Newsletter 2nd Issue - Anglo Singapore International School

Newsletter 2nd Issue - Anglo Singapore International School

Newsletter 2nd Issue - Anglo Singapore International School

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<strong>School</strong> Outing for K1/K1PK1P and K1 students had their outing inDusit Zoo. Even though it’s a though day forour little ones, you can still see in theirfaces the excitement in this visit to the zoo.Chinese New Year Celebration&Grand <strong>School</strong> OpeningMarch 3, 2007<strong>School</strong> campusStarting from next year (January 2007), Kindergarten2 up to Primary 6 will move to thenew building. There were 12 huge classroomsand each of them are well equipped to suitfor students learning. Well it’s a good startfor each and everyone having a new schoolbuilding and a growing population of our studentsfrom different nationalities.Everyone is invited!! See you!!

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