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<strong>Landis+Gyr</strong>Application Note04-0112-3Product: S4Subject: Meter Factors as they are applied in the S4Date: April 5, 2004Description:Kh, K factor, Scale Factor, Meter Multiplier, Transformer Factor, status and applications. Whateach change affects and does not affect? Applies to DGCOM firmware version 4.27 or S4e Meter(ANSI firmware version 6.0X or DGCOM firmware version 7.0X) unless otherwise noted.The different factors and their functionalityWhKh × SFK factor (Kf) ==recorded pulse 12 ∗MeterMultiplierAs a result of this equation, Scale Factor, Meter Multiplier, K Factor and Kh affect Demand andEnergy Registers. In fact what is programmed is the K Factor, which is a representation of the 3factors. Using a non-standard Kh (not an option in ANSI meters), a scale factor other than 1 or ameter multiplier other than 1 will change the accumulation in these registers, in addition todemand overload settings and the DTA settings in the relays. Note: For firmware versions 4.20and lower the DTA is an instantaneous value and is a direct measurement of voltage and current.Firmware versions 4.22 and greater use a cumulative value for DTA. KYZ relays are not affectedby non-standard Kh programming and instead use the meters true Kh (1.8 in a 9S as an example).Transformer Factor can be programmed for display purposes only or as a factor applied directly toenergy readings, KYZ relays are not affected by meter multiplier or transformer factor. Thetransformer factor is a combination of the current transformer and potential transformer ratios (CTRatio * PT Ratio = Transformer Factor). Using 1132Com, an ANSI protocol meter stores data asCT and PT Ratios but utilizes only the resulting transformer factor for calculations while theDGCOM protocol meter stores just the resulting transformer factor. If the transformer factor is notapplied then the meters behavior will not be affected. If the transformer factor is applied then thereadings on the LCD will be multiplied by the transformer factor. Readings as stored in the meterremain unaffected.1132Com and Meter FactorsScreen shot represents the bottom portion of a meter data report in1132Com.1132Com reports values based on the programmed factors. In the meter data report there is acheckbox for multiplying by the programmed transformer factor. If this check is selected then theregister values in the report will be multiplied by the transformer factor. In addition there is anadditional check box for meter multiplier, if this check box is selected, the register values will bedivided by the meter multiplier value. These checkboxes are only available if the meter has beenprogrammed with a meter multiplier value other than 1 or a transformer factor other than 1.<strong>Landis+Gyr</strong> Inc.2800 Duncan Rd. Tel: (800) 777-2774Lafayette, IN 47904-5012 Fax: (765) 742-0936

<strong>Landis+Gyr</strong>Application Note04-0112-3When generating a load profile report in 1132Com,you have the option of applying the transformerfactor and the meter multiplier factors. The meterstores the values in pulses; 1132Com allows thereadings to either be in units or in pulses. Inaddition a Comma Separated output can be createdto export the report to other programs, such asexcel.Calculating Units from PulsesWh = Recorded Pulse x KKh × SFFactor (Kf) =x Recorded Pulse12 ∗MeterMultiplierThe equation above has been rearranged to show how K factor can be used to convert pulses toenergy readings. This same equation is valid for VARh and Vah. A transformer factor can beapplied to this energy reading.<strong>Landis+Gyr</strong> Inc.2800 Duncan Rd. Tel: (800) 777-2774Lafayette, IN 47904-5012 Fax: (765) 742-0936

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