OUTLOOK - Grow Wellington

OUTLOOK - Grow Wellington

OUTLOOK - Grow Wellington


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124Largest andfastest-growingindustriesThis section presents the largest and fastest-growingindustries in the <strong>Wellington</strong> region in terms of employment,GDP and business size 5 . Considering the size of thepopulation and workforce in the <strong>Wellington</strong> region,the analysis only covers industries that had over 100FTEs, 35 business units or GDP of over $175 million in 2007.4.1 EmploymentTable 4.1 presents the ten industries that employed the mostFTEs within the <strong>Wellington</strong> region in 2007.The business services industry ranked top of the listwith almost 37,000 FTEs, making up 17% of total FTEs.Three of the top five industries are from the social servicessector, namely, government administration, education, and healthservices. These industries account for around 22% of total FTEs in<strong>Wellington</strong>. Construction trade services are also one of the largestemployers, with 10,182 FTEs employed in 2007. The top fiveindustries in terms of FTEs employ 43% of all FTEs in the region.Ranked in sixth to tenth place are personal and household goodretailing (4.5%), accommodation, cafes, and restaurants (4.4%),food retailing (3.5%), other services (3.5%), and finance (3.2%).The business services industry ranked top on the listwith almost 37,000 FTEs, making up 17% of total FTEs.Table 4.1 Largest industries by employment, 2007Employment (FTEs)Rank by FTEs Industry 2007 % of total1 Business Services 36,959 16.8%2 Government Administration 21,073 9.6%3 Education 14,697 6.7%4 Health Services 12,797 5.8%5 Construction Trade Services 10,182 4.6%6 Personal and Household Good Retailing 9,921 4.5%7 Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants 9,784 4.4%8 Food Retailing 7,651 3.5%9 Other Services 7,625 3.5%10 Finance 6,982 3.2%Source: BERL Regional Database, Statistics NZ5Industry names (at the 53-industry level) are those used in the Australia New Zealand StandardIndustrial Classification (ANZSIC) New Zealand version, as published by Statistics New Zealand.

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