As the workforce becomes wireless so does the ... - Connect-World

As the workforce becomes wireless so does the ... - Connect-World

As the workforce becomes wireless so does the ... - Connect-World


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Mobile Mobile <strong>workforce</strong> payment Mobile management systemsacces<strong>so</strong>ftentimes overlooked - pillars ofsuccess for an enterprise with a largefield <strong>workforce</strong>. MWFM is undergoinga disruptive transformation, driven byheightened expectations of customers,new technologies and <strong>the</strong> speed of <strong>the</strong>Internet. In this context, cloud-based, ondemandSoftware-as-a-Service (SaaS)<strong>so</strong>lutions are ideal for <strong>the</strong> missioncriticaltasks of managing technicians andcustomer communications. They do notrequire major up-front costs, are quickto deploy and automatically updated.Because Return-on-Investment (ROI) ismore quickly realized with SaaS thantraditionally installed <strong>so</strong>ftware, Gartnerestimates initial project savings of 25to 40 per cent due to <strong>the</strong> shedding ofexpensive licensing fees, burden<strong>so</strong>meinstallations and in-house tech support.The divide between companies thatembrace cloud-based <strong>so</strong>lutions and thosethat remain offline grows wider wi<strong>the</strong>very new web-enabled smartphone oron-demand feature made available. Onerecent example is <strong>the</strong> iPad. Within a fewmonths of its launch, it has dramaticallychanged <strong>the</strong> way consumers andcompanies use <strong>the</strong> Internet. An enterprisethat utilizes SaaS for mobile <strong>workforce</strong>scheduling, routing and communicationscan realize previously unobtainablesavings and efficiencies in a few monthsversus years with traditionally installedapplications. Web-based systems can al<strong>so</strong>be updated immediately and can scale tomatch company growth without needingmajor capital investment, because <strong>the</strong>flexibility of cloud <strong>so</strong>lutions allows <strong>the</strong>mto be integrated with existing systems farmore easily than installed applications.To remain competitive, enterprises needto embrace <strong>the</strong>se new devices and <strong>the</strong>power of <strong>the</strong> cloud or else risk failing <strong>the</strong>ircustomers and losing revenue.<strong>Connect</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> technology with <strong>the</strong>business and <strong>the</strong> customerWhen deploying a mobile <strong>workforce</strong>management <strong>so</strong>lution, companies havetwo overarching business objectives.One is to increase efficiency andreduce cost by optimizing <strong>the</strong> workflowbetween <strong>the</strong> field and dispatchers. Thesecond objective is to improve customersatisfaction by leveraging <strong>the</strong> appointmentas a relationship-building opportunity.For many MWFM <strong>so</strong>lutions <strong>the</strong>se areseparate initiatives, both in terms ofbusiness process and technology. However,companies should embrace more holistictechnologies that address <strong>the</strong>se dualbusiness objectives within one modularplatform and unify <strong>the</strong> workflow andcustomer appointment processes.In order to achieve <strong>the</strong> two-fold objectives,companies are finding <strong>the</strong> followingbusiness requirements essential in a mobile<strong>workforce</strong> management <strong>so</strong>lution:• ability to address both contract andnon-contract mobile employees;• rapid implementation;• ease of use with minimal training andmaintenance;• flexible pricing that can be paid forwith <strong>the</strong> operating budget;• continuous <strong>so</strong>ftware updatesdeployed instantly.Companies looking for a <strong>so</strong>lution toaddress <strong>the</strong>se requirements find a newapproach in mobile <strong>workforce</strong> management.Ra<strong>the</strong>r than simply delivering work ordersto field employees, MWFM optimizes<strong>the</strong> mobile <strong>workforce</strong> with a focus on <strong>the</strong>most critical touch point - <strong>the</strong> customerappointment event. The approach utilizesmobile technology, predictive analytics,and automated interactive customercommunications to increase operationalefficiencies and improve <strong>the</strong> customerexperience at <strong>the</strong> same time.Figure: A holistic approach to mobile <strong>workforce</strong>management puts <strong>the</strong> customer at <strong>the</strong> centre of <strong>the</strong>appointment management processIt’s all about predicting as accuratelyas possible how long an appointmentwill take - based on factors like<strong>the</strong> skill set of mobile employees,location, traffic conditions and jobhistory - and proactively telling <strong>the</strong>customer about his/her appointmentstatus through regular communication.Mobile technologies and web-basedcloud technologies are <strong>the</strong> backbone ofany <strong>so</strong>lution that aims to achieve this,allowing enterprises to collect, processand use real-time information to achievea high degree of accuracy. Customersgreatly value this accuracy when <strong>the</strong>ywait just one hour for an appointmentinstead of wasting half a day or more of<strong>the</strong>ir valuable time not knowing when<strong>the</strong> visit will happen. Companies using amobile <strong>workforce</strong> management <strong>so</strong>lutionhave oftentimes experienced a surge incustomer satisfaction ratings, becausecustomers appreciate service providerswho understand and respect <strong>the</strong>ir busy,mobile lifestyles.With cloud-based mobile <strong>workforce</strong>management on <strong>the</strong> path to successConsidering <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong> Americanmobile <strong>workforce</strong>, <strong>the</strong> potential forimprovement is huge. Gartner estimates30 per cent of new customer service andsupport applications will be delivered viaSaaS by 2012. With 70 per cent still beingdelivered as installed applications, we willsee those enterprises using on-demandservices and web-based applicationsprofiting immensely, outperforming <strong>the</strong>ircompetitors. In fact, <strong>so</strong>me already do. CoxCommunications, <strong>the</strong> third largest cablecompany in <strong>the</strong> US with over 6.2 millionsubscribers, has deployed a cloud-based<strong>so</strong>lution to manage its field <strong>workforce</strong>of 7000 technicians in 17 states. Thecable provider has achieved a 98 per centsatisfaction rate among its customers,rising from 84 per cent. In addition, Coxwas able to realize considerable costreductions amounting to US$60 millionin annual savings or US$18,000 pertechnician annually. Technicians al<strong>so</strong>worked 13 per cent more productivelywhile at <strong>the</strong> same time driving 27 per centmiles less - not only saving money forfuel but al<strong>so</strong> protecting <strong>the</strong> environment.Ano<strong>the</strong>r company, Arhaus Furniture,has even more fully embraced mobiletechnologies as a part of <strong>the</strong>ir businessstrategy. They constantly look to improve<strong>the</strong>ir customer service and <strong>the</strong>ir operationswith <strong>the</strong> latest technologies and in doing<strong>so</strong> have been successful pioneers in<strong>the</strong> furniture industry for many years.Their latest coup is to deploy Apple’siPad to its delivery drivers. They havealready implemented a holistic mobile<strong>workforce</strong> management <strong>so</strong>lution and witha customized iPad app <strong>the</strong>y take it onestep fur<strong>the</strong>r to implement a paperlessenvironment, saving tons of paper andabout US$100,000 annually in addition to<strong>the</strong> cost-reductions already achieved.Embracing mobility as a business strategycan have an immensely positive impacton business performance - by achievingunparalleled cost-savings and drivingcustomer satisfaction to yet unknownheights. The everything-<strong>wireless</strong> world isfull of opportunities enterprises just haveto take. •North America 2010 • 39

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