Arthur M. Charles Elementary School - Richmond Community Schools

Arthur M. Charles Elementary School - Richmond Community Schools

Arthur M. Charles Elementary School - Richmond Community Schools


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A LETTER FROM THE ADMINISTRATIONDear Students and Families:On behalf of the <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> staff, we welcome you to another exciting and challenging schoolyear as we<strong>Arthur</strong>strive for academic excellence. WeM.are proud of<strong>Charles</strong>our school, faculty, support staff, andstudents. It is our hope that your experience at <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> will be one of personal andacademic development. We urge parents to support our school, teachers, and programs. Effectivecommunication between home and school is essential to your child’s success. Parents, please take a fewminutes<strong>Elementary</strong>to read this handbook with your child and sign and return<strong>School</strong>the last page to your child’steacher.We are here to help your child have the best educational opportunity. Please feel free to contact usso that we can provide the best possible safe learning environment for your child.Sincerely,Mrs. Kelly Andrews, PrincipalCHARLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOLMISSION STATEMENT“Building Knowledge, One Log at a Time!”Student/Parent Handbook2012—2013VISION STATEMENTC onnections to the real worldA chievement for ALLB est practice instructionI nquiring minds for lifelong learning in aN urturing, caring, creative community.Mrs. Kelly Andrews, Principal2400 Reeveston Road<strong>Richmond</strong>, IN 47374SCHOOL INFORMATIONName: Paul C. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong>973-3441Principal: Mrs. Kelly AndrewsAddress: 4138 Niewoehner Road<strong>Richmond</strong>, IN 47374Phone: 765-973-3431Fax: 765-973-3705Home of the Chargers!A LETTER FROM THE ADMINISTRATION1

TABLE OF CONTENTS<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong>s Mission Statement 4<strong>Arthur</strong> M. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Mission Statement 4Vision Statement 5<strong>School</strong> Information 5<strong>Charles</strong> <strong>School</strong> Pledge 5<strong>Charles</strong> <strong>School</strong> Song 5Charger Slogan 6<strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Day 6Two Hour Delay Schedule 61:40 PM Tuesday Early Dismissal Schedule 6Admission Polices 6Arrival/Dismissal Procedures 6Attendance 7Book Rental 8Book Store 9Bus Safety 9Celebrations 12Change of Address/Phone 12Civil Rights Assurance Of Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Statement 12Confidentiality 12Convocations 12Dress and Grooming 12Emergency <strong>School</strong> Closings 14Expectations For Student Behavior 15FERPA Act 17Field Trips 18Fire And Emergency Preparedness Drills 19Friendships 19Harassment 19Health Services 19Home To <strong>School</strong> Communication 21Homework Policy 21How Parents Can Help 22Items From Home 22Least Restrictive Environment 22Library Media Center 22Lost And Found 23Lunch Room 23National <strong>Elementary</strong> Honor Society 24Non-Discrimination Policy 24Non-Sufficient Funds 25Parent Concerns 25Parent Teacher Organization 25Parent Visitation And Conferences 25Party Invitations And Gift Deliveries 252

TABLE OF CONTENTSRecess 25Report Cards 26<strong>School</strong> Improvement Oversight Team 27<strong>School</strong> Photographs 27Special <strong>School</strong> Services 27<strong>School</strong> Supplies 28Special Services And Activities 28Study Habits 29Teacher Requests/Classroom Assignments 29Telephone 29Testing 30Very Important Partners (V.I.P.s) 30Visitors 30Withdrawal 303

Dear Students and Families:On behalf of the <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> staff, we welcome you to an exciting and challengingschool year as we strive for academic excellence. We are proud of our school, faculty, supportstaff, and students. It is our hope that your experience at <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> will be oneof personal and academic development. We urge parents to support our school, teachers, andprograms. This handbook has been developed from the <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong>s Code ofConduct and has specific information that pertains to <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> as a member school of<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong>s. Effective communication between home and school is essentialto your child’s success. Parents, please take a few minutes to read this handbook with your childand sign and return the last page to your child’s teacher.We are here to help your child have the best educational opportunity. Please feel free tocontact us so that we can provide the best possible safe learning environment for your child.Sincerely,Mrs. Kelly Andrews, PrincipalRICHMOND COMMUNITY SCHOOLSMISSION STATEMENT"<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>School</strong>s, in partnership with the community, will help all children believe in themselves,respect others, and experience the joy of learning.""Through effective teaching, children will first learn the basic skills, including thinking skills, usingwords, numbers and ideas. In addition, children will be given the opportunity to learn more of whatthey want and need to know.""Adults will model behavior that will teach children to resolve conflict successfully, take risks withnew ideas, and understand that they can err without being judged."ARTHUR M. CHARLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOLMISSION STATEMENT“Achieving Academic Excellence in a Family that Loves to Learn!”4

VISION STATEMENTCHARGERShildren learning withonesty and integritychievingesponsibilityraspingxcellenceespectingelf and othersSCHOOL INFORMATIONName: <strong>Arthur</strong> M. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong>Principal: Mrs. Kelly AndrewsAddress: 2400 Reeveston Road<strong>Richmond</strong>, IN 47374Phone: 765-973-3441Fax: 765-973-3701Grade Levels: Kindergarten – FourthPopulation: 450Newsletter: <strong>Charles</strong> Chronicle<strong>School</strong> Colors: Red and WhiteWebsite: www.rcs.k12.in.usCHARLES SCHOOL PLEDGETo <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>School</strong>,we pledge today,to be honest, fair, and true,and to do the very best we canin everything we do.Charge it up, Think Strong, Go Beyond!CHARLES SCHOOL SONG“Always start your dayIn the right wayCharge it up, Think strong, go beyond!When you feel you’re losing steamAnd you think you just might scream,Charge it up, think strong, go beyond!Be the one to lead-shine bright!Thoughts and actions choose the right-<strong>Charles</strong> Chargers,<strong>Charles</strong> Chargers!Charge it up, think strong, go beyond!”5

Charge it up: Be prepared, alert, and ready to learn.Charger SloganThink strong: Our brains need challenge to grow stronger. Building muscles means moving enough weightto require work; building brain muscles requires think-work, too.Go beyond: Never be satisfied with what you can do today. Celebrate and move on to the next challenge!ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DAY7:15 Gymnasium and Cafeteria are open for early arrivals and breakfast7:45 Students go to their classrooms7:50 Tardy Bell rings - attendance taken - morning announcements2:40 Dismissal grades K-4TWO HOUR DELAY SCHEDULE9:15 Gymnasium is open for early arrivals- No breakfast is served, morning announcements in gym9:45 Students go to their classrooms9:50 Tardy Bell rings - attendance taken2:40 Dismissal grades K-41: 40 PM TUESDAY EARLY DISMISSAL SCHEDULE7:15 Gymnasium and Cafeteria are open for early arrivals and breakfast7:45 Students go to their classroom7:50 Tardy Bell rings - attendance taken - morning announcements1:40 Dismissal grades K-4ADMISSION POLICIESPupils entering <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> for the first time must present a legal birth certificate,immunization records, and proof of residency. Parents are asked to fill out an enrollment card. Pleasenotify the school office when there is any change of address or phone number in the enrollmentcard information.ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURESYour child’s safety is our number one concern.Parents are not to go to the classrooms to pick up children for any dismissal.A. BUS STUDENTSStudents will be dismissed to their buses beginning at 2:35 p.m. Students are to go directly to theirbus and remain on the bus until they reach home. We are asking that parents or other adults NOT go tothe classroom or to the bus area to get their child(ren) from the bus. Please come to the office and theoffice staff will contact the teacher or the bus driver.6

B. CAR STUDENTSParents delivering or picking up students at school should use the south drive. Please stay in themoving car line and pull up to the sidewalk, staying in your car. Adult supervisors will be on duty to helpyour children in and out of your car. Please do not use the front entrance as this is the bus lane only.C. WALKERS and BICYCLE RIDERSChildren walking or riding bicycles to and from school should arrive no earlier than 7:30 am. Thesestudents will be dimissed after buses and car riders and they are to leave the campus promptly. Bicycleparking racks are provided for bike riders.Children riding bicycles must walk their bikes on the school grounds and park them in the bike racksprovided. We strongly suggest that all bikes be locked. It is the law that all bike riders must wear ahelmet.ATTENDANCE“Indiana Compulsory Attendance Law states that children between the ages of 6 and 16 MUST attendschool on a regular basis.” A child who is repeatedly absent/tardy from school with or without theknowledge or consent of the child’s parent or legal guardian may be considered a habitual truant. Ahabitually truant student is defined as one who has FIVE days or more of excused absences or ONE (1)or more days of unexcused absences in a sixty (60) day period. (Trimester) If interventions proveunsuccessful, a complaint shall be filed with the Child Protective Services. Tardies and absences will betracked and reported to parents at interim and report card periods.Regular and prompt attendance is essential for success in the elementary school. Frequent absence leadsto a lack of interest and effort, sometimes failure. <strong>School</strong>work is easier and more interesting when thepupil has the benefit of classroom instruction and keeps up with the class. All learning is based oncontinuity of instruction; therefore, it is imperative that all students be in attendance in order to profitthe most from their schoolwork. The school is also concerned about helping students develop a highquality work ethic, which shows in their dependability in coming to school every day and on time.<strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> parents and students have taken attendance seriously. Over the last fewyears our students’ average daily attendance has been greater than 95%. Improving attendance isimportant to our <strong>School</strong> Improvement Plan. Excused absences may include the following:Personal IllnessQuarantine of the homeObservance of religious holidayRequired court appearance or probation appointmentAn emergency or set of circumstances as approved by the principalIllness in the familyDeath of a relativeA. ABSENCE PROCEDURESWhen a student is absent from school a parent MUST contact the school (973-3441) by calling thefirst day of the absence by 9:30 a.m. All absences will be considered unexcused absences without anexplanation, by phone or in writing from the parents or guardians of the student within 24 hours.Parents should inform the school immediately if the student is going to be absent for an extendedperiod of time. The proper school personnel should be notified prior to the absence when possible.In order to participate in extra-curricular activities the students must be present on the day of that7

activity. Exceptions may be granted by the administration for unusual or extenuating circumstances.Recorded tardy: A student will be marked tardy if entering school and not in their seat after 7:50 AM.Recorded absence (Full day): A student shall be recorded absent if out for a full day.Recorded absence (Half day A.M.): A student shall be recorded absent in the A.M. if they arrive and arenot in their seat after 11:30 AM.Recorded absence (Half day P.M.): A student shall be recorded absent in the P.M. if leaving school priorto 11:30 AM.When picking up your child, please come to the office to sign out your child.B. TARDYIt is the responsibility of the students and parents to be punctual. A student is considered tardy whenthe student enters the school after 7:50 a.m.When arriving late to school, the student will report to the office, sign in, and request a classadmittance slip. If excessive tardies occur, (more than 3 per trimester) a letter will be sent to theparent/guardian notifying them of their student’s accumulated tardies. A conference may be held toresolve the problem. Should the tardies continue, a report may be filed with the proper authorities.C. LEAVING DURING THE SCHOOL DAYUpon arriving at school, the student is expected to remain at school unless previous arrangementshave been made with the teacher in writing. PARENTS NEED TO REPORT TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE tosign students out. Students will only be released to parents or to a properly identified person authorizedby the parent in writing. If returning to school, students must check-in at the office. To help minimizedisruptions to the classroom, please do not come to school to release your child without previouslynotifying the office in writing, unless it is an emergency. No students will be released between 2:30pm and the dismissal bell at 2:40 pm due to the high volume of traffic in the hallways at dismissaltime.While medical and dental appointments during the school day are sometimes unavoidable, we do askthey be scheduled after school hours or toward the beginning or end of the school day to minimize theschool time missed. We also ask that vacations and other special days be scheduled when school is notin session.EXCESSIVE ABSENTEEISM IS CONSIDERED TO BE ANYTHING OVER FIVE DAYS PER TRIMESTER ORMORE THAN ONE DAY OF UNEXCUSED ABSENCE PER TRIMESTER. EXCESSIVE TARDINESS TO SCHOOLIS CONSIDERED TO BE THREE (3) OR MORE TARDY DAYS PER TRIMESTER.BOOK RENTAL<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong> Corporation operates a book rental system for the convenience of thecommunity. Book Rental is due the day of registration for grades K-4. Parents are expected to pay thefull amount unless special arrangements are made with the principal. The non-payment of these feesjeopardizes the textbook rental fund and activities made available by our schools.If payment is not made within a reasonable time frame, late fees will be added and court action by the<strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong>s Board of Education will be taken. Applications for free textbookassistance are available in the school office. Students who qualify for free lunches qualify for freetextbooks. Students who qualify for reduced price lunches do not qualify for free textbooks.The <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong> Corporation furnishes textbooks to all students. The care of these isthe responsibility of each student. If textbooks are damaged or lost, the student is expected to pay thecost of the replacement. Each student is expected to take good care of school property. Any student whodamages school property is responsible for payment.8

A. Financial Assistance For TextbooksSince the corporation operates its textbook rental program on a non-profit basis, it is important forthe corporation to collect 100% of the rental purchase cost of the materials.Indiana code 20-8.1-9 authorizes financial assistance for book rental to families who meet eligibilityrequirements. Information and forms are available at each school and may be picked up at registrationor throughout the school year, as needed.BOOKSTORE<strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> operates a bookstore where school supplies may be purchased. Thebookstore is open when students are assigned to operate the store. A schedule is posted at thebeginning of the school year. Supplies include paper, pencils, glue, crayons, and folders.BUS SAFETYA. BUS RULESA very essential part of bus safety is the pupil. The driver’s first responsibility is to safely transportpupils to and from school. Since the driver must give his/her attention to the driving of the bus, it isnecessary that the pupils practice self-discipline. The <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong> Corporation busdrivers are responsible for and have control of their assigned buses at all times. The driver shall keeporder, maintain discipline, treat all individuals in a civil manner, see that no one is imposed upon ormistreated while on the bus, and ensure the safety of everyone on the bus.In order to have a safe and successful transportation program, these rules must be followed:I. Parents are asked to start things off correctly and:A. make sure all drawstrings, straps, ties, scarves, key chains, etc. on all clothing and backpacks areremoved or shortened so they will not get caught in doors, railings or aisles.B. understand that no unauthorized person or parent is allowed to board the bus unless permissionis granted by the bus driver.C. make alternate transportation arrangements in advance. Students shall ride their assigned busroute and get on and off at their assigned bus stop unless they have an approved note by thePrincipal.D. refrain from disciplining children that are not under their care.II. Prior to entering and/or after exiting the bus, students must:A. make sure they stay ten (10) feet away from the side of the bus.B. be at their bus stop early and be ready to board as the bus pulls up.C. cross the street only after they see the stop arm on the bus is out and after the driver gives themthe appropriate hand signal.D. do not carry large band instruments or other large objects which interfere with the safe seatingof students on the bus. Students are only allowed to transport band instruments if they can holdthem in front of them in their seat.III. Upon entering the bus, students are:A. under the authority of the bus driver while on the bus.B. to use the handrails and walk slowly as they enter and exit the bus.C. to go directly to their seats, sit down and face forward with their hands to themselves. Quiettalking to their neighbor is permitted.D. to understand that seats may be assigned at the driver’s discretion. Students are required to sitin his/her assigned seat. In the case of misbehavior, the driver may require a student to sit in thefront seats or may separate students who are misbehaving.E. to allow K-1 students to be seated in the front of the bus.IV. While on the bus, students are:A. to remain seated, facing forward with their feet out of the aisle, until they unload from the bus.Older students must stay in their seats until the K-1 students are tendered to their parents.B. not permitted to use cell phones, eat, drink, or chew gum.9

C. not to mark upon, deface, or cut bus seats or otherwise cause damage to the school bus.(Parents will be held responsible to pay for damages.)D. to keep their entire body and all objects inside the bus at all times.E. to give their proper name to the bus driver or any school official when asked.F. not to make any loud noise that will distract the driver.G. not permitted to have any of the following:a.) animals (dead or alive).b.) glass containers, sharp objects, weapons (or fake weapons).c.) alcohol, tobacco, smoking, possession of drugs, lighters or matches on the bus.H. to be absolutely quiet at railroad crossings until the bus is completely across the tracks.I. Remove all of their trash from the buses.J. to keep the aisle and emergency exit areas clear and accessible.K. not to tamper or play with emergency windows, doors or exits.L. not to use any sharp objects such as pencils, pens, compasses, etc.M. not allowed to buy, sell or trade anything.N. never to play catch or throw anything in any direction, particularly towards the driver or out ofthe bus widows.V. In order to use the bus windows, students are:A. required to ask permission prior to opening a window.B. only allowed to open the window to the marked line or the second click down.C. required to shut the windows at their seat before they exit the bus.D. not to yell or shout out of the windows.E. never allowed to throw anything out the windows.F. never allowed to stick any body part or any object out of the windows.VI. At any point of the bus trip, students are:A. not to yell, back-talk, curse, make racial remarks or use obscene language or gestures.B. not allowed to intimidate, threaten, or bully other students, chaperones, school faculty, the driveror anyone else on the bus. Intimidation, threats, and bullying can come in the form of verbalconfrontation, invading someone’s personal space, or touching another individual in any way.C. not allowed to do anything that would endanger another student, other passengers on the bus,the driver or the general public.VII. Should disciplinary action need to be taken, the following will occur:A. students will receive a Bus Conduct Report.B. Bus Conduct Report Form must be signed by a parent.C. Signed Bus Conduct Report Form must be returned to the students’ bus driver on the first day inwhich the student is returning to the bus.D. If Bus Conduct Report Form should not returned to bus driver, a school and/or transportationadministrator will contact a parent/guardian.E. <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>School</strong>s Progressive Discipline Plan will be followed.Any student behaving in such a manner that prevents a school bus driver from performing his/herresponsibilities may be dismissed from the bus and possibly lose his/her riding privileges afterrecommendation of the Driver and approval of the Principal and/or the Director of Transportation.Under normal conditions, the school bus driver shall first discuss the problem with the student. Ifthe problem continues, the following steps may be used:Level 1 - Student Level Student corrects, minor misbehaviorsLevel 2 - Parent Level Repeated misbehaviorLevel 3 - Principal Level Serious Infraction, disciplinary actionLevel 4 - RCS Mandated Consequences Major offenseLevel 1 - The driver is responsible to insure that all safety rules are being followed. The driver wouldaddress a child on a specific safety rule and ask them to please comply with the safety rule. Thefollowing would be an example Level 1 behavior. A student is found to have a sharp object, like apencil, in his/her hand on the school bus. If this was the first time this student broke this rule, itwould be a Level 1 discipline matter. The driver is then required to fill out a Bus Conduct Report. A10

copy of this is provided in this booklet. Note: If this does not resolve the issue, the problem moves toa Level 2.Level 2 - If the child receives a Level 2 on the Discipline Ladder, the bus driver will contact theparent/guardian/custodian. The nature of this contact is to include the legal guardian in the solutionof the problem. Level 2 discipline may involve the student being placed off of the bus for one day.Note: If this does not resolve the issue, the problem moves to a Level 3.Level 3 - If a student receives a Level 3, this will result in an intervention by the principal and anyother appropriate personnel in the school or community. A Level 3 infraction may result insuspension from the bus and/or school. When Level 3 types of behaviors occur, the schooladministrator and/or other appropriate personnel will become involved. Level 3 discipline caninvolve the student being placed off of the bus for three days or up to a maximum expulsion of theequivalent days of a full trimester from the bus. Examples of Level 3 behaviors may include, but arenot limited to, smoking, abusive or vulgar language, indecent exposure, inappropriate physicalbehavior, threats, bullying or vandalism. Note: If this does not resolve the issue, the problem movesto Level 4.Level 4 - If a student receives a Level 4, this will involve immediate action by the principal, such assuspension, expulsion, or combinations of those tools (including outside resources). Level 4discipline involves the student being placed off of the school bus for the remainder of the school yearor longer. Examples of Level 4 behaviors may include, but are not limited to, extortion, theft, illegaluse of firearm, vandalism, arson, possession or sale of alcohol or drugs, weapon possession, assault,fighting, and threats to endanger someone’s life.Parent(s) shall be notified at each step.Students will be denied bus privileges if they cannot obey the above rules. If transportation privilegesare denied, parents or guardians are responsible for getting the child to and from school.Each student should be waiting at his/her boarding station when the school bus arrives. Unless a driveris early, he/she is not required to wait for the student. It is the responsibility of the student to be at the busstop at the regular pick-up time.The Transportation Department coordinates bus routes and stops. Questions about routes, busstops, drivers, or safety concerns should be reported to the Transportation Department by calling 973-3449.B. ALTERNATE TRANSPORTATIONOnce students have boarded the bus to go home, they will not be allowed to get off the bus until theirstop. For safety reasons, we ask that parents or other adults not ask the bus drivers to get their childrenoff the bus once they have boarded.In addition, we need a note for any changes to the regular dismissal plan. The note MUST include thedate, student name, teacher name and the exact nature of the dismissal change.Kindergarten and 1 st grade students must have an authorized adult waiting at the bus stop. Studentswill be returned to the school if no one authorized to receive the child is present.Our goal is to know the whereabouts of every student in our building and to assure that each studentarrives home safely. Your help is needed to achieve this goal.11

CELEBRATIONSCelebrations at school have been planned to fit within the curriculum and be a part of the learningexperience.Class time will not be set aside for birthday parties. However, you may bring in a healthy “takehome” treat for your child to share with classmates during the last 10 minutes of the school day.. Theseneed to be at school before the end of the day, so they can be distributed just before dismissal. FLOWERAND BALLOON DELIVERIES TO STUDENTS DURING THE SCHOOL DAY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.Party invitations are not permitted to be distributed at school.CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONEIt is vitally important that we have your correct home and work addresses and phone numbers incase of an emergency. In addition, the name and phone number of a third contact person (a friend orneighbor) that can be reached in an emergency should be kept on file. If you move during the schoolyear, or your phone number changes, please notify school immediately. (973-3441)CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENTThe <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong> Corporation is committed to equal opportunity. All courses,student activities, educational services, programs, instruction, and facilities will not be denied to anyonein the <strong>School</strong> Corporation on the basis of race, sex, religious beliefs, handicapping condition, or nationalorigin including limited English proficiency.CONFIDENTIALITYStudent records and information will be kept confidential in accordance with state and federalregulations. Students needing to meet with school officials will be able to speak and react confidentially,subject to the laws of the state of Indiana.CONVOCATIONSFrom time to time, we hold various performances for the entire student body. At all times behaviorshould be courteous. Each student is personally responsible for the impression made by the school as awhole. Unacceptable conduct such as boisterousness, booing, and talking during a program will not betolerated. Students may lose the privilege to participate if improper behavior is displayed.DRESS AND GROOMING<strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> recognizes that appearance and grooming are important aspects in thetraining and education of young people. All clothing and apparel must promote a safe and learningenvironment. How students dress for school has a direct effect on how well they behave and how wellthey feel about themselves. This influences learning. Students attending elementary school areexpected to dress according to weather conditions and according to clothing that properly fits thestudent without causing interruptions in classroom activities or causing a safety hazard for students orstaff. Shorts and skirts are not to be shorter than mid-thigh length. Tops are to be long enough that themidriff area is fully covered at all times. Loose fitting mesh tops, tank tops, short shorts, biker shorts, orother extreme articles of dress are NOT acceptable school wear. Any clothing advertising drugs, alcohol,or tobacco products will not be allowed to be worn. Rude or suggestive messages on clothing will not bepermitted. Hats, caps, hoods from sweatshirts, or bandanas must be removed inside the school, exceptfor designated school pride days. The RCS administration and staff will emphasize the following <strong>School</strong>Board adopted dress code:This code of student attire is intended to provide guidelines for acceptable student apparel and appearanceand to promote an atmosphere of success for all students. The purpose of such guidelines is also to12

promote student safety and civility, reduce disciplinary problems, increase security within the school, andavoid disruptions to the educational process.Each student has the responsibility to dress appropriately for the school environment. Wearing apparel,hair, and general appearance shall not disrupt the learning environment or violate health and safety rules.1. GeneralA. Clothing and accessories shall not be worn if they display or suggest:● Profanity ● Obscene or foul language● Symbols of violence ● Discriminatory messages● Gang or gang-like symbols ● Sexually suggestive messages● Alcohol, tobacco, or drugs ● Vulgarity• Offensive to any ethnic or cultural groups• Pictures that promote the aboveB. Clothes with rips, tears, and/or holes are not permitted.C. Any article of clothing, jewelry, or accessory that could cause injury to oneself or others is notpermitted.D. Chains are not permitted.E. Sunglasses shall not be worn inside unless prescribed by a physician or authorized by the schooladministration.2. FootwearA. Shoes with laces are to be laced and tied.B. House slippers are not permitted.3. HeadwearA. Head coverings, including but not limited to caps, hats, wigs, bandannas, hair curlers, picks,combs, hoods, and scarves, may not be worn inside unless authorized by the school administration.B. Wigs prescribed by physicians or authorized by the school administration will be permitted.4. Pants/Shorts/Skirts/DressesA. Baggy pants, pants with legs that extend over the shoes to drag the ground, and pants with holesare not permitted.B. “General” category guidelines apply to pants, shorts, skirts, dresses.C. Belts must be appropriately buckled.D. Pants will be worn fitted to the waist with or without a belt, and they will not exposeundergarments.E. Properly placed patches to cover holes or tears at the knee or below may be worn with pants.F. Flannel and pajama pants are not permitted.G. Shorts/skirts/dresses may be worn and may not be shorter than the tips of the individuals’ middlefingers when they are standing upright with their arms at their sides.H.5. Shirts and TopsA. Size appropriate short or long sleeved polo shirts or T-shirts with a crewneck are acceptable.B. All “general” category guidelines apply to t-shirts and tops.C. Message bearing shirts are permitted per “general” category guidelines.D. Low neckline shirts are not permitted. No cleavage and/or midriff may be exposed.13

6. UndergarmentsA. See-through or mesh garments may only be worn as undergarments.B. Spandex articles may only be worn as undergarments.C. Form fitting or overly tight clothing may only be worn as undergarments.D. Undergarments, such as boxer shorts, are not to be worn so that they are visible.8. OuterwearA. Message bearing sweatshirts are permitted per the “general” category guidelines.B. Coats are not to be worn inside unless authorized by the school administration.a. ExceptionsA. Specific outfits designed for extracurricular activities and authorized by the school administrationwill be permitted.B. Decisions regarding questionable clothing will be left to the discretion of the principal.C. These guidelines represent minimal standards that may be modified to a more restrictive level atany of the buildings. A Building principal may temporarily modify the Code in his/her respectivebuilding to meet immediate needs. Permanent changes in the Code must be advanced with CentralOffice approval through the established formal discussion process as established in Public Law217.An easy way to determine if a student’s appearance is appropriate is to remember the 4 Ds:Damaging – you should not wear any clothing or accessories that could damage school property.Dangerous – you should not wear any clothing or accessories that could cause a dangerous situationto you or anyone around you.Distracting – your appearance should not distract you or others around you.Drug Related – you should not wear any clothing or accessories that displays any kind of alcohol,nicotine product, illegal drug, or anything else that indicates the use of these things.EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGSEmergency school closing, while usually weather related, may occur for a variety of reasons. Inaddition to bad road conditions in winter and power failures due to storms, energy shortages andvarious mechanical failure may require closing the school temporarily.A. NOTIFICATIONDecisions to close school are made by the superintendent. In the event of school cancellation, delayor early dismissal, a phone call will be placed to all stakeholders through the ONE CALL System. Youmay also listen to: WRTV-TV (6), WISH-TV (8), WTHR-TV (13) or the following radio stations: WKBV,Kicks 96 or Magic 101.3. The RCS school website will be posted for cancellations and delay of school.Every effort will be made by school officials to make such decisions before 6:30 A.M., so that the wordcan be spread to all involved parties. Please do not call the superintendent’s office.B. EARLY DISMISSAL PROCEDURESOur first concern, as always, is the safety of our students. Should weather conditions warrant anearly dismissal, it is imperative that students know their family emergency plan. Although we want toensure that every student will have a place to go when dismissed early, it is not possible for the office toknow that every parent has received confirmation of the One Call that would be placed that day.. Havingstudents call home or your workplace in cases of early dismissal is not an option. Please complete theearly dismissal card that is sent home at registration and return it to your child’s teacher. You can beapprised of early closure by listening to previously mentioned media sources and also be aware that aphone call through the One Call system will be made to all numbers you give us for the system.14

Please take a few moments to sit down with your child(ren) and discuss the following questions andgo over your plan with your child so he/she will know what to do.**What should I do if school is called off early?**What do I do when there is no one at my house when I arrive home?EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT BEHAVIORA. STUDENT BEHAVIOR STANDARDSA major component of the educational program at <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> is to preparestudents to become responsible workers and citizens by learning how to conduct themselves properlyand in accordance with established standards. At <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> we expect students toconduct themselves in a courteous and mannerly way and respect the rights of others. We encouragestudents to do their personal best.Expected BehaviorsEach student shall be expected to abide by national, state, and local laws as well as the expectationsof the school:1. We R Respectful2. We R Responsible3. We R Ready to LearnThe Principal or designee retains the right and privilege to issue penalties for acts of discipline notspecifically stated herein and to alter any penalties, as he/she considers necessary. Furthermore, theprincipal reserves the right to amend any provision in this handbook, which she deems to be in the bestinterest of the educational process. Positive self-discipline, self-control, and respect for one another areexpected from all students and staff. Each teacher has developed a set of behavior guidelines that willhelp assure a positive learning environment for all. Disruptions of the learning process will not betolerated.POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION SUPPORTPositive Behavior Intervention Support is about improving student academic and behavior outcomes byensuring that all students have access to the most effective and accurately implemented instructionaland behavioral practices and interventions possible. <strong>School</strong>-wide Positive Behavior InterventionSupport provides an operational framework for achieving these outcomes. More importantly, SWPBIS isNOT a curriculum, intervention, or practice, but IS a decision making framework that guides selection,integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices forimproving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students. Expectations are embedded inthe training of positive behavior in the areas of the cafeteria, hallway, restroom, and playground.Students will be recognized for positive behavior through a monthly nomination by their teacher and/orclassmates. A recognition breakfast will be held each month for these students and the writtencomments are mailed home to parents. A Positive Postcard campaign will be underway with the goalthat every student will receive a positive postcard in the mail to their home by the end of the school year.B. CORPORATION DISCIPLINE POLICYThe following is the approved student discipline policy for the school corporation:Recognizing that the behavior of some students may be so disruptive that it interferes with schoolpurposes or educational functions of the school corporation, school officials may find it necessary todiscipline a student. In this event and in accordance with the provisions of Indiana Code 20-33-8(formerly IC 20-8.1-5.1), administrators and staff members may take the following actions:1. REMOVAL FROM CLASS OR ACTIVITY - TEACHER: An elementary teacher will have the right toremove a student from his/her classroom or activity for a period of up to (1) school day, if thestudent is assigned regular or additional work to be completed in another school setting.15

2. SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL - PRINCIPAL: A school principal (or designee) may deny a student theright to attend school or take part in any school function for a period of up to five school days. (10school days if an expulsion request is filed.)When a principal or designee determines that a student should be suspended, the followingprocedures will be followed:a. A meeting will be held prior to the suspension of any student. The meeting shallprecede suspension of the student except where the nature of the conduct requiresimmediate removal. In such situations, the meeting will follow the suspension as soonas reasonably possible following the date of the suspension. At this meeting the studentwill be entitled to:i. a written or oral statement of the charges,ii. a summary of the evidence against the student, andiii. an opportunity to explain his or her conduct.b. The parent or guardian of a suspended student will be notified of the suspension inwriting. The notification will include the date(s) of the suspension, a description of thestudent’s misconduct, and the action taken by the principal.3. EXPULSION – In accordance with Indiana Code 20-33-8-20, a student may be expelled from schoolfor a period no longer than the remainder of the current trimester plus the following trimester, withthe exception of a violation of rules regarding possession of a firearm or deadly weapon. When aprincipal or designee recommends to the superintendent or designee that a student be expelled fromthe school, a 10 step procedure will be followed and can be found in the Uniform Code of StudentConduct, Page 10.Due Process- The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution guarantees due process to individuals.Due process in education implies that rules and regulations of school are published and distributed;that students know and understand these rules and regulations; that when a student is believed tohave violated a rule or regulation, he or she is confronted with this belief and given the opportunityto respond to the accusation; that when rules or regulations are violated, certain consequences mayoccur; and that if expulsion or exclusion from school is a recommended consequence and if thestudent or his or her parent wish, a hearing must be held. Appeals to the Superintendent, <strong>School</strong>Board, and to the civil courts may follow in sequence. Indiana Codes 20-8.1-5.1-0.5 through 20-8.1-5.1-24, as indicated in the most current Indiana <strong>School</strong> Laws and Rules Handbook, will be used as aguide for due process procedures.C. GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION AND EXPULSIONThe grounds for suspension or expulsion listed below apply when a student is:a. On school grounds immediately before, during, and immediately after schoolhours and at any other time when the school is being used by a schoolgroup;b. Off school grounds at a school activity, function, or event;c. Traveling to or from school or a school activity, function, or event; ord. attending summer school.D. CONSEQUENCES OF INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIORWhen a teacher or staff member in charge of supervision observes behaviors that would disrupt theeducational day, a variety of disciplinary practices may be utilized, depending on the individualsituation. If a staff member deems it necessary to consult with an administrator, the following options,up to and including expulsion may be used by an administrator (not necessarily in the order listed):1. student teacher conference2. teacher parent conference16

3. student administrator conference4. student parent teacher administrator conference5. referral to support personnel and/or outside professionals6. time out7. detention before, during, or after school8. in school detention9. parent or parent proxy monitors student in school10. Saturday <strong>School</strong>11. assignment to alternative class or program12. referral to juvenile division of <strong>Richmond</strong> Police Department13. referral to juvenile probation14. suspension from school for no more than ten days15. expulsion from school for no more than three trimesters with the exception of a violation of rulesregarding the possession of a firearm or deadly weapon.16. community service or another creative consequence17. required parent participation.E. CLASSROOM CONDUCTStudents shall follow rules established for their individual classrooms.F. GENERAL AREASThe following guidelines will be observed:1. There is no running or loud talking permitted in the halls or restrooms.2. There is to be no chewing of gum in the school.3. No toys or non-academic games will be permitted on school grounds.FERPA ACTThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age(“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day theschool receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the schoolprincipal a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The school principalwill make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and placewhere the records may b e inspected.2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligiblestudent believes are inaccurate. Parents or eligible students may ask the school to amend a recordthat they believe is inaccurate. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part ofthe record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the school decides not to amendthe record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent oreligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing provided to the parent oreligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’seducation records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Oneexception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials withlegitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as anadministrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staffand law enforcement personnel); a person serving on the <strong>School</strong> Board; a person or company withwho the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medicalconsultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as adisciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her17

tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review aneducation record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures bythe <strong>School</strong> District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Officethat administers FERPA are:Family Policy Compliance OfficeU.S. Department of Education400 Maryland Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20202-4605This law guarantees your family rights to privacy in school matters. You must notify the Principal bySeptember 1 st , or within fifteen days of enrollment (whichever is later in the school year), if you do notwant your child’s photo or name to appear in school-sponsored publications. This includes newsletters,school directories, honor roll or awards lists, promotion rosters, athletic programs, etc.FIELD TRIPSA. PURPOSEStudents in <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> have opportunities for first-hand learning experiences suchas field trips. Field trips are planned to support all curricular areas. Many lessons for students cannot beduplicated with media materials or textbooks. Teachers plan at-school activities to prepare students forwhat they will experience, as well as follow-up lessons.It is necessary that permission slips be signed for each activity. Your cooperation in signing thoseslips and returning them to your child’s teacher will be appreciated. Field trips will be planned tocorrelate with the curriculum for that classroom. Students without properly signed permission slipswill not be allowed to attend the trip. Responsibility for returning permission slips lies with thestudent. Students may be denied attending a field trip due to previous discipline problems, excessivetardiness, or excessive absences.Teachers appreciate your support in these educational opportunities by both chaperoning andproviding for the added expenses such as, a transportation fee, activity fees, meal costs, or entrance fees.B. CHAPERONESWe sincerely appreciate parental support of field trips. However, we must ask your cooperation withthe following guidelines for chaperones:1. There are many field trip opportunities within the school year. We will schedule as manyparents as is appropriate to help on each trip. Our destinations often have restrictions orrequirements as to the number of participants, and our arrangements are made well ahead ofthe trip. It is necessary to schedule your participation to ensure a successful outing.2. If you are able to attend a field trip with us, we are counting on you to help us with thesupervision of students. Since this is our primary goal, we need your undivided attentionwith our students. Therefore, we must ask that you do not bring infants, toddlers, orpreschoolers along.3. Chaperones are expected to follow the same rules and guidelines as if on school property.4. All chaperones must have a criminal background check on file with the schoolcorporation in order to attend at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled trip. Forms can bepicked up at the school or the Superintendent’s office.18

FIRE AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DRILLSFire drills are held once a month. Fire drills are indicated by the alarm system, which is a continuousbuzzer type alarm.Students will also be made aware of what to do in case of an earthquake or tornado while at schoolas well as at home. Emergency preparedness drills are held each trimester.FRIENDSHIPSAt <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong>, we encourage students to be friends and to be friendly. However, at theelementary level it is not developmentaly appropriate for boys and girls to develop“boyfriend/girlfriend” relationships. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> will discourage this type of relationship andcontinue to promote healthy friendships among all students.HARASSMENTThe school believes that every individual deserves the right to attend school without fear ofdemeaning remarks or actions. The harassment of other students or members of the staff, or any otherindividuals is not permitted and will not be tolerated. This includes any speech or action that creates ahostile, intimidating, or offensive learning environment.HEALTH SERVICESThe school maintains health services for all children so they may attend school with the bestphysical, mental, and emotional health conditions attainable to facilitate learning. State regulatoryagencies mandate much of what we do in this area to help ensure as healthful an environment aspossible.A. ADMISSION TO CHARLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL“When a child enrolls for the first time in a school corporation, the parents shall furnish to thegoverning body of that corporation an adequately documented statement of the child’simmunizations which shall show that the child has received at least the minimum number of dosesfor his/her age”.All students must be immunized completely against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus,measles, rubella, mumps, Hepatitis Band poliomyelitis. Parents must show proof ofimmunization against Varicella or have written history of the disease. All transfer students, uponenrollment, must present proof of immunizations for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles,rubella, Hepatitis B, and mumps. There must be documentation of Varicella vaccine or a history ofthe disease.B. ACCIDENTSIf your child is injured or becomes ill while at school, every effort will be made to make the childcomfortable and then contact a parent or guardian of the child. If you can not be reached, we willattempt to contact the emergency numbers that you listed on the student enrollment card. If this isnot possible or if, in the opinion of school officials, immediate action is required, emergencyambulance services will be called. The cost of such emergency ambulance services will be theresponsibility of the parents or guardians.C. VISION/HEARING SCREENINGEach year, students in grades 1 and 4 are given a hearing screening. The students in kindergartenand grade 3 are given a vision screening. In the event that the screenings indicate a potential area ofconcern, parents will be notified.19

D. HEAD LICENo student will be allowed to attend school with live head lice. All lice must be gone before thestudent will be allowed to return to school. The school nurse or designated assistant must examinethe student before s/he is allowed to return to school. Families should report to the school office if acase of head lice has been observed.E. OTHER HEALTH PROBLEMSStudents who have a temperature above 100 degrees will be sent home from school. Students with afever should be kept at home until such time as the fever has subsided.Immediate first aid is provided in the event of illness or injury at school. Parents are contacted toassume responsibility in case of serious illness or injury. The school will call parents to take homeany student who has a generalized rash or symptoms of a highly infectious disease such as: chickenpox, scabies, impetigo, ringworm and conjunctivitis. Students will be readmitted to school with anote from a medical doctor or proof of treatment.F. MEDICATION POLICYAll medication (prescription and non-prescription) shall be administered in compliance with IndianaLaw. The requirements of this act are as follows:1. Only employees designated by the school administrator are qualified to give medication.2. All administration of medicine will be documented in writing.3. Parental permission is required for over the counter drugs. Prescription drugs requirewritten documentation by a physician, as well as parental permission.4. Older students with chronic disease or medical conditions may possess and self-administermedication, such as an inhaler, with the written permission of the physician and the parent. Aschool is not liable for civil damages as a result of a student’s self-administration ofmedication for an acute or chronic disease or medical condition as provided under this rule,except for an act or omission amounting to gross negligence or willful misconduct.5. All medication must be kept in its original container.a. Non-prescription drugs must be in their purchased container labeled with the child’sname.b. Prescription drugs must be in original container with the pharmacy label, child’s name,current date, and written instructions of the doctor.6. All written permissions must be kept on file at school.7. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) must be kept in the secured areadesignated by the building principal.8. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) shall be administered through this policy.All medication brought to school should be delivered immediately to the office by a parent orguardian for its safekeeping and administration. Students are not to carry any medication ontheir person during the school day with the exception of Rule #4 and are not permitted tobring medication to school.9. The school is prohibited from sending medications home with any student below grade 9.Medication may be released only to the student’s parent or an individual who is at least 18years of age, and designated in writing by the student’s parent to receive the medication.10. Medication must be brought to school by a parent or legal guardian with the appropriatepaperwork. Students are not allowed to transport medication to or from school at any time.<strong>School</strong> personnel will not administer medications, which are improperly packaged and/or poorlylabeled. The above requirements must be strictly followed. A request form for medicine administrationmay be obtained in the office of the school building.20

G. MEDICAL COVERAGE FOR STUDENTSAlthough we make every effort to keep our playgrounds and buildings safe, occasionally students areinjured. The school corporation's insurance policy doesn’t provide medical or accident insurance onstudents. You may wish to check with your health and accident insurance carrier to assure that yourpolicy includes coverage for injuries to your child that may occur at school.H. SPEECH THERAPY SERVICESThe Speech Language Pathologist screens the speech and language skills of our students as requiredby state regulations, and all students referred by parents or teachers.If the screening indicates a need for further assessment, the Speech Language Pathologist will obtainparental permission and will conduct a diagnostic evaluation to help assess the needs of children in oneor more of the following areas:Language (vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, auditory processing, pragmatics);Articulation (pronunciation of speech sounds/words);Fluency (stuttering or abnormal rate of speech);Voice (voice quality, pitch, loudness)A case conference, including parents and classroom teacher, will be held after testing is completed.Eligibility for speech therapy services is determined by this Case Conference Committee based upon theevaluation conducted by the speech pathologist, the input of all the Case Conference Committeemembers, and the eligibility criteria established by the state.I. PHYSICALSBoys and girls participating in school sponsored elementary sports must have a physician completedphysical form on file at school.HOME TO SCHOOL COMMUNICATIONA. WEEKLY RED COMMUNICAION FOLDERSYou can expect “The <strong>Charles</strong> Chronicle” (The <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Newsletter) at least oncemonthly in the classroom weekly RED folder and posted on the school website. This communique willhave announcements and articles of interest to <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> families and our community.Encourage your child to bring home the weekly RED folder on Friday and return it on Monday. Itcontinues to be one of our best communication tools.B. TEACHER CONTACTS/PARENT CONFERENCESParent conferences are scheduled two times each school year. We know that other conferences will benecessary from time to time and can be initiated by families or teachers. Due to daily schedules, teachersare not always available by phone, but will return calls as quickly as possible.We believe that the best schools work together with families in the educational experience.HOMEWORK POLICY<strong>School</strong> time is generally provided for completion of most assignments. However, there may be somehomework if a student does not complete the assigned work. In the case of a student who consistentlysays he/she has no homework, especially in the upper elementary levels, the parents should contact theteacher.1. Teachers assign homework to meet your child’s needs.2. Homework may be assigned on a regular basis, dependent on the level and/or the teacher.3. All homework should be meaningful and should provide reinforcement activities as well asenrichment activities. The teacher will ensure that every assignment is clear and the due date isunderstood.21

4. All homework assignments are due the following day or upon the day of return in the event of schoolcancellation, of personal illness, or other absences. Extended assignments will be due on a dateestablished by the teacher.5. It is the responsibility of the student to complete and return homework assignments to school ontime.6. Under special circumstances the teacher may keep a child from special activities or recess tocomplete an assignment.HOW PARENTS CAN HELP1. Help your child to understand that he/she is responsible for his/her own actions and behavior.2. Expect your child to grow toward independence and offer challenging opportunities. He/she needslimits within which to function and direction as how to respond.3. Get both (or all) sides of the story before drawing conclusions. In case of a misunderstanding,contact the school.4. Remember that teachers have about twenty-five children to care for and need all the data you haveabout your child if they are to be effective in providing the right kind of program. Such things ashealth problems (or other circumstances, which may affect your child’s education) should be sharedwith the school.5. Remind yourself that teachers teach because they care about children, that their objectives andyours are the same, and that agreement on how to achieve the objectives requires good two-waycommunication.6. Spend a few minutes with your child every night to check on his/her homework.ITEMS FROM HOMEWith the exception of normal school items, no one is to bring items from home (toys, electronicdevices, cell phones, etc.) No pets can be brought from home. The school is not responsible for itemsbrought from home.LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENTStudents with disabilities shall be educated and participate in academic, non-academic, andextracurricular activities with non-disabled students to the maximum extent appropriate. Theeducational placement of students with disabilities shall be determined annually by a case conferencecommittee and shall be based on the student’s individualized education program. The case conferencecommittee shall also take into consideration any potentially harmful effect of a suggested placement onthe student or on the quality of the services needed.Unless the individualized education program requires some other arrangement, a student withdisabilities shall be educated with the student’s chronological peers in the school the student wouldattend if not disabled. Placement of students with disabilities in special classes or separate facilites shalloccur only when it is documented by the case conference committee that education in general educationclasses cannot be satisfactorily achieved. If necesssary, a continuum of alternative educationalplacements shall be available to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities.LIBRARY MEDIA CENTERThe school media center is open each school day and contains many interesting educationalmaterials. Your child will have the opportunity to check out and use materials throughout the year. Thenormal check out period for a book is one week and may be renewed. We urge you to help your child seethat all materials are returned promptly and in good shape. You will be asked to pay for any materialsnot returned or damaged.22

LOST AND FOUNDArticles of clothing found are placed in the Lost and Found area in the office. Students and parentsare encouraged to check with office personnel as soon as possible after an item has been lost.Unclaimed articles are donated to charitable organizations periodically throughout the school year.Parents are advised to write children’s names on lunch boxes, sweaters, coats, etc.LUNCHROOM<strong>School</strong> breakfast and lunches remain one of the best bargains in today’s economy. The <strong>Charles</strong><strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> cafeteria operates in cooperation with the school district food service director.<strong>Elementary</strong> children are privileged to be able to get a wholesome breakfast served from 7:20-7:45 a.m.and noontime meal as scheduled by the administration.Students must buy or bring their lunch each day. Cost to purchase a breakfast is $1.25 and lunch is$2.00. Milk can be purchased for $.45. Several options are available as choice items, which has reducedthe amount of wasted food.Assistance for free or reduced meals is available for those who qualify. Applications are available inthe school office.A. PAYMENTSThe school cafeteria serves a Type A breakfast and lunch every day school is in session. Menus arepublished monthly. Fees for the week should be paid the first day of the week. For security, weencourage you to make payment by check and enclose it in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’sname. Students may charge for three days. Any additional charges must be made through the schooloffice. Applications for FREE or REDUCED lunches are available at the school office. Milk is alsoavailable for students who bring their lunch for $.45. Charges for milk are not allowed. Soft drinks andcandy will not be permitted in the cafeteria. Adult lunches are available for staff, parents, and guests for$3.00. If you plan to join us for lunch, please contact the office by 9:00 A.M.<strong>Elementary</strong> Breakfast $1.25 $ 6.25 weekly<strong>Elementary</strong> Lunch $2.00 $10.00 weeklyAdults $3.00 $15.00 weeklyChecks should be made out to <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong>. We encourage parents to prepay as much as possible.B. FREE AND REDUCED LUNCHEach year during registration of students and anytime during the school year, families may requestan application for free and reduced lunches. The application may be secured from any school office andfiled with the office of the superintendent.C. FOOD ALLERGIESIn the case of allergies, or any other dietary needs, the cafeteria will need a note from the doctor orother authorized documentation to alter the lunch tray.D. MANNERSThe following manners and rules are expected to be observed by the students in order to makebreakfast and lunch a pleasant and relaxing time.1. Students will be courteous and polite while walking through the cafeteria line.2. Good eating manners should be observed by all students.3. The cafeteria should be left in a clean/tidy condition.4. After dismissal, trash should be placed in the proper receptacle.5. Food may not be traded with others or taken from the cafeteria.6. Students may talk quietly with their neighbors in the cafeteria.7. Students should treat the cafeteria staff with respect and courtesy.8. Food and trash are not to be thrown.9. When entering or leaving the cafeteria the students will walk quietly in line.10. Students must listen to and obey all instructions given by the cafeteria supervisors.23

11. Carbonated beverages or glass bottles should not be included in a student’s lunch as they will notbe allowed in the cafeteria.12. After eating, students will be dismissed to recess with the Instructional Assistants.D. PARENTS BRINGING LUNCH IN TO STUDENTSAlthough we encourage parents to purchase a healthy school meal when visiting your child for lunch,we realize an occasional “treat” may be fast food. You may only bring food to your child and sodaswill not be permitted in the cafeteria.NATIONAL ELEMENTARY HONOR SOCIETY<strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> will charter a National <strong>Elementary</strong> Honor Society for grades 3 and 4 during thisschool year. Membership will be open to those students who meet the required standards in two areas ofinitial evaluation: scholarship (academic achievement) and responsibility. General standards forselection are established by the national office of NEHS and have been revised to meet the needs of ourschool and fall within our strategic goals.Students are selected to be members of NEHS by a Faculty Council, appointed by the principal andsupervised by an additional member of the faculty serving as the chapter adviser. This group awards thehonor of membership upon qualified students on behalf of the faculty of the school during each schoolyear. Our NEHS chapter will conduct its selection procedures during the spring of each year. Students inthe 3 rd and 4th grades are eligible for membership. For the scholarship criterion, a student must have acumulative grade point average of 85% or better with at least 3 trimesters of academic achievement andgood conduct and effort. Those students who meet this criteria are invited to complete a Candidate’sForm that provides the Faculty Council with evidence of the candidate’s Responsibility at home, school,and in the community . Student conduct and effort as well as academic achievement will be reviewed foreligibility of candidacy.In addition, to evaluate a candidate’s levels of Responsibility, the Faculty Council uses two forms ofinput: first, school administrative records are reviewed; second, members of the faculty are asked forinput regarding their professional reflections on a candidate’s personal responsibility qualities. Theseforms and the Candidate’s Forms are carefully reviewed by the Faculty Council to determinemembership. A majority vote of the council is necessary for selection. Candidates are notified regardingselection or non-selection according to a predetermined schedule established by the chapter.Following notification, a formal induction ceremony is held at the school to recognize all the newlyselected members. Once inducted, new members are required to maintain the same level of performance(or better) in all of the criteria that led to their selection. This obligation includes regular attendance atchapter meetings held monthly during the school year, and participation in other chapter serviceprojects(s) and activities.NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICYIt is the stated policy of the <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong> Corporation not to discriminate on thebasis of race, color, religion, gender, age, disability or national origin including limited Englishproficiency, in its programs or employment policies, as required by the Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Actof 1964), the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Actof 1973), and Americans with Disabilities Act.This non-discrimination policy applies to students’ access to courses and programs, to physicaleducation and athletics, to counseling and guidance, to vocational educational programs, to financialassistance, to extracurricular activities, and to other matters related to students. This policy furtherapplies to all employees and patrons of the school corporation.24

NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDSYou may make payments to the school from your checking account if you have sufficient funds inyour checking account at the time you make each payment. If a payment is returned due to Non-Sufficient Funds "NSF" in your checking account, you will be charged an additional $30 NSF fee plus theamount of the original check. If more than one NSF check is received, the school may request paymentsto be made in cash only. Outstanding money owed the school, including NSF charges, may be turned overto a collection agency if not paid in a timely manner.PARENT CONCERNSIf a parent is concerned about an academic or behavior problem, it is very important that theycontact the school so the problem may be solved. It is best for the parent to first contact the teacher. Noproblem can be solved without the combined efforts of the parent and the teacher. If a parent still hasconcerns, the second step would be to contact Mrs. Andrews, Principal.PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATIONThe PTO is a vital part of the school program. It serves to unite the efforts of parents and teachers toprovide the best education for our children. PTO membership drive begins with the start of the newyear. Interesting, informative meetings are planned and many programs and fundraisers are sponsored.Their success depends upon your support.PARENT VISITATION AND CONFERENCESParent visitation to their child’s classroom is encouraged. We feel it is important to your child’seducation for parents to show interest and visit the classroom. It is recommended that visitations bearranged in advance. We do ask that you sign in at the office when you arrive and pick up a “VISITOR”badge. This allows others in the building to know that you have been to the office. We do this for thesafety of all children in the building.Parent teacher conferences are scheduled twice during the year. Dates and times will be announced.Other conferences can be arranged by contacting the office or teacher. These conferences can bearranged by contacting the teacher by telephone or note. Such conferences will be set at a timeconvenient of both parent and teacher. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THESE CONFERENCES BE ARRANGEDIN ADVANCE TO AVOID INTERRUPTION OF VALUABLE CLASS TIME. If an urgent problem arises andyou need to see the teacher, please stop by the office to make arrangements.PARTY INVITATIONS AND GIFT DELIVERIESWe encourage children to be social outside of school. However, party invitations may not bedistributed at school. Gift and balloon deliveries to students during the school day will not be accepted.RECESSRecess is generally scheduled for all students at least once during the day. Students need this timefor fresh air and activity. However, we want recess to be a safe activity period for all students and expectthe following procedures to be followed.1. Noise must be kept to a minimum when going to and from recess.2. Only one person may be on a swing and no one will push. There will be no standing or sittingsideways on the swings.3. Students are to go down slides feet first at all times. Only one person may go down the slide at atime.4. Fighting is not allowed at recess or at any other time at school.5. There is to be no eating on the playground.6. Rough play is not permitted.25

7. Tackle football is not permitted.8. Mulch, snow, rock, or gravel throwing is not permitted.9. Children should play fairly, courteously, and respectfully at all times.10. Students will obey and follow all directions of teachers and supervising assistants.11. Students are not to come into the building during recess.REPORT CARDSReport cards will be issued to students at the close of each Trimester grading period. The endingdates are listed on the school calendar included in this handbook. Report cards will contain academic,effort, and conduct grades. Attendance will be reported on the report card. Please carefully review yourchild’s progress and contact the teacher if you have any questions concerning the grades. Please sign thereport card envelope and return it to school. Interim progress reports are issued approximately halfway through each grading period. The purpose of these reports is to keep you informed of your child’sprogress.A. GRADING SCALE GUIDELINESThe following is the grading scale that will be used throughout the school year:All indicators at all grade levels will show:S for Strong Performance -Meets and often goes beyond grade level expectationsM for Meets Expectations -Meets grade level expectationsP for Progressing - Shows some understanding, further development is expectedI for Improvement Needed - May not reach grade level expectationsPrimary cards will also show S-M-P-I for “subject area” grades.Intermediate will show percents for “subject area” grades.All effort and conduct grades will show as 1 (Excellent) -2 (Satisfactory) -3 (Improving) - 4 (Poor)The Grade Book only computes numbers. In order to show the grades as stated above conversions havebeen set up in Power <strong>School</strong>.Grade 100 Pt or %Assignment 10 Pt Assignment Total Points AssignmentS 95 –100pts 10 pts 95 –100% of total pointsM 80 -94.99 pts 8-9 pts 80 - 94.99% of total pointsP 65 - 79.99 pts 7 pts 65 –79.99% of total pointsI 60 - 64.99 pts 6 pts 60 -64.99% of total pointsB. HONOR ROLL GUIDELINESThe Honor Roll is a very special recognition for academic achievement in grades 3- 4. It is based ongrades received in, Reading, Writing, Word Study, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Health. Theschool also includes the citizenship grade as a factor for the Honor Roll.To be eligible for Honor Roll status, students must also have acceptable marks in both Conduct andEffort. Special PRINCIPAL'S EFFORT AWARDS will be given to students who have demonstratedexemplary effort and were not on Honor Roll.Trimester Honor Roll: Students earning a 90% in all academic subjects will be recognized for theirachievement with special certificates and/or gift certificates for the Principal’s Honor Roll.Students earning 80% in all academic subjects will be recognized for the Teacher’s Honor Roll.Perfect attendance and outstanding attendance will also be recognized. Each Trimester, twostudents per classroom will be recognized as Character Ambassadors for meeting the PositiveBehavior Expectations.End of Year Awards: Students earning a 90% in all academic subjects will be recognized for theirachievement with special certificates and/or gift certificates for the Principal’s Honor Roll.Students earning 80% in all academic subjects will be recognized for the Teacher’s Honor Roll.26

Perfect attendance and outstanding attendance will also be recognized.. Students with perfectattendance and outstanding attendance will also be recognized. Two students per classroom will berecognized as Character Ambassadors for meeting the Positive Behavior Expectations.Student of the Month : Students who are meeting Positive Behavior Expectations will be selectedand honored monthly with a special recognition breakfast. A card will be sent home to parents withthe nomination as a recognition of their student.Character Ambassadors are selected by each classroom each trimester as exhibiting outstandingPositive Behavior Expectations and are held as examples to their peers in the classroom.Dream, Reach, and Succeed Awards are selected at the conclusion of the school year. Eightstudents in each classroom are selected based on exemplifying the following character traits:Belonging, Heroes, Sense of Accomplishment, Fun and Excitement, Curiosity and Creativity, Spirit ofAdventure, Leadership and Responsibility and Confidence to Take Action. These awards are inrecognition of students who throughout the school year demonstrate leadership characteristicsoutlined in Dr. Russell J. Quaglia’s Eight Conditions That Make a Difference.C. PROMOTION/RETENTIONThe promotion and/or retention of a student is based on an evaluation of academic, physical, social,and emotional growth. The classroom teacher will discuss with the parents concerns which may lead toa retention. The school takes retention very seriously. The decision is usually a very difficult one for theparents and the school. The purpose of retention is to provide a child with an opportunity to be moresuccessful in subsequent years.SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT OVERSIGHT TEAMThe <strong>School</strong> Improvement Oversight Team is a link between the school and the local community. Itserves as a mechanism for participatory management though which the various stakeholders in theschool community may assist the school. Shared decision-making among all stakeholders of the school,community, both internal and external, can benefit the school and produce better student outcomes.The stakeholders are parents, business people, students, other community interests, professionaleducators, and other school staff.SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHSWe ask for parent’s permission to include children in various photo opportunities at school. These arefun and highlight the children’s accomplishments. Please let the staff know if you do not want your childincluded in public relations photos. In addition, annual school pictures are taken in the fall and springand can be purchased.SPECIAL SCHOOL SERVICESA. RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION TEAMThe RTI Team meets regularly and also can be convened at the request of a teacher or parent when astudent is experiencing difficulties in academic, emotional, behavioral, or social areas. This team isusually made up of the child’s classroom teacher(s), parent, social worker, resource teacher, Title 1 staff,speech/language teacher, and principal. Other individuals may be included as necessary. The RTI Team.will review the concerns and attempt to identify the problem(s). Once these problems have beenidentified, the team will work together to develop a set of interventions that will be implemented. Whenthe Team has convened, the parents will be informed of and be involved with the planned interventions.This process uses the skills and experiences of the entire team of educators in partnership with theparents to address the needs of the student.B. SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER SERVICESOur school social worker is one component of a plan designed to address the needs of children identifiedas “At Risk”. These children may be experiencing any number of circumstances that can negatively affectschool performance, (i.e. a change in family structure, feelings of inadequacy, change in personal27

elationships, etc.) The school social worker is available to those students enrolled in the elementaryschools. The focus of the program is to improve a child’s social, emotional, and behavioral adjustmentthrough individual/small group counseling and classroom discussions. A child may be referred to aschool social worker through a parent, teacher, or school administrator referral. Parental permission is apart of a child’s participation in the program. Parents and school personnel are kept informed of a child’sprogress during his/her work with the school social worker.C. EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION SERVICESThrough the <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong> Corporation, students identified as having special learningneeds are offered special services. These services include programs for language development, speechand hearing, learning disabilities, and other special needs services. Recommendations and referrals aremade by the school or parents.D. HIGH ABILITY/ASPIRE/LOGOSThese programs enable students identified as academically talented in the area of language arts andmathematics to participate in enrichment and exploratory activities beginning in Kindergarten.Students may perform above grade level and need acceleration or enrichment. RCS has a process inplace to identify students who are high ability in language arts, math, or general intellectual. Thisprocess includes standardized testing in cognitive ability, achievement tests, and qualitative ratings byparents and teachers. Students may be recommended for this testing by parents, teachers, or anotheradult.Students who are performing above their classroom peers may also be identified as ASPIRE, whichmeans students are provided high ability services to determine their potential.High ability students are regularly served through special groupings within the classroom. <strong>Charles</strong> alsoprovides a second level of identification for students who are performing one to two years above gradelevel. Fourth grade students may apply for the Logos Lab program at Test Middle <strong>School</strong> for their sixthgrade year.For more information, please contact Mrs. Andrews, Principal.SCHOOL SUPPLIESSupply lists for each grade level are available in the school office at registration and throughout the yearas well as on the school website.SPECIAL SERVICES AND ACTIVITIESIn addition to regular classroom experiences, students at <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> will haveavailable to them the following special services and activities:Music ClassesPhysical Education ClassesSpeech TherapyArt ClassesPsychological EvaluationMorning Announcement CrewLibrary/Media ServicesComputer ClassesAccelerated ReaderK-KidsNational <strong>Elementary</strong> Honor Society Science FairASPIRELOGOSCircle the State/ChoirSpelling Bee<strong>School</strong> BookstoreWest End Bank BranchThump JumpersSafety Patrol28Academic Teams (4 th grade)

STUDY HABITSEvery child needs to develop good study habits in order to be successful at school. We have prepareda method for you to help provide a “study routine” for your child(ren). We hope you will try it.1. Select a regular time each day for homework and study. Allow the child some time after school toplay, as well as TV time in the evening. Just before or after dinner may work best for completinghomework.2. Keep study/homework time reasonable. Since most students will have homework nightly and thelength of time may vary, we suggest 20-40 minutes for primary students and 30-60 minutes forintermediate grades.3. Keep distractions to a minimum. Don’t have the student working near the TV or radio. Try to keepbrothers and sisters from bothering the student. Allow no interruptions, such as phone calls.4. Check the work. When the student finishes, take a few minutes to look over the work. Check forneatness and obvious mistakes.5. No homework? Finishes early? While assignments are usually given Monday through Thursday,there may be times that very little work is assigned and the child finishes early. We strongly suggestthe student use the remainder of the time to either reread assignments and study or read forpleasure. Provide a book for this purpose. If a child knows he/she will still have to put in the timeregardless of how much homework they say they have, then they are more likely to do a better job. Afew children habitually “forget” their homework. If a child is brought back to school to get work, itlets him/her know you believe that school work is the student’s first priority.TEACHER REQUESTS/CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTSUpon the recommendations of the current classroom teachers, student assignments are made eachspring. Parents certainly have an interest in their child’s education and sharing in the classroomassignment is welcomed. In early spring, (May), parents who wish to have a particular assignment mustwrite a letter to the office of the principal requesting their choice and stating the educational reason fortheir special request. Although requests will be considered, it may not be possible to fulfill them andproperly balance classrooms.Following the creation of a student roster, no students who have been assigned to a teacher will bechanged to another class unless enrollment dictates the need to do so. Class lists will be posted inAugust after the registration process is complete.TELEPHONECalls made from school by the students must be approved by the teacher in charge of the student atthat time and must also receive approval from the office. Permission will be restricted to calls of anemergency nature. Athletic equipment, homework, lunches, or lunch money left at home are notconsidered emergencies. Neither are requests to stay at friends’ homes or staying for after schoolactivities. These arrangements should be made before coming to school.It is important that classroom interruptions be kept to a minimum. Students will not be called out ofclass to answer phone calls. Messages will be delivered in case of emergencies.Parents may leave messages 24 hours a day using the school’s voice mail system. To access the voicemail system, call the school, 973-3441. Each teacher has a voice mailbox where you can leave amessage. Through the day you may access the system through the office. After hours, listen to theprompts/directions in the voice mail system to access the teacher’s mailbox.29

TESTINGThe <strong>Richmond</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>School</strong> Corporation provides a formal testing program. These testsmeasure the student’s aptitude as well as their skill development. The ISTEP+ given to Indiana studentsin grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10 is one component of the testing program. The mClass assessment forGrades K-2 includes DIBELS which helps teachers identify and progress monitor students with difficultyin reading. Acuity is a computer based assessment that measures student achievement in EnglishLanguage Arts and Math and will be administered 3 times per year for students in grades 3-4 and isaligned with ISTEP+. Twice each year, the Grade 4 students will be assessed in Science. The majorpurpose of this testing program is to provide teachers and parents information to help students learn.All test results will be shared with the parents through parent reports issued in the child’s report card atthe nearest grading period following the tests. Parents are encouraged to help their youngsters to beprepared for all of these tests by making sure the children receive an opportunity to rest and eat a goodbreakfast.A. Educational TestingWhen a student struggles with academics, many resources are employed to help the student achieve.It may become necessary to refer the student to the Multidisciplinary Team which then may recommendfurther educational evaluation. <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> is served by a school psychologist who canadminister these evaluations.VERY IMPORTANT PARTNERS (V.I.Ps)Volunteers are important to our school and to our students. We encourage your help wheneverpossible. We hope to involve not only parents, but grandparents, friends, and community members inthe day-to-day operation of our school. Sign up sheets and criminal background check forms will beavailable at registration or in the office. All volunteers must have a criminal background check onfile in order to volunteer. When volunteers arrive in the building, we ask they sign in and receive avolunteer badge for the day. Together we can make the difference!VISITORSIn order to maintain safe conditions for our students, we ask that ALL visitors report to the officeupon their arrival at school. They will be asked to sign-in and will be given a “Visitor” name tag. Thisname tag should be worn at all times while in the school. All parents and adults should follow thisprocedure, even for short visits.WITHDRAWALShould it become necessary to withdraw your child from <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong>, there are fourimportant steps to follow:1. Notify the office2. Return all textbooks to your child’s teacher3. Return all library books4. Pay any outstanding breakfast and lunch charges.All information contained in this handbook was accurate and complete as of its printing. However,additions and changes to this information will likely occur during the school year. Any additions and/orchanges that are made will be communicated to students and subsequently students are responsible for allinformation contained in this handbook and any information that might be added to or changed in thishandbook.30

Dear Students and Parents:You have just completed reviewing the <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Student/Parent Handbook. Wehave attempted to cover all the important rules, regulations, and procedures that you will be responsiblefor during this school year. You now know that:1. Positive work habits and good behavior are expected and will be rewarded in many ways.2. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and will result in serious consequences.3. Attendance is a high priority at <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> and students are expected to be on timeand ready to work when they enter the classroom.4. Academic achievement for all students is our goal and students who do not work to their potentialmay be denied privileges.5. Students are responsible for their personal appearance as well as the proper care of all schoolmaterials given to them.6. All students will be treated fairly.7. Your success at <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> will be equal to your effort and desire.*************************************************************************CONFIRMATION THAT THE2012 - 2013 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOKCHARLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOLHAS BEEN RECEIVED______________ ________ ______________Student Name Grade Teacher NameI have received and reviewed the <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> Student/Parent Handbook. In signing, Iindicate an awareness of school practices and procedures. My signature does not necessarily implyagreement with all the policies contained in the document. Failure to sign and return this form does notexempt the student or parent from being bound by the school practices and policies set forth in thestudent/parent handbook.Student’s Signature____________________ Date: ________________Parent’s Signature_____________________ Date: ________________Please return this signature page to your child’s teacher.31

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