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Download Entire Journal Here - IUPAT


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FINISHING TRADES INSTITUTEFTI Teachers Become StudentsThe International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (<strong>IUPAT</strong>) is one of many tradeunions which prides itself on providing opportunities for its members to evolve as professionals.The enduring longevity of the <strong>IUPAT</strong> is no accident. For over a century, wehave consistently been pioneers of the building and construction trades because we understandthat in order to have a strong organization we must have the best trained workers whomaintain a reputation of a strong work ethic, efficiency and quality of product.It is in the areas of training andeducation that the <strong>IUPAT</strong>’s FinishingTrades Institute (FTI) plays a significantrole. The FTI, led by Director DanielPenski Sr. and Co-Chairs KennethE. Rigmaiden and Terry Webb, hasremained on the cutting edge of trainingand educating our members fordecades. It all begins at the FinishingTrades Institute campus, located inHanover, Maryland. It is here wherewe provide our field instructors withthe tools and knowledge necessary toeducate their apprentices and journeyworkers at their home councils. Thestudents are provided with a comfortableand fun atmosphere which promotesindividual and collective growthon both personal and professionallevels.One of our most popular classes,Teaching Techniques II, took placeNovember 5-9, 2012. Lead instructorMichelle Cooper of MountwestCommunity and Technical College(MCTC) continues to do a fantasticjob delivering the material toour members. With each TeachingTechniques course, it is a requirementthat students deliver a teachbackto the class on a topic of theirselection. We are pleased to reportthat, once again, each student succeededin completing this task. Asalways, the class was a success andour members had nothing but positivefeedback for the director, boastinga stark improvement in publicspeaking skills and lesson planningfor their courses.Safety TrainingThe American Heart AssociationFirst Aid/CPR training class tookplace from November 12-14, 2012at the FTI Campus in Hanover,Maryland. Instructors Bo Hanna(CASCADE), Don Gundrum (DistrictCouncil 53 – Ohio, West Virginia)Trent McNutt (DC 6 – Ohio, Kentucky)and Glenn Wilson (DC 77 –Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, NorthCarolina and South Carolina) workedwith a group of students who wereexcited and motivated to become certifiedemergency response wardens.Throughout the week, the attendeeslearned the various procedures of cardiopulmonaryresuscitation to be preparedfor emergency situations thatcan occur on the job. By the conclusionof the class, all of the studentssuccessfully qualified to administerCPR and are ready to be a lifesaveron the job.“Great course! The hands-on, skillfocusedcurriculum of The AmericanHeart Association allows <strong>IUPAT</strong>instructors to deliver life-saving skills totheir members, “ said Mike Krawiec,instructor for District Council 14 inChicago, Illinois.Proud attendees ofa recent TeachingTechniques II courseoffered by the <strong>IUPAT</strong>Finishing TradesInstitute. A course thatsignificantly strengthensinstructors’ publicspeaking and lessonplanning skills.22October-december 2012 • J ournal

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