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MEDICAL - Jain Book Depot

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<strong>MEDICAL</strong>Ayurveda1. Basic Principles of Ayurveda Vol IIauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170224586 price: 500.02. Ayurveda the Ultimate Medicineauthor: S C Sharma year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8186685669 price: 345.03. Ayurveda for Child Health Careauthor: P.H. Kulkarni year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8170307341 price: 200.04. Ayurveda Encyclopedia Natural Secrets to Healing Prvention & Longevityauthor: Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha year of publication: 1998 isbn: 817030590X price: 2000.05. The Path of Practice The Ayurvedic <strong>Book</strong> of Healing with Food Breath and Soundauthor: Maya Tiwari year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8120818583 price: 295.06. Spices Plantation Crops Medical and Aromatic Plantsauthor: N. Kumar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8120411374 price: 200.07. Ayurveda Indian System of Medicineauthor: Shiv Sharma year of publication: 2004 isbn: 812910083X price: 165.08. Health Rejuvenation and Longevity Through Ayurvedaauthor: Chander Mohan Ghai year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8176295000 price: 220.09. Healthy Living with Ayurvedaauthor: Anuradha Singh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8174363610 price: 495.010. Medicinal Plants in India (In 2 Vol)author: T. Pulliah year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8187498579 price: 1500.011. Handbook of Medicinal Plantsauthor: S K Bhattacharjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8171323685 price: 2500.012. Health and Harmony through Ayurvedaauthor: Anil K. Mehta year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170219345 price: 275.013. Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732950 price: 900.014. Ayurveda for beauty and healthauthor: Janet Wright year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1844777537 price: 195.015. Ayurveda for Health and Well Beingauthor: Shanti Gowans year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8179920569 price: 195.016. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India Part l and llauthor: . year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8190115146 price: 750.017. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Volume l - IVauthor: - year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8190115138 price: 1250.018. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicineauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 1999 isbn: 8122001173 price: 200.019. Herbal Medicineauthor: P C Trivedi year of publication: isbn: 8179101525 price: 1250.020. Ayurvedic Cooking for Self Healingauthor: Usha Lad year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120820234 price: 195.021. Ayurvedic Healingauthor: David Frawley year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120810031 price: 250.022. Ayurveda and the Mindauthor: David Frawley year of publication: 2004 isbn: 812082010X price: 195.023. Ayurveda and Life Impressions Bodyworkauthor: Donald Vanhowten year of publication: 1998 isbn: 8120815203 price: 250.024. Ayurvedic Cookingauthor: Ramesh Patel year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8178220164 price: 125.025. Ayurveda The Gentle Health Systemauthor: Hans Rhyner year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8120815017 price: 250.026. Ayurveda and Aromatherapyauthor: Light Miller year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120815939 price: 195.027. Ayurveda The Science of Self Healingauthor: Vasant Lad year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120818393 price: 195.028. Ayurveda and Panchakarmaauthor: Sunil Joshi year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120829603 price: 195.029. The Ayurveda Cookbookauthor: Amadea Morningstar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120819667 price: 210.0

30. Ayurveda Secrets of Healingauthor: Maya Tiwari year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8120820045 price: 295.031. Ayurveda A Life of Balanceauthor: Maya Tiwari year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120820762 price: 595.032. Encyclopedia of Herbs Condiments and Spicesauthor: S K Bhatia year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8187877162 price: 230.033. Ayurvedic Dictionaryauthor: A P Singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189320084 price: 195.034. Ayurveda Its Principles and Philosophiesauthor: Acharya Balkrishna year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8189235567 price: 125.035. Chinese Herbalists Handbookauthor: Dagmar Ehling year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8178221969 price: 595.036. Planetary Herbologyauthor: Michael Tierra year of publication: 1999 isbn: 8120816161 price: 295.037. The Ayurveda Dietauthor: Dennis Thompson year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8178220148 price: 225.038. Ayurveda Unravelledauthor: Sharadini Dahanukar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8123716761 price: 45.039. Ayurvedic Massageauthor: S V Govindan year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8170174856 price: 500.040. Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remediesauthor: Anil Kumar Dhiman year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8188583510 price: 1325.041. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India Part l Volume VIauthor: Government of India year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8190595216 price: 500.042. Landscape Gardening and Design with Plantsauthor: S K Bhattacharjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8179100855 price: 2500.043. The Ayurveda Encyclopediaauthor: Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180566598 price: 650.044. Herbal Home Remediesauthor: Jude C Todd year of publication: isbn: 8180565505 price: 125.045. Aushadh Darshanauthor: Divya Pharmacy year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8189235249 price: 50.046. The Lost Secrets Of Ayurvedic Acupuncture An Ayurvedic Guide to Acupunctureauthor: Dr Frank Ros year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120826973 price: 175.047. Live Better Ayurvedaauthor: Dr Donn Brennan year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1844832910 price: 295.048. Compendium of Herbal Plantsauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178330393 price: 975.049. Herbal Drugs and Its Plant Sourcesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8186623736 price: 1000.050. Text <strong>Book</strong> Of Materia Medicaauthor: Dr S K Dubey year of publication: 1997 isbn: 8187134720 price: 195.051. Ayurvedic Astrologyauthor: Dr David Frawley year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8120832124 price: 195.052. Herbal Drugs A Twenty First Century Perspectiveauthor: Rakesh K Sharma year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618501 price: 695.053. Hand <strong>Book</strong> on Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulae, Processes & Their usesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8186623639 price: 975.054. An Easy Guide to Ayurveda The Natural Way to Wholenessauthor: Roy Eugene Davis year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170218011 price: 60.055. Agribusiness Managementauthor: Gangadhar Bhatia year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8183242006 price: 795.056. Times Wellness Guideauthor: . year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818990602x price: 150.057. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part II Volume 1author: Government of India year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8190115155 price: 500.058. Handbook of Aromatherapy with Ayurvedic Approachesauthor: Anil K Dhiman year of publication: 2008 isbn: 819082403 price: 900.059. Aromatic Oils Theirs Sources Properties and Usagesauthor: Anil K Dhiman year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8190382411 price: 600.060. Secrets of Indian Herbs for Good Healthauthor: Acharya Balkrishna year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189235648 price: 350.061. The Herbs of Ayurveda (In 4 Vol)author: Ashok Sheth year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 2000.0

62. Practical Ayurveda Secrets for Physical Sexual and Spiritual Healthauthor: Atreya year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8172248113 price: 175.063. Herbal Medicine A Cancer Chemopreventive and Therapeutic Perspectiveauthor: Rajesh Arora year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488418 price: 895.064. Handbook on Drugs from Natural Sourcesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178330617 price: 1175.065. Indian Medicinal Plants a Compendium of 500 Species In 5 Volauthor: Arya Vaidya Sala year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8173717024 price: 4375.066. Handbook on Herbal Medicinesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178330911 price: 750.067. Herbal Foods and Its Medicinal Valuesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8186623744 price: 1275.068. A Handbook of Aromatic and Essential Oil Plantsauthor: Dr Sheela Bedi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8177543415 price: 1595.069. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part I Vol IIIauthor: - year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8190648934 price: 500.070. Healing Through Ayurvedaauthor: Sonica Krishnan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8129117717 price: 95.071. Ayurvedic Nutritionauthor: Vaidya Atreya Smith year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8120835375 price: 395.072. Materia Medica of Ayurveda Vol Iauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2000 isbn: 8170220203 price: 500.073. Family Herbal Comprising A Description and the Medical Virtuesauthor: Matthew Robinson year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8172681895 price: 950.074. The Essential Guide to Herbsauthor: Lesley Bremness year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1907486821 price: 495.075. Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Ayurveda Part One Vol IIIauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2000 isbn: 8170224586 price: 500.076. Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Ayurveda Part Two Vol IVauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170225477 price: 500.077. Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Ayurveda Part Three Vol Vauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: isbn: 817022134 price: 500.078. Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Ayurveda Part Four Vol VIauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: isbn: 8170220076 price: 500.079. Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Ayurveda Part Five Vol VIIauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170223482 price: 500.080. Five Specialised Therapies of Ayurveda Panca Karma Vol VIIIauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170223970 price: 500.081. Iatro Chemistry of Ayurveda Rasa Sastra Vol IXauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8170220246 price: 500.082. Handbook of Ayurvedaauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170220823 price: 90.083. Ayurvedic Materia Medica for Domestic Use A Guide for Every Home In 2 Volsauthor: Thomas J Graham year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8172680848 price: 1800.084. Herbal Simples Approved For Modern Uses of Cure In 2 Volsauthor: W T Fernie year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8172681844 price: 1800.085. The Ayurvedic System of Mediciine in 2 Volsauthor: Kaviraj Nagendra Nath Sengupta year of publication: isbn: 8172680139 price: 1000.086. Complete Herbalist In 2 Volsauthor: Prof O Phelps Brown year of publication: isbn: 8172681909 price: 1500.087. Medicinal Plants of Tripuraauthor: Deepa D Nair year of publication: 2009 isbn: 818069626 price: 750.088. Ayurveda Simplifiedauthor: Dr Nisha Manikantan year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 99.0Biochemistry1. Textbook of Biochemistry For Medical Students With Free Revision Excercises <strong>Book</strong>letauthor: DM Vasudevan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250167 price: 695.02. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistryauthor: David L Nelson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0230226999 price: 1520.03. Multiple Choice Questions in Biochemistryauthor: R C Gupta year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613356 price: 160.0

4. Illustrated Medical Biochemistryauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488722 price: 975.05. Biochemistry Instant Notes for medical studentsauthor: Seetharamaiah Chittiprol year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615383 price: 325.06. Textbook of Biochemistry for Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Studentsauthor: M N Chatterjea year of publication: 2004 isbn: 818061204x price: 275.07. Textbook of Biochemistryauthor: Dr A V S S Rama Rao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8174766601 price: 545.08. Textbook of Medical Biochemistryauthor: MN Chatterjea year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481349 price: 650.09. Biochemistryauthor: Pankaja Naik year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487077 price: 695.010. Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews Biochemistryauthor: Richard A Harvey year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8184734522 price: 1095.011. Medical Biochemistryauthor: DS Sheriff year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613151 price: 525.012. Fundamentals of Biochemistryauthor: Dr A C Deb year of publication: 2008 isbn: 817381144X price: 535.013. Harpers Illustrated Biochemistryauthor: Robert K Murray year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071625913 price: 970.014. Biochemical Engineering Principles and Conceptsauthor: Syed Tanveer Ahmed Inamdar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8120336773 price: 325.015. Medical Biochemistry for Physiotherapy Studentsauthor: Harpreet Kaur year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483796 price: 125.016. Nutrition and Biochemistry for Nursesauthor: Jacob Anthikad year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486919 price: 250.017. GATE 2012 Life Science Biochemistryauthor: Er Prabhanshu Kumar year of publication: 2011-12 isbn: 8183551882 price: 495.018. Essentials of Biochemistry (For Medical Students)author: Shivananda Nayak B year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487718 price: 350.019. Nutrition and Biochemistry for Nursesauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489385 price: 395.020. Handbook of Biochemistry for Allied and Nursing Studentsauthor: Shivananda Nayak B year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704449 price: 350.021. Jawetz Melnick and Adelbergs Medical Microbiologyauthor: Geo F. Brooks year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071742719 price: 920.022. Practical Biochemistryauthor: Geetha Damodaran K year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251416 price: 295.023. Biochemistryauthor: Saad M Manzoul year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071083973 price: 615.024. Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Geneticsauthor: Todd A Swanson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184732894 price: 550.025. Viva Voce Orals in Biochemistryauthor: B. Prabhakar Rao year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8122432022 price: 195.026. Biochemistryauthor: U Satyanarayana year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8187134801 price: 745.027. Essentials of Biochemistryauthor: Pankaja Naik year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254912 price: 495.028. Medical Biochemistryauthor: AR Aroor year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184487282 price: 975.029. Practical Clinical biochemistry Methods and Interpretationsauthor: Ranjna Chawla year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180611086 price: 250.030. Manual of Practical Medical Biochemistryauthor: Evangeline Jones year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250433 price: 200.0Biology1. Atlas of Anatomyauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 190232840X price: 595.02. Dictionary of Botanyauthor: Natasha Powell year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8189093185 price: 95.03. Dictionary of Biologyauthor: Paula Jacobson year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8189093177 price: 95.0

4. Dictionary of Biology (Botany and Zoology)author: Anil Richharia year of publication: isbn: 8186877959 price: 70.05. Dictionary of Biologyauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0007147090 price: 493.06. Microbiologyauthor: William A Strohl year of publication: 2001 isbn: 0397515685 price: 1222.07. Encyclopedia of Geneticsauthor: E C R Reeve year of publication: 2002 isbn: 818683043X price: 5450.08. Genetics and Biotechnology GK <strong>Book</strong>author: James Bobick year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8179924661 price: 195.09. Plants and Animals GK <strong>Book</strong>author: James Bobick year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8179924653 price: 225.010. Microbesauthor: Varun Shastri year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8182053811 price: 690.011. Microbiology An Introductionauthor: Gerald J Tortora year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131722329 price: 599.012. Human Anatomy Volume 1 2 and 3author: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8123911556 price: 1080.013. Collins Internet Linked Dictionary of Biologyauthor: S K Awasthi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0007246420 price: 275.014. Pulse How Nature is inspiring the technology of the 21st centuryauthor: Robert Frenay year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0316640514 price: 595.015. Biological Scienceauthor: D J Taylor year of publication: 2006 isbn: 052168417x price: 475.016. Konemans Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiologyauthor: Washington Winn year of publication: isbn: 0781730147 price: 4029.017. Search for new genesauthor: V L Chopra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8171886329 price: 895.018. Textbook of Oyster Biology and Culture in Indiaauthor: K A Narasimham year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8171640702 price: 400.019. Medical Microbiologyauthor: David Greenwood year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8131201007 price: 625.020. Modern Methods of Teaching Biologyauthor: Richa Bhatt year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131302323 price: 125.021. Microbes Redefined Personalityauthor: S R Joshi year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131302309 price: 595.022. Biodiversityauthor: B N Pandey year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131302675 price: 595.023. Bioethics and Biosafetyauthor: Ramamurthi Rallapalli year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131302651 price: 695.024. Bioinformaticsauthor: Dr S K Agarwal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131303238 price: 150.025. Evolution for Everyoneauthor: David Sloan Wilson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0385340922 price: 499.026. Life In Cold Bloodauthor: David Attenborough year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0563539223 price: 1121.027. Essentials of Medical Microbiologyauthor: Rajesh Bhatia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481543 price: 495.028. Inheritor Industrailists Secrets of their Sucessauthor: Raghu Palat year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189074104 price: 175.029. Self Assessment and Review Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254806 price: 425.030. Cell and Molecular Biologyauthor: E D P De Robertis year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781734932 price: 850.031. Cell and Molecular Biology Concept and Experimentsauthor: Gerald Karp year of publication: isbn: 0470169612 price: 1821.032. Practical Medical Microbiologyauthor: Mackie & McCartney year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131203934 price: 1495.033. Manual Of Practical Microbiology and Parasitologyauthor: P Chakraborty year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173815569 price: 225.034. Text book of Practical Pathology and Microbiology for Dental Studiesauthor: V H Talib year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8189581058 price: 305.035. Textbook of Microbiologyauthor: Prof C P Baveja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8178555065 price: 575.0

6. Biostatistics Basic Concepts and Methodology for the Health Sciencesauthor: Wayne W Daniel year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8126521494 price: 499.0Biotechnology1. Handbook on Bio Gas and Its Applicationsauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8186623825 price: 975.02. Biotechnology Handbookauthor: NIIR Board year of publication: isbn: 8178330709 price: 1100.03. Textbook of Biotechnologyauthor: H.K.Das year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8126526512 price: 699.04. Textbook of Biotechnologyauthor: S.C. Bhatia year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8126905824 price: 750.05. Process Biotechnology Fundamentalsauthor: S.N. Mukhopadhyay year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176494968 price: 495.06. Handbook of Biotechnologyauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732845 price: 900.07. Handbook of Biotechnologyauthor: Anjali Shukla year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8185185263 price: 77.08. Biotechnology and Geneticsauthor: I D Tyagi year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8183600174 price: 175.09. Dictionary of Bio Technologyauthor: Niel Sanders year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8189093169 price: 95.010. Dictionary of Biotechnologyauthor: R Gupta year of publication: isbn: 817812226X price: 85.011. Biofuels Towards a Greener and Secure Energy Futureauthor: P P Bhojvaid year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8179930858 price: 530.012. Biotechnology and Developmentauthor: Sachin Chaturvedi year of publication: 2004 isbn: 817188346X price: 595.013. Agricultural Biotechnologyauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8182053803 price: 690.014. Biosafety and Bioethicsauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8182053773 price: 690.015. Environmental Biotechnologyauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818205382X price: 690.016. Genetics and Biotechnology GK <strong>Book</strong>author: James Bobick year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8179924661 price: 195.017. Biosensorsauthor: Raj Mohan Joshi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8182053757 price: 750.018. Fundamentals of Plant Biotechnologyauthor: Amla Batra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8185589534 price: 595.019. Biotechnology How Its Is Changing Our Lifeauthor: Michael Fumento year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8179924408 price: 450.020. Biotechnology An Introductionauthor: Sangita Malvee year of publication: 2007 isbn: 9788189741372 price: 1495.021. Biotechnology based Bulk Drugsauthor: NPCS Board year of publication: isbn: 8190439879 price: 1050.022. Environmental Biotechnologyauthor: S K Agarwal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131302941 price: 195.023. Biotechnologyauthor: B N Pandey year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131303061 price: 995.024. Biotechnologyauthor: Dr C R Patil year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131303054 price: 150.025. Environmental Biotechnologyauthor: Dilip Kumar Markandey year of publication: 2004 isbn: 817648752x price: 130.026. Dictionary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineeringauthor: Mark L Steinberg year of publication: 2003 isbn: 817992193X price: 325.027. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Basics and Applicationsauthor: Deepshikha P Katare year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8185589593 price: 595.028. Biotechnology Foundation courseauthor: Ananth N Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180619982 price: 295.029. Biotechnologyauthor: U Satyanarayana year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8187134909 price: 585.0

30. Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology and the Lawauthor: Trevor Cook year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8180385797 price: 2995.031. Gate 2013 Biotechnology and General Aptitude and Mathematics Combo Packauthor: Santosh Kumar Rai year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8183556163 price: 695.0Botony1. Trees of Indiaauthor: Pallava Bagla year of publication: 2000 isbn: 9628711121 price: 3000.02. Flowering Trees Shrubs and Climbers of Indiaauthor: Rupinder Khullar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8190236938 price: 3000.03. GATE 2011 Life Science Botanyauthor: Er Prabhanshu Kumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8183553094 price: 260.0Cardiology1. Hursts The Heart Manual of Cardiologyauthor: Robert A O Rourke year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070670900 price: 550.02. Comprehensive Cardiologyauthor: S Uma Devi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483899 price: 550.03. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Cardiologyauthor: Michael H Crawford year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070703551 price: 695.04. An Electro Cardiographyauthor: Leo Schamroth year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8126515554 price: 450.05. ECG in Medical Practiceauthor: ABM Abdullah year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489682 price: 495.06. Churchills Ready Reference Cardiologyauthor: Alexander R Lyon year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443068423 price: 1725.07. Bedside Cardiologyauthor: Achyut Sarkar year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259856 price: 595.0Chemistry1. Organic Chemistryauthor: Janice Gorzynski Smith year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0071116621 price: 1929.02. Teaching of Chemistryauthor: P.P. Singh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176296120 price: 200.03. Engineering Chemistryauthor: P.C. <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 275.04. Dictionary of Chemistryauthor: R Gupta year of publication: isbn: 8178120283 price: 75.05. Dictionary of Chemistryauthor: . year of publication: 2003 isbn: 0140514457 price: 250.06. Chemistry for IIT JEE 2007author: J B Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0070635587 price: 450.07. Objective Chemistryauthor: H V Sreenivasa Murthy year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8177581880 price: 425.08. Guide To Gemsauthor: Cally Oldershaw year of publication: 2003 isbn: 0540083895 price: 525.09. Water Chemistryauthor: Mark M Benjamin year of publication: isbn: 0071202390 price: 1121.010. Textbook of Biochemistry For Medical Students With Free Revision Excercises <strong>Book</strong>letauthor: DM Vasudevan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250167 price: 695.011. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistryauthor: David L Nelson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0230226999 price: 1520.012. Multiple Choice Questions in Biochemistryauthor: R C Gupta year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613356 price: 160.013. Illustrated Medical Biochemistryauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488722 price: 975.014. Clinical Chemistry (organ function tests and Laboratory Investigations and inborn metabolic diseases)author: M N Chatterjea year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487954 price: 295.0

15. Biochemistry Instant Notes for medical studentsauthor: Seetharamaiah Chittiprol year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615383 price: 325.016. Textbook of Biochemistry for Dental/Nursing/Pharmacy Studentsauthor: M N Chatterjea year of publication: 2004 isbn: 818061204x price: 275.017. Textbook of Biochemistryauthor: Dr A V S S Rama Rao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8174766601 price: 545.018. Textbook of Medical Biochemistryauthor: MN Chatterjea year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481349 price: 650.019. Medicinal Chemistryauthor: Ashutosh Kar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8122430868 price: 430.020. Modern Methods of Teaching Chemistryauthor: Biswajit Ray year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131302385 price: 125.021. Fundamentals of Combustionauthor: D P Mishra year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8120333482 price: 195.022. Adsorption and Catalysis by solidsauthor: D K Chakraborty year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8122402968 price: 185.023. Medical Biochemistry Laboratory Manualauthor: N Mallikarjuna Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8122421814 price: 75.024. Rubber Chemicals and Processing Industriesauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732152 price: 400.025. Biochemistryauthor: Pankaja Naik year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487077 price: 695.026. Advanced Inorganic Chemistryauthor: F Albert Cotton year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8126513383 price: 529.027. Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews Biochemistryauthor: Richard A Harvey year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8184734522 price: 1095.028. Medical Biochemistryauthor: DS Sheriff year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613151 price: 525.029. Fundamentals of Biochemistryauthor: Dr A C Deb year of publication: 2008 isbn: 817381144X price: 535.030. A Textbook of Physical Chemistry (Vol 5)author: K L Kapoor year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1403922772 price: 245.031. Harpers Illustrated Biochemistryauthor: Robert K Murray year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071625913 price: 970.032. A Textbook of Physical Chemistry (Vol 3)author: K L Kapoor year of publication: isbn: 033393685X price: 275.033. Biochemical Engineering Principles and Conceptsauthor: Syed Tanveer Ahmed Inamdar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8120336773 price: 325.034. Chemistry for AIEEE 2010author: . year of publication: isbn: 8131512616 price: 525.035. Medical Biochemistry for Physiotherapy Studentsauthor: Harpreet Kaur year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483796 price: 125.036. Nutrition and Biochemistry for Nursesauthor: Jacob Anthikad year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486919 price: 250.037. Course in Chemistry for IIT-JEE 2011author: . year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070703360 price: 575.038. GATE 2012 Life Science Biochemistryauthor: Er Prabhanshu Kumar year of publication: 2011-12 isbn: 8183551882 price: 495.039. Essentials of Biochemistry (For Medical Students)author: Shivananda Nayak B year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487718 price: 350.040. Dictionary of Chemistryauthor: Arun Mittal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131305881 price: 95.041. Teaching of Chemistryauthor: Arun Mittal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8176485209 price: 200.042. Numerical Problems in Chemistryauthor: A S Bhatia year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184502039 price: 780.043. Numerical Chemistry with Solutionsauthor: A S Bhatia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184502022 price: 480.044. Nutrition and Biochemistry for Nursesauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489385 price: 395.045. Handbook of Biochemistry for Allied and Nursing Studentsauthor: Shivananda Nayak B year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704449 price: 350.046. GATE Papers Chemistryauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8183556248 price: 240.0

47. Jawetz Melnick and Adelbergs Medical Microbiologyauthor: Geo F. Brooks year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071742719 price: 920.048. Organic Chemistryauthor: Robert Thornton Morrison year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131704813 price: 599.049. Practical Biochemistryauthor: Geetha Damodaran K year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251416 price: 295.050. Biochemistryauthor: Saad M Manzoul year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071083973 price: 615.051. Chemistry for AIEEE 2011author: A. J. Prince year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131513637 price: 550.052. Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Geneticsauthor: Todd A Swanson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184732894 price: 550.053. Viva Voce Orals in Biochemistryauthor: B. Prabhakar Rao year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8122432022 price: 195.054. Super Course in Chemistry Physical Chemistry For IIT JEE Vol Iauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131759776 price: 450.055. Biochemistryauthor: U Satyanarayana year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8187134801 price: 745.056. Essentials of Biochemistryauthor: Pankaja Naik year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254912 price: 495.057. Medical Biochemistryauthor: AR Aroor year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184487282 price: 975.058. Practical Clinical biochemistry Methods and Interpretationsauthor: Ranjna Chawla year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180611086 price: 250.059. Manual of Practical Medical Biochemistryauthor: Evangeline Jones year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250433 price: 200.060. Organic Chemistry for IIT JEEauthor: Francis A Carey year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1259000931 price: 635.061. Course in Chemistry 2013author: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1259003736 price: 650.062. Super Course in Organic Chemistry for the JEE ISEETauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131788769 price: 450.063. Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry for the JEE ISEETauthor: Ananya Ganguly year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131788592 price: 575.064. Super Course in Physical Chemistry for the JEE ISEETauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131788776 price: 450.065. The Pearson Guide to Objective Chemnistry For The JEE/ ISEETauthor: Atul Singhal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131788523 price: 625.066. The Leadership Wisdom of Jesusauthor: Charles C Manz year of publication: 2011 isbn: 1609946814 price: 250.067. Foundamentals of Physical Chemistry for the JEE/ISEETauthor: Ananya Ganguly year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131788608 price: 0.068. Solomons and Fryhles Organic Chemistry for IIT JEE and Other Engineering Entrancesauthor: M S Chouhan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8126530331 price: 649.0Dermatology1. illustrated Textbook of Dermatologyauthor: J S Pasricha year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615650 price: 495.02. Textbbook of Clinical Dermatologyauthor: Virendra N Sehgal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489859 price: 495.03. Dermatology in a Weekauthor: Premanshu Bhushan year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616819 price: 225.04. Pediatric Dermatology Ward Roundsauthor: Jayakar Thomas year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480148 price: 795.05. Andrews Diseases of The Skin Clinical Dermatologyauthor: William D James year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131218860 price: 5500.06. Medical Law for the Dental Surgeonauthor: George Paul year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612422 price: 195.07. Scoring Systems in Dermatologyauthor: DS Krupashankar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485837 price: 125.08. Management Issues for a Dermatologistauthor: S Sacchidanand year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485943 price: 195.0

9. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Dermatologyauthor: Rajeev Sharma year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482072 price: 395.010. Dermatology Leprosy and Sexually Transmitted Infectionsauthor: AK Bajaj year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184485073 price: 450.011. Clinical Dermatologyauthor: Ramesh Chandra Gharami year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173815224 price: 485.012. Manual of Rational Skin Therapy and Dermatological Drugsauthor: Sanjay Ghosh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489453 price: 295.013. Color Atlas of Dermatologyauthor: Lalit K Bhutani year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8185017611 price: 690.014. Short Review of Tumourauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350251324 price: 295.015. Essentials in Dermatologyauthor: DM Thappa year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485585 price: 650.016. Dermatology Fundamentals of Practiceauthor: Robin Graham Brown year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0723434474 price: 1600.0Diagnosis1. CT Differential Diagnosisauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061753x price: 395.02. Radiological Differential Diagnosisauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615006 price: 475.03. Ultrasound Differential Diagnosisauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615014 price: 375.04. Differential Diagnosisauthor: L C Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061414x price: 450.05. Atlas of Diagnostic Endoscopyauthor: Mohammad Ibrarullah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704500 price: 1595.06. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2012author: Stephen J. McPhee year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0071763721 price: 2020.07. Paediatric Surgical diagnosisauthor: Sanjay N Oak year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480563 price: 1795.08. Application of Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis An Interactive text for Diagnostic Reasoningauthor: Marilynn E Doenges year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481845 price: 295.09. Clinical Methods A Key to Diagnosis in Paediatricsauthor: Dilip Mukherjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481934 price: 425.010. Burkets Oral Medicine Diagnosis and Treatmentauthor: Martin S Greenberg year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1550091867 price: 1595.011. Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiologyauthor: Frency R Karjodkar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184486438 price: 895.012. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodonticsauthor: Stephen F Rosenstiel year of publication: 2007 isbn: 813120863x price: 1350.013. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Gastroenterologyauthor: Scott L Friendman year of publication: isbn: 0838515517 price: 768.014. Frenchs Index of Differential Diagnosisauthor: Mark Kinirons year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0340810475 price: 1695.015. Clinical Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Diseaseauthor: M Satpathy year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481616 price: 1425.016. Pearls in Medicine for students Mysteries behind Diagnosisauthor: Arup Kumar Kundu year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482698 price: 350.017. Clinical Orthopaedic Diagnosisauthor: Sureshwar Pandey year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8171797288 price: 425.018. Oral Diseases and Disorder Different Diagnosisauthor: SR Prabhu year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481446 price: 295.019. Clinical Examination A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosisauthor: Nicholas J Tally year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131225745 price: 1195.020. Differential Diagnosis and Medical Therapeutics : A Treatise on Clinical Medicineauthor: P Siva Rama Krishna Rao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704951 price: 595.021. Fetology Diagnosis and Management of the Fetal Patientauthor: Diana W. Bianchi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071442015 price: 8190.022. Diagnosis A Symptom Based Approach In Internal Medicineauthor: CS Madgaonkar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704753 price: 395.0

23. Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Skin Diseasesauthor: Virendra N Sehgal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489521 price: 450.024. Pocket <strong>Book</strong> of Differential Diagnosisauthor: Andrew T Raftery year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702032233 price: 985.0Diagnostic1. Diabetic Retinopathy Atlas and Textauthor: Vishali Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818061929x price: 1295.02. Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy With Free CDauthor: Tirso Perez Medina year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380704692 price: 1750.03. Diagnostic Ultrasound ( In 2 Volumes)author: Carol M Rumack year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0323020237 price: 13237.04. Atlas of Diagnostic Radiologyauthor: Khalid Mahmood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486704 price: 495.05. Diagnostic Radiology Genitourinary Imagingauthor: Niranjan Khandelwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486827 price: 795.06. Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Testsauthor: Denise D Wilson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071481526 price: 1505.07. Diagnostic Microbiologyauthor: Betty A Forbes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0323030656 price: 2760.08. Medical Laboratory Technology A Procedure Manual for Routine Diagnostic Tests Vol 2author: Kanai L Mukherjee year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070076631 price: 235.09. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Interpretation and Diagnostic Difficultiesauthor: Pranab Dey year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256435 price: 1295.0Dontology1. Textbook of Biochemistry for Dental Studentsauthor: D M Vasudevan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254882 price: 395.02. Textbook of Orthodontics With CDauthor: Gurkeerat Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480806 price: 950.03. Sturdevants Art and Science of Operative Dentistryauthor: Theodore M Roberson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131204771 price: 2225.04. Basic Dental Materialsauthor: John J Manappallil year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489217 price: 450.05. Carranzas Clinical Periodontology For South Asiaauthor: Michael G Newman year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131228920 price: 1975.06. Textbook of Endodontics With Free CDauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704234 price: 750.07. Essentials of Clinical Periodontology and Periodontics With Free CDauthor: Shantipriya Reddy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250372 price: 650.08. Pathways of the pulpauthor: Stephen Cohen year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818147922x price: 2095.09. Medical Problems in Dentistryauthor: Crispian Scully year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8181479157 price: 1025.010. Teach Yourself PRauthor: Angela Murray year of publication: isbn: 0340886885 price: 271.011. Dental Diseases Differential Diagnosisauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483724 price: 550.012. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Periodonticsauthor: Shantipriya Reddy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485103 price: 350.013. Textbook of Dental and Oral Histology with Embryology With MCQsauthor: Satish Chandra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487121 price: 600.014. Dental Pulse Clinical Sciences Vol IIauthor: Satheesh Kumar K. year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190511513 price: 800.015. Textbook of Oral Medicineauthor: Anil Govindrao Ghom year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184487008 price: 1250.016. Textbook of Operative Dentistryauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487756 price: 595.017. Materials in Restorative Dentistryauthor: I Anand Sherwood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487916 price: 450.0

18. Manual of Local Anesthesia in Dentistryauthor: AP Chitre year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487015 price: 350.019. Principles and Practice of Public Health Dentistryauthor: Madhusudan Krishna year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488357 price: 550.020. Child Management in Clinical Dentistryauthor: Ashwin Jawdekar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 818448739 price: 250.021. A Practical Guide to the Management of Impacted Teethauthor: K George Varghese year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488784 price: 1295.022. Textbook of Human Oral Embryology Anatomy Physiology Histology and Tooth Morphologyauthor: KMK Masthan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488920 price: 250.023. Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistryauthor: Edward W Odell year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131229286 price: 1195.024. Essentials of Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Kanchan Harikishan Asnani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487428 price: 495.025. Bhatias Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry with Explanatory Answers Basic Sciencesauthor: Himani Saini year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489651 price: 495.026. Viva on Pre-clinical Endodontics Conservative Dentistryauthor: Kamna Kothari year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704012 price: 90.027. Dental Anatomy Physiology and Occlusion With Free CDauthor: Major M Ash year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131225042 price: 725.028. AIIMS Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examinationauthor: Atul Soin year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350252239 price: 125.029. Dental Updateauthor: Mohit Agrawal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250204 price: 295.030. Oxford Dictionary of Dentistryauthor: Robert Ireland year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199533015 price: 295.031. Textbook of Preclinical Conservative Dentistryauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250778 price: 450.032. Textbook of Dental Radiologyauthor: Pramod John R year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250792 price: 295.033. Essentials of Physiology for Dental Studentsauthor: K Sembulingam year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250761 price: 495.034. Modern Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Vinay Kumar Shivastava year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251898 price: 1295.035. Essentials of Oral Pathologyauthor: Swapan Kumar Purkait year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252147 price: 525.036. A Textbook of Public Health Dentistryauthor: CM Marya year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257098 price: 395.037. Dentistry for the Child and Adolescentauthor: Jeffrey A. Dean year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131226513 price: 1095.038. Dental Supreme Solved Question Papers of Periodontics and Oral Implantology 2001-2010author: Dinraj Kulkarni year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253595 price: 295.039. Dentistry Plus Comprehensive Review of Clinical Dental Sciencesauthor: Jaspal Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254004 price: 550.040. Periodontics Revisitedauthor: Shalu Bathla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253670 price: 895.041. Dental Dictionaryauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487053 price: 350.042. Principles and Practice of Pedodonticsauthor: Arathi Rao year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258910 price: 750.043. Phillips Science of Dental Materialsauthor: Kenneth J Anusavice year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8181470676 price: 1195.044. Sure Success in Orthodontics Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253380 price: 295.045. Dental Supreme Solved Question Papers of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2001-2011author: Dinraj Kulkarni year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350255971 price: 325.046. Complete Denture Prosthoodnitcsauthor: John J Manappallil year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8186809481 price: 525.047. Prosthodontic Treatment For Edentulous Patients Complete Dentures and Implant Supported Prosthesesauthor: George A Zarb year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8181470867 price: 775.048. MCQs in Periodontology With Explanationauthor: Swarga Jyoti Das year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254998 price: 350.049. Understanding and Management of Special Child in Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256312 price: 895.0

50. Clinical Operative Dentistry Principles and Practiceauthor: Ramya Raghu year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8192060491 price: 895.051. Sturdevants Art and Science of Operative Dentistryauthor: Theodore Roberson year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131204771 price: 2225.0Echocradiography1. Paediatric Echocardiographyauthor: Rani Gera year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613712 price: 325.02. Echocardiographyauthor: Harvey Feigenbaums year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781797853 price: 4865.0Gastronomy1. The <strong>Book</strong> of Teaauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 208030478X price: 2103.02. The Heritage of Indian Teaauthor: D.K. Taknet year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8185878013 price: 3900.03. Bedtime Gastroenterologyauthor: Manoj K Ghoda year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448125X price: 175.0Homeopathy1. Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeuticsauthor: T.F. Allen year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170214432 price: 445.02. Beginners Guide to Homeopathyauthor: T.S. Iyer year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131902554 price: 249.03. Homeopathic Guide to Family Healthauthor: R.K. Tandon year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180563286 price: 495.04. Gentle Healing With Homeopathy - A Practical Primer to Self-Treatment of Common Ailmentsauthor: Inga-Maria Richberg year of publication: 2004 isbn: 818056486X price: 90.05. Homeopathy and Child Care Principles Therapeutics Childrens Type Repertoryauthor: Shashi Kant Tiwari year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131907757 price: 169.06. Family Homeopathy A Practical Handbook for Home Treatmentauthor: Paul Callinan year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170219140 price: 99.07. Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory Pocket Editionauthor: William Boericke year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131901571 price: 299.08. Synthetic Repertory Volume l ll and lllauthor: H. Barthel year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8170211832 price: 1500.09. Homeopathy and Accupressureauthor: C.K. Anup year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8170219450 price: 50.010. Perfect Cure Through Homeopathyauthor: K.R. Gulati year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180564762 price: 210.011. Homeopathic Guide For Allauthor: D.S. Vohra year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180561852 price: 30.012. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicinesauthor: S.R. Phatak year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170214459 price: 209.013. Hahnemannian Textbook of Classical Homeopathy for the Professionalauthor: Luc De Schepper year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818056567X price: 329.014. Homeopathic Materia Medicaauthor: Azad Rai year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180565912 price: 299.015. Tissue Remediesauthor: B.N. Mitra year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180566366 price: 249.016. Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimumauthor: Luc De Schepper year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131902400 price: 299.017. Expanded Works of Nashauthor: E.B. Nash year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170215501 price: 225.018. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India Volume 1-7author: . year of publication: 1999 isbn: price: 675.019. Select Your Remedyauthor: Bishambar Das year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 225.0

20. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medicaauthor: James Tyler Kent year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131902592 price: 299.021. Midline Medical Dictionaryauthor: P S Rawat year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170210186 price: 249.022. Kents Repertoryauthor: J T Kent year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170210836 price: 499.023. Homeopathy for Common Ailmentsauthor: Robin Hayfield year of publication: 2001 isbn: 817822044X price: 395.024. Homeopathy The Modern Prescriberauthor: Henrietta Wells year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8178221314 price: 225.025. Homeopathy Family Guideauthor: Johnson year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8170211913 price: 140.026. Traditional Herbal Remedies An Illstrated A-Z Guideauthor: Michael Howard year of publication: 2003 isbn: 190477900x price: 1150.027. Herbal Home Remediesauthor: Jude C Todd year of publication: isbn: 8180565505 price: 125.028. Herbal Drugs and Its Plant Sourcesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8186623736 price: 1000.029. How to Stay Healthy With Homoeopathyauthor: Rajendra Tandon year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8129109867 price: 395.030. Medicinal Plants of the worldauthor: Ben Erik Van Wyk year of publication: 2004 isbn: 9812329331 price: 1500.031. A Concise Guide to Herbsauthor: Jenny Linford year of publication: 2007 isbn: 1405487993 price: 250.032. The Benefits of Homoeopahtyauthor: Vijaya Kumar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1845576268 price: 75.033. Boerickes New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertoryauthor: William Boericke year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131901847 price: 349.034. A Complete Guide to Homeopathyauthor: Alan V Schmukler year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8178223025 price: 295.035. Principles and Practice of Homeopathic pharmacy for studentsauthor: Dr M K Sahani year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131900574 price: 169.036. Typology In Homoeopathyauthor: Leon Vannier year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131211007 price: 595.037. Homoeopathic Prescribingauthor: Dr Noel Pratt year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210857 price: 150.038. Studies of Homoeopathic Remediesauthor: Dr Douglas Gibson year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210987 price: 295.039. Homoepathy as Art and Scienceauthor: Dr Elizabeth Wright Hubbard year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210888 price: 350.040. Classical Homoeopathyauthor: Dr Margery Blackie year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210826 price: 225.041. Everyday Homoeopathyauthor: Dr David Gemmell year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210840 price: 195.042. Introduction to homoeopathic Medicineauthor: Dr Hamish Boyd year of publication: 1989 isbn: 8131210949 price: 225.043. Insights into Homoeopahtyauthor: Dr Frank Bodman year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210932 price: 195.044. Homoeopathy In Practiceauthor: Dr Douglas Gibson year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210918 price: 225.045. Tutorials on Homoeopathyauthor: Dr Donald Foubister year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210994 price: 275.046. Homoeopathy in general Practiceauthor: Dr R A F Jack year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210901 price: 225.047. In Search of the Later Hahnemannauthor: Rima Handley year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210925 price: 195.048. Materia Medica of new Homoeopathic Remediesauthor: O A Julian year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210956 price: 350.049. Textbook of Veterinary Homoeopathyauthor: John Saxton year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210970 price: 275.050. Homoeopathy for sports Exercise and Danceauthor: Emlyn Thomas year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210895 price: 275.051. Mental Symptoms in Homoeopathyauthor: Luis Detinis year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210963 price: 175.0

52. Homoeopathyauthor: T P Paschero year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210871 price: 225.053. The Prescriberauthor: J H Clarke year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8170212588 price: 119.054. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (Ninth Volume)author: Government of India year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 203.055. 4000 McQs in Homoeopathyauthor: Dr Manoj Kumar Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 169.056. Homeopathy An Illusionauthor: Dinesh Kumar <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8124801956 price: 450.057. Homeopathy Easy to Follow Guideauthor: Dr S S Giani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8187330370 price: 275.058. Healing With Homeopathyauthor: Dr Mukesh Batra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8179928943 price: 395.059. Illustrated Guide to the Homeopathic Treatmentauthor: Dr H S Khaneja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131901649 price: 299.0Medical1. The Vagina Monologuesauthor: Eve Ensler year of publication: 2001 isbn: 0375756981 price: 345.02. Physician Assistants Drug Handbookauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 1582550786 price: 495.03. Indian Materia Medica Volume 1 and 2author: K.M. Nadkarni year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8171541437 price: 1200.04. Materia Medica A Medium System Approachauthor: John Martin Hongberger year of publication: 1995 isbn: 8186142398 price: 160.05. Materia Medicaauthor: N.M. Choudhuri year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8170210399 price: 260.06. Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeuticsauthor: T.F. Allen year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170214432 price: 445.07. Beginners Guide to Homeopathyauthor: T.S. Iyer year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131902554 price: 249.08. Ayurveda the Ultimate Medicineauthor: S C Sharma year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8186685669 price: 345.09. Medicinal Properties of Plants Antifungal Antibacterial and Antiviral Activitiesauthor: A.B. Ray year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8181890037 price: 1495.010. Homeopathic Guide to Family Healthauthor: R.K. Tandon year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180563286 price: 495.011. Gentle Healing With Homeopathy - A Practical Primer to Self-Treatment of Common Ailmentsauthor: Inga-Maria Richberg year of publication: 2004 isbn: 818056486X price: 90.012. Fearless Pregnancy Wisdom and Reassurance from a Doctor a Midwife and a Momauthor: Victoria Clayton year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180565386 price: 120.013. Ayurveda for Child Health Careauthor: P.H. Kulkarni year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8170307341 price: 200.014. Diabetes at your fingertipsauthor: Peter Sonksen year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170216656 price: 149.015. Asthma and Bronchitisauthor: Jill Wright year of publication: 2002 isbn: 81702111720 price: 75.016. Naturopathy for Self-Healingauthor: Robin Needs year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170215927 price: 140.017. Alternative Therapiesauthor: James Dallas Jardine year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170218551 price: 350.018. Fetal Attraction - All You Need to Know About Pregnancy & Childbirthauthor: Duru Shah year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8179923525 price: 195.019. Ayurveda Encyclopedia Natural Secrets to Healing Prvention & Longevityauthor: Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha year of publication: 1998 isbn: 817030590X price: 2000.020. Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory Pocket Editionauthor: William Boericke year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131901571 price: 299.021. Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industryauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 1000.022. Synthetic Repertory Volume l ll and lllauthor: H. Barthel year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8170211832 price: 1500.0

23. Ayurveda Indian System of Medicineauthor: Shiv Sharma year of publication: 2004 isbn: 812910083X price: 165.024. Health Rejuvenation and Longevity Through Ayurvedaauthor: Chander Mohan Ghai year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8176295000 price: 220.025. Guide to Body Pains Prevention Management and Cureauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8176295051 price: 180.026. Cancer Free Life of Womenauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295337 price: 120.027. Guide to Fertility and Pregnancyauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295159 price: 150.028. Total Fitness of Body and Mindauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295469 price: 180.029. Prevention of Heart Disease and Healthy Lifeauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295213 price: 180.030. Prevention of Lifestyle Diseasesauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295191 price: 180.031. Healthy Eyesauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 817629506X price: 280.032. Self Treatment of Common Diseasesauthor: H.P. Kumar year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8180561038 price: 325.033. A Dictionary of Medicinal Plantsauthor: A.S. Sandhu year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8189320033 price: 695.034. Healthy Living with Ayurvedaauthor: Anuradha Singh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8174363610 price: 495.035. A to Z of Digestive Tract Disordersauthor: Ashok Birbal <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1403929548 price: 170.036. MIMS Indiaauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 50.037. Disease Managementauthor: Michael D. Randall year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8130900025 price: 395.038. Homeopathy and Accupressureauthor: C.K. Anup year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8170219450 price: 50.039. Perfect Cure Through Homeopathyauthor: K.R. Gulati year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180564762 price: 210.040. Homeopathic Guide For Allauthor: D.S. Vohra year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180561852 price: 30.041. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicinesauthor: S.R. Phatak year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170214459 price: 209.042. Hahnemannian Textbook of Classical Homeopathy for the Professionalauthor: Luc De Schepper year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818056567X price: 329.043. The Business of Medicineauthor: Edgar Jones year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180563421 price: 425.044. Homeopathic Materia Medicaauthor: Azad Rai year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180565912 price: 299.045. Medicinal Plants in India (In 2 Vol)author: T. Pulliah year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8187498579 price: 1500.046. Handbook of Medicinal Plantsauthor: S K Bhattacharjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8171323685 price: 2500.047. Health and Harmony through Ayurvedaauthor: Anil K. Mehta year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170219345 price: 275.048. Tissue Remediesauthor: B.N. Mitra year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180566366 price: 249.049. Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimumauthor: Luc De Schepper year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131902400 price: 299.050. Medicinal Plant Cultivationauthor: S.S. Purohit year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8177542141 price: 1200.051. Pharmaceutical and Drugs Technology with Formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732527 price: 950.052. Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732950 price: 900.053. Food for Reversing Heart Diseaseauthor: Bimal Chhajer year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8176211729 price: 395.054. Family Medical Companionauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1842055364 price: 150.0

55. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatmentauthor: Lawrence M.Tierney year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0071454101 price: 1649.056. The 12 Tissue Remedies of Schusslerauthor: William Boericke year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131903209 price: 149.057. Expanded Works of Nashauthor: E.B. Nash year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170215501 price: 225.058. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India Part l and llauthor: . year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8190115146 price: 750.059. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Volume l - IVauthor: - year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8190115138 price: 1250.060. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India Volume 1-7author: . year of publication: 1999 isbn: price: 675.061. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicineauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 1999 isbn: 8122001173 price: 200.062. Naturopathy for Longevityauthor: H.K. Bakhru year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8172246293 price: 195.063. Herbal Medicineauthor: P C Trivedi year of publication: isbn: 8179101525 price: 1250.064. Ayurveda A Life of Balanceauthor: Maya Tiwari year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120820762 price: 595.065. Select Your Remedyauthor: Bishambar Das year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 225.066. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medicaauthor: James Tyler Kent year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131902592 price: 299.067. Midline Medical Dictionaryauthor: P S Rawat year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170210186 price: 249.068. Kents Repertoryauthor: J T Kent year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170210836 price: 499.069. Dictionary of Nursingauthor: - year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0199211777 price: 295.070. Oxford Concise Medical Dictionaryauthor: - year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199557141 price: 295.071. Dictionary of Medicineauthor: Robert Youngson year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0007207093 price: 493.072. Dictionary of Medicalauthor: . year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8189093495 price: 95.073. Medical Dictionaryauthor: S N Bansal year of publication: 2002 isbn: price: 325.074. New Concise Medical Dictionaryauthor: L C Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8174731784 price: 325.075. Basic Histology Text and Atlas With Free CDauthor: Luiz Carlos Junqueira year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071271905 price: 920.076. Human Anatomyauthor: Jamie Weir year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0723432945 price: 1227.077. Medical Microbiologyauthor: Cedric Mims year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0723434034 price: 1227.078. Synopsis of Psychiatryauthor: Benjamin James Sadock year of publication: 2010 isbn: 078173270 price: 1750.079. Histologyauthor: Michael Ross year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781750563 price: 3052.080. Medical Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Warren Levinson year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0071114726 price: 655.081. Clinically Oriented Anatomyauthor: Keith Moore year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184731835 price: 1795.082. Grant Dissectorauthor: Eberhardt Sauerland year of publication: 1999 isbn: 0683307398 price: 1971.083. Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History Takingauthor: Lynn Bickley year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781767180 price: 2115.084. Langmans Medical Embryology With Free CDauthor: T W Sadler year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184732207 price: 725.085. Dorland Pocket Medical Dictionaryauthor: . year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131216484 price: 395.086. Atlas of Human Anatomyauthor: Frank H Netter year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0808924234 price: 1345.0

87. The Human Brainauthor: John Nolte year of publication: 1999 isbn: 0815189117 price: 2000.088. Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicineauthor: Christopher Haslett year of publication: 2002 isbn: 0443070350 price: 1351.089. Microbiologyauthor: William A Strohl year of publication: 2001 isbn: 0397515685 price: 1222.090. Robbins Basic Pathologyauthor: Vinay Kumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131210369 price: 1295.091. Wheaters Functional Histologyauthor: B Young year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0443056129 price: 757.092. The Human Nervous Systemauthor: John Kiernan year of publication: 1998 isbn: 0397584318 price: 2206.093. Basic and Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: Bertram Katzung year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070677258 price: 1395.094. Pharmacology Examinations and Board Reviewauthor: Anthony Trevor year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071262941 price: 621.095. Color Atlas of Geneticsauthor: Eberhard Passarge year of publication: 2006 isbn: 3131423528 price: 695.096. Immunology for Medical Studentsauthor: Roderick Nairn year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0323043313 price: 1090.097. The Immune Systemauthor: Peter Parham year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0815340931 price: 2866.098. Human Molecular Genetics 3author: Tom Strachan year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0815341849 price: 3276.099. Medical Geneticsauthor: Lynn Jorde year of publication: 2005 isbn: 818147273X price: 595.0100. Encyclopedia of Geneticsauthor: E C R Reeve year of publication: 2002 isbn: 818683043X price: 5450.0101. What Your Doctor Doesnt Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing Youauthor: Ray Strand year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8183221313 price: 165.0102. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica Volume 1-3author: John Henry Clarke year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131902615 price: 749.0103. First Aid Handbookauthor: Anita Kerwin Nye year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1405430419 price: 325.0104. Thieme Atlas of Anatomyauthor: Michael Schuenke year of publication: 2006 isbn: 3131429119 price: 1595.0105. Hair Careauthor: Shiv Dua year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180566528 price: 99.0106. Herbs that Workauthor: David Armstrong year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180561844 price: 95.0107. Padma the Jewel of Tibetan Remediesauthor: Cabriele Feyerer year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8178222205 price: 150.0108. Homeopathy for Common Ailmentsauthor: Robin Hayfield year of publication: 2001 isbn: 817822044X price: 395.0109. Head Massageauthor: Eilean Bentley year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8178220458 price: 495.0110. Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX RN Examination With Free CDauthor: Linda Anne Silvestri year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131228692 price: 2145.0111. Homeopathy Family Guideauthor: Johnson year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8170211913 price: 140.0112. First Aidauthor: Sheena Meredith year of publication: 2003 isbn: 0276427629 price: 595.0113. Ayurveda Unravelledauthor: Sharadini Dahanukar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8123716761 price: 45.0114. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 1-3author: . year of publication: 2003 isbn: 09727213 price: 2090.0115. Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 1-4author: . year of publication: 2004 isbn: 09727957 price: 2480.0116. Cardiology A Problem Based Approachauthor: John D Rutherford year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8181930185 price: 495.0117. Agrotechniques for Umbelliferous Madicinal and Aromatic Plants of Indiaauthor: Avtar Singh Bimbraw year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181891090 price: 650.0118. American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetesauthor: Ravindra Kumar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8176498955 price: 595.0

119. Medicinal Plantsauthor: J P N Chansouria year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181891287 price: 995.0120. Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remediesauthor: Anil Kumar Dhiman year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8188583510 price: 1325.0121. Harrisons Manual of Medicineauthor: Dennis L Kasper year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070147584 price: 790.0122. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Surgeryauthor: Gerard M Doherty year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071638494 price: 1590.0123. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Infectious Diseasesauthor: Walter R Wilson year of publication: 2001 isbn: 0071181853 price: 1227.0124. Review of Medical Physiologyauthor: William F Ganong year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070677227 price: 995.0125. Clinical Anesthesiologyauthor: G Edward Morgan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0070683365 price: 1395.0126. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeuticsauthor: R S Satoskar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8179913857 price: 650.0127. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgeryauthor: Anil K Lalwani year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0071241329 price: 1522.0128. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India Part l Volume VIauthor: Government of India year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8190595216 price: 500.0129. Landscape Gardening and Design with Plantsauthor: S K Bhattacharjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8179100855 price: 2500.0130. The Merck Manual of Medical Informationauthor: George kanawaty year of publication: isbn: 0743477340 price: 270.0131. The Jesus Papersauthor: Michael Baigent year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0007236425 price: 295.0132. Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Older Adultsauthor: Elizabeth R Mackenzie year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0826138055 price: 695.0133. Traditional Herbal Remedies An Illstrated A-Z Guideauthor: Michael Howard year of publication: 2003 isbn: 190477900x price: 1150.0134. Vital Lies, Simple Truths The Psychology of self Deceptionauthor: Daniel Goleman year of publication: isbn: 0684831074 price: 549.0135. Herbal Home Remediesauthor: Jude C Todd year of publication: isbn: 8180565505 price: 125.0136. Help First Aid For Everyday Emergenciesauthor: A G R Bone year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8172241992 price: 150.0137. The Healing Sunauthor: Richard Hobday year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8120725964 price: 90.0138. Para Medical Institute and Courses In Indiaauthor: . year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8183200761 price: 80.0139. The Handbook Of Brain Theory and Neural Networksauthor: Micheal A Arbib year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8179926133 price: 3995.0140. A Twist In Destinyauthor: Sujata S Sabnis year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8174362045 price: 295.0141. Defeat Diabetes With Alternative Therapiesauthor: Dr Ritu <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180568571 price: 149.0142. Grants Atlas Of Anatomyauthor: Anne M R Agur year of publication: 2013 isbn: 8184736731 price: 1450.0143. Phantoms In The Brainauthor: V S Ramachandran year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0007253893 price: 295.0144. Hospital waste Management Principles and Guidelinesauthor: Mohd Faisal Khan year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8173916829 price: 175.0145. Essentials Of Human Anatomy & Physiologyauthor: Elaine N Marieb year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131710750 price: 775.0146. Drug Formulations Manualauthor: D P S Kohli year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8190018183 price: 2650.0147. Preventive and Social Medicareauthor: K P M Sundharam year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 600.0148. Medicinal Plants of the worldauthor: Ben Erik Van Wyk year of publication: 2004 isbn: 9812329331 price: 1500.0149. Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disordersauthor: T N Mehrotra year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615553 price: 1375.0150. Clinical Atlas of Sperm Morphologyauthor: Achyut M Phadke year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619435 price: 1595.0

151. Gynaecology By Ten Teachersauthor: Ash Monga year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0340983560 price: 450.0152. Textbook of Human Histology with colour Atlas and Practical Guideauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704340 price: 450.0153. Laboratory Manual In Assisted Reproductive Technologyauthor: Kamini A Rao year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617734 price: 895.0154. Recent Advances In Pediatrics-17 Hot Topicsauthor: Suraj Gupte year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481039 price: 450.0155. Williams Hematology With CDauthor: Marshall A Lichtman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071621519 price: 6635.0156. Obstetrics By Ten Teachersauthor: Philip N Baker year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0340983553 price: 500.0157. Anatomy and Physiology For Physiotherapistsauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615081 price: 595.0158. Textbook of Anatomy With Clinical Correlations In 3 Volsauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253830 price: 1350.0159. Handbook of Adolescent Gynecology and ARSHauthor: Swati Y Bhave year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448013x price: 295.0160. Textbook of Ear Nose and Throatauthor: Lt Col BS Tuli year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614468 price: 695.0161. Anaesthesia in Laparoscopic Surgeryauthor: Jayashree Sood year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619761 price: 1495.0162. Textbook of Orthopedicsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487442 price: 995.0163. Surface Replacement of the Hipauthor: SKS Marya year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619656 price: 795.0164. Complications In Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Diagnosis, Prevention and Managementauthor: S K Kaluskar year of publication: 2002 isbn: 818061705x price: 2495.0165. Pediatric Cataract Surgeryauthor: Jagat Ram year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619184 price: 1495.0166. Knee Replacementauthor: SKS Marya year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619222 price: 495.0167. Endoscopy in Infertility With CDauthor: Kamini A Rao year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619729 price: 1650.0168. Textbook of Spinal Surgery Vol 1 and 2author: P S Ramani year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614778 price: 2595.0169. Anatomy and Physiology For Nursesauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448342X price: 550.0170. Atlas Of Human Anatomyauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612236 price: 695.0171. Textbook of Anatomy with Colour Atlasauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618331 price: 895.0172. Anatomy of the Living Human Atlas of Medical Imagingauthor: Andras Csillag year of publication: isbn: 3829042647 price: 1500.0173. Clinical Anatomy A Problem Solving Approach With Free CDauthor: Neeta V Kulkarni year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254974 price: 1295.0174. Medical Dictionary English-English-Hindiauthor: Amar year of publication: isbn: 8189755331 price: 300.0175. Dictionary Of Medical Sciencesauthor: R Gupta year of publication: isbn: 8178123223 price: 170.0176. New Medical Dictionaryauthor: P S Shankar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8120416465 price: 185.0177. Medical Dictionary English-English-Hindiauthor: Dr. Pradeep Kumar year of publication: isbn: 8189774026 price: 325.0178. Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary In 2 Volsauthor: Tabers year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487909 price: 995.0179. Blacks Veterinary Dictionaryauthor: Edward Boden year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8180610136 price: 395.0180. Stedmans Medical Dictionary With CDauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 0781733901 price: 3005.0181. Textbook Of Pathology (Free Pathology Quick Review and MCQ)sauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487022 price: 1350.0182. Essential Pathology for Dental Students With Free Pathology Practical <strong>Book</strong> for dental Studentsauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250419 price: 795.0

183. Modern Medical Toxicologyauthor: W Pillay year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180615197 price: 275.0184. Textbook of Biochemistry for Dental Studentsauthor: D M Vasudevan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254882 price: 395.0185. Konemans Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiologyauthor: Washington Winn year of publication: isbn: 0781730147 price: 4029.0186. Donald School Atlas of Fetal Anomaliesauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619192 price: 2495.0187. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology-8author: S Dasgupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480202 price: 295.0188. Gynaecology Theory for MRCOGauthor: Abhinibesh Chatterjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613526 price: 110.0189. The Sankara Nethralaya Atlas of Ophthalmic Ultrasoundauthor: Muna Bhende year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061641x price: 4208.0190. Atlas of Clinical Application of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecologyauthor: Donald School year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616398 price: 2995.0191. Sonography In Gynecology and Obstetriceauthor: Arthur C Fleischer year of publication: isbn: 0071238492 price: 1107.0192. Ultrasound and Color Doppler in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertilityauthor: R Rajan MD year of publication: 2004 isbn: price: 1995.0193. Textbook of Obstetricsauthor: Prof. Sudha Salhan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619117 price: 975.0194. Gynecological Endoscopy and Infertility With Free CDauthor: Gautam N Allahbadia year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615065 price: 2995.0195. Disease of the Nose Throat and Earauthor: Logan Turner year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180619478 price: 295.0196. Phacoemulsification Made Easyauthor: Aasheet H Desai year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615979 price: 395.0197. Phacoauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617521 price: 595.0198. Opticians Guide A Manual For Opticiansauthor: Ajay Kumar Bhootra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061610x price: 125.0199. Contact Lencesauthor: V K Dada year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8171794327 price: 350.0200. Modern Ophthalmoglogy Vol 1 2 and 3author: L C Dutta year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180614700 price: 2495.0201. Clinical Anaesthesiaauthor: Arun Kumar Paul year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616886 price: 350.0202. Clinical Anesthesiaauthor: Paul G Barash year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732726 price: 3995.0203. Orthopaedic Titbitsauthor: D D Tanna year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619699 price: 295.0204. Human Osteologyauthor: J Joseph year of publication: 1985 isbn: price: 100.0205. Recent Advances in Ophthalmology 10author: H V Nema year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252635 price: 650.0206. Textbook of Ophthalmology With DVD ROMauthor: H V Nema year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255070 price: 795.0207. Essentials of Tuberculosis In Childrenauthor: Vimlesh Seth year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252529 price: 1095.0208. Atlas On Clinical Ophthalmologyauthor: Samar K Basak year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616452 price: 2495.0209. Essentials of Medical Pharmacologyauthor: K D Tripathi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184480857 price: 825.0210. Essentials of Medical Physiologyauthor: K Sembulingam year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259368 price: 1095.0211. Understanding Medical Physiologyauthor: R L Bijlani year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704814 price: 1095.0212. IAP Textbook of Pediatrics(In 2 Vol)author: A Parthasarathy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485806 price: 1495.0213. Manual of Practical Medicineauthor: R Alagappan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704807 price: 725.0214. Textbook of Adolescent Medicineauthor: Swati Y Bhave year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617289 price: 1495.0

215. Herbal Drugs A Twenty First Century Perspectiveauthor: Rakesh K Sharma year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618501 price: 695.0216. Midwifely & Reproductive Health Nursingauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617998 price: 495.0217. Readers Digest Complete A To Z of Medicine & Health FIRST AIDauthor: Sheena Meredith year of publication: isbn: 0276427920 price: 595.0218. Encyclopedia of Family Health and First Aidauthor: Dr Susan Lipscombe year of publication: 2003 isbn: 1405415398 price: 895.0219. The Family Medical Encyclopediaauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0862887763 price: 595.0220. Law and Medicineauthor: Ravi Shinde year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 100.0221. Orthotics In Rehabilitation Splinting the hand and Bodyauthor: Pat Mckee year of publication: 1998 isbn: price: 295.0222. Ear Nose and Throat Diseasesauthor: Mohammad Maqbool year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480814 price: 395.0223. Essentials of Gynecologyauthor: Sabaratnam Arulkumaran year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615103 price: 350.0224. Essentials of Obstetricsauthor: Sabaratnam Arulkumaran year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489095 price: 495.0225. Orthotics A Comprehensive Clinical Approachauthor: Joan E Edelstein year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1556424167 price: 250.0226. Textbook of Pediatric Neurology in Tropicsauthor: Ashok Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618803 price: 795.0227. Anatomical Principles of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery A Step by Step Approach With Free CDauthor: Renuka Bradoo year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180613461 price: 1295.0228. Mercers Orthopaedic Surgery Vol 1 & 2author: Robert B Duthie year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180610535 price: 2650.0229. Art Of Endosuturingauthor: parveen Bhatia year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180614565 price: 525.0230. Ultrasound Of Fetal Anomaliesauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061574x price: 395.0231. Notes On Gynaecologyauthor: R K Sachdeva year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061607x price: 225.0232. Hormones in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Vijay Zutshi year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180614271 price: 225.0233. Inflections In Obstetrics and and Gynaecologyauthor: Gauri Gandhi year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 350.0234. 3D/4D Ultrasound in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertility With Free CDauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480091 price: 495.0235. Gynecological Endoscopy Surgeryauthor: Sudhir R Shah year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617157 price: 395.0236. Ultrasound In Infertilityauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180612538 price: 325.0237. Phaoc Tips and Tricksauthor: Vikas Mahatme year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614026 price: 425.0238. Pregnancy Survival manual and Guideauthor: Prabha Malhotra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616169 price: 295.0239. Phaco Tips and Tricksauthor: Vikas Mahatme year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 425.0240. Ultrasound in Gynecologyauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2004 isbn: 818061302x price: 325.0241. Injection Techniques In Orthopaedicsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619672 price: 395.0242. Brest Ultrasoundauthor: Rahul Sachdev year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615995 price: 395.0243. Interventional Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613674 price: 325.0244. CT Scanauthor: D Karthikeyan year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614808 price: 425.0245. Diabetologyauthor: Sudip Chatterjee year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616940 price: 295.0246. Small Incision Cataract Surgeryauthor: Anita Panda year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615928 price: 395.0

247. Wound Healingauthor: Sylvie Meaume year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180613828 price: 295.0248. Step by Step Ultrasound In Obstetricsauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483321 price: 450.0249. Step by Step Interpretation Of Glaucoma Diagnosticsauthor: Barun K Nayak year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615480 price: 325.0250. Management Of Equinus Foot by Llizarov Techniqueauthor: RA Agarwal year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617106 price: 395.0251. Critical Careauthor: Arun Kumar Paul year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615510 price: 325.0252. MRIauthor: J Jagan Mohan Reddy year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614174 price: 395.0253. Step by Step Fetal Echocardiographyauthor: Rakesh Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618226 price: 395.0254. Blood Transfusion Services A Practical Manual on the Technical and clinical aspectsauthor: Kabita Chatterjee year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618218 price: 395.0255. Cornel Topographyauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617505 price: 495.0256. Color Doppler in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertilityauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615731 price: 395.0257. Lasik Surgeryauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614786 price: 425.0258. Oculoplastic Surgeryauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614654 price: 495.0259. Gynaecology Drug Handbookauthor: A K Debdas year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483260 price: 275.0260. Neurology For Physiotherapistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0723418349 price: 325.0261. General Medical and Surgical Conditions for Physiotherapistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0571140645 price: 325.0262. Orthopaedics and Rheumatology for Physiotherapistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0723418330 price: 325.0263. Chest Heart and Vascular Disorders for Physiotherpistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0571146449 price: 325.0264. Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Studentsauthor: KP Neeraja year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614646 price: 275.0265. Pathology Practical <strong>Book</strong> With Free CDauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8180619052 price: 475.0266. Pathology Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicineauthor: Emunuel Rubin year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781747333 price: 2000.0267. Practical Orthopaedicsauthor: Subhash kakkad year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615170 price: 325.0268. Apleys System of Orthopaedics and Fracturesauthor: Louis Soloman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340942055 price: 2495.0269. Essentials of Orthopaedics for Physiotherapistsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251614 price: 695.0270. Obstetric Protocols for Labor Ward Managementauthor: Asmita Muthal Rathore year of publication: 2005 isbn: 818061395x price: 160.0271. Notes On Obstetricsauthor: RK Sachdeva year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616002 price: 225.0272. Practical Obstetricsauthor: A K Debdas year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180610063 price: 275.0273. Cross Sectional Anatomyauthor: D Karthikeyan year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614794 price: 525.0274. Clinical Methods In ENTauthor: P T Wakode year of publication: 2005 isbn: 817179940x price: 375.0275. Mcminns Colour Atlas of Human Anatomyauthor: P H Abrahams year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0723432139 price: 1695.0276. Clinical Anatomyauthor: Richard S Snell year of publication: 2004 isbn: 078174315x price: 2037.0277. Emergency Medicineauthor: A K Agarwal year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615588 price: 495.0278. Family Medicine A Clinical and Applied Orientationauthor: CS Madgaonkar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617882 price: 295.0

279. Comprehensive Textbook of Sexual Medicineauthor: Nilamadhab Kar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614050 price: 975.0280. Essentials of Clinical Medicineauthor: Samir Kathale year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616150 price: 395.0281. Medical Records Organization and Managementauthor: G D Mogli year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8171798020 price: 350.0282. Movements Disorders 1 2 and 3author: C D Marsden year of publication: 1999 isbn: 0750622326 price: 3094.0283. Practical Exercise Therapyauthor: Margaret Hollis year of publication: 2007 isbn: 140512444x price: 380.0284. Essentials of Anaesthesia for undergraduatesauthor: R Chandrasekaran year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616584 price: 150.0285. Intrauterine Inseminationauthor: Gautam N Allahbadia year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614336 price: 1595.0286. Clinical Cases In Medicine and Paediatricsauthor: S Anuradha year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618706 price: 195.0287. 101 Skin Cases Diagnosis and Treatmentauthor: Sanjay Ghosh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614913 price: 450.0288. Massage for Therapistsauthor: Margaret Hollis year of publication: isbn: 0632056770 price: 442.0289. Hospitals and Nursing Homes Planning Organisations and Managementauthor: Syed Amin Tabish year of publication: 2005 isbn: 818061154x price: 1695.0290. Hospital Stores Management An Integrated Approachauthor: Shakti Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8171797407 price: 495.0291. Menopause Current Conceptsauthor: Chittaranjan N Purandare year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180613011 price: 300.0292. Hotspots In Medicineauthor: S K Rajan year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180614417 price: 175.0293. Principles of Manual Therapy A Manual Therapy Approach to Musculoskeletal Dysfunctionauthor: Deepak Sebastian year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180615049 price: 310.0294. Fundamentals of Physiotherapyauthor: Praveen Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614123 price: 200.0295. Manual of Ovulation Inductionauthor: Gautam N Allahbadia year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614131 price: 995.0296. A Manual on Clinical Surgeryauthor: S Das year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190568104 price: 616.0297. A Concise Text book of Surgery with Orthopaedics & Fracturesauthor: S Das year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 742.0298. Practical Medicineauthor: P J Mehta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190704601 price: 530.0299. Hand <strong>Book</strong> on Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulae, Processes & Their usesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8186623639 price: 975.0300. Essentials of Haematologyauthor: Shirish M Kawthalkar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616339 price: 395.0301. State of the Art Vaginal Surgeryauthor: Neerja Goel year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480083 price: 1695.0302. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2012author: Stephen J. McPhee year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0071763721 price: 2020.0303. A Short Textbook of E. N. T. Diseasesauthor: K B Bhargava year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8190098446 price: 450.0304. Gynecologic Pathology An Atlas Of Essential Pathology for Gynecologistsauthor: Ossama Tawfik year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617424 price: 995.0305. Atlas of Human Assisted Reproductive Technologiesauthor: Mangala Telang year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619540 price: 1975.0306. Diabetic Retinopathy Atlas and Textauthor: Vishali Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818061929x price: 1295.0307. Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy With Free CDauthor: Tirso Perez Medina year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380704692 price: 1750.0308. Clinical Ophthalmology A Systematic Approachauthor: Jack J Kanski year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702040955 price: 5410.0309. Textbook of Biochemistry For Medical Students With Free Revision Excercises <strong>Book</strong>letauthor: DM Vasudevan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250167 price: 695.0310. Paediatric Surgical diagnosisauthor: Sanjay N Oak year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480563 price: 1795.0

311. Hutchisons Clinical Methods An Integrated Approach to Clinical Practiceauthor: Michael Swash year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702027987 price: 1060.0312. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy (In 2 Vols)author: Mark H Beers year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131205907 price: 1495.0313. Remington the Science and Practice of Pharmacy Vol 1 and 2author: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189836665 price: 2495.0314. Immunologyauthor: Anil Dasgupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480660 price: 395.0315. Fundamentals of Medical Immunologyauthor: Venugopal Jayapal year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480482 price: 395.0316. Ultrasound Imaging Of Fetal Anomaliesauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619354 price: 1595.0317. Exodontia Practiceauthor: Abhay N Datarkar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480504 price: 595.0318. Techniques of Cataract Surgeryauthor: Mahipal S Sachdev year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180617556 price: 1795.0319. The Sankara Nethralaya Atlas of Neuro Ophthalmologyauthor: Satya Karna year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481195 price: 1795.0320. Indian navy a perspectiveauthor: Dr Baldeo Sahai year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818448089x price: 350.0321. Textbook of Complete Denture Prosthodonticsauthor: Sarandha D L year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 350.0322. Management of Would Healingauthor: Vijay K Shukla year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480946 price: 1295.0323. Medicinal Plants Conservation, Cultivation and Utilizationauthor: A K Chopra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8170354862 price: 2200.0324. Guava Medicine for Modern Diseasesauthor: Ingfried Hobert year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180563618 price: 35.0325. Manual of Newborn Critical Care Medicineauthor: Dipak K Guha year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061672x price: 250.0326. Greenspans Basic and Clinical Endocrinologyauthor: David G Gardner year of publication: 2007 isbn: 007110450x price: 1375.0327. Clinical Neuroanatomyauthor: Richard S Snell year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732214 price: 995.0328. Essential Pediatricsauthor: O P Ghai year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123917771 price: 725.0329. Beat the Flu Bird Fluauthor: A A Avlicino year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8189766767 price: 245.0330. The Pearson Guide to the B Sc Nursing Entrance Examinationauthor: Dr Saroj Parwez year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131713385 price: 399.0331. Practical and Viva In Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: R K Sharma year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189766775 price: 225.0332. Medical Secretsauthor: Anthony J Zollo year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181479394 price: 450.0333. The Adult and Pediatric Spine In Vol 1 and 2author: John W Frymoyer year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0781735491 price: 19265.0334. Operative Neurosurgery ( In 2 Volumes )author: Michael Salcman year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8181281918 price: 9095.0335. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery A Surgical manualauthor: H M Mayer year of publication: 2006 isbn: 03540213473 price: 21389.0336. The Failed Spineauthor: Scott D Boden year of publication: 2003 isbn: 0781717604 price: 7714.0337. Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicineauthor: Nicki R Colledge year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702030840 price: 2000.0338. The Spine Rothman Simeone In Vol 1 and 2author: Harry N Herkowitz year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0721647777 price: 15041.0339. Pharmacology for Dental and Allied Health Sciencesauthor: Padmaja Udaykumar year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259887 price: 450.0340. Atlas of Surgical Operationsauthor: Robert M Zollinger year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071760010 price: 3555.0341. Physical Rehabilitationauthor: "Susan B O,Sullivan" year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619346 price: 895.0342. Review of Medical Biochemistry with MCQsauthor: B Raghu year of publication: isbn: 8180611574 price: 195.0

343. MCQs and Problems Oriented Questions in Biochemistryauthor: Arvind S Yadav year of publication: 2003 isbn: 817179887x price: 110.0344. Handbook of Physiology with MCQsauthor: G C Agarwala year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8171798160 price: 185.0345. MCQs in Physiologyauthor: G C Agarwala year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180610233 price: 175.0346. MCQs in Anatomy With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vasanti Arole year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616126 price: 125.0347. Illustrated Medical Biochemistryauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488722 price: 975.0348. Clinical Chemistry (organ function tests and Laboratory Investigations and inborn metabolic diseases)author: M N Chatterjea year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487954 price: 295.0349. Anatomy For Dental Studentsauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611019 price: 325.0350. Textbook of Medical Parasitologyauthor: C K Jayaram Paniker year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619370 price: 275.0351. Biochemistry Instant Notes for medical studentsauthor: Seetharamaiah Chittiprol year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615383 price: 325.0352. Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Management for positive Outcomes In 2 Vols With Free Cd and Free Index <strong>Book</strong>author: Joyce M Black year of publication: isbn: 8131216422 price: 2595.0353. Grays Anatomy For Studentsauthor: Richard L Drake year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0808924067 price: 2225.0354. Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: PR Ashalatha year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254233 price: 695.0355. State of the Art Atlas of Endoscopic Surgery in Infertility and Gynecology With Free CDauthor: Nutan <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489903 price: 3495.0356. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (Set of 2 Vol)author: Richard E Behrman year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131210338 price: 3595.0357. Braunwalds Heart Disease A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicineauthor: Peter Libby year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1416041061 price: 4500.0358. Fundamentals of Nursingauthor: Patricia A Potter year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181475399 price: 1495.0359. Cancer Principles and Practice of Oncologyauthor: Vincent T Devita year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781744504 price: 1191.0360. Principles and Practice of Colposcopyauthor: B Shakuntala Baliga year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612740 price: 1695.0361. Tureks Orthopaedics principles and Their Applicationauthor: Stuart L Weinstein year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781789567 price: 2840.0362. Therapeutic Exercise Foundations and Techniquesauthor: Carolyn Kisner year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481322 price: 895.0363. State of the Art and Textbook of Laparoscopic Suturingauthor: Nutan <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061638x price: 1995.0364. Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertilityauthor: Leon Speroff year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781767245 price: 3438.0365. Textbook of Transvaginal sonographyauthor: Donald School year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061459x price: 2650.0366. Schwartzs Principles of Surgeryauthor: F Charles Brunicardi year of publication: isbn: 0071105182 price: 860.0367. Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgery in Gynocologic Oncologyauthor: Shailesh Puntambekar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619451 price: 2995.0368. Bedside Medicine Without Tearsauthor: SN Chugh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250280 price: 495.0369. High Risk Pregnancy Management Optionsauthor: D K James year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181479254 price: 2350.0370. Color Doppler and 3D ultrasound in Gynecology Infertility and Obstetricsauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611027 price: 2100.0371. Pregnancy at Risk Current Conceptsauthor: Usha Krishna year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8171798268 price: 595.0372. Manual of Practical Physiologyauthor: US Zingade year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481470 price: 195.0373. Current Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Gita Ganguly Mukherjee year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619966 price: 795.0374. Schiffs Diseases of The Liver ( In 2 Vol)author: Eugene R Schiff year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0781760402 price: 12767.0

375. Clinical Anatomy by Regionsauthor: Richard S Snell year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8184736588 price: 1995.0376. A Practice of Anesthesiaauthor: Wylie Davidsons year of publication: isbn: price: 5375.0377. Ophthalmology ( In Vol 2 )author: Myron Yanoff year of publication: 2006 isbn: 813120507x price: 4995.0378. Pediatric Nursingauthor: Nicki L Potts year of publication: 2007 isbn: 813150350x price: 950.0379. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursingauthor: Noreen Cavan Frisch year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131503496 price: 650.0380. Fundamentals of Nursing Standards and Practiceauthor: Sue C Delaune year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131503488 price: 950.0381. Reviews On Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 5 (Ca-Ce)author: A K Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 900.0382. Anatomy and Physiology In Health and Illnessauthor: Anne Waugh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702032288 price: 1078.0383. Kaplan and Sadocks Synopsis of Psychiatryauthor: Benjamin James Sadock year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0781773270 price: 1495.0384. Clinical Medicine A Practical Manual for Student and Practitionersauthor: A K Agarwal year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619281 price: 895.0385. Textbook of Medical Biochemistryauthor: MN Chatterjea year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481349 price: 650.0386. A Textbook of Practical Physiologyauthor: CL Ghai year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259320 price: 325.0387. An Atlas of Neonatologyauthor: ML Kulkarni year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615189 price: 1995.0388. Lasers in Ophthamology A Practical Manualauthor: Atul Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615537 price: 1095.0389. Pediatric Dermatology Ward Roundsauthor: Jayakar Thomas year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480148 price: 795.0390. Review In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Sachin Dev Sachdeva year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448190x price: 90.0391. Long Cases in General Surgeryauthor: R Rajamahendran year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481780 price: 150.0392. Physical Therapy Examination Review a Manualauthor: V Murugesan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448187x price: 100.0393. Application of Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis An Interactive text for Diagnostic Reasoningauthor: Marilynn E Doenges year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481845 price: 295.0394. Clinical Methods A Key to Diagnosis in Paediatricsauthor: Dilip Mukherjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481934 price: 425.0395. Diabetes Mellitusauthor: C Ronald Kahn year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781795869 price: 6650.0396. Atlas of Gastrointestinal Imagingauthor: Sunitha Lingareddy year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481217 price: 1295.0397. Oral Medicineauthor: Satish Chandra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481454 price: 495.0398. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatricsauthor: Tom Lissauer year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0723435662 price: 1190.0399. Developing Practical Nursing Skillsauthor: Astrazeneca year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0340946268 price: 522.0400. Manual Of Nursing Practiceauthor: Lippincott year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781766257 price: 2049.0401. Neonatology Management, Procedures, On Call Problems, Diseases and Drugsauthor: Tricia Lacy Gomella year of publication: 2007 isbn: 007126602x price: 555.0402. Cummings Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery In 4 Volumesauthor: Charles W Cummigs year of publication: isbn: 0808923048 price: 13877.0403. Textbook of Orthodontics With CDauthor: Gurkeerat Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480806 price: 950.0404. Burkets Oral Medicine Diagnosis and Treatmentauthor: Martin S Greenberg year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1550091867 price: 1595.0405. Textbook of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiologyauthor: Frency R Karjodkar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184486438 price: 895.0406. Handbook of Local Anesthesiaauthor: Stanley F Malamed year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8181475299 price: 595.0

407. Textbook of Oral Pathologyauthor: Sanjay Saraf year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061655x price: 695.0408. CT and MRI of the Whole Body ( In 2 Volumes)author: John R Haaga year of publication: isbn: 0323053754 price: 14910.0409. Art of Laparoscopic Surgery Textbook and Atlas In 2 Volumesauthor: C Palanivelu year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180619958 price: 8500.0410. Teaching Manual of Color Duplex Sonographyauthor: Matthias Hofer year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1588902781 price: 1919.0411. Ultrasound Teaching Manualauthor: Matthias Hofer year of publication: isbn: 158890279x price: 1919.0412. CT Teaching Manual A Systematic Approach of CT Readingauthor: Matthias Hofer year of publication: isbn: 313124352x price: 1919.0413. Clarks Positioning In Radiographyauthor: A Stewart Whitley year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0340763906 price: 1595.0414. Myles Textbook for Midwivesauthor: Diane M Fraser year of publication: 2003 isbn: 0443072353 price: 469.0415. Child Neurologyauthor: John H Menkes year of publication: isbn: 0781730759 price: 1495.0416. Essential Neursurgeryauthor: Andrew H Kaye year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1405116412 price: 1527.0417. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Gustav O krugei year of publication: isbn: price: 475.0418. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodonticsauthor: Stephen F Rosenstiel year of publication: 2007 isbn: 813120863x price: 1350.0419. Sturdevants Art and Science of Operative Dentistryauthor: Theodore M Roberson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131204771 price: 2225.0420. Basic Dental Materialsauthor: John J Manappallil year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489217 price: 450.0421. Goodman and Gilmans The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics With CDauthor: Laurence L Brunton year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071624428 price: 5451.0422. Diagnostic Ultrasound ( In 2 Volumes)author: Carol M Rumack year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0323020237 price: 13237.0423. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Diseaseauthor: Vinay Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131224915 price: 1825.0424. Textbook of Prosthodonticsauthor: Deepak Nallaswamy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 818061199x price: 950.0425. Carranzas Clinical Periodontology For South Asiaauthor: Michael G Newman year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131228920 price: 1975.0426. Medical Emergencies in the Dental Officeauthor: Stanley F Malamed year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131204733 price: 895.0427. Ten Cates Oral Histology Development Structure and Function With CDauthor: Antonio Nanci year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131204740 price: 1225.0428. Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustratedauthor: Kenneth W Lindsay year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443069574 price: 1380.0429. Establishing Private Health Care Facilities in Developing Countries A guide for medical entrepreneursauthor: Seung Hee Nah year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0821369470 price: 1067.0430. Medical Microbiologyauthor: David Greenwood year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8131201007 price: 625.0431. Maingots Abdominal Operationsauthor: Michael J Zinner year of publication: 2007 isbn: 007144176X price: 4522.0432. Operative Thoracic Surgeyauthor: Rob & Smith year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0340759739 price: 16945.0433. Ophthalmic Surgery The Cutting Edgeauthor: Sandeep Saxena year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616347 price: 3995.0434. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiologyauthor: John E Hall year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131227039 price: 1445.0435. Williams Obstetricsauthor: F Gary Cunningham year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071497015 price: 5080.0436. Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing Vol 1 and 2 With Free CDauthor: Brunner & Suddarths year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184734225 price: 2350.0437. Andrews Diseases of The Skin Clinical Dermatologyauthor: William D James year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131218860 price: 5500.0438. SRBs Manual Of Surgeryauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485516 price: 795.0

439. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursingauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618986 price: 595.0440. Essential Of Surgery (With Free two books)author: Sunil Chumber year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180613453 price: 1295.0441. Illustrated Clinical Anatomyauthor: Peter Abrahams year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0340807431 price: 795.0442. McCrackens Removable Partial Prosthodonticsauthor: Alan B Carr year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8181475321 price: 750.0443. Textbook of Endodontics With Free CDauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704234 price: 750.0444. Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretationauthor: Stuart C White year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131219775 price: 1275.0445. Mansons Tropical Diseasesauthor: Gordon C Cook year of publication: 2003 isbn: 070202790x price: 2259.0446. Hamilton Baileys Emergency Surgeryauthor: Brian W Ellis year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8180619567 price: 1795.0447. Te Lindes Operative Gynecology with CDauthor: John A Rock year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0781772341 price: 3595.0448. Pediatric Nursingauthor: Parul Datta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619702 price: 325.0449. Diseases of The Earauthor: Harold Ludman year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180619338 price: 2495.0450. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 8184485425 price: 995.0451. Modern Pharmacology with Clinical Applicationsauthor: Charles R Craig year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0781737621 price: 2710.0452. Pathways of the pulpauthor: Stephen Cohen year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818147922x price: 2095.0453. Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: P N Bennett year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0443064814 price: 710.0454. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: James R Hupp year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131217658 price: 1725.0455. Textbook of Oral pathologyauthor: Shafers Hine Levy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131215708 price: 1195.0456. Nursing Administrationauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486971 price: 525.0457. Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: Evelyn Pearce year of publication: isbn: price: 125.0458. Lees Synopsis of Anaesthesiaauthor: N J H Davies year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131200667 price: 895.0459. Practical Nursing Proceduresauthor: L C Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180611101 price: 195.0460. A Short Textbook of Psychiatryauthor: Niraj Ahuja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704661 price: 350.0461. Sears Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: R S Winwood year of publication: 1985 isbn: price: 185.0462. Atlas of General Surgery Vol 1 and 2author: Sir David Carter year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618943 price: 1995.0463. Practical Paediatric Problemsauthor: Jim Beattie year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0340809337 price: 1390.0464. Mastery of Surgeryauthor: Josef E Fischer year of publication: 2001 isbn: 078177165x price: 17236.0465. Textbook of Postgraduate Psychiatry ( Vol 1 and 2 )author: J N Vyas year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8171796486 price: 2195.0466. Medical Surgical Nursingauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486353 price: 895.0467. Medicinal Chemistryauthor: Ashutosh Kar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8122430868 price: 430.0468. The Body Huntersauthor: Sonia Shah year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131714543 price: 450.0469. Medical Geographyauthor: Ishtiaq A Mayer year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131302682 price: 695.0470. Medical Problems in Dentistryauthor: Crispian Scully year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8181479157 price: 1025.0

471. Handbook of Dialysisauthor: John T Daugirdas year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8189836870 price: 625.0472. Medical Law and Ethicsauthor: Purosottam Behera year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8183242340 price: 750.0473. Modern Dictionary of Nursingauthor: Dr Taranpal Kaur Sodhi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8176299340 price: 880.0474. Clinical Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Diseaseauthor: M Satpathy year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481616 price: 1425.0475. Mastering the Techniques of Customized Lasikauthor: Ashok Garg year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448075x price: 2995.0476. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Neelima Anil Malik year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481578 price: 895.0477. Berek and Novaks Gynecologyauthor: Jonathan S Berek year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1451114331 price: 3595.0478. Donald School Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252598 price: 1895.0479. Mastering the Techniques of Corneal Refractive Surgeryauthor: Ashok Garg year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616185 price: 2995.0480. Krauses Food Nutrition and Diet Therapyauthor: L Kathleen Mahan year of publication: isbn: 0808922971 price: 1995.0481. Mastering the Review of All India Pre PG Medical Entrance Examinations (2007-2005) Volume 1author: Muhammed Shafi KS year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481926 price: 700.0482. Langmans Medical Embryologyauthor: T W Sadler year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732207 price: 695.0483. Dr Agarwals Textbook on Corneal Topographyauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616304 price: 1595.0484. Medical In Nutshellauthor: T V Devarajan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481955 price: 95.0485. Mastering the Review of All India Pre PG Medical Entrance Examinations (2004-2001) Volume 2author: Muhammed Shafi KS year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 350.0486. Quick Review of PGMEE for Various Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 1, 2 and 3author: Sharad Chandra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617637 price: 1685.0487. Dictionary of Medical Termsauthor: Mikel A Rothenberg year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8122421318 price: 295.0488. Modern Dictionary of Human Anatomyauthor: Dr Maneesha Tiwari year of publication: isbn: 8176299383 price: 3050.0489. Narcoanalysis Brain Mapping Hypnosis & Lie Detector Tests In Introrogation of Suspectauthor: Satendra K Kaul year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8187947101 price: 1400.0490. Principles and practice of Forensic Medicineauthor: Dr Umadethan year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 772.0491. Holes Human Anatomy and Physiologyauthor: David Shier year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0071107471 price: 1377.0492. Human Physiologyauthor: Stuart Ira Fox year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071102070 price: 2589.0493. Martins Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciencesauthor: Patrick J Sinko year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733921 price: 1195.0494. Youmans Neurological Surgery (Vol 1 to 5)author: H Richard Winn year of publication: isbn: 072168291X price: 36575.0495. Oxygen Therapyauthor: SK Jindal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481977 price: 295.0496. Step by Step Clinical Management of Strabismus with CDauthor: Zia Chaudhuri year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482331 price: 695.0497. Retina Atlas A Global perspectiveauthor: Sandeep Saxena year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482195 price: 3495.0498. Retinal Imagingauthor: Pradeep Venkatesh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481896 price: 1995.0499. Clinical Methods Medicine (Clinical Skills and Practices)author: SN Chugh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482058 price: 495.0500. Essentials of Medical Physiologyauthor: Anil Baran Singha Mahapatra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8186793690 price: 495.0501. The Low Back Pain Handbook A Practical Guide for the Primary Care Clinicianauthor: Cole Herring year of publication: isbn: price: 275.0502. Textbook of Therapeutic Exerciseauthor: S Lakshmi Narayanan year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614697 price: 495.0

503. The Pocketbook for Physiotherapistsauthor: Gitesh Amrohit year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448108X price: 125.0504. Textbook of Orthopedics and Trauma Vol 1-4author: G S Kulkarni year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482423 price: 7500.0505. Scott Browns Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Vol 1-3author: Michael Gleeson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340941898 price: 21100.0506. Embryo Transferauthor: Gautam N Allahbadia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448092X price: 1695.0507. Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursingauthor: Adrianne Dill Linton year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131212981 price: 1095.0508. Cecil Medicine Vol 1 and 2author: Lee Goldman year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1416028055 price: 3995.0509. Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Peter W Callen year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131212837 price: 2295.0510. SPA Medicine Your Gateway to the Ageless Zoneauthor: Graham Simpson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1591201281 price: 295.0511. Manual Of Nursing Arts and Proceduresauthor: Lily Pritam Telu Ram year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8125918760 price: 165.0512. Medical Biochemistry Laboratory Manualauthor: N Mallikarjuna Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8122421814 price: 75.0513. Grays Anatomy A Facsimileauthor: Henry Gray F R S year of publication: 2001 isbn: 1840134582 price: 2300.0514. Many Live Many Mastersauthor: Brian L Weiss year of publication: 1988 isbn: 0671657864 price: 350.0515. First Aid for the USMLE STEP 1 2012author: Tao Le year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0071326971 price: 970.0516. Smiths General Urologyauthor: Emil A Tanagho year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071287434 price: 1204.0517. Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatologyauthor: Sandipan Dhar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482843 price: 995.0518. Pearls in Medicine for students Mysteries behind Diagnosisauthor: Arup Kumar Kundu year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482698 price: 350.0519. All India PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483284 price: 100.0520. Introduction to Biomedical Engineeringauthor: Michael M Domach year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8120334106 price: 295.0521. The Little Black <strong>Book</strong> of Gastroenterologyauthor: David W Hay year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0763734578 price: 595.0522. The Little Black <strong>Book</strong> of Emergency Medicineauthor: Steven E Diaz year of publication: 2007 isbn: 076373456X price: 695.0523. The Little Black <strong>Book</strong> of Cardiologyauthor: Daniel K Onion year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0763737615 price: 350.0524. Breast Ultrasoundauthor: A Thomas Stavros year of publication: 2006 isbn: 039751624X price: 10400.0525. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 5author: - year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 500.0526. Grays Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practiceauthor: Susan Standring year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443066849 price: 4465.0527. Murtaghs General Practiceauthor: John Murtagh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0070285381 price: 4725.0528. Self Assesment and Review Surgey Topicwise Review and Explanatory Answersauthor: Racha Chaurasia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483499 price: 495.0529. Anesthesiologyauthor: David E Longnecker year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071459847 price: 8338.0530. Sexually Transmitted Diseasesauthor: King G Holmes year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071417488 price: 7332.0531. Donald School Basic Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Badreldeen Ahmed year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482973 price: 995.0532. Manual of Cornea A Samuel Gnanadossauthor: . year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481942 price: 995.0533. Emergency Radiologyauthor: David T Schwartz year of publication: isbn: 0070508275 price: 6913.0534. Essentials of Medical Microbiologyauthor: Rajesh Bhatia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481543 price: 495.0

535. Oral Pathology Examinations Review A Complete Coverage of Solved Papers and Key Notesauthor: Vijay Kumar Biradar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482539 price: 395.0536. The Sankara Nethralaya Atlas of Retinal Diseasesauthor: Padmaja Kumar Rani year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482560 price: 2495.0537. Maxcy Rosenau Last Public Health & Preventive Medicineauthor: Robert B Wallace year of publication: 2008 isbn: 00714411988 price: 9980.0538. Fitzpatricks Dermatology in general Medicine Vol 1 & 2author: Klaus Wolff year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071466905 price: 11522.0539. Casarett and Doulls Toxicology the Basic Science of Poisonsauthor: Curtis D Klaassen year of publication: isbn: 0071470513 price: 4200.0540. Computed Aided Tomography Case Histories Brainauthor: D Karthikeyan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482935 price: 895.0541. Mastering Phacoemulsification in Difficult Situationsauthor: Tanuj Dada year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481799 price: 1795.0542. Spectral Domain OCT A Practical Guideauthor: Shaun Dacosta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253878 price: 1495.0543. Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgeryauthor: R K Mishra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487244 price: 2495.0544. Bhatias Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry with Explanatory Answers Clinical Sciencesauthor: Himani Saini year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489668 price: 495.0545. Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgeryauthor: Theodore N Pappas year of publication: isbn: 0808923846 price: 1295.0546. Atlas of Cataract Surgeryauthor: K Ravi Kumar Reddy year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483185 price: 1495.0547. State of the art Advanced Ophthalmic Surgeryauthor: Sandeep Saxena year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481888 price: 1595.0548. Legal Medicine Manualauthor: Swapnil S Agarwal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483482 price: 295.0549. Essentials of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing In 2 Volumesauthor: K P Neeraja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184483295 price: 450.0550. Management of Emergency Pediatricsauthor: S Letha year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482829 price: 295.0551. Colposcopy Cryosurgery and LEEPauthor: B Shakuntala Baliga year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 395.0552. Regional Anaesthesiaauthor: Arun Kumar Paul year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482607 price: 295.0553. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS)author: Ashok Garg year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482766 price: 395.0554. Case Files Pathologyauthor: Toy Uthman year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0071437800 price: 1275.0555. Emergency in Orthopaedicsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482515 price: 395.0556. Comprehensive Gynecologyauthor: Herbst Mishell year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0323029513 price: 6816.0557. Principles of Neurosurgeryauthor: Setti S Rengachary year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0723432228 price: 14028.0558. Medherb Green Pages India and Pakistan 2005 India and Germanyauthor: Janak Raj Rawal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8188586056 price: 1100.0559. Multiple Choice Questions in Physiologyauthor: Rashmi A Joshi year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8180562107 price: 90.0560. Managing A Modern Hospitalauthor: A V Srinivasan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0761936299 price: 595.0561. The Power of Rudraksha Explore the medicinal properties and other functionsof rudrakshaauthor: Kamal Narayan Seetha year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8179928448 price: 275.0562. Self Assessment and Review Pathology and Geneticsauthor: Deepak Mishra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704296 price: 395.0563. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Basics and Applicationsauthor: Deepshikha P Katare year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8185589593 price: 595.0564. Discovering the Power of Self Hypnosis The Simple Natural Mind Body Approach to Change and Healingauthor: Stanley Fisher year of publication: isbn: 1557045027 price: 250.0565. The Positive Sideauthor: . year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8174362282 price: 1295.0566. Medical Tourism in India Management and Promotionauthor: Dr R Kumar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184500851 price: 980.0

567. Calm Sutra The Art of Relaxationauthor: Dr Dilip Nadkarni year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189906252 price: 150.0568. Textbook of Interventional Ultrasounauthor: Donald School year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482980 price: 1095.0569. Textbook of Oral Pathologyauthor: Anil Ghom year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484021 price: 795.0570. Review of All India Postgraduate Entrance Examination for MDS (2001 to 2008)author: Vivek Kumar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484106 price: 595.0571. SYNAPZ The Complete Final Year Manual (Free Synapz format book)author: McEnroe D Mordom year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484229 price: 495.0572. Infectious Diseases AIIMS 2000-2007 All India 2000-2008 PGI 2002-2006author: Pankaj Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189581295 price: 375.0573. Endoscopy Simplified Practical Tips by Expertsauthor: Sunita R Tandulwadkar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483987 price: 495.0574. MCQs Multiple Choice Questions in Gate Therapy for Bachelor of Pharmacy (B Pharma) Studentsauthor: Chandi Charan Kandar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484311 price: 395.0575. SRBs Surgery for Dental Studentsauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484014 price: 595.0576. Human Anatomy For Dental Studentsauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255032 price: 795.0577. Neonatal Asphyxia Resuscitation and Beyondauthor: Dipak K Guha year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482911 price: 100.0578. Revision Classes in Pediatricsauthor: Pushpendra Magon year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483635 price: 350.0579. Combating Cancer Diagnosis Therapy and Nanomedicineauthor: H D KUMAR year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189766449 price: 1245.0580. Challenges in Otorhinolaryngologyauthor: Anil Malhotra year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614018 price: 750.0581. Manual Of Neuro-Ophthalmologyauthor: Amar Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484113 price: 495.0582. A Passage through Abortionauthor: Arun Nagrath year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8171798802 price: 275.0583. Gynecological Cancerauthor: CN Purandare year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619095 price: 495.0584. Practical Approach to Management of common Gynecological Diseasesauthor: Raksha Arora year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061882X price: 295.0585. Medical Disorders in Pregnancy-An Updateauthor: Hiralal Konar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617114 price: 450.0586. Self Assessment and Review Gynaecology With Free CDauthor: Sakshi Arora year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254271 price: 425.0587. Self Assessment and Review Pediatrics and Neonatologyauthor: Hira Bhalla year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259153 price: 425.0588. Self Assessment and Review Obstetrics With Free CDauthor: Sakshi Arora year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253922 price: 425.0589. Fundamentals of Oral Medicine & Radiologyauthor: Durgesh N Bailoor year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615146 price: 595.0590. Hospital Associated Infections Epidemiology Prevention and Controlauthor: Nita Patwardhan year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617777 price: 395.0591. Short Textbook of Physiology A Concised <strong>Book</strong> for All Medical Professionalsauthor: K C Mathur year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061770X price: 895.0592. Self Assessment and Review Pharmacologyauthor: Hira Bhalla year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484878 price: 375.0593. Self Assesment and Review PSM and Biostatisticsauthor: Deepak Mishra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254219 price: 425.0594. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome An Updateauthor: Gita Ganguly Mukherjee year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619893 price: 395.0595. Emergency Medical Services and Disaster Management A Holistic Approachauthor: PK Dave year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8171798888 price: 995.0596. One Page Solutions for General Practiceauthor: Dr. Sunil year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481012 price: 250.0597. Civil Servicess for Doctors (IAS, IPS, IFS etc)author: Sushil K Vimal year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614492 price: 210.0598. Basics of Clinical Nutritionauthor: YK Joshi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482133 price: 275.0

599. Handbook of Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicineauthor: Gundu HR Rao year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617181 price: 550.0600. Practical Management of Labourauthor: Arun Nagrath year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180610756 price: 275.0601. Manual for Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Gynecological Surgeryauthor: Liselotte Mettler year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616320 price: 1395.0602. Orthopedic Taping Wrapping, Bracing & Paddingauthor: Joel W Beam year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619524 price: 595.0603. Human Anatomy for Studentsauthor: Byas Deb Ghosh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618668 price: 695.0604. Atlas of Surgery of the Facial Nerveauthor: DS Grewal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180615669 price: 1395.0605. Sports Medicineauthor: CS Jayaprakash year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611191 price: 225.0606. Basic Principles of Clinical Research and Methodologyauthor: SK Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184480865 price: 1200.0607. Practical Gastroenterologyauthor: V Balakrishnan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619087 price: 600.0608. Self Assessment and Review Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254806 price: 425.0609. Neonatology Principles and Practice (In 2 Vols)author: Dipak K Guha year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614212 price: 1695.0610. Textbook of Medicineauthor: KV Krishna Das year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483888 price: 1095.0611. Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus A Comprehensive Text (In 2 Vols)author: Lt Gen (Prof) Y Sachdev year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483475 price: 2995.0612. Mastering the BDS IIIrd Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350255018 price: 325.0613. Mastering the BDS Ist Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252734 price: 325.0614. Mastering the BDS IInd Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253496 price: 275.0615. How to Prepare for MRCOG Part 2author: Charlotte Chaliha year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 250.0616. Medicolegal Aspects in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Gita Ganguly Mukherjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448321x price: 425.0617. PLAB 1 Revision Made Easy Extended Matching questions and single Best Answer Questionsauthor: J Chatterjee year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 310.0618. Clinical Orthopaedic Diagnosisauthor: Sureshwar Pandey year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8171797288 price: 425.0619. Changing trends in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: RS Mahale year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612961 price: 325.0620. Manual of first Aidauthor: L C Gupta year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8171793843 price: 150.0621. Pediatric Fracture Managementauthor: Atul R Bhaskar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480318 price: 395.0622. MCQs for the MRCS Examination Applied Basic Sciences With Explanatory Answersauthor: Rahij Anwar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613518 price: 135.0623. Applied Statistics in Health Sciencesauthor: NSN Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481136 price: 175.0624. Final MBBS Buster Surgery and Orthopedics (Vol Two)author: Raja Pramanik year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061736X price: 450.0625. Drug Screening Methods Preclinical Evaluation of New Dugsauthor: SK Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486189 price: 795.0626. Biotechnology Foundation courseauthor: Ananth N Rao year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180619982 price: 295.0627. MRCP 1 Best of Five Practice Papersauthor: K Binymin year of publication: 2004 isbn: price: 195.0628. Recent Advances in Hematologyauthor: VP Choudhry year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618757 price: 450.0629. Textbook of Rehabilitationauthor: S Sunder year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487114 price: 325.0630. Consumer Protection and The Medical Profession (With Legal Remedies)author: Dr R K Chaubey year of publication: 2000 isbn: 8171797318 price: 300.0

631. Comprehensive Cardiologyauthor: S Uma Devi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483899 price: 550.0632. Dental Diseases Differential Diagnosisauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483724 price: 550.0633. managing the Unmanageable Painauthor: A Lal year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180610365 price: 295.0634. Interpretation of Common Investigationsauthor: LC Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618641 price: 225.0635. Emotional Stressauthor: Mudalodu Vasudevan year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180610276 price: 395.0636. ECG Made Easy With Free CDauthor: Atul Luthra year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255919 price: 250.0637. Quick Reference Points in Genral Surgeryauthor: Kanchana Sundaramurthy year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619079 price: 195.0638. A Short <strong>Book</strong> of Public Healthauthor: VK Muthu year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180614085 price: 300.0639. Opportunities in Hospital and Health Care Administrationauthor: Pradeep Bhardwaj year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484205 price: 100.0640. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Pathologyauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480784 price: 395.0641. Oral Diseases and Disorder Different Diagnosisauthor: SR Prabhu year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481446 price: 295.0642. Surgery On Call Day to day Surgical Careauthor: K Sunil Ravinder Paul year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480822 price: 350.0643. Emergency Medicineauthor: Arjun Mehta year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615499 price: 100.0644. OSCEs for Medical Students Vol 3author: Adam Feather year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 325.0645. Diabetes Mellitusauthor: S Shanmugam year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618692 price: 125.0646. Hospital Waster Management and Its Monitoringauthor: Madhuri Sharma year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8171799760 price: 125.0647. MBBS Made Easyauthor: Manoj Vimal year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481020 price: 175.0648. How to Prepare for MRCOG Part 1author: Jafaru Abu year of publication: 2004 isbn: price: 185.0649. Step by Step Count Your Caloriesauthor: LC Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481772 price: 295.0650. Bedtime Gastroenterologyauthor: Manoj K Ghoda year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448125X price: 175.0651. Medical Law for the Dental Surgeonauthor: George Paul year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612422 price: 195.0652. Case Histories and Data Interpretations for MRCP Examinationsauthor: Christopher Chen year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611582 price: 325.0653. Gynae Urology Updateauthor: DK Dutta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483178 price: 350.0654. Managing Common Musculoskeletal Conditions by Physiotherapy & Yogaauthor: PP Mohanty year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483574 price: 125.0655. Cellular and Molecular Immunologyauthor: Abul K Abbas year of publication: 2007 isbn: 1416031222 price: 1095.0656. Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: Roger Watson year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8181479165 price: 225.0657. Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problemsauthor: Sharon L Lewis year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0323036900 price: 1895.0658. Pedrettis Occupational Therapy Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunctionauthor: Heidi McHugh Pendleton year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131204839 price: 1495.0659. Cell and Molecular Biologyauthor: E D P De Robertis year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781734932 price: 850.0660. Cell and Molecular Biology Concept and Experimentsauthor: Gerald Karp year of publication: isbn: 0470169612 price: 1821.0661. Diseases of Ear Nose and Throatauthor: PL Dhingra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131223642 price: 775.0662. Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathologyauthor: Edward C Klatt year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8131204618 price: 1545.0

663. The Normal Child Some Problems of the Early Years and Their Treatmentauthor: Ronald S Illingworth year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8181470768 price: 455.0664. Electrotherapy Evidence based Practiceauthor: . year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8131204197 price: 625.0665. Introduction to Occupational Therapyauthor: Susan M Hussey year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131213001 price: 350.0666. Clinical Electrocardiography A Simplified Approachauthor: Ary L Goldberger year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131210017 price: 545.0667. Textbook of Psychiatryauthor: Sujata Sethi year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131215401 price: 295.0668. Medical Physiology For Undergraduate Studentsauthor: Indu Khurana year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131228050 price: 845.0669. Practical Medical Microbiologyauthor: Mackie & McCartney year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131203934 price: 1495.0670. Basic Nursing Essential for Practiceauthor: Patricia A Potter year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131204820 price: 1095.0671. Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionaryauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0808924180 price: 2515.0672. Levers Histopathology of the Skinauthor: . year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184730982 price: 3495.0673. The short textbook of Pediatricsauthor: Suraj Gupte year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484690 price: 895.0674. Textbook of Pathologyauthor: BN Datta year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612554 price: 1425.0675. Berne and Levy Physiologyauthor: Bruce M Koeppen year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131217634 price: 1295.0676. A Complete Review of Short Subjects Across Skin Anaesthesia Radiology Psychiatry Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Vol Iauthor: Saumya Shukla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704982 price: 1095.0677. Rang and Dales Pharmacologyauthor: H P Rang year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1437719338 price: 1590.0678. Medical Tourism Global Outlook and Indian Scenarioauthor: Percy K Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184570274 price: 995.0679. The Harriet Lane Handbookauthor: Jason W Custor year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131219218 price: 725.0680. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 24author: William Dunlop year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485212 price: 895.0681. Obstetrics and Gynaecology An Evidence Based Text for MRCOGauthor: Linda Cardozo year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340990520 price: 1670.0682. MCQs and Short Answer Questions for MRCOG An aid to revision and self assesmentauthor: David M Luesley year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0340882514 price: 395.0683. Basic Surgical Skills and Techniquesauthor: Sudhir Kumar <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484083 price: 395.0684. Basic Concepts of Community Health Nursing I Clementauthor: . year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485455 price: 395.0685. Aspiration Cytology of the Lymph Nodeauthor: Riti Sinha year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485240 price: 795.0686. Surgery of the Injured Hand Towards Functional Restoration With Free CDsauthor: R Venkataswami year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484717 price: 3295.0687. Clinical Surgical Case Manual A Comprehensive Treatise for Students, Teachers and Practitionersauthor: Kanchana Sundaramurthy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485721 price: 695.0688. Ovarian Cancer Comprehensive and Contemporary Managementauthor: K Chitrathara year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485394 price: 1595.0689. Operative procedures in Surgical Gastroenterology In 2 Volsauthor: SP Kaushik year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485691 price: 650.0690. Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriagesauthor: Pankaj Desai year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485608 price: 125.0691. Viva Voce in Physiologyauthor: Prema Sembulingam year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485004 price: 175.0692. Practical Obstetrics & Gynecology- 2author: Nirmala Saxena year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485523 price: 295.0693. Fundamentals of Operative Surgeryauthor: Rajendra Singh Sewta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485738 price: 495.0694. A Concise textbook of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Sumit Sanghai year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485059 price: 250.0

695. Critical Care in Obstetricsauthor: Manju Gita Mishra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485479 price: 295.0696. Tuberculosisauthor: Surender K Sharma year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485141 price: 1495.0697. Essential Of Neuroanatomyauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8186793682 price: 300.0698. The Encyclopedic Atlas of the Human Body A Visual guide to the Human Bodyauthor: - year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1740480449 price: 1500.0699. Human Anatomy for Dental Studentsauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8123914342 price: 495.0700. The Human Body An Illustrated Guide to its structure Function and Disordersauthor: Dr Tony Smith year of publication: isbn: 1405314664 price: 795.0701. Human Anatomy In 2 Volsauthor: M Prives year of publication: 2010 isbn: price: 900.0702. Gross Anatomy Workbookauthor: Achleshwar Gandotra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616444 price: 175.0703. Cunninghams Manual Of Practical Anatomy (Vol 1)author: G J Romanes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0192631381 price: 425.0704. Cunninghams Manual Of Practical Anatomy (Vol 2) Thorax and Abdomenauthor: G J Romanes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 019263139X price: 425.0705. Cunninghams Manual Of Practical Anatomy (Vol 3) Head and neck and Brainauthor: G J Romanes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0192631403 price: 425.0706. Essentials of Human Anatomy Head and Neckauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8186793798 price: 300.0707. Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Fundamentals and Clinicalauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487039 price: 350.0708. Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomyauthor: Vishram Singh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131223079 price: 425.0709. Textbook of Human Osteologyauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184483000 price: 250.0710. Principles of General Anatomyauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2010 isbn: price: 150.0711. Anatomy at a Glanceauthor: Sibani Mazumdar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484540 price: 395.0712. Clinical and Surgical Anatomyauthor: Vishram Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 813123033 price: 395.0713. Rams Textbook of Human Anatomy for Dental Studentsauthor: MV Ramasamy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484472 price: 595.0714. Anatomy of Exercise A Trainers Inside Guide to Your Workoutauthor: Pat Manocchia year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 995.0715. Principles of Geneticsauthor: Edmund W Sinnott year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0070994137 price: 225.0716. Medical Biochemistryauthor: DS Sheriff year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613151 price: 525.0717. Biotechnologyauthor: U Satyanarayana year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8187134909 price: 585.0718. Fundamentals of Biochemistryauthor: Dr A C Deb year of publication: 2008 isbn: 817381144X price: 535.0719. Human Embryology With CDauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350591222 price: 575.0720. Netters Atlas of Human Embryologyauthor: Larry R Cochard year of publication: 2002 isbn: 0914168991 price: 1430.0721. Essentials of Human Anatomy Superior and Inferior Extremitiesauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 818679378 price: 250.0722. Essentials of Human Anatomy Thorax and Abdomenauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8186793739 price: 395.0723. Harpers Illustrated Biochemistryauthor: Robert K Murray year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071625913 price: 970.0724. Concise textbook of Physiology for Dental Studentsauthor: Yogesh Tripathi year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8181478495 price: 295.0725. Concise Medical Physiologyauthor: Sujit K Chaudhuri year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173811393 price: 735.0726. Netters Atlas of Human Physiologyauthor: John T Hansen year of publication: isbn: 1929007019 price: 1380.0

727. Legal Aspect of Pregnancy Delivery & Abortionauthor: J V N Jaiswal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8170121268 price: 485.0728. Muirs Textbook of Pathologyauthor: David A Levison year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340810248 price: 1155.0729. Manual Of Practical Microbiology and Parasitologyauthor: P Chakraborty year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173815569 price: 225.0730. Clinical Pathology Haematology and Blood Bankingauthor: Nanda Maheshwari year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484007 price: 175.0731. Text book of Practical Pathology and Microbiology for Dental Studiesauthor: V H Talib year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8189581058 price: 305.0732. Textbook of Microbiologyauthor: Prof C P Baveja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8178555065 price: 575.0733. Color Atlas Of Pathology Pathologic Principles, Associated Diseases, Sequelqeauthor: U N Riede year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1588901173 price: 1495.0734. Medical Parasitologyauthor: RL Ichhpujani year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8171799027 price: 225.0735. A Text <strong>Book</strong> of Microbiologyauthor: P Chakraborty year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173810818 price: 495.0736. Principles of Medical Educationauthor: Tejinder Singh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485653 price: 200.0737. ABC of Research Methodology and Applied Biostatisticsauthor: MN Parikh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485066 price: 150.0738. Lasts Anatomy Regional and Appliedauthor: Chummy S Sinnatamby year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702033940 price: 1220.0739. Active Management Of Laborauthor: Sudhir R Shah year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485561 price: 295.0740. Manual of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485080 price: 325.0741. Step by step Vaginal Deliveryauthor: Sadhana Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483024 price: 595.0742. Manual Of Fetal Medicineauthor: Dilip Kumar Dutta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485882 price: 295.0743. Differential Diagnosis in Obstetrics and Gynaecology An a-zauthor: Tony Hollingworth year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340928257 price: 2680.0744. Manual of Foetal Monitoring Made Easyauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485912 price: 495.0745. Fogsianism Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of Indiaauthor: Narendra Malhotra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485820 price: 795.0746. Biomedical Informatics Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicineauthor: Edward H Shortliffe year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184890211 price: 1500.0747. Review of Pharmacology With CDauthor: Gobind Rai Garg year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258927 price: 550.0748. Principles of Forensic Medicineauthor: Apurba Nandy year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173810648 price: 435.0749. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Nageshkumar G Rao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487060 price: 595.0750. Elementary Pharmacology and Toxicologyauthor: R D Budhiraja year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8179912232 price: 250.0751. Pharmacotherapy Handbookauthor: Barbana G Wells year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071267115 price: 775.0752. Potters Encyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparationsauthor: R C Wren year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8129201623 price: 250.0753. Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Dr C K Parikh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8123906757 price: 460.0754. Sanas Guidelines for Hospital Infection Controlauthor: Mohd Samiullah Khan year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612457 price: 225.0755. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentationauthor: R S Khandpur year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070473553 price: 695.0756. Fundamentals of Operation Theatre Servicesauthor: TK Datta year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180613968 price: 250.0757. Computers for Doctorsauthor: Naveen Thacker year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611760 price: 250.0758. Management of Superspeciality Hospitalsauthor: Dr Mohd Faisal Khan year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176297194 price: 1100.0

759. A Complete Hospital Manual of Instruments and Proceduresauthor: MM Kapur year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615464 price: 195.0760. Readers Digest First Aid Step By Step What to do in a Medical Emergencyauthor: Sheena Meredith year of publication: isbn: price: 495.0761. Architecture for Healthcareauthor: . year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1864701180 price: 2815.0762. Medical Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking in Client Careauthor: Priscilla Lemone year of publication: isbn: 8131716588 price: 2199.0763. Millers Anesthesia In 2 Volauthor: Ronald D Miller year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0808924135 price: 1230.0764. Operating Room Technique and Anaesthesia for General Nursing Courseauthor: CP Thresyamma year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488371 price: 125.0765. Epidemiology for Undergraduatesauthor: Marina Rajan Joseph year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619176 price: 175.0766. Understanding Anaesthesiologyauthor: S Ahanatha Pillai year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481691 price: 325.0767. Regional Anesthesia An Illustrated Procedural Guideauthor: Michael F Mulroy year of publication: 2002 isbn: 0781710017 price: 820.0768. Applied Geriatric Anesthesiaauthor: Ved Prakash Kumra year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482706 price: 395.0769. Understanding Anesthesia Equipmentauthor: Jerry A Dorsch year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189960339 price: 1495.0770. Textbook of Clinical Electrocardiographyauthor: SN Chugh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615901 price: 795.0771. Echocardiographyauthor: Harvey Feigenbaums year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781797853 price: 4865.0772. Medicine For Students A Reference <strong>Book</strong> for the Family Physicianauthor: Aspi F Golwalla year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8187540893 price: 700.0773. Clinical Medicine (A textbook of Clinical Methods and Laboratory Investigations)author: KV Krishna Das year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180614115 price: 425.0774. Kumar and Clarks Clinical Medicineauthor: Parveen Kumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0702029929 price: 1920.0775. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Cardiologyauthor: Michael H Crawford year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070703551 price: 695.0776. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Emergecy Medicineauthor: C Keith Stone year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071284820 price: 1535.0777. A Concise Introduction to Indian Medicine La Medecine Indienneauthor: Guy Mazars year of publication: 2006 isbn: 812083058X price: 395.0778. Hospital Medicine Secretsauthor: Jeffrey James Glasheen year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131204658 price: 495.0779. Physical Diagnosis A Textbook of Symptoms and Physical Signsauthor: Ruston Jal Vakil year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8185099278 price: 450.0780. Respiratory Medicineauthor: S K Sharma year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8171795439 price: 375.0781. Medical Designauthor: . year of publication: isbn: 937718583 price: 1500.0782. Medicine Prep Manual For Undergraduatesauthor: K George Mathew year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131228036 price: 645.0783. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicineauthor: K Park year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190607995 price: 850.0784. Clinical Examination A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosisauthor: Nicholas J Tally year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131225745 price: 1195.0785. Treatment of Tuberculosis Guidelines for National Programmesauthor: . year of publication: 1997 isbn: price: 75.0786. Bedside Clinics In Medicine Part IIauthor: Arup Kumar Kundu year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380599229 price: 335.0787. Bedside Clinics in Medicine Part Iauthor: Arup Kumar Kundu year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8187504986 price: 370.0788. A to Z Series on Syndromesauthor: Sachin M Doshi year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614166 price: 250.0789. Tuberculosis Pearlsauthor: Neil W Schluger year of publication: 1996 isbn: price: 275.0790. An Electro Cardiographyauthor: Leo Schamroth year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8126515554 price: 450.0

791. Coronary Heart Diseaseauthor: David Newby year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131208830 price: 395.0792. Surgery for PGMEEauthor: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438283 price: 675.0793. Manipal Manual of Surgeryauthor: K Rajgopal Shenoy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8123918938 price: 795.0794. Gastrointestinal Surgery Step by Step Managementauthor: S Devaji Rao year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614298 price: 1050.0795. A Textbook on Surgical Short Casesauthor: S Das year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 328.0796. Principles and Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology In 2 Volsauthor: Pankaj Desai year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482159 price: 2395.0797. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Alan H Decherney year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0071439008 price: 920.0798. Williams Gynecologyauthor: John O Schorge year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0071716726 price: 4095.0799. Recent Advances in Surgery 8author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8171799213 price: 350.0800. Recent Advances in Surgery 9author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180612759 price: 375.0801. Recent Advances in Surgery 10author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617963 price: 395.0802. Howkins and Bourne Shaws Textbook of Gynaecologyauthor: VG Padubidri year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131225486 price: 825.0803. Current Concepts in Contraception and Womens Healthauthor: Anjali Tempe year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484373 price: 295.0804. Textbook of Gynaecologyauthor: D C Dutta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173810419 price: 640.0805. Manual of Obstetricsauthor: Shirish N Daftary year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8181478436 price: 625.0806. Textbook of Gynaecology Contraception and Demographyauthor: C S Dawn year of publication: 2003 isbn: price: 390.0807. Netters Obstetrics Gynecology and Womens Healthauthor: Roger P Smith year of publication: 2002 isbn: 1929007205 price: 2300.0808. Advances In Oncology (In 3 Vols)author: Manoj Pandey year of publication: 2000 isbn: 8171797962 price: 745.0809. Progress In Obstetrics & Gynaecology-2author: Arun Nagrath year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612775 price: 425.0810. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology- 7author: S Dasgupta year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614905 price: 275.0811. Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Shalini Rajaram year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483048 price: 395.0812. Text <strong>Book</strong> of Obstetrics With CDauthor: D C Dutta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8173811423 price: 750.0813. Understanding Jointsauthor: Bernard Kingston year of publication: 2000 isbn: 0748753990 price: 305.0814. Understanding Muscles A Practical Guide to Muscle Functionauthor: Bernad Kingdom year of publication: 2003 isbn: 0748743189 price: 305.0815. Community Based Rehabilitation of persons with Disabilitiesauthor: S Pruthvish year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616096 price: 225.0816. Joint Structure and Function a Comprehensive Analysis With Free CDauthor: Pamela K Levangie year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258675 price: 795.0817. Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitationauthor: Veena Slaich year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618722 price: 175.0818. Basics in Occupational Therapy and Therapeutic Activitiesauthor: Neelima Punithan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481969 price: 195.0819. Physiotherapy in Neuro Conditionsauthor: Glady Samuel Raj year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616312 price: 225.0820. Marriotts Practical Electrocardiographyauthor: Galen S Wagner year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189960346 price: 695.0821. Medical Biochemistry for Physiotherapy Studentsauthor: Harpreet Kaur year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483796 price: 125.0822. The Washington Manual of Oncologyauthor: Ramaswamy Govindam year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189960797 price: 795.0

823. Principles of Mechanics and Biomechanicsauthor: Frank Bell year of publication: 1998 isbn: 0748733329 price: 350.0824. The Washington Manual of Surgeryauthor: Mary E Klingensmith year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781796849 price: 850.0825. Treatment of Neck and Back Painauthor: Vinayagam Deiva Sigamani year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618811 price: 100.0826. Labour Room Protocols and Policiesauthor: T Radha Bai Prabhu year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618439 price: 100.0827. Cytological and Colposcopy in Gynecological Practiceauthor: Usha B Saraiya year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485844 price: 1595.0828. The Uterus Manualauthor: SN Tripathy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485905 price: 1295.0829. Operative Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Randhir Puri year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485370 price: 2495.0830. Jeffcoates Principles of Gynaecologyauthor: Pratap Kumar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482881 price: 1995.0831. Pediatric Radiology 111 Cases with Discussion and Abstractauthor: Ammar Haouimi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485336 price: 395.0832. Management of Diabetes in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Shilpa GB year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484976 price: 195.0833. Atlas of Pediatric Radiologyauthor: Ammar Haouimi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184483840 price: 995.0834. Textbook of Pediatric Dermatologyauthor: Arun C Inamadar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485859 price: 1750.0835. Medicine for Nursesauthor: SN Chugh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485677 price: 495.0836. Textbook of Medical and Surgical Nursingauthor: Usha Ravindran Nair year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485042 price: 895.0837. Pocket <strong>Book</strong> on Laboratory Tests for Nursesauthor: Pramilaa R year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484052 price: 80.0838. Hutchisons Paediatricsauthor: Krishna M Goel year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485868 price: 795.0839. Mastering the Techniques of Laparascopic Suturing & Knottingauthor: R K Mishra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485622 price: 1595.0840. A Complete Review of Short Subjects Across Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Vol 2author: Saumya Shukla year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258774 price: 995.0841. Krauses Food and Nutrition Therapyauthor: L Kathleen Mahan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0808923787 price: 2660.0842. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicineauthor: Charles Wiener year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071281683 price: 590.0843. Harrisons Manual of Oncologyauthor: Bruce A Chabner year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071411899 price: 2155.0844. Principles of Hospital Administration and Planningauthor: BM Sakharkar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486324 price: 395.0845. Mastering the BDS Final Year Last 15 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486360 price: 350.0846. MCQs in ENTauthor: GC Sahoo year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482553 price: 225.0847. Atlas of Diagnostic Radiologyauthor: Khalid Mahmood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486704 price: 495.0848. Diagnostic Radiology Genitourinary Imagingauthor: Niranjan Khandelwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486827 price: 795.0849. Common Surgical Emergenciesauthor: SK Kochar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486537 price: 295.0850. Quality Management In Hospitalsauthor: SK Joshi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484885 price: 425.0851. Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Testsauthor: Denise D Wilson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071481526 price: 1505.0852. Medical Microbiologyauthor: K Rajeshwar Reddy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8122425796 price: 525.0853. Objective Cardiologyauthor: Mahesh Chandra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8122426151 price: 200.0854. Nurses Dictionaryauthor: U N Panda year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486014 price: 195.0

855. Physiology and Anatomy for Nurses and Healthcare Practitionersauthor: John Clancy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0340967591 price: 2340.0856. Practical Medical Microbiologyauthor: R Panjarathinam year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486988 price: 195.0857. Handbook of Practical Neuro Physiotherapyauthor: P K Mitra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486933 price: 495.0858. Textbook of Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgeryauthor: S Natarajan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486193 price: 1595.0859. Textbook of Practical Pediatric Pulmonologyauthor: H Paramesh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486940 price: 395.0860. Donar Egg IVFauthor: Gautam N Allahbadia year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184480931 price: 2995.0861. Optics for Optometry Studentsauthor: PC Mukherjee year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486032 price: 295.0862. Homeopathy An Illusionauthor: Dinesh Kumar <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8124801956 price: 450.0863. Grays Anatomyauthor: Henry Carter year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1841939582 price: 695.0864. Hospital Administrationauthor: D C joshi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486766 price: 550.0865. Nursing Health Assessment : Clinical Pocket Guideauthor: Patricia M Dillon year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483338 price: 395.0866. Embalming : Principles and Legal Aspectsauthor: ML Ajmani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171795781 price: 395.0867. Textbook of Abdominal Ultrasoundauthor: Sanjeev Mani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486452 price: 1295.0868. Practical Applications of Mechanical Ventilationauthor: Shaila Shodhan Kamat year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486261 price: 495.0869. Right in the Middleauthor: Patricia M Davies year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181280415 price: 350.0870. Fetal Neurologyauthor: Ritsuko K Pooh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486926 price: 1595.0871. Epidemiology Made Easyauthor: Poornima Tiwari year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486391 price: 195.0872. Textbook of Physiologyauthor: R Chandramouli year of publication: isbn: 8184487534 price: 350.0873. Tragal Cartilage in Middle Ear Reconstructionauthor: KK Desarda year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487305 price: 495.0874. Practical Manual of Histology for Medical Studentsauthor: Neelkanth B Kote year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485387 price: 295.0875. Movement Disorders A Clinical and Therapeutic Approachauthor: Shyamal K Das year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485264] price: 695.0876. Pathology for Nursesauthor: K Swaminathan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486414 price: 295.0877. Short Textbook of Pharmacology for Nursesauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486340 price: 225.0878. Principles of Exercises in Physiotherapyauthor: C Sivaram year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486162 price: 600.0879. Clinical Pediatrics for Undergraduatesauthor: Elizabeth KE year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486957 price: 295.0880. Pediatric Critical Careauthor: Mohammed EI-Naggar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487213 price: 350.0881. Textbook of Forensic Odontologyauthor: KMK Masthan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486834 price: 395.0882. Diabetic Foot Surgical Principles & Practicesauthor: G Sivakumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487398 price: 895.0883. Colour Atlas of Forensic Medicineauthor: D Govindiah year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487343 price: 495.0884. Textbook of Anatomy in 3 Volauthor: DK Kadasne year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484557 price: 1050.0885. PTERYGIUM : A Practical Guide to Managementauthor: Alfred L Anduze year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487251 price: 1295.0886. Head and Neck Surgery (In 2 Vol)author: Chris de Souza year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486797 price: 7995.0

887. Toppers Topics for pg Medical Entranceauthor: Paras Khullar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487084 price: 350.0888. Frozen Life A Comprehensive Manual of Cryobiology for Assisted Reproduction and Stem Cellsauthor: Pankaj Talwar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486810 price: 3500.0889. The Infertility Manual With Free DVDauthor: Kamini A Rao year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486179 price: 2995.0890. Emerging Techniques in Spine Surgeryauthor: Arvind Bhave year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486964 price: 2495.0891. Practical Problems in Pediatric Surgery : An Atlas & Mind Mapsauthor: Rasem Keilani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487237 price: 2495.0892. Practical Approach to Pediatric Intensive Careauthor: Praveen Khilnani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486759 price: 1495.0893. Step by Step Approach to Fracturesauthor: Rahij Anwar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615596 price: 395.0894. Step by Step Transvaginal Ultrasoundauthor: Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483222 price: 395.0895. Step by Step Management of Endometriosisauthor: Sudha Prasad year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483055 price: 295.0896. Step by Step Caesarean Deliveryauthor: Sadhana Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480008 price: 395.0897. Step By Step Ovulation Inductionauthor: Surveen Ghumman year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617254 price: 450.0898. Management of Thyroid Disorders With Free CDauthor: Sujata Mitra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486715 price: 325.0899. Step by Step Neonatology for the Obstetriciansauthor: Randhir Puri year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485530 price: 395.0900. Step by Step Tubo-Uterine factors in Infertilityauthor: Surveen Ghumman year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480199 price: 695.0901. Step by Step Managing HIV-Positive Pregnant Mothersauthor: Nidhi Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180616851 price: 295.0902. Step by Step Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomyauthor: Neerja Goel year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614921 price: 450.0903. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Neck Dissectionsauthor: Chintamani year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8184485776 price: 395.0904. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Fetal Anomaliesauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481756 price: 395.0905. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series History of Medicineauthor: RK Marya year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485417 price: 795.0906. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Colposcopyauthor: B Shakuntala Baliga year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483130 price: 395.0907. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Forensic Medicineauthor: Ashesh Gunwantrao Wankhede year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482089 price: 395.0908. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Oral Pathologyauthor: KMK Masthan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484298 price: 395.0909. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Color Dopplerauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485127 price: 395.0910. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Emergency Imagingauthor: D Karthikeyan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619427 price: 395.0911. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Clinical Ophthalmologyauthor: Samar K Basak year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486063 price: 595.0912. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Oral Medicineauthor: Anil Ghom year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483468 price: 595.0913. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Corneal Topographyauthor: Amar Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486131 price: 495.0914. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Pedodonticsauthor: Nikhil Marwah year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184480121 price: 395.0915. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Infertility Managementauthor: Sushma Deshmukh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482782 price: 395.0916. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Gastrointestinal Surgeryauthor: S Devaji Rao year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484861 price: 595.0917. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Phacoemulsificationauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448058X price: 395.0918. The Science of Infant Feedingauthor: RK Anand year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171799612 price: 595.0

919. Cerebral Palsyauthor: Veena Slaich year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487312 price: 195.0920. Self Assessment and Review Medicineauthor: Mudit Khanna year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254165 price: 695.0921. Molecular Biology of The Geneauthor: James D Watson year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8177581812 price: 1299.0922. GATE Life Sciences Microbiology 2011author: Er Prabhanshu Kumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8183551556 price: 260.0923. Textbook of Nursing Educationauthor: KP Neeraja year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 275.0924. Practical Histology for Medical Studentsauthor: S R Prasad year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251768 price: 195.0925. Adams and Victors Principles of Neurologyauthor: Allan H Ropper year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071499927 price: 4130.0926. Nursing Educationauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486254 price: 695.0927. Human Physiologyauthor: NM Muthayya year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487367 price: 795.0928. Textbook of Dental and Oral Histology with Embryology With MCQsauthor: Satish Chandra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487121 price: 600.0929. Dermatology Leprosy and Sexually Transmitted Infectionsauthor: AK Bajaj year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184485073 price: 450.0930. Psychosocial Nursing for General Patient Careauthor: Linda M Gorman year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487749 price: 395.0931. Concise <strong>Book</strong> of Medical Laboratory Technology methods and interpretationsauthor: Ramnik Sood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487725 price: 595.0932. Dental Pulse Basic Sciences and Prosthodontics Vol 1author: Satheesh Kumar K. year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190511505 price: 695.0933. Dental Pulse Clinical Sciences Vol IIauthor: Satheesh Kumar K. year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190511513 price: 800.0934. Hands of Lightauthor: Barbara Ann Brennan year of publication: isbn: 0553345397 price: 940.0935. MCQs in Physiology with Explanatory Answersauthor: Varun Malhotra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487831 price: 125.0936. Objective Structured Practical Examination in Physiologyauthor: Aarti Sood Mahajan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487862 price: 160.0937. Textbook of Microbiologyauthor: R Ananthanarayan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173716744 price: 550.0938. Nursing Health Economicsauthor: Harish Basavaiah year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487145 price: 100.0939. Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics the Anatomic Approachauthor: Stanley Hoppenfeld year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732863 price: 2995.0940. Textbook of Oral Medicineauthor: Anil Govindrao Ghom year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184487008 price: 1250.0941. Radical English for Nursesauthor: Anujeet year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487817 price: 80.0942. Review of Genetics for PGMEEauthor: S Senthil Kumaran year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487893 price: 80.0943. The Neurologic Examinationauthor: William W Campbell year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8189836528 price: 2170.0944. Handbook of Clinical Anesthesiaauthor: Paul G Barash year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732504 price: 750.0945. Psychological Perception (Anatomy of Judgement)author: Jafar Mahmud year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8176486531 price: 95.0946. Geneticsauthor: Shailja Chatterjee year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131304440 price: 95.0947. AIDS and Sexual Behaviourauthor: Savita Sharma year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8176485039 price: 150.0948. A Handbook of Surgery Question Answer Formatauthor: Dr Mansi Sharma year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131907092 price: 129.0949. Fundamentals of Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Ajit Kumar Banerjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 817381502X price: 435.0950. Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (Vol. 3)author: N C Chakrabarty year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173812802 price: 485.0

951. MCQs in Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: P N Murkey year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173815968 price: 235.0952. Fundamentals of Toxicologyauthor: Dr Kamleshwar Pandey year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173814767 price: 325.0953. Cell Biology Genetics Molecular Biologyauthor: Dipak Kumar Kar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173815984 price: 295.0954. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicineauthor: Murray Longmore year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199602049 price: 495.0955. Why Me Why This Why Nowauthor: Robin Norwood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0099534778 price: 295.0956. Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (Vol. 2)author: N C Chakrabarty year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8173811229 price: 250.0957. Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (Vol. 1)author: N C Chakrabarty year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173810060 price: 285.0958. Principles and Practice of Burn Careauthor: Sujata Sarabahi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184488098 price: 2495.0959. General Surgeryauthor: Harold Ellis year of publication: 2007 isbn: 1405169455 price: 495.0960. Principles of Pharmacologyauthor: HL Sharma year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8181913562 price: 795.0961. Textbook of Operative Dentistryauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487756 price: 595.0962. Essentials of Orthopedicsauthor: RM Shenoy year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488388 price: 350.0963. Materials in Restorative Dentistryauthor: I Anand Sherwood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487916 price: 450.0964. Tuberculosis of the Skeletal Systemauthor: AK Banerji year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184488364 price: 795.0965. Manual of Local Anesthesia in Dentistryauthor: AP Chitre year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487015 price: 350.0966. Textbook of Nephrology for the Asian Pacific Physiciansauthor: Anil K Mandal year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612066 price: 995.0967. Manual of Nephrologyauthor: Robert W Schrier year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184731538 price: 625.0968. Nursing Solved Qustions Papers for BSc Nursingauthor: I Clement year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704562 price: 495.0969. Clinical Nursing Procedures the Art of Nursing Practiceauthor: Annamma Jacob year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488104 price: 795.0970. The Brain <strong>Book</strong>author: Rita Carter year of publication: 2009 isbn: 1405341295 price: 899.0971. Principles and Practice of Public Health Dentistryauthor: Madhusudan Krishna year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488357 price: 550.0972. Human Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and allied Sciencesauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487800 price: 595.0973. Instruments in Surgery Orthopedics & ENTauthor: SR Joharapurkar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 818448180 price: 195.0974. Color Atlas of Pathological Specimens & Instruments in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Saunitra Inamdar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488227 price: 390.0975. Principles and Practice of Therapeutic Massageauthor: Akhoury Gourang Sinha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488319 price: 150.0976. Short Textbook of Prosthetics and Orthoticsauthor: R Chinnathurai year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488197 price: 125.0977. Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Gautam Biswas year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487176 price: 350.0978. Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: Bhavana Srivastava year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173815291 price: 150.0979. Cervical Spine Surgical Techniques in Spinal Surgeryauthor: P S Ramani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487824 price: 1495.0980. Macleods Clinical Examination With Free CDauthor: Graham Douglas year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443068454 price: 1379.0981. Paediatrics (In 3 Vol)author: Satya Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8126910946 price: 1125.0982. The Short Textbook of Medical Microbiology including Parasitologyauthor: Satish Gupte year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488401 price: 425.0

983. Diagnostic Microbiologyauthor: Betty A Forbes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0323030656 price: 2760.0984. Sure Success in PG Medical Entranceauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488548 price: 450.0985. Living Jewels from The Indian Jungleauthor: Ashok S Kothari year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0198064659 price: 1600.0986. Review of Pathology and Genetics With Free CDauthor: Gobind Rai Garg year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259122 price: 495.0987. Herbal Medicine A Cancer Chemopreventive and Therapeutic Perspectiveauthor: Rajesh Arora year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488418 price: 895.0988. Textbook of Surgery for Dental Studentsauthor: Sanjay Marwah year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487459 price: 450.0989. The Legends of Implant Dentistry with the History of Transplantology and Implantologyauthor: Leonard I Linkow year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488753 price: 1995.0990. Operative Orthopaedics the Stanmore Guideauthor: Timothy Briggs year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340985007 price: 960.0991. Genital Tuberculosisauthor: Gita Ganguly Mukherjee year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488760 price: 495.0992. Identification Assessment Stabilization and Transport (IAST) Manual for Acutely Ill Childrenauthor: Kundan Mittal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488272 price: 195.0993. A Ready Reckoner for Vaccinations Adult Adolescent and Pediatricauthor: Swati Y Bhave year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184485011 price: 150.0994. All India Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Review Vol 1author: Mudit Khanna year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8189926632 price: 825.0995. All India Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Review Vol 2author: Mudit Khanna year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8189926649 price: 825.0996. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 1author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9381438351 price: 495.0997. Endometriosis Current Management and Future Trendsauthor: Juan A Garcia Velasco year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488081 price: 995.0998. Surgical Correction of Facial Deformitiesauthor: Varghese Mani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488791 price: 1750.0999. Pathology Illustratedauthor: Robin Reid year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702033759 price: 1110.01000. Orthopedics Ready Reckonerauthor: RM Shenoy year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488814 price: 295.01001. Textbook of Human Oral Embryology Anatomy Physiology Histology and Tooth Morphologyauthor: KMK Masthan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488920 price: 250.01002. Textbook of Radiological Safetyauthor: K Thayalan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488869 price: 350.01003. The Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiologyauthor: Moselio Schaechter year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0123749802 price: 9770.01004. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 1author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926571 price: 850.01005. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 2author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926588 price: 750.01006. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 3author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926595 price: 600.01007. Practical Surgery Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva Voceauthor: T C <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489286 price: 495.01008. Footprints in Radiology A Treatise on Disorders of Footauthor: Kakarla Subbarao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488517 price: 595.01009. Topics in Colorectal Surgeryauthor: P Sivalingam year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489309 price: 395.01010. Revision Notes for MRCP 2 Pacesauthor: Shibley Rahman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488937 price: 295.01011. Recent Advances in Surgery 12author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489323 price: 450.01012. Interesting X Rays in General Surgeryauthor: R P Gupta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489200 price: 550.01013. SRBs Clinical Methods in Surgeryauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2010 isbn: 818448925 price: 550.01014. Manual of Surgical Equipmentauthor: Rajendra Singh Sewta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489316 price: 275.0

1015. Medicine Update 2009 (In 2 Vol)author: A K Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485794 price: 1495.01016. IAL Textbook of Leprosyauthor: Hemanta Kumar Kar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488524 price: 2395.01017. AIIMS November 2009 Questions with Explanatory Answersauthor: Dr Mukesh Bhatia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489156 price: 150.01018. Clinical Surgery Pearlsauthor: R Dayananda Basu year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489224 price: 650.01019. Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistryauthor: Edward W Odell year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131229286 price: 1195.01020. Nursing Sociologyauthor: G S Purushothama year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489347 price: 150.01021. Essentials of Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Kanchan Harikishan Asnani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487428 price: 495.01022. A Systematic Review of All Subjects For PGMEEauthor: Pradip Kumar Das year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488654 price: 395.01023. Self Assessment and Review ENTauthor: Sakshi Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259146 price: 295.01024. Pharmacology for Nursesauthor: Padmaja Udaykumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184484259 price: 225.01025. Pediatric Emergency Medicineauthor: Gary R Strange year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071597371 price: 2895.01026. The Atlas of Emergency Medicineauthor: Kevin J Knoop year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071496186 price: 6520.01027. Manual of Rational Skin Therapy and Dermatological Drugsauthor: Sanjay Ghosh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489453 price: 295.01028. Mosbys Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX RN Examinationauthor: Patricia M Nugent year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131231173 price: 1750.01029. Short Review of Orthopedicsauthor: Dhananjaya Sabat year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489088 price: 195.01030. Refractive Surgeryauthor: Amar Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484120 price: 3295.01031. Red <strong>Book</strong> 2009 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseasesauthor: . year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488296 price: 895.01032. Pediatric Nutrition Handbookauthor: Ronald E Kleinman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487992 price: 995.01033. Atlas of Human Anatomy on CT Imagingauthor: Hariqbal Singh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489408 price: 395.01034. Cataract and Refractive Surgeryauthor: Sudi Patel year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488647 price: 295.01035. Pediatric Drug Dosesauthor: GL Chattri year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489460 price: 125.01036. The Biology of Belief Unleashing the Power of Consciousness Matter and Miraclesauthor: Bruce H Lipton year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380480015 price: 299.01037. Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatryauthor: Michael Gelder year of publication: 2009 isbn: 019568687X price: 795.01038. First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge)author: Tao Le year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0071270670 price: 1140.01039. Care of the Newborn by Ten Teachersauthor: Hilary Lumsden year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340971550 price: 315.01040. Internship Textbook for General Nursing and Midwiferyauthor: I Clement year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489439 price: 350.01041. Practical Radiotherapy Planningauthor: Jane Dobbs year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0340927731 price: 1180.01042. Clinical Research Made Easyauthor: Mohit Bhandari year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488906 price: 250.01043. Handbook on Drugs from Natural Sourcesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8178330617 price: 1175.01044. ECG in Medical Practiceauthor: ABM Abdullah year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489682 price: 495.01045. Common Mnemonics for MBBS Final Yearauthor: Ankit Gupta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489699 price: 85.01046. Textbook of Pediatric Careauthor: Thomas K McInerny year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184488500 price: 4995.0

1047. Liver Transplantationauthor: Dilip Chakravarty K year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487701 price: 3295.01048. Critical Care Update 2010author: Vineet Nayyar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252710 price: 395.01049. Fundamentals of Nursing for General Nursing and Midwiferyauthor: SN Nanjunde Gowds year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489774 price: 595.01050. Nutrition and Biochemistry for Nursesauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489385 price: 395.01051. Brain Haemorrhageauthor: AK Mahapatra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481748 price: 995.01052. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Venereal Diseases)author: Virendra N Sehgal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489545 price: 750.01053. Principles and Practice of Percutaneous Tracheostomyauthor: SP Ambesh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489293 price: 895.01054. The Complete Family Medicine <strong>Book</strong>author: P C Dandiya year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8122204827 price: 395.01055. Practical Manual of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: Bikash Medhi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489538 price: 350.01056. Self Assessment and Review of Pathologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438382 price: 510.01057. An Introduction to Genetics and Fetal Medicineauthor: Deepika Deka year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489606 price: 995.01058. Nursing Communication and Educational Technologyauthor: Pramilaa R year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489491 price: 250.01059. Compendium of Transfusion Medicineauthor: R N Makroo year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8190626415 price: 1350.01060. AIPG 2010 Questions with Explanatory Answersauthor: Dr Mukesh Bhatia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704074 price: 150.01061. Ethical Dilemmas in Perinatal Medicineauthor: Joseph G Schenker year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704050 price: 495.01062. Bedside Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489880 price: 895.01063. Making Sense of Acute Medicine : A Guide to Diagnosisauthor: Paul F Jenkins year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340984253 price: 580.01064. Pocket Anatomicas Body Atlasauthor: Prof R William Currie year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1551928302 price: 795.01065. Oxford Handbook of General Practiceauthor: Chantal Simon year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199592254 price: 495.01066. Bhatias Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry with Explanatory Answers Basic Sciencesauthor: Himani Saini year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489651 price: 495.01067. Management of High Risk Pregnancy a Practical Approachauthor: SS Trivedi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704739 price: 595.01068. Textbook of Endocrinologyauthor: Mala Dharmalingam year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704142 price: 395.01069. Recent Advances in Surgery 33author: Colin D Johnson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704227 price: 895.01070. English for Nursing Studentsauthor: S Premkumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704067 price: 80.01071. Viva on Pre-clinical Endodontics Conservative Dentistryauthor: Kamna Kothari year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704012 price: 90.01072. Ophthalmic Nursingauthor: A Samuel Gnanadoss year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704111 price: 250.01073. Physiotherapy Care for Womens Healthauthor: R Baranitharan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704081 price: 175.01074. MCQs in Sports Physiotherapy with Explanatory Answersauthor: S Arun Vijay year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704159 price: 125.01075. Community Medicine (With Recent Advances)author: AH Suryakantha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704319 price: 595.01076. Pathologyauthor: Arthur S Schneider year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184731798 price: 550.01077. Cell Biology International Student Versionauthor: Gerald Karp year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0470505762 price: 2060.01078. Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews Microbiologyauthor: Richard A Harvey year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189836580 price: 1250.0

1079. Textbook of Pulmonary Medicineauthor: Jyotsna M Joshi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486490 price: 375.01080. Mnemonics on Pharmacology and Preventive Social Medicineauthor: Sanjay Bajaj year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704333 price: 90.01081. Mnemonics on Medicine Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Sanjay Bajaj year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704029 price: 60.01082. A Manul for Setting Up Clinical Practice in Obstetrics & Gynecologyauthor: Sanjay Gupta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704531 price: 395.01083. Practical Manual of Oral Pathology and Microbiologyauthor: Vijay Wadhwan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704357 price: 150.01084. Law and the Practice of Medicineauthor: SK Joshi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704364 price: 550.01085. Essentials of Clinical Pathologyauthor: Shirish M Kawthalkar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704197 price: 425.01086. Fundamentals of Surgical Pathologyauthor: Shameem Shariff year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704203 price: 1495.01087. Diagnostic Radiology Neuroradiology Including Head and Neck Imagingauthor: Niranjan Khandelwal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704258 price: 1895.01088. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology Strabismus Surgeryauthor: Ewa Oleszczynska Prost year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704241 price: 1495.01089. Biomechanics The Nucleus of Physiotherapyauthor: R Vinodh Rajkumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704388 price: 350.01090. Handbook of Biochemistry for Allied and Nursing Studentsauthor: Shivananda Nayak B year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704449 price: 350.01091. Management of Infectious Diseasesauthor: Manoj <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487657 price: 400.01092. Dental Anatomy Physiology and Occlusion With Free CDauthor: Major M Ash year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131225042 price: 725.01093. Platinum Notes Preclinical Sciences 2012 - 2013 Vol 1author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259160 price: 495.01094. Platinum Notes Surgical Sciences 2012-2013 Vol 3author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259184 price: 495.01095. Platinum Notes Medical Sciences 2012 -2013 Vol 2author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259177 price: 495.01096. Practical Hematology for BDSauthor: Komal Marwaha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704470 price: 150.01097. MCQs in Midwiferyauthor: Manjubala Panda year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704425 price: 150.01098. Maternal Child Nursing Care Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers Childrens and Familiesauthor: Susan L Ward year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489743 price: 1695.01099. Self Assessment and Review of Microbiologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438337 price: 450.01100. Self Assessment and Review of Paediatricsauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438368 price: 410.01101. Self Assessment and Review of Preventive and Social Medicineauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438221 price: 525.01102. Dental Bytes Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examination Review In 2 Volauthor: Dr S Gowri Sankar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8181913586 price: 1700.01103. AIIMS Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examinationauthor: Atul Soin year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350252239 price: 125.01104. Human Anatomy Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical (Vol 1) : Upper Limb and Thoraxauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123918631 price: 395.01105. Human Anatomy Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical (Vol 3) : Head and Neck Brainauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123918655 price: 495.01106. Human Anatomy Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical (Vol 2) : Lower Limb Abdomen and Pelvisauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123917648 price: 495.01107. Bailey and Love MCQs and EMQs in Surgeryauthor: Pradip K Datta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340990674 price: 450.01108. Handbook of Squint and Orthopticsauthor: Leela Ahuja year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250006 price: 150.01109. Dental Updateauthor: Mohit Agrawal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250204 price: 295.01110. Pediatric Practice Neurologyauthor: Paul R Carney year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071489256 price: 3980.0

1111. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Dr K S Narayan Reddy year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 350.01112. Psychology for Nursingauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250075 price: 395.01113. Case History and Data Interpretation in Medical Practiceauthor: ABM Abdullah year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704456 price: 495.01114. Research Methodology Simplified Every Clinician a Researcherauthor: Mahendra N Parikh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250037 price: 225.01115. Essentials of Neuro Ophthalmologyauthor: PK Mukherjee year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489828 price: 595.01116. Management of Vision Impairmentauthor: MS Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250013 price: 295.01117. Medicine for Nursesauthor: U N Panda year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484793 price: 225.01118. The Doctors Communication Handbookauthor: Peter Tate year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8181930682 price: 395.01119. Textbook of Color Doppler Imagingauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489965 price: 1875.01120. NCLEX PN Strategies Practice and Reviewauthor: Barbara J Irwin year of publication: 2012-2013 isbn: 1609785666 price: 1030.01121. Diagnostic Ultrasoundauthor: L C Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480644 price: 1095.01122. Step by Step Ultrasoundauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704371 price: 1595.01123. The HLA Complex in Biology and Medicine : A Resource <strong>Book</strong>author: Narinder Mehta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488708 price: 2995.01124. Viva in Anatomy Physiology and Biochemistryauthor: Anjula Vij year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250181 price: 295.01125. The Practice Manual of Illustrative Anatomyauthor: Smita Kakar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250570 price: 295.01126. Ansels Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systemsauthor: Loyd V Allen year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733914 price: 895.01127. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics : Concepts and Applicationsauthor: Malcolm Rowland year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733983 price: 695.01128. Complete Osce Skills for Medical and Surgical Finalsauthor: Kate Tatham year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340974247 price: 395.01129. Medical Laboratory Technology A Procedure Manual for Routine Diagnostic Tests Vol 2author: Kanai L Mukherjee year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070076631 price: 235.01130. Nursing Theories A Practical Viewauthor: D Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250549 price: 160.01131. Handbook of Mechanical Ventilationauthor: B Umesh Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704746 price: 195.01132. Step by Step Treatment of Parkinson Diseaseauthor: P V Rai year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704876 price: 295.01133. Biomedical Research Methodology : Including Biostatistical Applicationsauthor: Ranjan Das year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250174 price: 195.01134. Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlationsauthor: Victor P Eroschenko year of publication: 2013 isbn: 8184736595 price: 775.01135. Self Assessment and Review of Pharmacologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438313 price: 500.01136. Hysteroscopy Made Easyauthor: Rita Mhaskar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704326 price: 195.01137. Oxford Dictionary of Dentistryauthor: Robert Ireland year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199533015 price: 295.01138. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 2author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438399 price: 525.01139. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 3author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438405 price: 550.01140. Foundations of Nursing An Integrated Approachauthor: Cliff Evans year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071067935 price: 399.01141. The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeuticsauthor: Corey Foster year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733976 price: 675.01142. Textbook of Physiology Vol 1author: A K <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177392227 price: 550.0

1143. Textbook of Physiology Vol 2author: A K <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177392239 price: 550.01144. Nursing Diagnosis Manual : Planning Individualizing and Documenting Client Careauthor: Marilynn E Doenges year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489767 price: 795.01145. Clinical Ophthalmology Medical and Surgical Approachauthor: Sandeep Saxena year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250044 price: 1695.01146. Patents for Chemicals Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnologyauthor: Philip W Grubb year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199575237 price: 2500.01147. Small Incision Cataract Surgery (Manual Phaco)author: Kamaljeet Singh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489804 price: 995.01148. Textbook of Preclinical Conservative Dentistryauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250778 price: 450.01149. Color Atlas of Dermatologyauthor: Lalit K Bhutani year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8185017611 price: 690.01150. Procedures and theories of Community Health Nursingauthor: PM Thressiamma year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704395 price: 250.01151. Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 (In 3 Vol)author: Government of India year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8190343688 price: 20000.01152. Medical Emergencies in Childrenauthor: Meharban Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8170820707 price: 900.01153. Homeopathy Easy to Follow Guideauthor: Dr S S Giani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8187330370 price: 275.01154. AIDS in the Worldauthor: Jafar Mahmud year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8176487473 price: 175.01155. Differential Diagnosis and Medical Therapeutics : A Treatise on Clinical Medicineauthor: P Siva Rama Krishna Rao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704951 price: 595.01156. Handbook Of HIV Medficineauthor: Douglas Wilson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0198067764 price: 395.01157. Diagnostic Radiology Chest and Cardiovascular Imagingauthor: Veena Chowdhury year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488685 price: 1095.01158. Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Specialtiesauthor: Judith Collier year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0199579556 price: 475.01159. MCQs in Biomechanics and Occupational Therapy in Orthopedic Conditionsauthor: Punita V Solanki year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250716 price: 195.01160. Textbook of Dental Radiologyauthor: Pramod John R year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250792 price: 295.01161. Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews Immunologyauthor: Thao Doan year of publication: isbn: 8189960247 price: 1250.01162. Degenerative Lumber Spine Disorder and its Conservative Treatmenth with free CDauthor: Mahesh Pandya year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250020 price: 395.01163. The Nonsurgical Treatment of Fractures in Contemporary Orthopedicsauthor: Augusto Sarmiento year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489071 price: 2495.01164. Comprehensive Textbook of Hepatitis Bauthor: Mamun al mahtab year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250815 price: 995.01165. Chamberlains symptoms and Signs in Clinical medicine an Introduction to Medical Diagnosisauthor: Andrew R Houghton year of publication: isbn: 0340983188 price: 995.01166. Campbell Walsh Urology in 3 Volauthor: Alan J. Wein year of publication: isbn: 0808923534 price: 18000.01167. The Complete Human Bodyauthor: Alice Roberts year of publication: isbn: 1405347495 price: 1499.01168. Agros Colour Atlas of Medicinal Plantsauthor: Narayan Das Prajapati year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8177541722 price: 1595.01169. Textbook of Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Epidemiologyauthor: R D Sharma year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8171640621 price: 700.01170. Clinical Microbiology and Parasitology For DMLT Studentsauthor: Nanda Maheshwari year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483317 price: 195.01171. Jawetz Melnick and Adelbergs Medical Microbiologyauthor: Geo F. Brooks year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071742719 price: 920.01172. Psychiatryauthor: Janis L Cutler year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0195372748 price: 745.01173. Mayo Clinic on Arthritisauthor: Gene G Hunder year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8122202830 price: 325.01174. Grossmans Endodontic Practiceauthor: B Suresh Chandra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184732801 price: 595.0

1175. Principles of Geneticsauthor: D. Peter Snustad year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0470398425 price: 2187.01176. Textbook of Embryologyauthor: DK Kadasne year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251522 price: 325.01177. Diagnostic Radiolology Paediatric Imagingauthor: Arun Kumar Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252055 price: 1795.01178. Textbook of Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Nikhil Marwah year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485233 price: 795.01179. Textbook of Pharmacovigilanceauthor: SK Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252062 price: 495.01180. Essentials of Physiology for Dental Studentsauthor: K Sembulingam year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250761 price: 495.01181. Practical Biochemistryauthor: Geetha Damodaran K year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251416 price: 295.01182. Modern Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Vinay Kumar Shivastava year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251898 price: 1295.01183. Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgeryauthor: Robert T Sataloff year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250921 price: 1995.01184. Management of Nursing Services and Educationauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251744 price: 350.01185. Parsons Diseases of the Eyeauthor: Ramanjit Sihota year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131225547 price: 895.01186. AIPMT Cracker the Best Guide to Crack AIPMTauthor: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8172343668 price: 495.01187. The Principles of Medical Jurisprudence Medical and Forensic Science DNA Test and Toxicologyauthor: Dr Swati Parikh year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 1560.01188. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics with Free CDauthor: William W. Hay year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071752893 price: 1186.01189. Instructive Case Studies in Pediatricsauthor: Suraj Gupte year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489972 price: 550.01190. Harrisons Infectious Diseasesauthor: Dennis L Kasper year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071702935 price: 2652.01191. Harrisons Endocrinologyauthor: J. Larry Jameson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071741446 price: 2273.01192. Harrisons Hematology and Oncologyauthor: Dan L Longo year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071663359 price: 2273.01193. Harrisons Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicineauthor: Joseph Loscalzo year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071663373 price: 2273.01194. Essentials of Oral Pathologyauthor: Swapan Kumar Purkait year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252147 price: 525.01195. Hazzards Geriatric Medicine and Gerontologyauthor: Jeffrey B. Halter year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071488723 price: 7110.01196. Harrisons Gastroenterology and Hepatologyauthor: Dan L Longo year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071663335 price: 2275.01197. Dermatopathologyauthor: Raymond L. Barnhill year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071489232 price: 8535.01198. Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal Systemauthor: Stefano Bianchi year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8181287038 price: 3500.01199. Harrisons Rheumatologyauthor: Anthony S Fauci year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071741439 price: 2275.01200. Harrisons Nephrology and Acid Base Disordersauthor: J. Larry Jameson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071663397 price: 2275.01201. Harrisons Cardiovascular Medicineauthor: Joseph Loscalzo year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071702911 price: 2275.01202. Neurologyauthor: Nizar Souayah year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071074124 price: 850.01203. Pre Test Biochemistry and Geneticsauthor: Golder N. Wilson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313384 price: 310.01204. Pre Test Pathologyauthor: Earl J. Brown year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313377 price: 310.01205. Pre Test Microbiologyauthor: James D Kettering year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313353 price: 310.01206. Pre Test Pharmacologyauthor: Marshal Shlafer year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313612 price: 310.0

1207. Pre Test Medicineauthor: Robert S. Urban year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270496 price: 310.01208. Pre Test Pediatricsauthor: Robert J Yetman year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270502 price: 310.01209. Pre Test Surgeryauthor: Lillian S Kao year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270236 price: 310.01210. Pre Test Anatomy Histology and Cell Biologyauthor: Robert M. Klein year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313360 price: 310.01211. Pre Test Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Karen M Schneider year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270205 price: 310.01212. Pre Test Neuroscienceauthor: Allan Siegel year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313391 price: 310.01213. Surgical Oncology Fundamentals Evidence Based Approaches and New Technologyauthor: David L Bartlett year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250518 price: 2995.01214. Atlas of fetal Echocardiography With CDauthor: Manish R Pandya year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250914 price: 1595.01215. Clinical Practice and Surgery of the Colon Rectum and Anusauthor: Sisir Kumar Saha year of publication: 2011 isbn: 818449927 price: 895.01216. Atlas and Text of Corneal Pathology and Surgeryauthor: Samuel Boyd year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9962678335 price: 3995.01217. Male Reproductive Dysfunctionauthor: SC Basu year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252208 price: 1295.01218. Understanding Patient Safetyauthor: Robert M. Wachter year of publication: 2008 isbn: 007148276 price: 1847.01219. Textbook of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Vol 1 and 2author: SK Jindal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250730 price: 4995.01220. Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Eric M. Chen year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071083959 price: 615.01221. Pocket <strong>Book</strong> of Orthopedics Excision of the Trapezium and Posterior Approach to Hip Jointauthor: K Mohan Iyer year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252031 price: 195.01222. Speed AIIMS November 2011 Answers Discussionauthor: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 175.01223. Gross Anatomyauthor: Kyung Won Chung year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189960209 price: 550.01224. Pediatricsauthor: Lloyd J Brown year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781762871 price: 800.01225. The Practical Prescriber Pocket Size Editionauthor: Aspi F Golwalla year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380206073 price: 130.01226. Textbook of Community Medicine Preventive and Social Medicineauthor: Sunder Lal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123917016 price: 595.01227. Embeyologyauthor: Ronald W Dudek year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184734294 price: 550.01228. Pharmacologyauthor: Gary C Rosenfeld year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733167 price: 550.01229. Neuroanatomyauthor: James D Fix year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189960216 price: 550.01230. Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Sally Collins year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199582112 price: 460.01231. Oxford Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertensionauthor: Simon Steddon year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0195691091 price: 495.01232. The Balancing Act Know Your Heartauthor: Dr Girish Gadkari year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184049480 price: 250.01233. Companion for 1st MBBSauthor: Singi Yatiraj year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252482 price: 160.01234. Principles of Respiratory Medicineauthor: Farokh Erach Udwadia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0198071558 price: 1950.01235. Gynaecologyauthor: Robert W Shaw year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702031205 price: 4619.01236. Oral Microbiologyauthor: Philip D Marsh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443101441 price: 820.01237. Self Assessment and Review of FMGE MCI Screening Examinationauthor: Kamal K. V. year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258637 price: 725.01238. Atlas of General Surgeryauthor: Sir David Carter year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250648 price: 2995.0

1239. Sure Success in BDS IIIrd Yearauthor: Ajay Chouksey year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252192 price: 325.01240. Review of Preventive and Social Medicine Including Biostatistics with Free DVDauthor: Vivek <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259092 price: 550.01241. Spinal Infections and Traumaauthor: S Rajasekaran year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250754 price: 2995.01242. Practical Guide to Mental Health Nursingauthor: W Vimala Samson year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251584 price: 495.01243. Drug Discovery and Clinical Researchauthor: SK Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252727 price: 1095.01244. Atlas of Human Anatomy on MRI Spine Extremities Jointsauthor: Hariqbal Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252338 price: 895.01245. MCQs in ENT With Explanatory Answersauthor: Ravinder Sharma year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252109 price: 195.01246. MCQs in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery With Answers and Explanationsauthor: Sonia Jindal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252185 price: 150.01247. Manual for Final BDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodonticsauthor: Yadav Chakravarthy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252116 price: 95.01248. Neuro Integrated for NIMHANS Entrance Examinationauthor: Pramod KS year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350257111 price: 295.01249. A Textbook of Public Health Dentistryauthor: CM Marya year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257098 price: 395.01250. Step By Step Squint Surgery With CDauthor: Prasad Walimbe year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251966 price: 395.01251. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmic Surgeryauthor: Ashok Garg year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251485 price: 2495.01252. Current Essentials of Medicineauthor: Lawrence M.Tierney year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071742757 price: 670.01253. Hursts the Heart With CDauthor: Valentin Fuster year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071636469 price: 6466.01254. Essentials of Orthophysiotherapy for Upper and Lower Limb Fracturesauthor: Saurabh Garg year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704777 price: 350.01255. Short Review of Tumourauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350251324 price: 295.01256. Sure Success MAGIC Maximum Advantage Guide for Integrated Course Studyauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252130 price: 495.01257. CPAP Bedside Application in the Newbornauthor: PK Rajiv year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252444 price: 475.01258. Therapeutic Pediatric Nutritionauthor: Madhu Sharma year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252628 price: 225.01259. Viva Questions in Pharmacology With Explanatory Answersauthor: Kamlesh Kumar Pant year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250310 price: 195.01260. Advances in Pediatric Dermatologyauthor: Arun C Inamadar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252666 price: 595.01261. Dentistry for the Child and Adolescentauthor: Jeffrey A. Dean year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131226513 price: 1095.01262. Textbook of Minimal Stimulation IVF Milder Mildest or Back to Natureauthor: Alejandro Chavez Badiola year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250143 price: 995.01263. A Practical Guide to Operative Surgeryauthor: S Das year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8190568111 price: 373.01264. Handbook of General Anatomyauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8123916545 price: 180.01265. Medicineauthor: Aspi F Golwalla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380206158 price: 750.01266. Viva Voce Orals in Biochemistryauthor: B. Prabhakar Rao year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8122432022 price: 195.01267. Drug Dosages in Childrenauthor: Meharban Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8170820448 price: 110.01268. Quick Review Series for BDS 2nd yearauthor: J Jyotsna Rao year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131223826 price: 395.01269. Den Test Basic Sciencesauthor: S Gowri Shankar year of publication: isbn: 8181913517 price: 875.01270. Pediatric Clinical Methoodsauthor: Meharban Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 817082060X price: 450.0

1271. MCQs in Orthodonticsauthor: Basavaraj Subhashchandra Phulari year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252499 price: 795.01272. Pearls in Glaucoma Therapyauthor: Tanuj Dada year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253915 price: 595.01273. Dental Supreme Solved Question Papers of Periodontics and Oral Implantology 2001-2010author: Dinraj Kulkarni year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253595 price: 295.01274. Mastering the BDS IVth Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253977 price: 350.01275. Orthodontics Principles and Practiceauthor: Basavaraj Subhashchandra Phulari year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252420 price: 795.01276. Tips and Tricks in Operative Obstetrics and Gynecology With CDauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252383 price: 1095.01277. Sure Success in Pedodontics Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252741 price: 350.01278. Sure Success in Prosthodontics Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253403 price: 395.01279. Textbook of Communication and Education Technology for Nursesauthor: KP Neeraja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253502 price: 450.01280. Short Textbook of Surgeryauthor: Himanshu Roy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489835 price: 895.01281. British Pharmacopoeia 2012 Set of 6 Vols Asiaauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 66780.01282. Case Based Geriatrics A Global Approachauthor: Victor Hirth year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071622394 price: 4215.01283. Fetology Diagnosis and Management of the Fetal Patientauthor: Diana W. Bianchi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071442015 price: 8190.01284. Manual of Psychosocial Oncologyauthor: MD Anderson year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071624381 price: 3510.01285. Clinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Echocardiography With Free CDauthor: Joseph P. Mathew year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071638074 price: 6790.01286. Medicine for PGMEE Vol 1author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438290 price: 475.01287. Medicine for PGMEE Vol 2author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380438054 price: 450.01288. Breast Augmentation With Free DVDauthor: Willaim P. Adams year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071606431 price: 9315.01289. Children and Young Peoples Nursing Principles for Practiceauthor: Ruth Davies year of publication: 2011 isbn: 1444107845 price: 1925.01290. The Genetics of Cognitive Neuroscienceauthor: Terry E Goldberg year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8120342996 price: 295.01291. Emergent Management of Traumaauthor: John Bailitz year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071767279 price: 1405.01292. MRCOG Part 2 MCQs Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Khaldoun W. Sharif year of publication: isbn: 9814020915 price: 270.01293. DNB Entrance Examinationauthor: M S Bhatia year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8123921969 price: 650.01294. Measurements in Radiology Made Easy With Free CDauthor: Vineet Wadhwa year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252642 price: 395.01295. Essentials of Pediatric Oral Pathologyauthor: Mayur Chaudhary year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253748 price: 995.01296. Handbook of Dialysisauthor: Jeremy Levy year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199235285 price: 797.01297. Handbook of Acute Medicineauthor: Punit S. Ramrakha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199230921 price: 495.01298. Nurisng Solved Question Papers for General Nursing and Midwifery Ist Year 2005-2010author: Poonam Sharda year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489811 price: 250.01299. Nursing Solved Question Papers for General Nursing and Midwifery 2nd Year 2005-2010author: Parambeer Kaur Rai year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253588 price: 250.01300. Essential Medical Statisticsauthor: Betty R. Kirkwood year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0865428713 price: 2900.01301. Short Practice of Surgeryauthor: Bailey & Loves year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340939376 price: 2500.01302. Dentistry Plus Comprehensive Review of Clinical Dental Sciencesauthor: Jaspal Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254004 price: 550.0

1303. Optical Coherence Tomography in Macular Diseases and Glaucomaauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9962678441 price: 1495.01304. Periodontics Revisitedauthor: Shalu Bathla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253670 price: 895.01305. Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology Principles and Practiceauthor: Arthur C Fleischer year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071547727 price: 7520.01306. Atlas of Histopathologyauthor: Ivan Damjanov year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350251881 price: 1295.01307. Measurement of Joint Motion A Guide to Goniometryauthor: Cynthia C Norkin year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253526 price: 595.01308. Williams Obstetrics Study Guideauthor: Barbara L Hoffman year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071767422 price: 1135.01309. Vascular Medicine Therapy and Practiceauthor: Thomas Cissarek year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071750929 price: 6575.01310. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Vol 9author: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: 09727213 price: 1792.01311. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part I Vol IIIauthor: - year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8190648934 price: 500.01312. A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeuticsauthor: James M Ritter year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340900468 price: 3000.01313. Stem Cellsauthor: Eapen Cherian year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250600 price: 1695.01314. Mcminns Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy With Free CDauthor: P H Abrahams year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0808923183 price: 1770.01315. Body Contouring McGraw Hill Plastic Surgery Atlas With Free CDauthor: Michele A Shermak year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071604673 price: 9410.01316. Handbook of Neurological Examinationauthor: Navneet Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8120342767 price: 250.01317. Blacks Medical Dictionaryauthor: Gordon Macpherson year of publication: isbn: 8180610144 price: 450.01318. First Aid for the USMLE Step 3author: Tao Le year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071088626 price: 945.01319. Essential Orthopaedicsauthor: J Maheshwari year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184655421 price: 425.01320. Self Assessment and Review of Short Subjects Skin Anesthesia Radiology Psychiatry Vol Iauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380438238 price: 550.01321. Textbook of Neurologyauthor: Navneet Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8120342439 price: 625.01322. Manual of Operation Room Techniquesauthor: Leena Myrtle Gomez year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480997 price: 225.01323. Medical Auditauthor: Anjan Prakash year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253540 price: 175.01324. Physiologyauthor: Linda S Costanzo year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184734287 price: 575.01325. Obstetric and Gynecological Emergenciesauthor: Deepti Goswami year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255094 price: 495.01326. Principles of Perinatal and Pediatric HIV/AIDSauthor: Mamatha M Lala year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350251973 price: 1995.01327. Dental Dictionaryauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487053 price: 350.01328. Principles and Practice of Pedodonticsauthor: Arathi Rao year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258910 price: 750.01329. Bedside Clinics in Surgeryauthor: Makhan Lal Saha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8187504382 price: 500.01330. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: S M Balaji year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131203002 price: 695.01331. The Physiotherapists Pocket <strong>Book</strong> Esential Facts At Your Fingertipsauthor: Karen Kenyon year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131223581 price: 275.01332. Atlas and Text of Hematologyauthor: Tejinder Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177393330 price: 750.01333. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Psychiatryauthor: Michael Ebert year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071278157 price: 935.01334. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Sexually Transmitted Diseasesauthor: Jeffrey Klausner year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0071104615 price: 935.0

1335. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine In 2 Vols with DVDauthor: Harrisons year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071775076 price: 7449.01336. Medical Biochemistryauthor: AR Aroor year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184487282 price: 975.01337. Manual of Practical Medical Biochemistryauthor: Evangeline Jones year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250433 price: 200.01338. Practical Standard Prescriberauthor: LC Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485506 price: 175.01339. Clinical Medicine Made Easy With Free CDauthor: T V Devarajan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481713 price: 325.01340. Handbook of Epilepsyauthor: Thomas R Browne year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184730869 price: 625.01341. Differential Diagnosis in Neurologyauthor: Rajendra B Kenkre year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489477 price: 425.01342. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Vol 1 Tabular Listauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 8174732039 price: 495.01343. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Volume 2 Instruction Manualauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 8174732039 price: 495.01344. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Vol 3 Alphabetical Indexauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 8174732020 price: 295.01345. Pharmacological Classification of Drugs With Doses and Preparationsauthor: KD Tripathi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250785 price: 150.01346. Alternative Therapies For Medical Professionalauthor: ND Vishnu Vignesvaran year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483619 price: 425.01347. Textbook of Midwiferyauthor: TK Indrani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8180611795 price: 225.01348. Orbans Oral Histology and Embryologyauthor: G S Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131228197 price: 915.01349. A Practical Approach to Regional Anesthesia International Editionauthor: Michael F Mulroy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0781768543 price: 4670.01350. Review in Oral Pathology With MCQsauthor: Mala Kamboj year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254295 price: 195.01351. Davidsons Essentials of Medicineauthor: J Alastair Innes year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0702030000 price: 655.01352. Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Arthur G Johnson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733280 price: 575.01353. Phillips Science of Dental Materialsauthor: Kenneth J Anusavice year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8181470676 price: 1195.01354. Sure Success in Orthodontics Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253380 price: 295.01355. Essentials of Pharmacology For Dentistryauthor: KD Tripathi year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253854 price: 550.01356. Handbook on Managing Infertilityauthor: Jaideep Malhotra year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255957 price: 695.01357. Viva Voce For BDS Ist Year According to Latest DCI Syllabusauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254257 price: 125.01358. Dental Supreme Solved Question Papers of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2001-2011author: Dinraj Kulkarni year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350255971 price: 325.01359. Clinical Manual For Oral Medicine and Radiologyauthor: Ravikiran Ongole year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481144 price: 425.01360. Human Anatomy A Dissection Manualauthor: Sujatha Kiran year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250150 price: 495.01361. Dissection Manual Living and Cross Sectional Anatomy With Free CDauthor: Sibani Mazumdar year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250471 price: 395.01362. Essentials of Medicine for Dental Studentsauthor: Anil k Tripathi year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704609 price: 495.01363. Mastering the BDS Vth Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350255568 price: 350.01364. Textbook of Medical Laboratory Technologyauthor: Praful B Godkar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8185578583 price: 1175.01365. Clinical Periodontologyauthor: B R R Varma year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8186809422 price: 525.01366. Complete Denture Prosthoodnitcsauthor: John J Manappallil year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8186809481 price: 525.0

1367. Sure Success in Endodonitcs Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253458 price: 195.01368. Sure Success in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253410 price: 350.01369. Sure Success in Public Health Dentistry Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253397 price: 350.01370. Human Physiology For BDSauthor: A K <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177392500 price: 550.01371. IMMS General Textbook of Entomology In 2 Volsauthor: O W Richards year of publication: isbn: 8172250525 price: 745.01372. The Short Textbook of Medical Microbiology For Nursesauthor: Satish Gupte year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251508 price: 175.01373. Apleys System of Orthopaedics and Fracturesauthor: Louis Solomon year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340942055 price: 2595.01374. Grants Dissectorauthor: Patrick W Tank year of publication: 2013 isbn: 8184736618 price: 650.01375. Psychiatry for Nursesauthor: S Nambi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8171796273 price: 195.01376. Neurosurgery Reviewauthor: Raj Kumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486529 price: 325.01377. The Illustrated Atlas of the Human Bodyauthor: - year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1740896481 price: 1295.01378. The Complete Human Body the Definitive Visual Guideauthor: Alice Roberts year of publication: 2010 isbn: 1405347495 price: 1499.01379. Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseasesauthor: Neena Khanna year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131228029 price: 725.01380. Concise Pathology For Exam Preparationauthor: Geetika Khanna Bhattacharya year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131228074 price: 495.01381. Life Span Developmentauthor: John W Santrock year of publication: 2011 isbn: 1259003066 price: 595.01382. Dental Explore Vol Iauthor: Gyanander Attresh year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.01383. Dental Explore Vol IIauthor: Gyanander Attresh year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.01384. The Chinese Medicine Bibleauthor: Penelope Ody year of publication: 2010 isbn: 1841813844 price: 395.01385. The Aromatherapy Bibleauthor: Gill Farrer Halls year of publication: 2009 isbn: 1841813769 price: 395.01386. Vanders Huamn Physiologyauthor: Eric P Widmaier year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071222150 price: 2380.01387. Parasitology Protozoology and Helminthologyauthor: K D Chatterjee year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8123918105 price: 360.01388. DNB CET Review For Primary and Post Diplomaauthor: Dr Vaibhav Bharat year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189477141 price: 250.01389. PGI Chandigarh Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Reviewauthor: Manoj Chaudhary year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 225.01390. Orthopedic Survival Guide Managing Common Conditionsauthor: Mark Dutton year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071715102 price: 1555.01391. Manual of Squintauthor: Leela Ahuja year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483821 price: 425.01392. Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicineauthor: Jonathan P Wyatt year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0199665341 price: 495.01393. OSCEs for Medical Students In Volume 1author: Adam Feather year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 325.01394. Clinical Doppler Ultrasound With Free CDauthor: Paul L Allan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443101167 price: 3200.01395. Prosthodontic Treatment For Edentulous Patients Complete Dentures and Implant Supported Prosthesesauthor: George A Zarb year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8181470867 price: 775.01396. Handbook of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicineauthor: SK Jindal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257074 price: 595.01397. Nursing Theoriesauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818061963 price: 295.01398. A Quick Reference Guide to Childs Growth and Developemnt for Nursesauthor: S Ani Grace Kalaimathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256367 price: 75.0

1399. Core Clinical Skills for OSCEs in Medicineauthor: Tim Dornan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0443101647 price: 925.01400. Kolkata PGMEE Buster 2002 to 2010author: Parvind Kumar Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489361 price: 795.01401. Drugs A2Z Quick Reference for Medical Formulations Vol Iauthor: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.01402. Defining the Value of Spine Careauthor: Jeffrey A Rihn year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254905 price: 1295.01403. Review of Microbiology and Immunology With CDauthor: Apurba Sankar Sastry year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259139 price: 450.01404. Burkets Oral Medicine With Free CDauthor: Martin S Greenberg year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1550093452 price: 1595.01405. Donald School Manual of Practical Problems in Obstetricsauthor: Narendra Malhotra year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257821 price: 895.01406. First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CS (Clinical Skills)author: Vikas Bhushan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1259009389 price: 1030.01407. Shelf Assessment and Reviw Surgeryauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487220 price: 525.01408. Self Assessment and Review J and K Board of Profesional Entrance Examinations JKBOPEE 2011-2005author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257593 price: 795.01409. Video Atlas of USMLE Step 2 CS Cases and Tipsauthor: Rohan Khandelwal year of publication: isbn: 9350256305 price: 995.01410. A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursingauthor: R Sreevani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489446 price: 325.01411. Psychology for Graduate Nursesauthor: Jacob Anthikad year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184481403 price: 195.01412. Obstetrics Drug Handbookauthor: A K Debdas year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617297 price: 275.01413. All India Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Reviewauthor: Mudit Khanna year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 225.01414. Bio Medical Physics for Nursesauthor: K Thayalan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619907 price: 150.01415. PG Hunt A Review of Kerala Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examinationauthor: Vinod V S year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189560645 price: 875.01416. AIIMS PG Medical Entrance Examinationauthor: Dr Nitin Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8123921006 price: 180.01417. SRBs Bedside Clinics in Surgeryauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485816 price: 550.01418. MCQs in Medicine With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254196 price: 125.01419. MCQs in Microbiology With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254172 price: 125.01420. MCQs in Surgery With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254202 price: 125.01421. MCQs in Pathology With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254189 price: 125.01422. All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Examination a Comlete Review 2011-2007 Vol 2author: Neeraj Wadhawan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 978818992 price: 450.01423. Sure Success COMED Kauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257678 price: 450.01424. Sure Success Kanatakaauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350257548 price: 650.01425. MCQs in Obstetrical Nursing Including Neonatology With Rationales for Correct and Incorrect Answersauthor: Chaitali Biswas year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254943 price: 225.01426. Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty Different Strokes With Free DVDauthor: Vishal Jhanji year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256329 price: 1595.01427. Mercers Textbook of Orthopaedics and Traumaauthor: Sureshan Sivananthan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1444172300 price: 2965.01428. Stell and Marans Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncologyauthor: John C Watkinson year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1444172324 price: 3815.01429. MCQs in Periodontology With Explanationauthor: Swarga Jyoti Das year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254998 price: 350.01430. Orofacial Development Structure and Pathology a Quick Appraisalauthor: Anubha Gulati year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256374 price: 250.0

1431. First Aid and Emergency Management in Orthopedic Injuriesauthor: MS Dhillon year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256459 price: 895.01432. Understanding and Management of Special Child in Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256312 price: 895.01433. Sinonasal Tumorsauthor: Alexander G Chiu year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350252826 price: 1295.01434. Gateway to Success in Surgeryauthor: MD Ray year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350252246 price: 795.01435. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Interpretation and Diagnostic Difficultiesauthor: Pranab Dey year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256435 price: 1295.01436. Pocketbook of Physiotherapy Management in Amputationauthor: Nidhi khanna year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704401 price: 110.01437. Comprehensive Ophthalmologyauthor: A K Khurana year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8122433319 price: 695.01438. Textbook of Nursing Foundationsauthor: I Clement year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253649 price: 550.01439. Oxford Handbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Luke Cascarini year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0199583294 price: 495.01440. Sabiston Textbook of Surgeryauthor: Sabiston year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1455711468 price: 6760.01441. Clinical Operative Dentistry Principles and Practiceauthor: Ramya Raghu year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8192060491 price: 895.01442. Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dieteticsauthor: Joan Webster Gandy year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0199585823 price: 795.01443. The Development of the Infant and Young Child Normal and Abnormalauthor: Ronald S Illingworth year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8181472618 price: 545.01444. MRi Made Easy With Free CDauthor: Govind B Chavhan year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618765 price: 495.01445. Tidys Physiotherapy With Free DVDauthor: Stuart Porter year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443103926 price: 845.01446. Nelson Textbook of Pediatricsauthor: Robert M Kliegman year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131229033 price: 3695.01447. Pediatric Nephrologyauthor: RN Srivastava year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252437 price: 850.01448. Laboratory Procedures in Haematologyauthor: S R Mehdi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616576 price: 150.01449. Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Rajesh Bardale year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254936 price: 695.01450. Textbook of Gynecology With Free DVDauthor: Prof. Sudha Salhan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253694 price: 795.01451. Clinical Examination A Practical Guide in Medicineauthor: Harmanjit Singh Hira year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253632 price: 495.01452. Uttar Pradesh Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (UPPGMEE) With Explanatory Answersauthor: S S S Parihar year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8189926656 price: 995.01453. Rapid Review Pathologyauthor: Edward F Goljan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131230305 price: 1045.01454. IAP Color Atlas of Pediatricsauthor: A Parthasarathy year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257104 price: 1295.01455. Learning and Teaching Nursingauthor: B Sankaranarayanan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258750 price: 225.01456. Sturdevants Art and Science of Operative Dentistryauthor: Theodore Roberson year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131204771 price: 2225.01457. Clinical Infertility and In Vitro Fertilizationauthor: Botros RMB Rizk year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250952 price: 2495.01458. Atlas of Otologic Surgery and Magic Otology In 2 Vols With Free CDauthor: Marcos Goycoolea year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255193 price: 7995.01459. Snapshots in Obstetrics and Gynecology Pocket Sizeauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258026 price: 495.01460. A Z Encyclopedia on Male and Female Infertilityauthor: Sulochana Gunasheela year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615561 price: 875.01461. Clinical Orthopaedic Examinationauthor: Ronald McRae year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702033926 price: 655.01462. Ophthalmology Reviewauthor: Myron Yanoff year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255766 price: 695.0

1463. Evidence Based Medicine How to Practice and Teach It With Free CDauthor: Sharon E Straus year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702031274 price: 1230.01464. Surgery Pocket Sizeauthor: Andrew T Raftery year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702039942 price: 740.01465. Basic Medical Sciences for MRCP Part Iauthor: Philippa J Easterbrook year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0443073279 price: 860.01466. Pocketbook of Orthopaedics and Freacturesauthor: Ronald McRae year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443102732 price: 655.01467. Paediatric Clinical Examination Made Easyauthor: Denis Gill year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443103933 price: 575.01468. Abdominal Ultrasound How Why and Whenauthor: Jane Bates year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443069192 price: 3530.01469. General and Systematic Pathologyauthor: J C E Underwood year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443068898 price: 2215.01470. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Brian Magowan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702030758 price: 1395.01471. Pharmaceutics the Design and Manufacture of Medicinesauthor: Michael E Aulton year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443101076 price: 1475.01472. Basic Science in Obstetrics and Gynaecology A Textbook for MRCOG Part Iauthor: Phillip Bennett year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443102813 price: 2285.01473. Adamss Outline of Orthopaedicsauthor: David L Hamblen year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702030604 price: 900.01474. API Textbook Of Medicine In 2 Volsauthor: Y P Munjal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250747 price: 2495.01475. Psychology and Sociology for GNM and BPT Studentsauthor: Jacob Anthikad year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484786 price: 160.01476. Essentials in Community Health Nurisng Practiceauthor: S Kamalam year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255148 price: 495.01477. Controversies in Obstetrics Gynaecology and Infertilityauthor: Alka Kriplani year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617041 price: 1095.01478. Wards Anaesthetic Equipmentauthor: Andrew J Davey year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1416025588 price: 3110.01479. The ICU <strong>Book</strong>author: Paul L Marino year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189836122 price: 1895.01480. Obstetrics and Gynecology DNB Part 2author: Sonu Balhara year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8192153452 price: 475.01481. Hospital Infection Control Guidelines Principles and Practiceauthor: Sanjeev Singh year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259061 price: 295.01482. Community Mental Health In Indiaauthor: B S Chavan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258057 price: 1295.01483. Textbook of General Anatomyauthor: Shobha Rawlani year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255001 price: 150.01484. General Surgical Emergenciesauthor: S Devaji Rao year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259610 price: 595.01485. Diseases of Ear Nose and Throatauthor: Mohan Bansal year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259436 price: 695.0Medical Anaesthesia1. Clinical Anesthesiologyauthor: G Edward Morgan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0070683365 price: 1395.02. Clinical Anaesthesiaauthor: Arun Kumar Paul year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616886 price: 350.03. Clinical Anesthesiaauthor: Paul G Barash year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732726 price: 3995.04. Handbook of Local Anesthesiaauthor: Stanley F Malamed year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8181475299 price: 595.05. Lees Synopsis of Anaesthesiaauthor: N J H Davies year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131200667 price: 895.06. Anesthesiologyauthor: David E Longnecker year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071459847 price: 8338.07. Regional Anaesthesiaauthor: Arun Kumar Paul year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482607 price: 295.0

8. Millers Anesthesia In 2 Volauthor: Ronald D Miller year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0808924135 price: 1230.09. Operating Room Technique and Anaesthesia for General Nursing Courseauthor: CP Thresyamma year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488371 price: 125.010. Understanding Anaesthesiologyauthor: S Ahanatha Pillai year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481691 price: 325.011. Regional Anesthesia An Illustrated Procedural Guideauthor: Michael F Mulroy year of publication: 2002 isbn: 0781710017 price: 820.012. Applied Geriatric Anesthesiaauthor: Ved Prakash Kumra year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482706 price: 395.013. Understanding Anesthesia Equipmentauthor: Jerry A Dorsch year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189960339 price: 1495.014. Handbook of Clinical Anesthesiaauthor: Paul G Barash year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732504 price: 750.015. Manual of Local Anesthesia in Dentistryauthor: AP Chitre year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487015 price: 350.016. A Practical Approach to Regional Anesthesia International Editionauthor: Michael F Mulroy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0781768543 price: 4670.017. Wards Anaesthetic Equipmentauthor: Andrew J Davey year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1416025588 price: 3110.0Medical Anatomy1. Basic Histology Text and Atlas With Free CDauthor: Luiz Carlos Junqueira year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071271905 price: 920.02. Clinically Oriented Anatomyauthor: Keith Moore year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184731835 price: 1795.03. Atlas of Human Anatomyauthor: Frank H Netter year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0808924234 price: 1345.04. Grants Atlas Of Anatomyauthor: Anne M R Agur year of publication: 2013 isbn: 8184736731 price: 1450.05. Textbook of Anatomy With Clinical Correlations In 3 Volsauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253830 price: 1350.06. Anatomy and Physiology For Nursesauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448342X price: 550.07. Atlas Of Human Anatomyauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612236 price: 695.08. Textbook of Anatomy with Colour Atlasauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618331 price: 895.09. Anatomy of the Living Human Atlas of Medical Imagingauthor: Andras Csillag year of publication: isbn: 3829042647 price: 1500.010. Clinical Anatomy A Problem Solving Approach With Free CDauthor: Neeta V Kulkarni year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254974 price: 1295.011. Cross Sectional Anatomyauthor: D Karthikeyan year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614794 price: 525.012. Mcminns Colour Atlas of Human Anatomyauthor: P H Abrahams year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0723432139 price: 1695.013. Clinical Anatomyauthor: Richard S Snell year of publication: 2004 isbn: 078174315x price: 2037.014. State of the Art Vaginal Surgeryauthor: Neerja Goel year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480083 price: 1695.015. MCQs in Anatomy With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vasanti Arole year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616126 price: 125.016. Anatomy For Dental Studentsauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611019 price: 325.017. Grays Anatomy For Studentsauthor: Richard L Drake year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0808924067 price: 2225.018. Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: PR Ashalatha year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254233 price: 695.019. Clinical Anatomy by Regionsauthor: Richard S Snell year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8184736588 price: 1995.020. Anatomy and Physiology In Health and Illnessauthor: Anne Waugh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702032288 price: 1078.0

21. Illustrated Clinical Anatomyauthor: Peter Abrahams year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0340807431 price: 795.022. Sears Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: R S Winwood year of publication: 1985 isbn: price: 185.023. Modern Dictionary of Human Anatomyauthor: Dr Maneesha Tiwari year of publication: isbn: 8176299383 price: 3050.024. Holes Human Anatomy and Physiologyauthor: David Shier year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0071107471 price: 1377.025. Grays Anatomy A Facsimileauthor: Henry Gray F R S year of publication: 2001 isbn: 1840134582 price: 2300.026. Grays Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practiceauthor: Susan Standring year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443066849 price: 4465.027. Human Anatomy For Dental Studentsauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255032 price: 795.028. Human Anatomy for Studentsauthor: Byas Deb Ghosh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618668 price: 695.029. Essential Of Neuroanatomyauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8186793682 price: 300.030. Human Anatomy for Dental Studentsauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8123914342 price: 495.031. Human Anatomy In 2 Volsauthor: M Prives year of publication: 2010 isbn: price: 900.032. Gross Anatomy Workbookauthor: Achleshwar Gandotra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616444 price: 175.033. Cunninghams Manual Of Practical Anatomy (Vol 1)author: G J Romanes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0192631381 price: 425.034. Cunninghams Manual Of Practical Anatomy (Vol 2) Thorax and Abdomenauthor: G J Romanes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 019263139X price: 425.035. Cunninghams Manual Of Practical Anatomy (Vol 3) Head and neck and Brainauthor: G J Romanes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0192631403 price: 425.036. Essentials of Human Anatomy Head and Neckauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8186793798 price: 300.037. Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomyauthor: Vishram Singh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131223079 price: 425.038. Textbook of Human Osteologyauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184483000 price: 250.039. Principles of General Anatomyauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2010 isbn: price: 150.040. Anatomy at a Glanceauthor: Sibani Mazumdar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484540 price: 395.041. Clinical and Surgical Anatomyauthor: Vishram Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 813123033 price: 395.042. Rams Textbook of Human Anatomy for Dental Studentsauthor: MV Ramasamy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484472 price: 595.043. Anatomy of Exercise A Trainers Inside Guide to Your Workoutauthor: Pat Manocchia year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 995.044. Essentials of Human Anatomy Superior and Inferior Extremitiesauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 818679378 price: 250.045. Essentials of Human Anatomy Thorax and Abdomenauthor: A K Datta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8186793739 price: 395.046. Lasts Anatomy Regional and Appliedauthor: Chummy S Sinnatamby year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702033940 price: 1220.047. A Complete Review of Short Subjects Across Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Vol 2author: Saumya Shukla year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258774 price: 995.048. Grays Anatomyauthor: Henry Carter year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1841939582 price: 695.049. Embalming : Principles and Legal Aspectsauthor: ML Ajmani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171795781 price: 395.050. Textbook of Anatomy in 3 Volauthor: DK Kadasne year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484557 price: 1050.051. Step by Step Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomyauthor: Neerja Goel year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614921 price: 450.052. Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (Vol. 3)author: N C Chakrabarty year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173812802 price: 485.0

53. Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (Vol. 2)author: N C Chakrabarty year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8173811229 price: 250.054. Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (Vol. 1)author: N C Chakrabarty year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173810060 price: 285.055. The Brain <strong>Book</strong>author: Rita Carter year of publication: 2009 isbn: 1405341295 price: 899.056. Human Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and allied Sciencesauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487800 price: 595.057. Living Jewels from The Indian Jungleauthor: Ashok S Kothari year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0198064659 price: 1600.058. Textbook of Human Oral Embryology Anatomy Physiology Histology and Tooth Morphologyauthor: KMK Masthan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488920 price: 250.059. Atlas of Human Anatomy on CT Imagingauthor: Hariqbal Singh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489408 price: 395.060. Pocket Anatomicas Body Atlasauthor: Prof R William Currie year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1551928302 price: 795.061. Human Anatomy Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical (Vol 1) : Upper Limb and Thoraxauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123918631 price: 395.062. Human Anatomy Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical (Vol 3) : Head and Neck Brainauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123918655 price: 495.063. Human Anatomy Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical (Vol 2) : Lower Limb Abdomen and Pelvisauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123917648 price: 495.064. Viva in Anatomy Physiology and Biochemistryauthor: Anjula Vij year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250181 price: 295.065. The Practice Manual of Illustrative Anatomyauthor: Smita Kakar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250570 price: 295.066. The Complete Human Bodyauthor: Alice Roberts year of publication: isbn: 1405347495 price: 1499.067. Textbook of Embryologyauthor: DK Kadasne year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251522 price: 325.068. Pre Test Anatomy Histology and Cell Biologyauthor: Robert M. Klein year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313360 price: 310.069. Gross Anatomyauthor: Kyung Won Chung year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189960209 price: 550.070. Atlas of Human Anatomy on MRI Spine Extremities Jointsauthor: Hariqbal Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252338 price: 895.071. Handbook of General Anatomyauthor: B D Chaurasia year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8123916545 price: 180.072. Mcminns Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy With Free CDauthor: P H Abrahams year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0808923183 price: 1770.073. Human Anatomy A Dissection Manualauthor: Sujatha Kiran year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250150 price: 495.074. The Complete Human Body the Definitive Visual Guideauthor: Alice Roberts year of publication: 2010 isbn: 1405347495 price: 1499.075. Textbook of General Anatomyauthor: Shobha Rawlani year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255001 price: 150.0Medical AnesthesiaMedical AyurvedaMedical Biochemistry1. Textbook of Biochemistry For Medical Students With Free Revision Excercises <strong>Book</strong>letauthor: DM Vasudevan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250167 price: 695.02. Handbook of Biochemistry for Allied and Nursing Studentsauthor: Shivananda Nayak B year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704449 price: 350.03. Jawetz Melnick and Adelbergs Medical Microbiologyauthor: Geo F. Brooks year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071742719 price: 920.0

4. Practical Biochemistryauthor: Geetha Damodaran K year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251416 price: 295.05. Viva Voce Orals in Biochemistryauthor: B. Prabhakar Rao year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8122432022 price: 195.0Medical Cardiology1. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Cardiologyauthor: Michael H Crawford year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070703551 price: 695.0Medical Dermatology1. Color Atlas of Dermatologyauthor: Lalit K Bhutani year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8185017611 price: 690.02. Short Review of Tumourauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350251324 price: 295.0Medical Dontology1. Textbook of Biochemistry for Dental Studentsauthor: D M Vasudevan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254882 price: 395.02. Textbook of Orthodontics With CDauthor: Gurkeerat Singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480806 price: 950.03. Sturdevants Art and Science of Operative Dentistryauthor: Theodore M Roberson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131204771 price: 2225.04. Basic Dental Materialsauthor: John J Manappallil year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489217 price: 450.05. Carranzas Clinical Periodontology For South Asiaauthor: Michael G Newman year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131228920 price: 1975.06. Textbook of Endodontics With Free CDauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704234 price: 750.07. Dental Diseases Differential Diagnosisauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483724 price: 550.08. Textbook of Dental and Oral Histology with Embryology With MCQsauthor: Satish Chandra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487121 price: 600.09. Dental Pulse Clinical Sciences Vol IIauthor: Satheesh Kumar K. year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190511513 price: 800.010. Textbook of Oral Medicineauthor: Anil Govindrao Ghom year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184487008 price: 1250.011. Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistryauthor: Edward W Odell year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131229286 price: 1195.012. Bhatias Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry with Explanatory Answers Basic Sciencesauthor: Himani Saini year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489651 price: 495.013. Viva on Pre-clinical Endodontics Conservative Dentistryauthor: Kamna Kothari year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704012 price: 90.014. Dental Anatomy Physiology and Occlusion With Free CDauthor: Major M Ash year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131225042 price: 725.015. AIIMS Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examinationauthor: Atul Soin year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350252239 price: 125.016. Dental Updateauthor: Mohit Agrawal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250204 price: 295.017. Oxford Dictionary of Dentistryauthor: Robert Ireland year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199533015 price: 295.018. Textbook of Preclinical Conservative Dentistryauthor: Nisha Garg year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250778 price: 450.019. Textbook of Dental Radiologyauthor: Pramod John R year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250792 price: 295.020. Essentials of Physiology for Dental Studentsauthor: K Sembulingam year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250761 price: 495.021. Modern Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Vinay Kumar Shivastava year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251898 price: 1295.0

22. Essentials of Oral Pathologyauthor: Swapan Kumar Purkait year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252147 price: 525.023. A Textbook of Public Health Dentistryauthor: CM Marya year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257098 price: 395.024. Dentistry for the Child and Adolescentauthor: Jeffrey A. Dean year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131226513 price: 1095.025. Dental Supreme Solved Question Papers of Periodontics and Oral Implantology 2001-2010author: Dinraj Kulkarni year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253595 price: 295.026. Dentistry Plus Comprehensive Review of Clinical Dental Sciencesauthor: Jaspal Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254004 price: 550.027. Periodontics Revisitedauthor: Shalu Bathla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253670 price: 895.028. Dental Dictionaryauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487053 price: 350.029. Principles and Practice of Pedodonticsauthor: Arathi Rao year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258910 price: 750.030. Phillips Science of Dental Materialsauthor: Kenneth J Anusavice year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8181470676 price: 1195.031. Sure Success in Orthodontics Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253380 price: 295.032. Dental Supreme Solved Question Papers of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry 2001-2011author: Dinraj Kulkarni year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350255971 price: 325.033. Complete Denture Prosthoodnitcsauthor: John J Manappallil year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8186809481 price: 525.034. Prosthodontic Treatment For Edentulous Patients Complete Dentures and Implant Supported Prosthesesauthor: George A Zarb year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8181470867 price: 775.035. MCQs in Periodontology With Explanationauthor: Swarga Jyoti Das year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254998 price: 350.036. Understanding and Management of Special Child in Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256312 price: 895.037. Clinical Operative Dentistry Principles and Practiceauthor: Ramya Raghu year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8192060491 price: 895.038. Sturdevants Art and Science of Operative Dentistryauthor: Theodore Roberson year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131204771 price: 2225.0Medical Eco-cardiographyMedical ENT1. Textbook of Ear Nose and Throatauthor: Lt Col BS Tuli year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614468 price: 695.02. Disease of the Nose Throat and Earauthor: Logan Turner year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180619478 price: 295.03. Clinical Methods In ENTauthor: P T Wakode year of publication: 2005 isbn: 817179940x price: 375.04. Diseases of The Earauthor: Harold Ludman year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180619338 price: 2495.05. Bhatias Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry with Explanatory Answers Clinical Sciencesauthor: Himani Saini year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489668 price: 495.06. Mastering the BDS Ist Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252734 price: 325.07. Mastering the BDS IInd Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253496 price: 275.08. Diseases of Ear Nose and Throatauthor: PL Dhingra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131223642 price: 775.09. A Complete Review of Short Subjects Across Skin Anaesthesia Radiology Psychiatry Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Vol Iauthor: Saumya Shukla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704982 price: 1095.010. MCQs in ENTauthor: GC Sahoo year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482553 price: 225.011. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 1author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9381438351 price: 495.0

12. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 1author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926571 price: 850.013. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 2author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926588 price: 750.014. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 3author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926595 price: 600.015. Revision Notes for MRCP 2 Pacesauthor: Shibley Rahman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488937 price: 295.016. AIIMS November 2009 Questions with Explanatory Answersauthor: Dr Mukesh Bhatia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489156 price: 150.017. A Systematic Review of All Subjects For PGMEEauthor: Pradip Kumar Das year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488654 price: 395.018. Self Assessment and Review ENTauthor: Sakshi Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259146 price: 295.019. Cataract and Refractive Surgeryauthor: Sudi Patel year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488647 price: 295.020. Principles and Practice of Percutaneous Tracheostomyauthor: SP Ambesh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489293 price: 895.021. Ophthalmic Nursingauthor: A Samuel Gnanadoss year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704111 price: 250.022. Platinum Notes Preclinical Sciences 2012 - 2013 Vol 1author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259160 price: 495.023. Platinum Notes Surgical Sciences 2012-2013 Vol 3author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259184 price: 495.024. Platinum Notes Medical Sciences 2012 -2013 Vol 2author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259177 price: 495.025. MCQs in Midwiferyauthor: Manjubala Panda year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704425 price: 150.026. Self Assessment and Review of Microbiologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438337 price: 450.027. Self Assessment and Review of Preventive and Social Medicineauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438221 price: 525.028. Dental Bytes Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examination Review In 2 Volauthor: Dr S Gowri Sankar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8181913586 price: 1700.029. AIIMS Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examinationauthor: Atul Soin year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350252239 price: 125.030. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 2author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438399 price: 525.031. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 3author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438405 price: 550.032. Speed AIIMS November 2011 Answers Discussionauthor: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 175.033. Self Assessment and Review of FMGE MCI Screening Examinationauthor: Kamal K. V. year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258637 price: 725.034. Review of Preventive and Social Medicine Including Biostatistics with Free DVDauthor: Vivek <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259092 price: 550.035. MCQs in ENT With Explanatory Answersauthor: Ravinder Sharma year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252109 price: 195.036. MCQs in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery With Answers and Explanationsauthor: Sonia Jindal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252185 price: 150.037. Manual for Final BDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodonticsauthor: Yadav Chakravarthy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252116 price: 95.038. Neuro Integrated for NIMHANS Entrance Examinationauthor: Pramod KS year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350257111 price: 295.039. Sure Success MAGIC Maximum Advantage Guide for Integrated Course Studyauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252130 price: 495.040. Mastering the BDS IVth Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253977 price: 350.041. DNB Entrance Examinationauthor: M S Bhatia year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8123921969 price: 650.042. Self Assessment and Review of Short Subjects Skin Anesthesia Radiology Psychiatry Vol Iauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380438238 price: 550.043. Viva Voce For BDS Ist Year According to Latest DCI Syllabusauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254257 price: 125.0

44. Sure Success in Endodonitcs Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253458 price: 195.045. Sure Success in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253410 price: 350.046. Sure Success in Public Health Dentistry Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253397 price: 350.047. Dental Explore Vol Iauthor: Gyanander Attresh year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.048. Dental Explore Vol IIauthor: Gyanander Attresh year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.049. PGI Chandigarh Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Reviewauthor: Manoj Chaudhary year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 225.050. Self Assessment and Review J and K Board of Profesional Entrance Examinations JKBOPEE 2011-2005author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257593 price: 795.051. All India Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Reviewauthor: Mudit Khanna year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 225.052. PG Hunt A Review of Kerala Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examinationauthor: Vinod V S year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189560645 price: 875.053. AIIMS PG Medical Entrance Examinationauthor: Dr Nitin Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8123921006 price: 180.054. MCQs in Medicine With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254196 price: 125.055. MCQs in Microbiology With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254172 price: 125.056. MCQs in Surgery With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254202 price: 125.057. MCQs in Pathology With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254189 price: 125.058. All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Examination a Comlete Review 2011-2007 Vol 2author: Neeraj Wadhawan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 978818992 price: 450.059. Sure Success COMED Kauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257678 price: 450.060. Sure Success Kanatakaauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350257548 price: 650.061. MCQs in Obstetrical Nursing Including Neonatology With Rationales for Correct and Incorrect Answersauthor: Chaitali Biswas year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254943 price: 225.062. Uttar Pradesh Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (UPPGMEE) With Explanatory Answersauthor: S S S Parihar year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8189926656 price: 995.063. Diseases of Ear Nose and Throatauthor: Mohan Bansal year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259436 price: 695.0Medical Entrance1. Bhatias Dentogist MCQs in Dentistry with Explanatory Answers Clinical Sciencesauthor: Himani Saini year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489668 price: 495.02. Mastering the BDS Ist Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252734 price: 325.03. Mastering the BDS IInd Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253496 price: 275.04. A Complete Review of Short Subjects Across Skin Anaesthesia Radiology Psychiatry Ophthalmology Orthopaedics Vol Iauthor: Saumya Shukla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704982 price: 1095.05. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 1author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9381438351 price: 495.06. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 1author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926571 price: 850.07. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 2author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926588 price: 750.08. Review of AIIMS Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Vol 3author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189926595 price: 600.09. Revision Notes for MRCP 2 Pacesauthor: Shibley Rahman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488937 price: 295.010. AIIMS November 2009 Questions with Explanatory Answersauthor: Dr Mukesh Bhatia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489156 price: 150.0

11. A Systematic Review of All Subjects For PGMEEauthor: Pradip Kumar Das year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488654 price: 395.012. Cataract and Refractive Surgeryauthor: Sudi Patel year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488647 price: 295.013. Principles and Practice of Percutaneous Tracheostomyauthor: SP Ambesh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489293 price: 895.014. Platinum Notes Preclinical Sciences 2012 - 2013 Vol 1author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259160 price: 495.015. Platinum Notes Surgical Sciences 2012-2013 Vol 3author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259184 price: 495.016. Platinum Notes Medical Sciences 2012 -2013 Vol 2author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259177 price: 495.017. MCQs in Midwiferyauthor: Manjubala Panda year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704425 price: 150.018. Self Assessment and Review of Microbiologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438337 price: 450.019. Self Assessment and Review of Preventive and Social Medicineauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438221 price: 525.020. Dental Bytes Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examination Review In 2 Volauthor: Dr S Gowri Sankar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8181913586 price: 1700.021. AIIMS Postgraduate Dental Entrance Examinationauthor: Atul Soin year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350252239 price: 125.022. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 2author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438399 price: 525.023. Review of Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examinations Vol 3author: Amit Tripathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438405 price: 550.024. Speed AIIMS November 2011 Answers Discussionauthor: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 175.025. Self Assessment and Review of FMGE MCI Screening Examinationauthor: Kamal K. V. year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258637 price: 725.026. Review of Preventive and Social Medicine Including Biostatistics with Free DVDauthor: Vivek <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259092 price: 550.027. MCQs in ENT With Explanatory Answersauthor: Ravinder Sharma year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252109 price: 195.028. MCQs in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery With Answers and Explanationsauthor: Sonia Jindal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252185 price: 150.029. Manual for Final BDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodonticsauthor: Yadav Chakravarthy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252116 price: 95.030. Neuro Integrated for NIMHANS Entrance Examinationauthor: Pramod KS year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350257111 price: 295.031. Sure Success MAGIC Maximum Advantage Guide for Integrated Course Studyauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252130 price: 495.032. Mastering the BDS IVth Year Last 19 Years Solved Questionsauthor: Hemant Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253977 price: 350.033. DNB Entrance Examinationauthor: M S Bhatia year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8123921969 price: 650.034. Self Assessment and Review of Short Subjects Skin Anesthesia Radiology Psychiatry Vol Iauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380438238 price: 550.035. Viva Voce For BDS Ist Year According to Latest DCI Syllabusauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254257 price: 125.036. Sure Success in Endodonitcs Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253458 price: 195.037. Sure Success in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253410 price: 350.038. Sure Success in Public Health Dentistry Model Test Papers With Explanatory Answersauthor: Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253397 price: 350.039. Dental Explore Vol Iauthor: Gyanander Attresh year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.040. Dental Explore Vol IIauthor: Gyanander Attresh year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.041. PGI Chandigarh Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Reviewauthor: Manoj Chaudhary year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 225.042. Self Assessment and Review J and K Board of Profesional Entrance Examinations JKBOPEE 2011-2005author: Ashfaq Ul Hassan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257593 price: 795.0

43. All India Postgraduate Medical Entrance Examination Self Assessment and Reviewauthor: Mudit Khanna year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 225.044. PG Hunt A Review of Kerala Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examinationauthor: Vinod V S year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189560645 price: 875.045. AIIMS PG Medical Entrance Examinationauthor: Dr Nitin Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8123921006 price: 180.046. MCQs in Medicine With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254196 price: 125.047. MCQs in Microbiology With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254172 price: 125.048. MCQs in Surgery With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254202 price: 125.049. MCQs in Pathology With Explanations for Dental Students BDS and Dental PG Entrance Examinationsauthor: Shaleen Chandra year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254189 price: 125.050. All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Examination a Comlete Review 2011-2007 Vol 2author: Neeraj Wadhawan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 978818992 price: 450.051. Sure Success COMED Kauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257678 price: 450.052. Sure Success Kanatakaauthor: B Ramgopal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350257548 price: 650.053. MCQs in Obstetrical Nursing Including Neonatology With Rationales for Correct and Incorrect Answersauthor: Chaitali Biswas year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254943 price: 225.054. Uttar Pradesh Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (UPPGMEE) With Explanatory Answersauthor: S S S Parihar year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8189926656 price: 995.0Medical Gynaecology1. Fetal Attraction - All You Need to Know About Pregnancy & Childbirthauthor: Duru Shah year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8179923525 price: 195.02. Gynaecology By Ten Teachersauthor: Ash Monga year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0340983560 price: 450.03. Handbook of Adolescent Gynecology and ARSHauthor: Swati Y Bhave year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448013x price: 295.04. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology-8author: S Dasgupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480202 price: 295.05. Gynaecology Theory for MRCOGauthor: Abhinibesh Chatterjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613526 price: 110.06. The Sankara Nethralaya Atlas of Ophthalmic Ultrasoundauthor: Muna Bhende year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061641x price: 4208.07. Atlas of Clinical Application of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecologyauthor: Donald School year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616398 price: 2995.08. Sonography In Gynecology and Obstetriceauthor: Arthur C Fleischer year of publication: isbn: 0071238492 price: 1107.09. Ultrasound and Color Doppler in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertilityauthor: R Rajan MD year of publication: 2004 isbn: price: 1995.010. Textbook of Obstetricsauthor: Prof. Sudha Salhan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619117 price: 975.011. Gynecological Endoscopy and Infertility With Free CDauthor: Gautam N Allahbadia year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615065 price: 2995.012. Essentials of Gynecologyauthor: Sabaratnam Arulkumaran year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615103 price: 350.013. Ultrasound Of Fetal Anomaliesauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061574x price: 395.014. Notes On Gynaecologyauthor: R K Sachdeva year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061607x price: 225.015. Hormones in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Vijay Zutshi year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180614271 price: 225.016. Inflections In Obstetrics and and Gynaecologyauthor: Gauri Gandhi year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 350.017. 3D/4D Ultrasound in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertility With Free CDauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480091 price: 495.018. Gynecological Endoscopy Surgeryauthor: Sudhir R Shah year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617157 price: 395.0

19. Ultrasound In Infertilityauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180612538 price: 325.020. Phaoc Tips and Tricksauthor: Vikas Mahatme year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614026 price: 425.021. Ultrasound in Gynecologyauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2004 isbn: 818061302x price: 325.022. Injection Techniques In Orthopaedicsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619672 price: 395.023. Brest Ultrasoundauthor: Rahul Sachdev year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615995 price: 395.024. Interventional Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613674 price: 325.025. CT Scanauthor: D Karthikeyan year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614808 price: 425.026. Diabetologyauthor: Sudip Chatterjee year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616940 price: 295.027. Wound Healingauthor: Sylvie Meaume year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180613828 price: 295.028. Step by Step Interpretation Of Glaucoma Diagnosticsauthor: Barun K Nayak year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615480 price: 325.029. Step by Step Fetal Echocardiographyauthor: Rakesh Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618226 price: 395.030. Color Doppler in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertilityauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615731 price: 395.031. Gynaecology Drug Handbookauthor: A K Debdas year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483260 price: 275.032. Essentials of Haematologyauthor: Shirish M Kawthalkar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616339 price: 395.033. Gynecologic Pathology An Atlas Of Essential Pathology for Gynecologistsauthor: Ossama Tawfik year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617424 price: 995.034. The Sankara Nethralaya Atlas of Neuro Ophthalmologyauthor: Satya Karna year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481195 price: 1795.035. Color Doppler and 3D ultrasound in Gynecology Infertility and Obstetricsauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611027 price: 2100.036. Current Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Gita Ganguly Mukherjee year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619966 price: 795.037. Te Lindes Operative Gynecology with CDauthor: John A Rock year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0781772341 price: 3595.038. Berek and Novaks Gynecologyauthor: Jonathan S Berek year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1451114331 price: 3595.039. Donald School Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252598 price: 1895.040. Embryo Transferauthor: Gautam N Allahbadia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448092X price: 1695.041. Donald School Basic Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Badreldeen Ahmed year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482973 price: 995.042. Comprehensive Gynecologyauthor: Herbst Mishell year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0323029513 price: 6816.043. Gynecological Cancerauthor: CN Purandare year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619095 price: 495.044. Practical Approach to Management of common Gynecological Diseasesauthor: Raksha Arora year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061882X price: 295.045. Self Assessment and Review Gynaecology With Free CDauthor: Sakshi Arora year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254271 price: 425.046. Manual for Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Gynecological Surgeryauthor: Liselotte Mettler year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616320 price: 1395.047. Medicolegal Aspects in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Gita Ganguly Mukherjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448321x price: 425.048. Changing trends in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: RS Mahale year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612961 price: 325.049. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 24author: William Dunlop year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485212 price: 895.050. Practical Obstetrics & Gynecology- 2author: Nirmala Saxena year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485523 price: 295.0

51. Manual of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485080 price: 325.052. Differential Diagnosis in Obstetrics and Gynaecology An a-zauthor: Tony Hollingworth year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340928257 price: 2680.053. Principles and Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology In 2 Volsauthor: Pankaj Desai year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482159 price: 2395.054. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Alan H Decherney year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0071439008 price: 920.055. Williams Gynecologyauthor: John O Schorge year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0071716726 price: 4095.056. Howkins and Bourne Shaws Textbook of Gynaecologyauthor: VG Padubidri year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131225486 price: 825.057. Textbook of Gynaecologyauthor: D C Dutta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173810419 price: 640.058. Textbook of Gynaecology Contraception and Demographyauthor: C S Dawn year of publication: 2003 isbn: price: 390.059. Netters Obstetrics Gynecology and Womens Healthauthor: Roger P Smith year of publication: 2002 isbn: 1929007205 price: 2300.060. Progress In Obstetrics & Gynaecology-2author: Arun Nagrath year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612775 price: 425.061. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology- 7author: S Dasgupta year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614905 price: 275.062. Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Shalini Rajaram year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483048 price: 395.063. Jeffcoates Principles of Gynaecologyauthor: Pratap Kumar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482881 price: 1995.064. Management of Diabetes in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Shilpa GB year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484976 price: 195.065. Frozen Life A Comprehensive Manual of Cryobiology for Assisted Reproduction and Stem Cellsauthor: Pankaj Talwar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486810 price: 3500.066. The Infertility Manual With Free DVDauthor: Kamini A Rao year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486179 price: 2995.067. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Fetal Anomaliesauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481756 price: 395.068. Color Atlas of Pathological Specimens & Instruments in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Saunitra Inamdar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488227 price: 390.069. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Venereal Diseases)author: Virendra N Sehgal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489545 price: 750.070. Bedside Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489880 price: 895.071. Management of High Risk Pregnancy a Practical Approachauthor: SS Trivedi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704739 price: 595.072. A Manul for Setting Up Clinical Practice in Obstetrics & Gynecologyauthor: Sanjay Gupta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704531 price: 395.073. Hysteroscopy Made Easyauthor: Rita Mhaskar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704326 price: 195.074. Pre Test Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Karen M Schneider year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270205 price: 310.075. Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Sally Collins year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199582112 price: 460.076. Gynaecologyauthor: Robert W Shaw year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702031205 price: 4619.077. Tips and Tricks in Operative Obstetrics and Gynecology With CDauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252383 price: 1095.078. MRCOG Part 2 MCQs Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Khaldoun W. Sharif year of publication: isbn: 9814020915 price: 270.079. Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology Principles and Practiceauthor: Arthur C Fleischer year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071547727 price: 7520.080. Obstetric and Gynecological Emergenciesauthor: Deepti Goswami year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255094 price: 495.081. Textbook of Gynecology With Free DVDauthor: Prof. Sudha Salhan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253694 price: 795.082. Clinical Infertility and In Vitro Fertilizationauthor: Botros RMB Rizk year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250952 price: 2495.0

83. Snapshots in Obstetrics and Gynecology Pocket Sizeauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258026 price: 495.084. A Z Encyclopedia on Male and Female Infertilityauthor: Sulochana Gunasheela year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615561 price: 875.085. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Brian Magowan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702030758 price: 1395.086. Basic Science in Obstetrics and Gynaecology A Textbook for MRCOG Part Iauthor: Phillip Bennett year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443102813 price: 2285.087. Controversies in Obstetrics Gynaecology and Infertilityauthor: Alka Kriplani year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617041 price: 1095.088. Obstetrics and Gynecology DNB Part 2author: Sonu Balhara year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8192153452 price: 475.0Medical Homeopathy1. Homeopathy Easy to Follow Guideauthor: Dr S S Giani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8187330370 price: 275.0Medical Medicine1. Indian Materia Medica Volume 1 and 2author: K.M. Nadkarni year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8171541437 price: 1200.02. Materia Medica A Medium System Approachauthor: John Martin Hongberger year of publication: 1995 isbn: 8186142398 price: 160.03. Materia Medicaauthor: N.M. Choudhuri year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8170210399 price: 260.04. Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeuticsauthor: T.F. Allen year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170214432 price: 445.05. Beginners Guide to Homeopathyauthor: T.S. Iyer year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131902554 price: 249.06. Ayurveda the Ultimate Medicineauthor: S C Sharma year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8186685669 price: 345.07. Medicinal Properties of Plants Antifungal Antibacterial and Antiviral Activitiesauthor: A.B. Ray year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8181890037 price: 1495.08. Homeopathic Guide to Family Healthauthor: R.K. Tandon year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180563286 price: 495.09. Gentle Healing With Homeopathy - A Practical Primer to Self-Treatment of Common Ailmentsauthor: Inga-Maria Richberg year of publication: 2004 isbn: 818056486X price: 90.010. Fearless Pregnancy Wisdom and Reassurance from a Doctor a Midwife and a Momauthor: Victoria Clayton year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180565386 price: 120.011. Ayurveda for Child Health Careauthor: P.H. Kulkarni year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8170307341 price: 200.012. Diabetes at your fingertipsauthor: Peter Sonksen year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170216656 price: 149.013. Asthma and Bronchitisauthor: Jill Wright year of publication: 2002 isbn: 81702111720 price: 75.014. Naturopathy for Self-Healingauthor: Robin Needs year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170215927 price: 140.015. Alternative Therapiesauthor: James Dallas Jardine year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170218551 price: 350.016. Ayurveda Encyclopedia Natural Secrets to Healing Prvention & Longevityauthor: Swami Sada Shiva Tirtha year of publication: 1998 isbn: 817030590X price: 2000.017. Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory Pocket Editionauthor: William Boericke year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131901571 price: 299.018. Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industryauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 1000.019. Synthetic Repertory Volume l ll and lllauthor: H. Barthel year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8170211832 price: 1500.020. Ayurveda Indian System of Medicineauthor: Shiv Sharma year of publication: 2004 isbn: 812910083X price: 165.021. Health Rejuvenation and Longevity Through Ayurvedaauthor: Chander Mohan Ghai year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8176295000 price: 220.0

22. Guide to Body Pains Prevention Management and Cureauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8176295051 price: 180.023. Cancer Free Life of Womenauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295337 price: 120.024. Guide to Fertility and Pregnancyauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295159 price: 150.025. Total Fitness of Body and Mindauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295469 price: 180.026. Prevention of Heart Disease and Healthy Lifeauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295213 price: 180.027. Prevention of Lifestyle Diseasesauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8176295191 price: 180.028. Healthy Eyesauthor: R Kumar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 817629506X price: 280.029. Self Treatment of Common Diseasesauthor: H.P. Kumar year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8180561038 price: 325.030. A Dictionary of Medicinal Plantsauthor: A.S. Sandhu year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8189320033 price: 695.031. Healthy Living with Ayurvedaauthor: Anuradha Singh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8174363610 price: 495.032. A to Z of Digestive Tract Disordersauthor: Ashok Birbal <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1403929548 price: 170.033. MIMS Indiaauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 50.034. Disease Managementauthor: Michael D. Randall year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8130900025 price: 395.035. Homeopathy and Accupressureauthor: C.K. Anup year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8170219450 price: 50.036. Perfect Cure Through Homeopathyauthor: K.R. Gulati year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180564762 price: 210.037. Homeopathic Guide For Allauthor: D.S. Vohra year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180561852 price: 30.038. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicinesauthor: S.R. Phatak year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8170214459 price: 209.039. Hahnemannian Textbook of Classical Homeopathy for the Professionalauthor: Luc De Schepper year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818056567X price: 329.040. The Business of Medicineauthor: Edgar Jones year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180563421 price: 425.041. Homeopathic Materia Medicaauthor: Azad Rai year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180565912 price: 299.042. Medicinal Plants in India (In 2 Vol)author: T. Pulliah year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8187498579 price: 1500.043. Handbook of Medicinal Plantsauthor: S K Bhattacharjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8171323685 price: 2500.044. Health and Harmony through Ayurvedaauthor: Anil K. Mehta year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8170219345 price: 275.045. Tissue Remediesauthor: B.N. Mitra year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180566366 price: 249.046. Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimumauthor: Luc De Schepper year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131902400 price: 299.047. Medicinal Plant Cultivationauthor: S.S. Purohit year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8177542141 price: 1200.048. Pharmaceutical and Drugs Technology with Formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732527 price: 950.049. Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulationsauthor: EIRI Board of Consusltants and Engineers year of publication: isbn: 8186732950 price: 900.050. Food for Reversing Heart Diseaseauthor: Bimal Chhajer year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8176211729 price: 395.051. Family Medical Companionauthor: . year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1842055364 price: 150.052. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatmentauthor: Lawrence M.Tierney year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0071454101 price: 1649.053. The 12 Tissue Remedies of Schusslerauthor: William Boericke year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131903209 price: 149.0

54. Expanded Works of Nashauthor: E.B. Nash year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170215501 price: 225.055. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India Part l and llauthor: . year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8190115146 price: 750.056. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Volume l - IVauthor: - year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8190115138 price: 1250.057. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India Volume 1-7author: . year of publication: 1999 isbn: price: 675.058. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicineauthor: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash year of publication: 1999 isbn: 8122001173 price: 200.059. Naturopathy for Longevityauthor: H.K. Bakhru year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8172246293 price: 195.060. Herbal Medicineauthor: P C Trivedi year of publication: isbn: 8179101525 price: 1250.061. Ayurveda A Life of Balanceauthor: Maya Tiwari year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8120820762 price: 595.062. Select Your Remedyauthor: Bishambar Das year of publication: 2005 isbn: price: 225.063. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medicaauthor: James Tyler Kent year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131902592 price: 299.064. Midline Medical Dictionaryauthor: P S Rawat year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170210186 price: 249.065. Kents Repertoryauthor: J T Kent year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8170210836 price: 499.066. Dictionary of Nursingauthor: - year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0199211777 price: 295.067. Dictionary of Medicineauthor: Robert Youngson year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0007207093 price: 493.068. Dictionary of Medicalauthor: . year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8189093495 price: 95.069. Medical Dictionaryauthor: S N Bansal year of publication: 2002 isbn: price: 325.070. New Concise Medical Dictionaryauthor: L C Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8174731784 price: 325.071. Human Anatomyauthor: Jamie Weir year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0723432945 price: 1227.072. Medical Microbiologyauthor: Cedric Mims year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0723434034 price: 1227.073. Synopsis of Psychiatryauthor: Benjamin James Sadock year of publication: 2010 isbn: 078173270 price: 1750.074. Histologyauthor: Michael Ross year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781750563 price: 3052.075. Medical Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Warren Levinson year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0071114726 price: 655.076. Grant Dissectorauthor: Eberhardt Sauerland year of publication: 1999 isbn: 0683307398 price: 1971.077. Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History Takingauthor: Lynn Bickley year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0781767180 price: 2115.078. Dorland Pocket Medical Dictionaryauthor: . year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131216484 price: 395.079. The Human Brainauthor: John Nolte year of publication: 1999 isbn: 0815189117 price: 2000.080. Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicineauthor: Christopher Haslett year of publication: 2002 isbn: 0443070350 price: 1351.081. Microbiologyauthor: William A Strohl year of publication: 2001 isbn: 0397515685 price: 1222.082. Wheaters Functional Histologyauthor: B Young year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0443056129 price: 757.083. The Human Nervous Systemauthor: John Kiernan year of publication: 1998 isbn: 0397584318 price: 2206.084. Basic and Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: Bertram Katzung year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070677258 price: 1395.085. Pharmacology Examinations and Board Reviewauthor: Anthony Trevor year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071262941 price: 621.0

86. Color Atlas of Geneticsauthor: Eberhard Passarge year of publication: 2006 isbn: 3131423528 price: 695.087. Immunology for Medical Studentsauthor: Roderick Nairn year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0323043313 price: 1090.088. The Immune Systemauthor: Peter Parham year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0815340931 price: 2866.089. Human Molecular Genetics 3author: Tom Strachan year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0815341849 price: 3276.090. Medical Geneticsauthor: Lynn Jorde year of publication: 2005 isbn: 818147273X price: 595.091. Encyclopedia of Geneticsauthor: E C R Reeve year of publication: 2002 isbn: 818683043X price: 5450.092. What Your Doctor Doesnt Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing Youauthor: Ray Strand year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8183221313 price: 165.093. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica Volume 1-3author: John Henry Clarke year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131902615 price: 749.094. First Aid Handbookauthor: Anita Kerwin Nye year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1405430419 price: 325.095. Thieme Atlas of Anatomyauthor: Michael Schuenke year of publication: 2006 isbn: 3131429119 price: 1595.096. Hair Careauthor: Shiv Dua year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180566528 price: 99.097. Herbs that Workauthor: David Armstrong year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180561844 price: 95.098. Padma the Jewel of Tibetan Remediesauthor: Cabriele Feyerer year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8178222205 price: 150.099. Homeopathy for Common Ailmentsauthor: Robin Hayfield year of publication: 2001 isbn: 817822044X price: 395.0100. Head Massageauthor: Eilean Bentley year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8178220458 price: 495.0101. Homeopathy Family Guideauthor: Johnson year of publication: 2001 isbn: 8170211913 price: 140.0102. First Aidauthor: Sheena Meredith year of publication: 2003 isbn: 0276427629 price: 595.0103. Ayurveda Unravelledauthor: Sharadini Dahanukar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8123716761 price: 45.0104. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 1-3author: . year of publication: 2003 isbn: 09727213 price: 2090.0105. Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 1-4author: . year of publication: 2004 isbn: 09727957 price: 2480.0106. Cardiology A Problem Based Approachauthor: John D Rutherford year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8181930185 price: 495.0107. Agrotechniques for Umbelliferous Madicinal and Aromatic Plants of Indiaauthor: Avtar Singh Bimbraw year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181891090 price: 650.0108. American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetesauthor: Ravindra Kumar year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8176498955 price: 595.0109. Medicinal Plantsauthor: J P N Chansouria year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8181891287 price: 995.0110. Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remediesauthor: Anil Kumar Dhiman year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8188583510 price: 1325.0111. Harrisons Manual of Medicineauthor: Dennis L Kasper year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070147584 price: 790.0112. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Infectious Diseasesauthor: Walter R Wilson year of publication: 2001 isbn: 0071181853 price: 1227.0113. Review of Medical Physiologyauthor: William F Ganong year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0070677227 price: 995.0114. Clinical Anesthesiologyauthor: G Edward Morgan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0070683365 price: 1395.0115. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeuticsauthor: R S Satoskar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8179913857 price: 650.0116. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgeryauthor: Anil K Lalwani year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0071241329 price: 1522.0117. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India Part l Volume VIauthor: Government of India year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8190595216 price: 500.0

118. Landscape Gardening and Design with Plantsauthor: S K Bhattacharjee year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8179100855 price: 2500.0119. Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Older Adultsauthor: Elizabeth R Mackenzie year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0826138055 price: 695.0120. Traditional Herbal Remedies An Illstrated A-Z Guideauthor: Michael Howard year of publication: 2003 isbn: 190477900x price: 1150.0121. Herbal Home Remediesauthor: Jude C Todd year of publication: isbn: 8180565505 price: 125.0122. Help First Aid For Everyday Emergenciesauthor: A G R Bone year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8172241992 price: 150.0123. The Healing Sunauthor: Richard Hobday year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8120725964 price: 90.0124. Para Medical Institute and Courses In Indiaauthor: . year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8183200761 price: 80.0125. The Handbook Of Brain Theory and Neural Networksauthor: Micheal A Arbib year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8179926133 price: 3995.0126. Defeat Diabetes With Alternative Therapiesauthor: Dr Ritu <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180568571 price: 149.0127. Phantoms In The Brainauthor: V S Ramachandran year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0007253893 price: 295.0128. Hospital waste Management Principles and Guidelinesauthor: Mohd Faisal Khan year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8173916829 price: 175.0129. Drug Formulations Manualauthor: D P S Kohli year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8190018183 price: 2650.0130. Preventive and Social Medicareauthor: K P M Sundharam year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 600.0131. Medicinal Plants of the worldauthor: Ben Erik Van Wyk year of publication: 2004 isbn: 9812329331 price: 1500.0132. Manual of Practical Medicineauthor: R Alagappan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704807 price: 725.0133. Textbook of Adolescent Medicineauthor: Swati Y Bhave year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617289 price: 1495.0134. Herbal Drugs A Twenty First Century Perspectiveauthor: Rakesh K Sharma year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618501 price: 695.0135. Readers Digest Complete A To Z of Medicine & Health FIRST AIDauthor: Sheena Meredith year of publication: isbn: 0276427920 price: 595.0136. Encyclopedia of Family Health and First Aidauthor: Dr Susan Lipscombe year of publication: 2003 isbn: 1405415398 price: 895.0137. Law and Medicineauthor: Ravi Shinde year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 100.0138. Emergency Medicineauthor: A K Agarwal year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615588 price: 495.0139. Family Medicine A Clinical and Applied Orientationauthor: CS Madgaonkar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617882 price: 295.0140. Comprehensive Textbook of Sexual Medicineauthor: Nilamadhab Kar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614050 price: 975.0141. Essentials of Clinical Medicineauthor: Samir Kathale year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616150 price: 395.0142. Clinical Cases In Medicine and Paediatricsauthor: S Anuradha year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618706 price: 195.0143. Hotspots In Medicineauthor: S K Rajan year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180614417 price: 175.0144. Practical Medicineauthor: P J Mehta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190704601 price: 530.0145. Hand <strong>Book</strong> on Ayurvedic Medicines with Formulae, Processes & Their usesauthor: H Panda year of publication: isbn: 8186623639 price: 975.0146. Essentials of Haematologyauthor: Shirish M Kawthalkar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616339 price: 395.0147. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy (In 2 Vols)author: Mark H Beers year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131205907 price: 1495.0148. Guava Medicine for Modern Diseasesauthor: Ingfried Hobert year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180563618 price: 35.0149. Manual of Newborn Critical Care Medicineauthor: Dipak K Guha year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061672x price: 250.0

150. Practical and Viva In Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: R K Sharma year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189766775 price: 225.0151. Davidsons Principles and Practice of Medicineauthor: Nicki R Colledge year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702030840 price: 2000.0152. Bedside Medicine Without Tearsauthor: SN Chugh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250280 price: 495.0153. Reviews On Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 5 (Ca-Ce)author: A K Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: price: 900.0154. Kaplan and Sadocks Synopsis of Psychiatryauthor: Benjamin James Sadock year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0781773270 price: 1495.0155. Clinical Medicine A Practical Manual for Student and Practitionersauthor: A K Agarwal year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619281 price: 895.0156. Oral Medicineauthor: Satish Chandra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481454 price: 495.0157. Burkets Oral Medicine Diagnosis and Treatmentauthor: Martin S Greenberg year of publication: 2006 isbn: 1550091867 price: 1595.0158. The Body Huntersauthor: Sonia Shah year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131714543 price: 450.0159. Medical In Nutshellauthor: T V Devarajan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481955 price: 95.0160. Principles and practice of Forensic Medicineauthor: Dr Umadethan year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 772.0161. Clinical Methods Medicine (Clinical Skills and Practices)author: SN Chugh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482058 price: 495.0162. SPA Medicine Your Gateway to the Ageless Zoneauthor: Graham Simpson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1591201281 price: 295.0163. Pearls in Medicine for students Mysteries behind Diagnosisauthor: Arup Kumar Kundu year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482698 price: 350.0164. The Little Black <strong>Book</strong> of Emergency Medicineauthor: Steven E Diaz year of publication: 2007 isbn: 076373456X price: 695.0165. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Volume 5author: - year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 500.0166. Maxcy Rosenau Last Public Health & Preventive Medicineauthor: Robert B Wallace year of publication: 2008 isbn: 00714411988 price: 9980.0167. Fitzpatricks Dermatology in general Medicine Vol 1 & 2author: Klaus Wolff year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071466905 price: 11522.0168. Legal Medicine Manualauthor: Swapnil S Agarwal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483482 price: 295.0169. Medherb Green Pages India and Pakistan 2005 India and Germanyauthor: Janak Raj Rawal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8188586056 price: 1100.0170. Managing A Modern Hospitalauthor: A V Srinivasan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0761936299 price: 595.0171. Fundamentals of Oral Medicine & Radiologyauthor: Durgesh N Bailoor year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615146 price: 595.0172. Handbook of Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicineauthor: Gundu HR Rao year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617181 price: 550.0173. Sports Medicineauthor: CS Jayaprakash year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180611191 price: 225.0174. Textbook of Medicineauthor: KV Krishna Das year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483888 price: 1095.0175. Emergency Medicineauthor: Arjun Mehta year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615499 price: 100.0176. The Harriet Lane Handbookauthor: Jason W Custor year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131219218 price: 725.0177. Tuberculosisauthor: Surender K Sharma year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485141 price: 1495.0178. Manual Of Fetal Medicineauthor: Dilip Kumar Dutta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485882 price: 295.0179. Biomedical Informatics Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicineauthor: Edward H Shortliffe year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184890211 price: 1500.0180. Principles of Forensic Medicineauthor: Apurba Nandy year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173810648 price: 435.0181. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Nageshkumar G Rao year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487060 price: 595.0

182. Medicine For Students A Reference <strong>Book</strong> for the Family Physicianauthor: Aspi F Golwalla year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8187540893 price: 700.0183. Clinical Medicine (A textbook of Clinical Methods and Laboratory Investigations)author: KV Krishna Das year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180614115 price: 425.0184. Kumar and Clarks Clinical Medicineauthor: Parveen Kumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0702029929 price: 1920.0185. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Emergecy Medicineauthor: C Keith Stone year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071284820 price: 1535.0186. A Concise Introduction to Indian Medicine La Medecine Indienneauthor: Guy Mazars year of publication: 2006 isbn: 812083058X price: 395.0187. Hospital Medicine Secretsauthor: Jeffrey James Glasheen year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131204658 price: 495.0188. Respiratory Medicineauthor: S K Sharma year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8171795439 price: 375.0189. Medicine Prep Manual For Undergraduatesauthor: K George Mathew year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131228036 price: 645.0190. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicineauthor: K Park year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190607995 price: 850.0191. Bedside Clinics In Medicine Part IIauthor: Arup Kumar Kundu year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380599229 price: 335.0192. Bedside Clinics in Medicine Part Iauthor: Arup Kumar Kundu year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8187504986 price: 370.0193. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology- 7author: S Dasgupta year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614905 price: 275.0194. Medicine for Nursesauthor: SN Chugh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485677 price: 495.0195. Review of Genetics for PGMEEauthor: S Senthil Kumaran year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487893 price: 80.0196. A Handbook of Surgery Question Answer Formatauthor: Dr Mansi Sharma year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131907092 price: 129.0197. MCQs in Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: P N Murkey year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173815968 price: 235.0198. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicineauthor: Murray Longmore year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199602049 price: 495.0199. Tuberculosis of the Skeletal Systemauthor: AK Banerji year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184488364 price: 795.0200. Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Gautam Biswas year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487176 price: 350.0201. Herbal Medicine A Cancer Chemopreventive and Therapeutic Perspectiveauthor: Rajesh Arora year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488418 price: 895.0202. Medicine Update 2009 (In 2 Vol)author: A K Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485794 price: 1495.0203. The Atlas of Emergency Medicineauthor: Kevin J Knoop year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071496186 price: 6520.0204. Red <strong>Book</strong> 2009 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseasesauthor: . year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488296 price: 895.0205. Critical Care Update 2010author: Vineet Nayyar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252710 price: 395.0206. The Complete Family Medicine <strong>Book</strong>author: P C Dandiya year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8122204827 price: 395.0207. An Introduction to Genetics and Fetal Medicineauthor: Deepika Deka year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489606 price: 995.0208. Compendium of Transfusion Medicineauthor: R N Makroo year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8190626415 price: 1350.0209. Ethical Dilemmas in Perinatal Medicineauthor: Joseph G Schenker year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704050 price: 495.0210. Making Sense of Acute Medicine : A Guide to Diagnosisauthor: Paul F Jenkins year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340984253 price: 580.0211. Community Medicine (With Recent Advances)author: AH Suryakantha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704319 price: 595.0212. Textbook of Pulmonary Medicineauthor: Jyotsna M Joshi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486490 price: 375.0213. Mnemonics on Pharmacology and Preventive Social Medicineauthor: Sanjay Bajaj year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704333 price: 90.0

214. Mnemonics on Medicine Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Sanjay Bajaj year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704029 price: 60.0215. Law and the Practice of Medicineauthor: SK Joshi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704364 price: 550.0216. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Dr K S Narayan Reddy year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 350.0217. The HLA Complex in Biology and Medicine : A Resource <strong>Book</strong>author: Narinder Mehta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488708 price: 2995.0218. Handbook Of HIV Medficineauthor: Douglas Wilson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0198067764 price: 395.0219. Chamberlains symptoms and Signs in Clinical medicine an Introduction to Medical Diagnosisauthor: Andrew R Houghton year of publication: isbn: 0340983188 price: 995.0220. Agros Colour Atlas of Medicinal Plantsauthor: Narayan Das Prajapati year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8177541722 price: 1595.0221. Textbook of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Vol 1 and 2author: SK Jindal year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250730 price: 4995.0222. Textbook of Community Medicine Preventive and Social Medicineauthor: Sunder Lal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123917016 price: 595.0223. Principles of Respiratory Medicineauthor: Farokh Erach Udwadia year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0198071558 price: 1950.0224. Drug Discovery and Clinical Researchauthor: SK Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252727 price: 1095.0225. Current Essentials of Medicineauthor: Lawrence M.Tierney year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071742757 price: 670.0226. Textbook of Minimal Stimulation IVF Milder Mildest or Back to Natureauthor: Alejandro Chavez Badiola year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250143 price: 995.0227. Medicineauthor: Aspi F Golwalla year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380206158 price: 750.0228. Drug Dosages in Childrenauthor: Meharban Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8170820448 price: 110.0229. British Pharmacopoeia 2012 Set of 6 Vols Asiaauthor: - year of publication: 2012 isbn: price: 66780.0230. Medicine for PGMEE Vol 1author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438290 price: 475.0231. Medicine for PGMEE Vol 2author: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380438054 price: 450.0232. Handbook of Acute Medicineauthor: Punit S. Ramrakha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199230921 price: 495.0233. Vascular Medicine Therapy and Practiceauthor: Thomas Cissarek year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071750929 price: 6575.0234. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants Vol 9author: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: 09727213 price: 1792.0235. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India Part I Vol IIIauthor: - year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8190648934 price: 500.0236. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine In 2 Vols with DVDauthor: Harrisons year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071775076 price: 7449.0237. Clinical Medicine Made Easy With Free CDauthor: T V Devarajan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481713 price: 325.0238. Pharmacological Classification of Drugs With Doses and Preparationsauthor: KD Tripathi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250785 price: 150.0239. Davidsons Essentials of Medicineauthor: J Alastair Innes year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0702030000 price: 655.0240. Essentials of Medicine for Dental Studentsauthor: Anil k Tripathi year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704609 price: 495.0241. The Chinese Medicine Bibleauthor: Penelope Ody year of publication: 2010 isbn: 1841813844 price: 395.0242. Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicineauthor: Jonathan P Wyatt year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0199665341 price: 495.0243. Handbook of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicineauthor: SK Jindal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257074 price: 595.0244. Core Clinical Skills for OSCEs in Medicineauthor: Tim Dornan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0443101647 price: 925.0245. Drugs A2Z Quick Reference for Medical Formulations Vol Iauthor: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 400.0

246. Burkets Oral Medicine With Free CDauthor: Martin S Greenberg year of publication: 2008 isbn: 1550093452 price: 1595.0247. Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicologyauthor: Rajesh Bardale year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254936 price: 695.0248. Clinical Examination A Practical Guide in Medicineauthor: Harmanjit Singh Hira year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253632 price: 495.0249. Evidence Based Medicine How to Practice and Teach It With Free CDauthor: Sharon E Straus year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702031274 price: 1230.0250. API Textbook Of Medicine In 2 Volsauthor: Y P Munjal year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250747 price: 2495.0Medical Microbiology1. Konemans Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiologyauthor: Washington Winn year of publication: isbn: 0781730147 price: 4029.02. Essentials of Medical Microbiologyauthor: Rajesh Bhatia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481543 price: 495.03. Self Assessment and Review Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254806 price: 425.04. Practical Medical Microbiologyauthor: Mackie & McCartney year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131203934 price: 1495.05. Text book of Practical Pathology and Microbiology for Dental Studiesauthor: V H Talib year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8189581058 price: 305.06. Textbook of Microbiologyauthor: Prof C P Baveja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8178555065 price: 575.07. A Text <strong>Book</strong> of Microbiologyauthor: P Chakraborty year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173810818 price: 495.08. Practical Medical Microbiologyauthor: R Panjarathinam year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486988 price: 195.09. Molecular Biology of The Geneauthor: James D Watson year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8177581812 price: 1299.010. GATE Life Sciences Microbiology 2011author: Er Prabhanshu Kumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8183551556 price: 260.011. Concise <strong>Book</strong> of Medical Laboratory Technology methods and interpretationsauthor: Ramnik Sood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487725 price: 595.012. Textbook of Microbiologyauthor: R Ananthanarayan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8173716744 price: 550.013. Fundamentals of Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Ajit Kumar Banerjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 817381502X price: 435.014. The Short Textbook of Medical Microbiology including Parasitologyauthor: Satish Gupte year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488401 price: 425.015. Diagnostic Microbiologyauthor: Betty A Forbes year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0323030656 price: 2760.016. The Desk Encyclopedia of Microbiologyauthor: Moselio Schaechter year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0123749802 price: 9770.017. Lippincotts Illustrated Reviews Microbiologyauthor: Richard A Harvey year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8189836580 price: 1250.018. Self Assessment and Review of Microbiologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438337 price: 450.019. Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Eric M. Chen year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071083959 price: 615.020. Oral Microbiologyauthor: Philip D Marsh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443101441 price: 820.021. Stem Cellsauthor: Eapen Cherian year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250600 price: 1695.022. Microbiology and Immunologyauthor: Arthur G Johnson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733280 price: 575.023. Review of Microbiology and Immunology With CDauthor: Apurba Sankar Sastry year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259139 price: 450.0Medical Morphology

1. Clinical Atlas of Sperm Morphologyauthor: Achyut M Phadke year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619435 price: 1595.0Medical Neonatology1. An Atlas of Neonatologyauthor: ML Kulkarni year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615189 price: 1995.02. Neonatology Principles and Practice (In 2 Vols)author: Dipak K Guha year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614212 price: 1695.03. Step by Step Neonatology for the Obstetriciansauthor: Randhir Puri year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485530 price: 395.0Medical Neurology1. Textbook of Pediatric Neurology in Tropicsauthor: Ashok Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180618803 price: 795.02. Movements Disorders 1 2 and 3author: C D Marsden year of publication: 1999 isbn: 0750622326 price: 3094.03. Child Neurologyauthor: John H Menkes year of publication: isbn: 0781730759 price: 1495.04. Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustratedauthor: Kenneth W Lindsay year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443069574 price: 1380.05. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersauthor: - year of publication: isbn: 8184485425 price: 995.06. Youmans Neurological Surgery (Vol 1 to 5)author: H Richard Winn year of publication: isbn: 072168291X price: 36575.07. Principles of Neurosurgeryauthor: Setti S Rengachary year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0723432228 price: 14028.08. Manual Of Neuro-Ophthalmologyauthor: Amar Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484113 price: 495.09. Fetal Neurologyauthor: Ritsuko K Pooh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486926 price: 1595.010. Movement Disorders A Clinical and Therapeutic Approachauthor: Shyamal K Das year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485264] price: 695.011. Adams and Victors Principles of Neurologyauthor: Allan H Ropper year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071499927 price: 4130.012. The Neurologic Examinationauthor: William W Campbell year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8189836528 price: 2170.013. Brain Haemorrhageauthor: AK Mahapatra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481748 price: 995.014. Pediatric Practice Neurologyauthor: Paul R Carney year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071489256 price: 3980.015. Essentials of Neuro Ophthalmologyauthor: PK Mukherjee year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489828 price: 595.016. Step by Step Treatment of Parkinson Diseaseauthor: P V Rai year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704876 price: 295.017. Neurologyauthor: Nizar Souayah year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071074124 price: 850.018. Handbook of Neurological Examinationauthor: Navneet Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8120342767 price: 250.019. Textbook of Neurologyauthor: Navneet Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8120342439 price: 625.020. Differential Diagnosis in Neurologyauthor: Rajendra B Kenkre year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489477 price: 425.0Medical Nursing1. Essentials of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing In 2 Volumesauthor: K P Neeraja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184483295 price: 450.02. Nurses Dictionaryauthor: U N Panda year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486014 price: 195.0

3. Nursing Solved Qustions Papers for BSc Nursingauthor: I Clement year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704562 price: 495.04. Nursing Sociologyauthor: G S Purushothama year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489347 price: 150.05. Mosbys Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX RN Examinationauthor: Patricia M Nugent year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131231173 price: 1750.06. Internship Textbook for General Nursing and Midwiferyauthor: I Clement year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489439 price: 350.07. Fundamentals of Nursing for General Nursing and Midwiferyauthor: SN Nanjunde Gowds year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489774 price: 595.08. Nutrition and Biochemistry for Nursesauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489385 price: 395.09. Nursing Communication and Educational Technologyauthor: Pramilaa R year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489491 price: 250.010. English for Nursing Studentsauthor: S Premkumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704067 price: 80.011. Psychology for Nursingauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250075 price: 395.012. Medicine for Nursesauthor: U N Panda year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484793 price: 225.013. NCLEX PN Strategies Practice and Reviewauthor: Barbara J Irwin year of publication: 2012-2013 isbn: 1609785666 price: 1030.014. Nursing Theories A Practical Viewauthor: D Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250549 price: 160.015. Foundations of Nursing An Integrated Approachauthor: Cliff Evans year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071067935 price: 399.016. Nursing Diagnosis Manual : Planning Individualizing and Documenting Client Careauthor: Marilynn E Doenges year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489767 price: 795.017. Procedures and theories of Community Health Nursingauthor: PM Thressiamma year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704395 price: 250.018. Management of Nursing Services and Educationauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251744 price: 350.019. Practical Guide to Mental Health Nursingauthor: W Vimala Samson year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251584 price: 495.020. Textbook of Communication and Education Technology for Nursesauthor: KP Neeraja year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253502 price: 450.021. Children and Young Peoples Nursing Principles for Practiceauthor: Ruth Davies year of publication: 2011 isbn: 1444107845 price: 1925.022. Nurisng Solved Question Papers for General Nursing and Midwifery Ist Year 2005-2010author: Poonam Sharda year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489811 price: 250.023. Nursing Solved Question Papers for General Nursing and Midwifery 2nd Year 2005-2010author: Parambeer Kaur Rai year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253588 price: 250.024. The Short Textbook of Medical Microbiology For Nursesauthor: Satish Gupte year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251508 price: 175.025. Psychiatry for Nursesauthor: S Nambi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8171796273 price: 195.026. Nursing Theoriesauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818061963 price: 295.027. A Quick Reference Guide to Childs Growth and Developemnt for Nursesauthor: S Ani Grace Kalaimathi year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256367 price: 75.028. A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursingauthor: R Sreevani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489446 price: 325.029. Psychology for Graduate Nursesauthor: Jacob Anthikad year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184481403 price: 195.030. Bio Medical Physics for Nursesauthor: K Thayalan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619907 price: 150.031. Textbook of Nursing Foundationsauthor: I Clement year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253649 price: 550.032. Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dieteticsauthor: Joan Webster Gandy year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0199585823 price: 795.033. Learning and Teaching Nursingauthor: B Sankaranarayanan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258750 price: 225.034. Psychology and Sociology for GNM and BPT Studentsauthor: Jacob Anthikad year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484786 price: 160.0

35. Essentials in Community Health Nurisng Practiceauthor: S Kamalam year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255148 price: 495.0Medical Obstetrics1. Obstetrics By Ten Teachersauthor: Philip N Baker year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0340983553 price: 500.02. Essentials of Obstetricsauthor: Sabaratnam Arulkumaran year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489095 price: 495.03. Step by Step Ultrasound In Obstetricsauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483321 price: 450.04. Obstetric Protocols for Labor Ward Managementauthor: Asmita Muthal Rathore year of publication: 2005 isbn: 818061395x price: 160.05. Notes On Obstetricsauthor: RK Sachdeva year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616002 price: 225.06. Practical Obstetricsauthor: A K Debdas year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180610063 price: 275.07. Essentials of Haematologyauthor: Shirish M Kawthalkar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616339 price: 395.08. Williams Obstetricsauthor: F Gary Cunningham year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071497015 price: 5080.09. Donald School Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252598 price: 1895.010. Donald School Basic Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Badreldeen Ahmed year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482973 price: 995.011. Self Assessment and Review Obstetrics With Free CDauthor: Sakshi Arora year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253922 price: 425.012. Medicolegal Aspects in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Gita Ganguly Mukherjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448321x price: 425.013. Changing trends in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: RS Mahale year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612961 price: 325.014. Practical Obstetrics & Gynecology- 2author: Nirmala Saxena year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485523 price: 295.015. Manual of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485080 price: 325.016. Differential Diagnosis in Obstetrics and Gynaecology An a-zauthor: Tony Hollingworth year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340928257 price: 2680.017. Fogsianism Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of Indiaauthor: Narendra Malhotra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485820 price: 795.018. Principles and Practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology In 2 Volsauthor: Pankaj Desai year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482159 price: 2395.019. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Alan H Decherney year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0071439008 price: 920.020. Manual of Obstetricsauthor: Shirish N Daftary year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8181478436 price: 625.021. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology- 7author: S Dasgupta year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614905 price: 275.022. Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Shalini Rajaram year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483048 price: 395.023. Text <strong>Book</strong> of Obstetrics With CDauthor: D C Dutta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8173811423 price: 750.024. Frozen Life A Comprehensive Manual of Cryobiology for Assisted Reproduction and Stem Cellsauthor: Pankaj Talwar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486810 price: 3500.025. Pre Test Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Karen M Schneider year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270205 price: 310.026. Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Sally Collins year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0199582112 price: 460.027. Tips and Tricks in Operative Obstetrics and Gynecology With CDauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252383 price: 1095.028. MRCOG Part 2 MCQs Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Khaldoun W. Sharif year of publication: isbn: 9814020915 price: 270.029. Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology Principles and Practiceauthor: Arthur C Fleischer year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071547727 price: 7520.0

30. Williams Obstetrics Study Guideauthor: Barbara L Hoffman year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071767422 price: 1135.031. Obstetric and Gynecological Emergenciesauthor: Deepti Goswami year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255094 price: 495.032. Donald School Manual of Practical Problems in Obstetricsauthor: Narendra Malhotra year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257821 price: 895.033. Obstetrics Drug Handbookauthor: A K Debdas year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617297 price: 275.034. Snapshots in Obstetrics and Gynecology Pocket Sizeauthor: Richa Saxena year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258026 price: 495.035. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Brian Magowan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702030758 price: 1395.036. Basic Science in Obstetrics and Gynaecology A Textbook for MRCOG Part Iauthor: Phillip Bennett year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443102813 price: 2285.037. Controversies in Obstetrics Gynaecology and Infertilityauthor: Alka Kriplani year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617041 price: 1095.038. Obstetrics and Gynecology DNB Part 2author: Sonu Balhara year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8192153452 price: 475.0Medical Ophthalmology1. Ophthalmology ( In Vol 2 )author: Myron Yanoff year of publication: 2006 isbn: 813120507x price: 4995.02. Lasers in Ophthamology A Practical Manualauthor: Atul Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615537 price: 1095.03. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Clinical Ophthalmologyauthor: Samar K Basak year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486063 price: 595.04. Cataract and Refractive Surgeryauthor: Sudi Patel year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488647 price: 295.05. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology Strabismus Surgeryauthor: Ewa Oleszczynska Prost year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704241 price: 1495.06. Handbook of Squint and Orthopticsauthor: Leela Ahuja year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250006 price: 150.07. Management of Vision Impairmentauthor: MS Raju year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250013 price: 295.08. Clinical Ophthalmology Medical and Surgical Approachauthor: Sandeep Saxena year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250044 price: 1695.09. Small Incision Cataract Surgery (Manual Phaco)author: Kamaljeet Singh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489804 price: 995.010. Comprehensive Ophthalmologyauthor: A K Khurana year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8122433319 price: 695.011. Ophthalmology Reviewauthor: Myron Yanoff year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255766 price: 695.0Medical Orthopaedics1. Apleys System of Orthopaedics and Fracturesauthor: Louis Soloman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340942055 price: 2495.02. MCQs in Biomechanics and Occupational Therapy in Orthopedic Conditionsauthor: Punita V Solanki year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9350250716 price: 195.03. Degenerative Lumber Spine Disorder and its Conservative Treatmenth with free CDauthor: Mahesh Pandya year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250020 price: 395.04. The Nonsurgical Treatment of Fractures in Contemporary Orthopedicsauthor: Augusto Sarmiento year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489071 price: 2495.05. Pocket <strong>Book</strong> of Orthopedics Excision of the Trapezium and Posterior Approach to Hip Jointauthor: K Mohan Iyer year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252031 price: 195.06. Essentials of Orthophysiotherapy for Upper and Lower Limb Fracturesauthor: Saurabh Garg year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9380704777 price: 350.07. Measurement of Joint Motion A Guide to Goniometryauthor: Cynthia C Norkin year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253526 price: 595.08. Essential Orthopaedicsauthor: J Maheshwari year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184655421 price: 425.0

9. Apleys System of Orthopaedics and Fracturesauthor: Louis Solomon year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340942055 price: 2595.010. Orthopedic Survival Guide Managing Common Conditionsauthor: Mark Dutton year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071715102 price: 1555.011. Mercers Textbook of Orthopaedics and Traumaauthor: Sureshan Sivananthan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1444172300 price: 2965.012. First Aid and Emergency Management in Orthopedic Injuriesauthor: MS Dhillon year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256459 price: 895.013. Clinical Orthopaedic Examinationauthor: Ronald McRae year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702033926 price: 655.014. Pocketbook of Orthopaedics and Freacturesauthor: Ronald McRae year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443102732 price: 655.015. Adamss Outline of Orthopaedicsauthor: David L Hamblen year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702030604 price: 900.0Medical Orthotics1. Orthotics In Rehabilitation Splinting the hand and Bodyauthor: Pat Mckee year of publication: 1998 isbn: price: 295.02. Orthotics A Comprehensive Clinical Approachauthor: Joan E Edelstein year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1556424167 price: 250.03. Interventional Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180613674 price: 325.04. Step by Step Interpretation Of Glaucoma Diagnosticsauthor: Barun K Nayak year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615480 price: 325.05. Color Doppler in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertilityauthor: Kuldeep singh year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615731 price: 395.06. Short Textbook of Prosthetics and Orthoticsauthor: R Chinnathurai year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488197 price: 125.0Medical Osthopaedic1. Textbook of Orthopedicsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487442 price: 995.02. Orthopaedic Titbitsauthor: D D Tanna year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619699 price: 295.03. Human Osteologyauthor: J Joseph year of publication: 1985 isbn: price: 100.04. Recent Advances in Ophthalmology 10author: H V Nema year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252635 price: 650.05. Atlas On Clinical Ophthalmologyauthor: Samar K Basak year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616452 price: 2495.06. Practical Orthopaedicsauthor: Subhash kakkad year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615170 price: 325.07. Essentials of Orthopaedics for Physiotherapistsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251614 price: 695.08. Textbook of Orthopedics and Trauma Vol 1-4author: G S Kulkarni year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482423 price: 7500.09. Clinical Orthopaedic Diagnosisauthor: Sureshwar Pandey year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8171797288 price: 425.010. Final MBBS Buster Surgery and Orthopedics (Vol Two)author: Raja Pramanik year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061736X price: 450.011. Step by Step Approach to Fracturesauthor: Rahij Anwar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615596 price: 395.012. Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics the Anatomic Approachauthor: Stanley Hoppenfeld year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732863 price: 2995.013. Essentials of Orthopedicsauthor: RM Shenoy year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488388 price: 350.014. Instruments in Surgery Orthopedics & ENTauthor: SR Joharapurkar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 818448180 price: 195.015. Operative Orthopaedics the Stanmore Guideauthor: Timothy Briggs year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340985007 price: 960.0

16. Orthopedics Ready Reckonerauthor: RM Shenoy year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488814 price: 295.017. Short Review of Orthopedicsauthor: Dhananjaya Sabat year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489088 price: 195.018. Step By Step Squint Surgery With CDauthor: Prasad Walimbe year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251966 price: 395.019. Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmic Surgeryauthor: Ashok Garg year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251485 price: 2495.0Medical Otorhinolaryngology1. Challenges in Otorhinolaryngologyauthor: Anil Malhotra year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614018 price: 750.0Medical Pathology1. Robbins Basic Pathologyauthor: Vinay Kumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131210369 price: 1295.02. Clinical Atlas of Sperm Morphologyauthor: Achyut M Phadke year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619435 price: 1595.03. Textbook Of Pathology (Free Pathology Quick Review and MCQ)sauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487022 price: 1350.04. Essential Pathology for Dental Students With Free Pathology Practical <strong>Book</strong> for dental Studentsauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350250419 price: 795.05. Modern Medical Toxicologyauthor: W Pillay year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180615197 price: 275.06. Konemans Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiologyauthor: Washington Winn year of publication: isbn: 0781730147 price: 4029.07. Donald School Atlas of Fetal Anomaliesauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619192 price: 2495.08. Pathology Practical <strong>Book</strong> With Free CDauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8180619052 price: 475.09. Pathology Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicineauthor: Emunuel Rubin year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781747333 price: 2000.010. Essentials of Haematologyauthor: Shirish M Kawthalkar year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616339 price: 395.011. Gynecologic Pathology An Atlas Of Essential Pathology for Gynecologistsauthor: Ossama Tawfik year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617424 price: 995.012. Clinical Chemistry (organ function tests and Laboratory Investigations and inborn metabolic diseases)author: M N Chatterjea year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487954 price: 295.013. Textbook of Oral Pathologyauthor: Sanjay Saraf year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061655x price: 695.014. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Diseaseauthor: Vinay Kumar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131224915 price: 1825.015. Textbook of Oral pathologyauthor: Shafers Hine Levy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131215708 price: 1195.016. Oral Pathology Examinations Review A Complete Coverage of Solved Papers and Key Notesauthor: Vijay Kumar Biradar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482539 price: 395.017. Case Files Pathologyauthor: Toy Uthman year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0071437800 price: 1275.018. Self Assessment and Review Pathology and Geneticsauthor: Deepak Mishra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704296 price: 395.019. Textbook of Oral Pathologyauthor: Anil Ghom year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484021 price: 795.020. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Pathologyauthor: Harsh Mohan year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480784 price: 395.021. Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathologyauthor: Edward C Klatt year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8131204618 price: 1545.022. Textbook of Pathologyauthor: BN Datta year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180612554 price: 1425.023. Muirs Textbook of Pathologyauthor: David A Levison year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340810248 price: 1155.0

24. Clinical Pathology Haematology and Blood Bankingauthor: Nanda Maheshwari year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484007 price: 175.025. Text book of Practical Pathology and Microbiology for Dental Studiesauthor: V H Talib year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8189581058 price: 305.026. Color Atlas Of Pathology Pathologic Principles, Associated Diseases, Sequelqeauthor: U N Riede year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1588901173 price: 1495.027. Pathology for Nursesauthor: K Swaminathan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486414 price: 295.028. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Oral Pathologyauthor: KMK Masthan year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484298 price: 395.029. Review of Pathology and Genetics With Free CDauthor: Gobind Rai Garg year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259122 price: 495.030. Pathology Illustratedauthor: Robin Reid year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702033759 price: 1110.031. Self Assessment and Review of Pathologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438382 price: 510.032. Pathologyauthor: Arthur S Schneider year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184731798 price: 550.033. Practical Manual of Oral Pathology and Microbiologyauthor: Vijay Wadhwan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704357 price: 150.034. Essentials of Clinical Pathologyauthor: Shirish M Kawthalkar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704197 price: 425.035. Pre Test Pathologyauthor: Earl J. Brown year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313377 price: 310.036. Atlas and Text of Corneal Pathology and Surgeryauthor: Samuel Boyd year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9962678335 price: 3995.037. Essentials of Pediatric Oral Pathologyauthor: Mayur Chaudhary year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253748 price: 995.038. Review in Oral Pathology With MCQsauthor: Mala Kamboj year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350254295 price: 195.039. Concise Pathology For Exam Preparationauthor: Geetika Khanna Bhattacharya year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131228074 price: 495.040. Orofacial Development Structure and Pathology a Quick Appraisalauthor: Anubha Gulati year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256374 price: 250.041. Laboratory Procedures in Haematologyauthor: S R Mehdi year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616576 price: 150.042. Rapid Review Pathologyauthor: Edward F Goljan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8131230305 price: 1045.043. General and Systematic Pathologyauthor: J C E Underwood year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443068898 price: 2215.0Medical Pediatrics1. Laboratory Manual In Assisted Reproductive Technologyauthor: Kamini A Rao year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617734 price: 895.02. Recent Advances In Pediatrics-17 Hot Topicsauthor: Suraj Gupte year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184481039 price: 450.03. IAP Textbook of Pediatrics(In 2 Vol)author: A Parthasarathy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485806 price: 1495.04. Essential Pediatricsauthor: O P Ghai year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8123917771 price: 725.05. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (Set of 2 Vol)author: Richard E Behrman year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131210338 price: 3595.06. Clinical Methods A Key to Diagnosis in Paediatricsauthor: Dilip Mukherjee year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481934 price: 425.07. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatricsauthor: Tom Lissauer year of publication: 2012 isbn: 0723435662 price: 1190.08. Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatologyauthor: Sandipan Dhar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482843 price: 995.09. Management of Emergency Pediatricsauthor: S Letha year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482829 price: 295.010. Neonatal Asphyxia Resuscitation and Beyondauthor: Dipak K Guha year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482911 price: 100.0

11. Revision Classes in Pediatricsauthor: Pushpendra Magon year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483635 price: 350.012. Self Assessment and Review Pediatrics and Neonatologyauthor: Hira Bhalla year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259153 price: 425.013. Pediatric Fracture Managementauthor: Atul R Bhaskar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480318 price: 395.014. The short textbook of Pediatricsauthor: Suraj Gupte year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484690 price: 895.015. The Harriet Lane Handbookauthor: Jason W Custor year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8131219218 price: 725.016. Critical Care in Obstetricsauthor: Manju Gita Mishra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485479 price: 295.017. Step by step Vaginal Deliveryauthor: Sadhana Gupta year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483024 price: 595.018. Pediatric Radiology 111 Cases with Discussion and Abstractauthor: Ammar Haouimi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485336 price: 395.019. Atlas of Pediatric Radiologyauthor: Ammar Haouimi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184483840 price: 995.020. Textbook of Pediatric Dermatologyauthor: Arun C Inamadar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485859 price: 1750.021. Hutchisons Paediatricsauthor: Krishna M Goel year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485868 price: 795.022. Textbook of Practical Pediatric Pulmonologyauthor: H Paramesh year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486940 price: 395.023. Clinical Pediatrics for Undergraduatesauthor: Elizabeth KE year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486957 price: 295.024. Pediatric Critical Careauthor: Mohammed EI-Naggar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487213 price: 350.025. Practical Problems in Pediatric Surgery : An Atlas & Mind Mapsauthor: Rasem Keilani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487237 price: 2495.026. Practical Approach to Pediatric Intensive Careauthor: Praveen Khilnani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486759 price: 1495.027. Step by Step Caesarean Deliveryauthor: Sadhana Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480008 price: 395.028. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Pedodonticsauthor: Nikhil Marwah year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184480121 price: 395.029. The Science of Infant Feedingauthor: RK Anand year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8171799612 price: 595.030. Paediatrics (In 3 Vol)author: Satya Gupta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8126910946 price: 1125.031. A Ready Reckoner for Vaccinations Adult Adolescent and Pediatricauthor: Swati Y Bhave year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184485011 price: 150.032. Pediatric Emergency Medicineauthor: Gary R Strange year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071597371 price: 2895.033. Pediatric Nutrition Handbookauthor: Ronald E Kleinman year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487992 price: 995.034. Pediatric Drug Dosesauthor: GL Chattri year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489460 price: 125.035. Care of the Newborn by Ten Teachersauthor: Hilary Lumsden year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340971550 price: 315.036. Textbook of Pediatric Careauthor: Thomas K McInerny year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184488500 price: 4995.037. Maternal Child Nursing Care Optimizing Outcomes for Mothers Childrens and Familiesauthor: Susan L Ward year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489743 price: 1695.038. Self Assessment and Review of Paediatricsauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438368 price: 410.039. Diagnostic Radiolology Paediatric Imagingauthor: Arun Kumar Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252055 price: 1795.040. Instructive Case Studies in Pediatricsauthor: Suraj Gupte year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489972 price: 550.041. Pre Test Pediatricsauthor: Robert J Yetman year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270502 price: 310.042. Pediatricsauthor: Lloyd J Brown year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781762871 price: 800.0

43. CPAP Bedside Application in the Newbornauthor: PK Rajiv year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252444 price: 475.044. Therapeutic Pediatric Nutritionauthor: Madhu Sharma year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252628 price: 225.045. Advances in Pediatric Dermatologyauthor: Arun C Inamadar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252666 price: 595.046. Pediatric Clinical Methoodsauthor: Meharban Singh year of publication: 2011 isbn: 817082060X price: 450.047. Essentials of Pediatric Oral Pathologyauthor: Mayur Chaudhary year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253748 price: 995.048. Principles of Perinatal and Pediatric HIV/AIDSauthor: Mamatha M Lala year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350251973 price: 1995.049. Understanding and Management of Special Child in Pediatric Dentistryauthor: Priya Verma Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256312 price: 895.050. Nelson Textbook of Pediatricsauthor: Robert M Kliegman year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131229033 price: 3695.051. Pediatric Nephrologyauthor: RN Srivastava year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252437 price: 850.052. IAP Color Atlas of Pediatricsauthor: A Parthasarathy year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350257104 price: 1295.053. Paediatric Clinical Examination Made Easyauthor: Denis Gill year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443103933 price: 575.0Medical Phacoemulsification1. Phacoemulsification Made Easyauthor: Aasheet H Desai year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615979 price: 395.02. Phacoauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617521 price: 595.03. Opticians Guide A Manual For Opticiansauthor: Ajay Kumar Bhootra year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061610x price: 125.04. Contact Lencesauthor: V K Dada year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8171794327 price: 350.05. Modern Ophthalmoglogy Vol 1 2 and 3author: L C Dutta year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8180614700 price: 2495.06. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Phacoemulsificationauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448058X price: 395.0Medical Pharmacology1. Basic and Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: Bertram Katzung year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0070677258 price: 1395.02. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India Part l Volume VIauthor: Government of India year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8190595216 price: 500.03. Essentials of Medical Pharmacologyauthor: K D Tripathi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184480857 price: 825.04. Remington the Science and Practice of Pharmacy Vol 1 and 2author: - year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8189836665 price: 2495.05. Pharmacology for Dental and Allied Health Sciencesauthor: Padmaja Udaykumar year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259887 price: 450.06. Modern Pharmacology with Clinical Applicationsauthor: Charles R Craig year of publication: 2004 isbn: 0781737621 price: 2710.07. Martins Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciencesauthor: Patrick J Sinko year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733921 price: 1195.08. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Basics and Applicationsauthor: Deepshikha P Katare year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8185589593 price: 595.09. Self Assessment and Review Pharmacologyauthor: Hira Bhalla year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484878 price: 375.010. Rang and Dales Pharmacologyauthor: H P Rang year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1437719338 price: 1590.011. Review of Pharmacology With CDauthor: Gobind Rai Garg year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350258927 price: 550.0

12. Elementary Pharmacology and Toxicologyauthor: R D Budhiraja year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8179912232 price: 250.013. Pharmacotherapy Handbookauthor: Barbana G Wells year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071267115 price: 775.014. Short Textbook of Pharmacology for Nursesauthor: S M Raju year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486340 price: 225.015. Principles of Pharmacologyauthor: HL Sharma year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8181913562 price: 795.016. Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: Bhavana Srivastava year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8173815291 price: 150.017. Pharmacology for Nursesauthor: Padmaja Udaykumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184484259 price: 225.018. Practical Manual of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacologyauthor: Bikash Medhi year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489538 price: 350.019. Ansels Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systemsauthor: Loyd V Allen year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733914 price: 895.020. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics : Concepts and Applicationsauthor: Malcolm Rowland year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733983 price: 695.021. Self Assessment and Review of Pharmacologyauthor: Arvind Arora year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438313 price: 500.022. Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 (In 3 Vol)author: Government of India year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8190343688 price: 20000.023. Textbook of Pharmacovigilanceauthor: SK Gupta year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252062 price: 495.024. Pre Test Pharmacologyauthor: Marshal Shlafer year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071313612 price: 310.025. Pharmacologyauthor: Gary C Rosenfeld year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184733167 price: 550.026. Viva Questions in Pharmacology With Explanatory Answersauthor: Kamlesh Kumar Pant year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250310 price: 195.027. Essentials of Pharmacology For Dentistryauthor: KD Tripathi year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350253854 price: 550.028. Basic Medical Sciences for MRCP Part Iauthor: Philippa J Easterbrook year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0443073279 price: 860.029. Pharmaceutics the Design and Manufacture of Medicinesauthor: Michael E Aulton year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443101076 price: 1475.0Medical Physiology1. The Jesus Papersauthor: Michael Baigent year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0007236425 price: 295.02. Vital Lies, Simple Truths The Psychology of self Deceptionauthor: Daniel Goleman year of publication: isbn: 0684831074 price: 549.03. A Twist In Destinyauthor: Sujata S Sabnis year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8174362045 price: 295.04. Essentials Of Human Anatomy & Physiologyauthor: Elaine N Marieb year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8131710750 price: 775.05. Anatomy and Physiology For Physiotherapistsauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615081 price: 595.06. Anatomy and Physiology For Nursesauthor: Inderbir Singh year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448342X price: 550.07. Essentials of Medical Physiologyauthor: K Sembulingam year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259368 price: 1095.08. Handbook of Physiology with MCQsauthor: G C Agarwala year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8171798160 price: 185.09. MCQs in Physiologyauthor: G C Agarwala year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180610233 price: 175.010. Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: PR Ashalatha year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350254233 price: 695.011. Anatomy and Physiology In Health and Illnessauthor: Anne Waugh year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0702032288 price: 1078.012. A Textbook of Practical Physiologyauthor: CL Ghai year of publication: 2013 isbn: 9350259320 price: 325.0

13. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiologyauthor: John E Hall year of publication: 2012 isbn: 8131227039 price: 1445.014. Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: Evelyn Pearce year of publication: isbn: price: 125.015. Sears Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: R S Winwood year of publication: 1985 isbn: price: 185.016. Holes Human Anatomy and Physiologyauthor: David Shier year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0071107471 price: 1377.017. Human Physiologyauthor: Stuart Ira Fox year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0071102070 price: 2589.018. Essentials of Medical Physiologyauthor: Anil Baran Singha Mahapatra year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8186793690 price: 495.019. The Pocketbook for Physiotherapistsauthor: Gitesh Amrohit year of publication: 2007 isbn: 818448108X price: 125.020. Many Live Many Mastersauthor: Brian L Weiss year of publication: 1988 isbn: 0671657864 price: 350.021. Multiple Choice Questions in Physiologyauthor: Rashmi A Joshi year of publication: 2002 isbn: 8180562107 price: 90.022. Short Textbook of Physiology A Concised <strong>Book</strong> for All Medical Professionalsauthor: K C Mathur year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061770X price: 895.023. Anatomy and Physiology for Nursesauthor: Roger Watson year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8181479165 price: 225.024. Berne and Levy Physiologyauthor: Bruce M Koeppen year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131217634 price: 1295.025. Viva Voce in Physiologyauthor: Prema Sembulingam year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485004 price: 175.026. Concise textbook of Physiology for Dental Studentsauthor: Yogesh Tripathi year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8181478495 price: 295.027. Concise Medical Physiologyauthor: Sujit K Chaudhuri year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8173811393 price: 735.028. Netters Atlas of Human Physiologyauthor: John T Hansen year of publication: isbn: 1929007019 price: 1380.029. Medical Biochemistry for Physiotherapy Studentsauthor: Harpreet Kaur year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483796 price: 125.030. Textbook of Physiologyauthor: R Chandramouli year of publication: isbn: 8184487534 price: 350.031. Human Physiologyauthor: NM Muthayya year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487367 price: 795.032. MCQs in Physiology with Explanatory Answersauthor: Varun Malhotra year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487831 price: 125.033. Objective Structured Practical Examination in Physiologyauthor: Aarti Sood Mahajan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487862 price: 160.034. Psychological Perception (Anatomy of Judgement)author: Jafar Mahmud year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8176486531 price: 95.035. Why Me Why This Why Nowauthor: Robin Norwood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0099534778 price: 295.036. Human Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and allied Sciencesauthor: Mahindra Kr Anand year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487800 price: 595.037. Textbook of Physiology Vol 1author: A K <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177392227 price: 550.038. Textbook of Physiology Vol 2author: A K <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177392239 price: 550.039. Physiologyauthor: Linda S Costanzo year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184734287 price: 575.040. Human Physiology For BDSauthor: A K <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8177392500 price: 550.041. Vanders Huamn Physiologyauthor: Eric P Widmaier year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071222150 price: 2380.0Medical Physiotherapists1. Neurology For Physiotherapistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0723418349 price: 325.0

2. General Medical and Surgical Conditions for Physiotherapistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0571140645 price: 325.03. Orthopaedics and Rheumatology for Physiotherapistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0723418330 price: 325.04. Chest Heart and Vascular Disorders for Physiotherpistsauthor: Patricia A Downie year of publication: isbn: 0571146449 price: 325.05. Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Studentsauthor: KP Neeraja year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614646 price: 275.06. Essentials of Orthopaedics for Physiotherapistsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350251614 price: 695.07. Fundamentals of Physiotherapyauthor: Praveen Kumar year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614123 price: 200.08. Principles of Exercises in Physiotherapyauthor: C Sivaram year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486162 price: 600.09. Principles and Practice of Therapeutic Massageauthor: Akhoury Gourang Sinha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488319 price: 150.010. Physiotherapy Care for Womens Healthauthor: R Baranitharan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704081 price: 175.011. MCQs in Sports Physiotherapy with Explanatory Answersauthor: S Arun Vijay year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704159 price: 125.012. Biomechanics The Nucleus of Physiotherapyauthor: R Vinodh Rajkumar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704388 price: 350.013. The Physiotherapists Pocket <strong>Book</strong> Esential Facts At Your Fingertipsauthor: Karen Kenyon year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131223581 price: 275.014. Pocketbook of Physiotherapy Management in Amputationauthor: Nidhi khanna year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704401 price: 110.015. Tidys Physiotherapy With Free DVDauthor: Stuart Porter year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443103926 price: 845.0Medical Radiography1. Clarks Positioning In Radiographyauthor: A Stewart Whitley year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0340763906 price: 1595.02. Oral Radiology Principles and Interpretationauthor: Stuart C White year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131219775 price: 1275.03. Emergency Radiologyauthor: David T Schwartz year of publication: isbn: 0070508275 price: 6913.04. Fundamentals of Oral Medicine & Radiologyauthor: Durgesh N Bailoor year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180615146 price: 595.05. Atlas of Diagnostic Radiologyauthor: Khalid Mahmood year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486704 price: 495.06. Diagnostic Radiology Genitourinary Imagingauthor: Niranjan Khandelwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486827 price: 795.07. Textbook of Radiological Safetyauthor: K Thayalan year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488869 price: 350.08. Practical Radiotherapy Planningauthor: Jane Dobbs year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0340927731 price: 1180.09. Diagnostic Radiology Neuroradiology Including Head and Neck Imagingauthor: Niranjan Khandelwal year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704258 price: 1895.010. Diagnostic Radiology Chest and Cardiovascular Imagingauthor: Veena Chowdhury year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488685 price: 1095.011. Measurements in Radiology Made Easy With Free CDauthor: Vineet Wadhwa year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252642 price: 395.0Medical Surgery1. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Surgeryauthor: Gerard M Doherty year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0071638494 price: 1590.02. Anaesthesia in Laparoscopic Surgeryauthor: Jayashree Sood year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619761 price: 1495.03. Textbook of Orthopedicsauthor: John Ebnezar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487442 price: 995.0

4. Surface Replacement of the Hipauthor: SKS Marya year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619656 price: 795.05. Complications In Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Diagnosis, Prevention and Managementauthor: S K Kaluskar year of publication: 2002 isbn: 818061705x price: 2495.06. Pediatric Cataract Surgeryauthor: Jagat Ram year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619184 price: 1495.07. Knee Replacementauthor: SKS Marya year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619222 price: 495.08. Textbook of Spinal Surgery Vol 1 and 2author: P S Ramani year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614778 price: 2595.09. Anatomical Principles of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery A Step by Step Approach With Free CDauthor: Renuka Bradoo year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180613461 price: 1295.010. Mercers Orthopaedic Surgery Vol 1 & 2author: Robert B Duthie year of publication: 2003 isbn: 8180610535 price: 2650.011. Art Of Endosuturingauthor: parveen Bhatia year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180614565 price: 525.012. Gynecological Endoscopy Surgeryauthor: Sudhir R Shah year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617157 price: 395.013. Phaoc Tips and Tricksauthor: Vikas Mahatme year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614026 price: 425.014. Small Incision Cataract Surgeryauthor: Anita Panda year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180615928 price: 395.015. MRIauthor: J Jagan Mohan Reddy year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614174 price: 395.016. Lasik Surgeryauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614786 price: 425.017. Oculoplastic Surgeryauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614654 price: 495.018. A Manual on Clinical Surgeryauthor: S Das year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8190568104 price: 616.019. A Concise Text book of Surgery with Orthopaedics & Fracturesauthor: S Das year of publication: 2006 isbn: price: 742.020. State of the Art Vaginal Surgeryauthor: Neerja Goel year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480083 price: 1695.021. A Short Textbook of E. N. T. Diseasesauthor: K B Bhargava year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8190098446 price: 450.022. Paediatric Surgical diagnosisauthor: Sanjay N Oak year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480563 price: 1795.023. Techniques of Cataract Surgeryauthor: Mahipal S Sachdev year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180617556 price: 1795.024. Management of Would Healingauthor: Vijay K Shukla year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480946 price: 1295.025. Operative Neurosurgery ( In 2 Volumes )author: Michael Salcman year of publication: 2004 isbn: 8181281918 price: 9095.026. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery A Surgical manualauthor: H M Mayer year of publication: 2006 isbn: 03540213473 price: 21389.027. Atlas of Surgical Operationsauthor: Robert M Zollinger year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0071760010 price: 3555.028. Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Management for positive Outcomes In 2 Vols With Free Cd and Free Index <strong>Book</strong>author: Joyce M Black year of publication: isbn: 8131216422 price: 2595.029. State of the Art Atlas of Endoscopic Surgery in Infertility and Gynecology With Free CDauthor: Nutan <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489903 price: 3495.030. Schwartzs Principles of Surgeryauthor: F Charles Brunicardi year of publication: isbn: 0071105182 price: 860.031. Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgery in Gynocologic Oncologyauthor: Shailesh Puntambekar year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619451 price: 2995.032. Pediatric Nursingauthor: Nicki L Potts year of publication: 2007 isbn: 813150350x price: 950.033. Review In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Sachin Dev Sachdeva year of publication: 2008 isbn: 818448190x price: 90.034. Long Cases in General Surgeryauthor: R Rajamahendran year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481780 price: 150.035. Cummings Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery In 4 Volumesauthor: Charles W Cummigs year of publication: isbn: 0808923048 price: 13877.0

36. Art of Laparoscopic Surgery Textbook and Atlas In 2 Volumesauthor: C Palanivelu year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180619958 price: 8500.037. Essential Neursurgeryauthor: Andrew H Kaye year of publication: 2005 isbn: 1405116412 price: 1527.038. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Gustav O krugei year of publication: isbn: price: 475.039. Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustratedauthor: Kenneth W Lindsay year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0443069574 price: 1380.040. Maingots Abdominal Operationsauthor: Michael J Zinner year of publication: 2007 isbn: 007144176X price: 4522.041. Operative Thoracic Surgeyauthor: Rob & Smith year of publication: 2006 isbn: 0340759739 price: 16945.042. Ophthalmic Surgery The Cutting Edgeauthor: Sandeep Saxena year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616347 price: 3995.043. Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing Vol 1 and 2 With Free CDauthor: Brunner & Suddarths year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184734225 price: 2350.044. SRBs Manual Of Surgeryauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485516 price: 795.045. Essential Of Surgery (With Free two books)author: Sunil Chumber year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180613453 price: 1295.046. Hamilton Baileys Emergency Surgeryauthor: Brian W Ellis year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8180619567 price: 1795.047. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: James R Hupp year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131217658 price: 1725.048. Atlas of General Surgery Vol 1 and 2author: Sir David Carter year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180618943 price: 1995.049. Mastery of Surgeryauthor: Josef E Fischer year of publication: 2001 isbn: 078177165x price: 17236.050. Medical Surgical Nursingauthor: BT Basavanthappa year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486353 price: 895.051. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Neelima Anil Malik year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481578 price: 895.052. Mastering the Techniques of Corneal Refractive Surgeryauthor: Ashok Garg year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616185 price: 2995.053. Youmans Neurological Surgery (Vol 1 to 5)author: H Richard Winn year of publication: isbn: 072168291X price: 36575.054. Scott Browns Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Vol 1-3author: Michael Gleeson year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340941898 price: 21100.055. Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursingauthor: Adrianne Dill Linton year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131212981 price: 1095.056. Self Assesment and Review Surgey Topicwise Review and Explanatory Answersauthor: Racha Chaurasia year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483499 price: 495.057. Textbook of Practical Laparoscopic Surgeryauthor: R K Mishra year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487244 price: 2495.058. Atlas of Laparoscopic Surgeryauthor: Theodore N Pappas year of publication: isbn: 0808923846 price: 1295.059. Atlas of Cataract Surgeryauthor: K Ravi Kumar Reddy year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483185 price: 1495.060. State of the art Advanced Ophthalmic Surgeryauthor: Sandeep Saxena year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184481888 price: 1595.061. Colposcopy Cryosurgery and LEEPauthor: B Shakuntala Baliga year of publication: 2008 isbn: price: 395.062. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS)author: Ashok Garg year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482766 price: 395.063. Principles of Neurosurgeryauthor: Setti S Rengachary year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0723432228 price: 14028.064. SRBs Surgery for Dental Studentsauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484014 price: 595.065. Manual for Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Gynecological Surgeryauthor: Liselotte Mettler year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180616320 price: 1395.066. Atlas of Surgery of the Facial Nerveauthor: DS Grewal year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8180615669 price: 1395.067. Final MBBS Buster Surgery and Orthopedics (Vol Two)author: Raja Pramanik year of publication: 2006 isbn: 818061736X price: 450.0

68. Quick Reference Points in Genral Surgeryauthor: Kanchana Sundaramurthy year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8180619079 price: 195.069. Surgery On Call Day to day Surgical Careauthor: K Sunil Ravinder Paul year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480822 price: 350.070. Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problemsauthor: Sharon L Lewis year of publication: 2007 isbn: 0323036900 price: 1895.071. Basic Surgical Skills and Techniquesauthor: Sudhir Kumar <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184484083 price: 395.072. Surgery of the Injured Hand Towards Functional Restoration With Free CDsauthor: R Venkataswami year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484717 price: 3295.073. Clinical Surgical Case Manual A Comprehensive Treatise for Students, Teachers and Practitionersauthor: Kanchana Sundaramurthy year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485721 price: 695.074. Operative procedures in Surgical Gastroenterology In 2 Volsauthor: SP Kaushik year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485691 price: 650.075. Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriagesauthor: Pankaj Desai year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485608 price: 125.076. Fundamentals of Operative Surgeryauthor: Rajendra Singh Sewta year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485738 price: 495.077. A Concise textbook of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Sumit Sanghai year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485059 price: 250.078. Medical Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking in Client Careauthor: Priscilla Lemone year of publication: isbn: 8131716588 price: 2199.079. Surgery for PGMEEauthor: Ashish Gupta year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9380438283 price: 675.080. Manipal Manual of Surgeryauthor: K Rajgopal Shenoy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8123918938 price: 795.081. Gastrointestinal Surgery Step by Step Managementauthor: S Devaji Rao year of publication: 2005 isbn: 8180614298 price: 1050.082. A Textbook on Surgical Short Casesauthor: S Das year of publication: 2011 isbn: price: 328.083. Recent Advances in Surgery 8author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8171799213 price: 350.084. Recent Advances in Surgery 9author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180612759 price: 375.085. Recent Advances in Surgery 10author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617963 price: 395.086. The Washington Manual of Surgeryauthor: Mary E Klingensmith year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0781796849 price: 850.087. Common Surgical Emergenciesauthor: SK Kochar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486537 price: 295.088. Textbook of Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgeryauthor: S Natarajan year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486193 price: 1595.089. Diabetic Foot Surgical Principles & Practicesauthor: G Sivakumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487398 price: 895.090. Head and Neck Surgery (In 2 Vol)author: Chris de Souza year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486797 price: 7995.091. Emerging Techniques in Spine Surgeryauthor: Arvind Bhave year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486964 price: 2495.092. Practical Problems in Pediatric Surgery : An Atlas & Mind Mapsauthor: Rasem Keilani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487237 price: 2495.093. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Gastrointestinal Surgeryauthor: S Devaji Rao year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484861 price: 595.094. Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics the Anatomic Approachauthor: Stanley Hoppenfeld year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184732863 price: 2995.095. A Handbook of Surgery Question Answer Formatauthor: Dr Mansi Sharma year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8131907092 price: 129.096. Principles and Practice of Burn Careauthor: Sujata Sarabahi year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184488098 price: 2495.097. General Surgeryauthor: Harold Ellis year of publication: 2007 isbn: 1405169455 price: 495.098. Instruments in Surgery Orthopedics & ENTauthor: SR Joharapurkar year of publication: 2010 isbn: 818448180 price: 195.099. Cervical Spine Surgical Techniques in Spinal Surgeryauthor: P S Ramani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487824 price: 1495.0

100. Textbook of Surgery for Dental Studentsauthor: Sanjay Marwah year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487459 price: 450.0101. Endometriosis Current Management and Future Trendsauthor: Juan A Garcia Velasco year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488081 price: 995.0102. Surgical Correction of Facial Deformitiesauthor: Varghese Mani year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184488791 price: 1750.0103. Practical Surgery Long Clinical Cases Diagnosis and Viva Voceauthor: T C <strong>Jain</strong> year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489286 price: 495.0104. Topics in Colorectal Surgeryauthor: P Sivalingam year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489309 price: 395.0105. Recent Advances in Surgery 12author: Roshan Lall Gupta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489323 price: 450.0106. Interesting X Rays in General Surgeryauthor: R P Gupta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489200 price: 550.0107. SRBs Clinical Methods in Surgeryauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2010 isbn: 818448925 price: 550.0108. Manual of Surgical Equipmentauthor: Rajendra Singh Sewta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489316 price: 275.0109. Clinical Surgery Pearlsauthor: R Dayananda Basu year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489224 price: 650.0110. Refractive Surgeryauthor: Amar Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184484120 price: 3295.0111. Liver Transplantationauthor: Dilip Chakravarty K year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184487701 price: 3295.0112. Recent Advances in Surgery 33author: Colin D Johnson year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704227 price: 895.0113. Fundamentals of Surgical Pathologyauthor: Shameem Shariff year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704203 price: 1495.0114. Bailey and Love MCQs and EMQs in Surgeryauthor: Pradip K Datta year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340990674 price: 450.0115. Complete Osce Skills for Medical and Surgical Finalsauthor: Kate Tatham year of publication: 2010 isbn: 0340974247 price: 395.0116. Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgeryauthor: Robert T Sataloff year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250921 price: 1995.0117. Pre Test Surgeryauthor: Lillian S Kao year of publication: 2009 isbn: 0071270236 price: 310.0118. Surgical Oncology Fundamentals Evidence Based Approaches and New Technologyauthor: David L Bartlett year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250518 price: 2995.0119. Atlas and Text of Corneal Pathology and Surgeryauthor: Samuel Boyd year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9962678335 price: 3995.0120. Atlas of General Surgeryauthor: Sir David Carter year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350250648 price: 2995.0121. A Practical Guide to Operative Surgeryauthor: S Das year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8190568111 price: 373.0122. Short Textbook of Surgeryauthor: Himanshu Roy year of publication: 2011 isbn: 8184489835 price: 895.0123. Short Practice of Surgeryauthor: Bailey & Loves year of publication: 2008 isbn: 0340939376 price: 2500.0124. Bedside Clinics in Surgeryauthor: Makhan Lal Saha year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8187504382 price: 500.0125. Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: S M Balaji year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131203002 price: 695.0126. Neurosurgery Reviewauthor: Raj Kumar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486529 price: 325.0127. Shelf Assessment and Reviw Surgeryauthor: Rachna Chaurasia year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184487220 price: 525.0128. SRBs Bedside Clinics in Surgeryauthor: Sriram Bhat M year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485816 price: 550.0129. Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty Different Strokes With Free DVDauthor: Vishal Jhanji year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350256329 price: 1595.0130. Stell and Marans Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncologyauthor: John C Watkinson year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1444172324 price: 3815.0131. Gateway to Success in Surgeryauthor: MD Ray year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350252246 price: 795.0

132. Oxford Handbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryauthor: Luke Cascarini year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0199583294 price: 495.0133. Sabiston Textbook of Surgeryauthor: Sabiston year of publication: 2012 isbn: 1455711468 price: 6760.0134. Atlas of Otologic Surgery and Magic Otology In 2 Vols With Free CDauthor: Marcos Goycoolea year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350255193 price: 7995.0135. Surgery Pocket Sizeauthor: Andrew T Raftery year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0702039942 price: 740.0136. General Surgical Emergenciesauthor: S Devaji Rao year of publication: 2012 isbn: 9350259610 price: 595.0Medical Topography1. Cornel Topographyauthor: Sunita Aggarwal year of publication: 2006 isbn: 8180617505 price: 495.02. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Corneal Topographyauthor: Amar Agarwal year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486131 price: 495.0Medical Ultrasound1. Teaching Manual of Color Duplex Sonographyauthor: Matthias Hofer year of publication: 2004 isbn: 1588902781 price: 1919.02. Ultrasound Teaching Manualauthor: Matthias Hofer year of publication: isbn: 158890279x price: 1919.03. CT Teaching Manual A Systematic Approach of CT Readingauthor: Matthias Hofer year of publication: isbn: 313124352x price: 1919.04. Diagnostic Ultrasound ( In 2 Volumes)author: Carol M Rumack year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0323020237 price: 13237.05. Donald School Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Asim Kurjak year of publication: 2011 isbn: 9350252598 price: 1895.06. Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Peter W Callen year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8131212837 price: 2295.07. Breast Ultrasoundauthor: A Thomas Stavros year of publication: 2006 isbn: 039751624X price: 10400.08. Donald School Basic Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecologyauthor: Badreldeen Ahmed year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482973 price: 995.09. Textbook of Interventional Ultrasounauthor: Donald School year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184482980 price: 1095.010. Manual of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecologyauthor: Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485080 price: 325.011. Textbook of Abdominal Ultrasoundauthor: Sanjeev Mani year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184486452 price: 1295.012. Step by Step Transvaginal Ultrasoundauthor: Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar year of publication: 2008 isbn: 8184483222 price: 395.013. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series Color Dopplerauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2009 isbn: 8184485127 price: 395.014. Textbook of Color Doppler Imagingauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2010 isbn: 8184489965 price: 1875.015. Diagnostic Ultrasoundauthor: L C Gupta year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8184480644 price: 1095.016. Step by Step Ultrasoundauthor: Satish K Bhargava year of publication: 2010 isbn: 9380704371 price: 1595.017. Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal Systemauthor: Stefano Bianchi year of publication: 2007 isbn: 8181287038 price: 3500.018. Clinical Doppler Ultrasound With Free CDauthor: Paul L Allan year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443101167 price: 3200.019. Abdominal Ultrasound How Why and Whenauthor: Jane Bates year of publication: 2011 isbn: 0443069192 price: 3530.0TOEIC

1. TOEIC Examauthor: - year of publication: 2005 isbn: 0743266692 price: 1012.0

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