William SmithO'Brien, Esq. of a son.
MARRIAGESAt Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 30th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr Hyslop, Mr John M'Cartney, to Miss GraceM'Credie.At Beith, on the 16th ult., by the Rev. John Meikleham of Grange, the Rev. Andrew Sprott, UnitedPresbyterian minister of Knockando, to Helen, eldest daughter of the late John Gatherer Esq., solicitor,Keith.At Whithorn, on the 25th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr Fleming, Mr Alexander Martin baker, Wigtown, to MissMargaret Anderson of Whithorn.At Malew Church, Isle of Man, on the 23d instant, Loftus Wigram, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, son of the late Sir<strong>Robert</strong> Wigram Bart., to lady Katherine J. Douglas, youngest daughter of the late Earl of Selkirk.At Rouchan, parish of Glasserton, by the Rev. J. Clanachan, Mr Alexander Gibson, Whithorn, to MissDalziel.DEATHSHere, at Hillhead, on the 25th ultimo, Mr James M'Crackan, Student of Divinity, much and deservedlyregretted.Here, on the 28th ultimo, very suddenly, Mr Peter M'Dowall, ostler.At Sandhead, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 1st instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Johnston, farmer there, aged 79 years,after a protracted illness, which he bore with much Christian fortitude.At Creehan, parish of Kirkmaiden, on Friday 19th ultimo, <strong>Robert</strong> M'Culloch farm servant there, leaving awidow and three children to lament his loss. The deceased was much liked by his employer as a steadyhonest man.At High Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on Friday the 19th ultimo, Mr William Jamieson farmer there,aged 48 years much lamented by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and especially by the poor, towhom he was a kind benefactor.At Gatehouse, on Friday the 26th ultimo, esteemed and regretted, Miss Mary eldest daughter of the lateJames Kirkpatrick Esq.At High Altercannoch, on the 29th ultimo, Mr William M'Kie, aged 73 years - a man who was muchrespected and is deeply regretted.At the Isle of Whithorn, on the 24th ultimo, aged 47 years, Captain Alexander M'William, of the Dart, aftera brief illness. The deceased was a native of the place, and for many years conducted a most extensivebusiness betwixt this port and Whitehaven. The district will sustain a severe loss by the removal of souseful a person, distinguished for the many honourable qualities of his character, and tender dispositionof his nature. A general feeling of sympathy pervades all classes of the community for the widow andfamily, who have to bewail the departure of a most affectionate guardian in the midst of his usefulness.9 th February <strong>1849</strong> (Week 6)BIRTHSAt Colmonell, on the 4th inst., Mrs James Walker, of a son.At Ligg, parish of Colmonell, on the 3d inst., Mrs James Stroyan of a daughter.Here, at Stoneykirk Road, on the 4th instant, the wife of Mr Thomas Rankin, of twin-daughters, whosurvived only a few hours.MARRIAGESAt Barr village, by the Rev. James McMaster, Mr David Aird, merchant, Colmonell, to Agnes, seconddaughter of Mr William Shaw, wright, Barr.DEATHSHere, at Hanover Street, on the 1st inst., Margaret Muir, spouse of Mr William Gibson, grain dealer - after along and severe trouble, borne with Christian patience and resignation, aged 36 years.At Belnab, parish of Inch on the 2d inst., John, second son of Mr Smith, farmer there, aged 20 years.
At Witham, Essex, on the 30th January, after a long affliction, borne with exemplary patience andChristian fortutide, aged 42 years, Harriet, the beloved wife of Mr John Craig, draper and tea dealer of theabove place.At Glenluce, on the 6th inst., Mr John M’Camon, joiner, aged 91 years - much lamented by a large circle ofrelatives.At Glenluce, on the 6th inst., Annie Skiming, aged 18 years - much lamented by all who knew her.At Colmonell village, on the 4th inst, Ann Smith, daughter of Mr John Smith, Mosgable, aged 12 years.16 th February <strong>1849</strong> (Week 7)BIRTHSAt 6 Portman Square, London, on the 7th instant, the Countess of Galloway, of a son.At Ringheel, Mochrum, on the 6th inst., Mrs William Black, of a son.At Portwilliam, on the 11th inst., Mrs Edward Thorn of a daughter.At Maybole Manse, on the 2d instant, Mrs Menzies of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at Hanover Street, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. Peter Fergusson, Inch, Mr Wm. Parker, farmer,Blackparks, to Miss Jane M'Meiken.At Aireylick, Mochrum, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. A. Young, Mr Andrew Milligan, farmer, Corwall, toMiss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr William Brown, farmer.DEATHSAt Wigtown, on the 7th inst., Alexander Wallace, Esq., of Southfield, late tenant of Bridgetown ofMinnigaff.At Wigtown, on the 6th inst,. Mary, daughter of Mr John Clellan, residenter there.At Port-William, on the 13th inst., Margaret M’Culloch, in the 15th year of her age.23 rd February <strong>1849</strong> (Week 8)BIRTHSAt Lewis Street, Stranraer, on the 17th instant, the wife of Mr Alexander M'Crackan, baker, of a son.At Stratford, Essex, on the 8th current, the lady of John MacMeikan, Esq., of a son.At Boreland House, parish of Anwoth on the 17th instant Mrs Kissock of a daughter.At the Murray Arms Inn, Gatehouse, on the 13th inst., Mrs Foster of a son.At Markethill, Armagh, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr M'Donnell, gamekeeper to the Earl of Gosford, ofthree sons - all alive and likely to do well.At Nice, on the 7th instant, the lady of Walter Johnstone, Esq., of Garroch, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Wigtown, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr Falconer, Mr James Dick, carpenter, Garliestown, to MissMary Scot, dressmaker.At Douglas Arms, Castle Douglas, on the 14th instant, by the Rev. Mr Cowan, Mr James Smith, of Antigua,to Jane, fourth daughter of Mr Edward Bell, Troquhain.At Maybole, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Selby Ord Dodds, John Gibson, Esq., of the county of Durham,factor to the Marquis of Londonderry, to Agnes, eldest daughter of William Brown, Esq., banker, Maybole.At Girvan, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. D. Sim, Mr Crawford M'Cracken, farmer, Moorston, Dailly, toThomasina Margaret, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Thomson, the first Secession minister of Girvan.DEATHSAt Castle-Douglas, on the 3d instant, Jane Johnstone wife of Mr Richard Hewat, writer there.
At Castle Douglas, on the 10th instant, Mrs Neilson, King Street, advanced in years.At the West Port, Lanark, on the 9th instant, the Rev. James Reid, of the United Presbytn. Church,Sanquhar.At Gatehouse, on the 15th inst., after a long illness, Mr William Garraway, tailor, aged 87 years.At High Borgue, near Kirkcudbright, on the 16th inst., David, the infant son of Mr Little, farmer there.At Wellington Street, Glasgow, on the 13th instant, Elizabeth Inglis, aged 74, relict of Mr Hugh Drynan,Girvan.2 nd March <strong>1849</strong> (Week 9)BIRTHSHere, at Princes Street, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr Murdoch, shoemaker, of a daughter.At Queen Street, on the same day Mrs Andrew Alexander of a son.At Culreoch, parish of Inch on the 17th ult., the wife of Mr Alexander Wylie, farmer, of a sonAt Mahar, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 14th ult., Mrs Niven of a daughter.At Sheuchan, parish of Inch, on the 17th ult., Mrs Benoch, of a daughter.At Glenluce, on the 25th ult., Mrs Brodie, of a son.At Edinburgh, on the 24th ult., the lady of Sir William Miller of Glenlee and Barskimming, Bart. of adaughter.At Malta, on the 8th ult., the lady of John Reginald Houison Craufurd, younger of Craufurdland andBraehead, of a son and heir.At Castledouglas, on the 26th ult., Mrs J. Mure of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 19th ult, the wife of Mr Samuel Davies of a son. On the same day, the wife of Mr HughMilligan, coast officer, of a son - which was baptised by the name of Napoleon Buonaparte.MARRIAGESAt Whithorn, on the 22d ult., by the Rev. F. Anderson, Mr James S. Grey, of Glasgow, to Isabella, daughterof Provost John Broadfoot.At Craigadam, Kirkpatrick Durham, on the 23d ult by the Rev. George Greig, Mr James Craig, Tarbreoch, toMary, eldest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Macadam, Esq.,DEATHSHere, at George Street, on the 26th ultimo, Mr George Irving, hairdresser, aged 66 years.Here, at Fisher Street, on the 26th ultimo, James Torrance, aged 20 years.At Ervie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 27th ultimo, in the 80th year of his age, James Mc<strong>Robert</strong>, blacksmith;and at the same place on the 28 th ultimo, his wife, Rosana Fraser, aged 90 years. The parties have beenunited in the bonds of wedlock for the last 57 years, and by death have not long been divided.At Wigtown, on the 26th ultimo, Mr Hume Pollock, shepherd, aged 84 years.At Sininness on the 27th ultimo, Alexander Hill, a young man lately returned from England - muchrespected.At Whithorn, on the 20th ultimo, Mrs Davidson, widow of the late Rev. E.W. Davidson, minister of Sorbie.At Gatehouse, on the 21st ultimo, Mr Henry Long, for many years weaver and manufacturer's agent, at thevenerable age of 90.At Gatehouse, on the 24th ultimo, Maitland Robison, advanced in years.At Gatehouse, on the 26th ultimo, in the prime of life, Agnes M'Clellan, wife of Mr Samuel Davies.At Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on the 25th instant [sic], aged 31 years, <strong>Robert</strong> Carson, draper, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong>Carson, Creetown, Galloway - much and deeply regretted.9 th March <strong>1849</strong> (Week 10)BIRTHSHere, at Princes Street, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr William Campbell, boot and shoemaker, of adaughter.
At Culraven, Borgue, near Kirkcudbright, on the 2d instant, Mrs Gordon, of a son.At Shegerland, Minnigaff, on the 26th ult., Mrs Wm. McComb.At Gatehouse, on the 19th ultimo, the wife of Mr Samuel Davies of a son.MARRIAGESNo MarriagesDEATHSHere, at Fisher Street, on the 3d instant, Mr Peter Kerr, aged 68 years, and on the 5th instant, his spouse,Janet Aitken, aged 62 years.At Larbrax School, parish of Leswalt, on the 6th inst., after a short illness, Helen M'Neil, wife of Mr Logan,teacher there - much and deservedly regretted.At 52, Wellington Lane, Glasgow, on the 3d inst., John Thomson, cabinetmaker, aged 49 years.At Castle Douglas, on the 28th ult., the infant son of Mr James Mure, writer there.At Castle Douglas, on the 28th ult., Mary, aged five years, only daughter of Mr Thomas Stitt, draper.On the 28th ult., Mr John Hannay, Keltonhead.At Glasserton Manse, on the 27th ult., the Rev. Samuel Clanachan. As a man, and as a clergyman, he washeld in equal esteem - and his death is deeply lamented by his parishoners and his private friends.At Gatehouse, on the 24th ult., Maitland Robison, advanced in years.16 th March <strong>1849</strong> (Week 11)BIRTHSOn the 9th instant, at 35, Moray Place, Edinburgh, the lady of Stair H. Stewart, Esq., of Physgill, of a son.At Allandoo, parish of Leswalt, on the 12th instant, the wife of Mr Andrew Clanachan, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at Lewis Street, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Smellie, the Rev. John M'Gregor, to Agnes, seconddaughter of the late John Torrance, of Portpatrick.Here, at Hanover Street, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Mr John Surrey, of the OrdnanceSurvey, to Isabella, daughter of Mr James Boyle, flesher.At Ballantrae, on the 9th inst., Mr John Coulter, to Miss Jane King.DEATHSAt Barmore, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 14th instant, Alexander, youngest son of Mr Wither, farmerthere, aged 7 months.At Barnvannock, parish of Ballantrae, on the 26th ult., Mr Alexander M'Whirter, farmer, in the 91st year ofhis age.At Wigtown, on the 13th instant, Mr D. Cameron from Perth aged 21 years, much regretted. He wasformerly teacher of the Normal School.23 rd March <strong>1849</strong> (Week 12)BIRTHSHere at Rose Street, on the 21st instant, the wife of Mr M'Kie, saddler, of a daughter.Here, at South Strand Street, on the 20th instant the wife of Mr Warren, upholsterer, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Grange, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. James Fleming, of Whithorn, the Rev. Peter Hannah of theUnited Presbyterian Church, Wigtown, to Grace, daughter of John Gifford, Esq.
DEATHSHere at Sun Street, on the 16th instant Mary Paterson, aged 22 years.At Leffknoll, parish of Inch, on the 19th instant, Andrew, son of Mr Crindle farmer, Arioland.At Inch Parks, parish of Inch, on the 15th instant, very suddenly, Elizabeth Steven, aged 45 years.At Clachanmore, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 22d inst., Elizabeth Murray wife of Mr Thomas Logan,advanced in years.At Creetown, on the 16th instant, James M'Keand Esq., late merchant in Richabucto and Liverpool.30 th March <strong>1849</strong> (Week 13)BIRTHSHere at Sun Street, on the 27th inst., the wife of Mr Campbell, carter, of a son.At Kirkcudbright, on the 21st instant, Mrs R. M. Gordon, of a son.At Kilumpha, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 16th instant, Mrs Anderson of twin daughters.At Knocknain, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 15th instant Mrs M'Mickan of a son.MARRIAGESAt Trinity Church, Habergham-Eaves, on the 27th instant, by the Rev. E. A. Verity,Mr Henry William Wood, to Mary, third daughter of the late James Hunter Esq., merchant, Stranraer.At Barnsallie, parish of Old Luce, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. Mr Wilson, Mr M'Lelland, farmer, Crews,to Miss Sarah Neil.At Portpatrick, on the 26th instant, by the Rev. Mr Urquhart, Mr James Logan, Glasgow, to Jane, seconddaughter of Mr John Wallace, Portpatrick.At Newton Stewart, on the 23d instant, by the Rev. S. Richardson, A.M., of Penninghame, Mr F.G. Cumming,Rector of the Douglas Academy, to Catherine Medway, relict of the late Henry Moscrop Esq., of theH.E.I.C.S.At Wigtown, on the 27th instant, by the Rev. Peter Hannah of the United Presbyterian Church, Mr HenryWilliamson, engineer, Glasgow, to Jessie, eldest daughter of Andrew M'Master Esq., of Wigtown.At Gibbshill, Balmaclellan, by the Rev. John Hainning, Dalry, Mr William M'Clellan, to Janet, youngestdaughter of Mr James Smith, Gibbshill.DEATHSHere, at High Street, on the 27th instant, Agnes Parker infant daughter of Mr Cowan, tailor.At Stranraer, on the 29th instant, Mrs Bell, aged 66 years.At Cairnpat, parish of Portpatrick, on the 27th instant, Charles, aged 8 years, son of Mr M'Neillie, farmerthere.At Craighernoch, on the 25th instant, Agnes Baillie, housekeeper to Mr William M'Harg, farmer there -much regretted.At Glenluce on the 26th instant, Peter Douglas, aged 11 years. He was a boy of a mild and amiabledisposition; of rare attainments, and of a precocious intellect. As a proof of this, when only 7 years old heobtained the first prize in the 2d grammar class; and in the two following years he was crowned withequal success. He was brother of the late Mr Andrew Douglas, preacher of the gospel, thus two verypromising youths have been removed from sorrowing and affectionate parents and attached friends.At Portwilliam, on the 14th instant Mr Thomas Ainslie, Greenwich pensioner, aged 80 years.At Portwilliam, on the 24th instant, Mr John Thomson, aged 90 years.At Broadfield, near Wigtown, on the 21st instant, Helen, wife of Mr James Carson, farmer there - much anddeservedly regretted by all the poor of the district.At Bardrochwood, Wigtownshire, on the 13th instant, Miss M'Ilwraith.At Catharine Lodge, Inveresk, on the 18th instant, Sir Charles Dalrymple Fergusson of Kilkerran andHailes, Baronet.At Gatehouse, on the 29th instant, after a brief illness Mary Copeland, relict of William Garraway, aged 75years.
At his residence, on the 21st instant, Mr Hussey, M.P. for Salisbury, aged 42 years - one of the mostuncompromising champions of the agricultural interest.6 th April <strong>1849</strong> (Week 14)BIRTHSAt Ballgreen, Stranraer, on the 30th ultimo, (the) wife of Mr Andrew, of a son.At Ivy Place, on the 3d instant, the wife of Mr Andrew Brown, plasterer, of a son.At the Tilework, Stranraer, on the 3d inst., the wife of Mr John Kaile, of a son.MARRIAGESNo MarriagesDEATHSHere, at Princes Street, on the 1st instant, John Mackmeikan, Esq., aged 88 years.Here, at King Street, on the 1st instant, James Archibald, aged 7 years, youngest son of the Rev. Wm. Mills,of the London Missionary Society, stationed at Apia Upolu, South Seas.Here, at Lewis Street, on the 1st instant, Jane M'Dowall, third daughter of the late John M'Dowall, Esq., ofValleyfield, aged 39 yearsAt Dinduff, parish of Leswalt, on the 2d instant, Margaret M'Culloch, wife of Mr Ross, farmer there.At 47, Oswald Street, Glasgow, on Sunday, the 1st April, Mrs John Alexander, formerly of Portpatrick.At South Milton, Old Luce, on the 30th ultimo William Whanel, aged 63 years.At Kirkstyle, Glenluce, on the 31st ult., Charles Kelly, at the patriarchal age of 95 years. He was employed40 years as kirk officer in Glenluce during which time he was much respected for his modest and uprightconduct. He was the eldest person in the parish, and although so far advanced he retained all his facultiesto the last, and afforded those who stood around his death bed a convincing proof that the latter end of avirtuous and pious life is a happy death.13 th April <strong>1849</strong> (Week 15)BIRTHSAt High Curghie, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 4th inst., Mrs M'Bryde, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Kirkmabrick, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. J. J. Campbell, William Gibson, Esq.,Beoch, to Jane, daughter of William M'Camon, Esq.At Culgow, parish of Minnigaff, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. M. S. Johnston, Alexander Newall, Esq., Mainsof Machermore, to Margaret, second daughter of James Matthews, Esq., farmer, Culgow.DEATHSAt Hanover Street, here, on the 9th inst, after a short illness, aged 54 years, Ann-Jane Horner, wife of MrJohn M'Williams, burgh-officer. In her life she was much esteemed, and her death is justly regretted by alarge circle of friends and acquaintances.At St. John Street, here, on the 10th inst., Mr Samuel White, aged 41 years.At Drangour, parish of New Luce, on the 9th instant, aged 24 years, Jane Macgeoch, third daughter of thelate John Macgeoch, after a long illness, borne with Christian patience and resignation.Suddenly, at Auchenlick, parish of Minnigaff, on the 9th inst., Mr George M'Knight, farmer there. Thedemise of this worthy individual has made a chasm in the social circle in which he moved, which time cannever fully fill up; the benevolence of his heart and the disinterestedness of his friendship, endeared himto those with whom he associated, and remembering his sociality as a companion, his warm-heartedness
as a friend, the loftiness of his intellect, and his world-wide philanthropy - his loss will be long lamentedby an extended circle of acquaintance.At Wigtown, on the 10th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Chesney, cattle-feeder.At Wigtown, on the 4th inst., John Gifford, Esq., late of Grange of Bladnoch, aged 78 years20 th April <strong>1849</strong> (Week 16)BIRTHSHere, at Charlotte Street, on the 15th curt., Mrs Alexander Thorburn, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Portpatrick, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. A. Urquhart, Mr John Vint, stone cutter, to Margaret, fifthdaughter of Mr Alex. M'Culloch.At Castle-Douglas, on the 17th inst., Wm. Douglas of Somerhill, Crossmichael, to Miss M'QueenDEATHSAt Edinburgh, on the 12th current, Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart, of Lochnaw.At Belvella House, here, on the morning of the 19th inst., after two day's illness, Eliza-Jane, eldestdaughter of Peter M'Lean, Esq., Mull of Galloway, aged 7 years.Here, at Charlotte street, on the 17th current, the infant son- and last night, Janet M'Dowall, the belovedwife of Mr Alexander Thorburn, cabinet-maker. Friends will please accept of this intimation.At Barrachan, Mochrum on the 14th inst., Mr John M'Gaw, advanced in years.27 th April <strong>1849</strong> (Week 17)BIRTHSAt Lochans, parish of Inch, on the 26th inst., the wife of Mr Paton, teacher of dancing, of a son.At Ervie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 24th inst., Mrs William Torbett, of a daughter.At Barmore, on the 26th instant, Mrs Captain David Kerr, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at Hanover Street, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Gregor, Mr Samuel Sibbald, baker, to Mary,eldest daughter of the late Mr Alex. Hannah.At Campbell's Croft, Old Luce, on the 23d instant, by the Rev. Mr M'Douall, Mr Joseph Hamilton, teacher ofsacred music, to Miss Agnes M'Kerlie, second daughter of Mr M'Kerlie, farmer, there.At Glenluce, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Douall, Mr Hugh Davidson, to Miss Elizabeth M'Lelland.At St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Dumfries, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. Archibald M'Ewen, RichardRimmer, Esq., of Marchmont, to Margaret Midgley Kirkpatrick, eldest surviving daughter of <strong>Robert</strong>Kirkpatrick Howat, Esq., of Mabie, Kirkcudbrightshire.At Fleet Street, Gatehouse, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. Thomas Johnstone, Mr William Miller, to MissAgnes Carson.DEATHSAt Rephad, Stranraer, on the 24th inst., Ann Cumming Guthrie, aged 8 ½ years, daughter of GeorgeGuthrie, Esq.Here, at St. John's Street, on the 16th inst., Mr George Smith, pensioner, aged 74 years, - much respected.He had seen much foreign service; and been at several engagements.On the 23d instant, at the house of his son-in-law, Mr Hugh M'Dowall, builder, Greenvale Street, Stranraer,Mr John Milroy, late farmer, Glendrisaig, aged 94 yearsAt his house, 17, Beaumont Street, London, on the 8th instant, the Rev. Abraham Eccles Farrar, aged 60 -minister in London, in connection with the Wesleyan Church. This able and faithful servant of God was
highly respected, and is deeply regretted, not only by the denomination to which he belonged, but by alarge circle of Christian friends of all denominations.At Altogue, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 18th instant, Charlotte Nabnie, aged 28, relict of the late MrThomas Agnew.At Meikle Carse, Minnigaff, on the 20th inst, Andrew M'Keand, youngest son of Mr P Hughan.At Wigtown, on the 19th inst., Mr James Dickson, ironmonger, aged 53 years.At Irish Street, Dumfries, on the 20th instant, Mr William Hannah, aged 47 years - much regretted.At Liverpool, on the 14th current, on his way home, after a lingering illness, borne with becomingresignation, Mr John M'Clellan, aged 65. The deceased was a native of the Stewartry, and only a fewmonths ago commenced the grocery business in Gatehouse.4 th May <strong>1849</strong> (Week 18)BIRTHSAt Rephad House, on the 1st May, Mrs Guthrie, of a son.At Whitefield, parish of Old Luce, on the 2d inst., Mrs M'Culloch, of a son.At Knock, parish of Leswalt, on the 27th ult., Mrs James M'Kie, of a daughter.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 26th ult., Mrs James Logie of a son.At Barrhill, on the 26th ult., Mrs Alex. M'Millan, of a son.At the Hill, by Creetown, on the 21st ultimo, Mrs Grant of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Borland, Old Luce, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr Anthony M'Millan, farmer, Minnigaff,to Miss Agnes M'Fadzen.At Finnart, parish of Ballantrae, by the Rev. Mr Harkness of the Reformed Presbyterian church, Colmonell,Mr M'Meikan, farmer, Old Halls, Old Luce, to Miss Jessie Drynan.At the Hill, by Creetown, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. John Muir, Mr John Gillespie, ship carpenter, toMiss Jessie Templeton.At Barnoltock, parish of Inch, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. R. M'Neil, of the Free Church, Stoneykirk, MrDaniel Gallachar, mason, to Miss Mary M'Cracken.DEATHSAt London Road, Stranraer, on the 3d inst., Mr James Gordon, late draper.At Stewarton, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 25th ult., Mrs Charles Nelson, aged 83 years.At Perth, Canada West, on the 19th March, after 35 hours' illness, Isabella Martin, late of Wigtown, wife ofMr Thomas M'Candlish - much regretted.At Appleby, parish of Glasserton, on the 25th ultimo, Mr Alexander M'Queen, farmer, aged 52.At Creebank Cottage, very suddenly, Mary M'Keand, wife of Mr Gilbert M'Clymont, late farmer inKnockglass, parish of Colmonell - aged 68 years.At her house, Castle Street, Dumfries, on the 23d ult., Miss Margaret Maxwell, youngest daughter of thelate John Maxwell, Esq., of Munnches and Terraughtie, aged 94 years.At Castle-Douglas, on the 26th ultimo, Mr Ralph Waters, grocer.At Creetown, on the 21st ultimo, after a brief illness, sustained throughout by humble resignation, MrsAgnes Porter, aged 82, relict of Mr Thomas Gordon.11 th May <strong>1849</strong> (Week 19)BIRTHSAt 52, Hope Street, Glasgow, on the 8th instant, Mrs John Kerr Murray, of a daughter.At the Manse of Anwoth, on the 25th ultimo, Mrs Johnstone of a daughter.At Cairnhill, Stirlingshire, on the 5th current, Mrs John Murray, of a daughter.MARRIAGES
At Girvan, on the 24th ultimo, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> McConnell, draper, to Miss Mary Kelly.At Rankeilour House, on the 1st inst., Phillip Somerville, Esq., Commander, Royal Navy to Mary Stuart,eldest daughter of David Maitland Makgill Crichton, Esq., of Rankeilour.DEATHSSuddenly at Old Bridge Street, Ayr, on the third curt, Mr Charles Lockhart, auctioneer; and on the eveningof the same day, Ann Husband, wife of the said Charles Lockhart.At Ochiltree, on the 2d current, John Samson, Esq., in his 100th year.At Edinburgh, on the 25th ultimo, Miss Cathcart of Gayfield, eldest daughter of the late Elias Cathcart, Esq.,of Greenfield, formerly Provost of Ayr, and only surviving sister of the late Lord Alloway.At New Galloway, on the 1st inst., in his 55th year, universally regretted by an extensive circle of friendsto whom his integrity and obliging dispositions had endeared him. William Candlish, Esq., agent for theEdinburgh and Glasgow Bank in that place.18 th May <strong>1849</strong> (Week 20)BIRTHSHere, at Church Street, on the 14th instant, the wife of Mr Ritchie, cabinet maker, of a son.Here at St. John Street, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr James Daily, plasterer, of a son.At Wigtown, on the 13th instant, the wife of Rev. W.D. Henderson, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 11th instant, the lady of James Newall, Esq., of a son.At Newcastle on Tyne, on the 5th current, the Lady Mary Hope Wallace, of a son.MARRIAGEAt Dalry, on the 7th current, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Stevenson, Edmund James Walsh, Esq., to Agnes Connell,only daughter of T. Paton, Esq., J.P., of Swinlees.DEATHSHere, at Hanover Street, after a long illness, on the 16th instant, Mr James M'Cracken shoemaker, aged 47years.At Bridge Street, here, on the 16th instant, Jane, daughter of Mr M'Lean.At the village of Stoneykirk, on the 15th instant, Janet Stott, relict of the late Mr William Campbell, aged 54years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 14th inst., William Good, Esq.At Drummellan, near Maybole, on the 1st current, Agnes, wife of Mr Archibald Kennedy, aged 43 years.At Lee, on the 9th current, Sir Norman Macdonald Lockhart, of Lee and Carnwath, Bart.At Bath, on the 9th current, Helen, only daughter of the late Captain James Donald, of R.M. 94th Regiment,and wife of William Somerset Esq., son of Col. William Somerset.Sir <strong>Robert</strong> Thomas Wilson, colonel of the 15th Dragoons, died suddenly on Wednesday morning. Herecently returned from Gibraltar, after the usual term of service as governor.At his seat, near Reading, on the 4th current, Lieutenant General Sir Jasper Nicholis, K.C.B.At Norfolk Street, Park Lane, London, on the 3d curt., Admiral Sir Adam Drummond, K.C.H., of MegginchCastle, Perthshire, aged 78.25 th May <strong>1849</strong> (Week 21)BIRTHSAt Galdenoch, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 10th inst., Mrs Milroy of a son.MARRIAGES
Here, at Clayhole, on the 24th inst., by the Rev. John M'Gregor, Mr Wm. Campbell, mariner, Water of Urr,to Jane, second daughter of the late Mr Archibald Carrick, roper.DEATHSAt Manse of Echt, Aberdeen, on the 10th curt., the Rev. William Ingram, in the 80th year of his age, and the34th year of his ministry, in that parish.At Claddyhouse, parish of Inch, on the 22d instant, Mr John Kerr, in the 80th year of his age.At Borrow Moss, Wigtown, on the 21st instant, Mrs M'Caul, wife of the late Anthony M'Caul, farmer there.At Edinburgh, Grizel, daughter of the late T. Kennedy Esq., of Dunure.At Airlock, Ballantrae, on the 10th inst., Mr Thomas Ross, farmer, aged 92 years.At Cheltenham, on the 12th instant, Mary, wife of the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord de Saumarez.The obituary of the Banffshire Journal contains the following instance of mortality in a single family :Died, at Middlehill, Monquhitter, of malignant scarlet fever, on the 20th February, Mary, aged 5; on 25thFebruary Helen, aged 14, on the 27th February Isabel, aged 12; on the 1st, March James aged 4; on the 7thMarch, Jane aged 2; on the 10th March, Ann, aged 10, on the 29th March, George, aged 8 - children of Wm.Beaton, farmer there.1 st June <strong>1849</strong> (Week 22)BIRTHSHere at Fisher Street, on the 21st May, the wife of Mr James Reid, shoemaker, of a daughter.At Skaith, parish of Penninghame, on the 25th May, the wife of Samuel M'Culloch, Esq., of a son.MARRIAGESOn the 28th May, at Culhorn Parks, the residence of John Simpson, Esq., by the Rev. Peter Fergusson, MrJohn Maxwell, gardener, Lochnaw, to Miss Agnes Kelly.DEATHSHere, at George Street, on the morning of the 27th May after a short illness, the wife of Mr David Johnston,baker aged 54 years.Here, at Queen Street, suddenly, on the 29th May, Mr John M'Kie.At Cairn Bowie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 30th May, Mr William M'Intyre, aged 81 years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 22d May, in the 70th year of her age, Elizabeth Hannay relict of the late Mr S.Maclure, farmer in Derry, parish of Kirkcowan.At Kirroughtree, Minnigaff, on the 19th May, Mr Samuel Kerr M'Adam, late of Manchester, aged 29 years.At Kirkcudbright, on the 26th May, Mae, the infant daughter of Mr Wm. Macbean.8 th June <strong>1849</strong> (Week 23)BIRTHSAt Craigencrosh, parish of Leswalt, on the 29th ult,. Mrs M'Meikan, of twins, son and daughter.At Dindinnie, parish of Leswalt, on the 31st ultimo, the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Millie, farmer, of a daughter.At Stewarton, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 3d instant, Mrs Cumming, of a son.At Auchairne, parish of Maybole, on the 31st ultimo, Mrs Cumming, of a son.At Barnhills, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 5th instant, Mrs M'Lauchlin, of a son.At Maybole, on the 29th ultimo, Mrs John Baird, of a son.MARRIAGESHere at Trade Street, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr Charles, Mr James Nish, shoemaker, to Jane, daughterof Mr John M'Crackan, mason.Here, at Charlotte Street, on the 5th instant by the Rev. Mr Watt, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Caldwell, to Jane, daughter of
Mr John Gracey.Here, at Hillhead, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. Mr Donald, Mr Gavin Weir, shoemaker, to Miss SarahWemyss.DEATHSHere, at Greenvale Street, on the 2d instant, Sarah Abernethy, aged 46 years.At Princes Street, Stranraer, on the 1st instant, Mrs M'Haffie.On the 31st ultimo, aged 82 years, James Rankin, Esq., of Beoch, parish of Maybole.At Crosshill, on the 22d ultimo, Mr William Cooper, tailor there, aged 92 years.At Plum Street, Girvan, on the 21st ultimo, Elizabeth, aged 18 years, eldest daughter of Mr DavidFergusson, mason.15 th June <strong>1849</strong> (Week 24)BIRTHSAt Portwilliam, on the 5th instant, the wife of Mr Alexander Templeton, saddler, of a daughter.At Portwilliam, on the 8th instant, the wife of Mr Peter G. Clark, draper, of a daughter.At No 2. Crawford Street, Greenock, on the 8th inst., Mrs Samuel Paterson, of a son.At No. 27, Moray Place, Edinburgh, on the 3d instant, the lady of Sir David Dundas of Beechwood, Bart., ofa son.MARRIAGESHere, at George Street, on the 1(1) th [number unclear] inst., by the Rev. W. M. Simpson, Mr William Ross,to Robina, eldest daughter of John Orgill, Esq., surgeon.At Portwilliam, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. Alexander Young of Mochrum, Mr Alexander M'Dowall, toMiss Mary Herron.At Salamanca Cottage, Gatehouse, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Mr <strong>Robert</strong>son of the Free Church, MrM'Laurin, Rector of the Johnstone School, Kirkcudbright, to Mary, second daughter or Mr John Denniston,of said cottage.At Bargally, Minnigaff, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. James Goold, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church,Newton-Stewart, Mr Walter M'Ewan, merchant, Newton-Stewart, to Grace, fourth daughter of the late MrWilliam M'Crea Bargally.At Garliestown, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Edward K. Sloan, Mr James Dunsmore, surgeon, to Mary,daughter of Mr Douglas, P.C.O., Garliestown.DEATHSHere, at Glenwell Street, on the 8th instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Middleton, aged 66 years.At Kirkcudbright, on the 7th instant, in her 17th year, Georgina, fourth daughter of the Rev. George Wood.At Glenlochar Lodge, Kirkcudbrightshire, on the 7th instant, Mrs Helen Christie, relict of PatrickSanderson, Esq., banker, Edinburgh.At Bank of Bishopton, Twynholm, on the 8th instant, after a lingering illness, Peter, son of Mr WilliamWason, blacksmith there.At Twynholm Village, on the 9th instant, Mrs Jean Rain, widow of Mr William Murray.At Gatehouse, on the 9th instant, Elizabeth Kelvie, daughter of Mr David Kelvie, razor strop manufacturer,aged 7 years.22 nd June <strong>1849</strong> (Week 25)BIRTHSHere, at George Street, on the 16th inst., Mrs Milne of a daughter.At Harbour Street, here, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr John Taylor, cabinetmaker, of a son.
MARRIAGESAt Glasgow, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr Hannah, Independent minister, Dundee, Mr William Corrie, toIsabella, eldest daughter of Mr John Main, Chapelton Borgue, near Kirkcudbright.At Ingliston, Borgue, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Smith, of the Free Church, Mr James M'Nish, toMiss Janet Potts.At Auchencairn, Rerwick, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. James Thomson, Mr Andrew Hutton, to MissIsabella Shaw.DEATHSAt Trade Street, here, on the 20th inst., Jessie Gibson, wife of Mr Peter M'Master, weaver, and sewedmuslin agent.At London Road, here, on the 21st inst., Andrew, eldest son of Mr Wales, painter, aged 6 years.At Harbour Street, here, on the 17th inst., Jean M'Credie, spouse of Mr John M'Morland, sawyer, aged 61years.Here, at Castle Street, on the 13th inst., the wife and daughter of Mr John Agnew, waterman.At Sandmill, parish of Inch, on the 10th inst., David M'Lean aged 20, he had lately come from England.At Dinduff, parish of Leswalt, on the 16th inst., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gibson, aged 25 years.At Cairnryan, on the 15th instant, Letitia Cuthbertson relict of Mr Thomas M'Dowall, custom-house officerCairnryan, in the 91st year of her age.At Conchieton, on the 14th instant, Margaret Spottiswoode, wife of Francis Wilmer Watkies, Esq., BombayMedical Service, and daughter of the deceased John Lewson, Esq., of Cairnsmuir.At his father's residence, on the 13th inst., aged 16 years, James, youngest son of William Sheppard, Esq.,Upper Leeson Street, Dublin, and late of Paulville, in the County of Carlew.At Laurieknowe House, Maxwelltown, on the 11th inst., Miss Mary Brown, at the advanced age offourscore and upwards.At Castle-Douglas, on the 15th instant, <strong>Robert</strong>, aged 8 ½ years, only son of Mr Dobie, ironmonger.At Florence Place, Glasgow, on the 10th inst., Mr John M'Lellan, aged 79 years, late of Mains of Duchrae,Kirkcudbright.At Gatehouse, on the 9th inst., after a long illness, Jane Henry, relict of Peter M'Gaw, aged 64 years.At Athol Crescent, Edinburgh, on the 6th instant, Lady Hay, wife of Sir Adam Hay Bart., of Smithfield andHaystone.29 th June <strong>1849</strong> (Week 26)BIRTHSNo BirthsMARRIAGESAt Dumbreddan, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 27th inst., by the Rev. A. Young of Mochrum, ThomasMatthews, Esq., banker, Carluke, to Jessie, only surviving daughter of A. Frederick, Esq., farmer,Dumbreddan.At Glasgow, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Lindsay, Mr Thomas Macfarlane, millwright, Port-William, toMary, daughter of the late James Irons, farmer, parish of Caputh, Perthshire.DEATHSHere, in Hanover Street, on the 25th inst., after a very short illness, aged 37 years, Isabella Adair, wife ofMr Alex. Brown. As an affectionate wife and beloved mother, and much respected by a large circle offriends and acquaintances, her demise is deeply regretted.At Ervie, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 22d ult., William Caven aged 76 years.At No. 7 East Claremont Street, Edinburgh, on the 17 th inst., William Napier, Esq., W.S.At Crocketford, on the 21 st inst., Mr David Muirhead, farmer there aged 35 years.On the 22d inst., in her 57 th year, Mary, wife of Mr James Hornell, Kirkcudbright.At Kinross, on the 14 th instant, the Rev. James Hay, D.D., in the 80th year of his age, and 55 th of his
ministry.At the Manse of Kettle, on the 14 th instant, Christina Leslie, eldest daughter of the Rev. William Reid.At Rothesay, on the 4 th inst., Archibald N'Neill, Esq. Sheriff-Clerk of Buteshire.6 th July <strong>1849</strong> (Week 27)BIRTHSAt Portpatrick, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr Patrick Horner, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ultimo, the wife of Mr John Hind, painter, of a daughter.At the Manse of Parton, on the 19th ult., Mrs Leckie, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Balkerr, parish of Inch, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. James Fergusson, Mr Hugh Burns, to ElizabethBoddan.At Kirkland, Wigtown, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. P. Young, Mr John M'Master, Challoch, Glenluce, toSarah, daughter of Mr Wilson, farmer.On the 16th May, at Huntly, parish of Manchester, Jamaica, the Rev. W. Reid, minister of Borgue, to Anna,third daughter of John <strong>Robert</strong> Tomlinson, Esq., of Huntly.At St. George's Hanover Square, London, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. Wm. Cadman, William MacdonaldMacdonald, Esq., of St. Martin's Perthshire, and Rossie Castle, Forfarshire, to the Hon. Clara Anne JaneBrownlow, second daughter of the late Lord Lurgan.DEATHSAt Rephad, on the 30th June, George Guthrie, aged 10 years and 4 months.At the Free Manse, Ballantrae, on the 17th ult., Jane <strong>Robert</strong>son, relict of Mr John Portcons, Maybole.At Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 2d instant, Mr Alexander Milroy, aged 56 years - muchregretted.At Newton-Stewart, on the 29th ult., aged 21 years, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Kemp Young, son of the late William Young,Esq., Provost of Castle Douglas, and lately a clerk in the Carlisle City and District Bank.At Castle Douglas on the 21st ult., Joseph Aitken, jun., son of Mr Joseph Aitken, stationer, aged 18 years.At Wigtown, on the 25th ult., Margaret M'Kie, wife of Mr Peter Pollock, flesher.13 th July <strong>1849</strong> (Week 28)BIRTHSHere, at Clayhole, on the 30th ultimo, the wife of Mr M'Whirter, of twins - a son and daughter.At Garliestown, on the 28th ult,. Mrs David Pollock of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at North Strand Street, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. William Smellie, Mr David Dorman, sawyer,to Miss Agnes Thorburn, daughter of the late Mr Thorburn, cabinet-maker.At Largs, parish of Leswalt, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Mr James M'Moreland, to MissJane M'Dowall.On the 29th ult., at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Windsor, the Count Antonio Baldelli of Cortona, in theGrand Duchy of Tuscany, to Henrietta Gertrude, widow of the late John Andrew M'Douall, Esq., ofWigtownshire.At Netherlaw House, Rerwick, by the Rev. James Thomson, Mr Samuel Cavan, steamboat agent, &c.Kirkcudbright, to Miss Mitchell, daughter of A. Mitchell, Esq.At Dinnance, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Freeland, minister of the parish of Balmaghie, Mr Wm.Douglas, farmer in Ballymack, to Anna, second daughter of the late Mr Affleck of Dinnance.Lately by the Rev. Dr. Freeland, Mr John Waddell of Lauriston, to Miss Elizabeth Murray of same place.At Crossmichael Village, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. G. Brown, Free Church, Castle Douglas, Mr Wm.
Johnstone, to Miss Mary Mercer, eldest daughter or Mr Wm. Mercer, Crossmichael Village.DEATHSAt Stranraer, on the 30th ult., of hooping cough, Mary Helen, only daughter of Mr Christie, ironmonger,aged six months.At her house, 193, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, Mary M'Gregor, relict of the late Reverend John Kesten,Kilbarchan.Here, at High Street, on the morning of the 12th inst., Mr William Cowan, tailor, aged 23 years. Thedeceased was a very amiable young man, and his Christian walk and conversation endeared him tonumerous friends and acquaintances. He was one of the successful essayists on the Sabbath for the prizesoffered by the late Sir Andrew Agnew, as noticed last week. His composition was of a superior kind,although the essay was written while he was suffering under the illness which has taken him away.At Barmore, Stoneykirk, on the 6th instant, Mr Peter Wither, in the 83d year of his age. By grace he wasenabled to exhibit a Christian deportment in health, and to possess his soul in patience during aprotracted and frequently severe affliction. Truly his latter end was peace. The large and respectablecompany that attended his remains to the house appointed for all living gave evidence that as he wasrespected in life so was he revered in death.At Auchencloy, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 12th inst., Maria Kerr, spouse of the late Mr Hannay, farmerthere. Her husband Mr Hannay died about six weeks before her, and although this was his secondmarriage, the parties lived together as man and wife for upwards of 50 years.Very suddeny, at Barness, Kirkinner, Mr Samuel Thomson, aged 77 years.At Kilmarnock House, Owen Sound, Canada West, on the 22 May last, killed by lightning, Walter, aged 18years, eldest son of Mr Alexander Macfarlane, lately grocer in Stranraer; and at the same time Archibald,aged 16 years, youngest son of Mr Archibald Jamieson, late of Roadhead, Hawick.At Elfcraig, Crossmichael, on the 1st inst., Mr James Newall, aged 66 years.At Castle Douglas, on the 4th inst., after a short illness, Mr John Palmer, carrier.At Kirkconnel, Tongland, on the 23d ult., Mr J. Reid.20 th July <strong>1849</strong> (Week 29)BIRTHSAt the Richmond coast Guard Station, Colchester, on the 11th instant, the wife of Lieutenant Kooystra,R.N., of a daughter.At Charlotte Street, here, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Bryce Wright, plumber, of a daughter.At Castle Street, here, on the 8th ins., the wife of the late Mr Peter M'Dowall, ostler, of a daughter.At North Park, Kirkcolm, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr William Cardham, of a son.At Craigenlee, parish of Portpatrick, on the 16th inst., Mrs William Kerr, of a daughter.At Craigoch, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr Gilbert Meikle, of a son.At Nashville, U.S., North America on the 1st June, the wife of Mr T.S. Fleming, painter, of a daughter.At 47, Garngad Hill, Glasgow, on the 16th ult., the wife of Walter Murray, grocer and provision merchantthere, of a daughter.At <strong>Robert</strong>on, Borgue, on the 9th inst., Mrs Smith of a son.At Newton, Anwoth, on the 26th ult., Mrs Hamilton, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Colfin, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Stranraer, Mr John Murray, Glasgow, to Miss MargaretPaterson.At Glenstockadale, parish of Leswalt, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr Bennett, Mr William Galbraith,mariner, to Eliza, fourth daughter of Mr A. Biggam, farmer there.At Knock and Maize, parish of Leswalt, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr Bennet, Mr Hugh M'Kee, to Sarahfourth daughter of Mr M'Leish, farmer.At Drumwhirn, parish of Balmaclellan, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. H. A. Paterson, Stonehouse, the Rev.Alex Paterson, of the United Presbyterian Church, Dalry, to Jane Stoddart, eldest daughter of JamesMurdoch, Esq., of Drumwhirn.At Dumfries, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Marshall N. Good, Mr David Craig, draper, Kirkcudbright, to
Miss Barbara Hogg, only daughter of Mr Thos. Dickie, draper, Dumfries.DEATHSHere, at Sun Street, on the 16th inst., Mrs Wyatt, aged 54 years.Here, at Bridge Street, on the 15th instant, Mr James M'Cubbin, shoemaker, aged 85 years.At Colmonell Manse, on the 16th inst., the Rev. Thomas Blair, minister of Colmonell, in the 58th year of hisage, and 33d of his ministry - after an illness of eight days, which he bore with Christian meekness andresignation. To him death had no terrors, his end was therefore calm and peaceful as his life. He wasindefatigable in the discharge of his parochial duties and in his pulpit ministrations he was peculiarlyzealous in enforcing the merits and all sufficiency of the Divine Redeemer, whom he so faithfully served.Few clergymen have enjoyed more of the love and respect of their flock than did Mr Blair. He was belovedand esteemed by all; and his death has made a blank in their affections, which will not soon be filled up byhis successor, whoever he may be.At Nashville U.S., North America, on the 15th June, Mr T. S. Fleming, painter (late Castle Douglas), ofcholera, after a few hours illness - much regretted. Also, on the 12th June, his eldest son, John aged 7years.At Alticane, parish of Colmonell, on the 14th instant, Mr William M'Ilwraith, aged 86 years.At Scarrhead, Colmonell, on the 6th inst., William Gillies, aged 3 years; and on the 9th Bernard Hayburn,aged 79.At Woodlane, Glasgow, at the house of his aunt, Mrs Harvie, Mr David Mitchell, merchant in Girvan - muchand justly regretted.At Hickory, Washington County, Pennsylvania, on the 20th June last, Helen Hannay, spouse of the Rev.Alex. Dorman, minister of the gospel there.At Dumfries, on the 10th inst., Helen, infant daughter of the Rev. Thomas Johnston, minister of Anwoth.27 th July <strong>1849</strong> (Week 30)BIRTHSAt Denvale, Kirkcudbrightshire, on the 16th instant, the lady of R. Jones Congreve, Esq., of a son.MARRIAGESAt Golden Square Chapel, Berwick, on Wednesday the 18th instant, the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> Hogarth, Stranraer, toMary, third daughter of George Robison, Esq., Berwick.At 22, St. James's Square, Edinburgh, on the 24th inst., by the Reverend James Kirkwood, William Black,Esq., writer, and town clerk of Stranraer, to Jane, eldest daughter of Archibald Ferguson, Esq., ofAuchenhead, Linlithgowshire.At Sorbie Farm, parish of Sorbie, by the Rev. E.K. Sloan, on the 24th instant, Mr John Carlyle, jun., Annan,to Jane, daughter of Gavin Ralston, Esq., Sorbie Farm.At Newton-Stewart, on the 25th instant, the Rev. Mr M'Quiggan of the Free Church, to Isabella, daughter ofthe late James Watson, Esq., surgeon, Gatehouse.DEATHSHere, at Castle Street, on the 22d instant, Mr Michael Wallace, merchant, aged 82 years.Here, at Millhill Street, on the 14th instant, Mary M'Clean or Todd, wife of John Todd, sheriff-officer, aged43 (48) years. [figure indistinct]At Barwharren, parish of Penninghame, on the 13th instant, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Laird, aged 79 years, muchesteemed by his relations and friends.At Whitelees, parish of Inch, on the 25th instant, Helen, youngest daughter of Mr Hunter, farmer there,aged 8 months.At Dalbeattie, on the 27th ultimo, George, eldest son of Mr John Kerr, aged 31 years.At Creebridge, on the 29th ultimo, <strong>Robert</strong> Kemp Young, son of the late Provost William Young, of Castle-Douglas, aged 21.At Whithorn, on the 18th instant, <strong>Robert</strong> Broadfoot, youngest son of Mr John Drape, saddler, aged 6 years.At Wigtown, on the 20th inst., Mr Thomas R. Cameron a partner of the firm of J. Wilson M'Lauchlan and
Co., merchants, Liverpool, aged 27 years.At New Orleans, United States, in May last, Mr Andrew Carson, formerly merchant in Castle- Douglas.3 rd August <strong>1849</strong> (Week 31)BIRTHSHere, at George Street, on the 28th ultimo, the wife of Mr Samuel Kerr, innkeeper, of a daughter.On July 15, in Compton Street, Plymouth, the wife of Mr M'Bryde, of a son.At the parochial schoolhouse, Inch, on the 22d ult., Mrs Laurie, of a son.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 31st ult., Mrs John M'Cartney, of a daughter.At Castle-Douglas, on the 18th ult., Mrs Nicholson, of a son.At Mounthamilton, on the 29th ult., Mrs David Campbell, of a daughter.At Sandgate Street, Ayr, on the 26th ult., Mrs Hugh Mann, of a son.MARRIAGESHere, at Hanover Street, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Mr James Motherwell, to Mary-ann, thirddaughter of the late Mr John M'Master, Stranraer.DEATHSAt Quarter, parish of New Luce, on the 27th ult., Mr Alexander M'Millan, aged 74 years.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 26th ult., Jane Ross, aged 30 years, youngest daughter of the late Mr<strong>Robert</strong> Ross, innkeeper there.At Whithorn, on Wednesday the 25th July, after a short but painful illness, which he bore with muchChristian composure and resignation, Andrew Fleming, a young man who, for high principle, genuinepiety, and undoubted talent, has left few equals in this district.At Pinminnoch, on the 31st ult., Thomas, infant son of Mr Thomas Kerr, farmer there.10 th August <strong>1849</strong> (Week 32)BIRTHSAt Glenluce Road, on the 8th instant, the wife of the Rev. George Charles, of a daughter.Here, at Lewis Street, on the 7th instant, the wife of Charles Kerr, Esq., of a daughter.Here, at Sun Street, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Torrance, mariner, of daughter.At the United Presbyterian Manse, Newton Stewart, the wife of the Rev. Wm. Reid, of a son.At 58 Lownes Square, London, on the 30th ult., the Countess of March, of a son.At 26, Bolton Street, London on the 30th ult., Viscountess Stopford, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Longtown, Parton, on the 24th ultimo, by the Rev. George Greig, Mr John Ireland, farmer, Howmoor, toMiss Mary Hetherington, youngest daughter or Mr Hetherington, gamekeeper to Major Fletcher ofCorsock.At Crocketford, on the 23d ultimo, by the Rev. David Bayne, Urr, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Little, farmer, Little Larg, toEuphemia, youngest daughter of the late Mr Andrew Dun, innkeeper, Crocketford.DEATHSHere, at Church Street, on the 8 th instant, Mr Alexander Sinclair, aged 46 years.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 4th inst., Alexander, aged 26 years, second son of the late MrJohn McDouall, Stewarton.At Wigtown, on the 2d inst., of scarletina, David, third son of Mr A. Cowper, merchant, aged five and a halfyears.At Wigtown, on the 5th instant, of scarletina, Margaret, daughter of Mr Archd. Stewart, mason, aged two
years.At Wigtown, on the 7th instant, of scarletina, Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr Thomson Taylor.At Bladenoch Bridge, by Wigtown, on the 6th inst., Janet Kilpatrick, wife of Andrew M'Lelland Esq.,distiller, aged 28 years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 23d ultimo, Sarah, daughter of Mr James Millan, aged 10 years.At Boatgreen, Gatehouse, on the 30th ultimo, William James, aged 18 months, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Gordon,there.17 th August <strong>1849</strong> (Week 33)BIRTHSAt Whithorn, on the 11th instant, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Cannon, of a son.At Edinburgh, on the 8th inst., the wife of W. J. Renny, of Danevale, Esq., W.S. of a son.MARRIAGESAt Galla Hill, parish of Inch, on the 13th inst., by the Mr Fergusson, Free Church, Inch, Mr John M'Carlie,Ballochjargon, Old Luce, to Miss M'Kie.DEATHSHere, at Bowie cottage, on the 11th inst., aged 38 years, Grace Marion, youngest daughter of the lateCollector Hannay, Portpatrick.At Kirkland, parish of Inch, on the 10th instant, aged 4 years and 11 months, Andrew, only son of MrCrawford, joiner.At Mark, on the 19th instant, Sarah M'Taggart, relict of the late Alexander M'Lean, Esq.At Creetown, on the 12th inst., after a severe and protracted illness, which he endured with Christianfortitude, Mr James Barbour, innkeeper, whose memory will be long cherished by an extensive circle offriends, for his kind and obliging manner and attention to his guests.At Newton Stewart, on the morning of the 10th ult., Mr John Good.24 th August <strong>1849</strong> (Week 34)BIRTHSHere, at King Street, on the 16th instant, the wife of Mr Peter M'William, baker, of a daughter.At Minnigaff Manse, on the 2d inst., the wife of the Rev. M. S. Johnstone, of a son.At Hawkeswood, in the neighbourhood of New York, on the 26th ult., the lady of Stuart C. Maitland, Esq.,yr of Dundrennan, of a daughter.At Newton Stewart, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr Craig, draper, of a son.On the 8th instant, the Lady Ashley, of a son.MARRIAGESNo MarriagesDEATHSHere, at Charlotte Street, on the 19th instant, Mr William M'Crae, mason, aged 81 years.Here, at Clayhole, on the 19th instant, Captain Hugh M'Crae, aged 57 years.At Cree Bridge, on the 8th instant, Mrs M'Caa, widow of William M'Caa, Esq., late of Barnshalloch.At Creetown, on the 15th instant, at an advanced age, Mr Russell, tidewaiter there.At Girvan, on the 5th current, Elizabeth Murray, relict of the late William Crawford, Esq.At Maybole, on the 18th current, after a long and severe illness, Annie, aged 21 years, youngest daughterof the late William Hannay, Esq., writer, Maybole.At Mauchline, on the 11th inst., Mr James Armour, eldest brother of Mrs Burns, widow of the Bard, in the
84th year of his age.At Nithbank, Dumfries, on the 11th instant, Miss Anna Lockhart Gillespie, daughter of the Rev. JohnGillespie, minister of Kells, as warmly beloved in life as she is now deeply and sincerely regretted.At Bogue, parish of Dalry, on the 18th August at halfpast four o'clock morning, Jane Douglas Milroy,Grennan, parish of Kirkmaiden, much lamented by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.31 st August <strong>1849</strong> (Week 35)BIRTHSHere, at Charlotte Street, on the 29th current, the wife of Captain David Kennedy, of a daughter.Here, at Castle Street, on the 24th instant, the wife of Mr Andrew M'<strong>Robert</strong>, Kings Arms Inn, of a daughter.At Carseminnoch, parish of Minnigaff, on the 19th instant, the wife of Mr John Moore, farmer, there, oftwin daughters.At Monreith, on the 13th current, Mrs James Baxter, of a daughter.At Corwar Mains, on the 19th inst., Mrs M'Millan, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt West Shandon, Dumbartonshire, on the 22d current, by the Rev. Dr Napier, Mr William Regby, ofPortsmouth, to Jane, second daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> Napier, engineer, Glasgow.At Morpeth, in the Presbyterian Church, on the 23d instant, the Rev. D. M'Gillivray, of the Free Church,Kilninver and Kilmelford, Argyleshire, to Margaret, second daughter of the Rev. James Anderson ofMorpeth.DEATHSAt Dunduff, on the 23d current, Alexander, youngest son of Alexander Ralston, Esq.,At Hamilton, Upper Canada, on the 27th July inst., of consumption, James Cairnie, mason, aged 33 years - anative of Kirkmaiden - much regretted.7 th September <strong>1849</strong> (Week 36)BIRTHSAt Clayhole, here, on the 31st ult., the wife of Mr John Wallace, shoemaker, of a daughter.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 4th inst., Mrs Campbell, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Barbeth, Leswalt, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. David Bennet, Mr James Kerney, to Miss Sarah Goudie.At Barbeth, Leswalt, on the 23d ult., by the Rev. ( ) Bennet, Mr Henry Harvey, to Miss June Caughie.[name blank]DEATHSAt George Street, here, on the morning of the 5th inst., John Douglas, Esq., in the 71st year of his age.At George Street, here, on the morning of the 3d inst., Elizabeth M'Intyre, aged 38 years, wife of MrWilliam M'Kie, baker - much regretted.At Glasgow, on the 4th inst., the Rev. John Thomson of Kirkcowan, in the 27th year of his age and fifth ofhis ministry.Here, at Hillhead, on the 2d inst., Margaret James, advanced in years.Here, at Hillhead, on the 6th inst., Mr Bernard O'Neil, travelling merchant.At Baroda, near Bombay, on 2d July last, Lieutenant John Dun Simson, Esq., of Barrachan, Wigtown.14 th September <strong>1849</strong> (Week 37)
BIRTHSAt Penrose Terrace, Penzance, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr Gavin M'Fadzean, draper and tea dealer, of adaughter.At Wigtown, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr James Fleming, builder, of a daughter.At Wigtown, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr M. Knox, jeweller, of a daughter.At Portwilliam, on the 23d ult., Mrs Hugh Nish, of a son.At Eldrig, parish of Mochrum, on the 30th ult., Mrs John Routledge, of a son.At Barrhill, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr F. Martin, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Deptford, on the 20th ult., Mr Andrew Moir to Miss Janet Galloway, both of Whithorn.DEATHSAt North Cairn, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 10th inst., Mary Campbell, wife of Mr Cochran, farmer there,aged 29 years - deeply regretted.At Kirkland, parish of Inch, on the 11th inst., Christina, daughter of Mr Crawford, joiner, aged 6 years.At Glenluce, on the 7th inst., Mr Peter Skimming, architect, at the advanced age of 84 years – a respectableinhabitant.At Glenluce, on the 7th inst., rather suddenly, Margaret M'Clymont, aged 53 years.At Glenluce, same day, Mr John Dougan, aged 40 years, youngest son of the late Mr Dougan, Challochmun.Same day, Mrs Macknamie advanced in years.At Daltangan, parish of Colmonell, on the 9th inst., Rachael, aged 36 years, daughter of Mr Wm. M'Dowall,after a long and lingering illness, borne with Christian fortitude and patience.21 st September <strong>1849</strong> (Week 38)BIRTHSHere, at Lewis Street, on the 14th instant, the wife of the Rev. W. M. Simpson, of a daughter.MARRIAGESHere, at Queen Street, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. John M'Gregor, Mr Andrew Espie, cabinet maker, toBarbara, daughter of the late Mr Forsyth.At Greenock, on the 13th curt., by the Rev. Dr. Brown, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Temple, Parochial schoolmaster ofBallantrae, to Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr A. Dunbar, Grantown, Inverness-shire.At the Episcopal Church, at Ellon, on the 12th instant, Charles Elphinstone Dalrymple, fourth son of thelate Sir <strong>Robert</strong> D.H. Elphinstone of Logie Elphinstone, Bart., to Harriet Albinia, eldest daughter ofAlexander Gordon, of Ellon, Aberdeenshire.DEATHSHere, at Hanover Street, on the 17th instant, Miss Eleanora Aitken, aged 68 years.Here, at Hillhead, on the 14th instant, Mr William Davidson, grocer aged 67 years.Here, at M'Culloch Place, on the 18th instant, Margaret, daughter of Mr Campbell, aged 18 years.At Cannongate, Edinburgh, on the 18th inst., Mr Wm. Dingwall, tailor, aged 34 years.At Glenluce, on the 16th inst., Miss Agnes Love, in the 21st year of her age. She was the only daughter ofthe late Mr Love, innkeeper, Kirkcowan, and niece to Mr Milligan, merchant, Glenluce. She was a youngwoman amiable in her dispositions, and accomplished in her manners. She lived respected, and dieddeeply regretted by all who knew her.At Glenluce, on the 18th instant, rather suddenly John Patterson, Same day, William Welsh, both leavingwidows and families.At Minto House, Argyle Square, Edinburgh, on the 16th instant, William, aged 4 years and 6 months, son ofMr Gebbie, Selkirk.
28 th September <strong>1849</strong> (Week 39)BIRTHSAt Sandmill, parish of Inch, on the 21st inst., Mrs Dalrymple, of a son.At Knocknean, parish of Kirkcolm, on the 23d inst., Mrs Stevenson, of a son.MARRIAGESNo MarriagesDEATHSAt Millbrook, Cornwall, on the 17th inst., Mary, second daughter of the late Thomas Biggam, Esq.,merchant, Stranraer, and wife of Mr Finaghty, Ordnance Survey, aged 26, much regretted.At 3, York Street, Glebe, Greenock, on the 17th instant, the Rev. Andrew <strong>Robert</strong>son.At Sydney Cottage, Greenock, on the 17th instant, William M'Kellar, Esq., Commander, R.N., aged 76.At Ardkinglas Lodge, Argyllshire, on the 13th inst., Edith Campbell, wife of James Henry Callander, Esq., ofCraigforth and Ardkinglas.5 th October <strong>1849</strong> (Week 40)BIRTHSAt Barrhill, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr James Maitland.MARRIAGESHere, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr M'Gregor, Mr John Kay, watchmaker, to Margaret, eldest daughter ofMr Caven, builder.At Burgescroft, Leswalt, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. Mr Smellie, Stranraer, Mr Purvis, teacher of SheuchanFree School, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late Mr Cameron, Burgescroft.At the parish church of St. Michael's, Ashton under Lyne, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. Thomas Robinson,<strong>Robert</strong> Weems, Esq., of Kirkennan, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, to Mary Wright, only daughter of thelate Peter Platt, Esq., of Welbeck House, Ashton under Lyne.At Hartree House, on the 20th ultimo, William Francis Arundell, Esq., of Barjarg, to Mary, eldest daughterof David Dickson, Esq., of Kilbucho and Hartree.DEATHSHere, at London Road, on the 1st inst., Mr Wm. Beggs, joiner, aged 72 years.At Drumore, Kirkmaiden, on the 22d ult., Mr Alexander Maxwell, aged 22 years.At Port-William, very suddenly, on the 26th ult., Mr Peter Gibson, shipowner - much regretted by hissorrowing family, and a large circle of acquaintances and friends.At Sorbie, on the 17th ult., Mr <strong>Robert</strong> M'Culloch, late farmer in Barledzew, aged 89 years.At Ballantrae, on the 25th ult., Mr Hugh Coulter, in the 89th year of his age.At Kirkcudbright, on the 25th ult., David Melville, Esq., of Barquhar, Steward Clerk of Kirkcudbright.At St. Leonard's, near Ayr, Ann, eldest daughter of Hugh Cowan, Esq., Union Bank of Scotland, Ayr.At Mains of Buittle, on the 24th ult., Mr William Gilchrist, aged 70 years.12 th October <strong>1849</strong> (Week 41)BIRTHSAt Culhorn Cottage, on the 23d ult., Mrs Goddard of a daughter.At Duchrae, parish of Inch on the 4th instant, Mrs Wither, of a daughter.
MARRIAGESOn the 26th ultimo, at Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, by the Rev. F. I. Atwood, vicar, Mr W. J. Fernie,merchant, Liverpool, to Christina, only daughter of John Linn, Esq., formerly of Portpatrick.At Craigielands House, Dumfriesshire, on the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. Dr. Hunter, George Seton, Esq.,advocate, to Sarah Elizabeth, second daughter of the late James Hunter, Esq., of Thurston.DEATHSAt Ardwell House, on the 6th October curt., John Bell M'Taggart, Esq., only son of Sir John M'Taggart,Baronet, M.P.Here, at George Street, on the 5th inst., Mr William MKie, baker, aged 42 years.At Stewarton, Kirkcolm, on the 6th instant, Mr James Stewart, aged 31 years.At Low Ardwell, Stoneykirk, on the 7th inst., Alexander, aged 10 years, son of Mr James Spens, farmerthere.At Bridge-end, Ballantrae, on the 9th instant, Mr William M'Kissock, in the 92d year of his age.At Wigtown, on the 26th ultimo, Mrs Helen M'Haffie, relict of William Carson, Esq., late of Grange of Cree.At Kirkcudbright, on the 26th ultimo, Mr William Hannay, aged 74 years.At 72, Ann Street, Greenock, on the 29th ultimo, Mr James Burns, aged 30, son of the late Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Burns,builder, there.At Craigbel, on the 5th instant, Andrew Inglis, Esq., writer, Greenock.At Hyde, near Manchester, on the 26th ultimo, advanced in years, Ann Robison, relict of Mr George Wild.She was a native of Rerrick.19 th October <strong>1849</strong> (Week 42)BIRTHSAt Craigcaffie, parish of Inch, on the 3d instant, Mrs M'Kie, of a son.At Craigcaffie, parish of Inch, on the 5th inst., Mrs Saunders, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Glenluce, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. John M'Dowall, Mr Horner, to Miss M'Millan.At Girvan, on the 16th instant, by the Rev. David Sim, James Boyd, Esq., merchant, Glasgow, to Emma, onlydaughter of Walter Andrews, Esq., banker, Girvan.DEATHSAt Glenluce, on the 15th instant, Janet Canse, relict of John M'Kie, aged 66 years.At Wigtown, on the 12th instant, of scarlatina, Wilhelmina, aged 4 years, daughter of the Rev. Wm. D.Henderson of Laurieston, Glasgow, late assistant minister, Wigtown.At Merton Hall, Newton-Stewart, on the 13th instant, <strong>Robert</strong>, son of Mr Thomas Landers, of scarlet fever,aged 6 years.At Balmea, parish of Kirkcudbright, on the 7th instant, Susan, aged 27 years, daughter of James BlackM'Michan, Esq. - much regretted.26 th October <strong>1849</strong> (Week 43)BIRTHSAt Bruntsfield House, Edinburgh, on the 20th Oct., the lady of Sir William Maxwell, Bart., of Monreith, of ason.At Fisher Street, here, on the 22d instant, the wife of Mr Peter Knox, cooper, of a son.Here, at St. John Street, on the 25th instant, the wife of Mr James Kennedy, shoemaker, of a daughter.At Trade Street, here, on the 22d inst., the wife of Mr John Greig, of a son.
At Glenluce, on the 25th instant, the wife of Mr James M'Gill, grocer, of a son.At Glenluce, on the 25th instant, the wife of Mr William Fisher, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Glenluce, on the 19th instant, by the Rev. John M'Dowall, Mr David M'Kie, of the Royal Scots Fusiliers,London, to Jean, eldest daughter of Mr Samuel Dinwoodie, nail manufacturer, there.DEATHSHere, at St.John Street, on the 21st current, Agnes Yates, wife of Mr William Murphie, innkeeper, aged 51years.At Edinburgh, on the 17th curt., John Donaldson, Esquire of Auchairne, W.S.At Glenluce, on the 17th instant, Mr John Carson, mason, aged 37 years.At Newton-Stewart, on the 17th instant, suddenly, Mr Peter Hughes, draper. aged 78 years.2 nd November <strong>1849</strong> (Week 44)BIRTHSHere, at Queen Street, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr Michael M'Keand, of a son.At Farm, near Abergele, North Wales, on the 29th October last, Mrs Thomas Oldfield, of a son.At Ingleston of Borgue, on the 26th ult., Mrs Gray, of a daughter.At Nunmill, Twynholm, on the 28th ultimo, Mrs John Wilkinson, of twins, a son and daughter.MARRIAGESAt Stranraer, on the 29th ultimo, by the Rev. George Charles, James M'Credie, Esq., late in Tammock, toRosanna M'Kenzie relict of Mr Douglas farmer Tongue.DEATHSAt Larbrax, parish of Leswalt, on the 26th ultimo, Mr John Burns, farmer there. He was much respected byall who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, and was most examplary and honourable in all his dealings.The deceased, for a number of years previous to his death exercised the office of an elder in the ReformedPresbyterian Church, Stranraer.At 14, Grove Street, Edinburgh, on the 25th ultimo, aged ninety-one, Mrs Grace Agnew, relict of CaptainPatrick Agnew, and daughter of the deceased Hugh Hathorn, Esq., some time of Castlewigg, Wigtownshire.Friends and relatives will please accept of this intimation.At Academy Street, Dumfries, on the 23d ultimo, Allan Anderson M'Lauchlan, bookbinder, late inWigtown.At Gatehouse, on the 19th ultimo, aged 40 years, Mr John M'Quarry; on the 22d, aged 88, Mr HughM'Keand; same day, aged 84, Mr Samuel M'Lellan; and on the following day, 23d aged 79, Mr ThomasM'Lellan his brother. The three last gentlemen, after passing their youth and manhood in what is calledthe Scotch trade in England, had returned to end their days in their native place, and have thus beensuddenly called away together.At Castle Douglas, on the 23d ultimo, Janet Wallace relict of the late Mr John Wilson, aged 83 years.At Whithorn, on the 13th ultimo, after a protracted illness, borne with exemplary patience, Mrs Wm.Irving, aged 49 years.At Barclay, parish of Whithorn, on the 22d ultimo, Mr James Broadfoot, farmer.9 th November <strong>1849</strong> (Week 45)BIRTHSAt Fordhouse, by Glenluce, on the 7th instant, Mrs William M'Credie, of a son.At Cadogan Street, Glasgow, on the 5th instant, the wife of Mr John Buchanan, ironmonger, of a son.
MARRIAGESOn November 1st, at St. Nicholas Church, by the Rev. G.N. Barrow, Richard, youngest son of the lateWilliam M'Kenna, Esq., of Avebury House, Wilts, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of <strong>Robert</strong> M'Dowall, Esq.,Queen Square, Bristol.At Edinburgh, on the 23d ultimo Alexander Dewar Campbell, Esq., Oxon, F.R.C.S.E., to Catherine Taylor,only daughter of James Smith, Esq., architect.At Turnberry Lodge, Kirkoswald, on the 23d ultimo, George Smith, Esq., writer, Glasgow, to Isabella,daughter of the late J. Guthrie, Esq.DEATHSAt Stranraer, on the 3d instant, Miss Jane Kerr, daughter of Alexander M'Douall, Esq., Provost of Stranraer.At Belmont Cottage, Stranraer, on the 3d inst., Lieutenant Patrick Taylor, Indian Navy, eldest son ofNathanial Taylor, Esq.Here, at Hanover Street, on the 4th instant, Marion M'Colm, relict of the late Mr Agnew, farmer, Glaik,parish of Stoneykirk, aged 85 years.At Sligo, on 3d September last, of cholera, Mr Hugh Gibson, officer of inland revenue, son of Mr HughGibson parochial schoolmaster of Portpatrick.At the United Presbyterian Manse, Dumfries, on the 1st instant, Mary Inglis, wife of the Rev. James Clyde,Dumfries.At Balgreddan, on the 1st instant, John M'Queen, Esq., Auchenhay.At Penfillan, on the 2d instant, Thomas Smith, Esq.16 th November <strong>1849</strong> (Week 46)BIRTHSAt Church Street, here, on the 10th instant, the wife of Mr James Irving, hosier, of a son.At Stoneykirk village, on the 7th instant, Mrs James Lockie, of the Royal Sappers and Miners, of adaughter.At Kirkchrist, Kirkcudbright, on the 5th instant, the wife of George Stewart, Esq., of a son.At Arbuthnott House, on the 24th ultimo, the Lady Jane Arbuthnott, of a son.At Westbourne Terrace, on the 1st instant, the wife of Mr Cobden, M.P., of a son.MARRIAGESAt Kirk of Mochrum, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. Alexander Young, Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Fergusson, to Grace,daughter of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> Conchie.At Castle-Douglas, on the 13th instant, Peter Turbet, Esq., Supervisor of Inland Revenue, Langholm, toIsabella Douglas, daughter of Mr Douglas, Douglas Arms Inn, Castle-Douglas, and relict of the late MrM'Neillie.At Queensberry Square, Dumfries, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. W.B. Clark, Dr John Mason, MedicalMissionary to the Jews, to Miss Rebecca Bergenstein, of Constantinople.DEATHSAt Kirkinner Village, on the 8th instant, Mr James M'Kinnel, shoemaker, aged 99.At Auchnotteroch, Leswalt, on the morning of Monday last, Mr William M'Ewing, in the 93d year of his age- much regretted. This patriarch, during the active period of his life, was an extensive farmer, andconsidered to be one of the very best judges of black stock in the west of Galloway, and he justly enjoyedthe esteem and confidence of all who came in contact with him in business.Suddenly, at Gatehouse, on the 7th instant, aged 5 years, James, son of Mr Thomas Dalrymple, forester.At Gatehouse, on the 8th instant, aged 40 years, after a lingering illness, Mr George Ulhan.At Grant's Braes, Haddington, on the 7th instant, Mr William Train, surveyor of taxes, son of Joseph Train,Esq., Castle Douglas.At Barraer, parish of Penninghame, on the 6th instant, Jessie, daughter of Mr M'Clymont, farmer there.
23 rd November <strong>1849</strong> (Week 47)BIRTHSAt Garliestown, on the 19th instant, the lady of William Marshall, Esq., of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr James Gordon, cartright, of a son.At Anwoth Schoolhouse, on the 18th inst., Mr Wm. J. Stark, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Dunragit House, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. Mr Wilson, James Stewart, Esq., Stranraer, to MissSarah Georgina Dalrymple Hay, eldest daughter of Sir James D. Hay, Bart.DEATHSHere, at Lewis Street, on the 16th instant, Agnes Eleanora, youngest child of Charles Kerr, Esq.Here, at Castle Street, on the 17th instant, after a short illness, Mr Thomas Brown, age 63 years. He was auseful and respectable member of society; was punctual and exemplary in the discharge of his personaland relative duties. His death is lamented not only by his bereaved children, but by a large circle ofrelations and acquaintances.At Kirkcudbright, on the 6th inst., Margaret Carson, in her 80th year.At Newton Stewart, on the 17th instant, Mrs Janet Smith, at the advanced age of 90 years.At Gatehouse, on the 8th inst., aged 40 years, after a lingering illness, Mr George Whan.At Gatehouse, on the 11th instant, aged 65 years, Anthony Hewetson, charcoal burner.At Ayr, on the 13th inst, Thomas M'Clelland, Esq., agent for the Bank of Scotland - Friends will pleaseaccept of this intimation.At Ayr, after a short illness, Grace Fergusson, relict of Mr John M'Credie, Ballantrae.30 th November <strong>1849</strong> (Week 48)BIRTHSAt Barstibly, on the 8th inst., Mrs Montgomery, of a son.At Newton-Stewart, on the 24th inst., Mrs W. M. Cranford, of a son.At Gatehouse, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr James Gordon, of a son.At Edinburgh, on the 7th inst., the Duchess of Argyle, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Barstibly, on the 6th inst., Mr John Brown, Argrennan, to Miss Jane Montgomery.At 2, Cassels Place, Edinburgh, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. James Lewis, the Rev. J. G. Murray, FreeChurch, Auchencairn, Kirkcudbrightshire, to Johan Tait, only daughter of Robt. Anderson, Esq., Merchant,Leith.DEATHSAt Barraer, parish of Penninghame, on the 23d inst., John, son of Mr <strong>Robert</strong> McClymont, farmer there,aged 4 years.At No. 28 Brunswick Street, Stockbridge, on the 19th inst., Mr George Mackay, who for nearly fifty yearswas employed as a compositor in the office of the Edinburgh Evening Courant.7 th December <strong>1849</strong> (Week 49)BIRTHS
On the 22d ult., the Marchioness of Ely, of a son and heir.At Culzean Castle, on the 22d ult., the Marchioness of Ailsa, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt South Cairn, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. Andrew M'Dowall of Kirkcolm Free Church, Mr JohnGilmour, to Miss Mary Ann M'Cormack.At Garnet Hill, Glasgow, on the 21st ultimo, John Blackie, Junior, Esq., publisher, to Agnes, eldest survivingdaughter of the late William Goarlie, Esq.DEATHSAt Hamilton, Canada West, British America, on the 2d of October last, Mr John M'Intyre, a native ofStranraer, aged 43 years.At Nashville, U.S., North America, on the 28th Oct. Ebenezer, aged 3 years and 9 months, last surviving sonof the late Mr Thomas S. Fleming, painter, there.14 th December <strong>1849</strong> (Week 50)BIRTHSAt Burnhouse, Colmonell, on the 9th instant, the wife of the Rev. R. Harkness, of a daughter.At Lochton of Ligg, on the 5th instant, Mrs Thomas M'Millan, of a daughter.At Flower Bank, Newton-Stewart, on the 10th instant, Mrs W.G. Cumming, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt North West Castle, Stranraer, on the 11th December, by the Rev. William M. Simpson, Alexander Little,Esq., Commander, R.N., only son of the late Capt. John Little, R.N., to Mary Caldwell, widow of LieutenantColonel William Ross, late commanding 23d Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and only daughter of the late JohnParks, Esq., of Bath, Somerset.At East Kirkbride, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. Mr Hyslop of Kirkcolm, Mr Hugh Clerk, to Margaret,eldest daughter of Mr William Allison, farmer, East Kilbride.At Genoch, Old Luce, on the 13th instant, by the Rev. Mr M'Dowall, Mr M'Colm, to Miss M'Dowall.At the Manse of Whithorn, on Tuesday, the 11th inst., by the Rev. M. Nicholson, Pencaitland, JamesCumming, Esq., Airlour, to Mary H. Nicholson, daughter of the Rev. C. Nicholson.At Barbae, Colmonell, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr Harkness, John M'Geoch, Esq., of Barbae, to Agnes,eldest daughter of Mr David M'Cutcheon, farmer, Docherneel.At 15, Annfield Place, Glasgow, on the 4th instant, Matthew Clark, Esq., to Marion Brown, second daughterof the Rev. William Symington, D.D., Glasgow.At Knockglass, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. John Stevenson, John, youngest son of Mr David M'Millan,farmer, Bents, to Miss Maryann, third daughter of Mr Peter M'Tier, farmer there.DEATHSAt New Luce, on the 29th ult., Mr Andrew M'Lean, parochial schoolmaster, aged 66 years. He was teacherin New Luce for the space of 35 years, and was highly respected by a large circle of friends.At Cardiff, Wales, on Friday, the 7th instant, of consumption, on a voyage to the Mediterranean for thebenefit of his health, Mr James Andrew, builder, Newton Stewart, aged 31 years. The premature death ofthis worthy individual has thrown a gloom over this neighbourhood which it will take some time to efface.Although the public mind has for some time been prepared for this mournful intelligence, still the sadreality of the event itself has created general sorrow among all classes in this locality. Society has lost inhim one of its brightest ornaments, and the public generally has been deprived of one of its mostenergetic and useful members.At Deasham Place, Plymouth, on the 6th inst., Thomas, youngest son of Mr Andrew Milroy, merchant, aged1 year and 10 months.At Gatehouse, on the 27th ult., aged 82 years, <strong>Robert</strong> Walker, musician on the violin, well known as "blindBob the fiddler."
At Old Girthon Kirk, on the 2d instant, Jane Shaw, aged 80 years.At Aird, near Daily, on the 3d instant, William, in the 23d year of his age, second son of the late Mr JamesCrawford, merchant, Maybole.At the Manse of the United Presbyterian church, Fala, on the 4th instant, Maxwell Cooper, student inDivinity, aged 21, only son of the Rev. John Cooper.At Maidstone, Commissary General Sir Charles Dalrymple, in his 71st year.Gatehouse, on the 4th instant, after a brief illness, Mrs M'Minn, spouse of Mr Hugh Hanning of that place.At Kirkcudbright on the 7th instant, suddenly, John Armour, painter, Gatehouse. The deceased wasemployed at the new Poor house, near Kirkcudbright, and was at his work on the previous day.At Armagh, on the 1st instant, Peter Murray, Esq., of Troquhain, eldest son of the late Provost Murray ofNew Galloway.21 st December <strong>1849</strong> (Week 51)BIRTHSAt Wigtown, on the 18th inst., Mrs John Fraser of a daughter.At Castle Douglas, on the 9th instant, Mrs Wm. M'Naught of a son.At Garliestown, on the 12th instant, Mrs Capain William Davies, of a daughter.At Garliestown, on the 12th instant, Mrs Captain Charles Stewart, of a son.MARRIAGESAt Drummaston, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. James Fleming, Mr Charles Miller, merchant, Stranraer, toMargaret, eldest daughter of Mr George Hannah of Drummaston, Whithorn.At Manchester, on the 14th instant, Mr Thomas Bryde, junior, of Liverpool, to Alice Ann, daughter of thelate John Grinn, Esq., surgeon, of the former town.At Galdenoch, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M'Neil of the Free Church,Mr Gibb, farmer, Big Park, parish of Ballantrae, to Helen, daughter of Mr Muir.At Cairngarroch, parish of Stoneykirk, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. <strong>Robert</strong> M'Neil, of the Free Church,Mr James Taylor, to Jane, daughter of the late Mr James Auld.DEATHSAt Old Halls, parish of Old Luce, on the 18th instant, Mrs Hay, aged 70 years.At Ochiltree, Ayrshire, on the 16th instant, Mr David M'Kale, aged 80 years.Here, at Hanover Street, on the 16th instant, James George, son of Mr Kerr, gunsmith, aged 3 years and 8months.At Kirkcudbright, on the 12th instant, William M'Kinnell, Esq., merchant there, aged 77, and for manyyears Chief Magistrate of the Burgh.Suddenly, at Drumore, parish of Kirkmaiden, on the 10th instant, Mr William Taylor, grain dealer, there.At Kirkcudbright, on the 4th instant, Margaret M'Crierie, wife of Mr James M'<strong>Robert</strong>, tracksman of theferry boat there.28 th December <strong>1849</strong> (Week 52)BIRTHSAt Kirkcaldy, on the 20th inst., the wife of George Beveridge, Esq., of twin sons.At Wigtown, on the 7th curt, Mrs Gordon Fraser, of a daughter.At Balcraig, parish of Glasserton, on the 17th instant, Mrs John Gordon, of a daughter.At Lochend, parish of Colmonell, on the 17th instant, Mrs <strong>Robert</strong> Kerr, of a daughter.MARRIAGESAt Stranraer, on the 24th current, by the Rev. Mr Bennet, Mr Gilbert Jamieson, farmer, Low Curghie, AtKirkcowan, on the 20th instant, by the Rev. Dr.Charles, Mr John M'Fadzen, ploughman, Culroy, to Miss
Fellows.At Grennan, Old Luce, on the 21st instant, by the Rev. John M'Dowall, Mr M'Halam, to Miss Love.At Kirkcudbright on the 21st instant, Lieutenant-Col. Charles Cathcart, H.E.I.C.S. Bombay Presidency, toMary Jane, youngest daughter of the late John Hannay, Esq., of Kirkbride.At Garliestown, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. E.K. Sloan, Mr George Nesbit gamekeeper to the Earl ofGalloway, to Miss Wylie, both of the parish of Sorbie.At Sorby farm, on the 24th instant, by the Rev. Samuel Blair of the Free Church Andrew M'Clelland, Esq.,Bladenoch, to Miss Jean Jamieson.DEATHSAt Mark, parish of Inch, on the 23d instant, Mr James M'Meikan farmer, aged 47 years.At Colfin, parish of Portpatrick, on the 17th inst., Mr John Patterson, senior, aged 73 years.At Little Genoch, parish of Inch, on the 12th inst., Mr John Clanochan aged 52 years.At Carnlae, on the 17th instant, Mr John M'Kie, aged 69 years.At Boreland of Minnigaff, on the 23d inst., <strong>Robert</strong>, youngest son of the late William M'Millan, farmer,Palgowan, aged 32.At Balgreen, Wigtown, on the 23d instant, Miss Mary Kevan, spinster.At Newton, Ayr, on the 25th current, Mrs Jane Kennedy, in the 71st year of her age, relict of Mr WilliamM'Lean, late farmer in Drummellan, by Girvan.At Castle Douglas on the 23d instant, Jane, age six years, eldest daughter of Mr William Fleming, flesherthere.