výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

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Animal numbersAnimal collection in <strong>2009</strong>Jiří Novák and Ivo Firla1. 1. <strong>2009</strong> 31. <strong>12</strong>. <strong>2009</strong>Species Individuals Species IndividualsVERTEBRATES (Vertebrata) 258 1422 307 2749Mammals (Mammalia) 66 322 70 324Birds (Aves) 117 499 <strong>12</strong>8 526Reptiles (Reptilia) 19 <strong>12</strong>8 32 178Amphibians (Amphibia) 4 25 4 20Ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) 51 446 72 1694Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes) 1 2 1 7INVERTEBRATES (Invertebrata) 47 113 47 170Total *) 305 1535 354 2919Note: *) The animal numbers include all animals on display physically held at <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> as per the respective date, i.e. those held at<strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> plus those loaned to <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> from other subjects, excluding those loaned to other entities. The numbers do not andcannot include any farm animals or other individuals held temporarily as feeding animals.Total numbers of species held increased by 49 in the course of the year, which specifically involved mammals(4 species), birds (11 species), reptiles (13 species) and ray-finned fishes (21 species). In other taxa, numbersof species did not decrease. In terms of total numbers of individuals, there was an increase of 1,384 animals,which is an unrivalled result in the history of <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>, placing the institution amongst the major zoos inthe Czech Republic. The book value of the animals on display owned by and held at the zoo plus those on loanin other institutions on 31 December <strong>2009</strong> amounted to CZK 6,790,478.56, while the value of stock loaned tothe zoo by other institutions amounted to CZK 558,378.76.In the course of the year, a total of 500 young in 79 species, subspecies and forms were reared, including 59mammals (in 26 species), 182 birds (37 species), 7 reptiles (2 species), 230 ray-finned fishes (8 species), and 22invertebrates (in 6 species), with a total book value amounting to CZK 430,920.There were several major developments in the largest mammal held in <strong>Ostrava</strong>, the Asian elephant (Elephasmaximus), with the arrival of the breeding male Calvin being the most important one. The difficulties withincorporating the two females from Belfast <strong>Zoo</strong> into the group of <strong>Ostrava</strong> females persisting from the timeof arrival continued. Unfortunately, every effort to put the animals together failed in <strong>2009</strong> as well. The majorfemale-female conflicts between dominant Johti and hand-raised Jumbo, a member of the primary stock,resulted in necessary separation of both elephants. This was an issue that had to be resolved before the malewas to arrive, so the zoo agreed to make use of the opportunity to place the problematic female Jumbo atGivskud <strong>Zoo</strong>, which was offered by this institution. Jumbo was carried away, which finally made adding7

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