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Regulation 3 (1) of the Foreign Investors Regulations provides that:“Every issuer shall reserve at least twenty-five per centum of itsordinary shares for investment by local investors in the issuer”.The shares to be reserved should be the percentage of theordinary shares to be listed on the securities exchange.Regulation 3(3) the Foreign Investors Regulations goes on toprovide that: “Any proportion of the voting shares of an issuerin excess of twenty - five per centum reserved for local investors,shall be available for investment by [among others] foreigninvestors without restrictions except as provided under theCapital Markets (Take-Overs and Mergers) Regulations 2002”.4.20 Distribution RestrictionsThis <strong>Prospectus</strong> and accompanying Application Form do not, andare not intended to, constitute an offer for the Offer Shares in anyplace outside Kenya or in any circumstances where such offer orsolicitation is not authorised or is unlawful. In that regard, this<strong>Prospectus</strong> and accompanying Application Form may not be usedfor or in connection with any offer to, or solicitation by, anyonein any jurisdiction or in any circumstances where such offer orsolicitation is not authorized, or is unlawful. The distribution of this<strong>Prospectus</strong> and accompanying Application Form outside of Kenyamay be restricted by law and persons who come into possession ofthis <strong>Prospectus</strong> and accompanying Application Form should seekadvice on and observe those restrictions.This sub-section does not purport to be a complete analysis of oradvice whatsoever concerning tax considerations relating to thetrading of the <strong>NSE</strong> Shares and so should be treated with appropriatecaution. Investors should consult their own professional advisorsconcerning the possible tax consequences of purchasing, holdingand/or selling the Offer Shares and receiving payments of dividendand/or other amounts in respect of the Offer Shares under theapplicable laws of their country of citizenship, residence ordomicile.4.23 Governing LawThis <strong>Prospectus</strong> and any contract resulting from the acceptance ofan order to trade in the shares of the <strong>NSE</strong> as a consequence of theOffer shall be governed by and construed in accordance with theLaws of Kenya.Any failure to comply with those restrictions may constitute aviolation of applicable securities laws. Any such recipient mustnot treat this <strong>Prospectus</strong> and accompanying Application Form asconstituting an offer to him, unless it is received in the relevantjurisdiction, where such invitation or offer could be made lawfullyto him/her without contravention of any registration or legalrequirements. Without limitation, neither this <strong>Prospectus</strong> northe accompanying Application Form may be sent or otherwisedistributed outside Kenya.Persons into whose possession this <strong>Prospectus</strong> may come arerequired by the <strong>NSE</strong> to inform themselves about and to observesuch restrictions.4.21 Investment RestrictionsThe Offer to foreign investors may be affected by laws andregulatory requirements of the relevant jurisdictions. Any foreigninvestors wishing to trade in the Offer Shares must satisfythemselves as to the full observance of the laws of the relevantterritory and governmental and other consents to ensure that allrequisite formalities are adhered to and pay any issue, transfer ortaxes due in such territory.Foreign investors are advised to consult their own professionaladvisors as to whether they require any governmental or otherconsent or need to observe any applicable legal or regulatoryrequirements to enable them to trade in the Offer Shares.4.22 TaxationThe comments below are of a general nature based on taxationlaw and practice in Kenya as at the date of this <strong>Prospectus</strong> and aresubject to any changes thereafter.Withholding tax at the prevailing rate will be deducted from dividendpayments made to all shareholders of the <strong>NSE</strong>. Non-residents maybe entitled to a tax credit in their country of residence, either underdomestic law or under country to country tax treaties. Kenya hasentered into some double taxation treaties while some have beensigned but are not yet in force. If any investor is tax exempt, acertified copy of the Tax Exemption Certificate will be required.27

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