Invertec® V205-S - ICD.pl

Invertec® V205-S - ICD.pl

Invertec® V205-S - ICD.pl

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Lincoln Electric EuropeINVERTEC ® <strong>V205</strong>-S - 2VMMAMOTORGENERATOR OKCCSMART SWITCHING FULLFLEXIBILITYThe Invertec ® <strong>V205</strong>-S Stick and Lift TIGwelder has been designed andmanufactured using the latest digitalinverter technology, combining both arugged industrial construction withexcellent arc characteristics. The singlephase smart-switching 230V/400V primaryinput power makes it suitable for operationon site in conjunction with a generator orwithin a workshop environment, providingmaximum flexibility.The Invertec ® <strong>V205</strong>-S as standard isequipped with an adjustable “Hot Start”providing a higher starting current tosupport easy striking of the electrode.The adjustable “Arc Force” on the <strong>V205</strong>-Sallows flexibility depending on theelectrode selection and ap<strong>pl</strong>ication. Itprevents sticking and shorting of theelectrode.The standard machine is equipped with adigital meter showing thepresetable welding current, actual weldingcurrent or voltage during welding. TheLift Tig1DC 5060PHASEtouch& liftHzlift TIGoptional remote control allows fineadjustments during welding.The high duty cycle of the machinesupports continuous welding with a widevariety of electrode types such as Rutile,Basic and even Cellulosic.The Invertec ® <strong>V205</strong>-S features “Lift TIG” asstandard and enables the welder to startthe TIG arc by lifting the tungsten electrodefrom the work piece without tungstencontamination or the need for H.F. ignition.The Invertec ® <strong>V205</strong>-S has a solid industrialconstruction integrated with the features ofa professional Stick and Lift TIG weldingmachine capable of the toughest jobs.ADVANTAGES✓Single phase smart switching230V / 400V primary inputpower✓Excellent arc characteristics,for a wide range of electrodetypes✓Maximum output of 200 ampsallows the use of electrodesup to 4.0 mm✓Welding capabilities of Rutile,Basic and Cellulose electrodes✓Infinitely variable “Arc Force”and “Hot Start” features✓Features “Lift TIG” with notungsten contamination✓Full featured and user-friendlycontrol panel✓Digital dis<strong>pl</strong>ay allows precisesetting of welding current✓Lightweight and portable✓Fan on demand built-inreduces the intake of dust andfumes✓Rugged case design forportability and impactresistance✓Recessed controls andconnections designed toeliminate damage✓Input voltage compensation✓Thermostatic overloadprotection✓ Meet EN60974-1, ROHS andCE standards for safetyand reliability✓ Built the Lincoln way‘RUGGED & RELIABLE✓ Two Year warranty on partsand labourwww.lincolnelectric.eu

Technical DetailsARC FORCE CONTROLO.C.VArc voltage (V)Welding current (A)Adjustable arc force controlTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSProduct Item Primary Fuse Weight Dimensions Protection Insulation Com<strong>pl</strong>ianceName Number Voltage Size (kg) H x W x D (mm) Class ClassInvertec ® <strong>V205</strong>-S -2V K12019-1230/400V1ph (+/-10%) 32/20A 16.8 385x215x480 IP23S HEN 60974-1 /50/60Hz (slow)EN 50199 CEWELDING OUTPUTCurrent Rated Output Rated Input O.C.V.Range(40˚C)5 - 200A200A /28V@35% 6,5kW @35%170A/ 26,8V@100% 5,5kW @100%48VdcACCESSORIESDesignationCable kit 200A, 25mm 2 , 5mGas pressure regulatorRemote output control - 15mTIG torch 140A@35%, LT17 GV, 4 or 8mUndercarriage 2 wheelsItem numberKIT-200A-25-5MConsult usK10095-1-15MK10513-17-xVSW0200002ModeStick /Lift TIGIndicatorLightsA/V selectorPreset / ActualMeterHot StartOutputArc ForceUnited Kingdom: Lincoln Electric (UK) Ltd.Tel: +44 114 287 2401 Fax: +44 114 287 2582Belgium: Lincoln Smitweld BelgiumTel: +32 2 377 00 71 Fax: +32 2 378 18 77France: Lincoln Electric France SASTel: +33 232 11 40 40 Fax: +33 232 11 40 11Germany: Lincoln Electric DeutschlandTel: +49 2102/7 13 96-0 Fax: +49 2102/ 7 13 96-31Italy: Lincoln Electric Italia s.r.l.Tel: +39 010 754 111 Fax: +39 010 754 1150The Netherlands: Lincoln Smitweld B.V.Tel: +31 24 352 29 11 Fax: +31 24 352 22 02Denmark: Lincoln Electric NordicTel: +45 86 26 51 00 Fax: +45 86 26 51 50Spain: Lincoln KD SATel: +34 93 685 9600 Fax: +34 93 685 9610Turkey: A.S. KaynakTel: +90 216 377 30 90 Fax: +90 216 377 00 00Poland: Lincoln Electric Bester S.A.Tel: +48 746 46 1100 Fax: +48 746 46 1082Other countries: Lincoln Electric Europe B.V.Tel: +31 24 352 29 27 Fax: +31 24 352 29 29Your Lincoln Electric Distributor:E0037.11/07www.lincolnelectric.eu

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