The Common Economic Space pdf, 796 кб

The Common Economic Space pdf, 796 кб

The Common Economic Space pdf, 796 кб


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economic sustainability of the parties and sustainability to external influence, as well as for thedeepening of integration within the <strong>Common</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Space</strong>.5.2. Agreement on common principles and rules of regulation of the activity ofnatural monopoly entities<strong>The</strong> Agreement on common principles and rules of regulation of the activity of naturalmonopoly entities was signed in Moscow on December, 9, 2010 and was ratified by the Law ofthe Republic of Belarus as of December, 28, 2010 № 205-З.Natural monopolies, for the purposes of this Agreement, are defined as the state of theservices market, where competitive environment for meeting the demand for a particular type ofservice is not possible or economically inappropriate due to the technological peculiarities ofproduction and rendering of these services.<strong>The</strong> spheres of natural monopolies in the states Parties are divided into 2 groups -Appendix 1 specifies the spheres of natural monopolies, regulation of which is carried out inaccordance with the Agreement. <strong>The</strong> requirements of the national legislation of the Parties reapplied to the spheres of natural monopolies, specified in Appendix 2 to the Agreement.According to Appendix 1, the Agreement is applied to the following spheres of naturalmonopolies:2 Transmission and distributionof electricitythrough main oil-trunk pipelinesServices related to thetransmission and (or) distributionof electricity3 Services related to the technicalsupervisory control of the netoutput and consumption ofelectricity; services related tobalancing of the production –consumption of electricity4 Services, rendered by railwaytransport, which ensure thepublic traffic, controlling themovement of trains,transportation by railServices of backbone railwaynetworkIn the Republic of Belarus In the Republic of Kazakhstan In the Russian Federation1 Transport of oil and oil products Services related to the transport Transport of oil and oilthrough main oil-trunk pipelines of oil and (or) oil products products through main oiltrunkpipelinesServices related to thetransmission of electricityServices related to operationaldispatch management inelectric power industryTransportation by railIn Appendix 2 of the Agreement in regard to the Republic of Belarus the following spheres ofnatural monopolies, regulation of which is carried out in accordance with the national legislationof the Republic of Belarus are included:1. gas transportation through main and distribution pipelines;2. services of transport terminals, airports; maintenance and operation of airways, air trafficcontrol;3. public electrical and postal communication services;4. thermal energy transmission and distribution ;5. central water supply and water disposal.<strong>The</strong> Agreement stipulates the principles of regulation of natural monopolies, which alsoinclude the balancing of the interests of consumers and natural monopolies entities; furtherreduction of spheres of natural monopolies; application of the flexible tariff (price) regulation ofnatural monopolies entities; reduction of barriers to the access to domestic markets also byproviding access to services of natural monopoly entities; mandatory conclusion of contracts13

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