WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

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18. TRUELAT2 : A real value specifying, for ARW, the second true latitude for theLambert conformal conic projection. For all other projections, truelat2 is ignored. Nodefault value.19. STAND_LON : A real value specifying, for ARW, the longitude that is parallel withthe y-axis in the Lambert conformal and polar stereographic projections. For the regularlatitude-longitude projection, this value gives the rotation about the earth's geographicpoles. For NMM, stand_lon is ignored. No default value.20. POLE_LAT : For the latitude-longitude projection for ARW, the latitude of the NorthPole with respect to the computational latitude-longitude grid in which -90.0° latitude isat the bottom of a global domain, 90.0° latitude is at the top, and 180.0° longitude is atthe center. Default value is 90.0.21. POLE_LON : For the latitude-longitude projection for ARW, the longitude of theNorth Pole with respect to the computational lat/lon grid in which -90.0° latitude is at thebottom of a global domain, 90.0° latitude is at the top, and 180.0° longitude is at thecenter. Default value is 0.0.22. GEOG_DATA_PATH : A character string giving the path, either relative or absolute,to the directory where the geographical data directories may be found. This path is theone to which rel_path specifications in the GEOGRID.TBL file are given in relation to.No default value.23. OPT_GEOGRID_TBL_PATH : A character string giving the path, either relative orabsolute, to the GEOGRID.TBL file. The path should not contain the actual file name, asGEOGRID.TBL is assumed, but should only give the path where this file is located.Default value is './geogrid/'.C. UNGRIB sectionCurrently, this section contains only two variables, which determine the output formatwritten by ungrib and the name of the output files.1. OUT_FORMAT : A character string set either to 'WPS', 'SI', or 'MM5'. If set to'MM5', ungrib will write output in the format of the MM5 pregrid program; if set to 'SI',ungrib will write output in the format of grib_prep.exe; if set to 'WPS', ungrib will writedata in the WPS intermediate format. Default value is 'WPS'.2. PREFIX : A character string that will be used as the prefix for intermediate-formatfiles created by ungrib; here, prefix refers to the string PREFIX in the filenamePREFIX:YYYY-MM-DD_HH of an intermediate file. The prefix may contain pathinformation, either relative or absolute, in which case the intermediate files will bewritten in the directory specified. This option may be useful to avoid renaming<strong>WRF</strong>-NMM V3: User’s Guide 3-36

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