50+ Directory - PDF version 631Kb - Wrexham County Borough ...

50+ Directory - PDF version 631Kb - Wrexham County Borough ...

50+ Directory - PDF version 631Kb - Wrexham County Borough ...

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RecreationOR ACTIVE MOBILITY REQUIRED) PHOTOGRAPHY / FILMPOETRY READING, SLIMMING SPORT (ACTIVE OR MODERATEINTENSITY) THEATRE WALKING WRITING.Contact the Strategy for Older People team for the contact details of localgroups organising these activities. You can request information grouped byactivity or by area. E.g. ‘All groups in and around Acton’ OR ‘All AmateurDramatics groups in the borough’.VolunteeringMany people find volunteering provides personal rewards by stimulating thebrain and body, providing an opportunity to utilise life learning and from acontinued sense of contributing to society. The Volunteer Bureau at AVOW(Association of Voluntary Organisations in <strong>Wrexham</strong> ) can matchvolunteers to opportunities from a wide range of themes including animals,children, learning, befriending, campaigning, sports, environmental etc.The Retired Senior Volunteer Programme (RSVP) aims to encourage olderpeople to get involved in voluntary work. In particular, it offers opportunitiesfor older people to support children at school with their reading.Social / Support GroupsThe members of themed social groups (deaf club etc) can and do offersupport to each other by sharing experiences however support (in variousformats including fund raising or campaigning) is the main objective of supportgroups whereas the prime objective of social groups is to have some fun!Adult LearningKeeping the brain active and enquiring can ‘open closed doors’,enhance lives and help preserve mental health. Informallearning does not include tests and certificates only guidedexercises and access to equipment. Both informal and formallearning opportunities exist in the daytime or evening dependingon the venue which includes colleges, schools, communitycentres and local libraries.University of the Third Age (U3A) groups encourage lifelong learning forpeople no longer in full time gainful employment. The aim is to enable olderpeople to share their knowledge, skills and experience, show their value tosociety and acquire new skills in an informal friendly atmosphere.Mentor Iaith Maelor is a community based venture which aims to develop thehttp://www.wrexham.gov.uk/<strong>50+</strong>10

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