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John Gardner - PowerPoint (PDF) - Indiana Pathways to College ...
John Gardner - PowerPoint (PDF) - Indiana Pathways to College ...
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funded byLumina Foundation for EducationandThe Atlantic Philanthropies
“Foundations of Execllence in theFirst <strong>College</strong> Year: A NationalModel Taking Root in <strong>Indiana</strong>’sFertile Soils”<strong>John</strong> N. <strong>Gardner</strong>, Policy Center on the First Year of <strong>College</strong>Scott Evenbeck<strong>Indiana</strong> University Purdue University <strong>Indiana</strong>polisJerry Pattengale<strong>Indiana</strong> Wesleyan University<strong>Indiana</strong> <strong>Pathways</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>College</strong> NetworkNational Access <strong>to</strong> SuccessGreenwood, <strong>Indiana</strong>Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 15, 2004
<strong>John</strong> N. <strong>Gardner</strong>Executive Direc<strong>to</strong>rPolicy Center on the First Year of<strong>College</strong>400 North Broad StreetBrevard, NC 28712Phone 828-966-5309Fax
Foundations of Excellence in theFirst <strong>College</strong> Year• FYE—a 20 year old reform movement• A victim of its own successFirst-year orientation seminarRetention effortFragmented activities• Foundations Project—an attempt <strong>to</strong> movebeyondAspirational modelMeasurementFirst year as unit of analysis & distinct set of experiences
What should acampus be doing forfirst-year students?How canassessmentefforts lead <strong>to</strong> realimprovement?What defines‘best practice’in the first yearof college?Answer...An aspirational model of excellence&Process <strong>to</strong> evaluate achievement of
Building the Aspirational ModelDeveloped by thePolicy Center staffWinter 2003Vetted byAASCU & CICSpring 20036DraftDimensionsof Excellence219 InstitutionalTask Forcesadd – delete – edit Dimensions94CIC125Aug 2003 -Dec 20049AASCUDimensions8SharedDimensions11CICDimensions24 “Founding Institutions” - intensive pilot sites72 “Affiliate Institutions” - independent self-study sites
Project Schema•Current Practice Inven<strong>to</strong>ry•Foundational Dimensions•Performance Indica<strong>to</strong>rs(PIs) and SurveysDimensions•NSSE•Summative Evaluation ofAchievement of Dimensions
PhilosophyOrganizationTransitionsFacultyAll StudentsEngagementDiversityImprovementEducated Person (CIC)InstitutionalCommitment (CIC)Life Purpose (CIC)Roles &Purposes(AASCU)Foundational Dimensions – version 2.0Foundations of Excellence TMin the First <strong>College</strong> YearDimensions of Excellence• Defining characteristics ofeffectiveness• Broad statements• Multiple perspectives• Core concepts – not requiredprograms© 2003 Policy Center
Task Forces – Evaluation ComponentBased on . . .Professional JudgmentCampus-Specific KnowledgeLocal AnalysisMultiple PerspectivesKey elements . . .Cross-functional MembershipLocal Liaison <strong>to</strong> the PolicyCenterVPAA InvolvementEvidence Driven
Task Force Work. . .Met 2+ times/monthCurrent Practices Inven<strong>to</strong>ryQualitative PerformanceIndica<strong>to</strong>rsNSSE dataCSHE data (Faculty, CAO, CSAO)
Project Methodology• Face & Construct Validity—based on work of PolicyCenter staff, partners, and 178 institutions in Phase I• Predictive Validity—– Cross-Sectional Study: student data (NSSE), facultydata (CSHE survey), CAO/CSAO data (CSHEsurveys), institutional data bases– 24 Founding Institutions will rate themselves on theirachievement of the Dimensions
Project Methodology (cont.)–CSHE will look for relationshipsamong selected NSSE items, CSHEdata, and institutional data in relation<strong>to</strong> the Dimensions
Data & SourcesAdministra<strong>to</strong>rs/CSHE• Organizational structures• Budget• Personnel policies• Program policies• Characteristics of first-year programs• Program review policies• Support services
Data & Sources•Other: Institutional data files• First-year class sizes• Senior faculty teaching first-yearcourses• Persistence—past five years• Program completion rates• Faculty Profile
Confirmor ImproveA Model for ActionDimensionsTask ForceCSHE
The End Results . . .Improvement component1. Report card of Excellence2. Inven<strong>to</strong>ry of Practices and Data3. Improvement Plan4. ACTION
AASCU Founding InstitutionsCity University of New York, Brooklyn <strong>College</strong>City University of New York, Medgar Evers <strong>College</strong>Chadron State <strong>College</strong>Georgia Southwestern State UniversityIllinois State University<strong>Indiana</strong> University-Purdue University <strong>Indiana</strong>polisKennesaw State UniversityMissouri Western State <strong>College</strong>Plymouth State UniversityState University of New York <strong>College</strong> at BrockportTexas A&M University – Corpus ChristiUniversity of Wisconsin - Parkside
CIC Founding InstitutionsAugsburg <strong>College</strong>Aurora UniversityColumbia <strong>College</strong>Endicott <strong>College</strong>Franklin Pierce <strong>College</strong><strong>Indiana</strong> Wesleyan UniversityMadonna UniversityMaryville <strong>College</strong>Marywood UniversityNazareth <strong>College</strong> of RochesterSt. Edwards UniversityUniversity of Charles<strong>to</strong>n
SummaryAspirational model vetted by peer institutionsMeasurement model createdCore elements include:Local Task ForceUse of local and national forms of evidenceProfessional judgmentsImprovement PlanAction
Conclusion• A work in progress: (euphemism for“everything inconclusive at this point”)– Will we find relationships between the datacollected on Dimensions and learningoutcomes and retention?– Should we maintain sec<strong>to</strong>r-specificDimensions or develop one set for all ofhigher education?• Teleconference—stay tuned
Dissemination componentNational Teleconference• December 2, 2004 1:00 – 4:00 pm EST• Free for all AASCU & CIC Members• Beam the results directly <strong>to</strong> your campus
<strong>John</strong> N. <strong>Gardner</strong>, Executive Direc<strong>to</strong>rBetsy O. Barefoot, Co-Direc<strong>to</strong>r & Senior ScholarRandy L. Swing, Co-Direc<strong>to</strong>r & Senior ScholarStephen W. Schwartz, Visiting Senior 966-5401