výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

výroční zpráva 2009 ( 4,12 MB ) - Zoo Ostrava

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Research at <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> in <strong>2009</strong>Jan PluháčekDuring <strong>2009</strong> we continued in our two projects that started in the past (Suckling behaviour in equids andSuckling behaviour in common hippopotamus) in cooperation with the Institute of Animal Science in Pragueand Dvůr Králové <strong>Zoo</strong>. The first results of these projects should be published in the following year.In July <strong>2009</strong>, our zoo published the third edition of the European studbook for common hippopotamus(Hippopotamus amphibius). We improved data in the studbook dealing with current population as well as dataconcerning of the individuals living in Europe in the past. To the end of the 2008 the current common hippopopulation consists of 198 specimens kept in 73 institutions. During 2008, 13 births occurred, 5 of these diedwithin the same year. A further 8 animals died during the year. Important changes occurred also with the herdof hippos kept in our zoo, however these changes are summarised in the other text of this annual report.During <strong>2009</strong> we attended 2 international and 1 national congresses where we presented several talks and/or posters (see Table 1).Table 1. List of abstracts and presence of the <strong>Zoo</strong> employeesat the scientific congresses in <strong>2009</strong>.Congress30 th International EthologicalConference26 th EAZA Annual Conference36 th Czech and Slovak EthologicalConferencePlace and dateof the congressRennes, France,August 19 th -24 thCopenhagen, Denmark,September 15 th -20 thKostelec nad Černými lesyNovember <strong>12</strong> th -15 thTitle of abstractMother-offspring conflict incaptive plains zebra: the sucklingbout duration.Common hippopotamusHippopotamus amphibius Europeanstudbook <strong>2009</strong>; Effect ofexternal stimuli on enrichmentin captive chimpanzees (Pantroglodytes): a case study.Mother-offspring conflict incaptive plains zebra: the sucklingbout duration.Table 2 summarises the species kept in our zoo and involved in research projects during the year of <strong>2009</strong> byresearchers either from <strong>Ostrava</strong> <strong>Zoo</strong> or from other institutions. The amount of research projects carried out inour zoo during <strong>2009</strong> was higher than those recorded per year from 2006 to 2008. Some of the projects listedin the Table 2 are long-term projects collecting data from our zoo in several consecutive years. One of theprojects collecting data in our zoo resulted in the publication of scientific during the year <strong>2009</strong> (Pomajbíkováet al. 2010). This project was focused on the entodiniomorphid ciliates in captive chimpanzees and bonobos36

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