Anglo Singapore International School (New Academic Year 2012/13)

Anglo Singapore International School (New Academic Year 2012/13)

Anglo Singapore International School (New Academic Year 2012/13)

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SCHOOL FEES POLICYTuition fees and other fees are set by the <strong>School</strong> Board of Directors. Fees are payable in advance. Furtherdetails are available from the school office.• Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.• Fees may revise accordingly.• Tuition fees are still payable should the child be absent due to illness or contagious diseases suchas measles, mumps, chicken pox, HFM, etc., or holidays. If the school is closed due to the act ofGod or uncontrollable circumstances or for the safety of the students, there will be no replacementfor those days the school are closed.METHOD OF PAYMENTPayment can be made in one of the following ways:• In cash• By cheque made payable to S.B.I.E. Co., Ltd. The cheque should be crossed to “a/c payee only”• By Bank transfer to S.B.I.E CO., LTD. A/C Number: 204-3-000574 in Siam Commercial Bankin City Resort Sukhumvit 39 Branch.• If payment is made by transferring, kindly fax a copy of the payment slip to The AccountingDepartment with the name of the pupil written clearly.Invoice:On the 6 th /7 th week of each term, the invoice for the next term will be sent out. Please contact TheAccounting Department if you did not receive and a duplicate copy will be sent to you.Overdue payment:All late payments will be subjected to a late administration fee of monthly 3% of the total invoice amountfrom the due date.Fees Structure:All fees are billable in Thai Baht. As the majority of the school’s direct operating overheads are payable tothe equivalent of Sterling Pound, USD and <strong>Singapore</strong> Dollars, the current fee structure is open to periodicchanges from time to time. Due notice will be given should such changes occur. All fees received are nontransferableand non-refundable. Special 5% discount given for tuition fees paid in advance for one schoolyear.The school is mindful of the financial pressure on families. Therefore, we aim to keep the tuitionincrease to a minimum increase of 5% per year.Withdrawal & Transfer1. All fees are non refundable & non transferable.2. If withdrawal notice is given less than 30 days, we reserve the right not to refund the bookdeposit. NO EXCEPTIONS!3. The book deposit will be refunded less any current charges for loss or damage. If the deposit isnot claimed within one year, it is no longer refundable.4. “Application Fee” <strong>School</strong> Development fund and “Assessment fee” are paid one time onlyand are also non-refundable5. The school reserves the right to transfer students and combine or dissolve classes. If weconsider your child’s not ready to study we may ask you to withdraw him/her from the school.6. Special benefit: Registration Fee onlyPayment by Term: Registration fees can be used to contra against the last term of yourchild’s tuition fees and other miscellaneous fees provided that a withdrawal form is officiallysubmitted to the Registrar no later than the due date of payment for the next term andinform the school in writing that the placement deposit/registration fee is to be used forthe settlement of the final term tuition and other outstanding miscellaneous occurredduring the school years otherwise the registration fees will be considered as non-refundableand non-transferable.Paid advance for one year: For those tuition fees paid in advance for a minimum of one yearand above, the registration fees minus other outstanding miscellaneous fees occurred during4Sukhumvit 31

the school years will be return at the time of withdrawal provided there is one monthwithdrawal notice given. <strong>School</strong> fees are not refundable and non-refundable.ADMISSION AND ENROLLMENT PROCEDUREAssessment PeriodKindergarten: 3 days of trial including snack and lunch.Primary/Secondary/ JC: 2 full days of trial including snack and lunch.Steps in Admission:Kindergarten 2 and Kindergarten 3: The Homeroom teachers will assess the child's suitability of the childin the class / level during the trial period.Primary/ Secondary: The student will take an assessment test which will include a written assessment for thegrade level the student seek to enter followed by oral / listening assessment and spending a day in theclassroom environment during the trial period. Previous school record is requiredJunior College: Application for “A” Level course will be accepted only after taking into consideration theresults of the IGCSE exams. At the time of application, the most recent school exam results should besubmitted. Once the results of the IGCSE exam are released, places will be confirmed. The student mustcomplete the required 4 years of secondary school. The school does not admit any new student into theJunior College at year 2 (the final year of A level).Exception: For students who did not complete the 4 years of secondary school and desired to enter the A levelprogram due to age or special talent, in addition to the required IGCSE certification as per the aboverequirement, the student must also pass the school‘s entry exams for the subjects needed for the course of ALevel.This Junior college application process also applies to all <strong>Anglo</strong> students who desire to continue into the JuniorCollege “Cambridge A levels” program. There is no automatic promotion into the Junior College‘s programupon completion of 4 years of high school. The Student Coordinator will schedule a date for assessment.Parents will be notified of the outcome of the assessment, and if successful, the student will be offered aplace in the school according to the standard assessed by the school.Requirements for Application:Student:Application formStudent’s passport (photocopy)Student’s birth certificate (photocopy)Student’s medical report/health reportStudent’s photo ( 2 copies, 1x1)Previous report cardParents:Parent’s passport (photocopy)Parent’s residence certificate and IC cards (for Thai student)Parent’s photo (2 copies, 1x1)Guardian’s photo (if applicable) (2 copies, 1x1)Initial payment of the application/assessment fees of 5,000 baht for Kindergarten and 10,000 baht forPrimary/ Secondary/JC.Special Remark:All necessary documents must be submitted to the <strong>School</strong> Registrar.The non –refundable enrollment fees must be paid in full in order to secure a place in <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>Singapore</strong><strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> after which all the other school fees inclusive of tuition fees must be paid in full within amonth from the enrollment date.*The school has the right to make any changes without prior notice.5Sukhumvit 31

ANGLO ACADEMICSCHOOL YEAR <strong>2012</strong>-20<strong>13</strong>Age of Child <strong>Anglo</strong> Class <strong>Year</strong> of Birth Thai <strong>Year</strong>18 Months-2 Toddler 2011 25542-3 K1 (P) 2010 25533-4 K1 2009 25524-5 K2 2008 25515-6 K3 2007 25506-7 P1 2006 25497-8 P2 2005 25488-9 P3 2004 25479-10 P4 2003 254610-11 P5 2002 254511-12 P6 2001 254412-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Year</strong> 1 2000 2543<strong>13</strong>-14 <strong>Year</strong> 2 1999 254214-15 <strong>Year</strong> 3 1998 254115-16 <strong>Year</strong> 4 1997 254016-17 JC 1 1996 253917-18 JC 2 1995 25386Sukhumvit 31

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