Amsterdam 2040

Amsterdam 2040

Amsterdam 2040

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‘The interconnection of variousparties and themes was centralto the production of the StructuralVision.’6 ‘About Tomorrow: Is 020ready for <strong>2040</strong>?’, a visual for theStructural Vision conference on21 April 2011.7 Public information meeting inthe Zuiderkerk on 25 February2010 at the start of public consultations.Foto: DROOver MorgenIs 020 klaar voor <strong>2040</strong>?21 april 2011 | Felix Meritis6 7from within or outside the city. This served as theformal public consultation. The great public interestand engagement was demonstrated by the 420 viewsthat were submitted. The Structural Vision’s projectmanagers also remained in full and frank discussionwith bodies such as the city’s borough councils duringthis phase. These discussions were intended as preparationfor the submission of opinions, which resultedin more sharply formulated viewpoints and thereforefacilitated their swift processing. The opinions wereanswered in a ‘Memorandum of Responses’ (Nota vanBeantwoording). This contributed to certain shifts inemphasis and the modification of dozens of points inthe Draft Structural Vision. One notable modification,in response to a large number of submitted opinions,was the re-routing of a planned road, which had untilthen been destined to cut through a complex of allotmentgardens in the Bretten Zone. This is subject to theconditions that this section of road will not be laid untilafter 2030 and will be realized in the form of a tunnel.The views were especially helpful in the refinement andcloser examination of several aspects, such as the moredetailed study of the Waterfront as a potential Olympicssite. This led to a variant that no longer presents anyproblems for the port-based businesses concerned.In October 2010, with the feedback from thepublic consultations in hand, the newly installed CityExecutive pointed the way forward to the definitiveproposal for the Structural Vision. During the ensuingdiscussions in the Council Committee for Development,Housing and the Climate, interested partiescould explain their standpoints in person once again.The Structural Vision was definitively ratified by the CityCouncil on 17 February 2011.A connecting roleThe interconnection of various parties and themeswas central to the production of the Structural Vision.The themes that were perceived as important byplanning experts, private parties, social groups and cityresidents have, as far as possible, been tracked down,analysed and forged into a logical whole. The stimulationof debate about the city’s future was integral tothis process. Everyone was involved at every stage inthe open planning process, which was fascinating andlabour-intensive but resulted in a broadly supportedvision.With the City Council’s ratification of the StructuralVision we are entering a new phase. Discussions withthe city and with stakeholders within and beyond<strong>Amsterdam</strong> will continue. An important milestone inthis regard is ‘About Tomorrow: Is 020 ready for <strong>2040</strong>?’(Over Morgen, is 020 klaar voor <strong>2040</strong>?), a conference setto take place on 21 April 2011. The topic of discussionwill be how we are going to join forces to implement theStructural Vision together. Thanks to the open processemployed, which includes the forthcoming conference,the likelihood of the ambitions in the Structural Visionbeing realized is increased considerably.01 | 201123

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