Jaipur Proceedings - All India Ophthalmological Society

Jaipur Proceedings - All India Ophthalmological Society

Jaipur Proceedings - All India Ophthalmological Society

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12 AIOC 2009 PROCEEDINGSThis paper was judged the BEST PAPER of ALL GLAUCOMA Sessions.This paper was also judged the BEST PAPER of GLAUCOMA-I Session.AUTHORS’S PROFILE:DR. VINAY KUMAR NANGIA B: M.B.B.S. (’80) and M.S. (’84) fromGovernment Medical College, Nagpur University; Fellowship (’86), FRCS(’89), Royal College of Physician and Surgeon. Formerly, Fellow andConsultant, Vitreo Retinal Surgery, Medial Research Founation, Madras,Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai; Resident Ophthalmology, Royal EyeHospital, Manchester, U.K.; Presently Director, Suraj Eye Institute,Nagpur. Contact: 9890020804.BEST PAPEROFGLAUCOMA-ISESSIONIntraocular Pressure in An Adult Population and its Ocular andSystemic Correlations. The Central <strong>India</strong> Eye and Medical StudyDr. Vinay Kumar Nangia, Dr. Arshia Matin, Dr. Monika Yadav, Dr. Krishna Bhojwani,Dr. Ajit Kumar Sinha, Dr. Jost Jonas(Presenting Author: Dr. Vinay Kumar Nangia)Intraocular pressure is an important ocularparameter that has significant influence indiagnosis, development and management ofglaucoma. It is known to be an important riskfactor for glaucoma. 1,2 The intraocular pressurehas been determined in population based studiesin different parts of the world including, USA 2 ,Europe 3 , China 4 and Southern <strong>India</strong>. 5 It was thepurpose of this study to determine theintraocular pressure (IOP) in a population basedstudy in Central <strong>India</strong> for which data are notavailable and to further assess its ocular andsystemic correlations such as with age, gender,refractive error and blood pressure. Thedistribution of intraocular pressure in apopulation may be considered important in theidentification of glaucomatous eyes and thereforeits determination in population based studies indifferent geographic regions carries significance.Materials and MethodsThe Central <strong>India</strong> Eye and Medical Study(CIEMS) is a population based study conductedin a rural area about 40 kms from Nagpur. 6 In aninterim analysis, 3393 of 4291 subjects (responserate 79.1%) aged 30 and above were examined.The medical ethics committee of the Suraj EyeInstitute had approved the study protocol and allparticipants had given informed consentaccording to the declaration of Helsinki. Entirepopulation in the villages included in the studywas enumerated. The examination was done atthe Suraj Eye Institute located in Nagpur. Theophthalmic evaluation included visual acuityusing ETDRS charts, refraction, slit lampbiomicrosocpy, applanation tonometry,

BEST OF BEST PAPERS OF ALL SESSIONS13gonioscopy, biometry, pachymetry, fundusexamination and photography after dilatation,and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy.Medical evaluation included pulse, bloodpressure, height, weight, ECG, X-ray, completeblood count and serum and blood biochemistry,including kidney function tests. Intraocularpressure was recorded with the slit lampmounted Goldmann applanation tonometer,after using proparacaine (%) and a fluoresceinstrip for staining the tear film. The cornealthickness was measured using ultrasoundpachymetry After excluding aphakes andpseudophakes one randomised eye of 3251subjects were included for analysis. Mean agewas 47.22±13.39 (range 20-100) yrs. Meanrefractive error was 0.22±1.51 D (range -20 ±6.00).ResultsThe mean IOP was 13.91mmHg. ±3.22 (range 4 to52 mm Hg). The IOP in males (1503) was 13.92±3.40 mmHg and in females (1748) was13.91±3.05. There was no significant difference(p=0.90) in the IOP between males and females.In univariate analysis, the IOP was significantlycorrelated with myopic refractive error (P

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