Major General Dowd - University of the Cumberlands
Major General Dowd - University of the Cumberlands
Major General Dowd - University of the Cumberlands
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Winter 2011umberlandAN ALUMNI MAGAZINEHomecoming '10UC Alum serves in Kenya<strong>Major</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Dowd</strong><strong>Major</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Dowd</strong>cumberlands alumnus keeps u . s .military moving
2010-2011 Alumni AssociationBoard <strong>of</strong> DirectorsPresidentRichard Prewitt, ’80President-ElectSusan Rice Bradley, ’98Past PresidentDavid Rhodes, ’80SecretaryTerry Dixon, Ed.D., ’68Executive DirectorDave Bergman, ’89Board Member EmeritusMary Doyle Johnson, ’48Dick Koeniger, ’67Term Expiring 2011Jeffrey W. Davis, ’80Maureen “Cookie” Henson, ’74John P. Hollingsworth, Ph.D., ’63Mike Parsley, ’89Allen Robbins, ’90Term Expiring 2012Jonathan Childers, ’00Melanie Mackey Evans, ’90Duane Floro, ’79Shannon Evans Harrington, ’00Jimmy Huddleston, ’87Term Expiring 2013Tom Broyles, ’80Kathy Byrd, ’83-’87Brittney House, ’09Terry Stigall, ’75Amy Stroud, ’04Ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio MembersJames H. Taylor, Ph.D., ’68, PresidentSue Wake, ’70, V.P. for Institutional AdvancementDaphne Baird, Director <strong>of</strong> Media RelationsPaul P. Steely, ’49, Trustee LiaisonJacob Moak, ’11, SGA PresidentAlumni Family and Friends,Whe<strong>the</strong>r you are in your favorite living room chair, on abusiness trip or online, we are pleased that you are readingthis 2011 winter edition <strong>of</strong> Cumberland Today. Your alumnimagazine is intended to keep alumni and friends informed<strong>of</strong> all-things-Cumberland, both on campus and afar.The New Year is well underway and exciting things are alreadyplanned for <strong>the</strong> year ahead. Please see our “Save <strong>the</strong> Date”schedule <strong>of</strong> events located on <strong>the</strong> pages ahead and join usfor an event this year. Your Alumni Board <strong>of</strong> Directors metin December to get <strong>the</strong> new term <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong>f and runningwith strategic planning. The Leadership Commitment <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Board is secure. Rich Prewitt, ’80, alumni president, andSusan Rice Bradley, ’98, alumni president-elect, are poised to <strong>of</strong>fer excellent leadership thisyear along with executives Dr. Terry Dixon, ’68, secretary, and David Rhodes, ’80, pastpresident. Each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se alumni has served <strong>the</strong> Alumni Board with distinction and humbleservice. Their commitment is unquestioned and unwavering as <strong>the</strong>y blaze a wide path backto campus not only for <strong>the</strong>mselves as leaders but also for o<strong>the</strong>rs to follow. We solicit yourLeadership Commitment if you have <strong>the</strong> right stuff.If, while reading Cumberland Today, you should think <strong>of</strong> someone among <strong>the</strong> alumni familywho deserves recognition for service or leadership, please contact <strong>the</strong> Alumni Office or anyone <strong>of</strong> our Alumni Board members. We will be glad to follow up on your recommendationand perhaps even feature that alumnus in a future issue <strong>of</strong> your alumni magazine. Thankyou.Sincerely,Dave Bergman, ’89Alumni DirectorLeadership CommitmentVisit us online: email us: alumni@ucumberlands.eduWe’d love to hear your comments!Cumberland Today is published by <strong>the</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> MediaRelations. Mail contributions, letters and addresschanges to <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, AlumniServices, 7075 College Station Dr., Williamsburg, KY40769, or emailed to DesignerMeghann HolmesContributorsDaphne BairdDave Bergman, ’89Elaine CroleyRobbie Floyd, ’11Laura Silvers, ’11Stephanie Quattrociocchi, ’11<strong>University</strong> PhotographersDaphne BairdMeghann HolmesRobbie Floyd, ’11Jeff Meadors, ’96Sports InformationPrinted byWelch Printing Company
Dear Alumni and Friends <strong>of</strong> UC,Recently I attended <strong>the</strong> Madrigal Dinner at <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>. My wife Nina and I celebrated our 30th class reunion fromCumberland, and we would never have thought about attending that event back <strong>the</strong>n, in college. I think this is my third in a row since joining<strong>the</strong> Alumni Board, and it gets better every time. The food, <strong>the</strong> music and <strong>the</strong> camaraderie are magnificent.Dr. Taylor had a few words at <strong>the</strong> beginning and a little as a closing, and in both talks he implored everybody to drive around campus.Truthfully, I am thinking, what for? I’ve lived in Williamsburg most <strong>of</strong> my adult life; from my home I could hear <strong>the</strong> outside activitiesdowntown and on campus. I go to church near campus. I cut through campus on Main St. at least weekly. Why did Nina and I need to drivearound? We are experts.Respectfully,In driving around, I gained a much deeper appreciation <strong>of</strong> Dr. Taylor and his staff. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Cumberlands</strong> and my Cumberland College are like leaving Earth and visiting Mars. What Dr. Taylor hasdone in his leadership role as president <strong>of</strong> our beloved <strong>University</strong> is nothing short <strong>of</strong> remarkable. EverythingI ever loved about Cumberland is still right <strong>the</strong>re; <strong>the</strong>re is just so much more.There is absolutely nothing at U <strong>of</strong> C that isn’t at an all-time high; from enrollment to student services, todegrees and programs to buildings and grounds. But perhaps <strong>the</strong> need for you is also at an all-time high. Forjust as many reasons, if not more, we want you back. Please make this <strong>the</strong> year you come to homecoming,earn ano<strong>the</strong>r degree, come to a game, or encourage a potential student. Please, we really want you back.Rich Prewitt, ’80Alumni PresidentCumberland Alumni,As president-elect <strong>of</strong> your Alumni Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, I want to share a few words about <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> and whatit means to me. Sounds easy, right? Well, it is more difficult than I originally thought.My immediate thoughts were <strong>the</strong> great memories; friends I met, cheering at football and basketball games, andmost importantly, meeting my husband. But, what does Cumberland mean to me now? Twelve years followinggraduation, I have a kind, honest and Godly husband. I have a career that I have been working at for twelveyears. I have great friends. I belong to a wonderful church that I try to serve.After much consideration, I came to <strong>the</strong> conclusion that I love my <strong>University</strong> and want to “pay forward” too<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>the</strong> same experience I had at Cumberland. In my opinion, <strong>the</strong> years we spend in college are unmatched.It is <strong>the</strong> time that prepares us for how we will fulfill our futures. It is <strong>the</strong> time when we discover our interestsand talents that will shape us for our future career paths. Most people find <strong>the</strong>ir future spouse and that lays <strong>the</strong>groundwork for children and family.Can you imagine any greater place to spend such a crucial, transitional time in life; <strong>the</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> God surrounding you each day as you arelearning and maturing? Well, I decided I want <strong>the</strong> same experience for my family and my loved ones, and as a Christian, I should want thatfor strangers. After all, I was a stranger at one point, and thanks to <strong>the</strong> grace <strong>of</strong> God and <strong>the</strong> generosity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> late Kentucky Governor BertT. Combs, ’30, I was given such an opportunity.As an involved alumna, I believe it is my turn to “pay forward” my blessings to future generations. I feel this alumni role is a ministry thatneeds to be filled through my service on <strong>the</strong> Alumni Board.I want to personally invite you back to campus. Bring your family and refer a student to <strong>Cumberlands</strong>. By coming back to campus regularly,you will get to know your <strong>University</strong> in new ways, and perhaps you will feel <strong>the</strong> same about giving back as Alumni Board members do. Youwill not regret <strong>the</strong> decision to pass along <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ blessings to o<strong>the</strong>rs.Susan Rice Bradley, ’98President-Elect, Alumni Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsWinter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 1
contentsCOVER STORY<strong>Major</strong><strong>General</strong><strong>Dowd</strong>25-27COVER: Kenneth S. <strong>Dowd</strong>,’79,was promoted from <strong>the</strong> rank <strong>of</strong>brigadier general to major generalin 2008. He is pictured receivinghis second star from <strong>General</strong>David Petraeus, who currentlyserves as <strong>the</strong> commander <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>International Security AssistanceForces (ISAF) and commander <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> U.S. Forces Afghanistan.34-72011 Save <strong>the</strong> Date!Campus NewsPhotos submitted.8-910-121314-1718-2425-2728-3435-36373839-4041Athletic Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame InducteesStudent SpotlightGift AnnuitiesUC Alum Serves in KenyaHomecoming 2010COVER STORYAlumni NewsAlumni SpotlightAlumni Hall <strong>of</strong> Honor PosthumousInducteeAlumnus Receives Honorary DegreeTribute ProgramWhere are They Now?Chelsea Belt, ’11, elegantlyrepresented <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Cumberlands</strong> as <strong>the</strong> 2010Kentucky Mountain LaurelFestival Queen candidate.2 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
Leadership in a Free and Strong AmericaPresented by Forcht Group <strong>of</strong>Kentucky Center for Excellencein LeadershipFeaturing: Mike Huckabee,former Arkansas GovernorSpecial Music by Lee Greenwood7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April, 5, 2011,O. Wayne Rollins CenterHomecoming 20102011Save The Date Campus EventsAlumni, Faculty, Staff, Students andFriends WelcomeWednesday, March 30, 2011:Career Fair for Students,Alumni, and ProspectiveEmployers, Boswell CampusCenter, 10:30 a.m. – 3:00p.m.Monday, April 25, 2011:Honors Day Convocation10:00 a.m., O. Wayne RollinsCenterSaturday, May 7, 2011:Graduation/CommencementExercises, O. Wayne RollinsCenter, 10:00 a.m.Class <strong>of</strong> 1961 50th yearGolden MarchSaturday, October 29, 2011:Homecoming Football Game1:30 p.m., James H. Taylor IIStadiumBelhaven College vs<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Cumberlands</strong>Homecoming,Alumni & StudentWeekendFriday, Saturday,Sunday October 28-30, 2011Winter 2011 •• CumberlandToday •• 327
campus news<strong>Cumberlands</strong> Holds First White Coat CeremonyOn Dec. 16, 2010, <strong>the</strong> first class, or cohort, <strong>of</strong> students in <strong>the</strong> Master <strong>of</strong> Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) program reached an importantmilestone in <strong>the</strong>ir studies that began in January 2010 with <strong>the</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Correll Science Complex.As <strong>the</strong> students completed <strong>the</strong> first year <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> program, each received a white lab coat embroidered with his or her name during animpressive ceremony held in Gatliff ChapelFor <strong>the</strong> remainder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> program, <strong>the</strong>se MPAS students will complete eight, supervised, clinical rotations, gaining <strong>the</strong> hands-on experiencevital to <strong>the</strong> successful training <strong>of</strong> competent physician assistants. They will meet at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> each rotation to share experiences and casestudieswith <strong>the</strong>ir peers.As <strong>the</strong> first cohort has moved into <strong>the</strong> clinical phase <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> program in January, <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ second MPAS cohort will begin studies in <strong>the</strong>classrooms and simulation laboratories <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Forcht Medical Wing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> science complex in May.Two Students in <strong>the</strong> Master <strong>of</strong> Physician AssistantStudies Program to Study in CaliforniaOne MPAS student is Gloria Kim,’09, a <strong>Cumberlands</strong> graduate who initially wanted to becomea dentist. However, difficulties and financial concerns for international students to attendAmerican dental and medical schools influenced Kim, who is from South Korea, to followano<strong>the</strong>r path. She felt <strong>the</strong> MPAS program was <strong>the</strong> right choice for her. “I love it. The pr<strong>of</strong>essorsreally care about you, and you know that <strong>the</strong>y really want to help you succeed,” said Kim.Kim is one <strong>of</strong> two MPAS students who will travel to Los Angeles for <strong>the</strong>ir clinical rotations. Sheand Kristen Mercier are excited about <strong>the</strong> opportunity to experience a new and diverse learningenvironment, but “a tad nervous about ‘getting out <strong>of</strong> our comfort zone’ in Williamsburg,” saidKim. When asked how <strong>the</strong> opportunity came about, she replied, “One <strong>of</strong> our pr<strong>of</strong>essors, Dr.Peter Geissler, has taught at numerous places around <strong>the</strong> world.” Geissler helped to arrange for<strong>the</strong> two to complete in <strong>the</strong>ir clinical internships on <strong>the</strong> West Coast. “He wanted a couple <strong>of</strong>students to go so that <strong>the</strong>y could work toge<strong>the</strong>r and rely on each o<strong>the</strong>r,” Kim said. “My classmate,Kristin Mercier, is originally from California, so everything seemed to fall into place.”“I think that <strong>the</strong> MPAS program is going very well,” Kim states about her first year in <strong>the</strong>program. “We prayed toge<strong>the</strong>r, studied toge<strong>the</strong>r and developed relationships that surpassed myexpectations.”4 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
<strong>Cumberlands</strong> Ranked inWashington Monthly’s Top 20 for Servicecampus newsWashington Monthly 2010 College Guide has ranked <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> in its 50 baccalaureate colleges and universitiesand in <strong>the</strong> top 20 for service.Unlike most college rankings, which position institutions according to how <strong>the</strong>y benefit students alone, <strong>the</strong> Washington Monthly’sAnnual College Guide looks at how well colleges and universities serve <strong>the</strong>ir communities and <strong>the</strong> country. According to its editors,<strong>the</strong> magazine uses public data to examine colleges through three lenses: social mobility, which considers how well an institutionprovides opportunities for first-generation and low-income students; research; and service.<strong>Cumberlands</strong> was ranked 13th in <strong>the</strong> magazine’s service category and 34th overall among <strong>the</strong> nation’s baccalaureate college anduniversities.“We are pleased to learn <strong>of</strong> this latest honor, and we appreciate <strong>the</strong> Washington Monthly’s recognition <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ contributionto not only our region but also to <strong>the</strong> country and ultimately, <strong>the</strong> world,” said Dr. Jim Taylor, <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ president.The Washington Monthly, a Washington, D.C.-based magazine founded in 1959, began publishing its annual College Guide in 2005.This is <strong>the</strong> first year it has included both baccalaureate and graduate schools in its rankings.<strong>Cumberlands</strong> ROTC represented at <strong>the</strong> 2010 ArmyTen-MilerTwo representatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> ROTC, <strong>Major</strong> Eddie Simpson,pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> military science, and Todd Olson, ’11, senior cadet, along withrepresentatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> unit’s parent program at Eastern Kentucky <strong>University</strong>,participated in <strong>the</strong> team event <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 2010 Army Ten Miler in Washington, D.C.Each October tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> runners and spectators come to <strong>the</strong> capitalto enjoy this race classic, which is <strong>the</strong> nation’s largest ten-mile race. The racestarts and finishes at <strong>the</strong> Pentagon, passing by D.C. landmarks including <strong>the</strong>Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and <strong>the</strong> Capitol Building. Theannual race weekend events also include a youth run, a youth activity fairand a pre-race pasta dinner. The race draws a large number <strong>of</strong> civilian andmilitary running teams.Out <strong>of</strong> 26,000 race participants, both Olson and Simpson finished in <strong>the</strong>top 1600. The team competition is for <strong>the</strong> lowest total <strong>of</strong> four runnerswithin <strong>the</strong> eight-man team. The UC-EKU team placed 15th out <strong>of</strong> 63participating ROTC teams, with Olson leading <strong>the</strong> way with a time <strong>of</strong> 66minutes.This was <strong>the</strong> first time that cadets from Eastern Kentucky <strong>University</strong> and<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> competed in <strong>the</strong> event. “With <strong>the</strong> success <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>team, we expect a higher finish for next year’s race,” said Simpson, who is alreadyplanning for 2011.Sponsored by <strong>the</strong> U.S. Army Military District <strong>of</strong> Washington, <strong>the</strong> Army Ten-Miler is designed to promote <strong>the</strong> Army, build esprit de corps, support fitnessgoals and enhance community relations. Proceeds from <strong>the</strong> event supportArmy Morale, Welfare and Recreation, a comprehensive network <strong>of</strong> supportand leisure services designed to enhance <strong>the</strong> lives <strong>of</strong> soldiers and <strong>the</strong>ir families.ROTC team members Senior Cadet Todd Olson and <strong>Major</strong>Eddie Simpson <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, and LieutenantColonel Richard M. Livingston, <strong>of</strong> Eastern Kentucky <strong>University</strong>participate in <strong>the</strong> 2010 Army ten-Miler.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 5
campus news<strong>Cumberlands</strong> to Present First Doctoral Degreesat May 2011 CommencementDecember 18, 2010 marked a day in history for <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> as <strong>the</strong> members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> first cohort to complete <strong>the</strong> newDoctorate <strong>of</strong> Education in Educational Leadership program ga<strong>the</strong>red to take <strong>the</strong>ir comprehensive exams. Six candidates also presented oraldefense <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir dissertations. Under <strong>the</strong> leadership <strong>of</strong> Dr. Barry Vann, director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> program, and Dr. Michael Eskay, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> education,<strong>the</strong>se candidates were successful in defending <strong>the</strong>ir projects before <strong>the</strong>ir committees.The Ed.D. program, which began in <strong>the</strong> fall <strong>of</strong> 2008, is designed for working pr<strong>of</strong>essionals who desire to develop <strong>the</strong>ir career potential andthose who seek to learn more about today’s educational issues.Additional information about <strong>the</strong> Ed.D. or any <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ graduate programs is available at 800-434-1609 or 606-539-4390, or on-lineat candidates who defended <strong>the</strong>ir dissertations in December:Front: Carolyn West Reaves, ’74 Williamsburg; Back row from left: Mat<strong>the</strong>w Ewers, Louisville; RobbieAdell, Ashville, N.C.; Linda Keck, Harrogate, Tenn.; and Margie Langley, Rocky Face, Ga.;Not pictured: Jason Reeves, Barbourville.President Taylor Recognized by SACSIn 2010, President Jim Taylor, ’68, received <strong>the</strong> Meritorious Service Award from <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Association <strong>of</strong> Colleges and SchoolsCommission on Colleges (SACSCOC), presented at <strong>the</strong> organization’s annual conference for “Involvement in all aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Commissionover <strong>the</strong> years and for his longevity as a successful president while also rendering voluntary service to <strong>the</strong> Commission.”“What a joy it is to work with SACSCOC,” said Taylor. “In my view, it’s <strong>the</strong> best continuing education opportunity available, and I alwayslearn more than I am able to contribute. I’m also very humbled by this honor and equally appreciative.”The Meritorious Service Awards are presented for demonstrated, extraordinary commitment to and understanding <strong>of</strong> accreditationprocesses in higher education, to those who are respected by <strong>the</strong>ir peers for <strong>the</strong>ir integrity and <strong>the</strong> meritorious quality <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir service, andwho are recognized as models <strong>of</strong> competency, creativity, and accomplishment. Nominations for <strong>the</strong> awards come from <strong>the</strong> Commission’s800 member institutions.6 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
campus newsComing This Spring!Your new 2011 Alumni Directory is on its way.“Thank you, everyone who provided updated information. Your assistanceis vital to keeping <strong>Cumberlands</strong> alumni connected, and we appreciate yourtaking <strong>the</strong> time to let us know where you are and what you’re doing,” saidDave Bergman, Alumni Services director.If you ordered a directory, you should receive it by June 2011. If you havenot ordered, it’s not too late. The deadline is April 1. Call (877) 464-0063to reserve your copy. Please contact us if you have any questions. AlumniServices <strong>of</strong>fice: (606) 539-4355 or CD Release:Virgil and Rayford: Hills and HollersDon’t miss hearing Rayford Watts,’63, and Virgil Bowlin,’97, during Homecoming 2011, as <strong>the</strong>ysing and play some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> songs that Rayford has written and Virgil has put to music in <strong>the</strong> pastyear. To date <strong>the</strong>y have recorded six CD’s. Their latest, “Hills and Hollers; Music from EasternKentucky” contains 21 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir “greatest hits.”Come Witness <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ Newest TraditionClass <strong>of</strong> 1961 • 50th year Golden MarchThe Class <strong>of</strong> 1961 was <strong>the</strong> first graduating class after Cumberland returned to a four-year baccalaureate program following 48 yearsas a junior college. To honor <strong>the</strong> 50th anniversary <strong>of</strong> this historic event, <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> has invited <strong>the</strong> members <strong>of</strong> this class toparticipate in <strong>the</strong> 2011 Commencement exercises on May 7. The 1961 alumni, in caps and gowns, will march in with <strong>the</strong> 2011graduates and be recognized, and each will receive a commemorative token <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> event. <strong>Cumberlands</strong> hopes to continue thistradition for future 50th anniversary classes. Come support your fellow alums from <strong>the</strong> class <strong>of</strong> 1961 and plan to join your graduatingclass at Commencement upon your 50th anniversary.Attention all former Baseball players!Whe<strong>the</strong>r you were an Indian, a Patriot or both, you are invited to a Baseball Alumni Reunion April 8-9.<strong>Cumberlands</strong> will host Lindsey Wilson in conference play on both days, and a reception will provide alumni an opportunity to reminisce.“We are excited about having former baseball players return to campus,” said Brad Shelton, head baseball coach. “We hope for good wea<strong>the</strong>rso players from <strong>the</strong> past can get toge<strong>the</strong>r again, enjoy a game, see our facilities and have a good time.”For information or to register, call <strong>the</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> Alumni Services at 606-539-4355 or <strong>the</strong> Baseball Office at 606-539-4387 ore-mail or 2011 • CumberlandToday • 7
UNIVERSITYAthletic OF THE Hall <strong>of</strong> FameCUMBERLANDSEstablishedATHLETICin 1996HALLby <strong>the</strong> Alumni Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, <strong>the</strong> Athletic Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame has inducted65 formerOFathletes,FAMEcoaches and contributing supporters as well as three athletic teams. Eachyear approximately 600 <strong>Cumberlands</strong> student athletes dedicate countless hours towardpractice, training and competition, all while maintaining <strong>the</strong>ir grades as <strong>the</strong>y are, above all,students. The Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame is one way that <strong>Cumberlands</strong> recognizes <strong>the</strong> individuals who havegiven tirelessly to <strong>the</strong> athletic program and to <strong>the</strong> university.September 2010 Alumni Athletic Hall <strong>of</strong> Fame InducteesAnthony Kabara, ’04Track and FieldAnthony Kabara, ’04, came to <strong>the</strong> United States from his home in Nairobi, Kenya, to pursue his dream <strong>of</strong> attaining an education and to runtrack at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>. He received his Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree in 2004, with a major in movement and leisure studies and a minor inbusiness administration.At <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, Kabara broke eight school records, earned 11 NAIA Championships, and was awarded 18 NAIA All-American awards. In2000 and 2002, he was named <strong>the</strong> NAIA Indoor Outstanding Performer. In 2001, he ran <strong>the</strong> 800M, in 1:45.29, third fastest in <strong>the</strong> world atthat time, and by <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> that year, he was ranked 36th in <strong>the</strong> world.Kabara continues his regimented training for future world track events and <strong>the</strong> dream <strong>of</strong> representing his home country in <strong>the</strong> Olympics.From left: Matt Lowers, head wrestling coach; Latoya Irving; Michael Irving,’02; Anthony Kabara,’04;and Dr. James Key, associate pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> exercise and sport science.Michael Irving,’02WrestlingMichael Irving,’02, a two-time, Florida high school state champion, was a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ first wrestling team under Coach JessWilder. A four-time NAIA All-American at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, Irving won <strong>the</strong> 2000 National Championship in <strong>the</strong> Heavyweight Division. His111 career wins and his eleven pins in a single season earned him <strong>the</strong> ranking <strong>of</strong> fourth and third, respectively, all-time best at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>.Following his graduation with a B.S. in religion and public health, Irving was a graduate assistant with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> wrestling program in2003; <strong>the</strong>n he returned to Florida to teach health and physical education at Clewiston High School. In 2006, Irving resigned from teachingto train full-time for <strong>the</strong> 2008 Olympic team. He was considered a legitimate Olympic hopeful and was ranked 34th in <strong>the</strong> world in 2008.Irving resides in North Carolina with his wife Latoya, where he teaches health and physical education at Jordan High School. He is also anassistant coach for <strong>the</strong> Duke <strong>University</strong> Blue Devils wrestling team.8 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
Five individuals inducted into <strong>the</strong>Athletic Hall <strong>of</strong> Fameon February 19, 2011.(Coach Garry Nelson, andmembers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> UC swimteam accepted on behalf <strong>of</strong>Janek, who lives in Finlandand could not attend)Kelley Tragesser Wood,’02, SoccerLibor Janek, ’01, SwimmingFred Sagester, ’69, Track & FieldJason Ellis,’03, BaseballHarold Hubbard, Honorary Alumnus2008, Outstanding ServiceWinter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 9
student spotlightMore than a Football PlayerIt was sunny and cool: a perfectcombination for any football game. As <strong>the</strong>game finished with <strong>the</strong> Cumberland Patriotsstanding victoriously, a group <strong>of</strong> tall, strong,muddy <strong>of</strong>fensive lineman quickly shuffled <strong>of</strong>f<strong>the</strong> field to <strong>the</strong> 2010 Mid-South ConferenceChampionship trophy presentation on <strong>the</strong>far side <strong>of</strong> James Taylor II Memorial Stadium.With grunts <strong>of</strong> enthusiasm, while sweatand tears ran down <strong>the</strong>ir faces, <strong>the</strong> playerscelebrated happily for several minutes,hoisting <strong>the</strong> trophy over <strong>the</strong>ir heads andtaking multiple pictures as MSC champions.It was <strong>the</strong> picture-perfect site and <strong>the</strong> mostdesirable way for senior Madison McCalmonto end his college football career.However, McCalmon was nowhereto be found in <strong>the</strong> dozens <strong>of</strong> excited men.Instead, he was in <strong>the</strong> background <strong>of</strong> mostpictures, embracing his family and friendstightly and thanking God for <strong>the</strong> manyaccomplishments with which he had beenblessed.Too few student-athletes in today’ssociety look beyond <strong>the</strong>ir duties on <strong>the</strong> fieldand toward <strong>the</strong>ir responsibilities <strong>of</strong>f it. As <strong>the</strong>game <strong>of</strong> football has become more focusedon financial success and individual praise, itis refreshing to find a player like McCalmon,a well-rounded athlete who understands <strong>the</strong>importance <strong>of</strong> putting o<strong>the</strong>rs first. Because <strong>of</strong>his unselfish efforts, McCalmon has receivednational recognition.An <strong>of</strong>fensive lineman and a standoutstudent with a 3.97 GPA, McCalmon“Madison isdoing greatthings with <strong>the</strong>opportunitieshe has beengiven....”received one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most prestigious awardsin college football when he was selected to<strong>the</strong> 2011 AllState AFCA (American FootballCoaches Association) Good Works Team.Based on not only his efforts on <strong>the</strong> field butalso on his service to <strong>the</strong> community, he wasone <strong>of</strong> only 22 football players chosen thisyear out <strong>of</strong> 112 students nominated from allNCAA and NAIA divisions.“This award means a whole lot,”McCalmon said. “I am so excited to be ableto represent <strong>the</strong> school this year.”On campus, McCalmon is a STAR(Student Trained and Read) for an Insightsclass, a freshman orientation program;director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ FCA (Fellowship<strong>of</strong> Christian Athletes); and an academicpeer tutor in <strong>the</strong> Academic Resource Center(ARC). He is also an active member in <strong>the</strong>wider <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ community, readingto local elementary school students andescorting patients at <strong>the</strong> nursing home in<strong>the</strong>ir annual beauty pageant.Since <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>of</strong> 2005,McCalmon has participated in a mission tripto Ecuador and Jamaica each year. In his firstyear as director <strong>of</strong> FCA, McCalmon decidedto organize a trip for spring break in 2010,and he and a group <strong>of</strong> fellow classmatestraveled to Ecuador. The students rebuilt andrepaired churches and spent <strong>the</strong>ir spare timeinteracting with <strong>the</strong> children <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> area.“I’m <strong>the</strong> kind <strong>of</strong> person who hasto stay busy all <strong>the</strong> time,” McCalmon saidBy Stephanie Quattrociocchi, ’11smiling. “It may sound cliché, but I definitelytake more out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> experience than I putinto it.”McCalmon finished his<strong>Cumberlands</strong> football career as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>most winning team in school history, addingfour Mid-South Conference championshipsto his resume, and he is <strong>the</strong> second Patriotto be named to <strong>the</strong> Good Works Team.His former roommate and best friend P.J.Hughes, ’10 was <strong>the</strong> only NAIA member <strong>of</strong>last year’s team.“It’s a tremendous honor thatMadison received this award, and I couldn’tthink <strong>of</strong> a more deserving individual,” saidHughes. “Madison is doing great things with<strong>the</strong> opportunities he has been given and willeasily make an impact.”The AllState AFCA Good WorksTeam, which over <strong>the</strong> past 19 years has beenawarded to players all over <strong>the</strong> country, isgiven to those not only actively involvedand committed to working with a charitableorganization or service group and maintaininggood academic standards, but who alsodisplay sincere concern and reliability,while making a favorable impression on <strong>the</strong>organization with which <strong>the</strong>y are involved.Each year’s team members travel to NewOrleans, to attend <strong>the</strong> Sugar Bowl, where<strong>the</strong>y are recognized during half-time. Whilein New Orleans, <strong>the</strong>y also perform severalhours <strong>of</strong> community service to help make lifea little better for someone else.10 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
Digging Deeperstudent spotlightKyla Fitz-Gerald, ’12, a history major with a minorin criminal justice, spent a week during <strong>the</strong> summer<strong>of</strong> 2010 on St. Eustatius (Statia), an island in <strong>the</strong>Ne<strong>the</strong>rlands Antilles, 20 minutes from St. Maarten byair. The island is so small that one can see <strong>the</strong> oceanfrom any point, and <strong>the</strong> airstrip almost spans <strong>the</strong>width <strong>of</strong> it. She worked with SECAR, St. EustatiusCenter for Archaeological Research, which conducts anontraditional field school that allows students hands-on experience with all aspects <strong>of</strong> an archeological dig.Kyla arrived on <strong>the</strong> island just as <strong>the</strong> group began anew project, excavating <strong>the</strong> S. Hoek house. It was anolder home, which had been disassembled leaving <strong>the</strong>foundation for <strong>the</strong> group to dig within, and <strong>the</strong> artifactsfound will be used to date <strong>the</strong> home.“Before we even mapped <strong>the</strong> site out we were findingsurface artifacts, and when we worked on meter bymeter units everyone filled <strong>the</strong>ir artifact bags by noon,”said Kyla. After lunch each day, <strong>the</strong> group returned to<strong>the</strong> SECAR house to clean and catalog <strong>the</strong>ir findings.“This made me realize how much I have to learn aboutpottery and ceramics; it really got me excited about mymaster’s work,” said Kyla. “I cannot wait to graduateand get into a graduate program.”“This trip was also an amazing cultural experience forme,” said Kyla. “The islanders were so friendly, andalways remembered you.” She describes some <strong>of</strong> herexperiences, “I got lost (which IS possible <strong>the</strong>re) on myway to buy stamps one day, and everyone I met wasvery helpful. I swam in <strong>the</strong> ocean for <strong>the</strong> first time,and I hiked <strong>the</strong> dormant volcano.” Living conditionsat <strong>the</strong> SECAR house were ra<strong>the</strong>r primitive, so it reallymade Kyla appreciate all <strong>the</strong> little things when shereturned home, “Hot water, milk, towels, but mostlyair conditioning.”This journey was financially difficult for Kyla, andshe is grateful for tuition aid that she receives at<strong>Cumberlands</strong>, because without it, she says that shecould never have taken advantage <strong>of</strong> such a remarkablelearning opportunity.Kyla, <strong>the</strong> current president <strong>of</strong> Upsilon, Upsilon,<strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ chapter <strong>of</strong> Phi Alpha Theta, nationalhonorary history society, is also actively involved inMountain Outreach.“This tripwas also anamazingculturalexperiencefor me”Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 11
student spotlightTommie Thompson, ’11andJared Stafford, ’11Sullivan Award Recipients<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ students Tommie Thompson, ’11, and Jared Stafford, ’11, received <strong>the</strong> prestigious Mary Mildred and AlgernonSydney Sullivan awards during UC’s Founders’ Day ceremony on Jan. 17. The awards were given to <strong>the</strong> two students in recognition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>iracademic and spiritual excellence and <strong>the</strong>ir dedication to service to o<strong>the</strong>rs.“It is a very humbling reward and I will always feel very privileged to be a Sullivan Award winner,” said Thompson, winner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> MaryMildred Sullivan Award.Stafford, recipient <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Algernon Sydney Sullivan award, said <strong>of</strong> learning about his nomination, “I was informed by e-mail, and I had a hardtime believing it. I know <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r guys that were nominated and <strong>the</strong>y are great guys and very deserving.”Though surprised, Stafford said “I am just very thankful to those who nominated me and pray that my conduct represents God in a worthymanner.”Equally surprised when learning <strong>of</strong> her nomination, Thompson said, “I really didn’t understand what it was…but I felt very honored to benominated, and even more honored when I found out that I received <strong>the</strong> award.”Thompson, an elementary education major and native <strong>of</strong> Jellico, Tenn., is a member and scholarship recipient <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kappa Delta Phi (KDP)educational international honor society and an active participant in UC’s Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM), Fellowship <strong>of</strong> Christian Athletes(FCA) and Mountain Outreach.Thompson is also a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> UC volleyball team and <strong>the</strong> Student Government Association’s house council. She has participated inmission trips to Africa and plans to teach after graduation.Stafford majors in Political science, with minors in history and French. He currently serves as vice president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> UC Phi Alpha Theta historyhonor society and is a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> FCA leadership team. The Morehead native holds weekly prayer meetings with athletes at Whitley Co.Middle School as an FCA representative. He is a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Patriots baseball team and plans to pursue a degree in law.Dr. Andrew Hockert, assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> biology and chair <strong>of</strong> UC’s student awards committee said <strong>of</strong> Thompson and Stafford, “Their record<strong>of</strong> service and spiritual leadership is what helped <strong>the</strong>m to win <strong>the</strong> awards.”The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation, now located in Oxford, Miss., was chartered in New York State in 1930. Its purpose is to promoteservice to o<strong>the</strong>rs and service to <strong>the</strong> broader community, values that were exemplified by Algernon and Mary Mildred Sullivan, <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> organization’s founder.In addition to providing support for financial aid to small private colleges, located primarily in <strong>the</strong> Appalachian region, <strong>the</strong> Sullivan Foundationalso collaborates with 54 sou<strong>the</strong>astern colleges and universities to present awards in memory <strong>of</strong> Algernon and Mary Mildred Sullivan.12 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
The Future and You“I love <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, and I want to make a difference in <strong>the</strong> lives<strong>of</strong> students—today and in <strong>the</strong> future. What can one person do?”Create an EndowmentThere is no minimum gift to establish an endowment fund, although, generally, gifts musttotal $1,000 for a “named” fund. Endowments may have specific guidelines detailing <strong>the</strong>irpurpose or <strong>the</strong>y may be unrestricted. These guidelines may contain such information as<strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> income; <strong>the</strong> persons, <strong>of</strong>fices or departments to be involved in administering <strong>the</strong>endowment; and <strong>the</strong> preferred form <strong>of</strong> investment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fund.Give an Unrestricted GiftUnrestricted gifts allow <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> to provide educational opportunities that have earned praise andconfidence both within and without <strong>the</strong> educational community. Did you know that. . .• unrestricted gifts allow President Taylor to address <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ most urgent needs?• if 10 people give $100, <strong>Cumberlands</strong> can provide an emergency scholarship to a student in need?• if 10 people give $50, a <strong>Cumberlands</strong> student could attend a national conference to present research?• if your company has a matching program, <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong> your gift to <strong>Cumberlands</strong> can be increased?• giving is easy? Go online to or send your check to:<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>President’s Office6191 College Station DriveWilliamsburg, KY 40769Remember <strong>Cumberlands</strong>You may wish to include <strong>Cumberlands</strong> in your will or trust, or you might want to create a charitable gift annuity to provide you with lifetimeincome as you assist deserving students.• With charitable gift annuities:• The rates are significantly greater than bond rates, interest income or certificates <strong>of</strong> deposits.• Annuity payments are fixed and based on <strong>the</strong> age(s) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> annuitant(s).• Annuity payments are favorably taxed.• You will receive an income tax charitable contribution deduction.• Appreciated securities given to <strong>Cumberlands</strong> for a charitable gift annuity are valued on <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gift; capital gainstaxes are not immediately due as <strong>the</strong>y are when you sell <strong>the</strong> securities.• A gift annuity is <strong>the</strong> simplest <strong>of</strong> all split-interest planned gifts.<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers numerous planned giving vehicles guaranteeing income for <strong>the</strong> remainder <strong>of</strong> life. Several alumni andfriends have established trusts and deferred gift annuities naming a loved one as <strong>the</strong> income beneficiary. With <strong>the</strong> low payout rates currentlyon certificates <strong>of</strong> deposit (CDs) and <strong>the</strong> volatility <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> stock market, deferred gift annuities are becoming extremely popular for young adultswho will not be retiring any time soon but want to plan and secure a steady, fixed income that will begin when <strong>the</strong>y retire. For instance, a45-year-old can defer a gift annuity for 15 years and receive income at a rate <strong>of</strong> 9.2 percent. The income tax deduction would be immediate(during working years when his/her tax bracket is higher), and <strong>the</strong> income would not begin until age 60. As with regular gift annuities, <strong>the</strong>entire amount <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> annuity would be backed by <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ assets.If you are considering <strong>the</strong> establishment <strong>of</strong> a Charitable Gift Annuity to provide life-long income for yourself and vital support for <strong>Cumberlands</strong>,please contact Jim Taylor at pres<strong>of</strong> He will gladly answer your questions about all forms <strong>of</strong> planned gifts for one or twopeople, including Charitable Gift Annuities, and <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> making a planned gift now.Remember, as a financial supporter <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, you are encouraging today’s students as you also demonstrate your continuing commitmentto <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s mission to educate individuals for lives <strong>of</strong> responsible service and leadership.AgeYearlyRateAnnuityPaymentCharitableDeduction*65 5.5% $ 550.00 $ 2,666.3070 5.8% 580.00 3,503.3075 6.4% 640.00 4,175.7080 7.2% 720.00 4,842.5085 8.1% 810.00 5,571.5090 9.5% 950.00 6,142.00*based on minimum age <strong>of</strong> 65; a gift annuity <strong>of</strong>$10,000; figures for annual payment and IRS discountrate <strong>of</strong> 2.8% as <strong>of</strong> February, 2011Dr. Jim Taylor • 6191 College Station Drive • Williamsburg, KY 40769 • (606) 539-4201Dr. Taylor: Kindly send me, without obligation, your annuity booklet.Name_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City___________________________________________________State___________Zip___________________________________________________Date <strong>of</strong> Birth_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 13
Amanda Walton ’02Miles <strong>of</strong> Smilesaway from <strong>Cumberlands</strong>By Laura Silvers, ’11Imagine selling your home, resigning from a job that you love andleaving behind all <strong>of</strong> your family and friends, everything that youhold dear, to go to a place with no running water, no electricity andnone <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> comforts <strong>of</strong> home. That is exactly what Amanda Walton,’02, did in 2010, when she traveled to <strong>the</strong> Tumaini Miles <strong>of</strong> SmilesCenter, an orphanage and school in Kakunga, a small rural area north<strong>of</strong> Mombassa, in <strong>the</strong> Republic <strong>of</strong> Kenya.Meaning “hope” in Swahili, Tumaini currently serves 180 students,30 <strong>of</strong> whom are orphans, but <strong>the</strong> center is constantly growing. Here,Walton is helping to organize an after school program for <strong>the</strong> children.She also teaches English, Christian education and physical education.In addition, she makes bricks, visits widows and relieves <strong>the</strong> overworkedTumaini workers.For <strong>the</strong> daughter <strong>of</strong> David and Judy Walton and <strong>the</strong> older sister <strong>of</strong>Brandon Walton, ’04, Tumaini is a long way from Knoxville, Tenn.,her hometown, and from <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, where she earned a Bachelor<strong>of</strong> Science degree in psychology and worked as an admissions counseloruntil becoming a full-time missionary. She was a standout volleyballplayer during her college career and served as coach after she graduated.She first journeyed to Tumaini with <strong>the</strong> International Sports Federationa few years ago and finally embraced a passion for Africa she had heldsince childhood.More trips followed, and she began to realize more and more that Godwas calling her to do more than just visit. During one trip, she talkedwith Rose Bugusu, director <strong>of</strong> TMSC. “After a two-hour conversationabout <strong>the</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> organization, it clicked in my mind that thosewere <strong>the</strong> gifts God had given me,” Walton says. TMSC was in desperateneed <strong>of</strong> an organized after school program for <strong>the</strong> children, and sheknew that she could help <strong>the</strong>m get it <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> ground and teach <strong>the</strong>leaders how to make it successful.“After that visit,” Walton explains, “home looked different; as if I didnot belong <strong>the</strong>re anymore.” She remembers that God impressed uponher heart, “‘Amanda, it’s time for you to return everything that youhave to me, because it is mine anyway. I’m going to take what yousurrender and make what is good great.’”Still, <strong>the</strong> decision to go into full time ministry was difficult. SaidWalton, “When I first surrendered fully to doing this, I asked God,‘Why?’ I felt like I was [already] in a place where I could serve Him andI enjoyed it. His answer was, ‘Right now, you have what you think isbest, but I have something better for you.’”Life has changed for Walton since her arrival at TMSC because an14 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
“I receive morelove on a dailybasis than Icould ever givein a lifetime.”Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 15
extended visit is quite different from a short-term trip. When she left <strong>the</strong>US, she expected to live in a guesthouse and serve <strong>the</strong> children and staff<strong>of</strong> TMSC. Instead, she lives in <strong>the</strong> home <strong>of</strong> a Kenyan family. “When youhave an opportunity to live among <strong>the</strong> people you are serving, <strong>the</strong> needslook a lot different.” She has realized that this family interacts with eacho<strong>the</strong>r as any strong family would: <strong>the</strong>y share laughs over dinner, sing, playand dance, and discuss <strong>the</strong> events <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> day. “They may not have runningwater, or plumbing or electricity, but <strong>the</strong>y do have <strong>the</strong> greatest amenityone could ever ask for…a family that treasures one ano<strong>the</strong>r,” Walton said.“I quickly became Auntie Amanda and I receive more love on a daily basisthan I could ever give in a lifetime.”“Once I arrived, I noticed that goals are still important, but not nearlyas important as relationships.” While she has a greater understanding <strong>of</strong>Kenyan culture and has learned how to make lasting change and advocatefor widows and orphans when she returns to <strong>the</strong> U.S., Walton states thatmany goals still need to be met and o<strong>the</strong>rs have changed.Walton hopes to see <strong>the</strong> continuation <strong>of</strong> a lunch-time reading programput into place in January, and she is working to build a library for <strong>the</strong>children at TMSC and members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community. “It’s amazing to see<strong>the</strong> kids’ eyes light up as we bring <strong>the</strong> books in each day at lunch. Theycan’t seem to get enough <strong>of</strong> this new world <strong>the</strong>y get to experience as <strong>the</strong>pages come alive in <strong>the</strong>ir minds,” Walton said.“I know that God brought me to Tumaini to be an encouragement to<strong>the</strong> staff and to provide some small relief to <strong>the</strong> overwhelming task <strong>of</strong>looking after orphans,” Walton said. “But, by accepting ‘African time’I’ve embraced relationship over task. As a result, I’ve been blessed beyondAbove: Orphans at Tumaini receive love and careand <strong>the</strong>y are happy and well-adjusted.Teaching is only one <strong>of</strong> Waltons’ responsibilities at Tumaini16 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
measure to catch a glimpse <strong>of</strong> what it means to praise God in a newway, and what it means to rely on my relationship with Him as myprimary source <strong>of</strong> sustainable life. He is all I need.” She goes on tosay, “The greatest blessing has been seeing how alive and active God isin <strong>the</strong> hearts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> people here. . . . I look out over God’s beautifulcreation, and I can hear drums and voices praising God with recklessabandon. They have little by earthly standards, but <strong>the</strong>y are richbeyond belief in that <strong>the</strong> Lord <strong>the</strong>y are praising is everywhere,”As she plans to return home in March to work on TMSC’s behalf,Walton states, “The Lord has already begun to open doors for me toserve in a bigger way in <strong>the</strong> US, and I continue to pray about all <strong>the</strong>possibilities.”Walton aspires to create a long lasting link between members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Cumberlands</strong> family and TMSC. Some UC students and alumnihave already traveled to TMSC, but she would like to see o<strong>the</strong>rsinvolved in <strong>the</strong> work. “I can’t help but notice how God has provideda perfect opportunity to enlist <strong>the</strong> help <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> alums whoare looking for a way to get involved with something much biggerthan <strong>the</strong>mselves.”“My heart is for Africa, and I plan to return as much as <strong>the</strong> Lord willallow. Tumaini has a piece <strong>of</strong> my heart. I believe in <strong>the</strong> ‘Hope’ that itstands for, and I can’t imagine going for long without seeing <strong>the</strong> kidsand <strong>the</strong> staff. They are my Kenyan family for life,” she said.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 17
18 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011Homeco
ming 2010Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 19
homecomingHundreds <strong>of</strong> alumni “cruised back” to campus to attend at least one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>many events <strong>of</strong> Homecoming 2010.Creech-Boswell DinnerOn Friday, October 1, Homecoming kicked <strong>of</strong>f with <strong>the</strong> Creech Boswell Dinner, named for two long-servingpresidents <strong>of</strong> Cumberland College, where <strong>the</strong> members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Class <strong>of</strong> 1960 were inducted into <strong>the</strong> CreechBoswell Club in honor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir 50th graduation anniversary.The club’s outgoing president Marcella Faulkner Mountjoy, ’41 welcomed <strong>the</strong> attendees, spoke <strong>of</strong> “<strong>the</strong> old days”on campus and about all <strong>the</strong> changes that have taken place. She reminded everyone <strong>of</strong> early pr<strong>of</strong>essors, like P.R.Jones, J.T. Vallandingham, Albert Evans and Bess Rose. “These pr<strong>of</strong>essors taught and exhibited great leadership.Some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m taught through and following WWI, when <strong>the</strong> great flu epidemic killed thousands,” said Mountjoy.“[They] showed superior scholastic work, truthfulness, honesty, dignity and courage. These were just a part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>great early educational experience <strong>of</strong>fered mountain students from <strong>the</strong> founding in 1888.”Outgoing presidentMarcella FaulknerMountjoy,’41, inductedGeorge Roberts, ’50, aspresident for 2010-11.Peggy Cooper Inks, ’55,and ’61, entertained<strong>the</strong> attendees witha song she composedabout <strong>the</strong> woes andadvantages <strong>of</strong> growingolder, “No SpringChicken, Anymore.”Saturday’s Boswell 5k Run welcomed 32 participants:The top three male finishers: time age• David Allison 19:16.21 40-49• Zach Jacobs (current student) 19:28.82 20-26• Bruce Hicks (faculty) 22:26.48 50+Top 3 females:• Emily Kerber (current student) 24:00.71 20-26• Sarah Hobbs (current student) 24:14.72 20-36• Melynda Jamison 25:02.05 27-34For <strong>the</strong> first time, <strong>the</strong> Carnival was held in Briar Creek Park, close to James Taylor II Memorial Stadium, where beautiful wea<strong>the</strong>r,available parking and longer hours resulted in a large crowd <strong>of</strong> alumni, students, families and community members.20 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
homecomingIn <strong>the</strong> Homecoming Game, <strong>the</strong> Patriots again welcomed <strong>the</strong> Union College Bulldogsfor <strong>the</strong> Battle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Brass Lantern. With a score <strong>of</strong> 35-21, <strong>Cumberlands</strong> kept <strong>the</strong>coveted trophy for <strong>the</strong> fourth consecutive year. During Halftime, Chelsea Belt, ’11,was named Homecoming Queen and Allan Cutshall, ’12, Homecoming King. TimCutshall, Allan’s fa<strong>the</strong>r, escorted Chelsea, as Allan, who plays tight end for <strong>the</strong> Patriots,was unavailable during halftime.Homecoming Queen Chelsea Belt,’11, and Tim Cutshall, fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong>Homecoming King Allan Cutshall, ’12Chelsea Belt,’11, and Allan Cutshall,’12,Homecoming Queen and KingUC Marching Patriots performanceRev. Michael Cabell,’01,delivered an appropriatemessage with a “cruise”<strong>the</strong>me; he spoke aboutJonah and his ill-fatedvoyage.At <strong>the</strong> Alumni Dinner on Saturday night,“Captain” Dave Bergman welcomedall <strong>the</strong> “cruisers,” especially those from<strong>the</strong> honored years <strong>of</strong> ’60, ’65, ’70, ’75,’80, ’85, ’90, ’95, ’00, ’05 and ’10. TheCaptain presented <strong>the</strong> alumni awards,and new Alumni Board members and<strong>of</strong>ficers were inducted. Dr. Betty Siegel,’50,president emerita <strong>of</strong> Kennesaw State<strong>University</strong> and endowed chair <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Siegel Institute for Leadership, “Ethics &Character,” spoke about <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong>returning to “our remembrance rock’ and<strong>the</strong> evening concluded with a spectacularfireworks presentation in front <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Hutton School <strong>of</strong> Business.Homecoming concluded with <strong>the</strong> Sundaymorning worship service in Gatliff Chapel.It has become a tradition at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>service for all <strong>the</strong> attendees to join handsand form a circle around <strong>the</strong> Chapel for <strong>the</strong>closing prayer.Worship leader, Brent Foley,’10Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 21
homecomingClass <strong>of</strong> ’60Nancy Baker Cooper, Bill Carlyle, Joyce Merchant ClarkClass <strong>of</strong> ’65Alice Fae Butts Willard, Dr. Eric Wake, ZaferRoback, Juanita Brown Sharpe, Alvin SharpeClass <strong>of</strong> ’70Earl (Bud) Anderson, Libby Sweet Atkinson,Raymond Cox, Donna Sellers Sox, Ted Byrd, SueDoan Wake, Sue Stubblefield Harris, Wanda TaylorClaypool, Ralph Lipps, Ray LippsClass <strong>of</strong> ’75Charles Reed, Clara Higgins Reed, BillLyttle, Don MiracleClass <strong>of</strong> ’80Kim Washburn Mullins, Donna Gregory Bennett,Patricia Flowers Spears, Nina Hicks Prewitt, Rich Prewitt,Kimberly Jelle Jones, Jeff Davis, David Rhodes, LindaCaverly Roach, Keith Roach, Tom BroylesClass <strong>of</strong> ’85Jennifer Jones WyattClass <strong>of</strong> ’90Debbie Welky Wesley, David Wesley, RayHammons, Jeff Harris, Melanie Mackey Evans,Kime Malcolm HarrisClass <strong>of</strong> ’10Kati Reager, Katie Atwood, Megan Williamson22 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
<strong>Cumberlands</strong> inducts six new members<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Alumni Hall <strong>of</strong> HonorHoward, ’71, and Libby, ’70, Atkinson were inducted into <strong>the</strong> Hall <strong>of</strong> Honor for <strong>the</strong>irservice in <strong>the</strong> ministry as Dave Bergman stated, “from Carpenter (Ky.) to Cuba,” includingevangelism and church planting and pastorates in <strong>the</strong> U.S. and Bogotá, Columbia.Howard is now director <strong>of</strong> missions for <strong>the</strong> West Union Baptist Association.Harry “Gippy” Graham, ’54, received <strong>the</strong> Distinguished Alumnus Award. Afterreceiving his associate’s degree from Cumberland College and serving as captain <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>basketball team, Graham earned his B.A. at Georgetown and served as <strong>the</strong>ir basketballcaptain as well. He earned his master’s degree at UK and has served as a teacher andcoach, as a member <strong>of</strong> Kentucky’s <strong>General</strong> Assembly and is now mayor <strong>of</strong> Frankfort.David Atwood, BA ’07, Master <strong>of</strong> Education, ’09, anative <strong>of</strong> Lilburn, Ga., received <strong>the</strong> Young AlumnusAward. Atwood, a 7th grade math teacher at WhitleyCounty Middle School, has said, “I love helping studentsrealize and reach <strong>the</strong>ir full potential.” His wife Megan,’07, is director <strong>of</strong> Appalachian Ministries, a program <strong>of</strong><strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ Baptist Campus Ministries, and his sister,Katy, is a 2010 UC graduate.Mary Doyle Johnson,’48, and Dick Koeniger,’67, were named board membersemeriti, in honor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir long, dedicated service to <strong>the</strong> Alumni Associationthroughout <strong>the</strong> years. Koeniger was unable to attend.Teddy R. Byrd, ’70, received <strong>the</strong> Alumni AppreciationAward. Byrd was honored for his strong support <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>University</strong>. “He has touched this campus from pillar topost,” said Dave Bergman. “He has been a strong supporter<strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> athletics, both as an Indian and as aPatriot.” Byrd and his wife Cookie are lifelong residents <strong>of</strong>Williamsburg, and he is co-owner <strong>of</strong> Byrd Glass.Ray Hammonds, ’90, was named Alumnus <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Year. Hammonds, owner <strong>of</strong> Roller Die andForming in Louisville, has been a strong supporter<strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, returning <strong>of</strong>ten for campus events.He now serves as a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> Board<strong>of</strong> Trustees. He and his wife Kelly reside in Louisvillewith <strong>the</strong>ir two daughters.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 23
homecomingDr. Betty Siegel, ’50, inspiredattendees at <strong>the</strong> Alumni Dinner,stating, “Tonight we testify asto who we are; where do wecome from; where are we going;how do we matter; what is <strong>the</strong>meaning; what is our legacy; andwhat do we give back?” (picturedwith autographed sneaker <strong>of</strong> 7’2”Dikembe Mutombo, former NBAbasketball star)photo courtesy <strong>of</strong>Mark White, News Journal24 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
Photo submitted.<strong>Major</strong> <strong>General</strong> Kenneth S . <strong>Dowd</strong> ’79<strong>Cumberlands</strong> Alumnuskeeps U S Military moving. .when Kenneth S. <strong>Dowd</strong>graduated from CumberlandCollege in <strong>the</strong> spring <strong>of</strong> 1979,names like Afghanistan,Kuwait and Iraq were simply places on <strong>the</strong>world map to most members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> campuscommunity.Today, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq aremore than familiar names to <strong>Dowd</strong>, now<strong>Major</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Dowd</strong>, who in 2010 assumedcommand <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> First Theater SustainmentCommand, which includes all <strong>the</strong> logisticsoperations in <strong>the</strong> Middle East. TheCommand is headquartered at Ft. Bragg,N.C., and <strong>General</strong> <strong>Dowd</strong>’s family lives closeby, but most <strong>of</strong> his time is spent in <strong>the</strong> field,largely in Kuwait.Logistics, according to Webster, is “<strong>the</strong>branch <strong>of</strong> military science having to do withprocuring, maintaining and transportingmateriel [military spelling], personnel andfacilities.” An important and daunting taskunder any circumstances, during a war,logistics becomes vital not only to day-to-dayoperations but also to <strong>the</strong> ultimate outcome<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> conflict.An old adage says, “An army moves on itsstomach,” and while that may be true, <strong>the</strong>U.S. Army also moves with tanks, planes,weapons and thousands <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r items thatfall under <strong>Dowd</strong>’s command—includingrations. According to Jennie <strong>Dowd</strong>, <strong>the</strong>general’s wife, “Ken has found his niche. Heloves what he does, helping young soldierswith what <strong>the</strong>y need and having <strong>the</strong> abilityto supply <strong>the</strong>ir needs.”<strong>Dowd</strong>’s path to his current position couldhave begun when he arrived on <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’campus from his home in Jacksonville,Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 25
“I know youwon’t believethis, but 30years ago,Ken told mehe would bea general.”Florida, with a basketball scholarship. Here, he discovered that he liked<strong>the</strong> order and regimen he found in <strong>the</strong> ROTC. It was also here tha<strong>the</strong> forged strong friendships that have lasted, most notably with hisroommates Dave Jones, ’79, and Rich Prewitt,’80, <strong>the</strong> current AlumniAssociation president.“Ken was fun-loving and care-free out <strong>of</strong> class, and very serious inclass,” says Prewitt. There were actually three <strong>of</strong> us who ran aroundtoge<strong>the</strong>r, and even in those days we joked about <strong>the</strong> future. We had itall figured out. I know you won’t believe this, but 30 years ago, Kentold me he would be a general.”“I knew Ken <strong>Dowd</strong> as a student at <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>,”said Dr. Michael Colegrove, vice president for Student Affairs. “As Irecall, his primary focus was Army ROTC. He was career-oriented as astudent, <strong>of</strong>ten pr<strong>of</strong>essing his desire to become a career Army <strong>of</strong>ficer.”When <strong>Dowd</strong> graduated with a B.S. in history and political science,he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in <strong>the</strong> U.S. Army. Fromhis first tour <strong>of</strong> duty in Korea, through a continuous succession <strong>of</strong>increasingly responsible assignments, he has advanced to his currentcommand. During this time, he also earned an M.S. from <strong>the</strong>Florida Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology and an M.S. from <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>Pennsylvania.Colegrove stated, “Later on in my career in <strong>the</strong> US Army Reserve, Ibecame acquainted with Ken’s work in <strong>the</strong> area <strong>of</strong> logistics. He rapidlyrose through <strong>the</strong> ranks and was certainly well known as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>military’s brightest and best.”Rich Prewitt, above, and Ken<strong>Dowd</strong>, left; class photos from<strong>the</strong> 1979 Cumberland CollegeyearbookThroughout his career and his life, <strong>Dowd</strong> has focused on relationships.His family is vitally important, and although he is unable to spendmuch physical time with <strong>the</strong>m, he works hard at keeping his familystrong. The <strong>Dowd</strong>s are <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong> two teenagers: a son, Cody, whois a freshman at Virginia Tech, and a daughter, Correy, 17, a highschool senior who is in <strong>the</strong> process <strong>of</strong> choosing a college.The lifetime friends that <strong>Dowd</strong> made in college, Jones and his wifeLisa and Prewitt and his wife Nina Hicks Prewitt, ’80, have remainedclose to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Dowd</strong>s, and have been supportive <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> general and hisfamily.Maj. Gen. <strong>Dowd</strong> showshis <strong>Cumberlands</strong> Pridewhile he exercises at Ft.Bragg during a recentvisit to <strong>the</strong> U.S.Photo submitted.“These friends are our best support,” says Jennie <strong>Dowd</strong>. “Rich calls meabout once a month, just to see how we are. We believe Cumberland’ssmall campus environment bred that kind <strong>of</strong> closeness.”“As we travel through life, our greatest treasures are not possessions,but family and friends,” says Prewitt. “Occasionally in life you comeacross friends that become family. Ken <strong>Dowd</strong> was that kind <strong>of</strong> friend.I love him as much now as I did back 30 years ago when we becamefriends at Cumberland College.”“In every conversation my husband and I have had about Cumberland,it stands out that it was <strong>the</strong> smallness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> school that Ken enjoyedmost, as well as <strong>the</strong> basketball and ROTC,” said Mrs. <strong>Dowd</strong>. “And, heespecially liked how <strong>the</strong> faculty wanted to actively help <strong>the</strong> students.”<strong>Dowd</strong> has demonstrated throughout his career <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong>relationships. In an article he wrote entitled “Building ‘Log Nation’ in<strong>the</strong> U.C. Central Command,” he explained his approach to his positionas director <strong>of</strong> logistics at <strong>the</strong> U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM),26 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
where he served from 2007until he assumedhis current command in 2010.“Log Nation” is a term <strong>Dowd</strong> coinedto describe <strong>the</strong> complexity and sharedresponsibility required to supply <strong>the</strong> needs<strong>of</strong> America’s fighting men and women. Inhis article, he reflected on his experience inCENTCOM:“…I am overwhelmed and humbled by <strong>the</strong>sense <strong>of</strong> teamwork, dedication and pridethat I have consistently witnessed across<strong>the</strong> logistics enterprise. From <strong>the</strong> Office <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Secretary <strong>of</strong> Defense right down to <strong>the</strong>tactical-level truck companies and supplysquadrons, <strong>the</strong> Soldiers, Marines, Sailors,Airmen and Department <strong>of</strong> Defense civilianshave all worked toge<strong>the</strong>r to document, trackand move mountains <strong>of</strong> critical resources.Along with <strong>the</strong> dedicated personnel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Joint Defense Logistics Agency and ourservice components, [<strong>the</strong>y] all constitutewhat I like to call “Log Nation.”This recognition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> contributions <strong>of</strong>o<strong>the</strong>rs and appreciation <strong>of</strong> teamwork hasbeen a hallmark <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dowd</strong>’s leadership.“His approach to leadership relies on <strong>the</strong> stylethat promotes teamwork,” says Colegrove.“He is a consummate pr<strong>of</strong>essional and hascertainly made his mark on <strong>the</strong> militaryworld. <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> cantake great pride in having a part in <strong>the</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>essional development <strong>of</strong> <strong>Major</strong> <strong>General</strong>Ken <strong>Dowd</strong>.”Maj. Gen. Kenneth <strong>Dowd</strong> at his promotion from brigadier general in 2008, pictured withGen. David Petraeus, at left, and his family, including his mo<strong>the</strong>r Eleanor <strong>Dowd</strong>; his wifeJennie <strong>Dowd</strong>; his children Correy and Cody <strong>Dowd</strong>; and his fa<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> late Ron <strong>Dowd</strong> whopassed away in March 2010.“Ken has found his niche.He loves what he does....”Maj. Gen. <strong>Dowd</strong> meets several sailors during his initial battlefieldcirculation tour. The 1st TSC is a split-based, forward deployedheadquarters, responsible for <strong>the</strong> U.S. Central Command’s sustainmentmission, specifically for Operations New Dawn and Enduring Freedom.Maj. Gen. <strong>Dowd</strong> and his aid, Capt.Josh Hartwick, take a walking tour <strong>of</strong>Camp Patriot, Kuwait, escotred by Lt.Col. Marty Nichols, 53rd IBCT.Photos submitted.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 27
CLASS NOTESAlumni NewsThank you to <strong>the</strong> many alumni who submit information for <strong>the</strong> Alumni News section<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cumberland Today. We enjoy sharing your news. If you have something tosubmit, please complete and return <strong>the</strong> form below, or email your news photos? Just mail your prints or cd, or email your photos to our alumni <strong>of</strong>fice.Send all materials to: <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, Alumni Office, 7075 CollegeStation Drive, Williamsburg, KY 40769 or’sJim Ford, ’48, was recently featured inGeorgetown News-Graphic’s “PeopleYou Should Know” column. A retiredarchitect, he is a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> board <strong>of</strong>directors <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Scott County Habitat forHumanity. He and his wife Doris live inGeorgetown.1950’sShirley Gaffney Scully, ’59, left, andWanda Mahoney Siler, ’59, right, atPlease publish this Alumni News in <strong>the</strong> Cumberland Today magazine.Name:Maiden name:Class Year:Here is my news:Photo submittedCumberland Inn on a visit to Williamsburgin September 2010. They were roommatesin Roburn Hall in 1958.1970’sPhoto enclosed: Yes NoPlease update my records:Current Address:Email:Telephone:Cell phone:28 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011Maggie Evangeline Murray CampbellNapier , ’72, lives in Manchester with herhusband Johnny Napier. She has retiredafter 30 years <strong>of</strong> teaching.Neal Raymond Lickliter, ’74, and hiswife Ruth Brown live in Indian Trail,N.C. They have three children and sixgrandchildren. He plans to retire inAugust from his position as minister<strong>of</strong> education at Mt. Harmony BaptistChurch in Mat<strong>the</strong>w, N.C.Kim Alison Coyle Linn, ’76, and herhusband Bobby live in Umatilla, FL.They have three children: Josh, 26; Trista,26; and Jordan, 20. A Zumba instructorfor several years, Kim has great memories
<strong>of</strong> Cumberland and would love to hear fromany friends from “back in <strong>the</strong> day”.1980’sDonna Jane Gregory Bennett, ’80, and herhusband live in Gordonsville, Tenn., with<strong>the</strong>ir two children, Timothy and Philip.Donna has been an RN for <strong>the</strong> past 30years.Brenda Daughtery Silvestri, ’80, and herhusband Louis live in Lexington with <strong>the</strong>irdaughter, Kristin. Brenda is employed at<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Kentucky Department <strong>of</strong>Surgery, Grants Administration.William Daniel Jones, ’81, lives in Corbin,where he serves as president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> KentuckyAssociation <strong>of</strong> Elementary School Principals,2010-2011, and was named Kentucky’sElementary School Principal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Year for2007-2008.Teri Feeback, ’83, currently teaches atMercer County 9th Grade Academy inHarrodsburg.Jeffrey Thomas Burdette, ’86, and his wifeTwila live in Mt. Vernon with <strong>the</strong>ir twochildren, Thomas and Zoe. He currentlyserves as vice-chief regional circuit judge <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> 23 counties in <strong>the</strong> Cumberland Regionand chief circuit judge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 28th Circuit,comprised <strong>of</strong> Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastlecounties.1990’sCarol Ann Toppings Christenson, ’92,lives in Charleston, W.V., with her husband,Mike and <strong>the</strong>ir three children, John, Hunter,and Carley. A global forecast analyst atMomentive Performance Materials (formerlyGE Silicones), she is also a children’s ministryleader at Oakwood Baptist Church.Jeffrey Forsell, ’92, lives in Clearwater,Fla., received master’s degree from EasternKentucky <strong>University</strong> in 1999, and graduatedfrom Florida International <strong>University</strong> College<strong>of</strong> Law, in May 2008.Beth Ann Tingle Miller, BS’88, MS’93,lives in Jacksonville. Fla., with her husbandVern and <strong>the</strong>ir 16-year-old son, Ryan, whereshe is a high school math teacher at MandarinChristian School.Sarah Ca<strong>the</strong>rine Sleet, ’94, lives inFinksburg, Md. Currently on staff at FaithFamily Church as <strong>the</strong> director <strong>of</strong> Children’sMinistry and Women’s Ministry, she servedwith <strong>the</strong> International Mission Board from1997-1999, after teaching in <strong>the</strong> publicschool system for three years. She earned aMaster <strong>of</strong> Divinity degree from <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rnBaptist Theological Seminary in 2003.Richie Alan Cheek, ’95, lives in Jeffersontownand serves as senior pastor <strong>of</strong> HenryvilleCommunity Church in Henryville, Ind.Kristin Elaine Stevenson Grogan, ’95, livesin Dayton, Ohio, with her husband Gerry and<strong>the</strong>ir two children, Kelly and Sarah, whereshe is employed by Abbott Laboratories.Rachelle Varble Stebe, ’95, lives in St.Peters, Mo., with her husband Nicholas and<strong>the</strong>ir seven-year-old daughter Hannah.Angela Gail Leach Dunn, ’96, lives inWilliamsburg with her husband Michaeland <strong>the</strong>ir three sons, Dakotah, Dalton andKeegan. Angela is employed by <strong>the</strong> KentuckyDepartment <strong>of</strong> Community Based Services.Elizabeth Geneva Baker-McLain, ’96, livesin Round Rock, Texas. A special educationteacher with <strong>the</strong> Killeen Independent SchoolDistrict, she is <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> two sons, Johnand Benjamin and one daughter, Geneva.Brian Scott Kelley, ’96, and Devona MarieAbbott Kelly, ’96, live in Monticello with<strong>the</strong>ir 4-year-old son Samuel Emery, where<strong>the</strong>y both work for <strong>the</strong> Cabinet for Healthand Family Services in Somerset; he as afamily support specialist and she as a legalsecretary.Robert E. Stephens, ’96, lives in WhitleyCity with his wife Tonya Morgan Stephensand <strong>the</strong>ir four children, ages 8, 7, 4 and 1.After graduating from <strong>the</strong> Louis D. BrandeisSchool <strong>of</strong> Law, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Louisvillein 1999, he’s been a practicing attorney inKentucky since 1999, and has served asan assistant Commonwealth Attorney forWhitley and McCreary counties since 2004.Teresa Lynne McKinney Adams, ’97, andher husband Scotty live in Lancaster.Shelly Mortin, ’98, lives in Canton, Ohio,alumni newswith her husband Scott, ’00. An employee<strong>of</strong> Hitchcock Fleming & Associates, Inc.,she recently was promoted to team leader/account supervisor <strong>of</strong> interactive projectmanagers, where she works to ensureconsistency in processes and engages instrategic collaboration with clients andinternal teams.Philip Ritchie, ’98, and his wife Stephanielive in Holt, Mo., where in <strong>the</strong> fall <strong>of</strong> 2010,he became <strong>the</strong> principal <strong>of</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn HillsChristian Academy. He is <strong>the</strong> former principal<strong>of</strong> Blue Grass Baptist School in Lexington.Tammy Lynn Higginbotham Stephens, ’98,and her husband Thomas R. Stephens, Jr. livein Williamsburg with <strong>the</strong>ir children, ThomasClark and Sarah Elizabeth. Tammy has been<strong>the</strong> coordinator <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Family Resource/Youth Services Center <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> WilliamsburgIndependent School District for 11 years.2000’sPhoto by Ray WeikalHea<strong>the</strong>r Turner Miles, ’00, was married onJuly 19, 2009 and lives in Winchester.Sarah Len Croy Nichter, ’00, and AndrewNichter, ’97, live in Pewee Valley with <strong>the</strong>irtwo children four-year-old Caroline and oneyear-oldSadie. Sarah recently became anassociate pr<strong>of</strong>essor at Sullivan <strong>University</strong>.Sherman Robert Partin, ’01, and ChristinaMarie Nunn Partin, ’07, were married in2002 and now live in Middlesboro with <strong>the</strong>irthree children, five-year-old Lauren, fouryear-oldLogan and one-year-old Collin.Tyrhon Crawford, ’02, and his wife Nikkilive in Winter Haven, Fla., with <strong>the</strong>ir twosons, five-year-old Tahron and three-yearoldTeriq. Tyrhon is <strong>the</strong> dean <strong>of</strong> studentsand head men’s basketball Coach for PolkWinter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 29
alumni newsCounty Schools. In June 2009, he becamea licensed/ordained minister and serves asyouth pastor at New Be<strong>the</strong>l AME Church inLakeland, Fla. His wife, Nikki is a guidancecounselor for Polk County Schools.Amanda Wells King, ’03, and DavidKing, ’03, live in Lexington with <strong>the</strong>ir fivechildren: Noah, six; Samuel, five; Simon,four; Kaedmon, one; and Clara, sevenmonths.Nina Lois Hall Shotwell, ’03, and DavidBradford-Ross Shotwell,’03, live inLouisville, where Nina is employed in<strong>the</strong> residential department <strong>of</strong> LouisvilleIndependent Case Management.Dr. Chase Wilson,’04, Family Medicinechief resident at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> TennesseeGraduate School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, under <strong>the</strong>supervision <strong>of</strong> Dr. Kenneth Bielak, associatepr<strong>of</strong>essor and Sports Medicine Fellowshipdirector, volunteered with <strong>the</strong> Austin EastHigh School (Knoxville, Tenn.) footballteam in <strong>the</strong> fall <strong>of</strong> 2010. The service was part<strong>of</strong> a program that allowed residents to workwith athletic trainers to assess and examineinjured football players. He hopes to continueproviding this kind <strong>of</strong> service throughout hiscareer in family medicine.Erica Nicole Adams Bright, ’06, andJonathan Ray Bright, ’04, married in May<strong>of</strong> 2004, live in London with <strong>the</strong>ir daughterAva Madison, born in April 2009. Erica is acase manager at <strong>the</strong> Appalachian Children’sHome in Barbourville, and Jonathan is <strong>the</strong>media pastor at Hawk Creek Baptist Churchin London, where Erica is also a children’sministry team leader.Toccara Montgomery, BS’06, and MS’09,has been named head coach <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> women’swrestling program at Lindenwood <strong>University</strong>in St. Charles, Mo.Michael Powers, ’09, completed his degreein business administration online, after 22years since he last attended CumberlandCollege. Michael lives in Huntington Beach,Calif.Chris Souder, current graduate student,teaches at Harrodsburg Day Treatment inHarrodsburg.ENGAGEMENTS,30 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011ANNIVERSARIES &MARRIAGES1950’sEila Jane Carlisle Gessells, ’56, announcesher marriage to Richard Thomas Gessells.They said <strong>the</strong>ir vows on August 16, 2010.The happy couple lives in Miamisburg,Ohio.1980’sRamona Gail Gross Davis, ’83, and JeffDavis, ’80, announce <strong>the</strong>ir marriage <strong>of</strong> April3, 2010, in Hawaii. They now live in Corbin,where she is employed by <strong>the</strong> Corbin SchoolDistrict, and he works for Owens-Corning.2000’sShannon Evans-Harrington, ’00, announcesher marriage to Edmund Harrington in <strong>the</strong>summer <strong>of</strong> 2010. They reside in Nebraska.Randy Jay Greer, ’01, lives in Pendleton,S.C., with his wife, Brandi Hall-Greer.Uteaka Denise Hackett Knapp, ’04, wasmarried on June 12, 2010. Her husbandis in <strong>the</strong> United States Navy, and <strong>the</strong>y liveon Andrews Air Force Base in Md. with<strong>the</strong>ir two-year-old son and six-month-olddaughter. Uteaka is currently a stay-at-homemom working on her MBA.Andrea Renee Chandler Hall, ’03,announces her marriage to Mario Hall in2006.Rocky Joseph Michael Hager, ’07, livesin Lewisport with his wife Lara, patientlywaiting on <strong>the</strong> arrival <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir daughter.Sharon Lynn Wilson ,’07, announces hermarriage to Waylon Standifer on August 13,2010. The happy couple lives in Pine Knot.Nathan Michael Smith, ’09, lives inWilmore with his wife Kaci Hina Smith.BIRTHS1970’sJ. C. and Kathy Korek Harville, ’79, <strong>of</strong>Spring, Texas, announce <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>irfirst grandchild born April 5, 2010. J. C. isprincipal <strong>of</strong> an elementary school and Kathyteaches high school math in Spring.1990’sDaniel Keith West, ’93, and his wife Patiencelive in Dothan, AL., with <strong>the</strong>ir two sons,Logan and Grant, and <strong>the</strong>ir two daughters,Vivienne and Sophie. They all anxiouslyawait <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>r daughter.2000’sGareth Wilford, ’00, and his wife Laura,’00, announce <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir daughter,Charlotte Wilford, born on March 22,2010.FOND FAREWELLSPauline Mehlenbacher, former <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> employee, passed awayNovember 13, 2010, at her family’s home inMurfreesboro, Tenn. Ms. Pauline worked in<strong>the</strong> T. J. Roberts Dining Hall where she was amom and friend to manystudents over <strong>the</strong> years.She is preceded in deathby her husband Walter W.Mehlenbacher, one sonHerman Mehlenbacherand two sisters, IreneBrewer and Donna Austin.Survivors include one son,Walter L. Mehlenbacher,’91 one step-son, Rodney George, sixgrandchildren, one sister, Ellen Lane andseveral nieces and nephews. Ms. Pauline willbe missed by everyone who knew her.Daniel J. Wilkerson, 31 years <strong>of</strong> age,current graduate student at <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> passed away at his homeNovember 21, 2010. He was a teacher at PRPHigh School as well as <strong>the</strong> school’s wrestlingand football coach. Daniel graduated fromPRP High School in 1998 and WesternKentucky <strong>University</strong> in 2004. He is survivedby his wife Fawn, his parents, Michael andDelores Wilkerson, one bro<strong>the</strong>r, Paul, a sisterMickie Winters, his grandmo<strong>the</strong>r, FrancisWilkerson and his loyal dogs, Mattie andGus.
1930’sMargaret Jean Harrell, ’32, passed away onJune 9, 2010. She was 98 years <strong>of</strong> age.Dr. Robert Edward Lawson, ’35, <strong>of</strong>Memphis, Tenn., passed away at <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong>93 on November 6, 2008. He was born inWilliamsburg and received his MD from<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tennessee College <strong>of</strong>Medicine.Sister Dorthie Anne (Marianne) CliftonHall, ’38, passed away on December 16,2010, at <strong>the</strong> Sisters <strong>of</strong> St. Francis ProvincialHouse in Savannah, Mo. She taught atFederalsburg High School in Maryland andwas an instructor at Northwest MissouriState <strong>University</strong> in Maryville, Mo., beforepr<strong>of</strong>essing her vows with <strong>the</strong> Sisters <strong>of</strong> St.Francis, first in 1952 and again on July5, 1980. Sister Dorthie Anne served as ateacher and principal at St. Joseph Academyin Chillico<strong>the</strong>, Mo. She taught English atIowa Central Community College in FortDodge, Iowa, and taught from 1978 to 1997at Donnelly College in Kansas City, Kan.She was also a published poet. Survivorsinclude her sister, Morna Smith, <strong>of</strong> Texas,many nieces and nephews and her sisters in<strong>the</strong> religious community.1940’sElla Joan Evans, ’43, passed away on January26, 2010. She was married to Dr. DonaldStewart.Donald Reid Ellison, ’47, 83 years <strong>of</strong> age,Williamsburg, passed away September 27,2010. He attended Cumberland College,Wayne <strong>University</strong> and graduated from<strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Alabama in 1952, witha degree in electrical engineering. Theowner and operator <strong>of</strong> Groundhogs, Inc., aconstruction company in Birmingham, Ala.,Ellison was a member <strong>of</strong> several engineeringsocieties and held pr<strong>of</strong>essional engineeringlicenses in Ala., Tenn., and Ky. He wasa veteran <strong>of</strong> WWII and a major in <strong>the</strong> USAir Force Reserve. A member <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees, healumni newshad taught in Cumberland College’s formerschool <strong>of</strong> mining. He is survived by his son,Gary W. Ellison and daughters, Donna West,Marlene Shealy and Marcella Shepherd, all<strong>of</strong> Birmingham; nine grandchildren and fivegreat-grandchildren. He is also survivedby Brenda T. Ellison, three children, ninegrandchildren and four great-grandchildrenall <strong>of</strong> Williamsburg.Benjamin H. McKeehan, ’47, Olney Md.,passed away July 6, 2010 at 83. He is survivedby his wife Virginia Ileene McKeehan; threechildren, Michael W., Patricia Stromberg andSharon Henderson; seven grandchildren; andone great-grandchild.Pauline Dozier Brown, ’48, 85 years <strong>of</strong> age,passed away on January 20, 2010. She issurvived by her son David Keith Brown <strong>of</strong>Versailles, daughter Nancy Ellen Martin <strong>of</strong>Glendale, Wis., and three grandchildren.Velma Jean Turner Clark, ’48, passedaway December 22, 2010 at Christian CareCommunity in Corbin after a long illness.Kathy Wilcox Storrie, ’71alumni spotlightAlum’s First Novel Brings Appalachia’s Past to LifeKathy Wilcox Storrie, ’71, is <strong>the</strong> author <strong>of</strong> “Fannie & Wilke: For <strong>the</strong> Love <strong>of</strong> aCountry Girl,” published in 2010, and she was one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> featured authors inAuthors’ Row at Homecoming 2010.The romantic tale <strong>of</strong> Fannie Brock and Wilkerson Lawson is based uponStorrie’s own grandparents’ courtship and ultimate marriage. Set in Kentucky’sBell County more than 100 years ago, it reveals much about <strong>the</strong> customs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>region and <strong>of</strong>fers a unique insight into Appalachia culture.“This book will not only teach and entertain but it also will take many peopleback to a time and place that has been long forgotten or <strong>the</strong>y never knewexisted,” says Storrie.Dr. Susan Weaver, director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ Teaching and Learning program,serves as <strong>the</strong> coordinator <strong>of</strong> Author’s Row and had this to say about Storrie’sdebut novel, “This memorable book would be one to read aloud, share acrossgenerations, and cherish as a reflection <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> spirit <strong>of</strong> a hard working funlovingyoung girl and a determined, industrious young man. I enjoyed it fromcover to cover.”Storrie, <strong>of</strong> Hamilton, Ohio, earned her B.S. from <strong>Cumberlands</strong> with a majorin elementary education and a minor in art education.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 31
alumni newsThelma Ruth Jones Baker Leigh, ’49, 79years <strong>of</strong> age, passed away September 14, 2010,in Grants Pass, Ore. A first grade teacher for40 years, she began her career in Memphis,Tenn., before moving to Oregon, where shetaught at Tenmile, Dillard and McGovernelementary schools. She also owned andoperated a 40-acre farm in Looking Glass,where for 35 years, she and her three childrenraised cattle, swine, horses, sheep, dogs, catsand o<strong>the</strong>r animals. An active member <strong>of</strong>Farmer’s Chiquita, a large 4-H livestock clubin Looking Glass, she was also a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>American Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> Womenand served as a crisis counselor for a batteredwomen’s group. After retiring at <strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong>62, she learned to play tennis and became amember <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Roseburg Tennis Club and<strong>the</strong> United States Tennis Association teams,serving as team captain for several years. Sheis survived by her three children, CynthiaLuce, Christopher Baker and CandaceSchlenker, and four grandchildren.1950’sGerald A. Leigh, ’50, 77 years <strong>of</strong> age, passedaway on March 27, 2008, at his home inSomerset. He was born in Eubank. He issurvived by one son, Steve A. Leigh, onedaughter, Angela M. Smith, one sister,Donna Wilkinson, three grandchildren andone great grandchild.Florence V. Smith, ’50, <strong>of</strong> Sweetwater,Tenn., passed away in 2000.Fazda Risner Jones, ’51, 77 years <strong>of</strong> age,originally from Pineville, passed away in CasaGrande, Ariz., on December 24, 2010, withher husband and children by her side.Priscilla J. Anderson, ’52, 79 years <strong>of</strong> age, <strong>of</strong>West Chester, Ohio, passed away on August31, 2010. After teaching in Kentucky fortwo years, she was a third-grade teacherfor <strong>the</strong> Northwest Local School Districtfor 37 years and retired in 1989. She issurvived by her daughter, Kay Gowsell, twograndchildren, Kevin Gowsell and SabrinaGowsell, a bro<strong>the</strong>r, Richard Lee James andtwo sisters, Phyllis Rupp, and Nancy Bright.Nola Brown, ’52, 91 years <strong>of</strong> age, passedaway November 2, 2010, in Williamsburg.She is survived by one daughter, JuanitaSharpe ’65, and her husband Alvin, ’65;32 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011a son, Dewey Brown and his wife Sue; hergrandchildren, Tim Brown, Jeff Sharpe,’90, and his wife Missy, Mike Sharpe, ’93,and his wife Regina, ’99; and three greatgrandchildren,Becky Sharpe, ChristianSharpe and Anabeth Sharpe.William Howard Dykes, ’53, 80 years<strong>of</strong> age, <strong>of</strong> Mt. Juliet, Tenn., passed awayon December 12, 2010. While attendingCumberland he met his wife, <strong>the</strong> late MaryAnn McIntyre, ’54. He is survived bydaughters, Margie Dykes Smith and JackieEllen Dykes Chafin; sister, Ida ElizabethWilson; bro<strong>the</strong>r, Joseph Lee Dykes; threegrandchildren and numerous nieces andnephews.Robert Glenn Fox, ’58, passed awaySaturday, December 11, 2010, in Scottsburg,Ind. The first person in his family to graduatefrom college, Fox was an educator and schooladministrator from 1960 to 1995, when heretired from Austin School System. He wasalso a contractor/builder from 1960 to 1975and built more than 100 homes. From 1960to 2010, he was a farmer who raised grain,tobacco, hay and beef cattle. He loved totravel across <strong>the</strong> United States and Europe,researching and visiting historic sites. Heis survived by his wife <strong>of</strong> 46 years, Karen,children, Laura Lynn Nowling, GlennEdward Fox and Jenny Lou Fox, and sevengrandchildren.Clayton Wendell Blanton, ’59, passed awayMarch 29, 2007.1960’sJames H. Hampton, ’60, <strong>of</strong> Barbourvillepassed away October 2, 2006, <strong>of</strong> heartfailure. He was superintendent <strong>of</strong> KnoxCounty School System, and he is survived byhis wife Joan.Velma J. Ball, ’61, <strong>of</strong> Pineville passed awayin 2000.Randall Byrd, ’61, 77 years <strong>of</strong> age,Williamsburg, passed away August 27, 2010.An employee <strong>of</strong> Renfro Supply Companyin Williamsburg, he was a veteran <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>United States Navy. He is survived by adaughter, Cindy Lovitt, <strong>of</strong> Ryland Heights,a son Eddie, <strong>of</strong> Sanford, a bro<strong>the</strong>r, Robert, <strong>of</strong>Williamsburg, two sisters, Georgia Cawood,<strong>of</strong> Monroe, Mich., and Ruth Peace, <strong>of</strong>Williamsburg. He had eight grandchildrenand five great-grandchildren who will misshim dearly.Evelyn W. Jeffers, ’61, 90 years <strong>of</strong> age, fromCrossville, Tenn., passed away in 2006.Mary Elizabeth Chadwell Johnson, ’61, 82years <strong>of</strong> age, from Jacksboro, Tenn., passedaway July 25, 2003, at St. Mary’s MedicalCenter <strong>of</strong> Campbell County. A teacher for38 years in Campbell County and MichiganSchool systems, Mrs. Johnson is survived byher husband <strong>of</strong> 61 years, Charlie A. Johnson;sons, Roger and Dallas; daughters, Karenand Nancy; seven grandchildren and sixgreat-grandchildren; and one sister, MarthaGibson.Dalton E. Jones, ’61, <strong>of</strong> Lexington passedaway in 2008.Jo Ann Pursiful, ’61, passed away severalyears ago.Fredrick “Freddie” Wayne Robbins, ’61,67 years <strong>of</strong> age, passed away December14, 2007, at his home in Calvin. Heis survived by his sister-in-law, JoAnnRobbins, Clarkston, Mich.; nephew CharlesE. Robbins, Jonesville, Va.; nieces, TeresaKirkland and Missy Cordes <strong>of</strong> Calvin, LisaFogus <strong>of</strong> Corbin, and Jenny Robbins <strong>of</strong>Clarkston, Mich.Charles W. Waldroup, ’61, 81 years <strong>of</strong> age,from Williamsburg, passed away in 2000.Fred Johnson Sandlin, ’62, 70 years <strong>of</strong>age, passed away September 17, 2010, inDaytona Beach, Fla. He is survived by oneson, David, and an aunt, Mary Brough,<strong>of</strong> Scottsburg, Ind. Mr. Sandlin began histeaching career in Spencerville, Ohio; <strong>the</strong>nmoved to Avon Park, Fla., in 1966, wherehe taught driver’s education and served ashead coach <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> boys’ basketball teamfor more than a decade. A businessman in<strong>the</strong> restaurant and insurance fields, he laterbecame a co-owner <strong>of</strong> Sunshine Title andSunshine Leasing Company, which grewto be one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> largest private firms in <strong>the</strong>state.Glenn E. Shepard, ’63, passed away in2008.Billy Ray Neely, ’64, <strong>of</strong> Florence, passed
away July 11, 2010, after a short illness withcancer. A retired school teacher with <strong>the</strong>Boone County School System, he is survivedby his wife Carol; son Darren, Florence ; anddaughter, Shawnta, Denver, Colo.Thelma L. Terry, ’65, 78 years <strong>of</strong> age, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Mountain View community and a resident<strong>of</strong> Huntsville Manor in Scott County, Tenn.,passed away November 28, 2010. A member<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Retired Teachers Association and amember <strong>of</strong> Eastern Star Sunshine Chapter#279 <strong>of</strong> Robbins, Ms. Terry was a schoolteacher for 42 years. Survivors are her nieceand caregiver, Lisa Lowe and husband Tim;a sister Wilma Ruth Jeffers and family;and special roommate and friend, GenevaMarcum <strong>of</strong> Huntsville Manor.Enoch Foutch, ’68, <strong>of</strong> Bardstown, formerly<strong>of</strong> Harlan County, passed away on Oct.12, 2010, frominjuries received inan auto accident.Foutch, 64, heldadditional degreesfrom <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Kentucky andEKU. He was ateacher, coach andprincipal at LynchHigh School;Photo submittedprincipal at HarlanElementary andMiddle School, and <strong>the</strong>n Director <strong>of</strong> SpecialEducation before his retirement. He was alsoan adjunct instructor <strong>of</strong> math and physicsfor Sou<strong>the</strong>ast Community College. Hewas team leader <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sorghum molassesdemonstration at <strong>the</strong> annual KingdomCome Swappin’ Meetin’, mastered <strong>the</strong>craft <strong>of</strong> creating dulcimers and was an avidhunter and outdoorsman, A member <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> NRA, he taught hunter education andconcealed weapons classes. His many awardsinclude two National Institute for Staff andOrganization Development (NISOD) awardsand being named a Kentucky Colonel andan Honorary Harlan County Coal Miner.He was a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Parkway BaptistChurch in Bardstown and Howard MasonicLodge. He is survived by his wife Karen, hismo<strong>the</strong>r Elizabeth Foutch, two daughters,seven grandchildren, two sisters, a bro<strong>the</strong>r,and several nieces and nephews.Charlene Lawson Nixon, ’68, 64 years <strong>of</strong> age,from Amelia, Ohio passed away November7, 2010. She is survived by her husband,Mark Nixon, three children Michelle Green,Jennifer Anderson and Russell Nixon; onegrandchild, Cameron Anderson; two sisters,Sandra Lewis and Terry Wilson and threebro<strong>the</strong>rs, J.L., Glenn and Don.Clay Gibson, ’69, Rio Rancho, N.M.,passed away July 3, 2010, in a tragic accidentin Dove Creek, Col., in which his older son,Zane, also lost his life. He is survived byhis wife Nancy and son, Cody. Mrs. Gibsonrelated that Clay was very proud to be analumnus <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>,and she requested that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>community remembers this family in dailythoughts and prayers.1970’sGlenna M. Collins, ’70, 62 years <strong>of</strong> age,passed away August 22, 2010, at her home inOneida, Tenn., with her family by her side.Mrs. Collins was a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Order <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Eastern Star, Oneida Lodge #695, whereshe held numerous positions includingWorthy Matron. She was a foster mo<strong>the</strong>rto more than 40 children, adopted four andreceived <strong>the</strong> 2002 Mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Year Award.She began her teaching career at CoalfieldHigh School for two years, and <strong>the</strong>n taught atScott County High School for more than 18years, until her retirement. She is survived bysons, Kenneth Lee Collins and ChristopherLynn Collins <strong>of</strong> Columbia, Mo.; her adoptedchildren, Reshonda Harness, Jessica Wentz,Phillip Collins and Crystal Washam; her 14special grandchildren; sisters, Irene Strunk,and Norma Jean Potter; and bro<strong>the</strong>rs, ErnestCrabtree and Shirl Crabtree.Charles Lewis, ’70, passed away June 23,2010.Charles Thomas Snapp, ’76, 58 years <strong>of</strong>age, <strong>of</strong> Effingham, Ill., passed away Sunday,October 17, 2010, at St. Anthony’s MemorialHospital. A captain in <strong>the</strong> United StatesArmy Reserves, he was a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Effingham VFW and American Legion. Heworked with Addus Home Health Care. Heis survived by his special friend <strong>of</strong> 20 years,Brenda Mundt; bro<strong>the</strong>r, Marion Snapp, Jr.<strong>of</strong> Paris; sisters, Linda Hyatt <strong>of</strong> Millersburg,Wanda Gaunce <strong>of</strong> Carlisle and Mary FrancisWalls <strong>of</strong> Lexington.Gloria Jean Dezarn Lowe, ’77, 57 years <strong>of</strong>alumni newsage, <strong>of</strong> Pineville passed away September 11,2010, after an unexpected illness. A native<strong>of</strong> Clay County, she met her husband <strong>of</strong> 35years, Darrell Lowe, ’75, while <strong>the</strong>y werestudents at Cumberland. After 27 years<strong>of</strong> teaching, she retired to work with herhusband in ministry at <strong>the</strong> Lighthouse, <strong>the</strong>church <strong>the</strong>y began. She is survived by herhusband Darrel Lowe; a niece, Sherry Reed;bro<strong>the</strong>rs Charles Dezarn, Dan Dezarn, PaulDezarn and Clarence Dezarn; sisters, NancyCrawford, Bev Roberts, Doris Gross andCharlotte Stewart.1980’sRuby M. Wadley Clark, ’80, 51 years <strong>of</strong>age, <strong>of</strong> New Smyrna Beach, Fla., passed awayOctober 31, 2010. She was a retired schoolteacher with Volusia County Schools and amember <strong>of</strong> Servant’s Quarters Fellowship.Survivors include her devoted husband <strong>of</strong>25 years, Jesse Clark; her children, Jonathan,Camilya, James; parents, Ercelle and JimmyHives and Ezra Wadley; bro<strong>the</strong>rs, AlvinWadley, ’80, and Ezra K. Wadley; and sister,Dianna Wadley.Keith Boyd Collins, ’80, passed away.Barbara Faith Marass Lawson, ’82, 50years <strong>of</strong> age, <strong>of</strong> Whitley City, passed awaySeptember 1, 2010. Faith served in <strong>the</strong>United States Navy, worked as a social workerat Scott County (Tenn.) Hospital and later atSt. Mary’s Hospital in LaFollette, Tenn. Sheis survived by her mo<strong>the</strong>r and stepfa<strong>the</strong>r,Barbara and Dillard Strunk; her fa<strong>the</strong>r,Frank J. Marass, Jr.; her husband, WilliamSaul; two children, Kayla Paige Lawson andDustin James Lawson; and two grandsons,Carter and Curtis Lawson.1990’sRenee Lynn Polan, former student attendingin 1998, passed away at her home inNorwalk, Ohio. She was 31 years <strong>of</strong> age. Sheis survived by her husband James Calhoun;son, Dakota Lee and her daughter, DonnaJoKa<strong>the</strong>rine; three sisters Lorie Ann Polan <strong>of</strong>Canada, Veronica Lee Knoll <strong>of</strong> Norwalk andNancy Marie Houston <strong>of</strong> Wakeman, Ohio;and two nephews and two nieces.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 33
alumni newsAlumni Board<strong>of</strong> Directors:From left: Dr. JohnHollingsworth,’63;Dr. Terry Dixon, ’68,secretary; Bill Lyttle,’75;Susan Rice Bradley,’98,president-elect; PaulSteeley,’49; MelanieMackey Evans,’87-’90;Amy Stroud,’04; KathyByrd, class <strong>of</strong> ’83-’87;Dave Bergman,’89,director, Alumni Services;and David, Rhodes,’80,past-president. Notpictured: Richard Prewitt,’80, president; Mary Doyle Johnson,’48, member emerita; Maureen “Cookie” Henson,’74; Tom Broyles,’80;Brittney House,’09, president Young Alumni Association; Dick Koeniger,’67, member emeritus; Jeffrey W. Davis,’80; Mike Parsley,’89;Allen Robbins,’90; Jonathan Childers,’00; Duane Floro,’79; Shannon Evans Harrington,’00; Jimmy Huddleston,’87; and Terry Stigall,’75.Six new boardmembers joined <strong>the</strong> Alumni Board at Homecoming; five whose termexpires in 2013 and one who will fill an unexpired term, expiring in 2012.Amy Stroud, ’04, is currently <strong>the</strong> community liaison and salesassociate for <strong>the</strong> Center for Rural Development in Somerset. Sheserved as a field representative and district director for former GovernorErnie Fletcher and as <strong>the</strong> director <strong>of</strong> Planning/Special Projects in <strong>the</strong>Governor’s <strong>of</strong>fice. A member <strong>of</strong> Young Chamber Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals <strong>of</strong> LakeCumberland, Young Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals <strong>of</strong> East Kentucky and <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong>Directors <strong>of</strong> Girls Scouts <strong>of</strong> Kentucky Wilderness Road Council, sheis a Fellow <strong>of</strong> UK’s Kentucky Entrepreneurial Coaches Institute andis a Certified Entrepreneurial Coach.Kathy West Byrd, ’87, Title Examiner at Cumberland Valley TitleCompany, London, KY. She is a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Tri-Co RepublicanWomen's Club, Friends <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Library and a former WilliamsburgCity Council Member. She is also involved with <strong>the</strong> Whitley CountyHistorical Society. Married to Eddie D. Byrd, ’70, for 27 years, shehas four children: Adam Sharp (wife Jennifer), Jon Sharp, TeresaAbbott, ’09 (husband Mike Abbott, BA,’97, MA’02) and CarrieByrd (research librarian at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>). She has four grandchildren:Avril and Skeet Sharp and Lillie and Grace-Ann Abbott.Tom Broyles, ’80, employed with Bayer Healthcare since 1984and currently serves as <strong>the</strong> team leader who manages <strong>the</strong> company’sKroger business nationwide. Broyles, who enjoys spending timewith family and friends, traveling and attending athletic events, is34 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011married to Rhonda Hodges Broyles, ’83. She is <strong>the</strong> freshman coachand assistant varsity basketball coach at Conner High School andalso works for The Cross-mark Co., managing brand positioning atKroger. They live in Morristown, Tenn., and are <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong> threesons: Derek, Cody and Jeremy.Dr. Duane Floro, ’79, has served as senior pastor at a number <strong>of</strong>multi-staff churches and currently serves as <strong>the</strong> ministry evangelismstrategist <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ohio Baptist Convention in Columbus, Ohio. Flororeceived a Master <strong>of</strong> Divinity degree from Southwestern BaptistTheological Seminary in 1983 and a Doctor <strong>of</strong> Ministry degree fromGolden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in 2007. He and his wifeDeana Henson Floro are <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong> four children and grandparent<strong>of</strong> one granddaughter.Terry Stigall, ’75, served as <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ head baseball coach from1983 until 2001, and was named Coach <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Year three times.He led his team to five KIAC championships, with six second-placepositions; saw 82 players named to All-Conference honors andhad ten players sign pr<strong>of</strong>essional contracts. Stigall is a member <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Health, Movement and Leisure Studies Department faculty at<strong>Cumberlands</strong>, and he resides in Williamsburg with his wife Carol.Stigall is <strong>the</strong> fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> two children, Adam and Alicia.
Brittney House, ’09Young Alumni Association“YAA” might sound like something heard at a Patriot athletic event, but here at<strong>Cumberlands</strong>, it is an exclusive organization within <strong>the</strong> Alumni Association for graduates<strong>of</strong> ten years or less. There are no financial dues. The only requirements are dedication to<strong>Cumberlands</strong> and a desire to see it succeed and continue to <strong>of</strong>fer outstanding educationalopportunities to future students.alumni spotlightBrittney House, ’09, met those requirements long before she was inducted into <strong>the</strong>Alumni Board and as <strong>the</strong> first president <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> YAA during <strong>the</strong> Alumni Dinner atHomecoming 2010.As president <strong>of</strong> UC’s Student Government Association from 2007-09, House increasedSGA participation from about 12 members to more than 50 members. She also updated<strong>the</strong> campus movie rentals, brought back <strong>the</strong> recycling program, helped to restore <strong>the</strong>viaduct and bought bike racks that were dispersed around campus. As SGA president,she also served as an ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Alumni Board.Young alumni interested in being a part <strong>of</strong> this vital group can contact <strong>the</strong> AlumniServices <strong>of</strong>fice at 606-539-4355 or House,’09.Dr. Robert Moore, ’70Dr. Robert Moore, ’70, has built a strong career across three states,Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia, as <strong>the</strong> owner <strong>of</strong> nine Bell ToneHearing Centers. An authorized audioprosthologist, he has helpedindividuals overcome hearing loss since 1976.Moore credits much <strong>of</strong> his success to <strong>the</strong> education he acquired at<strong>Cumberlands</strong>, where he earned a B.A. in history and political science.“<strong>Cumberlands</strong> was important in shaping my life and attitudes. It gaveme <strong>the</strong> impetus, <strong>the</strong> courage to succeed,” he said. “It helped me overcome<strong>the</strong> mindset I came from and showed me what I could accomplish.”A native <strong>of</strong> Barbourville, Moore came to <strong>Cumberlands</strong> on a trackand cross country scholarship, after an outstanding high school trackcareer. He placed second in <strong>the</strong> mile at <strong>the</strong> Kentucky high schoolchampionships during his senior year. At <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, his speedearned him <strong>the</strong> nickname “Rabbit.” Moore was <strong>the</strong> first in his familyto attend and graduate from college. Of his four siblings, his youngersister, Shirley Blanton also attended <strong>Cumberlands</strong>.Dr. Robert Moore in his Lafollette, Tenn. lab with a photo <strong>of</strong> his Cessna Stationaire,which allows him to travel easily among his businesses.Following his graduation, Moore went on to earn a Master <strong>of</strong> Ministrydegree and a Doctor <strong>of</strong> Ministry degree from <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn BaptistCenter for Biblical Studies in Marietta, Ga. He also completed <strong>the</strong> ACA program <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> International Hearing Society.In <strong>the</strong> early 1980’s Moore developed his love <strong>of</strong> flying when he took flying lessons and completed his first solo flight. However, <strong>the</strong> expenses <strong>of</strong>a young family and business intervened until 1998, when he bought his first plane and said, “Now, I’m going to learn to fly this.” Today, witha larger more comfortable plane, Moore commutes among <strong>the</strong> cities where his businesses are located. He primarily works in <strong>the</strong> LaFollette,Tenn., and Somerset locations, where he divides his time each week.Moore enjoyed his years at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, saying, “I had more fun in college than before or after.” He formed important relationships duringhis student years. He and Jim Taylor, ’68, now <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ president, were both young ministers who served as pastors, Moore in Somersetand Taylor in Monticello, and on <strong>the</strong> weekends <strong>the</strong>y carpooled to <strong>the</strong>ir small churches to save gas money. He also formed a friendship withGordon Bocock, ’67, who was a senior when Moore was a freshman and who served as a role model for Moore.However, Moore says that <strong>the</strong> best thing he found at <strong>Cumberlands</strong> was his wife, Trena Hammons Moore, who was also a student. The Moores,who have homes in Somerset and LaFollette, are <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong> three children: John, 39; Robert, 25; and Rebecca, 23.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 35
alumni spotlightThe Lord(’s) MayorMichael Bryant,’69<strong>Cumberlands</strong> alumnus, Michael (Mike) Bryant, ’69, has returned to his roots in a big way. Although he was born in Cincinnati and grew upin Michigan, his parents were natives <strong>of</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn Kentucky who both grew up in Pulaski County. The child who <strong>of</strong>ten visited Mount Vernon,Kentucky, could never have dreamed that someday he would become its mayor. But, in <strong>the</strong> 2010 election, Bryant was indeed elected Mt.Vernon’s mayor, and his term began in January.Always active in his community, Bryant has been approached a number <strong>of</strong> times to seek public <strong>of</strong>fice; to run for mayor, county judgeexecutive,or even sheriff. However, this time, when someone suggested a campaign for mayor late in 2009, he said that he would pray aboutit. As he prayerfully considered such a step, he became more overwhelmingly convinced it was <strong>the</strong> right thing to do. “Of course, just seeking<strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice did not mean winning,” he states. What followed was 10 months <strong>of</strong> campaigning, <strong>the</strong>n two months <strong>of</strong> transition before assuming<strong>of</strong>fice. “It has been an interesting journey,” Bryant says. “Politics is a journey I had not traveled before.” He goes on to say, “But more andmore, I can see God’s hand at work. This is clearly not an accident or a coincidence, but true providence. I do not know and may never knowall <strong>the</strong> ‘whys.’”The road to Mt. Vernon’s city hall has taken Bryant on a global journey. After earning his Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts degree in religion with a minor inpsychology at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, he went on to earn a Master <strong>of</strong> Theology degree in 1980 and a Doctor <strong>of</strong> Ministry degree in 1982, both from<strong>the</strong> International Seminary.During <strong>the</strong> past 42 years, Bryant has served as a pastor, evangelist, chaplain and certified counselor, and he has spent time on <strong>the</strong> mission fieldin <strong>the</strong> US, Mexico and Guatemala. A sworn deputy sheriff and chaplain with four different sheriffs, he has spoken at more than 120 churchesin eight states, Israel, Mexico and Guatemala. Additionally, he worked for <strong>the</strong> Kentucky Cabinet for Families & Children, from which heretired in 2000 as Family Services Office supervisor.Bryant is truly enjoying his new position. “Mount Vernon, by comparison, is a small town, but I’ve realized that it is like a large business.Just being mayor means managing multiple departments with multiple issues, and it’s a challenge to ‘keep all <strong>the</strong> plates spinning’ each day,”he says.Serving in more than 80 business, civic and pr<strong>of</strong>essional organizations through <strong>the</strong> years, Bryant has held <strong>of</strong>fice in many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m and hasearned numerous awards for his service and outstanding citizenship. Currently, he is a member <strong>of</strong> several groups, including <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’Church Relations Board.Bryant and his wife Carol Owens Bryant, an alumna <strong>of</strong> Sue Bennett College and Ohio’s Bowling Green State <strong>University</strong>, first lived in MountVernon from 1970 to 1974, but moved <strong>the</strong>re permanently in 1977. When asked <strong>the</strong> best thing about living <strong>the</strong>re, he readily replied that itprovides <strong>the</strong> best <strong>of</strong> small-town living, while being strategically located beside I-75, within an easy drive <strong>of</strong> larger towns, like Richmond andLexington. “Here, you don’t have to give up <strong>the</strong> joy <strong>of</strong> living in a small town for <strong>the</strong> convenience <strong>of</strong> city living,” he said.The Bryants are <strong>the</strong> parents <strong>of</strong> four children, all <strong>of</strong> whom haveattended <strong>Cumberlands</strong>. Melissa Bryant Stewart graduated in1987and served as SGA president; her husband Jon Stewartgraduated in 1985; Michael Bryant II attended from 1987 to1990, and his wife Rhonda Reid Bryant, is a 1994 graduate;Marla Bryant Hart attended; and Mat<strong>the</strong>w Bryant graduated in1999. Twelve grandchildren, including twin grandsons, Lincolnand Sawyer, born January 4, 2011, complete <strong>the</strong>ir family.When he manages to find any free time, Bryant enjoys hunting,fishing, camping, ATV/horseback riding, canoeing, knifecollecting, 18th century & civil war reenacting and martial arts,in which he is a black belt certified instructor.Bryant wants to leave a legacy for future generations in MountVernon. “This is a ‘we’ not a ‘me’ thing,” he states emphatically.“Thinking futuristically, my hope is that by building on thingsmy predecessors began, we can make this a better place, a bettertown and leave some things in place for my successors to buildupon.”36 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
Hubert F. White, ’23, PosthumouslyInducted into Hall <strong>of</strong> HonorDuring <strong>the</strong> 2011 Founders’ Day and Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>r King Memorial convocation,<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> honored outstanding alumnus, Hubert F. White, ’23,who posthumously received <strong>the</strong> Distinguished Alumni Award and was inducted into<strong>the</strong> Alumni Hall <strong>of</strong> Honor.A native <strong>of</strong> Williamsburg, White attended Cumberland College from 1921 to 1923,where he served as captain <strong>of</strong> both <strong>the</strong> football and basketball teams. He graduatedwith an Associate <strong>of</strong> Arts degree and enrolled at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Kentucky in 1923,where he completed his undergraduate degree in 1925 and graduated from law schoolin 1927. He practiced law in Harlan and Middlesboro for 55 years and served as <strong>the</strong>city attorney for Middlesboro for a total <strong>of</strong> 30 years. Following in <strong>the</strong> footsteps <strong>of</strong> hisfa<strong>the</strong>r, a three-term mayor <strong>of</strong> Williamsburg, White served as mayor <strong>of</strong> Middlesbor<strong>of</strong>rom 1958 to 1962. He was married to <strong>the</strong> former Fay Cawood for 60 years, and hepassed away in 1990.White’s sons, Robert C. White, <strong>of</strong> Knoxville, Tenn., and Frank M. White <strong>of</strong> Lexington,Ky., accepted <strong>the</strong> award on behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir fa<strong>the</strong>r.Robert White expressed <strong>the</strong> family’s gratitude for <strong>the</strong> honor given his fa<strong>the</strong>r and for<strong>the</strong> educational opportunities <strong>the</strong> elder White experienced at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>.“When he left Cumberland, he went on to pursue his studies in o<strong>the</strong>r places,” saidRobert White <strong>of</strong> his fa<strong>the</strong>r. “But, he always maintained that <strong>the</strong> start he received onthis campus was paramount to <strong>the</strong> success he achieved academically later.”“He alwaysmaintained that <strong>the</strong>start he receivedon this campus wasparamount to <strong>the</strong>success he achievedacademically later.”Robert White, left, and Frank White, right, accept <strong>the</strong> Distinguished Alumni Award on behalf <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>ir fa<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> late Hubert F. White, from Rich Prewitt, center, Alumni Board president.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 37
Dr. Ray Lipps, ’70,Receives Honorary Degree“I am proud to be agraduate <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>, where all<strong>the</strong> Indians are Patriots.”During its annual Founders’ Day and Martin Lu<strong>the</strong>rKing Memorial convocation, <strong>Cumberlands</strong> honoredRay Lipps ’70, with an honorary Doctor <strong>of</strong> Fine Artsdegree.“[It is] because <strong>of</strong> your stellar success, your support andcaring for your fellow man, and your commitment tomaking this world a better place,” said President JimTaylor.Founder and president <strong>of</strong> Esquire Galleries, a companythat sells art at auctions throughout <strong>the</strong> U.S., Lippshas been one <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ most dedicated alumni.He has never missed a Homecoming since arriving oncampus—44 straight Homecomings—and he has beenan avid supporter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> athletic programs, attendinghundreds <strong>of</strong> events including many national tournamentgames. One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> founders <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ AthleticHall <strong>of</strong> Fame, he instituted both <strong>the</strong> alumni homecomingauction, to support scholarships, and <strong>the</strong> Athletic Hall<strong>of</strong> Fame auction. He has also donated much <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>framed artwork seen in campus buildings, for a totalcontribution in excess <strong>of</strong> $350,000.However, Lipps feels <strong>the</strong> greatest contribution he has madeto Cumberland is <strong>the</strong> many students he has recruited, andduring <strong>the</strong> ceremony, he introduced “potential future alumni”<strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> in <strong>the</strong> audience, including a “member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>class <strong>of</strong> 2033.”A native <strong>of</strong> London, Ky., Lipps was a student leader at CumberlandCollege who has continued to be active in many business, political and civic organizations.He served on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> Alumni Association Board <strong>of</strong> Directors for more than20 years in several leadership roles, including three terms as president. Inducted into <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ Hall <strong>of</strong> Honor in 1991, he received <strong>the</strong>J. M. Boswell Outstanding Alumni Award in 1999 and in 2007 <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong> named a classroom in <strong>the</strong> Hutton School <strong>of</strong> Business <strong>the</strong> RayLipps Room.“I am proud to be a graduate <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> where ‘all <strong>the</strong> Indians are Patriots,’” says Lipps, referring to UC’s former andcurrent mascots.Lipps, and his wife, Patricia Skeen Artman Lipps, residents <strong>of</strong> Powell, Tennessee, are active members <strong>of</strong> Powell Presbyterian Church. Twobro<strong>the</strong>rs, his twin Ralph, <strong>of</strong> London, and, Abner, <strong>of</strong> Frankfort, also graduated from <strong>Cumberlands</strong> in 1970.38 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011
Honor or Memorialize a Friend or Loved OneWhat is a Tribute Gift? A Tribute Gift shows love and respect for <strong>the</strong> personbeing honored or memorialized. It says to o<strong>the</strong>rs that <strong>the</strong> world is a better placebecause <strong>of</strong> this person. Through a Tribute Gift to UC-Cumberland College, amemory <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> past or an honor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> present is tied to <strong>the</strong> future as it is madeto live on and on in <strong>the</strong> lives <strong>of</strong> needy students. The size <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gift you send isup to you. Many send <strong>the</strong> amount <strong>the</strong>y would spend on floral arrangements,candy or o<strong>the</strong>r appropriate purchases. Gifts generally range from $15 to $1,000,but <strong>the</strong> right amount for you is <strong>the</strong> one your heart tells you to send.What is an Honor Gift? An Honor Gift is a gift which shows admirationand respect for a loved one or friend on a significant day in <strong>the</strong>ir life such asbirthday, anniversary, Mo<strong>the</strong>r’s Day, Fa<strong>the</strong>r’s Day, etc.What is a Memorial Gift? A Memorial Gift is a gift in memory <strong>of</strong> a departedloved one or friend. It is a wonderful way to express sympathy and high regard oras a means to remember birthdays, anniversaries, or o<strong>the</strong>r special days (MemorialDay, Veteran’s Day, etc.) <strong>of</strong> a deceased loved one.Tribute ProgramHow are Tribute Giftsacknowledged?For a Memorial Gift <strong>the</strong> family<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> one you wish to memorializeis sent an appropriate card <strong>the</strong> sameday <strong>the</strong> gift is received by <strong>the</strong> college.Then <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> giver and <strong>the</strong>deceased will be listed in <strong>the</strong> nextissue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> college’s newsletter.For an Honor Gift <strong>the</strong> personbeing honored is sent an appropriatecard listing <strong>the</strong> honor giver as wellas <strong>the</strong> occasion for <strong>the</strong> honor. Then<strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> giver and <strong>the</strong> name<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> honoree will be listed in <strong>the</strong>next issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> college’s newsletter.<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> Tribute GiftsGiven by:Name___________________________________________________________Address_________________________________________________________City__________________________________ State_______Zip____________Gift In Honor Of:Name_____________________________________ Amount $ _____________Gift In Memory Of:Name_____________________________________ Amount $ _____________The occasion <strong>of</strong> my gift is __________________________________________Please send notification <strong>of</strong> my gift to:Name___________________________________________________________Address_________________________________________________________City__________________________________ State_______Zip____________Return Coupon To:Dr. Jim Taylor, 6191 College Station Drive, Williamsburg, KY 40769For all Tribute Gifts <strong>the</strong> amount<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gift is kept confidential, andall gifts are tax deductible as allowedby law.How will yourTribute Gift help?Your gift will provide a lastinglegacy for our needy students as itis used to help provide scholarshipand workship assistance, books andsupplies, food and housing, andmany o<strong>the</strong>r supportive services.Listings reflect <strong>the</strong> Tribute Gifts receivedSeptember 1, 2010 through February 22,2011. In preparing this list, every efforthas been made to ensure accuracy andcompleteness. If a mistake was made in<strong>the</strong> way you are identified, or if your namewas omitted, we apologize. You can helpset <strong>the</strong> record straight. Please notify <strong>the</strong>President’s Office regarding any changesin <strong>the</strong> way your gift should be recorded infuture reports. Thank You.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 39
In Memory OfIn Memory Of: Mrs. Ellen BiancoGiven By: Mr. W. F. BiancoIn Memory Of: Sgt. Kenneth W. Clarke,SonGiven By: Mrs. Gwendolyn T. ClarkePerrittIn Memory Of: Lt. Col. Theodore W.Clarke, HusbandGiven By: Mrs. Gwendolyn T. ClarkePerrittIn Memory Of: H. Thomas CollinsGiven By: Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. ArrediaMs. Nancy E. BrookshireMr. Peter Walbridge BrownMs. Debbie CaldwellMr. & Mrs. Harmon R. CollinsMr. Michael L. CraigMs. Mary Lou FoxMs. Roberta L. HawkinsMr. & Mrs. Christopher J.HensienMr. & Mrs. L. A. IsaacMr. Joseph C. JarvisMs. Ka<strong>the</strong>rine B. JonesMs. Deborah T. KnightMs. Patricia D. LeveyMs. Amy A. MarsalisMr. Robin Bai<strong>the</strong>r MillerMr. Barry NistelMs. Mary Beth SchoenMs. Norm & June ShapiroMr. & Mrs. Robert A. SmithMr. & Mrs. Wayne StaleyMr. David P. ThomasMs. Martha G. WheelerIn Memory Of: Es<strong>the</strong>r ComptonGiven By: Dr. C. Sue PhelpsIn Memory Of: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Lloyd CreechGiven By: Mrs. Virginia O. LinkenhokerIn Memory Of: Donald Reid EllisonGiven By: Ms. Leona M. BegleyMr. & Mrs. Harry V. BenjaminMr. & Mrs. Darren BlaineBryantMr. & Mrs. John H. BullardMrs. Mary M. CollinsKid’s Market & MOMMr. & Mrs. Clayton A. KingMr. & Mrs. Richard A.McKinneyMr. Steven D. Payne40 • CumberlandToday • Winter 2011Dr. & Mrs. Jim TaylorTennenbaum Capital Partners,LLCMr. & Mrs. Carl Lee WilderIn Memory Of: William H. JacowayGiven By: USMA Class <strong>of</strong> 1961In Memory Of: Joe F. JonesGiven By: Ms. Judith Ann Pennington-PriceIn Memory Of: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor P. R. JonesGiven By: Mr. Bernard MooreIn Memory Of: Mr. & Mrs. Jack & AngelaKeyesGiven By: Mr. Ronald J. KeyesIn Memory Of: Ora Manning, Jr.Given By: Dr. & Mrs. John David BroomeMs. Judith Ann Pennington-PriceIn Memory Of: Annie MooreGiven By: Ms. Kyla E. Fitz-GeraldIn Memory Of: Nate PilantGiven By: Dr. & Mrs. Waler Blaine Early,IIIIn Memory Of: James H. Taylor, IIGiven By: Mrs. Alice BowlingDr. & Mrs. Michael ColegroveMr. & Mrs. Charles MayerDupier, Jr.Mrs. Claudia Kay ManningMs. Sherry E. RoadenDr. & Mrs. Eric L. WakeIn Memory Of: Therman TaylorGiven By: Mrs. June TaylorIn Memory Of: Jack TrickettGiven By: Dr. & Mrs. John David BroomeIn Memory Of: Gwendolyn WhitakerGiven By: Hillcrest Baptist Church YouthGroup & Paul & MarshalIn Honor OfIn Honor Of: Cora Elizabeth Sweet“Libby” AtkinsonGiven By: Mr. & Mrs. R. WilliamWedekingIn Honor Of: Howard AtkinsonGiven By: Mr. & Mrs. William WedekingIn Honor Of: Linda CarterGiven By: Ms. Pearlie L. WingeierIn Honor Of: Josephine CochranGiven By: Mrs. Joanne C. HuddlestonIn Honor Of: Naomi HarpGiven By: Chaplain <strong>Major</strong> & Mrs.Kenneth Earl HarpIn Honor Of: Dr. Ray LippsGiven By: Dr. & Mrs. John RobertHeneisenMr. Jim HartMrs. Elaine LippsMr. Ralph LippsMr. Ralph E. LynchMr. Ed MeeIn Honor Of: Dr. Jerry LowrieGiven By: Petrey Memorial Baptist ChurchIn Honor Of: Jim & Dinah TaylorGiven By: Dr. & Mrs. Michael ColegroveOccasion: BirthdaysFPO“It’s Not Easy Being Green.”So, we need your help.Provide us with your email address,and we will send you CumberlandToday electronically. Not only will wesave thousands <strong>of</strong> trees by reducing<strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> printed magazines weproduce but we will also reduce <strong>the</strong>amount <strong>of</strong> ink used and prevent manypounds <strong>of</strong> paper from ending up inlandfills. On top <strong>of</strong> that—we willsave money for printing and postagethat can be put to better use providingoutstanding learning opportunitiesfor <strong>Cumberlands</strong>’ future alumni!Please visit us update your contact information.You can let us know what’s beengoing on in your life—and you cansend us your email address. Withyour help, it will be easier to be“green” here at <strong>Cumberlands</strong>.
Where are <strong>the</strong>y now?Dr. George G. RameyV.P. Business Services, RetiredAs many <strong>of</strong> you alumni are aware, I retired in August 2003, after 35 years as a pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> religionand as a college administrator. Whenever I meet alumni, you frequently ask four questions.I. “ARE YOU ENJOYING RETIREMENT YET?” The answer is “YES.” Each stage <strong>of</strong> mylife has been enjoyable and fun-filled. God has been gracious to my family beyond any dreams <strong>of</strong>earlier years. Retirement years have been a time <strong>of</strong> thought and reflection. I have been able to enjoyeach moment that God has permitted me to live. My health has remained good so that I have beenable to do what I wish to do whenever I wish. Retirement is good!II. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR TIME?” My favorite pastime has beentraveling. As many <strong>of</strong> you will remember, my wife, Patricia, was an elementary math and scienceteacher. During our travels she constantly teaches me <strong>the</strong> wonders <strong>of</strong> nature. I am <strong>of</strong>ten speechlesswhen I see <strong>the</strong> oceans, <strong>the</strong> deserts, and <strong>the</strong> mountains. God has made a wonderful world to livein.Patricia and I have participated in Baptist meetings in Kentucky and around <strong>the</strong> world; attendednational and international meetings <strong>of</strong> archaeologists and biblical scholars; and participated intwo Katrina repair weeks. There have been many opportunities to serve through <strong>the</strong> church andcommunity organizations.Dr. George Ramey with wife PatriciaPhoto submittedRetirement years at <strong>Cumberlands</strong> are enjoyable because <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> activities at <strong>the</strong> <strong>University</strong>. There are concerts, lectures, dramas and athleticevents. There is never a dull moment.III. “WHAT WERE THE CHANGES YOU OBSERVED WHILE AT CUMBERLAND?” Whenever I stop and review those yearsat <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong> (Cumberland College), I remember <strong>the</strong> many changes through <strong>the</strong> years.A. STUDENTS AND FACULTY: In 1968, <strong>the</strong> college had come through <strong>the</strong> growth cycle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1960’s when Cumberlandchanged from a junior to a senior college. If <strong>the</strong> 1960’s were <strong>the</strong> “childhood years, <strong>the</strong> 1970’s and 1980’s were <strong>the</strong> teenage years. The decades<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1990’s and 2000’s were a time <strong>of</strong> growing into adulthood. The enrollment <strong>of</strong> on-campus, full-time, day students has not changed in asignificant number. There are now graduate students in various programs and on-line students who seldom visit <strong>the</strong> campus.B. CAMPUS: The appearance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> college campus has changed radically. I am grateful for <strong>the</strong> opportunity to participatein <strong>the</strong>se campus improvements. In 1968, <strong>the</strong> chemistry wing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Science Building opened. Today that building has doubled in size. Thecampus I visited in 1968 had nine major buildings and many temporary structures. My <strong>of</strong>fice was in a small frame house. Today, <strong>the</strong> viaducthas been restored; <strong>the</strong> five pre-World War I buildings have been renovated;<strong>the</strong> old city school property renovated and many new permanentstructures added. The changes in <strong>the</strong> appearance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> campus are unbelievableC. ACADEMICS: A pr<strong>of</strong>essor is pleased when his or her students graduate and are successful in life. I will always remember<strong>the</strong> superior students who have been successful after graduation, and <strong>the</strong> students who struggled to survive. There has been an increasingnumber who have gone on to graduate or enter pr<strong>of</strong>essional schools. There are so many school teachers, medical doctors, dentists, lawyers,pastors who share <strong>the</strong> Cumberland story through <strong>the</strong>ir lives in many communities around Williamsburg. Several ROTC graduates haveserved our nation in Iraq and Afghanistan.D. TECHNOLOGY: The changes in technology have come so fast that <strong>the</strong> faculty scrambles to keep up with <strong>the</strong> advances.The students are able to find <strong>the</strong>ir niche much more easily. With easy access to information by <strong>the</strong> internet, students develop learning skillsfaster. Hopefully, <strong>the</strong> greater amount <strong>of</strong> information will enable <strong>the</strong>m to make wise choices. During <strong>the</strong> 1980’s, every student residence waswired with television cable, phone cable, and computer cable. Today that wiring is becoming outdated because <strong>of</strong> wireless technology.E. COMMUNITY SERVICE: The students and faculty have always had a desire to serve o<strong>the</strong>rs in addition to academicachievement. The Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM, formerly Baptist Student Union) has provided spiritual nourishment to students and isconstantly changing its programs to meet student needs. Over thirty years ago <strong>the</strong> Appalachian Ministry (originally Love in Action) programwas organized by students. A few years later two students began <strong>the</strong> Mountain Outreach program. The <strong>University</strong> was one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> firsteducational institutions to require community service.IV. “WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE OF CUMBERLAND?” The future is bright! We have only just begun. I believe that I have hada small part in <strong>the</strong> making <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cumberlands</strong>. There is much more ahead.Winter 2011 • CumberlandToday • 41
UNIVERSITY <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> CUMBERLANDSOffice <strong>of</strong> Alumni Services7075 College Station DriveWilliamsburg, KY 40769NON-PROFITUS POSTAGEPAIDLOUISVILLE KYPERMIT #879Mike Huckabee“Leadership in a Free andStrong America”April 5, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.O. Wayne Rollins CenterWilliamsburg, KentuckyMike Huckabee was governor <strong>of</strong> Arkansas,1996-2007, and declared his intention to run on<strong>the</strong> Republican ticket for <strong>the</strong> Presidency <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>United States in 2007. While gaining much nationalattention and support, he did not obtain<strong>the</strong> nomination. He now has his own talk showon Fox News Channel.FeaturingGrammy award winnerLee Greenwood