Volume 34 No 4 Aug-Sept 1983.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 34 No 4 Aug-Sept 1983.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

Volume 34 No 4 Aug-Sept 1983.pdf - Lakes Gliding Club

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THE ORANGE MONSTER,THE SKULLSPLITTER ANDTHE fiRE ESCAPE11" BYMARTIN111 1 • SIMONS..........My friend Klaus Heyn. who lives very nearGoppingen Where the lama us Minimoa sailplanewas produced, is building a $ailplane inhis attic. It is a Rhonadler, a: H.4m spanwooden design which first appeared in 1931and was produced in large numbers in Germany.<strong>No</strong>ne of the type remain now, inEurope. The plans he is using were actuallyrescued some years ago from the damp,mouse-ridder:l lofts at the Slingsby factorywhere they had apparently been lying aboutsince pre-war times. That is arlother story.Wnen the 'Adler is linished, Klaus proposesto remove some of the roof 01 his houseto get it out. Since the wings will be nearlynine metres 'Iongl and 1.5m wide at the rootend, it seems that quite a lot of the roof willhave to go.Klaus is very keen on vintage sailplanes..The hallway 01 the house is decorated withbeautifully made scale models, on the wallsthere hangs a collection of instrument panelsand even a full sized rudder, the last being areplica of the rudder of Wolf Hirth's famousMusterle, the sailplane in which he discovered"blue" thermals and with which hesoared: atter a bungy launch from the banksof the Hudson in New York.The Rhonadler is just the latest project in along series of restorations, reconstructionsand replications that Klaus has carried outover the last two decades. Unfortunately themove into the attic brought problems. It isoften too cold up there for modern glues toset, and, worse, there is a very sensitiveneighbour next door who has complained sovigorously about the noise coming from therool, that work there has had to ceaseentirety, for the time being at least.Struts I'ook dangerousDownstairs, in the garage, Klaus keeps hisGrunau 9 primary glider. The Grunau 9 wasdesigned in Ihe 1920s by Edmund Schneider,for the solo training methods then in generaluse. Large numbers were produced at theGrunau factory in Silesia, and many werebuilt by clubs. It was ve,ry similar in oonceptionto the Uppisch Z

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