WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

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The boundary conditions for the nest are updated at every time step of the parent domain.The outermost rows/columns of the nest are forced to be identical to the parent domaininterpolated to the nest grid points. The third rows/columns are not directly altered by theparent domain, that is, their values are obtained from internal computations within thenest. The second rows/columns are a blend of the first and third rows/columns. Thisprocedure is analogous to what is used to update the boundaries of the coarsest domainwith the external data source. To obtain the values of the mass and momentum fields inthe outermost row/column of the nest, interpolations from the parent grid to the nest arecarried in the same manner as for nest initialization.Most of options to start a nest run are handled through the namelist. Note: All variablesin the namelist.input file that have multiple columns of entries need to be edited withcaution.The following are the key namelist variables to modify:• start_ and end_year/month/day/minute/second: These control the nest startand end times• history_interval: History output file in minutes (integer only)• frames_per_outfile: Number of output times per history output file, used tosplit output files into smaller pieces• max_dom: Setting this to a number greater than 1 will invoke nesting. Forexample, if you want to have one coarse domain and one nest, set this variableto 2.• e_we/e_sn: Number of grid points in the east-west and north-south directionof the nest. In WPS, e_sw. e_sn for the nest are specified to cover the entiredomain of the coarse grid while, in file namelist.input, e_we and e_sn for thenest are specified to cover the domain of the nest.• e_vert: Number of grid points in the vertical. No nesting is done in thevertical, therefore the nest must have the same number of levels as its parent.• dx/dy: grid spacing in degrees. The nest grid spacing must be 1/3 of its parent.• grid_id: The domain identifier will be used in the wrfout naming convention.The coarser grid must have grid_id = 1.• parent_id: Specifies the parent grid of each nest. The parents should beidentified by their grid_id.• i_parent_start/j_parent_start: Lower-left corner starting indices of the nestdomain in its parent domain. The coarser grid should have parent_id = 1.• parent_grid_ratio: Integer parent-to-nest domain grid size ratio. Note: Mustbe 3 for the NMM.• parent_time_step_ratio: Integer parent-to-nest domain timestep ratio. Note:Must be 3 for the NMM. Since the timestep for the nest is determined usingthis variable, namelist variable time_step only assumes a value for the coarsestgrid.• feedback: If feedback = 1, values of prognostic variables in the nest arefedback and overwrite the values in the coarse domain at the coincidentpoints. 0 = no feedback.<strong>WRF</strong>-NMM V3: User’s Guide 5-24

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