výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

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Selection of the most attractive events:• 5 April: The Day of Birdlife - competitions for children, display of eggs and bird taxidermy specimens,a guided tour of the zoo with an ornithologist, installation of nest-boxes• 18 April: The Day with OKD Foundation - the Little Amazonia exhibit opened• 28 June: Singing for Tigers - tiger cub naming party and musical show of the band called Charlie Straight• 4 July: Start Your Holidays at the <strong>Zoo</strong> and Take Your Veteran Too - everybody bringing their outworn electricappliance could get a special discount on the entrance fee• 25 July: When Animals Are at Play - a day of environmental enrichment at the zoo• <strong>12</strong> August: When Llama Gets a Haircut - hairstyler's show at the zoo• 16 August The Day of the Blue-eyed at the <strong>Zoo</strong> - celebrating 3 months of age of the Sclater's lemur• 30 August: Musical Show for the <strong>Zoo</strong>• 3 September: European Bat Night• 5 September: A Day for Vultures• 19 September: Senior’s Day with playing movies for contemporaries• 4 October: The Animals' Day - event focused on conservation of large birds of prey• 11 October: Harvesting the Fish Pond• 28 October: Naming party with a young vulture to be released into the wild in the French Alps• 31 October: Halloween and a paper lantern parade at the zoo• 5 December: Saint Nicholas at the zoo• <strong>12</strong> December: Christmas time decorating activities and Advent concert at the zoo• 19 December: Decorating Christmas trees, a live Nativity scene at the zoo - a traditional event involvinghanging goodies for the free-ranging wildlife around the zoo and singing Christmas carolsFrom March to October, narrated selected animals feeding shows were performed for visitors, with red pandafeeding and narrated elephant training being new additions. Throughout the summer holidays, eveningguided tours were available for visitors after closing hours on Saturdays. Thanks to the financial support of theCzech Ministry of Environment, the zoo could buy a sound system for chimpanzee, hippo and parrot exhibits,and thus improve the quality of animal talk performance. In addition, lanterns designed for evening guidedtours were purchased.Throughout the summer holidays, three cycles of the summer school took place at the zoo, focused on toppredator animals - carnivores and birds of prey. Touch-tables were available to every visitor throughout thezoo grounds. In the winter period, visitors could provide supplemental feeding to the birds ranging freely atthe zoo. <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> presented themselves at the celebration of the Earth’s Day organised by the StatutoryCity of <strong>Ostrava</strong> held on the street of Hlavni trida in <strong>Ostrava</strong>-Poruba and <strong>Ostrava</strong>-South (city districts).New interactive components in the zoo groundsNew learning-by-playing structures were installed around the zoo. In the area of the botanical park, severaleducation spots were constructed to present the native fauna species roaming freely in the zoo grounds as wellas native flora; they featured the woodpecker, stork and age identification in trees. The devices made thanksto the financial support of the Czech Ministry of Environment are designed to provide means of discoverythrough entertaining and interactive approach, encouraging the kids and adult ones in being susceptible tothe world around. Other components were funded by Severomoravska plynarenska, an RWE Group member,32

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