WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

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8. search : Breadth-first search interpolationThe breadth-first search option works by treating the source data array as a 2-d gridgraph, where each source data point, whether valid or not, is represented by a vertex.Then, the value assigned to the point (x,y) is found by beginning a breadth-first search atthe vertex corresponding to the nearest neighbor of (x,y), and stopping once a vertexrepresenting a valid (i.e., not masked or missing) source data point is found. In effect, thismethod can be thought of as "nearest valid neighbor".9. average_gcell : Model grid-cell averageThe grid-cell average interpolator may be used when the resolution of the source data ishigher than the resolution of the model grid. For a model grid cell Γ, the method takes asimple average of the values of all source data points that are nearer to the center of Γthan to the center of any other grid cell. The operation of the grid-cell average method isillustrated in the figure above, where the interpolated value for the model grid cell –represented as the large rectangle – is given by the simple average of the values of all ofthe shaded source grid cells.Land Use and Soil Categories in the Static DataThe default land use and soil category data sets that are provided as part of the WPSstatic data tar file contain categories that are matched with the USGS categories describedin the VEGPARM.TBL and SOILPARM.TBL files in the <strong>WRF</strong> run directory.Descriptions of the 24 land use categories and 16 soil categories are provided in thetables below.Table 1: USGS 24-category Land Use CategoriesLand Use Category Land Use Description1 Urban and Built-up Land<strong>WRF</strong>-NMM V3: User’s Guide 3-49

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