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THE OAKVILLE YACHT SQUADRON<strong>July</strong><strong>2012</strong>In this issue ...OYS Open Regatta Poster p. 2Sailing School New Programs p. 3 & 4Sailpast Photos p. 5Focus on Boat Safety p. 6, 10 & 12OYS Cruise to RCYC p. 7TGIF and New Members Night p. 8OYS Cruise to HYC p. 9Canada Day at OYS p. 11Hamilton Lift Bridge Note p. 12OYS planned events update ...OYS <strong>2012</strong> Event:Date:GHYRA Week Long Races <strong>July</strong> 7 - 13OYS Cruise to RHYC <strong>July</strong> 14 - 15Easter Seals Regatta OYS <strong>July</strong> 14TGIF Pursuit Race/Potluck and Dance <strong>July</strong> 20Lake Ontario 300 <strong>July</strong> 21 - 23Youngstown Levels Regatta <strong>July</strong> 28 - 29Cruise to EYC <strong>July</strong> 29 - 30Cruise to ABYC (Commodore’s Cruise) August 4 - 6MBO OYS Weekend Regatta August 11 - 13Cruise to Mimico CC August 18 - 19TGIF Pursuit Race/Potluck and Dance August 24Cruise to Bluffers Park YC August 31 - Sept 3The <strong>2012</strong> Season Is Starting … Check out yourOYS Calendar on our Web pagePositionCommodoreVice CommodoreRear CommodoreSecretaryTreasurerMembership DirectorRacing DirectorPublicity DirectorHarbour MasterProperty DirectorSailing School DirectorCruising DirectorSocial DirectorHouse DirectorPast CommodoreWeb MasterOYS ContactsNameMaurice Stevenscommodore@oysqn.comJeff Robinsvicecommodore@oysqn.comMurray Souterrearcommodore@oysqn.comHelga Klenklersecretary@oysqn.comDiane Thevenintreasurer@oysqn.comGeoff Freemanmembershipdirector@oysqn.comAndre Beeseracingdirector@oysqn.comTerry Joycepublicitydirector@oysqn.comDirk Rasmussenharbourmaster@oysqn.comBruce Scottpropertydirector@oysqn.comKent Paisleysailingschooldirector@oysqn.comPierre Perrenoudcruisingdirector@oysqn.comCam Macraesocialdirector@oysqn.comPaul Attwoodhousedirector@oysqn.comPeter Mackpastcommodore@oysqn.comSandra Kennedyskennedy@oysqn.comOYS mailing is: PO Box 144 Lakeshore West PO, <strong>Oakville</strong>, Ontario L6K 0A3OYS Crow's Nest (905) 338-2239 OYS Sailing School (905) 338-9379Editorial contributions welcomed, Contact publicity director at publicitydirector@oysqn.comVisit our web site at www.oysqn.com1
REPORTSCOMMODORE - MAURICE STEVENSFirst of all, thank you to everyone who attended Sailpast and made it such a great day for Linda and me.A special thank you to both John and Kathy Quinlan who organized it and did such a great job with thisevent. Despite the weather I believe everyone enjoyed the day and the Texas Barbecue.We also recently held our first TGIF race and party, which was combined with New Members Night. Theracing went well, with the top 3 finishers enjoying a round of Mojitos as their prize. What an incentivefor next time! We had great food thanks to Courtnay Cayley and the band was there to keep us in theright mood. After all it was Friday.With the season well underway racing and cruising are all going ahead full steam. The cruise to RCYCwas a great success with a wonderful warm welcome to all from OYS. As you may have recently seen inthe newspaper it now is almost certain that RCYC and IYC will be merging in the near future.At our club, regrettably, we received the resignation of our house director, John Quinlan, due topersonal reasons. John leaves big shoes to fill and fortunately Paul Attwood has agreed toTEMPORARILY step in as interim House Director until we can find a replacement for the remainder ofthe year. I appeal to all of you to consider this job. We want the club to run well and this is a key part ofit. Please contact me at 416-346-8668. We need You.One other piece of news is that our Past Commodore Peter Mack and wife Donna are due to set sail forHalifax this week where they will be moving into their new home and where they will be joining theRoyal Nova Scotia <strong>Yacht</strong> Club. We wish them safe a safe journey and thank them for all their help andsupport over the years.With dinghy racing Tuesday nights, regular racing Wednesdays and Thursday and TGIF once a month onFridays, there is more reason than ever to come down and enjoy our beautiful facilities. The barbecuesare there so even if you don’t go out for a sail it’s a wonderful place to hang out and watch the world goby on the river.KENT PAISLEY – SAILING SCHOOL DIRECTORIt is hard to believe it is already <strong>July</strong> by the time you read this article. Well it feels like we have alreadyhad a full season at the Sailing School with all the activity this spring and now we are in to the fullsummer sailing programs. Where do I begin with all that has taken place and will be taking place thissummer?Let's start off with some new areas for the Sailing School, such as the Opti Learn to Race program. This isa new program introduced this year. It involves young sailors who are keen on advancing their sailingmore along the racing side of the sport. They provide their own boat and have a designated coach whotrains and attends regattas with them. They learn how to rig, set up their boat, boat handling and areintroduced to the many facets of sailboat racing through an introductory fleet called the Green fleet. This‘OYS AdvertiserOf The Month’3
allows them to learn how to handle their boats, understand the rules and begin to understand the manyways they can make their boat go faster. The OYS Opti Learn to Race program is coached by MaggyGodard and throughout the Spring Training session Emily Merry has been helping out both in trainingand on the water. I think we have a great success in this program given that we have 7 eager sailors,boys and girls, who have been training in all wind ranges and conditions over the past month and halfand have also attended their first regattas. OYS has been proudly represented at the RCYC Open regattaand the Lake Skiff Sailing Association regatta so far this season, with our sailors making up a large part ofthe participants but also showing great results in their first regattas. They are off to the Fogh Boormanregatta in a week or two to test the waters of Hamilton Harbour. We wish them a lot of success thissummer! Remember, Lee Parkhill started in the Opti, look out Lee I think we have a couple of keenracers coming along!The Opti racers are not the only ones who have been out representing OYS at recent local regattas. TheOYS Race Team has been very active as well with training and regattas showing some good results sofar. This team is made up of 7 Laser sailors, some new to the Laser and some returning veterans. Theyare coached by Eleanor Merry, who returns to us this year to continue her good work form last season.The sailors have been training and racing with the Adult Laser racing on Tuesdays. I seem to hear theAdults making more comments about the race team, something about giving the older group a run fortheir money! They have an active schedule which includes parents helping to transport boats andcoordinate overnights in places like Kingston and Sarnia. We look forward to some great improvingresults over the summer.The Sailing School has been in full swing with Adult lessons almost filled to capacity throughout the endof May and in to June. The class attendance is double last year's registration and we have had programsin all three disciplines, Introduction, Cruising and Racing. I can't help but think the new Sonars have hadsomething to do with the interest. More on the Sonars in a minute. I would also encourage any clubmembers who are looking for a refresher on cruising or racing to please touch base with MichaelPiotrowski, the Head Instructor for this season.Sonars, no they are not submarine seeking equipment, but instead a great, stable easy to use 23' keelboat that provides and excellent platform for teaching as well as a great boat for our Members WithoutBoats program. The instructors have been very pleased with the boats and have had a great timeteaching the Adult Lessons on these boats. Stay tuned for more activities centered around the Sonars!As <strong>July</strong> kicks off so does the summer program, the young sailors will be attending starting Monday <strong>July</strong>2nd. The program for <strong>July</strong> is pretty much full and the August session is filling up rapidly. If you have achild or grand child that wants try sailing contact the Sailing School. If you have any questions about theprogram feel free to stop by the Sailing School and anyone of the Instructors will be glad to help you.Have a great summer and may the wind be at your back and your sails full!CLUB NOTES… FROM TERRY JOYCE, PUBLICITY DIRECTORSailpast <strong>2012</strong> Event Co-ordinators Kathy and John QuinlanSailpast has come and gone for <strong>2012</strong>.We would like to thank all the members of <strong>Oakville</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Squadron</strong> who helped to make this year’scelebration a success. This year was a break from the usual…our event was run completely on avolunteer basis.Approximately forty-one individuals contributed their time and energy to make this day possible for ourclub. Many different skill sets were required - from sweeping the floor to setting the table, floral(club notes continued on pg. 6)4
arranging, marinating and skewering shrimp, piercing potatoes or loading them in the oven with skill andprecision…200 of them! Serving dinner or cleaning plates afterward, even emptying the garbage to forestallthe nightly racoon raid…all was done with grace and good humour.A plethora of delicious appetizers miraculously appeared on the table under the tent. And just asmiraculously, they were gobbled up by our appreciative members! Kudos to all who contributed!The (aptly named) Bad Weather Band was great…didn’t you just love that sax player?Congratulations to Lee Parkhill:Club Member Lee Parkhill representing RCYC won First Overall as well as First Male Ontario at the <strong>2012</strong>Laser Canadian Nationals held at EYC in Toronto held June 21 – 24th…This now gives Lee a spot in theupcoming Lasers World. Well done!!!The Pressing Issue of Boating Safety:With the increased and needed focus on safety on the water, various groups are coming to the assistance of<strong>Oakville</strong> boaters. We have assistance offered by the CPS, and TOWARF to meet the safety knowledge leveland craft inspection by qualified personnel needed today by boaters. Here is some input:From <strong>Oakville</strong> Power and Sail on Boating Safety:Dear MauriceI hope you will review the attached flyer (see it in this Windjammer issue). <strong>Oakville</strong> Power and Sail <strong>Squadron</strong>in partnership with Transport Canada’s Office of Boating Safety, is pleased to be able to offer your membersfree Recreational Vessel Courtesy Checks (RVCC).We have several qualified Boating Safety Specialists who will make themselves available to conduct freeCourtesy Checks for vessels in the <strong>Oakville</strong> area. The courtesy check reviews are confidential and there areno penalties for deficiencies. The information obtained during a courtesy check will not be forwarded to anyenforcement agency.At the <strong>Oakville</strong> squadron of CPS we believe that education and prevention are the keys to safe boating. Theknowledge gained from a courtesy check will help boaters stay safe on the water year after year. Weencourage you to pass this on and recommend the Courtesy Check to your Members.Should you have any questions at all please feel free to contact Ian Casey who is our RVCC Officer, hiscontact information is on the enclosed flyer that I hope you will hand out and post for all your members.Sincerely,Lynne LockhurstCommander, <strong>Oakville</strong> Power and Sail905-693-9806Closer to Home…From Members Steve Scott and Tim NobleI wonder if our OYS Website and subsequent Windjammer issues could publish the following offer by TimNoble and me to perform free Pleasure Craft Courtesy Inspections to OYS Members in the interest ofBoating Safety.Tim and I have been certified as CPS Transport Canada RVCC Inspectors and are able to provide this service(club notes continued on pg. 10)6
to all Canadian Vessels including those belonging to OYS Members. There is no charge for this voluntaryservice and it is performed at the owners request and while the Owner is present.Through our association with the <strong>Oakville</strong> Power and Sail <strong>Squadron</strong> (CPS), we are able to provide this approvedTransport Canada RVCC inspection in an effort to increase safe boating awareness. If the boater is compliant tothese rules then they could save themselves money by not getting fined. The program is known as PCCC –Pleasure Craft Courtesy Check. If your vessel passes the check you receive a decal. If you have deficiencies,upon correcting them, you can request a re-inspection and receive the decal.TOWARF also offers RVCC Assistance:Hi Maurice,Thanks, greatly appreciated. <strong>July</strong> is best for me. You suggested Sunday afternoons were good for your sailorsso how about <strong>July</strong> 8 and <strong>July</strong> 15? We could hit the docks with a couple of volunteers and offer the checks. Icould post a brochure in advance. We're also doing the checks at BHYC this weekend and the Power Boatclub <strong>July</strong> 7. I'll also do appointments if those times don't work -- there's a Courtesy Check form on our websitethat comes directly to me.By the way, Ian Casey with Power and Sail <strong>Squadron</strong> also volunteers with TOWARF.CheersMike RankinFood for Thought on having a Safety Certification…The AOHS (Association of <strong>Oakville</strong> Harbour Stakeholders) has reported that there appears to be an increasedpresence by police checking boats to ensure they meet all the safety requirements. The fines can be multipleand each expensive.Why Boating Safety?…This from Members Bill and Sue Richards:From the log of SunSeekerIt was day five of our first American tour of the South shore. We had already visited DYC, NOTLYC andYoungstown. We had spent the night in Wilson at the Tuscarora YC, we were heading upwind (of course), ourdestination ABYC.Sue was feeling a little under the weather and had taken a Gravol, I was feeling peckish so headed below insearch of nourishment, and then I realized my feet were getting wet!I quickly realized the cabin sole was almost floating. Not too serious, only about four inches in a Beneteau 323,but definitely not good. At this point we were about twelve NM from ABYC.I turned on the electric bilge pump and considered my next statement very carefully. Sue was still sleeping. HiSue we're sinking! Hi Sue I've spilt some water; I'll just mop it up. In the end I said. Hi Sue we're taking on wateryou'd better get up.It's here I have to say a great big THANK YOU to my skipper, Sue. She didn't panic or even get upset, juststarted bailing without comment while I cleaned the bilge pump filter. This is something I had done six timesover the next hour. I had cleaned the bilge during the spring but it didn't seem to help.Now that the water level had been considerably reduced I started to search for the source. The transducers inthe V-berth were dry so I started moving backwards. All other through hulls were also good. This left the aftsection. Two sources back there, the prop shaft and the hull to deck seal which was repaired shortly after wecommissioned the boat. (club notes continued on pg. 12)10
By now we had the entire cabin sole up and were putting everything in the V-berth. Clearing out the aft cabinwas quite a task, apart from all my clothes etc that's where we keep the Henniker. Yes it was plenty wet backthere around the prop shaft, but not behind there eliminating the hull to deck seal.The anxiety level was dropping as we seem to be keeping ahead of the leak rate. In fact the leak seemed tohave cured it self. As my shoulders began to relax I said "I need a cup of tea" (typically British). I turned on thetap to find we had no water, even though I had topped off the tank last night. Then I remembered what JeffRobins from Isotope (sister ship) had told me about a freshwater hose that let go near the hot water tank. Assoon as I said this Sue said she wondered why the water wasn't cold. We had lost the contents of thefreshwater system into the bilge. Phew!! Thanks Jeff for sharing.All our contingency plans were put happily aside and we docked at ABYC a couple hours later. Sure enoughwhen I dug down into the locker containing the hot water tank I found the offending hose.Just a closing note, we both have Nexus cards and when we called the customs people at both sides they justtook our information and said "happy cruising"Bill and SueGoing to RHYC…here is the skinny on the Hamilton Lift Bridge Operation:The Hamilton Lift Bridge has no set lifting time other than it will lift no more than once an hour. If the last liftwas say at 10:45 the next time will be 11:45. To get an estimate for the next lift time call ahead on Channel 16on your radio or you can call the bridge at905-544-3236OYS Open Regatta now 5 weeks Away:Make your plans to be part of this Mercedes-Benz sponsored event. Great races are planned in several racefleets as well as Cruising events. Notice of Race and Registration forms for all events are on our Web Page.Club Member Peter Urwin Offers Tuppence to assist Lake Swimmer Francois HamelIt seems like the right thing to do……………….Early in the spring there was a notice posted at OYS asking for a boat to participate as a guide for a solo crosslake swim by Master Corporal Francois Hamel who will be undertaking this activity as a private citizen with theobjective of raising money for Juvenile Diabetes. Feeling generous we responded and have now been selectedto lead the way. I hope to be flying a big OYS flag during our lake crossing.The swim will be from Niagara on the Lake to Marilyn Bell Park in Toronto starting at 21:00 on Friday August3rd and is expected to take between 18 and 20 hours Certainly a lot more activity than I could do just walkingnever mind having to swim.Our military does a lot of good things for Canada what with foreign peace keeping missions and keeping ourcountry secure it only seems right that we give our support Francois in his private efforts for this worth whilecause. If you would like to donate please contact Francois at or see me on Tuppence.Many thanksPeter Urwin12
<strong>Oakville</strong> Power and Sail <strong>Squadron</strong>Is Offering Recreational Vessel Courtesy Checks (RVCC)Working in partnership with Transport Canada’s Office of Boating Safety we want to raise awarenessof boating safety issues and encourage all pleasure craft operators to follow safe boating practices.Our qualified Boating Safety Specialists are available to conduct free Courtesy Checks for vessels inthe <strong>Oakville</strong> area which are privately owned and no more than 20m in length. A Courtesy Check isneither mandatory nor required by law. It is not an inspection or a test, one cannot fail it. It does notreplace an inspection that may be demanded by an enforcement agency.It can help avoid a situation where the operator is ill prepared for an emergency. Our sole objectiveis to promote safety awareness and help ensure your vessel is compliant with safe boating laws.Our safety specialists, upon invitation by the owner, will board the vessel and check that you have allof all the safety equipment you are required to carry as well as check on any optional equipment youmay have on board. They will discuss their findings and will offer suggestions to assist you inremedying any deficiencies; it will however be up to you to correct them.The courtesy check reviews are confidential and there are no penalties for deficiencies. Theinformation obtained during a courtesy check will not be forwarded to any enforcement agency. Noinformation is collected that would serve to identify an operator or vessel. Information is retained forsurvey purposes only.Upon successful completion of the courtesy check, a CPS - RVCC decal will be issued, the decalcan be displayed on the vessel.We at CPS believe that education and prevention are the keys to safe boating. The knowledgegained from a courtesy check will help boaters stay safe on the water year after year.We encourage you to pass this on and recommend the Courtesy Check to your Members.For your FREE Courtesy Check, please contact;Ian Casey at (905) 339-0086Or email or goodboater@gmail.com13
Classified & PersonalsIf you want something, or need to sell items etc send me your advertisement and it willgo here - no charge to OYS members for non commercial items.BRIDGE YACHTS LTD.Thinking ofbuying orselling aboat?I can help!Russ PerryC: 905-512-0417O: 905-304-1648F:“Close to home, with what you need, when you need it!”Bronte Inner Harbour, <strong>Oakville</strong>, www.docksidechandlery.com905 827 8879CALL - James - I’m here to help.PADDY A. L. COOPER BROKER(905) 845 4267 - pager(905) 845-4266 - directROYAL LEPAGEReal Estate Brokerage326 LAKESHORE ROAD EASTOAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J1J6paddycooper1@cogeco.caServing <strong>Oakville</strong> & Burlingtont. .905.469.1103success1312@live.caExceptional Graphic Design & PrintingAll under one roof1312 Speers Road, <strong>Oakville</strong>14