50+ Directory - PDF version 631Kb - Wrexham County Borough ...

50+ Directory - PDF version 631Kb - Wrexham County Borough ...

50+ Directory - PDF version 631Kb - Wrexham County Borough ...

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Staying Independent and in Controlavailable from Age Concern. This is a complex area and you should alwaysseek advice.If everyone in a household is disabled or incapable of manoeuvring their binthey may be eligible for Assisted Bin Collection.If you live in a council property, you may find help from the Tenancy SupportService for matters concerning repairs, claiming benefits and discounts or theAssisted Garden Maintenance scheme.Social Services can provide hot meals, for a payment, to people who areunable to cook for themselves, if they are assessed as needing help.Alternatively, Wiltshire Farm Foods deliver frozen meals that can be heatedin a microwave or a conventional oven. Some supermarkets also offer homedelivery which you can order in store or through the internet.Lunch clubs provide hot food and valuable company to older people atminimal cost. Some offer transport for people with restricted mobility. Contactthe Council’s Lunch Club Co-ordinator for details of clubs in each area or forpractical support if you want to set up a Lunch club.Social Services’ Occupational Therapy service provide assessment,support and advice about special equipment to overcome many dailyproblems from walking aids to from installations like stair lifts and hoists orproperty adaptations like permanent ramps, rails and bathroom fittings.For short term requirements, the British Red Cross operates a temporary,medical loan service and can supply wheelchairs and other mobility aids.Telephone communication is now accessible to more people than ever before.BT Age & Disability Action produce a Communications Solution booklet thatlists their range of products designed to overcome problems associated withdisability. Pay as you go, mobile telephones can prove useful in the event ofan emergency. The council operates a community alarm system ‘<strong>Wrexham</strong>Care Call’ . This system allows you to contact the Emergency Control Centrevia a pendant or wrist strap and ask for assistance when you have a problemsuch as a fall, medical emergency or break-in, 24 hours a day. The service isopen to anyone and rates vary depending on housing tenure.Computers and Internet access provide access to typed, spoken and videostyle communication. Many programmes and web browsers can read text asspeech, are free and can complement other, personal forms of monitoring andcommunication. Computer equipment does NOT have to be ‘state of the art’or ‘high spec’ to perform low demand tasks such as browsing the Internet,http://www.wrexham.gov.uk/<strong>50+</strong>20

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