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FAN’S <strong>GUIDE</strong> <strong>TO</strong> M&T <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>STADIUM</strong>

Wel<strong>com</strong>e to M&T Bank Stadium and the 2013 Season!Table of ContentsFan Code of Conduct ..................... 3A to Z List of Stadium Policies .............. 8Parking Rules and Regulations ............ 20Stadium Maps ......................... 21Driving Directions ....................... 27Light Rail ............................. 29Hospitality Tent ......................... 31Ticket Exchange ........................ 33Forwarding/Donating Tickets .............. 35Concession Stand Locations .............. 462 BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong>

FAN CODE OF CONDUCTfan behaviorRavens fans are the best in the <strong>NFL</strong> due to their enthusiasm, team support andsportsmanship. Fans help shape the Ravens’ image. We encourage our fans tocreate a high-energy environment in lending support to the team while maintaininga friendly and family-oriented atmosphere. Abusive/foul language or fighting willnot be tolerated and will result in immediate ejection without refund. All game dayemployees work hand in hand at each of our games to ensure your game dayexperience is a positive one. Have fun, root hard, show respect for the fans aroundyou, but don’t be a jerk! The Ravens reserve the right to eject any person whosebehavior is unruly or illegal in nature: First-time offenders will be ejected from thestadium immediately. Second-time offenders will lose their PSL’s and season tickets.Fan Credo expectationsWhen you attend a game at M&T Bank Stadium, you shouldexpect a great deal from this event. Our goals are:• Excellent <strong>com</strong>petition: The Ravens goal is to go to and win Super Bowls.• Excellent effort: Ravens players are expected to give their best on every play.• Excellent customer satisfaction: Ravens and stadium employees will do everythingpossible to make your day at the stadium the best it can be.• The best video display boards and sound system in any stadium in the country.• A clean stadium, especially in the restrooms and concession areas.• Concessionaires who serve the best and most varied food in any stadium.• The friendliest, most courteous, knowledgeableand efficient game day staff anywhere.• Fellow fans who celebrate the Ravens and the <strong>NFL</strong> experience, but who do notinterfere with other fans’ enjoyment of the game.missionOur mission is winning – winning football games on the field and winning offthe field by serving our fans and being a positive force in the <strong>com</strong>munity.GUEST ASSIST text messagingGuest Assist is the text messaging service available to guests at M&T BankStadium. Any guest may text for assistance during events by sending a textmessage from their cell phone. By using the Guest Assist system, you willbe able to report issues and concerns, and call for assistance in a fast, easyand convenient way. See page 13 for more information on Guest Assist.1. Open a blank text message and address the message to 410-988-20082. Text messages can be up to 160 characters in length3. A subject for the text message is not required.4. When your text message is received, you receive an immediate responsemessage stating, “Your message has been received by stadium personnel.”5. If more information is needed, the Guest Assist operatorwill respond with additional questions.BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 3

Real Women. Love Football.Purple is the official club for our female Ravens fans. Membership is free andthe many benefits include team updates, special offers, discounts, football facts,and your own events.Proud partners

Accessible (ADA) Seatingand ParkingAccessible (ADA) seating is availablethroughout the stadium on all levels.Guests who require ADA seating, includingPSL Owners, should contact the TicketOffice at 410-261-RAVE (7283) to purchasethose seats in advance. Seats are offeredon a first-<strong>com</strong>e, first-serve basis and ADAseating may not be available on game day.ADA parking is located in Lots B/C and LotR (located off of the Russell Street servicedrive). ADA parking cannot be purchasedin advance and is first-<strong>com</strong>e, first-serve.Access to disabled parking spaces is limitedto vehicles with disabled license platesor valid disabled hangtags. In addition,the person to whom the disabled tag wasissued must be in the vehicle and will beasked to provide a state MVA disabledregistration card, state-issued identificationand a valid game ticket.address changeTo change the address on a PSL account,the request must be submitted in writingand signed by the primary account holderof record. The PSL Owner should includethe account number on the fax or letter.An address change form is preferred andcan be downloaded on our website. Pleaseremember to change your phone numbersand e-mail address. Send requests to:Baltimore Ravens Ticket OfficeAttn: Address ChangeM&T Bank Stadium1101 Russell StreetBaltimore, MD 21230Fax: 410-468-1340admission policyDue to heightened security measures atthe gates, we strongly urge all guests toarrive at the stadium as early as possibleto avoid entrance delays, particularly incolder weather. Re-entry into M&T BankStadium is not permitted. If medication isrequired, be sure to have it with you uponentry. All guests entering the stadium aresubject to search. Refusal to <strong>com</strong>ply maybe grounds to prohibit admission. Guestwill not be permitted to enter the stadium ifthey are visibly intoxicated.8 BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong>New <strong>NFL</strong> Bag Policy atM&T Bank StadiumIn order to provide a safer environmentfor the public and significantly expediteguest entry into <strong>NFL</strong> stadiums, the Leaguehas announced that the following bagpolicy will go into effect immediately.• Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC anddo not exceed 12” x 6” x 12”. The bags maybe hand-carried or have a shoulder strap.(Officially licensed <strong>NFL</strong> team logo clear plastictote bag measuring 12” x 6” x 12” will beavailable through club merchandise outlets).• One Gallon clear plastic freezer bag (Ziplocbag or similar)• Small clutch bag approximately the size of ahand, with or without a handle or strap. Thiscan be carried separately or within a clearplastic bag.prohibited items• Air horns or horns of any kind• Artificial noise makers• Backpacks• Beverages• Binocular/Camera cases• Bottles (plastic or glass)• Camera tripods and monopods• Cans• Containers/Flasks• Coolers/ Thermoses• Cowbells• Fanny Packs• Flag/banner poles• Footballs or balls of any kind• Grocery-type bags• Hard Foam Beverage Holders/Hand• Laser pointers/pens• Purses larger than the size of a hand• Plastic bags• Seat Cushions• Tote bags• Umbrellas• Video cameras• Weapons or dangerous objects• Whistlespermitted items (subject to search)• Bags that are clear plastic, vinyl,or PVC and do not exceed 12” x6” x 12”. The bags may be handcarriedor have a shoulder strap.(Officially licensed <strong>NFL</strong> team logoclear plastic tote bag measuring 12”x 6” x 12” will be available throughclub merchandise outlets).• One Gallon clear plastic freezerbag (Ziploc bag or similar)• Blankets, tarps, coats/jackets, binoculars• Small clutch bag approximately thesize of a hand, with or without ahandle or strap. This can be carriedseparately or within a plastic bag.• An exception may be madefor medically necessary itemsafter proper inspection at a gatedesignated for this purpose.Thank you for your understanding andcooperation in helping to make ourstadium safe. Subject to change.

alcoholFans must be 21 or older to purchaseor consume alcoholic beverages atthe stadium and in parking lots. Properidentification is required to purchase anyalcoholic beverage. The Ravens and ourconcessionaire reserve the right to checkproof of legal drinking age. Guests willnot be permitted to enter the stadium ifthey are visibly intoxicated. Drunk anddisorderly behavior will result in ejectionfrom the stadium without refund. Amaximum of two (2) alcoholic beveragesper purchase is permitted, which may bereduced without prior notice. All alcoholsales end at the conclusion of the third(3rd) quarter, but may be discontinuedat any time at the discretion of stadiummanagement.bacardi zoneThe Bacardi Zone is located on the lowerlevel concourse near Section 128. Thisbar features Bacardi products and multipletelevisions to watch pre-game <strong>NFL</strong>programming for groups of approximately60 people. Each guest receives apremium game ticket, Ravens hat, an allyou-can-eatcatered menu and all-youcan-drinkCoca-Cola, domestic beer andBacardi products beginning 2 1/2 hoursprior to kickoff. For more information onthe Bacardi Zone, please call 410-261-RAVE (7283). The Bacardi Zone is opento all fans beginning 30 minutes prior tokickoff.Bicycle ParkingThe designated bicycle parking area atM&T Bank Stadium is conveniently locatedalong the Gwynns Falls Trail, betweengates B & C. The area is marked with alarge reflective sign and is monitored bysecurity personnel during Ravens games.Please do not use railings,light poles or trees aroundM&T Bank Stadium tosecure bicycles.Bud Light BarThe Bud Light Bar is located on thelower level concourse near Section 134.This bar features Budweiser productsand multiple televisions to watch pregame<strong>NFL</strong> programming for groups ofapproximately 30 people. Each guestreceives a premium game ticket, Ravenshat, an all you-can-eat catered menu andall-you can- drink Coca-Cola, domesticbeer and Bud products beginning 21/2 hours prior to kickoff. For moreinformation on the Bud Light Bar, pleasecall 410-261-RAVE (7283). The BudLight Bar is open to all fans beginning 30minutes prior to kickoff.atm machinesNine (9) M&T Bank ATM machines arelocated throughout the stadium. Four ATMmachines are located on the lower levelconcourse (Sections 107, 117, 134, and146), three are located on the Club Levelconcourse (Sections 204, 226 and 249)and two are located on the upper levelconcourse (Sections 502 and 530).bannersBanners are permitted provided they arenot <strong>com</strong>mercial, political, offensive, orin poor taste as determined by stadiumpersonnel. Banners may not obstruct theview of any fans; cover existing stadiumsignage including facia walls/field walls ormarkings; or present any safety hazard.Banners or flags may not be attached toa pole.cameras/video equipmentSmall still photography cameras arepermitted in the stadium during Ravensgames. Small pocket sized digitalcameras with a zoom lens of 6 inchesor shorter are permitted. Larger 35mmcameras cannot exceed 3 inches inlength. Please refrain from using flashphotography. Video cameras are strictlyprohibited. <strong>NFL</strong> policy prohibits the videotaping of any Ravens game unless writtenauthorization has been obtained from theBaltimore Ravens.children - age 2 and underChildren age 2 and under may be held inan adult’s lap and are not required to havea ticket to the game.BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 9

Closed CaptioningThe Ravens have teamed up with CaptionColorado to provide closed captioning forthe hearing impaired at Ravens’ homegames via personal text-enabled cellphones and smart phones, or a courtesyhandset acquired on game day. Hearingimpaired guests can enable their personaldevice; however it must be done prior tothe game. Please follow these easy steps.• Go to www.mobilecap.net.• When prompted, enter yourname and event id 1016.• The program will startrunning automatically.• Remember to log out after the event!The courtesy handsets can be acquiredon game day at any Guest ServicesLocation (Section 100,127, 500 or527), or at the Club Level ConciergeDesks (Sections 202, 223, 229, or250) inside M&T Bank Stadium.club level re-entry policyThe Club Level is exclusive to club andsuite level ticket holders. You must havea valid game day ticket for entry. Uponentry, your Club Level ticket will behole punched. When leaving the ClubLevel, a Club Level re-entry pass mustbe obtained. This pass and your holepunched Club Level game ticket will berequired to re-enter the Club Level.club lounge availabilityClub lounges are available for nongameday events and offer great viewsof the city. This exclusive facility isavailable for weddings, social events,proms, business meetings and otherfunctions. Contact Aramark at 410-230-8004 to book your event.concessionsRavens fans can expect outstandingquality and value when seekingrefreshments. Aramark, a nationallyrecognized leader in stadiumconcessions, provides an extensiveassortment of dining options, rangingfrom standard stadium fare to localfavorites. There are 44 concessionstands located on the lower and upperlevels and 11 stands on the Club Level.Aramark accepts Visa, MasterCard,American Express and Discover.credit cardsThe Ravens accept Visa,Mastercard and AmericanExpress. Visa is the preferred card ofthe Baltimore Ravens and is wel<strong>com</strong>edwherever credit cards are accepted.Whether you’re purchasing game tickets,breezing through the concession line orbuying that special piece of merchandise,for game day, Visa is the way to go!designated driversFans of legal drinking age who hold a validdriver’s license are eligible to be<strong>com</strong>edesignated drivers. For pledging not todrink alcoholic beverages during the gameand for accepting responsibility for drivingother members of their group home,designated drivers receive a redeemablecoupon for use at the concession standsfor one free O’Doul’s non-alcoholic beeror Coca-Cola fountain soda productduring the game. Sign up at any GuestServices Center or on the Club Level atany one of the four concierge desks.ejectionUnauthorized fans who jump onto thefield surface at any point during the gamewill be considered as trespassers andwill be arrested. The Ravens reserve theright to eject any person whose behavioris unacceptable or illegal in nature. PSLOwners are held accountable for anyguest utilizing game tickets associatedwith their account. Game tickets will becollected from those fans without refundand the guest will be escorted from M&TBank Stadium. A guest ejection mayresult in the loss of Permanent SeatLicense (PSL) and season ticket rights.See Guest Assist (page 13) for moreinformation on in stadium assistancerelated to unacceptable behavior.elevatorsThere are two banks of elevatorslocated on both the North and Southsides of the stadium for use by suitepatrons, holding either suite ticketsor passes, and disabled persons.BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 11

first aidFive (5) first aid stations are locatedthroughout the stadium. Union MemorialHospital provides medical services two(2) hours prior to the game, during thegame and up to 30 minutes after thegame ends. In the event of a medicalemergency, please notify thenearest Ravens personnel. First aidlocations are: Lower Level Concourse:Sections 100 & 127; Club Level:Section 203; Upper Level and UpperSuite Level: Sections 518 & 545.flexible schedulingAs part of NBC’s Agreement totelevise Sunday Night Football, flexiblescheduling will be utilized for Sundaystart times for the final seven weeksof the season. This allows the <strong>NFL</strong> tobring more attractive match-ups to anational audience late in the seasonand allows teams having breakout yearsto play their way onto the Sunday nightschedule. For the 2013 season, flexiblescheduling will occur in weeks 11-17.<strong>NFL</strong> will announce the Sunday nightmatch-up as well as games moving to4:15 p.m. ET, no later than 12 days priorto the scheduled games. For week 17,the required notice goes to 6 days priorto the scheduled games. We suggestthat you monitor www.BaltimoreRavens.<strong>com</strong> and other media sources to confirmgame times throughout the season.gate entry to m&t bank stadiumEntry gates are Gate A (North), GateB (East), Gate C (Southeast), GateD (Southwest), Media Gate (South),Hamburg Gate (Northwest) and twogates on the west side of the stadium,Gate E and Gate F. There are over 140points of entry at M&T Bank Stadium.Suite entrances are exclusively for useby fans holding suite level tickets. Gatesopen to the public 2 hours prior to kickoff.Tickets will be scanned using bar codereaders upon entry to ensure authenticity.getting to m&t bank stadiumTwo great options are MTA publictransportation and the Ravens Ride busservice. For light rail service, subwayor bus routes call the MTA at 410-539-5000 or 1-866-RIDE-MTA or visit www.mtamaryland.<strong>com</strong>. See pages 27 &29 for additional information includingdirections and MTA light rail stops onthe line to M&T Bank Stadium. Visitwww.ravensride.<strong>com</strong> for bus optionsincluding a list of locations close toyou and for information on obtaininga season long pass. See page 16 formore information on Ravens Ride.www.ravensride.<strong>com</strong>12 BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong>

group hospitality tentsFor groups of 30 or more, privatepre-game hospitality tents are available.Located just outside the stadium gates,each guest receives a premium gameticket, Ravens hat, an all-you-can-eatcatered menu and all-you-can-drinkbeer & Coca-Cola products, beginning2 1/2 hours prior to kickoff. Call 410-261-RAVE (7283) to book your hospitalitytent today! For larger groups of 60, 90or more, inquire about hosting your nextpre-game party inside the Bacardi Zone,Talon Pub and Bud Light Party Zone.guest Assist text messagingGuest Assist is a text messagingservice available to guests at M&TBank Stadium. Any guest may call forassistance during events by sending atext message from their cell phone. Byusing the Guest Assist system, you willbe able to report issues and concerns,and call for assistance in a fast, easy andconvenient way. Here’s how it works:1. Open a blank text message andaddress the message to 410-988-20082. Text messages can be up to160 characters in length3. A subject for the textmessage is not required.4. When your text message is received,you receive an immediate responsemessage stating, “Your message hasbeen received by stadium personnel.”5. If more information is needed, theGuest Assist operator will respondwith additional questions.guest services centersGuest Services Centers are locatedthroughout the stadium. Guest Servicesrepresentatives assist fans duringgames with stadium information, lostchildren, driving directions, car trouble,wheelchairs and hearing impaireddevices. Guest Services Centers arelocated on the lower level concourse(Sections 100 & 127), upper levelconcourse (Sections 525 & 553) andat the Club Level concierge desks(Sections 202,224,229 and 251).lost and foundAny items found should be turnedin immediately to a Guest Servicesattendant, Club Level concierge desk orto an usher. To inquire about lost items,contact Lost & Found at 410-230-8505.Due to the volume of calls, the lost andfound at M&T Bank Stadium is voicemailoperated. Please leave a messageindicating a description of your missingitem, your name and contact information.Stadium security will return your callonly if your item has been recovered.lost children WristbandsAll guests are encouraged to visit aGuest Services Center with their childrento obtain an ID wristband. The child’sname, wristband number, and seatlocation is registered in a confidential logbook. Any child who is lost would thenbe escorted to a Guest Services Centerand quickly returned to his/her respectiveseat location. NOTE: Depending onthe needs of the guest, this service isavailable to all, regardless of age.lost or stolen tickets / re-printsTickets should be secured in a safeplace at all times. If tickets are lost orstolen, tickets can be re-printed underthe following guidelines: Tickets lost,left at home or incorrect game ticket –a non-refundable, $20.00 per ticket feewill apply to all ticket re-prints. Damagedtickets – Re-prints will be provided at nocharge if the original ticket is providedand verified by the ticket office. StolenTickets – Re-prints will be provided at nocharge only after an official police reportis provided to the ticket office. Re-printscan be obtained by calling the TicketOffice at 410-261-RAVE (7283) or atspecified ticket windows on gameday.mASCOT AppearancesPoe is available to make appearancesat special events! If you’d like tobook Poe for your next party or eventplease visit www.baltimoreravens.<strong>com</strong>/gameday or call 410-701-4000.BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 13

UPPER & LOWER SUITE LEVELSTeam StoreGuest servicesFIRST AIDMEN’S RESTROOMUPPER LEVELSwomen’s restroomMiller LiteFlite DeckMiller LiteFlite DeckBALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 23

GATHAMBU25 26 2728 29 30 31 32 3322 23 243435GATE A-2Talon Pub entranceHospitality restroom accessTALONPUBGATE FRUSSELL ST.TICKET OFFICE/TICKET WILL CALLRAVENSVISIONGATE EBUD LIGHTBARBACARDIZONEGATE DHospitality restroom accessTENTS19-21MEDIA WILL CALL/MOSTEBacardi ZoAdditional24 BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong>

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9E ARG ST.GATE A-1Hospitality restroom accessMILLER LITEFLITE DECK3610 11 12LIGHT RAILGATE BRAVENSVISIONEDIA GATE ENTRYND ST.ne entranceGuest EntryMILLER LITEFLITE DECKGATE CHospitality restroom accessCLUB ICLUB IICLUB IIICLUB IVZONE AZONE BZONE CZONE DZONE EZONE FZONE GZONE HMidfieldSidelineCornersEndzoneTent LocationsLower Level MidfieldLower Level SidelineLower Level EndzoneUpper Level MidfieldUpper Level SidelineUpper Level CornersUpper Level EndzoneUpper Level Endzone18 17 16 15 14 13BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 25

Area Parking Garages and Surface LotsAll lots at M&T Bank Stadium are sold in advance by permit only. If you do nothave a permit, please consider an area garage or surface lot. Some area garagessell permits in advance. Visit Baltimoreravens.<strong>com</strong>/tickets for more information.Look for the Ravens logo at downtown parking locations!There are more than 30,000 spaces in garages and lotsNorth, East, South and West of M&T Bank Stadium.For locations of parking garages, call410-261-RAVE (7283) or check the Ravens website:www.baltimoreravens.<strong>com</strong>/ticketsPark and Ride Bus Transportationwww.ravensride.<strong>com</strong>For transit information, call:410-539-5000 or 1-866-RIDE-MTAmtamaryland.<strong>com</strong>26 BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong>

driving directionsBefore leaving your home or car, rememberthat you may not bring bags, large purses,backpacks, coolers, beverages of any kind,glass, metal or hard plastic containersor umbrellas into M&T Bank Stadium.From the South (Airport):I-95 North towards Baltimore. Take Exit53 (I-395) North to MLK Blvd./RussellStreet (Right Lane). Take first exitramp (follow lighted signs). Stadium<strong>com</strong>plex is at bottom of ramp.For transitinformation, call:410-539-5000 or1-866-RIDE-MTAmtamaryland.<strong>com</strong>From the Northwest:I-83 South (Baltimore) to LombardSt. and make a right. Then make aleft (South) onto Greene St., M&TBank Stadium is on your left.From the Northeast:I-95 South through Ft. McHenry Tunnel.Take Exit 53 (I-395) North to MLK Blvd./Russell Street (Right Lane). Take first exitramp (follow lighted signs). Stadium<strong>com</strong>plex is at bottom of ramp.BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 27

The Ravens All Community Team Foundation, the team’s charitablearm, is <strong>com</strong>mitted to improving, encouraging and enabling the healthydevelopment of youth in the Baltimore area, as well as other parts of thestate of Maryland.Call 410-261-RAVE for your Maryland Motor Vehicles Administrationapplication. The cost of each plate is $55, which includes the MVA feeof $25 and your tax deductible gift to the Ravens All Community TeamFoundation of $30.

Local Bus ConnectionExternalConnection toRABBIT TRANSITRoute 83savailable atTimonium Park & Rideto York County, PA MCall(800) 632-9063or Visitwww.rabbittransit.<strong>com</strong>for More InformationLight Rail Stopsfor Attractions andSpecial Events:Maryland State Fair:Timonium FairgroundsArtscape:Univ. of Balto. - Mt. RoyalFirst Mariner Arena Events:University Center - Balto. St.Inner Harbor Events:Convention CenterOrioles Baseball:Camden YardsRavens Football:Hamburg StreetExternalConnection toCORRIDOR TRANSITRoute Javailable atCromwellto Laurel & Arundel MillsCall(800) 270-9553or Visitwww.corridortransit.<strong>com</strong>for More InformationExternalConnection toHOWARD TRANSITRoute Silveravailable atBWI Marshallto Columbia and JessupCall(800) 270-9553or Visitwww.howardtransit.<strong>com</strong>for More InformationLIGHT RAILLEGEND:Hunt Valley & BWI MarshallTimonium & CromwellNon-Peak trips extended toHunt Valley from TimoniumPenn Station & Camden YardsP &R Park & RideMETRO SubwayMARC Train Service to/fromWashington D.C.Baltimore BeltwayExternalConnection toAnnapolis TransitRoute C60available atCromwell toAnnapolisCall(410) 263-7964or Visitwww.ci.annapolis.md.us/info.asp?page=1368ExternalConnection toWMATA MetrobusRoute B30available atBWI Marshall toGreenbelt Metro/Washington DCCall(202) 637-7000or Visitwww.wmata.<strong>com</strong>for More Info.P &RBWI Business DistrictBWI Thurgood Marshall AirportP &RHunt ValleyPepper RoadLight Rail Stop Locations,Parking Information, andMcCormick RoadConnecting Buses:Hunt Valley98 Shawan Rd., ParkingPepper Road1101 Schilling Rd.Gilroy RoadMcCormick Road265 Schilling Rd.9Warren RoadP &RGilroy Road10903 Gilroy Rd.Warren Road300 W. Warren Rd., ParkingP &R9Timonium FairgroundsTimonium Fairgrounds2335 Greenspring Rd., ParkingTimonium Business Park9 83sTimonium Business ParkP 60 Business Park Drive&R LuthervilleLutherville150 W. Ridgely Road, Parking8 8x 9Falls RoadFalls Rd. @ Railroad Ave., Parking60Mount WashingtonP &RSmith Ave. @ Newberry St.,Falls RoadParkingCold Spring LaneMount Washington1700 W. Cold Spring La.N27 58 6033WoodberryCold Spring LaneClipper Rd. @ Union Ave.98North AvenueWoodberry500 W. North Ave., Parking13Penn StationNorth Avenue1500 N. Charles St., Paid ParkingP &R3 3x 11 61 64 64xPenn StationUniversity of Balto. - Mt. RoyalMt. Royal Ave. @ Dolphin St.University of Baltimore - Mount RoyalCultural CenterHoward @ Preston Sts.Cultural Center - State Center19 21 27JohnsCentre StreetHoward @ Centre Sts.Centre StreetHopkins19 27HospitalLexington MarketLexington MarketHoward @ Lexington Sts.5 15 19 23 27 91University Center - Baltimore StreetUniversity Ctr. - Baltimore St.Howard @ Baltimore Sts.Convention Center1 6 8 10 20 3640 120 150 160 310 311Camden YardsConvention CenterHoward @ Pratt Sts.7 19 35 120 320 410 411 420Hamburg StreetCamden YardsHoward @ Conway Sts.Hamburg StreetS. Howard @ Hamburg Sts.WestportWestport2400 Kloman St.51Cherry HillCherry Hill1700 Cherry Hill Rd.27 29 51P &RPatapscoPatapsco800 W. Patapsco Ave., ParkingBaltimore HighlandsP &RBaltimore Highlands4200 Baltimore St., ParkingNursery Road3825 Balto-Annap. Blvd, Parking17P &R Nursery RoadNorth Linthicum450 N. Camp Meade Rd, ParkingLinthicumNorth LinthicumP &R200 Hawthorne Rd.Ferndale10 Broadview Rd.Cromwell/Glen BurnieLinthicum7350 Balto.-Annap. Blvd., Parking14 J C60BWI Business District678 Elkridge Landing Rd, ParkingFerndale17 Silver B30P &RBWI Marshall AirportInternational Pier BWI, Paid Parking17 Silver B30 C60P &R Cromwell/Glen BurnieShuttle to:14 16 17 51 77Balto-Harrisburg Expy.Interstate 95Baltimore BeltwayAP 2/09-NFBALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 29

Ravens Official TeamStore location301 W. Camden Street • Parking AvailableStore Open Daily10:00 AM – 5:00 PMOpen till 7:00 PMon home Orioles game daybaltimoreravens.<strong>com</strong>/S<strong>TO</strong>RE

HOSPITALITY TENTSTHE BEST PRE-GAMEWARM-UP IN <strong>TO</strong>WN!AN ALL-INCLUSIVE HOSPITALITYTENT LOCATED DIRECTLY OUTSIDETHE <strong>STADIUM</strong> GATES PROVIDES THEPERFECT OPPORTUNITY <strong>TO</strong>:• Entertain your best clients or prospects• Reward employees• Host a birthday party• Gather with family and friends fora hassle-free tailgate• Book your <strong>com</strong>pany holiday partyCALL 410-261-RAVE <strong>TO</strong> BOOKYOUR NEXT EVENT!Each tent package includes• Thirty (30) Game tickets• Two (2) on-site parkingpasses per tent• Access to your tent 2 1 / 2hours prior to game timeFor larger parties of up to150 guests, ask about hostingyour group inside the TalonPub or Bacardi Zone• A personalized sign andGameday staff to wel<strong>com</strong>eyour group• Ravens hat, lanyardand vip tent pass forevery tent guest• Upscale Catered Menu• Unlimited beverages:coca-cola products & Beer• Appearances by poe,cheerleaders, marchingband and rise & conquer• pre-game access tostadium restroomsNEW - BUD LIGHT PARTY ZONE NOW AVAILABLE<strong>TO</strong> BOOK FOR PRIVATE PARTIES<strong>TO</strong> RESERVE YOUR TENT CALL410-261-RAVE

Newly Renovated Stores.Better Selection.Lower prices.Largest selection of officially licensedRavens merchandise in BaltimoreBe sure to check outthe Featured Item of the GameVisit Us on Game Day atTeam Stores locatedthroughout M&T Bank Stadium

Ravens Ticket Exchange powered byThe Ravens Ticket Exchange is thesafest, most secure place to buy andsell Ravens individual tickets.What is the Ravens TicketExchange?Buyers will receive purchased ticketselectronically via TicketFast ® and can thenprint his/her ticket(s) from any standardprinter with Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0.How do I buy tickets usingthe Ravens TicketExchange?Ravens PSL Owners have the opportunityto post tickets for sale. Look for thetickets you want or check back frequentlyfor new postings. To purchase tickets:1. Browse all available tickets forthe game you’d like to attend.2. Select “View Listings” to see all availabletickets for that particular game.3. You may sort your listing by “Price,” “Seats”or by the number of “Available Tickets”.4. Select the tickets you would like topurchase and proceed through checkout.Once purchased, the original ticketbarcodes are cancelled and you will beissued new tickets by e-mail via TicketFast ® .How do I post tickets for sale using theRavens TicketExchange?This service is designed to allowBaltimore Ravens Account Holdersthe ability to post tickets for sale.To post tickets:1. Access “My Ravens Ticket Account”at the bottom of any page onwww.baltimoreravens.<strong>com</strong>2. Log in with your Account IDand Password/Pin.3. Select the tickets you would like to postand proceed through the posting process.There is no fee for posting tickets andthe process is secure. Simply selectthe tickets you wish to sell, choose theselling price, identify the expiration dateand submit the listing. Postings may beedited at any time and is quick and easy.What happens when my tickets are sold?Once posted tickets have sold, the amountof the sale price is credited to your personalbanking account, minus the 10% sellerfee. Enter your information during theposting process. The barcodes on youroriginal tickets are cancelled and newbarcodes are issued. The new tickets arethen electronically delivered to the buyervia TicketFast ® for at-home printing usingany standard printer, without the hassleand delay of standard mail delivery.What happens if my tickets do not sell?You will be notified via email if your ticketsdo not sell before your indicated expirationdate. Your listing will be automaticallyremoved and your original tickets will stillbe valid for entry. If you cannot attendthe game, you also have the option ofemailing your tickets to a friend via TicketForwarding (3 hours prior to game time)or Donate to Charity (must be doneat least 7 days prior to the game).How will my tickets be delivered?All purchased tickets will be delivered tothe buyer electronically via TicketFast ® .Tickets will be e-mailed to the buyer asa PDF attachment. The buyer can thenprint his/her tickets from any standardprinter with Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0.What if I do not receive my tickets?If after purchasing tickets, you do notreceive your ticket(s) via e-mail, or if youcannot view the tickets attached to yourpurchase confirmation e-mail, pleasecontact TicketMaster at teamexchange@ticketmaster.<strong>com</strong>, or call 866-381-8924.Can I return my ticketsif I change my mind?All ticket sales are final — noreturns, refunds or exchanges.If you need assistance, please call 410-261-RAVE (7283).BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 33

MY RAVENS TICKET ACCOUNTforwarding and donating your game ticketsMy Ravens Ticket Account is yourone-stop destination for all online ticketaccount management. By managingyour account online, you can makepayments, update your phone and emailinformation, list your tickets for salethrough TicketExchange, forward yourtickets to a friend or donate your tickets toa local charity through the RavensAll-Community Team Foundation.ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT <strong>TO</strong>DAYSTEP 1 Go to baltimoreravens.<strong>com</strong> andlogin to My Ravens TicketAccount at the bottom ofany page.STEP 2 Log in to your personal accountwith your Ravens accountnumber and password.STEP 3 Start managing your onlineticket account it’s that easy!FORWARD YOUR TICKETSEmail your tickets to virtually anyone upto 3 hours before any home game viaticket forwarding. This service allowsyou the option to email tickets to friends,family or clients when you can’t attenda game. Simply log in to your personalaccount and follow these easy steps.STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3Select the ticket or group oftickets you wish to send. Youcan forward more than oneticket at a time per game, butonly to a single recipient.Enter the recipient’s first andlast name and email addressand select Forward.Submit your billing information.The charge for forwardingtickets is $3.00 per ticket - acost-effective alternative toovernight delivery or courierservices.How It WorksEvery ticket on your account carries aunique barcode, ensuring that they areauthentic. During the forwarding process,the barcode on your original ticket iscancelled and the original ticket is nolonger valid. The recipient is emailed anew ticket with a unique barcode that hasbeen electronically issued. This new ticketcan be printed using any standard printer.DONATE YOUR TICKETS <strong>TO</strong> CHARITYYou can conveniently donate your ticketsto the Ravens local charity through theRavens All-Community Team Foundation.Simply log in to your personal accountand select the tickets you wish todonate. Click Donate to Charity andyour tickets will be automaticallyforwarded to the Community RelationsDepartment. Please note: tickets mustbe sent at least 7 days prior to thegame to allow for proper distribution.PAY INVOICES ONLINEYour personal online account allowsyou to make your ticket invoicepayments online. Simply go to www.baltimoreravens.<strong>com</strong> and select MyRavens Account, log in to your personalaccount and select the Pay Invoiceoption. Here you can view your invoicesand make payments by taking advantageof this option, and your paymentposts immediately to your account.BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong> 35

Every RavenStarts As A Rookie!Want your child to be a Ravens fanatic like you?Start their training now with the Ravens Rookies Kids Club! From events,newsletters, special offers, autograph sessions, and more, Ravens Rookies providesyour child with the essentials to stay involved with the Ravens all year long!PSL HOLDER SPECIAL OFFER:Join Ravens Rookies for only $25 and receive FREE* shipping.Enter Promo Code “PSL2013” at check out.This is the next step for your child to be<strong>com</strong>e the ultimate Ravens fan!Join today:www.BaltimoreRavens.<strong>com</strong>/Rookies*Offer expires on 10/31/13. Only valid for standard shipping.#26 Matt Elam#40 Kyle Juszczyk#98 Brandon Williams

CONCESSION STAND LOCATIONSLower DeckMain StandsPulled Pork BBQ Sandwiches101, 103, 115, 123, 124, 142Bell’s Famous Chili 101, 103,115, 123, 124, 130, 142Chicken Tenders and Fries 109, 119, 129,134, 146, 152, Portable 102, Portable 123Burgers, 109, 119, 129, 134, 146,152 Portable 130, Portable 150Italian Sausage 134, 146,Portable 130, Portable 150Grill Dog 109, 119, 134, 146,Portable 130, Portable 150French Fries; 109, 119, 129, 134, 146,152, Portable 102, Portable 123Pit Beef 111, 138Pit Turkey 111, 138Crab Cakes 111, 138Attman’s Deli - Corn Beef, Pastrami,Oven Roasted Turkey, Burgers,Kosher Dogs, Fries 119Gluten Free Chicken Tenders& Sweet Potato Fries 123Italian Hoagies 130Papa Johns Pizza 134, 146Hot Dogs 101, 103, 111, 115, 123,124, 129, 130, 138, 142, 150, 152Top Your Dog (3 Specialty HotDogs) 103, 115, 124, 142Subway Sandwiches 150Nachos 101, 103, 115, 123,124, 130, 142, 150PortablesCotton Candy, Dippin Dots,Beverages 109, 126, 134Guinness Draft 117, 136Frozen Drinks 119, 148Flying Dog 117Sam Adams 144Beers of the World 105, 136BarsLiquor Bar Portables - PremiumSpirits, Wine, Domestic and ImportedBeers 109, 119, 139, 146Bacardi Zone - PremiumSpirits and Beer 126Talon Pub - Premium Spirits, GuinnessDraft and Domestic Beer 146Bud Light Zone 134Miller Time Tavern 115Mini Spirit Portable Locations103, 109, 119, 151Club Level Nort h SideMain StandsHot Dog, Italian Sausage, Pizza,Nachos 206The Greene Turtle - Sliders, TurtleBites, Boardwalk Fries 248CLUB LEVEL South SideAttman’s Deli - Corn Beef, Pastrami,Oven Roasted Turkey, Kosher Dogs,Boardwalk Fries, Chicken Tenders 225Hot Dog, Italian Sausage, Pizza,Nachos 229Upper DeckMain StandsBill Bateman’s – 501, 514High Topps Grille – 541Bell’s Famous Chili, 504, 509,517, 525, 528, 536,544, 549Nachos, 504, 509, 517, 525, 528, 536,544, 549Hot Dogs 504, 508, 509, 512,517, 518, 525, 528, 535, 536,544, 545, 548, 549Papa Johns Pizza, 512, 531, 539, 552Italian Sausages 512, 531,539, 552The Greene Turtle - Sliders,boneless wings, Fries 523Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwiches525, 528, 536PortablesFrozen Drinks 500, 525Cotton Candy, Dippin Dots 500, 525Guinness Draft 501, 514, 528, 543BarsLiquor Bar Portables PremiumSpirits, Wine, Domestic and ImportedBeers 503, 510, 529, 540Mini Spirit Portable Location514, 526, 541, 55146 BALTIMORE RAVENS 2013 FAN <strong>GUIDE</strong>

2013 PRESEASONThurs. Aug. 8 Tampa Bay Buccaneers Raymond James Stadium 7:30 pm WBALThurs. Aug. 15 Atlanta Falcons M&T Bank Stadium 7:30 pm WBALThurs. AUG. 22 Carolina Panthers M&T <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>STADIUM</strong> 8:00 PM ESPNThurs. Aug. 29 St. Louis Rams Edward Jones Dome 8:00 pm WBAL2013 REGULAR SEASONThurs. Sept. 5 Denver Broncos Sports Authority Field 8:30 pm WBALSun. Sept. 15 Cleveland Browns M&T <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>STADIUM</strong> 1:00 pm WJZSun. Sept. 22 Houston Texans M&T Bank Stadium 1:00 pm WJZSun. Sept. 29 Buffalo Bills Ralph Wilson Stadium 1:00 pm WJZSun. Oct. 6 Miami Dolphins Sun Life Stadium 1:00 pm WJZSun. Oct. 13 Green Bay Packers M&T Bank Stadium 1:00 pm WBFFBreast Cancer AwarenessSun. Oct. 20 Pittsburgh Steelers Heinz Field 4:25 pm WJZSun. Oct. 27 BYESun. Nov. 3 Cleveland Browns FirstEnergy Stadium 4:25 pm WJZSun. NOV. 10 Cincinnati Bengals M&T Bank Stadium 1:00 pm WJZSun. Nov. 17 Chicago Bears Soldier Field 1:00 pm* WJZSun. Nov. 24 New York Jets M&T Bank Stadium 1:00 pm* WJZRavens Family Food DriveThurs. Nov. 28 Pittsburgh Steelers M&T Bank Stadium 8:30 pm WBALSun. Dec. 8 Minnesota Vikings M&T Bank Stadium 1:00 pm* WBFFMon. Dec. 16 Detroit Lions Ford Field 8:40 pm ESPNSun. Dec. 22 New England Patriots M&T <strong>BANK</strong> <strong>STADIUM</strong> 8:30 pm* WBALSun. Dec. 29 Cincinnati Bengals Paul Brown Stadium 1:00 pm* WJZ*Flexible schedule games • HOME GAMES IN CAPS • ALL TIMES EASTERNWWW.BALTIMORERAVENS.COM

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