výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

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This operation was supported by the Statutory City of <strong>Ostrava</strong> in <strong>2009</strong> by allocating a capital grant amountingto 8.1 million CZK. Because the central area of the zoo has been lacking social facilities for visitors over thelong time, a decision was made to enlarge the scope of the works by constructing new-style toilets accessibleto physically challenged visitors as well. The total amount needed for this action makes approximately 13.9million. The new children's zoo will be made available to the public as early as 2010.Other worth-mentioning updates throughout the zoo grounds namely include the following:• A part of the front barriers within the lion and leopard exhibits replaced, allowing the visitors viewing thefeline carnivores in a more attractive manner - covered from an SCO's grant amounting to 225 thousandCZK;• Fencing and top of the indoor and outdoor facilities for the jaguarundi and Eurasian lynx at the small felinehouse redesigned - co-funded by an SCO's grant and zoo resources, a total of 66 thousand CZK spent;• Existing cages and animal management installations in the room #2 and #3 at the animal separatingfacility behind the scenes fully repaired - costs of 235 thousand CZK funded from zoo resources;• Gates at the elephant house repaired and modified as part of the preparation for arrival of the new maleelephant - total costs of 2,641 thousand co-funded from the SCO's grant (1,079 thousand CZK) and zooresources (the remainder);• Aviaries designed for bird breeding behind the scenes rebuilt with total costs of 324 thousand CZK coveredfrom the SCO's grant;• Outdoor cages in breeding facilities behind the scenes completely rebuilt - covered from the SCO's grant of93 thousand CZK;• Fencing, shelter, a part of the outer shell and water supply mains of a stall behind the scenes fully repaired- total costs of 1,184 thousand CZK co-funded from the SCO's grant (700 thousand) and zoo resources (484thousand).Capital projects with expected start of implementation in 2010:• The hippo house rebuilding project will be launched and also finished to a great extent. The project aimsto improve thermal conditions for the animals housed, provide better environment for visitors by reducingthe excessive odour indoors, and cut the extreme energy costs. The project covers replacement of the roof,which is in the state of disrepair; in addition, the entrance gate and a part of the building envelope lackingthe heat insulation will be replaced, insulation of the house renewed, etc. Essential parts of the workswill include converting the heating system of the facility as such by replacing electricity as the source ofheating by renewable sources of energy, namely wooden pellets, and implementing at least a simple waterfiltering system in the hippo pool. All of the measures above will make the operation of this animal andvisitor complex providing housing for the <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong>’s flagship species much more cost-effective andefficient, thus contributing to saving water, energy and human work to a great extent. The total projectimplementation costs will amount to some 36,500 thousand CZK. Within the project, an applicationseeking funding under the EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism amounting to about 17,500 thousand CZKwas approved, with the remainder of 19,000 thousand expected to come from within the SCO's capitalgrant.• A capital operation named Mud removal and re-arrangement of the fish pond #1 at <strong>Ostrava</strong>25

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