Read Naturally SE Answer Guide

Read Naturally SE Answer Guide

Read Naturally SE Answer Guide

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6. ominous, forbidding; magnitude, enormity;paralleled, equaled; posed, presented;concentrated, clustered; relatively, somewhat7. 1. Plans for the bridge were drawn up.2. John died of tetanus. 3. Ground broke forconstruction to begin. 4. Washington wasconfined to his bed. 5. Emily dictatedinstructions to the crew. 6. People paid apenny to cross the bridge.8. it was to be the world's longest suspensionbridge and the first to use steel cables; itsconstruction was the first to rely on caissons9. John died before ground even broke;Washington and many others fell ill with thebends; Washington was confined to his bed;Emily had to take over; the constructionlasted fourteen yearsChernobyl1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a5. more people died later due to the delayedeffects of the radiation released in theaccident6. in the beginning, initially; causing argument,controversial; happening after expected,delayed; not good enough, unsuitable;became small in number, dwindled7. a. weakened immune system; cancers;miscarriages; stillbirths; birth defects;altered genesb. contaminated water; contaminated soil8. relocation efforts didn't begin immediately;people weren't warned to remain indoors;iodine pills weren't distributed soon enough9. caused 31 deaths initially and more deathslater; health problems increased after theaccident; environmental problems; economicproblems; psychological consequencesChina's Ancient Buried Army1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b5. large number of statues; high quality ofsculptures; great amount of raw materialto find, move, and use6. warring, peaceful; original, copy; emperor,servant; toil, relaxation; unified, separated7. a. 700,000b. outside the city of Xianc. life-size8. used to be colorful, now they are shadowygray; they've been ravaged by time andweather9. size of the find; age of the find; quality of thefind; condition of the findEarthquakes1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b5. powerful as a nuclear bomb; unpredictable;can hit big cities6. registered, recorded; underneath, below;occur, happen; core, center; vibration,shaking7. huge plates move and shift along faults along the coastline an instrument to measure the strength andlocation of an earthquake8. to try to prevent people from getting injuredand killed; to give people time to seek safety;to protect property9. Earthquakes are unpredictable.Easter Island's Statues1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b5. size of the statues; people did not havemachinery or modern tools6. remote, sparse, colossal, persist,7. early Polynesians stone tools8. it would weigh less; it would have carvedparts to hold on to9. Many questions still surround the statuesof Easter Island.Egypt's Great Pyramids1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b5. are smaller; do not have food, gold, treasures,weapons, or games6. protect, harm; priceless, cheap; mountains,valleys; immense; small; raised, lowered;converge, separateCopyright © 2004–2007 <strong>Read</strong> <strong>Naturally</strong>, Inc. 23 <strong>SE</strong> <strong>Answer</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><strong>Read</strong> <strong>Naturally</strong> Software EditionSequenced Levels

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