INVERTEC V310-T AC/DC - Lincoln Electric

INVERTEC V310-T AC/DC - Lincoln Electric

INVERTEC V310-T AC/DC - Lincoln Electric

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®<strong>INVERTEC</strong> <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong>IM958February, 2008For use with machines having Code Numbers: 10943Safety Depends on You<strong>Lincoln</strong> arc welding and cuttingequipment is designed and builtwith safety in mind. However, youroverall safety can be increased byproper installation ... and thoughtfuloperation on your part. DONOT INSTALL, OPERATE ORREPAIR THIS EQUIPMENTWITHOUT READING THISMANUAL AND THE SAFETYPRECAUTIONS CONTAINEDTHROUGHOUT. And, mostimportantly, think before you actand be careful.<strong>INVERTEC</strong> <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong>OPERATOR’S MANUALCopyright © <strong>Lincoln</strong> Global Inc.• World's Leader in Welding and Cutting Products •• Sales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide •Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. TEL: 216.481.8100 FAX: 216.486.1751 WEB SITE: www.lincolnelectric.com

iiSAFETYiiELECTRIC SHOCK cankill.3.a. The electrode and work (or ground) circuitsare electrically “hot” when the welder is on.Do not touch these “hot” parts with your bareskin or wet clothing. Wear dry, hole-freegloves to insulate hands.3.b. Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulation.Make certain the insulation is large enough to cover your fullarea of physical contact with work and ground.In addition to the normal safety precautions, if weldingmust be performed under electrically hazardousconditions (in damp locations or while wearing wetclothing; on metal structures such as floors, gratings orscaffolds; when in cramped positions such as sitting,kneeling or lying, if there is a high risk of unavoidable oraccidental contact with the workpiece or ground) usethe following equipment:• Semiautomatic <strong>DC</strong> Constant Voltage (Wire) Welder.• <strong>DC</strong> Manual (Stick) Welder.• <strong>AC</strong> Welder with Reduced Voltage Control.3.c. In semiautomatic or automatic wire welding, the electrode,electrode reel, welding head, nozzle or semiautomaticwelding gun are also electrically “hot”.3.d. Always be sure the work cable makes a good electricalconnection with the metal being welded. The connectionshould be as close as possible to the area being welded.3.e. Ground the work or metal to be welded to a good electrical(earth) ground.3.f.Maintain the electrode holder, work clamp, welding cable andwelding machine in good, safe operating condition. Replacedamaged insulation.3.g. Never dip the electrode in water for cooling.3.h. Never simultaneously touch electrically “hot” parts ofelectrode holders connected to two welders because voltagebetween the two can be the total of the open circuit voltageof both welders.3.i.When working above floor level, use a safety belt to protectyourself from a fall should you get a shock.3.j. Also see Items 6.c. and 8.ARC RAYS can burn.4.a. Use a shield with the proper filter and coverplates to protect your eyes from sparks andthe rays of the arc when welding or observingopen arc welding. Headshield and filter lensshould conform to ANSI Z87. I standards.4.b. Use suitable clothing made from durable flame-resistantmaterial to protect your skin and that of your helpers fromthe arc rays.4.c. Protect other nearby personnel with suitable, non-flammablescreening and/or warn them not to watch the arc nor exposethemselves to the arc rays or to hot spatter or metal.FUMES AND GASEScan be dangerous.5.a. Welding may produce fumes and gaseshazardous to health. Avoid breathing thesefumes and gases. When welding, keepyour head out of the fume. Use enoughventilation and/or exhaust at the arc to keepfumes and gases away from the breathing zone. Whenwelding with electrodes which require specialventilation such as stainless or hard facing (seeinstructions on container or MSDS) or on lead orcadmium plated steel and other metals or coatingswhich produce highly toxic fumes, keep exposure aslow as possible and below Threshold Limit Values (TLV)using local exhaust or mechanical ventilation. Inconfined spaces or in some circumstances, outdoors, arespirator may be required. Additional precautions arealso required when welding on galvanized steel.5. b. The operation of welding fume control equipment is affectedby various factors including proper use and positioning ofthe equipment, maintenance of the equipment and the specificwelding procedure and application involved. Workerexposure level should be checked upon installation andperiodically thereafter to be certain it is within applicableOSHA PEL and <strong>AC</strong>GIH TLV limits.5.c. Do not weld in locations near chlorinated hydrocarbon vaporscoming from degreasing, cleaning or spraying operations.The heat and rays of the arc can react with solvent vapors toform phosgene, a highly toxic gas, and other irritating products.5.d. Shielding gases used for arc welding can displace air andcause injury or death. Always use enough ventilation,especially in confined areas, to insure breathing air is safe.5.e. Read and understand the manufacturerʼs instructions for thisequipment and the consumables to be used, including thematerial safety data sheet (MSDS) and follow youremployerʼs safety practices. MSDS forms are available fromyour welding distributor or from the manufacturer.5.f.Also see item 1.b.AUG 06

iiiSAFETYiiiWELDING and CUTTINGSPARKS cancause fire or explosion.6.a. Remove fire hazards from the welding area.If this is not possible, cover them to preventthe welding sparks from starting a fire.Remember that welding sparks and hotmaterials from welding can easily go through small cracksand openings to adjacent areas. Avoid welding nearhydraulic lines. Have a fire extinguisher readily available.6.b. Where compressed gases are to be used at the job site,special precautions should be used to prevent hazardoussituations. Refer to “Safety in Welding and Cutting” (ANSIStandard Z49.1) and the operating information for theequipment being used.6.c. When not welding, make certain no part of the electrodecircuit is touching the work or ground. Accidental contactcan cause overheating and create a fire hazard.6.d. Do not heat, cut or weld tanks, drums or containers until theproper steps have been taken to insure that such procedureswill not cause flammable or toxic vapors from substancesinside. They can cause an explosion even though they havebeen “cleaned”. For information, purchase “RecommendedSafe Practices for the Preparation for Welding and Cutting ofContainers and Piping That Have Held HazardousSubstances”, AWS F4.1 from the American Welding Society(see address above).6.e. Vent hollow castings or containers before heating, cutting orwelding. They may explode.6.f. Sparks and spatter are thrown from the welding arc. Wear oilfree protective garments such as leather gloves, heavy shirt,cuffless trousers, high shoes and a cap over your hair. Wearear plugs when welding out of position or in confined places.Always wear safety glasses with side shields when in awelding area.6.g. Connect the work cable to the work as close to the weldingarea as practical. Work cables connected to the buildingframework or other locations away from the welding areaincrease the possibility of the welding current passingthrough lifting chains, crane cables or other alternate circuits.This can create fire hazards or overheat lifting chainsor cables until they fail.6.h. Also see item 1.c.6.I. Read and follow NFPA 51B “ Standard for Fire PreventionDuring Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work”, availablefrom NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park,PO box 9101, Quincy, Ma022690-9101.CYLINDER may explodeif damaged.7.a. Use only compressed gas cylinderscontaining the correct shielding gas for theprocess used and properly operatingregulators designed for the gas andpressure used. All hoses, fittings, etc. should be suitable forthe application and maintained in good condition.7.b. Always keep cylinders in an upright position securelychained to an undercarriage or fixed support.7.c. Cylinders should be located:• Away from areas where they may be struck or subjected tophysical damage.• A safe distance from arc welding or cutting operations andany other source of heat, sparks, or flame.7.d. Never allow the electrode, electrode holder or any otherelectrically “hot” parts to touch a cylinder.7.e. Keep your head and face away from the cylinder valve outletwhen opening the cylinder valve.7.f.Valve protection caps should always be in place and handtight except when the cylinder is in use or connected foruse.7.g. Read and follow the instructions on compressed gascylinders, associated equipment, and CGA publication P-l,“Precautions for Safe Handling of Compressed Gases inCylinders,” available from the Compressed Gas Association1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.FOR ELECTRICALLYpowered equipment.8.a. Turn off input power using the disconnectswitch at the fuse box before working onthe equipment.8.b. Install equipment in accordance with the U.S. National<strong>Electric</strong>al Code, all local codes and the manufacturerʼsrecommendations.8.c. Ground the equipment in accordance with the U.S. National<strong>Electric</strong>al Code and the manufacturerʼs recommendations.Jan, 076.j.Do not use a welding power source for pipe thawing.

ivPRÉCAUTIONS DE SÛRETÉPour votre propre protection lire et observer toutes les instructionset les précautions de sûreté specifiques qui parraissent dans cemanuel aussi bien que les précautions de sûreté générales suivantes:Sûreté Pour Soudage A LʼArc1. Protegez-vous contre la secousse électrique:a. Les circuits à lʼélectrode et à la piéce sont sous tensionquand la machine à souder est en marche. Eviter toujourstout contact entre les parties sous tension et la peau nueou les vétements mouillés. Porter des gants secs et sanstrous pour isoler les mains.b. Faire trés attention de bien sʼisoler de la masse quand onsoude dans des endroits humides, ou sur un planchermetallique ou des grilles metalliques, principalement dansles positions assis ou couché pour lesquelles une grandepartie du corps peut être en contact avec la masse.c. Maintenir le porte-électrode, la pince de masse, le câblede soudage et la machine à souder en bon et sûr étatdefonctionnement.d.Ne jamais plonger le porte-électrode dans lʼeau pour lerefroidir.e. Ne jamais toucher simultanément les parties sous tensiondes porte-électrodes connectés à deux machines à souderparce que la tension entre les deux pinces peut être letotal de la tension à vide des deux machines.f. Si on utilise la machine à souder comme une source decourant pour soudage semi-automatique, ces precautionspour le porte-électrode sʼapplicuent aussi au pistolet desoudage.SAFETY6. Eloigner les matériaux inflammables ou les recouvrir afin deprévenir tout risque dʼincendie dû aux étincelles.7. Quand on ne soude pas, poser la pince à une endroit isolé dela masse. Un court-circuit accidental peut provoquer unéchauffement et un risque dʼincendie.8. Sʼassurer que la masse est connectée le plus prés possiblede la zone de travail quʼil est pratique de le faire. Si on placela masse sur la charpente de la construction ou dʼautresendroits éloignés de la zone de travail, on augmente le risquede voir passer le courant de soudage par les chaines de levage,câbles de grue, ou autres circuits. Cela peut provoquerdes risques dʼincendie ou dʼechauffement des chaines et descâbles jusquʼà ce quʼils se rompent.9. Assurer une ventilation suffisante dans la zone de soudage.Ceci est particuliérement important pour le soudage de tôlesgalvanisées plombées, ou cadmiées ou tout autre métal quiproduit des fumeés toxiques.10. Ne pas souder en présence de vapeurs de chlore provenantdʼopérations de dégraissage, nettoyage ou pistolage. Lachaleur ou les rayons de lʼarc peuvent réagir avec les vapeursdu solvant pour produire du phosgéne (gas fortement toxique)ou autres produits irritants.11. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur la sûreté,voir le code “Code for safety in welding and cutting” CSAStandard W 117.2-1974.iv2. Dans le cas de travail au dessus du niveau du sol, se protégercontre les chutes dans le cas ou on recoit un choc. Ne jamaisenrouler le câble-électrode autour de nʼimporte quelle partiedu corps.3. Un coup dʼarc peut être plus sévère quʼun coup de soliel,donc:PRÉCAUTIONS DE SÛRETÉ POURLES M<strong>AC</strong>HINES À SOUDER ÀTRANSFORMATEUR ET ÀREDRESSEURa. Utiliser un bon masque avec un verre filtrant appropriéainsi quʼun verre blanc afin de se protéger les yeux du rayonnementde lʼarc et des projections quand on soude ouquand on regarde lʼarc.b. Porter des vêtements convenables afin de protéger lapeau de soudeur et des aides contre le rayonnement delʻarc.c. Protéger lʼautre personnel travaillant à proximité ausoudage à lʼaide dʼécrans appropriés et non-inflammables.4. Des gouttes de laitier en fusion sont émises de lʼarc desoudage. Se protéger avec des vêtements de protection libresde lʼhuile, tels que les gants en cuir, chemise épaisse, pantalonssans revers, et chaussures montantes.1. Relier à la terre le chassis du poste conformement au code delʼélectricité et aux recommendations du fabricant. Le dispositifde montage ou la piece à souder doit être branché à unebonne mise à la terre.2. Autant que possible, Iʼinstallation et lʼentretien du poste seronteffectués par un électricien qualifié.3. Avant de faires des travaux à lʼinterieur de poste, la debrancherà lʼinterrupteur à la boite de fusibles.4. Garder tous les couvercles et dispositifs de sûreté à leurplace.5. Toujours porter des lunettes de sécurité dans la zone desoudage. Utiliser des lunettes avec écrans lateraux dans leszones où lʼon pique le laitier.Mar. ʻ93

vSAFETYvElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)ConformanceProducts displaying the CE mark are in conformity with European Community Council Directive of 3 May1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility(89/336/EEC). It was manufactured in conformity with a national standard that implements a harmonizedstandard: EN 60974-10 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Product Standard for Arc Welding Equipment.It is for use with other <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> equipment. It is designed for industrial and professional use.IntroductionAll electrical equipment generates small amounts of electromagnetic emission. <strong>Electric</strong>al emission may betransmitted through power lines or radiated through space, similar to a radio transmitter. When emissionsare received by other equipment, electrical interference may result. <strong>Electric</strong>al emissions may affect manykinds of electrical equipment; other nearby welding equipment, radio and TV reception, numerical controlledmachines, telephone systems, computers, etc. Be aware that interference may result and extra precautionsmay be required when a welding power source is used in a domestic establishment.Installation and UseThe user is responsible for installing and using the welding equipment according to the manufacturerʼsinstructions. If electromagnetic disturbances are detected then it shall be the responsibility of the user of thewelding equipment to resolve the situation with the technical assistance of the manufacturer. In some casesthis remedial action may be as simple as earthing (grounding) the welding circuit, see Note. In other cases itcould involve construction an electromagnetic screen enclosing the power source and the work completewith associated input filters. In all cases electromagnetic disturbances must be reduced to the point wherethey are no longer troublesome.Note: The welding circuit may or may not be earthed for safety reasons according to national codes.Changing the earthing arrangements should only be authorized by a person who is competentto access whether the changes will increase the risk of injury, e.g., by allowing parallelwelding current return paths which may damage the earth circuits of other equipment.Assessment of AreaBefore installing welding equipment the user shall make an assessment of potential electromagnetic problemsin the surrounding area. The following shall be taken into account:a) other supply cables, control cables, signaling and telephone cables; above, below and adjacent to thewelding equipment;b) radio and television transmitters and receivers;c) computer and other control equipment;d) safety critical equipment, e.g., guarding of industrial equipment;e) the health of the people around, e.g., the use of pacemakers and hearing aids;f) equipment used for calibration or measurementg) the immunity of other equipment in the environment. The user shall ensure that other equipment beingused in the environment is compatible. This may require additional protection measures;h) the time of day that welding or other activities are to be carried out.L100933-1-96H

viSAFETYviElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)The size of the surrounding area to be considered will depend on the structure of the building and otheractivities that are taking place. The surrounding area may extend beyond the boundaries of the premises.Methods of Reducing EmissionsMains SupplyWelding equipment should be connected to the mains supply according to the manufacturerʼs recommendations.If interference occurs, it may be necessary to take additional precautions such as filtering of the mainssupply. Consideration should be given to shielding the supply cable of permanently installed welding equipment,in metallic conduit or equivalent. Shielding should be electrically continuous throughout its length. Theshielding should be connected to the welding power source so that good electrical contact is maintainedbetween the conduit and the welding power source enclosure.Maintenance of the Welding EquipmentThe welding equipment should be routinely maintained according to the manufacturerʼs recommendations.All access and service doors and covers should be closed and properly fastened when the welding equipmentis in operation. The welding equipment should not be modified in any way except for those changesand adjustments covered in the manufacturers instructions. In particular, the spark gaps of arc striking andstabilizing devices should be adjusted and maintained according to the manufacturerʼs recommendations.Welding CablesThe welding cables should be kept as short as possible and should be positioned close together, running ator close to floor level.Equipotential BondingBonding of all metallic components in the welding installation and adjacent to it should be considered.However, metallic components bonded to the work piece will increase the risk that the operator couldreceive a shock by touching these metallic components and the electrode at the same time. The operatorshould be insulated from all such bonded metallic components.Earthing of the WorkpieceWhere the workpiece is not bonded to earth for electrical safety, not connected to earth because of its sizeand position, e.g., ships hull or building steelwork, a connection bonding the workpiece to earth may reduceemissions in some, but not all instances. Care should be taken to prevent the earthing of the workpieceincreasing the risk of injury to users, or damage to other electrical equipment. Where necessary, the connectionof the workpiece to earth should be made by a direct connection to the workpiece, but in some countrieswhere direct connection is not permitted, the bonding should be achieved by suitable capacitance, selectedaccording to national regulations.Screening and ShieldingSelective screening and shielding of other cables and equipment in the surrounding area may alleviate problemsof interference. Screening of the entire welding installation may be considered for special applications.1_________________________1 Portions of the preceding text are contained in EN 60974-10: “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) productstandard for arc welding equipment.”L100933-1-96H

viiThank Youviifor selecting a QUALITY product by <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>. We want youto take pride in operating this <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Company product••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE POLICYThe business of The <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Company is manufacturing and selling high quality welding equipment, consumables, and cutting equipment.Our challenge is to meet the needs of our customers and to exceed their expectations. On occasion, purchasers may ask <strong>Lincoln</strong><strong>Electric</strong> for advice or information about their use of our products. We respond to our customers based on the best information in our possessionat that time. <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> is not in a position to warrant or guarantee such advice, and assumes no liability, with respect to such informationor advice. We expressly disclaim any warranty of any kind, including any warranty of fitness for any customerʼs particular purpose,with respect to such information or advice. As a matter of practical consideration, we also cannot assume any responsibility for updating orcorrecting any such information or advice once it has been given, nor does the provision of information or advice create, expand or alter anywarranty with respect to the sale of our products.<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> is a responsive manufacturer, but the selection and use of specific products sold by <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> is solely within the controlof, and remains the sole responsibility of the customer. Many variables beyond the control of <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> affect the results obtained inapplying these types of fabrication methods and service requirements.Subject to Change – This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. Please refer to www.lincolnelectric.comfor any updated information.Please Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage ImmediatelyWhen this equipment is shipped, title passes to the purchaser upon receipt by the carrier. Consequently, Claimsfor material damaged in shipment must be made by the purchaser against the transportation company at thetime the shipment is received.Please record your equipment identification information below for future reference. This information can befound on your machine nameplate.Product _________________________________________________________________________________Model Number ___________________________________________________________________________Code Number or Date Code_________________________________________________________________Serial Number____________________________________________________________________________Date Purchased___________________________________________________________________________Where Purchased_________________________________________________________________________Whenever you request replacement parts or information on this equipment, always supply the information youhave recorded above. The code number is especially important when identifying the correct replacement parts.On-Line Product Registration- Register your machine with <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> either via fax or over the Internet.• For faxing: Complete the form on the back of the warranty statement included in the literature packetaccompanying this machine and fax the form per the instructions printed on it.• For On-Line Registration: Go to our WEB SITE at www.lincolnelectric.com. Choose “Quick Links” and then“Product Registration”. Please complete the form and submit your registration.Read this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep ithandy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection.The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:WARNINGThis statement appears where the information must be followed exactly to avoid serious personal injury or loss of life.CAUTIONThis statement appears where the information must be followed to avoid minor personal injury or damage to this equipment.

viiiTABLE OF CONTENTSPageInstallation.......................................................................................................................Section ATechnical Specifications.......................................................................................................A-1Select Suitable Location.......................................................................................................A-2Stacking................................................................................................................................A-2Tilting....................................................................................................................................A-2Environmental Area..............................................................................................................A-2Machine Grounding and High Frequency Interference Protection .......................................A-2Input Connections ................................................................................................................A-3Reconnect Procedure...........................................................................................................A-3Input Plug Installation ...........................................................................................................A-4Engine Drive Generator........................................................................................................A-4Output Connections..............................................................................................................A-5Output and Gas Connection for Tig Welding........................................................................A-5Work Cable Connection .......................................................................................................A-5Output Connection for Stick Welding ...................................................................................A-5Quick Disconnect Plug .........................................................................................................A-6Shielding Gas Connection....................................................................................................A-6Remote Control Connection .................................................................................................A-6________________________________________________________________________________viiiOperation.........................................................................................................................Section BSafety Instructions................................................................................................................B-1General Description..............................................................................................................B-1Welding Capability................................................................................................................B-1Limitations ............................................................................................................................B-1Rear Control Panel...............................................................................................................B-2Lower Control Panel.............................................................................................................B-2User Interface Overview and Operation ...............................................................................B-3Dynamic LCD Display ...........................................................................................B-4, B-5, B-6Welding Parameter ..............................................................................................................B-7User Menu Set Up Parameters ............................................................................................B-8Set Up Menu Parameters, Optional Cool-Arc 35 Water Cooler..................................B-9, B-10Tips For Improved TIG Starting, Stick Crisp Mode Dynamic Current Regulation .............B-11________________________________________________________________________________Accessories .....................................................................................................Section COptional Accessories and Compatible Equipment ................................................C-1Factory, Field Installed...................................................................................C-1, C-2________________________________________________________________________Maintenance ....................................................................................................Section DSafety Precautions ................................................................................................D-1Input Filter Capacitor Discharge Procedure ..........................................................D-1Routine Maintenance.............................................................................................D-1________________________________________________________________________Troubleshooting ..............................................................................................Section EHow to Use Troubleshooting Guide.......................................................................E-1Troubleshooting Guide.............................................................................E-2 thru E-5________________________________________________________________________Wiring Diagram ...............................................................................................Section F________________________________________________________________________Parts Lists...............................................................................................................P-574

A-2INSTALLATIONA-2Read entire installation section before startinginstallation.Safety Precautions------------------------------------------------------------SELECT SUITABLE LOCATIONThe Invertec will operate in harsh environments. Evenso, it is important that simple preventative measuresare followed in order to assure long life and reliableoperation.• The machine must be located where there is free circulationof clean air such that air movement in theback and out the front will not be restricted.• Dirt and dust that can be drawn into the machineshould be kept to a minimum. Failure to observethese precautions can result in excessive operatingtemperatures and nuisance shutdown.ST<strong>AC</strong>KINGThe Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG can not be stacked.TILTINGPlace the machine directly on a secure, level surface.The machine may topple over if this procedure is notfollowed.ENVIRONMENTAL AREAWARNINGELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Only qualified personnel should performthis installation.• Turn the input power OFF andunplug the machine from the receptaclebefore working on this equipment.Allow machine to sit for 5 minutesminimum to allow the powercapacitors to discharge beforeworking inside this equipment.• Insulate yourself from the work and ground.• Always wear dry insulating gloves.• Always connect the <strong>V310</strong>-T to a power supplygrounded according to the National <strong>Electric</strong>alKeep the machine dry. Do not place it on wet groundor in puddles.M<strong>AC</strong>HINE GROUNDING AND HIGH FRE-QUENCY INTERFERENCE PROTECTIONThe Capacitor Discharge Circuit used in the high frequencygenerator, may cause many radio, TV andelectronic equipment interference problems. Theseproblems may be the result of radiated interference.Proper grounding methods can reduce or eliminateradiated interference.The Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG has been field testedunder recommended installation conditions. It complieswith FCC allowable limits for radiation.Radiated interference can develop in the followingfour ways:1. Direct interference radiated from the welder.2. Direct interference radiated from the welding leads.3. Direct interference radiated from feedback into thepower lines.4. Interference from re-radiation of “pickup” byungrounded metallic objects.Keeping these contributing factors in mind, installingequipment per the following instructions should minimizeproblems.1. Keep the welder power supply lines as short aspossible and enclose as much of them as possiblein rigid metallic conduit or equivalent shielding for adistance of 50 feet (15.2m). There should be goodelectrical contact between this conduit and thewelder case ground. Both ends of the conduitshould be connected to a driven ground and theentire length should be continuous.2. Keep the work and electrode leads as short aspossible and as close together as possible.Lengths should not exceed 25 ft (7.6m).3. Be sure the torch and work cable rubber coveringsare free of cuts and cracks that allow highfrequency leakage. Cables with high natural rubbercontent, such as <strong>Lincoln</strong> Stable-Arc ® betterresist high frequency leakage than neoprene andother synthetic rubber insulated cables.4. Keep the torch in good repair and all connectionstight to reduce high frequency leakage.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

A-35. The work terminal must be connected to a groundwithin ten feet of the welder, using one of the followingmethods.a) A metal underground water pipe in direct contactwith the earth for ten feet or more.b) A 3/4” (19mm) galvanized pipe or a 5/8”(16mm) solid galvanized iron, steel or copperrod driven at least eight feet into the ground.The ground should be securely made and thegrounding cable should be as short as possibleusing cable of the same size as the work cable, orlarger. Grounding to the building frame electricalconduit or a long pipe system can result in re-radiation,effectively making these members radiatingantennas.6. Keep all panels securely in place.7. All electrical conductors within 50 ft (15.2m) of thewelder should be enclosed in grounded, rigidmetallic conduit or equivalent shielding. Flexiblemetallic conduit is generally not suitable.8. When the welder is enclosed in a metal building,several earth driven electrical grounds connected(as in 5b above) around the periphery of the buildingare recommended.Failure to observe these recommended installationprocedures can cause radio or TV interference problems.INPUT CONNECTIONSBe sure the voltage, phase, and frequency of the inputpower is as specified on the rating plate, located onthe bottom of the machine.WARNINGELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Have a qualified electrician installand service this equipment.• Turn the input power OFF and unplugthe machine from the receptaclebefore working on this equipment.• Allow machine to sit for 5 minutes minimum toallow the power capacitors to discharge beforeworking inside this equipment.• Do not touch electrically hot parts.• Machine must be plugged into a receptacle thatis grounded according to the National <strong>Electric</strong>alCode and local codes.• Do not remove or defeat the purpose of thepower cord ground pin.-----------------------------------------------------------------------INSTALLATION<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIGRECONNECT PROCEDUREA-3The Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> auto reconnects to 208V,230V or 460V supply.Fuse the input circuit with time delay fuses or delaytype 1 circuit breakers. Using fuses or circuit breakerssmaller than recommended may result in “nuisance”shut-offs from welder inrush currents even if not weldingat high currents.The Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> is recommended for useon an individual branch circuit.¹ Also called “inverse time” or “thermal/magnetic” circuit breakers.These circuit breakers have a delay in tripping action thatdecreases as the magnitude of the current increases.

A-4INPUT PLUG INSTALLATIONINSTALLATIONENGINE DRIVEN GENERATORA-4POWER CORD CONNECTIONA 10 ft. power cord is provided and wired into themachine. Follow the power cord connection instructions.Single Phase InputConnect green lead to ground per National <strong>Electric</strong>alCode.Connect black and red leads to power.Wrap white lead with tape to provide 600V insulation.Three Phase InputConnect green lead to ground per National <strong>Electric</strong>Code.Connect black, red and white leads to power.WARNINGThe Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG can be operated onengine driven generators as long as the 230 volt auxiliarymeets the following conditions:• The <strong>AC</strong> waveform peak voltage is below 400 volts.• The <strong>AC</strong> waveform frequency is between 45 and65Hz.The following <strong>Lincoln</strong> engine drives meet these conditionswhen run in the high idle mode:• Ranger 250, 305• Vantage 300, 400, 500Some engine drives do not meet these conditions(e.g. Miller Bobcats, etc). Operation of the Invertec<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> is not recommended on engine drivesnot conforming to these conditions. Such drives maydeliver unacceptably high voltage levels to theInvertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> power source.• Failure to wire as instructed may cause personalinjury or damage to equipment. To be installedor checked by an electrician or qualified persononly.---------------------------------------------------------------------------In all cases, the green or green/yellow grounding wiremust be connected to the grounding pin of the plug, usuallyidentified by a green screw.Attachment plugs must comply with the Standard forAttachment Plugs and Receptacles, UL498.The product is considered acceptable for use only whenan attachment plug as specified is properly attached tothe supply cord.For use on engine drives, keep in mind the above inputdraw restrictions and the following precaution.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

A-5OUTPUT CONNECTIONSWARNINGELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Insulate yourself from work andground.• Turn the input line Switch on theInvertec <strong>V310</strong>T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> “off” beforeconnecting or disconnecting outputcables or other equipment.• Keep the electrode holder, TIG torch and cableinsulation in good condition and in place.INSTALLATIONA-5This unit does not include a TIG torch, but one may bepurchased separately. The accessories section of thismanual lists a number of <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> TIG torches,and TIG Torch Starter Packs that are recommendedfor use with this machine; however, any similar TIGtorch can be used. To attach the Twist-Mate Plug to a<strong>Lincoln</strong> Torch, slide the rubber boot onto the torchcable (enlarge the boot opening if necessary), screwthe fitting on the torch cable into the brass connectorsnugly and slide the boot back over the brass connector.TIG ADAPTERSTRAIN RELIEF BOOT• Do not touch electrically live parts or electrodewith skin or wet clothing.------------------------------------------------------------------------OUTPUT AND GAS CONNECTION FORTIG WELDING (FIGURE A.1)The TIG Torch Twist-Mate and work cable Twist-MateConnectors are supplied with the welder. To connectthe cables, turn the Power Switch “OFF”. Connect thetorch cable Twist-Mate plug into the <strong>DC</strong>(-)Electrode/Gas Output Receptacle on the front of thewelder and turn it clockwise until snug,(Do notOvertighten). This is a quick connect terminal and alsoprovides the gas connection for the shielding gas tothe torch.WARNINGTo avoid receiving a high frequency shock, keepthe TIG torch and cable Insulation in good condition.___________________________________________WORK CABLE CONNECTIONNext, connect the work cable to the “+” output terminalin the same way.To minimize high frequency interference, refer toMachine Grounding and High FrequencyInterference Protection section of this manual for theproper procedure on grounding the work clamp andwork piece.FIGURE A.1RETAINING COMPOUNDTIG TORCH POWER CABLE WITH GAS FITINGOUTPUT CONNECTION FOR STICKWELDING (FIGURE A.2)First determine the proper electrode polarity for theelectrode to be used. Consult the electrode data forthis information. Then connect the output cables tothe output terminals corresponding to this polarity.For instance, for <strong>DC</strong>(+) welding, connect the electrodecable (which is connected to the electrode holder) tothe “+” output terminal and the work cable (which isconnected to the work clamp) to the “-” output terminal.Insert the connector with the key lining up withthe keyway, and rotate clockwise; until the connectionis snug. Do not over tighten.FIGURE A.2WORK CABLEWORK CABLESTICK ELECTRODEHOLDERTIG TORCHWORK CABLEWORK CLAMP<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

A-6INSTALLATIONA-6QUICK DISCONNECT PLUG (FOR STICK ELEC-TRODE CABLE and WORK CABLE)A quick disconnect system is used for the weldingcable connections. The stick electrode cable will needto have a plug attached.1. Cut off welding cable lug, if present.2. Remove 1.00 in. (25mm) of welding cable insulation.3. Slide rubber boot onto cable end. The boot endmay be trimmed to match the cable diameter. Usesoap or other nonpetroleum-based lubricant tohelp slide the boot over the cable, if needed.WELDING CABLEBOOTSHIELDING GAS CONNECTIONObtain the necessary inert shielding gas. Connect thecylinder of gas with a pressure regulator and flowgage. Install a gas hose between the regulator andgas inlet (located on the rear of the welder). The gasinlet has a 5/16-18 right hand female thread; CGA#032.WARNINGCYLINDER could explodeif damaged.• Keep cylinder upright andchained to a support.• Keep cylinder away from areas where itcould be damaged.1.00 in.25 mmTRIM, IF REQ'DTO FIT OVER CABLE• Never allow the torch or welding electrodeto touch the cylinder.4. Insert copper strands into ferrule.WELDING CABLECOPPER FERRULE• Keep cylinder away from live electrical circuits.___________________________________________REMOTE CONTROL CONNECTION5. Slide the copper ferrule into the brass plug.6. Tighten set screw to collapse copper tube. Screwmust apply pressure against welding cable. Thetop of the set screw will be well below the surfaceof the brass plug after tightening.SET SCREWA remote control receptacle is provided on the lowercenter case front of the welder for connecting aremote control to the machine. Refer to the OptionalAccessories section of this manual for availableremote controls.COPPER TUBEBRASS PLUG7. Slide rubber boot over brass plug. The rubber bootmust be positioned to completely cover all electricalsurfaces after the plug is locked into the receptacle.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-1Read and understand this entire section beforeoperating your machine.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGOPERATIONGENERAL DESCRIPTIONB-1The Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> is an industrial 310 amparc welding power source that utilizes single or threephase input power, to produce constant current output.The welding response has been optimized forstick (SMAW) and TIG (GTAW). The unit is ideal forindustrial applications where portability, high efficiencyand premium arc performance is important.ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Do not touch electrically live partssuch as output terminals, electrodeor internal wiring.• Insulate yourself from the work andground.• Always wear dry insulating gloves.____________________________________FUMES AND GASEScan be dangerous.• Keep your head out of fumes.• Use ventilation or exhaust toremove fumes from breathingzone.____________________________________WELDING, CUTTING andGOUGING SPARKScan cause fire or explosion• Keep flammable material away.• Do not weld, cut or gouge oncontainers that have held combustibles.The <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> is a power source that can performthe following types of welding with excellentresults:• TIG <strong>AC</strong> with square, sinusoidal and triangularwaveforms.• TIG <strong>DC</strong> (with high frequency or Touch Start TIGStarting)• Stick <strong>DC</strong> & Stick <strong>AC</strong>WELDING CAPABILITYThe Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> is rated at 310 amps,22.4 volts, at 40% duty cycle on a ten minute basiswhen connected to a 460V three phase supply line. Itis capable of higher duty cycles at lower output currents.If the duty cycle is exceeded, a thermal protectorwill shut off the output until the machine cools. SeeTechnical Specifications in A-1 for other rated outputs.The Invertec <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> is recommended for stickwelding with such popular electrodes as Fleetweld 5Pand 5P+ (E6010), Fleetweld 35 (E6011), Fleetweld 37(E6013), Fleetweld 180 (E6011) and Excalibur 7018.LIMITATIONSThe <strong>V310</strong>-T is not recommended for pipe thawing.____________________________________ARC RAYScan burn.• Wear eye, ear and bodyprotection.____________________________________Only qualified personnel should operate thisequipment. Observe all safety informationthroughout this manual.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-2OPERATIONREAR CONTROL PANEL (FIGURE B.1)WARNING• I1: Off/On switch turns on the electric power tothe welder. It has two positions, "O" off, and"I" on.------------------------------------------------------------------------* With "l1" in the "I" (ON) position, the weldingmachine is operational and there is voltage betweenthe positive (+) and negative (-) Terminals in stickwelding. In TIG, the welding process needs a triggerclosure command at the remote control connection.(Usuallyvia an Arc Start Switch or Foot Amptrol)* The welder is connected to the supply even if the“l1” (Power Switch) is in the "O" (Off) position, andtherefore there are electrically live parts inside thepower source. Carefully follow the instructions givenin this manual.B-221I1FIGURE B.1* 1 : Supply cable* 2 : Gas attachmentl1 : Power SwitchLOWER CONTROL PANEL (FIGURE B.2)1. Electrode Connection (Negative) - For quick disconnectsystem using Twist-Mate cable plugs withgas pass through for TIG Torches.2. Remote Control Connector - For the connectionof a <strong>Lincoln</strong> Foot Amptrol, Hand Amptrol or ArcStart Switch. See the <strong>AC</strong>CESSORIES section foravailable options.1 2 3FIGURE B.2<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG3. Electrode Connection (Positive) - For quick disconnectsystem using Twist-Mate cable plugs.

B-3OPERATIONUSER INTERF<strong>AC</strong>E OVERVIEW AND OPERATION:B-3FIGURE B.32135A B C D E F46The <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> User interface consists of thefollowing (Refer to Figure B.3):1. DYNAMIC LCD DISPLAY2. STATUS LED LIGHTSa. VRD On (Voltage Reduction Device)Status Light- Voltage reduction device canbe enabled from the set-up menu so that anoutput voltage limit can be set that reducesthe output open circuit voltage to a safer levelwhen not welding. If enabled when themachine is sitting idle in stick mode theGreen VRD on light will illuminate to indicatethe voltage is reduced below the set limit. Ifthe VRD device is not enabled (factorydefault) from the set up menu or while weldingthe red VRD off light will illuminate toshow that output voltage is present above thelimit.Note: The green VRD on light will illuminate in TIGmode until the output is triggered even when VRDis disabled. Also note that enabling VRD to reducethe output voltage can make striking a stick electrodemore difficult.b. General Alarm – Yellow LED which is lit whenfaults exist with the power source or optionalcooler, such as over temperature, coolantblockage, etc.c. Output On (No VRD) – This status light will illuminatered whenever the output in electricallyhot and the voltage level is above the VRDthreshold value.3. A seven segment LED display (H)4. PUSH BUTTON/ROTARY ENCODER5. MODE PUSH BUTTONS (A-D)a. Weld Mode (A)b. Trigger Mode (B)c. TIG Pulse Mode (C)d. Memory Location Select (D)6. PUSH BUTTONS (E, F)e. Memory Save (E)f. Memory Recall (F)<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-4OPERATIONB-4DYNAMIC LCD DISPLAYThe Dynamic display is divided into several sections(Refer to Figure B.4):10A97Af100Hz+ 75%-10A0.2s10.0s1. Weld SequenceDiagram0.0s72A4.3Hz50%5.0s14A50%5A2. ParameterDisplay0.2s10.0sFigure B.4b3. Mode Push ButtonIndicators70A0.2Hz50%f100Hz+ 75%-Figure B.41. The Weld Sequence Diagram shows the variousparameters that can be selected and adjusted andtheir preset values. As the push button/rotaryencoder is pressed a triangular shaped flashingindicator will highlight the adjustable parameter onthe sequence diagram in bold. Each press of theencoder will scroll to the next selected parametersequentially. Rotating the push button encoder willchange the selected parameter value. The displayis dynamic in that adjusting the selected parameterdynamically changes the shape of the sequencediagram. After 5 seconds of inactivity the selectedparameter will default back to the weld output ampsparameter. Depressing the button again willremember the last selected parameter and beginthe sequential scroll from that parameter.Three Sequence Diagram types exist:• STICK (See Figure B.4a)• TIG (See Figure B.4b)• Pulse TIG (See Figure B.4c)10A0.2s50%Figure B.4c10A10.0s. .. . ..... . ..2. The Parameter Display Section shows the selectedparameter its display icon and preset value. Tochange the value, rotate the push button/rotaryencoder. Some parameters like <strong>AC</strong> Frequency havean Enhanced Icon Display that shows the effect of thevarying parameter on the arc and/or weld bead profile.As these parameters are adjusted an indicator willmove between the minimum and maximum icon toshow the relative effect of that parameter. PulseFrequency shown in Figure B.4c is an example of theenhanced icon display. Refer to Table B.1 for a list ofEnhanced Icons.80%30%Figure B.4aTable B.1<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-5OPERATIONB-53. The Mode Push Buttons and Indicators show thecurrent selection made by the corresponding weldpush buttons (A-F). Refer to Table B.2 for a full listof all parameters and their ranges. Below is adescription of the function of each push button anddisplay:A. WELDING MODES<strong>DC</strong> TIG - <strong>DC</strong> TIG welding with highfrequency arc initiation.<strong>AC</strong> TIG - <strong>AC</strong> TIG welding with highfrequency arc initiation.<strong>DC</strong> Touch Start TIG - <strong>DC</strong> TIG welding withlift tig arc initiation.Stick crisp mode - for Cellulosic electrodeslike Exx10.Stick soft mode - for E7018 Low Hydrogenelectrodes.<strong>AC</strong> Stick Mode - for <strong>AC</strong> Stick Electrodes.Table B.2B. TIG TRIGGER MODESTwo Step with Arc Start Switch -This mode is available in local or2S remote modes but is typically usedwith an arc start switch. Depressingthe arc start switch will initiate the arcat the start current level and ramp upthe output to the maximum currentover the time set by the upslope time.Releasing the switch will cause theoutput amperage to ramp down to thefinish current over the downslope timeand then turn off the output. In thismode the start current and finish currentcan be independently set andupslope and downslope times areadjustable. (Refer to Figure B.5)PRE-FLOW2S--GAS ON--Two-Step with Foot Pedal -Thismode is only available when themachine senses a remote amperagecontrol device is plugged in. It is usedwhen a foot or hand amptrol isplugged in. When this trigger mode isselected, upslope and downslope areset to zero and non-adjustable sincethe operator would manually adjustramp up and ramp down of the weldingcurrent using the amptrol. Thestart and finish currents are linkedtogether and are repesented by aparameter called Minimum Current.(Refer to Figure B.5)Four Step - This mode is intended tobe used with an arc start switch. It willnot function properly in remote modewith a foot or hand amptrol pluggedin. In four step operation depressingan arc start switch will cause themachine to initiate the arc at the startcurrent level. When the switch isreleased the machine will ramp up tothe maximum current over the upslopetime. Depressing the arc startswitch again causes the output toramp down to the finish current levelover the downslope time. Finallyreleasing the arc start switch causesthe arc to go out. (Refer to Figure B.6)PRE-FLOW(3A)--GAS ON--FIGURE B.6 4-STEP OPERATION SEQUENCEPRE-FLOW(1) (2) (3)PRE-FLOWPRE-FLOWPRE-FLOWPRE-FLOW--GAS ON----GAS ON--FIGURE B.5 2-STEP OPERATION SEQUENCE<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-6OPERATIONB-6Bi-Level Current – (If Enabled fromthe Setup Menu) Depressing an arcstart switch and releasing will initiatethe arc to current level A1.Depressing and releasing the arcStart switch again will toggle to currentlevel A2. Each depressing andreleasing of the switch will togglebetween A1 and A2. Depressing andholding the switch in will initiate thedown slope to the finish current leveland finally releasing the trigger willextinguish the arc.Spot Timer - (If Enabled from theSetup Menu) Selecting this triggermode will enable a spot timer parametersetting to be displayed as awelding parameter. Once the arc isestablish the machine will weld for thetime period set by the spot timer parametersetting. The machine will followthe functionality of two-step in thatstart current, up-slope, down-slopeand finish current can all be adjusted.STICK TRIGGER MODESLocal - In this mode the machineignores any remote that is plugged.The machine will weld at the presetvalue set at the panel of the machine.Remote - Allows the amperage to beset with a remote potentiometer.C. TIG PULSE MODESPulse On - Turns on pulse welding inTIG mode. Changes the sequencediagram to Pulse TIG and allows theadjustment of the following addedparameters:• Pulse Frequency• % Peak Time• Background CurrentPulse Off - Turns off pulse welding inTIG.D, E, & F. Memory Operation – Pressing and releasingthe memory location (D) button will scroll throughmemory locations 1 through 10. When a memory isrecalled or saved the memory location display willchange to reversed text indicating that the currentmemory parameters are active.Normal Display(Unselected)Reversed Display(Selected)Saving to Memory• Press and hold Memory Save Button (E) until thememory location display indicator (D) changes to areverse text indicating that the current parametersare the ones in the actively selected memory.Recalling from Memory• Press and hold the memory recall button (F) untilthe memory location display indicator (D) changesto reversed text indicating that the stored parametersare actively recalled.When memory parameters are actively selected,the display indicator will remain reversed until awelding parameter is changed with the encoderknob or until the memory location button is pressedto scroll to a different memory locationLocal/Remote Operation – The <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong>,when in TIG mode, will automatically sense when themachine has a remote device plugged into the 6 pinMS-type connector-like a remote pedant or a footamptrol. If a remote device is plugged in, the machinewill automatically function in remote mode. If nodevice is plugged in, the machine will function in localmode.In remote mode, the operation of the machine isslightly different depending on whether the remotedevice is a foot amptrol or a remote pendant. To letthe machine know what type of device is plugged in,the operator must select the appropriate device fromthe trigger mode button. (See Trigger mode descriptionsabove for details on the difference. In stickmode the second button on the control panel selectslocal or remote operation manually. This is requiredso that the user does not need to detach a foot amptrolto use the machine in STICK mode.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-7OPERATIONWELDING PARAMETERSThe following parameters are adjustable on the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong>. (See Table B.3)B-7Table B.3ParameterSymbolParameter NameParameter Rangeunit Min MaxPre-FlowSec05Start CurrentAmpsMin.PeakFinish CurrentAmpsMinPeakMin. CurrentAmpsMinPeakUpslopeSec010DownslopeSec010Spot TimeSecOff10Max. CurrentAmps5310Pulse FrequencyHz0.202500Background Current%Amps5%95%% Peak Time%595PostflowSec060<strong>AC</strong> FrequencyHz20200<strong>AC</strong> Balance% EN3585Hot Start%0500Arc Force%0500<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-8USER MENU SET UP PARAMETERSOPERATIONB-8Many additional parameters can be modified via theSet Up Menu. To access the Set Up Menu press andhold the rotary encoder knob for several seconds untilthe following screen appears: (See figure B.7)FIGURE B.7bFIGURE B.7Rotating the encoder knob will scroll through the setupparameters shown in Table B.4. Selected parametersare changed in one of two ways:For parameters like background current (shown inFigure B.7a) the change is made by the mode pushbutton. In this example you can toggle between settingbackground current as either a % or as absoluteamperage. Other parameters like selectable waveshape (shown in Figure B.7b) are changed bydepressing the encoder knob until the parameter isflashing. Rotating the knob changes the parameterand then the change is saved by pressing the encoderknob again. Once all changes are made you can exitand save by pressing the exit icon button or you canexit the set up menu without saving your changes bydepressing the hooked arrow button.FIGURE B.7a<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-9OPERATIONB-9ParameterSymbolSee Figure B.70A2TABLE B.4Selection/* Default ValueNA% *Amps%Amps*% *AmpsSET UP MENU PARAMETERSParameterNumber013810DescriptionSet Up menu ExitReset All ParametersStart Current Set UnitBi-Level Current 2 Set UnitPulse Background Current Units%Amps*17Finish Current Set Unit15 amps*307<strong>DC</strong> TIG HF STRIKE CURRENT60 amps*306<strong>DC</strong> LIFT TIG STRIKE CURRENT30 amps*307<strong>AC</strong> TIG HF TIG STRIKE CURRENTEnabled*Disabled2142-Step trigger re-startEnabledDisabled*2154-Step trigger re-startSquare*SineTriangle101<strong>AC</strong> Waveform ShapeEnabledDisabled *998Bi-Level TriggerEnabledDisabled *999Spot Timer TriggerVRD0ff*Enabled to 12VEnabled to 20VEnabled to 30V0 to 10 10*-20 to 20 10*201500552553VRD LimitNot UsedSpeaker VolumeDisplay ContrastEnglish*FrenchSpanish554Display Language<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-10OPERATIONB-10ParameterSymbolTABLE B.4 (Continued)Selection/* Default ValueSET UP MENU PARAMETERSParameterDescriptionNumberDisplay OffDisplay in 7 Segment LEDDisplay*751Output Current DisplayedDisplay Off*Display in 7 Segment LEDDisplay752Output Voltage DisplayedDisplay Off*Display in 7 Segment LEDDisplay753Input Phase DisplayedDisplay Off*Display in 7 Segment LEDDisplay754Input Voltage DisplayedThis function sets the initial start energylimit. Set this number to a higher settingthan the factory default if needed toimprove starting of large diameter tungstenelectrodes.0.5 to 1.0 manual start energy setting.1.2 to 5.0 = max. Incrementing limit.(See Note)Note: The machine will try to start the arc ata start power of 1. If the arc does notestablish it will incrementally increasethe start power and try to restrike upto the set limit.104<strong>AC</strong> TIG Start Power (for <strong>AC</strong> TIG only)OPTIONAL COOL-ARC 35 WATERCOOLERThe optional Cool-Arc 35 water cooler is designed tooperate in communication with the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong>.Refer to the Cool-Arc 35 operator manual for installationinstructions and a complete description of itsoperation.When the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> is powered ON the Cool-Arc35 will automatically power ON as well. The Cool-Arc35 monitors pressure and temperature and will adjustthe pump speed accordingly to cool the torch. If ablockage of coolant or loss of coolant is sensed boththe Cool-Arc 35 and <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> will display anerror and turn off the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong>ʼs output.IMPORTANT: If the Cool-Arc 35 water cooler isconnected to the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> and an air cooledtorch is connected instead of a water cooled torchthe Cool-Arc 35 will sense a coolant blockageresulting in a cooler error.In this case the cooler can be turned to the “off mode”by depressing and holding the push button on thecooler until the coolerʼs display reads “oo”. To turnthe cooler back on you can depress and hold theCool-Arc 35 push button until the coolerʼs digital displayreads coolant temperature in degrees Celsius.Turning the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> off and on again will automaticallyturn the water cooler back on as well.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

B-11TIPS FOR IMPROVED TIG STARTING1. Start Current:For the best <strong>AC</strong> or <strong>DC</strong> TIG starting characteristics itmay be necessary to adjust the start current on thefront panel depending on the tungsten size. In general,larger tungsten requires more energy to establishan arc than smaller tungsten. As an initial guideline,set the start current according to the following recommendations:Tungsten Size (in.) Start Current (Amps)0.020, 0.040 1/16th 6-10 Amps3/32 th 10-12 Amps1/8th12-15 Amps2. <strong>DC</strong> Strike Current:OPERATIONB-11If start power is set within the incremental rangemode, the machine tries to start electrode positive at arelative setting of 1. If the arc fails to establish it willrepeat the start sequence each time by incrementingthe amount of electrode positive energy by 10% (0.1)up to the start power limit setting or until the arc establishes.For comparison a start power limit of 2 ifreached will have twice the energy of the starting pointof 1. If the tungsten has too much of a ball on it orappears to be super heating during starts the startpower limit can be turned down. In the manual settingrange, the start power will not keep incrementing up toa limit. Instead the start power stays at whatever levelis set. For example a setting of 0.5 will start themachine with half the normal starting energy of 1.STICK CRISP MODE DYNAMIC CURRENTREGULATIONAside from start current, <strong>DC</strong> strike current can also beadjusted from the set-up menu to get a hotter or softerstart when <strong>DC</strong> TIG welding. Strike current is an initialspike of current that lasts a few milliseconds beforethe machine goes to start current. In general, the factorydefault of 15 amps works for most applications. Ifwelding on very thin materials with small diametertungsten, strike current can be turned down to minimizeburning through the weld material. Like-wise forlarger diameter tungsten strike current can be turnedup to put more energy in the tungsten.When running E6010 electrodes <strong>DC</strong> Crisp mode isrecommended. The <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> has a specialdynamic current regulation that is ideal for the whippingtechnique common to E6010 electrodes.Themachine regulates the welding current based onchanges in arc length. As the arc length is increasedand the arc voltage increases, the machine will reduceits welding current below the set point. As the arclength is decreased and the arc voltage decreases themachine will increase its current.FIGURE B.83. <strong>AC</strong> TIG Start Power:For <strong>AC</strong> TIG welding <strong>AC</strong> start power can be adjustedfrom the set-up menu to aid starting if required. The<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> when set to <strong>AC</strong> TIG will try to initiatethe arc with positive polarity until the arc is established.Positive polarity puts more energy into heatingthe tungsten but the drawback is that is can cause thetungsten to ball excessively or to super heat. Notesuper heating of the tungsten can be noticed if thetungsten is glowing red or orange during starting. StartPower can be adjusted within two ranges:RangeMode0.5 to 1 Manual Setting1.2 to 5.0 Incremental settingArc Force Control – Arc Force is a setting that helpsreduce sticking the electrode into the weld puddle.Increasing the arc force percentage will provide ahigher boost of current when the electrode is about toshort into the weld puddle. In Stick Crisp mode sincethe current is dynamically regulated based on the arcvoltage, shorting the electrode to the work will be rare- therefore, adjustments to the arc force percentagewill not be as noticeable in Stick Crisp mode comparedto Stick Soft mode.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

C-1OPTIONAL <strong>AC</strong>CESSORIESAND COMPATIBLE EQUIPMENTField InstalledK857 - Remote Output Control - For Stick welding.Portable current control provides the same range asthe current control on the welder. Consists of a 6-pinconnector which plugs into the remote control connector.25 foot cable length.K870 - Foot Amptrol tm for TIG welding. The footAmptrol energizes the output and controls the outputremotely. The Foot Amptrol connects directly to the 6-pin remote control connector.K963-3 - Hand Amptrol tm for TIG welding. The handAmptrol energizes the output and controls the outputremotely. The Hand Amptrol connects directly to the6-pin remote control connector.K814 - Arc Start Switch - Energizes the output forTIG welding if remote output control of the amperageis not desired. It allows on/off TIG welding at theamperage set by the Current Control on the controlpanel. When using the Arc Start Switch set the OutputControl to the “LOCAL” position.<strong>AC</strong>CESSORIESTIG TORCH STARTER KITSC-1K2266-1 – TIG-Mate 17 Air Cooled TIG TorchStarter Pack. One complete easy-to-order kit packagedin its own portable carrying case. Includes: PTA-17 torch, parts kit, Harris flowmeter/regulator, 10 ft.gas hose, Twist-Mate adapter, work clamp andcable.K2267-1 – TIG-Mate 20 Water-Cooled TIG TorchStarter Pack. One complete easy-to-order kit packagedin its own portable carrying case. Includes:PTW-20 torch, parts kit, Harris flowmeter/regulator, 10ft. gas hose, Twist-Mate adapter, work clamp andcable, and 10 ft. water hose.K2413-1- TIG-Mate 9 Air Cooled TIG Torch StarterPack. One complete easy-to-order Kit packaged in itsown portable carring case. Includes: PTA-9 Torch,Gas Lens Parts Kit, Harris flowmeter/regulator, 10 Ft.gas hose, Twist-Mate adapter, work clamp andcable.Magnum® TIG Torches – The following standardMagnum® TIG torches may be used with the Invertec<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> for <strong>Lincoln</strong>ʼs full line of TIG torchesincluding flex head models consult publicationE12.150.K2630-1 - Cool-Arc® 35 Water Cooler- Attachesunderneath the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> and electrically connectsto the <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong>. This smart cooler variesits speed based on coolant temperature and monitorscoolant pressure.K2694-1 Inverter Cart- Conveniently holds the Cool-Arc 35 and <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> power source. Features atool storage tray for convenience and a cylinder platformto hold a gas bottle• K1781-1 PTA-9 12.5 ft.(3.8m) Air-Cooled 125A• K1781-3 PTA-9 25 ft.(7.6m) Air-Cooled 125A• K1782-1 PTA-17 12.5 ft.(3.8m) Air-Cooled 150A• K1782-3 PTA-17 25 ft.(7.6m) Air-Cooled 150A• K1783-1 PTA-26 12.5 ft.(3.8m) Air-Cooled 200A• K1783-3 PTA-26 25 ft.(7.6m) Air-Cooled 200A• K1784-3 PTW-20 12.5 ft.(3.8m) Water-Cooled 250A• K1784-4 PTW-20 25 ft.(7.6m) Water-Cooled 250A• K1784-1 PTW-18 12.5 ft.(3.8m) Water-Cooled 350A• K1784-2 PTW-18 25 ft.(7.6m) Water-Cooled 350ANOTE: Each torch requires a Twist-Mate adapter,collets, collet bodies, and nozzles and are not includedand must be ordered separately.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

C-2CABLE PLUGS<strong>AC</strong>CESSORIESC-2K852-70 - Cable Plug Kit for 1/0-2/0 cable. Attachesto welding cable to provide quick disconnect frommachine.K1622-1 Twist-Mate adapter for PTA-9 & 17 Air-Cooled TIG torches – Adapter for PTA-9 or PTA-17TIG torches with one-piece cable. The quick connectplug provides connection for both gas and weldingcurrent.K1622-3 Twist-Mate adapter for PTA-26 Air-CooledTIG torches – Adapter for PTA-26 TIG torches withone-piece cable. The quick connect plug providesconnection for both gas and welding current.K1622-4 – Twist-Mate adapter for Water-Cooled TIGtorches. Adapter for PTW-18 and -20 Torches.TIG Torch Parts Kits - Parts kits are available for theTIG torches. These kits include back cap, collets, colletbodies, nozzles and tungstens.Order KP510 for PTW-20 Water-cooled torchesOrder KP507 for PTA-9 torchesOrder KP508 for PTA-17 torchesOrder KP509 for PTA-26 & PTW-18 torchesOrder KP2414-1 Gas Lens Parts kit for PTA-9 torchesSee publication E12.150 for parts kits breakdown.Cut Length Consumables - TIG welding filler metalsare available for welding stainless steel, mild steel,aluminum and copper alloys. See publication C9.10.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

D-1SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWARNINGMAINTENANCED-1ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill.• Have an electrician install and servicethis equipment.• Turn the input power off at thefuse box, disconnect or unplugsupply lines and allow machine tosit for five minutes minimum toallow the power capacitors to dischargebefore working inside thisequipment.• Do not touch electrically hot parts.----------------------------------------------------------------------INPUT FILTER CAP<strong>AC</strong>ITORDISCHARGE PROCEDUREWARNINGThe machine has internal capacitors which arecharged to a high voltage during power-on conditions.This voltage is dangerous and must be dischargedbefore the machine can be serviced.Discharging is done automatically by the machineeach time the power is switched off. However, youmust allow the machine to sit for at least 5 minutesto allow time for the process to take place.------------------------------------------------------------------------ROUTINE MAINTENANCEPrevent metal powder from accumulating near theaeration fins and over them.Carry out the following periodic controls on the powersource:• Clean the power source inside by means of lowpressurecompressed air.• Check the electric connections and all the connectioncables.• Always use gloves in compliance with the safetystandards.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

E-1TROUBLESHOOTINGHOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEE-1WARNINGService and Repair should only be performed by <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Factory Trained Personnel.Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician andmachine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid <strong>Electric</strong>alShock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help youlocate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1. LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMP-TOMS)”. This column describes possible symptomsthat the machine may exhibit. Find the listing thatbest describes the symptom that the machine isexhibiting.Step 3. RECOMMENDED COURSE OF <strong>AC</strong>TIONThis column provides a course of action for thePossible Cause, generally it states to contact yourlocal <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform theRecommended Course of Action safely, contact yourlocal <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized Field Service Facility.Step 2. POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE” liststhe obvious external possibilities that may contributeto the machine symptom.CAUTIONIf for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact yourLocal <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

E-2PROBLEMS(SYMPTOMS)TROUBLESHOOTINGObserve all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manualPOSSIBLECAUSEPROBLEMS IN STICK WELDINGExcessive spatter1. Long arc2. High currentRECOMMENDE<strong>DC</strong>OURSE OF <strong>AC</strong>TIONE-2CratersInclusionsInsufficient penetration1. Fast movement of the electrodeaway from piece.1. Poor cleanliness or distribution ofthe Welding passes.2. Improper movement of the electrode.1. High progression speed.2. Welding current too low.3. Narrow chamfering.StickingPorosity1. Arc too short.2. Current too low.1. Humidity in electrode.2. Long arc.If all recommended possible areas ofmisadjustment have been checkedand the problem persists, Contactyour local <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized FieldService Facility.Cracks1. Current too high.2. Dirty materials.3. Hydrogen in weld (present onelectrode coating).CAUTIONIf for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact yourLocal <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

E-3OxidationPROBLEMS(SYMPTOMS)TROUBLESHOOTINGObserve all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manualPOSSIBLECAUSEPROBLEMS IN TIG WELDING1. lnsufficient gas.2. No protection on the back side.RECOMMENDE<strong>DC</strong>OURSE OF <strong>AC</strong>TIONE-3Tungsten inclusions1. lncorrect electrode sharpening.2. Electrode too small.3. Operating failure (contact of thetip with the workpiece).PorosityHot cracking1. Dirt on the edges.2. Dirt on the filler material.3. Excessive travel speed.4. Current intensity too low.5. Insuffient gas flow rate1 Unsuitable filler material.2. High heat supply.3. Dirty materials.If all recommended possible areas ofmisadjustment have been checkedand the problem persists, Contactyour local <strong>Lincoln</strong> AuthorizedField Service Facility.CAUTIONIf for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact yourLocal <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

E-4PROBLEMS(SYMPTOMS)TROUBLESHOOTINGObserve all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manualPOSSIBLECAUSEELECTRICAL FAILURESMachine fails to come on1. No Input Voltage.(LCD screen and LED display do 2. Faulty supply plug or cable.not illuminate)3. Internal fuse blown.4. Input voltage not within rangeRECOMMENDE<strong>DC</strong>OURSE OF <strong>AC</strong>TIONE-4Power output incorrectNo output current1. Incorrect setting up of the weldingparameters.2. Low mains supply voltage1. E01, E02, E03 DISPLAYED, andthe yellow control panel LED on.• Equipment Overheat. Allowmachine to cool. The powershould remain on so the fan canmaintain airflow and cool themachineIf all recommended possible areas of2. E38 DISPLAYED• Input supplymisadjustment have been checkedvoltage dipped low.and the problem persists, Contact3. E39, E40 DISPLAYEDyour local <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized• Input supply voltage out of rangeField Service Facility.or loss of phase .4. E14, E15, or E18 DISPLAYED• Internal memory errors. (Contactyour local <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>Authorized Service Facility.)CAUTIONIf for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact yourLocal <strong>Lincoln</strong> Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

E-5TROUBLESHOOTINGThe <strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong><strong>DC</strong>, when a fault condition is detected, displayson the graphics LCD an alarm notification composedof:ALARM ICON + ALARM CODE + ALARM TYPE ICONExxWhen a fault condition is detected, the power source and thecooler are switched in safety mode, it means the weldingoperation are stopped. To recover from a fault condition, it isnecessary to remove the cause and exit the safety modedepressing the exit key button on the UI.ALARM ID CODES:E-5E01, E02, E03Temperature alarmE10Boost/Inverter overcurrentE11, E19System configuration alarmE14, E15, E18Program not valid alarmE17Communication alarm (µP-DSP)-Type 1E20Memory fault alarmE21Data loss alarmE22Communication alarm (µP-DSP)-Type 2E27E28E29E38Memory_1 fault alarmMemory_2 fault alarmOutput power alarmUnder voltage alarmE39,E40System power supply alarmE43E44Coolant shortage – clogged pipe alarmCoolant temperature alarmE99General alarm<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

F-1WIRING DIAGRAMSF-1WIRING DIAGRAM12/13/07NOTE: This diagram is for reference only. It may not be accurate for all machines covered by this manual. The specific diagram for a particular code is pasted insidethe machine on one of the enclosure panels. If the diagram is illegible, write to the Service Department for a replacement. Give the equipment code number.<strong>V310</strong>-T <strong>AC</strong>/<strong>DC</strong> TIG

WARNING● Do not touch electrically live parts orelectrode with skin or wet clothing.● Insulate yourself from work andground.● Keep flammable materials away.● Wear eye, ear and body protection.SpanishAVISO DEPRECAUCION● No toque las partes o los electrodosbajo carga con la piel o ropa mojada.● Aislese del trabajo y de la tierra.● Mantenga el material combustiblefuera del área de trabajo.● Protéjase los ojos, los oídos y elcuerpo.FrenchATTENTION● Ne laissez ni la peau ni des vêtementsmouillés entrer en contactavec des pièces sous tension.● Isolez-vous du travail et de la terre.● Gardez à l’écart de tout matérielinflammable.● Protégez vos yeux, vos oreilles etvotre corps.GermanWARNUNGPortugueseATENÇÃO● Berühren Sie keine stromführendenTeile oder Elektroden mit IhremKörper oder feuchter Kleidung!● Isolieren Sie sich von denElektroden und dem Erdboden!● Não toque partes elétricas e electrodoscom a pele ou roupa molhada.● Isole-se da peça e terra.● Entfernen Sie brennbarres Material!● Mantenha inflamáveis bem guardados.● Tragen Sie Augen-, Ohren- und Körperschutz!● Use proteção para a vista, ouvido ecorpo.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUF<strong>AC</strong>TURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BEUSED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PR<strong>AC</strong>TICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOSCONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS AETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BE<strong>AC</strong>HTEN.

● Keep your head out of fumes.● Use ventilation or exhaust toremove fumes from breathing zone.● Turn power off before servicing.● Do not operate with panel open orguards off.WARNING● Los humos fuera de la zona de respiración.● Mantenga la cabeza fuera de loshumos. Utilice ventilación oaspiración para gases.● Desconectar el cable de alimentaciónde poder de la máquinaantes de iniciar cualquier servicio.● No operar con panel abierto oguardas quitadas.SpanishAVISO DEPRECAUCION● Gardez la tête à l’écart des fumées.● Utilisez un ventilateur ou un aspirateurpour ôter les fumées des zonesde travail.● Débranchez le courant avantl’entretien.● N’opérez pas avec les panneauxouverts ou avec les dispositifs deprotection enlevés.FrenchATTENTION● Vermeiden Sie das Einatmen vonSchweibrauch!● Sorgen Sie für gute Be- undEntlüftung des Arbeitsplatzes!● Strom vor Wartungsarbeitenabschalten! (Netzstrom völlig öffnen;Maschine anhalten!)● Anlage nie ohne Schutzgehäuseoder Innenschutzverkleidung inBetrieb setzen!GermanWARNUNG● Mantenha seu rosto da fumaça.● Use ventilação e exhaustão pararemover fumo da zona respiratória.● Não opere com as tampas removidas.● Desligue a corrente antes de fazerserviço.● Não toque as partes elétricas nuas.● Mantenha-se afastado das partesmoventes.● Não opere com os paineis abertosou guardas removidas.PortugueseATENÇÃOJapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA ASPRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.

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