reiner, imre: Initialen von Imre Reiner Benno ... - Antikvariat Morris

reiner, imre: Initialen von Imre Reiner Benno ... - Antikvariat Morris reiner, imre: Initialen von Imre Reiner Benno ... - Antikvariat Morris
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einer, imre: Initialen von Imre ReinerBenno Schwabe & Co., Basel 1942. Unpag. (c. 118 pages). Oblong8vo. Card boards, front hinge beginning to crack at head. Illustrated.Foreword by Hermann Kienzle. Text in German. Printed in two colours,black & red. 24 illustrations with classic initials followed by 73 pages with Reiner’s initials combinedto different text typography. First edition. SEK400 / €43reiner, imre: Typo-Graphik [1]. Studien und VersucheSEK450 / €49Verlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen no date (1944). 128 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5cm). Card boards in somewhat worn dust jacket. First edition. Text in German.Title pages, ornaments, stationery, studies of Thomas Bewick and Michael Fleischmann,the classic type-cutter, the book plate and examples from Imre Reiner’sown production.Deals with typography as a design element in books and print, the role of typographyin the development of the trade and also what divides and unites typographyand graphic design from art is highlighted in this book. #4617reiner, imre: Typo-Graphik [1]. Studien und VersucheVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1944. 127 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5 cm). Cardboards in worn, soiled, torn dust jacket. Head of spine split, title page has twoshort tears, c. 10 pages with dog ears. Second edition. #4619 SEK175 / €19reiner, imre:Typo-Graphik [1]. Studien und VersucheVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1948. 127 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5 cm). Cardboards in somewhat worn dust jacket. Third edition. #4620 SEK300 / €32reiner, imre: Typo-Graphik 2. Studien und VersucheVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1950. 112 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5 cm). Cardboards, dust jacket a little bit worn and with a tear (c. 45 mm), spine darkened. 103illustrations which a large part is by Imre Reiner. First edition. Text in German butthe text to the illustrations also in English.Imre Reiner develops his philosophy of classical and modern style are not mutuallyexclusive concepts, but rather that the older book art enriches the modern design.#4622 SEK425 / €46

einer, <strong>imre</strong>: <strong>Initialen</strong> <strong>von</strong> <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong><strong>Benno</strong> Schwabe & Co., Basel 1942. Unpag. (c. 118 pages). Oblong8vo. Card boards, front hinge beginning to crack at head. Illustrated.Foreword by Hermann Kienzle. Text in German. Printed in two colours,black & red. 24 illustrations with classic initials followed by 73 pages with <strong>Reiner</strong>’s initials combinedto different text typography. First edition. SEK400 / €43<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>: Typo-Graphik [1]. Studien und VersucheSEK450 / €49Verlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen no date (1944). 128 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5cm). Card boards in somewhat worn dust jacket. First edition. Text in German.Title pages, ornaments, stationery, studies of Thomas Bewick and Michael Fleischmann,the classic type-cutter, the book plate and examples from <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>’sown production.Deals with typography as a design element in books and print, the role of typographyin the development of the trade and also what divides and unites typographyand graphic design from art is highlighted in this book. #4617<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>: Typo-Graphik [1]. Studien und VersucheVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1944. 127 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5 cm). Cardboards in worn, soiled, torn dust jacket. Head of spine split, title page has twoshort tears, c. 10 pages with dog ears. Second edition. #4619 SEK175 / €19<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>:Typo-Graphik [1]. Studien und VersucheVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1948. 127 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5 cm). Cardboards in somewhat worn dust jacket. Third edition. #4620 SEK300 / €32<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>: Typo-Graphik 2. Studien und VersucheVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1950. 112 pages. Tall 8vo (24,5 x 17,5 cm). Cardboards, dust jacket a little bit worn and with a tear (c. 45 mm), spine darkened. 103illustrations which a large part is by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>. First edition. Text in German butthe text to the illustrations also in English.<strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong> develops his philosophy of classical and modern style are not mutuallyexclusive concepts, but rather that the older book art enriches the modern design.#4622 SEK425 / €46

einer, <strong>imre</strong> and hedwig: Schrift im BuchVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1948. 95 pages. Small 4to (25,5 x 22 cm).Printed card boards, head of spine chipped and darkened, corners bumped.Former owner’s signature on first end paper ([Erik] Lindegren). Title-pages,pages of books, book-jackets &c. on the recto and commented text in English& German on the verso.”Die Anwendung <strong>von</strong> Schrift als Auszeichnung derBuchseite. Buchumschläge, Titel- und Inhaltseiten. Formen der Tradition inVerbindung mit den Bestrebungen der Gegenwart” / The application of letteringfor display work on jackets, title-pages and in the text of books. Traditionalforms in relation to present-day tendencies. #1409 SEK250 / €27<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong> and hedwig: Schrift im BuchVerlag Zollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1948. 95 pages. Small 4to (25,5 x 22 cm).Printed card boards, torn & worn dust jacket, head of spine chipped. #315SEK250 / €27<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong> & hedwig: Lettering in Book ArtZollikofer & Company, St. Gall 1948. 95 pages. Small 4to (25,5 x 22 cm).Printed card boards, dust jacket with minor worn. Samples on the recto andexplaining text in English & German on the verso.”The application of letteringfor display work on jackets, title-pages and in the text of books. Traditionalforms in relation to present-day tendencies.” “In a time like ours when wehave lost immediate contact with our great predecessors, when we suffer fromthe rupture between tradition and contemporary effort, still without a stablebasis or aim, the old choked-up roadway should be cleared first and a new pathstruck into.” #4606 SEK500 / €54<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong> & hedwig: Lettering in Book ArtZollikofer & Company, St. Gall 1948. 95 pages. Small 4to (25,5 x 22 cm).Printed card boards. Lower corners bumped, spine darkened and foot of spinechipped, head of spine missing, former owners name on front end paper (LeifThollander 1955). Interior clean & tight. #4603 SEK250 / €27<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong> & hedwig: Lettering in Book ArtZollikofer & Company, St. Gall 1948. 95 pages. Small 4to (25,5 x 22 cm).Printed card boards, torn & worn dust jacket, upper corners heavily bumped.#4607 SEK100 / €11

einer, <strong>imre</strong>: Grafika. Modern Design for Advertising and PrintingPaul A. Struck, New York 1947. 118, (2) pages. 4to (29,5 x 25 cm). Printed cardboards. Corners bumped, parts of the spine missing. Interior clean & tight.Profusely illustrated with the works of <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>, printed in two colours, black& red.”In the present volume I have collected the result of my experiments andshown one and the same problem with several solutions, without giving any ofthem the preference, being chiefly interested in pointing out the way in whichsuch tasks may be approached.” #4625 SEK300 / €32<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>: Grafika. Modern Design for Advertising and PrintingZollikofer & Company, St. Gall 1947. 118, (2) pages. 4to (29,5 x 25 cm). Printedcard boards. Boards worn and bumped, part of the spine missing, head of spinechipped, former owners name on front end paper (Leif Thollander 1956 Basel).Interior clean & tight. #4602 SEK300 / €32<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>: MonogramsZollikofer, St. Gallen 1947. 4 pages followed by 22 monograms printedin two colours on the recto only. Oblong 8vo (17,5 x 24,5). Card boards,slightly skewed. The dustwrapper is chipped and slightly worn. Firstedition.”Monograms are sets of letters interwoven in one design - a book ofsuggestions for artists with imagination. This field offers a wide scope, fromfundamental forms of lettering with their calligraphic variations to freepictorial draughtsmanship.” Text from dust jacket. #318 SEK325 /€35<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>: MonogramsZollikofer & Co., St. Gallen 1947. 4 pages followed by 22 monograms printed in two colours on therecto only. Oblong 8vo (17,5 x 24,5). Card boards, slightly skewed, paper loss at top of spine. No jacket.First edition. #4624 SEK200 / €22<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>: Samtale i Weimar, sommeren 1923Roskilde Teknisk Skoles bogtryksafdeling, 1976. 14, (6) s. Sydd med djupaflikomslag. Ett grafiskt blad, “Die Ungarin”, av <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong> är reproducerat i offset.Satt och tryckt med Baskerville. Typografi av Mogens Greve-Olsen. Ursprungligenpublicerad i “Wunsch und Gestaltung”. Privattryck, ej i handeln.SEK100 / €11

Journalsrudge, william edwin(edit.): Print; A Quarterly Journalof the Graphic Arts. Volume VI,1948-51, Numbers 1-4William Edwin Rudge, Woodstock,Vermont 1948-51. Cirka298 s. + Index för Vol. V. 4:o(25,5 x 18,5 cm). Trådhäftade.Nr 1 & 4 med något skadade ryggar. Illustrerade i färg och svartvitt med inklistrade planscher, faksimiler,bok- och titelsidor, teckningar, fotografier, porträtt, annonser och andra illustrationer. Urinnehållet finns bl.a. <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>: “Visual qualities of Corvinus and Symphony”, George Salter: “Bookjacket design”, Karl Kup: “Notes on prints and illustration”, Walter Lewis: “A note on British books”,Paul Standard: “A presentation book label, by Reynolds Stone”, R. Randolph Karch: “Introductionto type faces” (28 s.), “Seaward Skerries, by Anders Zorn”, Mary Kingsbury: “Emily Connor and theMarchbanks Press” Julius Rodenberg: “Carl Ernst Poeschel”. Varje nummer med bokrecensioner avRay Nash. Komplett årgång i fyra volymer. Från och med nr 4 sammanslagen med “The Print Collector’sQuarterly”.Print is a sincere attempt in America to demonstrate the far-reaching importance ofthe graphic arts. Well edited and well printed, it should prove a source of real value. /.../ Discussions ofcontemporary and, at times, early printing times, belong to the functions of this far-reaching periodical.(Ulrich & Küp s. 37 & 47). SEK600 / €64spencer, herbert (ed.): Typographica. No. 2 [Old Series]Lund Humphries, London 1950. 38 pages. 4to (30,5 x 23 cm).Stiff paper wrappers. Water stained to spine. Cover art by <strong>Imre</strong><strong>Reiner</strong>. Contents: Frontispiece litograph in two colours by RobertAdams; Copper-plate scripts by R. S. Hutchings; Politicaltypography by Michael Middleton; The ornamental lettering of <strong>Imre</strong><strong>Reiner</strong>; Visual aids by Michael Alexander; Reviews (books, magazines,type specimen sheets).SEK300 / €32amstutz, walter & herdeg, walter (eds.): Graphis. Jan./Feb. No. 13, 1946Amstutz & Herdeg, Graphis Press, Zurich 1946. 124 pages, xii (ads) + Index September1944 - December 1945, No. 1-13 (4) pages. 4to (30 x 23,5 cm). Originalwrappers. Spine water stained and with paper loss at head, interior clean & tight.Cover art by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>. From the contents: Manuel Gasser “<strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>”(pages 2-11), Konrad Fahrner “John Heartfield. Photomontages” (pages 30-35),H. K. “Lester Beall” (pages 52-61), Jan Tschichold “Spanish Calligraphic Modelsof the 16th Century” (pages 79-86). Illustrated. Text in English and German,resume in French. An early issue of Graphis.SEK300 / €32

[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>] johansen, svend (red.): Grafisk Teknik. Nummer 5, 1948Dansk Typograf-Forbund, København 1948. 33 s. + 5 s. annonser. 4:o (29,7 x 21cm). Klammerhäftad. Illustrerad. Innehåller bl.a. <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong> “Saglighed og eventyri typografien”. Ole Sarvig “Edward Munchs grafik”. Kai Pelt “Bodoni”. #3859SEK75 / €8Typograhy[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong> - stempel] BazarSchriftgiessrei D. Stempel AG, Frankfurt a. M., no date (1956). Stempeltypefoundry specimen sheet, folded three times as issued, printed on bothsides (41,5 x 19,5 cm). Illustrations and typography by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>. An attractiveand rare specimen. Bazar, designed by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>, is a bold, informalbrush script with irregularly inclined letters and uneven ascenders anddescenders lengths. The face was revived in 2005 by Patrick Griffin, CanadaType, as Boondock. SEK250 / €27[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong> - lettergieterij amsterdam]GaramontN. V. Lettergieterij Amsterdam voorheen N. Tetterode,Amsterdam 1948. Unpag. (12 pages). 4to (30,5 x21 cm). Sewn with dust jacket. Type specimen showingGaramont Roman, Italic, Semibold 6-66 points +typographic samples. Text in Danish & Norwegian.This version is the same as ATF’s which was designedby Benton/Cleland. Designed by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>. (Not inLane & Lommen).SEK200 / €22[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>] kleist, heinrich <strong>von</strong>: Brief eines jungen Dichters an einen jungenMalerBuchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1946. Unpag. (16 pages). Sewn with foldingflaps, covers stained. A short essay (3 pages) followed by designed ads for book publishers.Two illustrations and typography by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>.Charming Christmas present from the Swiss bookshop in Zürich. (Weihnachtsgabeder Buchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1946).SEK150 / €16

[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>] klopstock, friedrich gottlieb: Von den grundsätzen derRepublikBuchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1947. Unpag. (16 pages). Sewn with foldingflaps, backcover slightly stained and somewhat faded to the spine. A short essay (2pages) followed by designed ads for book publishers. Two illustrations and typographyby <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>.Charming Christmas present from the Swiss bookshop in Zürich. (Weihnachtsgabeder Buchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1947). SEK200 / €22[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>] goethe, johann wolfgang: LehrbriefBuchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1948. Unpag. (16 pages). Sewn with foldingflaps, in original, worn, envelope. A short essay (1 page) followed by designed adsfor book publishers. Two illustrations and typography by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>.Charming Christmas present from the Swiss bookshop in Zürich. (Weihnachtsgabeder Buchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1948). SEK200 / €22[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>] heine, heinrich: Über Kunst und LiteraturBuchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1949. Unpag. (16 pages). Sewn with foldingflaps, in original, worn, envelope. A short essay (2 pages) followed by designedads for book publishers. Two illustrations and typography by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>.Charming Christmas present from the Swiss bookshop in Zürich. (Weihnachtsgabeder Buchhandlung Waldmann, Zürich 1949). SEK200 / €22Illustration[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>] dickens, charles: Die Geschichte des Handlungsreisenden.Diese Geschichte des Handlungsreisenden bildet einen selbständigen Teil der»Pickwickier«Gewerbeschule I der Stadt Zürich, 1945. 30, (2) pages. 4:to (27 x 19,5 cm).Sewn, dust jacket a little bit worn and tanned, untrimmed. Three vignettesand four full pages illustrations in two colours by <strong>Imre</strong> <strong>Reiner</strong>. Printed in200 copies of which 1-90 is numbered by the illustrator. This is No. 81.SEK400 / €43[<strong>reiner</strong>, <strong>imre</strong>] goethe: Novelle<strong>Benno</strong> Schwabe / Petri-Presse, Basel 1943. 63 pages + colophon. 4to (30,5 x 21,5cm). Card boards, printed paper label to spine and front cover, book plate. Withan after word by Emil Staiger. Illustrated with 10 original woodcuts by <strong>Imre</strong><strong>Reiner</strong>. Text in German. A copy from the C-edition, printed in 600 numbered copies,this is number 338. SEK475 / €51

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