Many Lizardmen are said to be born

Many Lizardmen are said to be born

Many Lizardmen are said to be born

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®W ARHAMMERC H R O N I C L E SThe Sacred Hosts of the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> <strong>are</strong> spawned under particularlyauspicious portents and <strong>are</strong> always destined <strong>to</strong> perform a criticaltask in the great plan of the Old Ones. Andy Ho<strong>are</strong> delves deeperin<strong>to</strong> the secrets of the masters of creation and brings us backgroundand rules for these most blessed of <strong>Lizardmen</strong> armies.<strong>Many</strong> <strong>Lizardmen</strong> <strong>are</strong> <strong>said</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> <strong>born</strong>under the influence of one ormore of their gods, the so-calledOld Ones. Such spawnings have certaincommon characteristics, and theirmem<strong>be</strong>rs often sh<strong>are</strong> a singular fate.<strong>Lizardmen</strong> spawned according <strong>to</strong> theinfluence of Sotek, for example, <strong>are</strong> oftenred of hue and angry of character, whilethose spawned under Tepok’s inscrutableeye <strong>are</strong> often descri<strong>be</strong>d as otherworldlyand mysterious. Some may <strong>be</strong> createdunder the influence of several Old Onesand have a combination of characteristics.In most instances, these combinations ofcharacteristics occur only <strong>to</strong> singlespawnings and only <strong>to</strong> the hulking warriorcreatures known as Saurus. There exist,however, references <strong>to</strong> entire armiesspawned under the eye of a single deity.SACRED HOSTS by Andy Ho<strong>are</strong>The influence of this god can <strong>be</strong> seen no<strong>to</strong>nly in the Saurus but also in the smaller,more nimble Skinks in the force.These armies <strong>are</strong> known as Sacred Hosts.They <strong>are</strong> r<strong>are</strong> and app<strong>are</strong>ntly spawned withsome great duty <strong>to</strong> perform. Scholars haveattempted <strong>to</strong> examine the Sacred Hosts ofthose deities that the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> veneratethe most. To date, investiga<strong>to</strong>rs have <strong>be</strong>enunable <strong>to</strong> uncover more than passingreferences <strong>to</strong> other deities, such as the“warlike” Tlanxla; the “lost” Xholankha;Xhotl, who chooses those destined forgreatness; and Itzl, the god of coldblooded<strong>be</strong>asts. Finally, there is the outcastRigg, who is not venerated by any<strong>Lizardmen</strong> at all, but whose island templein the mouth of the Amaxon river isnonetheless attended <strong>to</strong> with great c<strong>are</strong>.WHAT ISWARHAMMER CHRONICLES?Warhammer Chronicles takes alook at the Warhammer FantasyBattle game; introduces newscenarios, rules, and army listentries of all types, frequentlys<strong>to</strong>len from Army books inprogress here at the Studio; andprovides occasional Question andAnswer forums. WarhammerChronicles also acts as a forum fordedicated players of WarhammerFantasy Battle who have producedinspired, well thought out, andjust plain brilliant additions <strong>to</strong> thegame. If you’ve got somethinggood for Warhammer Chronicles,then write <strong>to</strong> us at the addressgiven here.Please don’t include rules querieswith your letters, as the volume ofmail we receive prohibits us fromsending individual replies.Warhammer ChroniclesGames WorkshopWillow Road, Len<strong>to</strong>nNottinghamNG7 2WSUnited KingdomEach of these entries contains a short set of rules describing how these Sacred Hostscan <strong>be</strong> used in your games of Warhammer. These rules <strong>are</strong> official and have <strong>be</strong>enbalanced for all styles of play.

WARHAMMER CHRONICLES – SACRED HOSTSCHOTEC, THESOLAR GODChotec is the Lizardman god of the sunand, as such, is imbued with a fiery energythat <strong>be</strong>lies the cold-blooded nature of therace. His associated color is a fiery orange,and his followers <strong>are</strong> <strong>said</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong>ar arms andarmor of gleaming gold and carry icons thatreflect the light of the sun in dazzling<strong>be</strong>ams all around. It is the boundlessenergy of the servants of Chotec that makesthem particularly dangerous <strong>to</strong> those whowould intrude upon their domains. <strong>Many</strong>have made the mistake of assumingChotec’s followers <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> as impassive as all<strong>Lizardmen</strong>. Alas, this is not the case, assome have discovered <strong>to</strong> their doom.One tale speaks of a mage of the BrightCollege who sought <strong>to</strong> travel <strong>to</strong> Lustria andfathom the nature of the servants ofChotec. He had heard tell that theirchampions wielded the power of fire in amanner that he felt might rival that of hiscollege. By all accounts, this mage was aconceited and arrogant individual, soconvinced in the superiority of his ownvocation that he could not conceive thatthe <strong>Lizardmen</strong> might prove equal – letalone superior – in the Seventh Lore.Traveling <strong>to</strong> Lustria, the mage sought theservants of Chotec for many years. Hesearched the great waterways of the NewWorld accompanied by a substantial armyof mercenaries hired at great cost by theBright College <strong>to</strong> protect him.After almost a decade of searching, theBright College ordered the mage <strong>to</strong> return.His quest was proving anything butsuccessful, and it was costing a great deal <strong>to</strong>keep the mercenaries paid and supplied. Indesperation, the mage resolved <strong>to</strong> launchone more expedition in<strong>to</strong> the jungles <strong>be</strong>forereturning home <strong>to</strong> Altdorf. He decided <strong>to</strong>head south along the coast and make forPahuax. However, his flotilla was caught in agreat s<strong>to</strong>rm and carried many hundreds ofmiles east. The mighty currents that crossthe Great Ocean swept him west and southand then scattered his fleet against theVampire Coast. By this point, the flotilla washopelessly separated, but the mage spied adark land on the southern horizon,wreathed in volcanic cloud. He concludedthat it must surely <strong>be</strong> the will of the godsthat drew a mage of the Bright College <strong>to</strong>such a fiery place. He observed a great hoststanding on the blackened shore andguarding the lip of a mighty crater fromwhich an infernal glow issued. The magedetermined that here, at last, he had foundor had <strong>be</strong>en led <strong>to</strong> the servants of Chotec.He would challenge their leader and, afterdefeating him, pry the secrets from theMage-Priest’s dying mind.The captain of the mage’s ship haddifferent ideas though and refused <strong>to</strong> put<strong>to</strong> shore. The mage decl<strong>are</strong>d the captain inbreach of his contract with the BrightCollege and issued all manner of direthreats. The captain looked <strong>to</strong> hiscrewmen, who were superstitious seaf<strong>are</strong>rsill at ease with the presence of a wizard ontheir ship and a mutinous bunch <strong>to</strong> boot.The smoldering mage realized what wasabout <strong>to</strong> happen and <strong>be</strong>gan <strong>to</strong> utter anincantation, but he was <strong>to</strong>o late. In aninstant, the seadogs were upon him. Theyinflicted the gravest of insults on the BrightWizard and pitched him in<strong>to</strong> the sea,where he was forced <strong>to</strong> swim for the blackshoreline. The mage must have reachedthe relative safety of the <strong>be</strong>ach, for as theship made its way north once more, theisland came alive with a pyromantic displayof epic proportions. The great explosionsremained visible in<strong>to</strong> the night and overthe horizon as the sailors sought <strong>to</strong> put asmuch distance as possible <strong>be</strong>tweenthemselves and the volcanic island. Of suchprodigious power were the forcesunleashed that day that it is <strong>said</strong> the eldersof the Bright College felt the heat inAltdorf, on the other side of the world. Sothe legend goes, the masters of the BrightCollege knew that one of their num<strong>be</strong>r hadperished at the hands of a foe far moregifted in manipulating the Wind of Aqshythan any mortal. From that day <strong>to</strong> thepresent, the Bright College has forbiddenits mem<strong>be</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> travel <strong>to</strong> Lustria.Using a Sacred Host of ChotecA <strong>Lizardmen</strong> army (not a Southlandsarmy) may <strong>be</strong> constructed as a SacredHost of Chotec with the followingguidelines.All units and characters that maytake a Sacred Spawning must <strong>be</strong>arthe Sacred Spawning of Chotec.Core units with this blessing remainCore. However, if they have asecond Sacred Spawning, they<strong>be</strong>come Special.Skink Skirmishers and charactersmust purchase the Sacred Spawningof Chotec for +5 points per unitand +5 points per character.Skink Priests in a Sacred Host ofChotec must take their spells fromthe Lore of Fire.A Slann Mage-Priest defends his temple against a plundering Empire army.

®PAINTING SACRED SPAWNINGSEach god of the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> is represented by a specific color in his Sacred Spawnings. Below, we show examples ofhow <strong>to</strong> apply each of these colors <strong>to</strong> your models. You can also paint these colors in a variety of different patterns.Blazing OrangeBlessed Spawning of ChotecA vibrant orange is characteristic of theenergetic Saurus of blessed Chotec.Blessed Spawning of TzunkiA sea-green hue marks the aquaticSaurus of blessed Tzunki.Dark Angels GreenSunburst YellowBlessed Spawning of TlazcotlA vivid yellow marks Saurus of Tlazcotl andindicates that they <strong>are</strong> fearless fighters.Liche PurpleBlessed Spawning of TepokA rich purple sets the spawnings ofTepok apart as magical in nature.Blood RedBlessed Spawning of SotekAn aggressive, blood-fueled spawning,the Saurus of Sotek <strong>are</strong> marked with red.Blessed Spawning of QuetzlThe spawnings of the warrior-godQuetzl have especially <strong>to</strong>ugh,thick scales covering their bodiesand bony spurs protruding fromtheir forearms.Blessed Spawning of HuanchiNaturally stealthy, those blessed byHuanchi, jaguar-god of the earth andnight, <strong>are</strong> able <strong>to</strong> pass effortlesslythrough the thickest jungle. Theirelusive nature has made observationof them difficult. Thus, there is norecord of their distinctive markings,if, indeed, any exist.SOTEK, THESERPENT GODSotek is the pre-eminent <strong>Lizardmen</strong> deityand has <strong>be</strong>en since their millennia-spanningwar against the noisome Skaven that endedin the year 100. Sotek is very much the<strong>Lizardmen</strong> god of vengeance, a deity thatembodies the race’s righteous anger againstthose invaders who would intrude upon theLizardman realms. Sotek is cruel, with athirst for sacrifice, and the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> makedaily tribute <strong>to</strong> him in the form of bloodofferings. Sotek is particularly fond ofrodent flesh, and thus, the sacrifice ofcaptured Skaven is seen as the highesthonor adherents can pay their god.One question troubles those few scholarswith any knowledge of <strong>Lizardmen</strong> deities.Only the Mage-Priests of Chaqua knew ofSotek, and even they did not venerate himand merely awaited the prophesied time ofhis coming. When Sotek’s manifestationwas realized, it was the Skinks who firstacknowledged him as a god, for the Mage-Priests <strong>to</strong>ok some time <strong>to</strong> contemplate theissue. This confusing state of affairs leadssome scholars <strong>to</strong> question the nature ofSotek. Is the serpent god an Old One? Ifso, why was he not worshipped or evenacknowledged for so many millennia?Some <strong>be</strong>lieve that this later addition <strong>to</strong> the<strong>Lizardmen</strong> pantheon of gods is somethingelse entirely, perhaps some manifestationof the <strong>Lizardmen</strong>’s anger and resentmentat the actions of those who would invadeand plunder their realm.The most significant – and indeed the first– occasion on which a Sacred Host ofSotek marched <strong>to</strong> war was after the fall ofthe great temple city of Chaqua at thehands of the Skaven Clan Pestilens. Theonly survivors of the virulent and terribleplagues unleashed by the Plague Monkswere some red-crested Skinks, all of thesame spawning. These Skinks were led bythe individual who would go on <strong>to</strong>proclaim the coming of the serpent godacross the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> empire: Tehenhauin,the Prophet of Sotek. It is <strong>said</strong> that theseSkinks were particularly strong for theirrace. Their constitution enabled them <strong>to</strong>resist the foul diseases of the rat-spawn.The red-crested Skinks went forth from theruins of Chaqua and proclaimed thecoming of the serpent god. The Skinksfought many battles against Clan Pestilensand gathered more Skinks <strong>to</strong> their force.Eventually, they grew in<strong>to</strong> a mighty army.Tehenhauin led the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> in a longwar that spanned many centuries.Uncounted successive spawnings of redcrestsmarched at his side. Tehenhauinultimately defeated Clan Pestilens, offeredmany thousands of sacrifices, and therebybrought about the manifestation of Sotek.Using a Sacred Host of SotekA <strong>Lizardmen</strong> army (not a Southlandsarmy) may <strong>be</strong> constructed as a SacredHost of Sotek per the followingguidelines.All units and characters that may takea Sacred Spawning must <strong>be</strong>ar theSacred Spawning of Sotek. Core unitswith this blessing remain Core.However, if they have a second SacredSpawning, they <strong>be</strong>come Special.Skink Skirmishers and charactersmust purchase the Sacred Spawningof Sotek for +10 points per unit and+10 points per character.Skink Priests in a Sacred Host ofSotek must take their spells from theLore of Beasts.

WARHAMMER CHRONICLES – SACRED HOSTSQUETZL, THEPROTECTOR GODThe servants of Quetzl <strong>are</strong> <strong>to</strong>ugh andwarlike, as <strong>be</strong>fits the chosen of the warriorgod. Quetzl is venerated among thepantheon of <strong>Lizardmen</strong> deities as theprotec<strong>to</strong>r, and <strong>Lizardmen</strong> spawned underhis influence <strong>are</strong> gifted with great bonyprotrusions and especially thick hides.Those who have faced these <strong>Lizardmen</strong> inbattle claim <strong>to</strong> have seen arrows andcrossbow bolts splinter and snap on thescales of Quetzl’s servants.A num<strong>be</strong>r of accounts speak of Sauruswarriors with huge bony crests on theirheads. However, some <strong>be</strong>lieve that theseeye-witnesses <strong>are</strong> referring not <strong>to</strong><strong>Lizardmen</strong> spawned under the sign ofQuetzl but instead <strong>to</strong> the Temple Guard –huge and s<strong>to</strong>ic warriors who protect theSlann Mage-Priests. Only a handful ofaccounts represent what is <strong>be</strong>lieved <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong>true sightings of the protec<strong>to</strong>r god’schildren, who sport not only bony crests,but spines and protrusions all over theirbodies. If some accounts <strong>are</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong><strong>be</strong>lieved, these Saurus might appear <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong>adorned in an entire suit of bony armor,though such accounts may stretch credulityrather <strong>to</strong>o thin for the academic instincts ofmost scholars.Delving deeper in<strong>to</strong> the tales surroundingthis particular Old One, scholars haveuncovered a num<strong>be</strong>r of references <strong>to</strong>protective magic, though at first somemistakenly concluded that these passagesreferred <strong>to</strong> Tepok, the inscrutable godmore normally linked with protection fromharmful magicks. However, some scholars,judging by the accounts of a num<strong>be</strong>r ofmages who have visited Lustria andwitnessed the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> in battle, haveconcluded that Quetzl is also called upon<strong>to</strong> provide magical protection frommundane attacks.In his writings on his expedition <strong>to</strong> Lustriaentitled “In the Garden of the Gods,”noted mage of the Jade College, Cyrs<strong>to</strong>nVon Danling, states that he witnessed apunitive raid by a force of <strong>Lizardmen</strong> uponPort Reaver. The defenders scrambled <strong>to</strong>man their defenses and eventually madeready a num<strong>be</strong>r of artillery pieces, whichthey brought <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong>ar on the attackingSaurus. A cannonball from the first volleyapp<strong>are</strong>ntly struck the <strong>Lizardmen</strong>’s leader, amighty Saurus mounted on a hissing ColdOne. As the missile struck, an explosion ofmulti-hued light burst around the Saurusand blinded many with its dazzlingbrilliance. The Saurus was quite unharmed,and the cannonball had <strong>be</strong>en dissolved <strong>to</strong>nothing by some magical means. VonDanling states that his own magical sightafforded him a view of the eventimperceptible <strong>to</strong> those not gifted with amage’s skills. According <strong>to</strong> him, a ghostlike,clawed hand manifested <strong>be</strong>fore theSaurus, physically blocked the cannonball,and transmuted it from mundane matterin<strong>to</strong> the very stuff of magic. Thereafter,what had <strong>be</strong>en the cannonball dissipatedon the arcane winds. Von Danling claims <strong>to</strong>have felt, if only for an instant, thepresence of a <strong>be</strong>ing of immeasurablepower. In that split second, he felt utterlyhumbled and insignificant <strong>be</strong>fore apresence of incalculable age and power. Ofcourse, he states that he was in thepresence of the Old One Quetzl. Most<strong>be</strong>lieve that the noted wizard Von Danlinghad spent <strong>to</strong>o long in the sun.Using a Sacred Host of QuetzlA <strong>Lizardmen</strong> army (not a Southlandsarmy) may <strong>be</strong> constructed as a SacredHost of Quetzl per the followingguidelines.All units and characters that maytake a Sacred Spawning must <strong>be</strong>arthe Sacred Spawning of Quetzl.Core units with this blessing remainCore. However, if they have asecond Sacred Spawning, they<strong>be</strong>come Special.Skink Skirmishers and charactersmust purchase the Sacred Spawningof Quetzl, which gives them a ScalySkin save of 6, for +5 points perunit and +5 points per character.Skink Priests in a Sacred Host ofQuetzl must take their spells fromthe Lore of Death.HUANCHI, THEJAGUAR GODHuanchi is the preda<strong>to</strong>r god, whosesymbol is the stealthy jaguar. The servantsof this Old One deity <strong>are</strong> <strong>said</strong> <strong>to</strong> haveprodigious hunting and stalking skills and<strong>are</strong> able <strong>to</strong> move through the most dense<strong>are</strong>as of jungle with little effort.Few references <strong>to</strong> the servants of Huanchiexist, which is hardly surprisingconsidering that these particular <strong>Lizardmen</strong><strong>are</strong> known for their stealth and secrecy.One obscure tale may relate <strong>to</strong> a SacredSpawning of the jaguar god. This s<strong>to</strong>ryconcerns a conflict <strong>be</strong>tween the <strong>Lizardmen</strong>and the Dark Elves.Around a century ago, a Dark Elf raidingforce from Hag Graef is <strong>said</strong> <strong>to</strong> haveinfiltrated the Forests of the Viper andmade for a monument referred <strong>to</strong> as theBlood Pyramid. The Witch Elves enteredthe vaults <strong>be</strong>neath the pyramid, s<strong>to</strong>le theprecious dawns<strong>to</strong>ne that had <strong>be</strong>en housedthere for millennia, and performed anum<strong>be</strong>r of blasphemous blood rites <strong>be</strong>forewithdrawing <strong>to</strong>ward the mountain rangeknown as the Grey Guardians. It wouldappear, however, that a <strong>Lizardmen</strong> forcewas dispatched from Hexoatl <strong>to</strong> interceptthe Dark Elves and recover the dawns<strong>to</strong>ne,a precious artifact that is the bane of allDaemons. The Dark Elves <strong>are</strong> themselvesknown for their skills at stealth andinfiltration, yet these <strong>Lizardmen</strong> were able<strong>to</strong> track them. The raiders were at firstunaw<strong>are</strong> of the pursuit and made their waydown from the Grey Guardians <strong>to</strong> travelnorth up the Ashen Coast. Few maps exis<strong>to</strong>f the land of Naggaroth, and thus,scholars can only speculate as <strong>to</strong> thenature of such places as the IronsandDesert, Tyrant Peak, and Kraken Lake. They<strong>are</strong> but names in a tale with only vaguedescriptions. The raiders passed throughthese <strong>are</strong>as, the pursuers gaining on themall the while.At the shores of the Witch Sea, the raiderspaused <strong>to</strong> perform their sanguinary ritesonce more, the prancing Witch Elvesdedicating their blood-slicked bodies <strong>to</strong>their blasphemous deity, while the servantsof the jaguar god stalked them in the dark.At the height of the ceremony, the<strong>Lizardmen</strong> struck, caught the Dark Elvescompletely off guard, and slaughtered alarge num<strong>be</strong>r of them. The few survivorsthen escaped in<strong>to</strong> the night. The<strong>Lizardmen</strong> gave chase immediately, and sostarted a pursuit that lasted many longweeks and passed through some of themost inhospitable lands of Naggaroth. TheDark Elves, seeking <strong>to</strong> evade their pursuersat the Blackspine Mountains, passedthrough a dark portal referred <strong>to</strong> as theSewer Gate through which lay a secret way<strong>to</strong>ward Hag Graef. But the Saurus trackedthe Dark Elves even through the darkestplaces <strong>be</strong>neath the earth. As the raidersemerged at the Pits of Zardok, they foundthat the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> had somehow caughtup with them.The Dark Elves had no choice but <strong>to</strong> turnand fight, trapped as they were against thevery lip of the vast rent within the coldland of Naggaroth. They were slaughtered<strong>to</strong> an Elf. The dawns<strong>to</strong>ne was recovered,and their bodies were hurled in<strong>to</strong> the darkPits of Zardok. The Dark Elves had mettheir match in stealth and cunning in theform of the servants of Huanchi, and nomore raids would <strong>be</strong> launched from HagGraef for many decades <strong>to</strong> come.Using a Sacred Host of HuanchiA <strong>Lizardmen</strong> army (not a Southlandsarmy) may <strong>be</strong> constructed as aSacred Host of Huanchi per thefollowing guidelines.All units and characters that maytake a Sacred Spawning must <strong>be</strong>arthe Sacred Spawning of Huanchi.Core units with this blessing remainCore. However, if they have asecond Sacred Spawning, they<strong>be</strong>come Special.Skink Priests in a Sacred Host ofHuanchi must take their spells fromthe Lore of Shadows.

®TZUNKI, THEWATER GODThose <strong>Lizardmen</strong> spawned under theinfluence of Tzunki have a powerful affinitywith water, and their scaly hides <strong>are</strong> oftentinged with a sea-green hue. According <strong>to</strong>the tales of the boastful Norsemen, someof their kind have battled against<strong>Lizardmen</strong> that sported gills and web<strong>be</strong>dappendages and could remain underwaterfor many hours. Norse tales claim that alarge force of such creatures attacked along ship as it traveled south along theeastern coast of Lustria and explored astretch of shore <strong>be</strong>yond the MangroveCoast. The Norsemen claim the attackerswere defeated but that the longboat wascrippled when it struck an underwaterobstruction. The crew was forced <strong>to</strong> makefor the mainland. The remainder of theaccount is a drunken tale of misadventureinvolving Undead pirates, large flightlessbirds, and deadly jungle-dwelling warriorwomen– not a word of which mostscholars <strong>be</strong>lieve.Although the accounts of the drunkenNorse have little credibility, one reference<strong>to</strong> an army <strong>be</strong>lieved <strong>to</strong> constitute a SacredHost of Tzunki has <strong>be</strong>en uncovered in aninscription found on the base of the socalledMonument of the Moon. This vastmonolith stands 50 miles out <strong>to</strong> sea andsome 250 miles southeast of theabandoned settlement of Dalmark Town.This inscription makes reference <strong>to</strong> a battlefought <strong>be</strong>tween <strong>Lizardmen</strong> from Tlaxtlanand an army of Norsemen in the service ofChaos around the year 1300. Though scantdetails of the battle <strong>are</strong> given, it doesappear that the battle was the culminationof a series of skirmishes that had seen theservants of the Ruinous Powers attempt <strong>to</strong>penetrate the mouth of the river Amaxon.They were repulsed and harried from oneestuary island <strong>to</strong> the next by a <strong>Lizardmen</strong>army capable of launching its attacks fromthe water. The final battle occurred on theshores of the Island of Sacrifices. The foulhorde was surrounded; the hulls of its longships were punctured; and the Norsemenhad nowhere else <strong>to</strong> turn. The inscriptionstates that the invaders’ bones were strewnabout the shores of the islands three feetdeep in places <strong>to</strong> act as a reminder <strong>to</strong> anywho would attempt <strong>to</strong> invade the realms ofthe <strong>Lizardmen</strong>.Using a Sacred Host of TzunkiA <strong>Lizardmen</strong> army (not a Southlandsarmy) may <strong>be</strong> constructed as a SacredHost of Tzunki per the followingguidelines.All units and characters that maytake a Sacred Spawning must <strong>be</strong>arthe Sacred Spawning of Tzunki.Core units with this blessing remainCore. However, if they have asecond Sacred Spawning, they<strong>be</strong>come Special.Skink Skirmishers and charactersmust purchase the Sacred Spawningof Tzunki for +5 points per unit and+5 points per character.Skink Priests in a Sacred Host ofTzunki must take their spells fromthe Lore of the Heavens.TLAZCOTL THEIMPASSIVETlazcotl is <strong>said</strong> <strong>to</strong> embody the cold-bloodedimpassiveness of the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> race, andhis followers <strong>are</strong> unmoved by eventsaround them, no matter how extreme orunnerving. The servants of this deity <strong>are</strong><strong>said</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> cold, patient, and unresponsive,even for Saurus, and utterly devoid ofemotion. As such, they <strong>are</strong> of course utterlyunafraid, for nothing moves them. Evensights that would reduce the boldest man<strong>to</strong> a quivering wreck hold no terror forthese warriors, who will continue fightinguntil every last one of them lies dead.Travelers who have made actual contactwith the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> descri<strong>be</strong> them all ascold and impassive, yet a handful have hadthe misfortune of coming face <strong>to</strong> face with<strong>Lizardmen</strong> spawned under the influence ofTlazcotl. One <strong>to</strong>mb-raiding adventurerclaims <strong>to</strong> have <strong>be</strong>come shipwrecked southof Port Reaver and <strong>to</strong> have made his waysouth along the coast in hopes of reachingSwamp Town <strong>be</strong>fore pursuing piratesover<strong>to</strong>ok him. The cutthroats sought <strong>to</strong>divest him of a golden mask he hadplundered from <strong>Lizardmen</strong> ruins. A weekin<strong>to</strong> his journey, he encountered a force of<strong>Lizardmen</strong> blocking his route and saw noalternative but <strong>to</strong> meet with them andnegotiate safe passage through theirdomains. His advance was met with s<strong>to</strong>nysilence. Although the Saurus made nomove <strong>to</strong> harm him, they certainly made noeffort <strong>to</strong> communicate. Frustrated andfretting that the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> might decide <strong>to</strong>detain him if he lingered any longer intheir domains and thereby discover theplundered mask he carried, the adventurermade off along the <strong>be</strong>ach and cast nervousglances <strong>be</strong>hind as he did so. It was only ashe turned one last time that he saw thatthe <strong>Lizardmen</strong> had deployed in<strong>to</strong> a longbattle line, blocking the <strong>be</strong>ach from low <strong>to</strong>high tide marks, and that the pirates whohad pursued him along the coast for thelast seven days were just coming in<strong>to</strong> view.The pirates vastly outnum<strong>be</strong>red theSaurus, but the <strong>Lizardmen</strong> showed no hin<strong>to</strong>f fear as the ragged lines of cutthroatsadvanced. The ensuing battle was bloodyin the extreme. The pirates threwthemselves at the Saurus, but the<strong>Lizardmen</strong> would simply not give ground,though they were <strong>be</strong>ing dragged down bythe savage horde smashing in<strong>to</strong> their lines.

WARHAMMER CHRONICLES – SACRED HOSTSA Dark Elf slaving expedition is ambushed in the Jungle of Despair.As the sun <strong>be</strong>gan <strong>to</strong> set, the tide of battleturned, as the pirates were simply <strong>to</strong>oexhausted <strong>to</strong> continue their attack. Theywithdrew, but the Saurus remained,guarding their land as though they heededsome silent command. The adventurer,secure in the knowledge that the pirateswould not <strong>be</strong> able <strong>to</strong> follow, turned andcontinued on his journey south, but hesuffered more than a stab of guilt that somany had died, inadvertently facilitatinghis escape with their own treasure.Using a Sacred Host of TlazcotlA <strong>Lizardmen</strong> army (not a Southlandsarmy) may <strong>be</strong> constructed as a SacredHost of Tlazcotl per the followingguidelines.All units and characters that maytake a Sacred Spawning must <strong>be</strong>arthe Sacred Spawning of Tlazcotl.Core units with this blessing remainCore. However, if they have asecond Sacred Spawning, they<strong>be</strong>come Special.Skink Skirmishers and charactersmust purchase the Sacred Spawningof Tlazcotl for +15 points per unitand +15 points per character.Skink Priests in a Sacred Host ofTlazcotl must take their spells fromthe Lore of Metal.TEPOK THEINSCRUTABLEThe <strong>Lizardmen</strong> worship the deity Tepok asthe feathered serpent god of the air and ofsacred places and a powerful symbol ofprotection against harmful magic. The<strong>be</strong>ing is frequently referred <strong>to</strong> as “TheInscrutable,” a characteristic manifested inits followers, who have an air of mysteriousotherworldliness. The feathered serpent<strong>to</strong>tem-creature is <strong>be</strong>lieved <strong>to</strong> refer <strong>to</strong> theQuoatl, a mythical creature <strong>said</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> abizarre hybrid of serpent and bird. Attimes, the Quoatl is depicted as a hugesnake covered with brightly coloredfeathers; at others, it is a snake with wide,feathered pinions. These feathers <strong>are</strong>invariably purple, deep blue, or acombination of the two, and it has <strong>be</strong>enreported by returning explorers that some<strong>Lizardmen</strong> sport feathers of this color as amark of rank or role. Most scholars refuse<strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong>lieve the feathers <strong>are</strong> from an actualQuoatl, for surely such a creature must <strong>be</strong>extremely r<strong>are</strong>, if it even exists at all.A full-fledged spawning of a Sacred Host ofTepok has <strong>be</strong>en reported on severaloccasions. The oldest such reference wasfound in a transcription of a singlefragment of the long-lost SeventeenthCycle of the Chronicle of Hexoatl. Thetranscript states that during the fifthconfiguration of the Fire Star (around theyear 500 by the <strong>be</strong>st calculations), the“Dark Ones” (Dark Elves) made an attackon the sacred Mirror Pool of Tepok.Decades earlier, a Sacred Host of Sotek had<strong>be</strong>en spawned at Hexoatl, and this armymarched <strong>to</strong> war against the Elves andfought a mighty battle on the shore of thepool itself. The Dark Elves were, according<strong>to</strong> the inscription, defeated despite terribledark magicks unleashed by their sorcerouswitch of a leader. Only through Tepok’sprotection did the force survive her arcaneonslaught by walking calmly throughardent violet fire <strong>to</strong> smash in<strong>to</strong> the Dark Elflines, slaughter every last Dark Elf, and winthe day. The witch was thrown in<strong>to</strong> theMirror Pool of Tepok as a sacrifice <strong>to</strong> thefeathered-serpent god of sacred places, andit is <strong>said</strong> that her screaming, cursing face isstill visible there <strong>to</strong> this day and remainsunable <strong>to</strong> break the surface of the perfectlycalm waters.Interestingly, the Chronicle of Hexoatlsuggests that the Children of Tepok willreturn at the next conjunction of the FireStar <strong>to</strong> oppose once more the Dark Oneswho would despoil the lands of Lustria.The configuration has recently occurred.Thus, it may well <strong>be</strong> that a Sacred Host ofTepok once more walks the land.Using a Sacred Host of TepokA <strong>Lizardmen</strong> army (not a Southlandsarmy) may <strong>be</strong> constructed as aSacred Host of Tepok per thefollowing guidelines.All units and characters that maytake a Sacred Spawning must <strong>be</strong>arthe Sacred Spawning of Tepok. Coreunits with this blessing remainCore. However, if they have asecond Sacred Spawning, they<strong>be</strong>come Special.Skink Skirmishers and charactersmust purchase the Sacred Spawningof Tepok, which gives them MagicResistance (1), for +20 points perunit and +20 points per character.Skink Priests in a Sacred Host ofTepok must take their spells fromthe Lore of Light.

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