WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

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GRIB1| Level| From | To |Param| Type |Level1|Level2|-----+------+------+------+The "GRIB1 Param" field specifies the GRIB code for the meteorological field, which isa number unique to that field within the data set. However, different data sets may usedifferent GRIB codes for the same field – for example, temperature at upper-air levelshas GRIB code 11 in GFS data, but GRIB code 130 in ECMWF data. To find the GRIBcode for a field, the g1print.exe and g2print.exe utility program may be used.Given a GRIB code, the "Level Type", "From Level1", and "From Level2" fields areused to specify which levels a field may be found at. As with the "GRIB1 Param" field,the g1print.exe and g2print.exe programs may be used to find values for the level fields.The meanings of the level fields are dependent on the "Level Type" field, and aresummarized in the following table.Level Level Type From Level1 To Level2Upper-air 100 * (blank)Surface 1 0 (blank)Sea-level 102 0 (blank)Levels at a specified 105 Height, in meters, of (blank)height AGLthe level above groundFields given as layers 112 Starting level for thelayerEnding level forthe layerWhen layer fields (Level Type 112) are specified, the starting and ending points for thelayer have units that are dependent on the field itself; appropriate values may be foundwith the g1print.exe and g2print.exe utility programs.The second group of fields in a Vtable, those that describe how the data are identifiedwithin the metgrid and real programs, fall under the column headings shown below.| metgrid | metgrid | metgrid || Name | Units | Description |+----------+---------+-----------------------------------------+The most important of these three fields is the "metgrid Name" field, which determinesthe variable name that will be assigned to a meteorological field when it is written to theintermediate files by ungrib. This name should also match an entry in theMETGRID.TBL file, so that the metgrid program can determine how the field is to behorizontally interpolated. The "metgrid Units" and "metgrid Description" fields specifythe units and a short description for the field, respectively; here, it is important to note<strong>WRF</strong>-NMM V3: User’s Guide 3-27

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