OUTLOOK - Grow Wellington

OUTLOOK - Grow Wellington

OUTLOOK - Grow Wellington


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14Creative sector37The creative sector includes recorded media manufacturingand publishing, book and other publishing, advertisingservices, film and video production, music and theatreproductions, as well as various related support industries.Table 14.1 summarises the contribution of the creative sectorto the <strong>Wellington</strong> and New Zealand economies.Table 14.2 compares the performance of the creative sectorin the <strong>Wellington</strong> region to that of the sector nationally.Overall, the sector has struggled in recent years, with 2007 beingparticularly difficult. Employment in 2007 fell 8.2%, while thenumber of business units declined 2.8%. Over the longer term,employment in the creative sector in <strong>Wellington</strong> has been largelystatic, compared with steady growth nationally. Business unitincreases have been strong locally and nationally.Table 14.3 shows the largest sub-industries by FTEs for the lastthree years. 13Most sub-industries recorded flat or slightly negative growthin 2007. The publishing sub-industry experienced a significantfall in employment, shedding two-fifths of its FTEs. There wasa significant fall in performing arts venues' employment as well,although part of this decline may be a result of re-classification,considering the 2006 number.Overall, the sector has struggled in recent years, with2007 being particularly difficult. Employment in 2007fell 8.2%, while the number of business units declined2.8%. Over the longer term, employment in the creativesector in <strong>Wellington</strong> has been largely static, comparedwith steady growth nationally. Business unit increaseshave been strong locally and nationally.Table 14.1 Creative sector: summaryCreative FTEs % GDP ($2007m) % Business units %<strong>Wellington</strong> Region 3,376 1.5% 230 1.1% 2,066 4.1%New Zealand 20,682 1.1% 1,370 0.8% 10,708 2.1%Source: BERL Regional Database, Statistics NZ13 Industry names (at the 477-industry level) are those used in the Australia New Zealand StandardIndustrial Classification (ANZSIC) New Zealand version, as published by Statistics New Zealand.

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