Berliini tuottajaesite 12 PMH_2.indd

Berliini tuottajaesite 12 PMH_2.indd

Berliini tuottajaesite 12 PMH_2.indd

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F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 21

F I N N I S H F I L M S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2European Film MarketBrothersMika Kaurismäki | 88’IrisUlrika Bengts | 90’Rat KingPetri Kotwica | 93’Where Once We Walked[ Där vi en gång gått]A satirical portrait of a reunionbetween three brothers withtheir father to celebrate his70th birthday.Production: Marianna Films OySales: The Yellow AffairScreening:Sun Feb <strong>12</strong> 14:40 CinemaxX 11A spoiled girl lives a fancy life inStockholm with her artist mother inthe 1890’s. One day Iris has to facea disappointment when her motherleaves to Paris, leaving Iris all aloneto travel to the Aland archipelago.Production: LångFilms OySales: InterprodScreening:Sat Feb 11 19:30 CinemaxX 11Wed Feb 15 09:30 CinemaxX 1118-year-old Juri is addicted toonline gaming. His internet friendNiki introduces him to a gamethat gives players real life tasks.When reality and game becomeone, whose life is at stake?Production: Making Movies Ltd.Sales: The Yellow AffairScreenings:Sat Feb 11 15:30 ParliamentMon Feb 13 11:30 ParliamentPeter Lindholm | <strong>12</strong>6’In the beginning of the 20th centuryHelsinki is actually two cities;one of the rich upper class and thatof the poor workers. Time, placeand social class unite people –and set them apart.Production: Helsinki-fi lmi OySales: The Yellow AffairScreening:Sat Feb 11 11:30 Parliament

The Finnish Film Foundation in BerlinManagingDirectorIrina KrohnFeb 9–14Mobile +358 50 555 1199Staff at the FFF stand in Martin-Gropius Bau(Scandinavian Stand, 28)Marja PallassaloHead of Short andDocumentary Film PromotionFeb 10–17Mobile +358 50 338 0635Jaana PuskalaHead of Feature Film PromotionFeb 8–17Mobile +358 50 593 2068Jenni DomingoAssistant International PromotionFeature FilmsFeb 7–15Mobile +358 40 841 2849Olli HakeAssistant Transportationand MaintenanceFeb 8–13Mobile +358 500 417 608Reetta HautamäkiInformation CoordinatorFeb 9–17Mobile +358 50 432 6409Kati NuoraInformation Officer forInternational PromotionFeb 9–16Mobile +358 50 568 9191Other staff present in BerlinHarri AhokasHead of Domestic DistributionFeb 10–18Mobile +358 500 879 349Jukka AsikainenFilm CommissionerFeb 10–16Mobile +358 50 320 6069Kaisu IstoFilm CommissionerFeb 10–15Mobile +358 40 562 8139Petri KemppinenHead of the Production DepartmentFeb 10–15Mobile +358 40 562 8140Riina LiukkonenAssistant Domestic DistributionFeb 8–14Mobile +358 40 539 1592Media Desk Finland in BerlinKerstin DegermanExecutive ManagerFeb <strong>12</strong>–15Mobile +358 50 528 2109Marjo PipinenInformation OfficerFeb 10–15Mobile +358 50 380 8960ses@ses.fifirstname.lastname@ses.fiwww.ses.fi5

Art Films Productions AFP Ltd.Art Films production AFP Ltd develops and produces creative, qualityfi lms, including its most recent completed production, the awardwinningdramatic feature fi lm Princess, which has received numerousinternational awards. The company’s main focus is on fictionfi lms and documentaries.Over the years, Art Films has realised numerous internationalprojects, with Halonen’s documentaries being sold to over 20 countries.Arto Halonen has also gathered many international awardsfrom fi lm festivals around the world, as well as the HumanitarianAward of the European Union in 1998 and the Finland Prize of 2005.In 2008, the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival awarded Halonenwith a retrospective and recognized him as one of the most importantcontemporary European documentary fi lm-makers.Art Films production AFP Ltd.Merimiehenkatu 10, FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 4159 3640, Fax +358 9 4159 3690info@artfi lms.inet.fiwww.artfi lmsproduction.comArto Halonen CEOMobile +358 40 500 6602arto@artfi lms.inet.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–13Recently released filmsPrincess (2010 | fiction | 100’)The Victors and the Vanquished (2010 | documentary fi lm | 52’)The Magnetic Man (2009 | documentary fi lm | 79’)Shadow of the Holy Book (2007 | documentary fi lm | 90’ + 52’international TV-version)Lone Star Hotel (2007 | documentary fi lm | 35mm,Digital Betacam | 73’)Coming upWhen Heroes Lie (documentary fi lm |100’ | in post production)A Patriotic Man (fiction |6 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2

Blind Spot PicturesBlind Spot Pictures was established 1997 to produce and co-producequality films for the international marketplace.Blind Spot PicturesMerimiehenkatu 36 D, FI-00150 Helsinki, Tel. +358 50 593 7714,Fax +358 9 710 061, spot@blindspot.fi, www.blindspot.fiTero Kaukomaa ProducerMobile +41 792 537 638tero@blindspot.fiIn Berlin: Feb 9–14Merja Ritola Head of production / producerMobile +358 50 593 7714merja@blindspot.fiIn Berlin: Feb 9–<strong>12</strong>Pekka Ollula Head of social mediaMobile +358 50 565 9683pekka@blindspot.fiIn Berlin: Feb 9–<strong>12</strong>Jori Virtanen PublicistMobile +358 50 581 7042jori@blindspot.fiIn Berlin: Feb 9–<strong>12</strong>Timo Vuorensola DirectorMobile +358 40 588 8972timo.vuorensola@starwreck.comIn Berlin: Feb 9–14Recently released feature filmsMan’s Job (2007 | drama | 100’)Maria Larsson’s Everlasting Moment (2008 | drama | co-productionof Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Finland | 131’)Rational Solution (2009 | drama, comedy |co-production of Sweden, Germany, Italy, Finland | 95’)Beyond (2010 | drama | co-production ofSweden, Denmark, Finland | 95’)Coming upIron Sky (science fiction, black comedy | 100’ |Berlinale 20<strong>12</strong> Panorama)Human (a werewolf inversion, horror | 100’)Lilla Berlin (adventure, drama | 100’)Zombie Cruise (horror comedy | 90’)Elävien kirjoihin (action drama | 90’)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 7

Bronson ClubBronson Club is a Helsinki-based production company that was establishedto create a home for the best of the next-generation fi lmmakers and to bring edgy and personal features into the internationalmarketplace. The company is run by producer Jesse Fryckman.Projects in production include two feature fi lms, romantic comedyLove and Other Troubles by Samuli Valkama and buddy comedyThe Fanatics, which is set in the world of football fans.Bronson Club’s latest fi lms include youth drama August (2011)and buddy fi lm The Hus tlers (2010). Bronson Club’s fi rst animatedproject, musical animation Ella & Alex for pre-school aged childrenwas released in 2011.Bronson Club also produced one of the most contro versial andtalked-about fi lms of 2010, feature-length documentary Reindeerspotting,a gripping portrait of the life of drug addicts in Lapland. Thefi lm broke all local box office records for documentary fi lms. Thefi lm was awarded in the 63rd Locarno Film Festival with Swiss CriticsWeek’s top award.Bronson Club is a part of Solar Films, a leading Finnish featurefi lm and TV Production company.Jesse Fryckman ProducerMobile +358 40 590 9999jesse@bronson.fiIn Berlin: tbaRecently released filmsThe Hustlers (2010 | buddy fi lm | 95’)Reindeerspotting (2010 | documentary | 84’)The Temptation of St. Tony (2009 Minor co-producer | 110’)Sauna (2008 | horror | 83’)August (2011 | youth drama | 110’)Ella and Aleksi (2011 | animation | 48’)Coming upLove and Other Troubles (20<strong>12</strong> | romantic comedy | 90’)Fanatics (20<strong>12</strong> | buddy comedy |80’)Sisters of Summer (2013 | youth drama)The WhorytaleSpeed SoldiersBronson Club OyHämeentie 11, FI-00530 Helsinkiwww.bronson.fi8 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2

Oy Bufo AbOy Bufo Ab – is based in Helsinki, Finland and was founded in 2007.Of three owners, two have a background in producing and the third isa screenwriter. As an ambitious and up-and-coming production company,Bufo’s plan is to make fiction and documentary fi lms that canbe categorized clearly in genres. The next coming up feature, PirjoHonkasalo’s Concrete Night is about Ilkka who is going to prison.During Illkka’s last hours of freedom he is accompanied by hisyounger brother Simo. For Simo these few hours will be fateful.Oy Bufo AbVilhonvuorenkatu 11 a, FI-00500 Helsinki, info@bufo.fiMark Lwoff ProducerMobile +358 45 131 4652mark@bufo.fiIn Berlin: Feb 9–14Recently released filmsThe Good Son (2011 | psychological drama | Zaida Bergroth)The Interrogation (2009 | historical drama | Jörn Donner)Coming upConcrete Night (drama | Pirjo Honkasalo)The Last One (drama | Veiko Õunpuu)Korso (drama | Akseli Tuomivaara)Härregud (comedy)Twenty Moments Before Dying (war fiction)Finnblood (in pre-production | documentary)The Alchemy Stele (in pre-production | documentary)The New Artist (in pre-production | documentary)Misha Jaari ProducerMobile +358 45 6740 272In Berlin: Feb 9–14Vesa Virtanen Producer, writerMob. +358 50 307 6493In Berlin: Feb 9–14The Good SonF I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 9

CinetCinet is established in 2007 by Petri Jokiranta who has previouslyworked as a fi nancer and then as a producer for several years. Jokirantahas produced features such as Jade Warrior (2006) by AJ Annilaand Man’s Job (2007) by Aleksi Salmenperä. Cinet concentrateson developing and producing fi lms from young upcoming talents forinternational markets. Cinet’s latest release Rare Exports: A ChristmasTale (2010) by Jalmari Helander was released in several majorterritories simultaneosly in Christmas and it has won numerousawards such as the Variety Piazza Grande award in Locarno and theBest Motion Picture in Sitges 2010.CinetKristianinkatu 1 A 4, FI-00170 HelsinkiTel. +358 40 841 7442,petri.jokiranta@cinet.fiwww.cinet.fiPetri JokirantaMobile +358 40 841 7442petri.jokiranta@cinet.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–13Recently releasedRare Exports (2010 | fiction | Jalmari Helander)Coming upUntitled: the next Jalmari Helander fi lm10 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2

Cine Works Ltd.Cine Works Ltd. is a Helsinki based independent feature film productioncompany specialized in developing and producing genre projectsfor international markets. CEO Petri Rossi has previously beeninvolved with various fields of domestic and international financing.Cine Works Ltd.Kansankuja 6FI-00680 HelsinkiMobile +358 50 386 <strong>12</strong>66petri.rossi@cineworks.fiwww.cineworks.fiRecently released filmsSilence (war drama | 35mm | 100’)Coming upCarcass (nature horror | 35mm | 90’)Petri RossiMobile +358 50 386 <strong>12</strong>66petri.rossi@cineworks.fiIn Berlin: 10–13SilenceF I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 11

Edith film OyEdith fi lm focuses on quality fiction and animation. Previous productionsinclude feature fi lm Twisted roots (2009), TV drama TheDoorman (2010), animation The Egg Race (2009) and internationalco-productions, eg. Manderlay (2005)Edith FilmPursimiehenkatu 8, FI-00150 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6<strong>12</strong>4 9660, Fax +358 10 296 1505info@edithfi lm.fiLiisa Penttilä Executive producerMobile +358 40 505 0015liisa@edithfi lm.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–13Released filmsNaked Harbour (20<strong>12</strong> | co-production withFirst Floor Productions | Aku Louhimies)Summer Window (2011 | co-production withZentropa Entertainments Berlin | Hendrik Handloegten)Twisted Roots (2009 | Saara Saarela)Coming upPizza Desperata (20<strong>12</strong>/2013 | Simo Halinen)Boy Upside Down (2013 | Juha Lehtola)<strong>12</strong> F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2Naked Harbour

First Floor ProductionsFirst Floor Productions is a fi lm production company operating inHelsinki. Aku Louhimies’ Naked Harbour is premiered in Finlandthe 3 rd of February 20<strong>12</strong>. The next coming up production is a featurelengthdocumentary, Kaputt – Man With A Mission to be releasedin 20<strong>12</strong>. Petri Kotwica’s feature-length drama The Fleeing Dreams isselected for the 9 th Berlinale Co-Production Market.First Floor ProductionsPursimiehenkatu 8, FI-00150 HelsinkiTel +358 9 56 27 09 30fi rstfloor@fi rstfloor.fiPauli Pentti ProducerMobile +358 50 382 2024pauli@fi rstfloor.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–15Aku Louhimies DirectorMobile +358 40 554 7282In Berlin: Feb 10–15Petri Kotwica DirectorMobile +358 50 491 3800In Berlin: Feb 10–15Recently released filmsIn the Shadow of Doubt (2010 | documentary | 75’ | Pekka Lehto)Naked Harbour (20<strong>12</strong> | drama | 90’ | Aku Louhimies)Naked HarbourComing upKaputt – Man With a Mission (20<strong>12</strong> | documentary |80’ | Pekka Lehto)The Fleeing Dreams (2013 | drama | 90’ | Petri Kotwica)Ultimate Fight (2013 | drama | 100’ | Aku Louhimies)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 13

Harmaa MediaHarmaa Media is a Finnish production company that was originallyfounded to produce short and feature documentary fi lms, but starteddeveloping and producing feature fi lms in 2008. The Italian Key, aromantic drama with fairy tale elements, is the fi rst movie on ourslate. It is written and directed by Rosa Karo and produced by TuomasKantelinen, Peter O. Almond and Seppo Toivonen.Harmaa Media’s sister company, Harmaa Entertainment, has two featurefi lms in development, Stuck in Sarodpur and Princess of Capri.Stuck in Sarodpur is to be shot in October 20<strong>12</strong> almost entirelyon location in India, and will feature an international cast.www.theitaliankey.comHarmaa MediaApollonkatu 4 A 11, FI-00100 Helsinki, Tel. +358 40 580 6937Seppo Toivonen Chief executive offi cerMobile +358 40 580 6937seppot@mac.comRosa Karo Director, producerMobile +358 40 142 0700rosakaro@me.comIn Berlin: Feb 10–18Tuomas Kantelinen ProducerMobile +358 40 142 0140kantelinen@mac.comIn Berlin: Feb 10–18Recently released filmsThe Italian Key (2011 | fiction | 90’)Coming upStuck in Sadorpur (fiction | Harmaa Entertainment)Princess of Capri (fiction | Harmaa Entertainment)The Italian Key14 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2

Helsinki -filmi OyHelsinki -fi lmi is an active and innovative production company. Dedicationto development and constant search of extraordinary storiesdefi nes the core of the company. The emphasis is on contemporarystories based on original ideas.The company has produced <strong>12</strong> feature fi lms and numerous TVproductions since it was founded in 2002. Helsinki -fi lmi belongs tothe biggest independent production group in Finland, Yellow Film &TV. During the past few years, Helsinki -fi lmi has participated in severalEuropean co-productions with Sweden, Ireland, Estonia, Germany,Greece and the UK. Helsinki –fi lmi has produced several domesticbox office hits and fi lms distributed widely in the entire world.Helsinki -fi lmi is participating Berlinale Co-Production Market withJP Siili’s upcoming thriller The Beacon.Helsinki -filmi OyVanha talvitie 11 A, 4. krs, FI-00580 Helsinki, Tel. +358 9 7740 300Hush – Anything for LoveAleksi Bardy Managing director, producerMobile +358 400 467 497aleksi.bardy@helsinkifi lmi.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–14Annika Sucksdorff ProducerMobile +358 50 596 8089annika@helsinkifi lmi.fiMiia Haavisto ProducerMobile +358 50 527 7172miia.haavisto@helsinkifi lmi.fiIn Berlin: tbaRecently released filmsLapland Odyssey (2010 | comedy | 100’)Where Once We Walked (2011 | drama | <strong>12</strong>0’)Coming upMadame President (20<strong>12</strong> | documentary | 90’)Hush – Anything for Love (20<strong>12</strong> | thriller | 90’)Diary of a Drunk (20<strong>12</strong> | comedy | 100’ |co-production with Dictator Films)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 15

Illume LtdIllume Ltd specialises in creative documentaries. Illume has producedmore than 80 documentary and fiction features as well as factualTV series and experimental short fi lms since the company wasfounded in 1987. It is one of the largest documentary fi lm productioncompanies in Finland, and unique in its investment in new documentaries.Illume has a wealth of experience of productions in Finland,Soviet Union and Russia, the Baltic region, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia,Africa and India.Illume Ltd aims to produce documentary fi lms that are entertainingand inspire debate about culture, politics, religion and thehuman condition. The company has had nine feature length fi lms incinema release and Illume’s fi lms have been shown at fi lm festivalsworldwide. Company’s fi rst fiction feature, Pudana – Last of the Linepremièred at Berlinale Generation K+ competition in February 2010.Recently released filmsFrozen Hell – Prisoners of War in Finland 1941–42 (2011 | 85’)Splinters – Century of an Artistic Family (2011 | 74’)Coming upVirtual War (20<strong>12</strong> | 58’)Leap (20<strong>12</strong> | 81’)Dance of Outlaws (20<strong>12</strong> | 80’/52’)Dreams Deferred (20<strong>12</strong> | 107’)Fault Lines (in production / development)Eco Valley (in production / development | 50’)Lordi (in production / development |85’)Wonderworld of Ice (in production / development 50’)Illume LtdPalkkatilankatu 7 B, FI-00240 Helsinki,Tel. & Fax +358 9 1481 489,illume@illume.fi , www.illume.fiPertti Veijalainen Managing directorMobile +358 50 522 9284pertti.veijalainen@illume.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–1516 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2Dance of Outlaws

Kinoproduction OyKinoproduction Oy is one of the leading production companies inFinland, having produced numerous feature fi lms, documentaries,television fi lms and programs, animations and children’s fi lms since1977. Still going strong. We love football too.Kinoproduction OyPasilan Vanhat Veturitallit, FI-00520 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 6850 460, Fax +358 9 6850 4610email kino@kinoproduction.fiClaes Olsson Producer-directorolsson@kinoproduction.fiMobile +358 50 520 7600In Berlin: 10–14Leila Lyytikäinen Producerleila@kinoproduction.fiMobile +358 50 520 6771In Berlin: 9–14Recently released filmsDead or Alive 1918 (20<strong>12</strong> | drama documentary | 70’ | Claes Olsson)Animal Day (20<strong>12</strong> | short drama | 30’ | Tommi Seitajoki)One Night (2011 | drama | 75’ | Joakim Groth)I Miss You (2011 | co-production youth fi lm | Andres Grönroos)Colorado Avenue (2009 | fi lm and tv series | Claes Olsson)Coming upHeading Home (20<strong>12</strong> | documentary | 75’ | Juan Reina)We Are the Pirates (2013 | family fi lm | 85’ | Teppo Airaksinen)Letters from Finland (2013 | drama | 90’ | Saara Saarela)Whorebus (2013 | drama comedy | 90’ | Maarit Lalli)Dead or Alive 1918F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 17

KinotarKinotar was founded in 1994 by producer Lasse Saarinen and hasproduced over 60 feature fi lms, documentaries and short fiction,among <strong>12</strong> features are Letters to Father Jacob by Klaus Härö, RickyRapper I and II by Mari Rantasila, Upswing by Johanna Vuoksenmaa,and Kiss Me in the Rain and Trench Road by Veikko Aaltonen.Kinotar is one of the fi ve biggest fi lm production companies inFinland and has a steady production flow of one or two features andseveral documentaries per year. Past international co-productionsinclude The Somnambulance by Sulev Keedus (Estonia, Finland)and Don’t You Worry, It Will Probably Pass (Du ska nog se att detgår över) by Cecilia Neant-Falk (Sweden, Finland), amongst others.Now Kinotar is co-producing Must Have Been Love feature fi lm withnorwegian 4 ½ production company.Sixpack18 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2KinotarTyöpajankatu 10 A, 2. krs, FI-00580 Helsinki,Tel. +358 9 7740 040, Fax +358 9 7740 0444,kinotar@kinotar.com, www.kinotar.comLasse Saarinen Managing director, producerMobile +358 50 596 1763lasse@kinotar.fiRisto Salomaa ProducerMobile +358 40 550 1770risto@kinotar.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–15Recently released filmsLetters to Father Jacob (2009 | fiction | 74’)Ricky Rapper and Bicycle Thief (2010 | fiction | 79’)Sixpack (2011 | fiction | 80’)Coming upRicky Rapper and Cool Wendy (20<strong>12</strong> | fiction)Must Have Been Love (20<strong>12</strong> | fiction)The Cyclops (in pre-production)House of Hope (in pre-production)Sonaatti nro 21 (in pre-production)

MADEMADE is a recently founded production company focusing on thefi lms on the borderline between documentary and fiction.MADEMerimiehenkatu 36 D, FI-00150 HelsinkiMobile +358 40 9005505ulla@made.fi , www.made.fiUlla Simonen ProducerMobile +358 40 900 5505ulla@made.fi, skype ulla_ainoIn Berlin: Feb 10–16Coming upAlcan Highway (20<strong>12</strong> | road movie, documentary |90’ | Aleksi Salmenperä)trailer: http://vimeo.com/ullaaino/alcan-highwayAlcan HighwayF I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 19

Making Movies OyMaking Movies Oy (Ltd.) is a Finnish fi lm production company basedin Helsinki. Established in 1996 the company produces and co-producesfiction and documentary fi lms for international market. Themanagers, founding members and shareholders of the Making Moviesare Kai Nordberg and Kaarle Aho.Since 1996 Making Movies has produced four feature fi lms andmore than 50 documentaries and short fi lms and TV-dramas. Thefi lms produced by Making Movies have been distributed in morethan 40 countries worldwide.The feature fi lms include Black Ice (2007) by Petri Kotwica whichpremiered in the Berlinale 2008 competition as well as Kot wica’s newfeature fi lm Rat King (20<strong>12</strong>). The documentaries produced by MakingMovies include fi lms like A Decent Factory (2005) and Damages(2007) by Thomas Balmès, In the Dark (2004) by Sergey Dvortsevoyand Rules of Single Life (2011) by Tonislav Hristov.Making Movies OyRatakatu 1b A 5, FI-00<strong>12</strong>0 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 682 9540, Fax +358 9 6842 7870www.mamo.fi, www.ratkingthemovie.comKai NordbergMobile +358 40 507 3936kai.nordberg@mamo.fiIn Berlin: tbaKaarle AhoMobile +358 40 725 3936kaarle.aho@mamo.fiIn Berlin: Feb 11–15Camilla O’ConnorMobile +358 40 480 3172camilla.oconnor@mamo.fiIn Berlin: tbaRecently released filmsRat King (20<strong>12</strong> | thriller | Petri Kotwica)All Hallows’ Week (2011 | short fi lm | Jussi Hiltunen |Berlinale 20<strong>12</strong> Generation 14Plus)Coming upLove & Engineering (documentary/cross media | Tonislav Hristov)20 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2

Matila Röhr ProductionsMRP Matila Röhr Productions is the feature fi lm brand of the MatilaRöhr Nordisk company. It was founded in 1990 by two feature fi lmprofessionals, Marko Röhr and Ilkka Matila, and produces fi lms inboth Finland and abroad. Over 30 globally recognized fi lms plus severaldocumentaries and television dramas exhibit the talent and thevision of the company. Many of the company’s fi lms have been majorcritical and commercial hits. Overall, the company’s fi lms have soldover 3 million cinema tickets in Finland.MRP Matila Röhr Productions is connected to a network of topEuropean media professionals and is itself a sought-after partner inthe Nordic region. The MRP Matila Röhr Productions brand is wellknownand respected within and beyond the fi lm industry.MRP Matila Röhr Productions is a name that guarantees seamlesscooperation and a successful production process resulting in atop quality feature fi lm.Matila Röhr ProductionsTallberginkatu 1 A 141, FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 9 5407 820, Fax. +358 9 5407 8210www.matilarohr.comMarko Röhr Managing director, producerMobile +358 400 416 634marko.rohr@matilarohrnordisk.fiIn Berlin: Feb 9–14Ilkka Matila Vice managing director, producerMobile +358 40 501 1025ilkka.matila@matilarohrnordisk.fiIn Berlin: Feb 9–19Recently released filmBody of Water (2011 | drama | 105’)Priest of Evil (2010 | thriller | 106’)Backwood Philosopher (2010 | drama | 110’)Coming upNever Alone (2014 | fiction)The Last Shaman Drum (2014 | fiction)Raspberry Boat Refugee (2013 | fiction)The Body Fat Index of Love (2013 | fiction)The Golden Key (2013 | children movie)Tale of a Forest (20<strong>12</strong> | fiction)F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 21

OktoberOktober Oy is a Finnish production company located in Helsinkiand was established in 2004. It has created a reputation as a creativeproduction house producing quality documentary and fictionfi lms focusing on strong social issues. Internationally Oktober hasdeveloped strong international connections through co-productionand distribution of its fi lms. Oktober’s fi lms have been contracted fordistribution to numerous different territories and the fi lms have beenscreened in festivals all around the world.Oktober OyUutiskatu 3, FI-00240 Helsinki, www.oktober.fiJoonas Berghäll Head of ProductionMobile +358 40 709 3331joonas@oktober.fiIn Berlin: Feb <strong>12</strong>–14Recently released filmsSteam of Life (2010 | documentary | 84’)Canned Dreams (20<strong>12</strong> | documentary | 78’ |Berlinale 20<strong>12</strong> Culinary Cinema)Coming upOasis (20<strong>12</strong> | documentary | ~52’)Mother’s Wish (2014 | documentary | ~90’)Canned Dreams22 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2

Periferia Productions Ltd.The Finnish fi lm production company Periferia Productions Ltd. producesfeature fi lms, shorts and international co-productions for allaudiences – for both children and adults. Periferia is an active coproductionpartner in Europe. The sister company Pystymetsä produceslow & mid budget quality fi lms.Periferia Productions Ltd.3 Linja 5, Fi-00530 Helsinkiwww.periferiaprodutions.fiMarkku FlinkMobile +358 40 5166 504markku@periferiaproductions.fiIn Berlin: February <strong>12</strong>–14Recently released filmsGarbage Prince (2011 | feature drama | 90’) www.garbageprince.fiHeartbeats (2010 | feature drama | 86’)www.kohtaamisiaelokuva.fiNon Profit (2008 | feature drama | 85’) www.periferiaproductions.fiComing upMiss Blue Jeans (20<strong>12</strong> | feature drama | 90’)Stars Above (20<strong>12</strong> feature drama | 85’)Silent Knowledge (2014 | feature drama | 95’)Stars AboveF I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 23

Snapper Films OySnapper Films is a Helsinki- and New York-based production companyfounded in 1998. Snapper’s slate of projects includes severalEnglish- and Finnish-language features supported by, among others,The Finnish Film Foundation and the MEDIA programme of the EuropeanUnion.Our latest Finnish feature Hella W (2011), directed by JuhaWuolijoki, is sold internationally by FilmSharks. Other recentprojects include co-producing Father, Son & Holy Cow starring ZbigniewZamachowski, as well as executive producing Let My People Go!starring Carmen Maura.Christmas Story was the top-grossing Finnish fi lm of 2007,spreading wider than any other Finnish feature. The award-winningfamily fi lm is sold to <strong>12</strong>0 countries with theatrical releases in severalterritories including Spain, China, Canada and Scandinavia, rackingup more than 1 million admissions and selling 700.000 DVDs worldwide.The English-language dub, produced by Snapper Films in NewYork, features the voices of Golden Globe nominated John Turturro,Noah Emmerich and Emmy Award winner Michael Badalucco.Juha Wuolijoki CEO / ProducerMobile +358 40 593 1900juha@snapperfilms.comIn Berlin: Feb 9–<strong>12</strong>Aleksi Hyvärinen Head of Development / ProducerMobile +358 50 551 4561aleksi@snapperfi lms.comIn Berlin: Feb 9–<strong>12</strong>Recently released filmsHella W (2011 | drama | 82’)Christmas Story (2007 | family feature | 80’)Coming upFata Morgana (thriller | 90’)Ella and Friends I (family feature | 80’)Ella and Friends II (family feature | 80’)Snapper Films OyWorld Trade Center Helsinki, Aleksanterinkatu 17PL 800, FI-00101 HelsinkiTel. +358 (0)10-231 0710, Fax +358 (0)10 231 0711www.snapperfi lms.com/en24 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2Hella W

Tuffi FilmsThe fi lm production company Tuffi Films Ltd. was founded in thespring of 2010 by a producer, a director and two screenwriters. It aimsat producing fi lms of high artistic quality, both fiction and documentary.The company is based on the principles of openness to differentways of working, “fair-trade” production methods, and sheer love offi lms. Producer Elli Toivoniemi’s latest work is the feature fi lm TheGood Son (Hyvä poika, directed by Zaida Bergroth (production companyOy Bufo Ab). She is a co-owner of Tuffi Films Ltd.Tuffi FilmsVilhonvuorenkatu 11 a 5 th flo orFI-00530 Helsinkiwww.tuffi fi lms.comElli ToivoniemiMobile +358 40 172 1778elli@tuffi fi lms.comIn Berlin: Feb 9–<strong>12</strong>Coming upWife (feature | ~90’ | Selma Vilhunen | in development)Korso (feature | ~90’ | Akseli Tuomivaara |co-production with Oy Bufo Ab | in pre-production)KorsoF I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 25

Yellow Film & TVYellow Film & TV -group is a creative community based in Helsinki,Finland. We are a group of individuals who share the same belief inallowing ideas, and creativity flourish. Interesting engagements lead toinsightful and entertaining content. On top of Yellow’s creative prowessit has joined together two business models. Yellow has successfullyproduced movies as well as TV-programming, creating a fi nanciallystable set-up. The model has led to Group becoming the most successfulcompany in its home market. Company’s annual turnover is over 25million euros and it employs permanently over 30 persons.Yellow Film & TVVanha talvitie 11 A, FI-00580 Helsinki.Tel. +358 9 7740 300, www.yellowfi lm.fiJarkko HentulaMobile +358 40 705 0603jarkko.hentula@yellowfi lm.fiIn Berlin: Feb 10–13Recently released filmsRisto (2011 | black comedy | Tuomas Summanen)Coming upPeriferia (20<strong>12</strong> | a Finnish western with knives | JP Siili)Call Girl (20<strong>12</strong> | political thriller | Swedish-Norwegian-Finnish-Irishco-production | Mickael Marcimain)Periferia26 F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2

FAVEXFAVEX, i.e. Finnish Film & Audiovisual Export, is an association thatpromotes and facilitates marketing and sales of Finnish audiovisualcontent and services, be it in the spheres of television, fi lm or publicity.The association also gives coaching, does match making andstrives for the best possible ecosystem and fi nancing in Finland, sothat the audiovisual industry and creativity can flourish. The coordinationof the lobbying activities for a Finnish fi lm incentive / rebatemodel is also a demanding task that FAVEX has taken on.FAVEX members include different producer’s associations, copyrightorganizations as well as partnership members such as the Finnishpublic broadcasting company YLE, distributors associations, fi lmcommissions etc. FAVEX has officially started its activities in 2008,following a similar system for the music, design and gaming industriesin Finland.FAVEX is a contact point and knowledge provider for Finnish productioncompanies on one hand, and for international buyers anddistributors in the audiovisual industry on the other hand. A big partof the work consists of common stands and events at selected TV-,fi lm- and publicity markets and facilitating the meet-and-greet ofFinnish producers with industry professionals abroad. Another projectis WWW.FILMLAND.FI, a web window to Finnish audiovisual services,productions and locations that was launched in Cannes 2011.Be sure to pay a visit!FAVEX makes the audiovisual world aware of the excellent, creativeand varied Finnish productions that are worth while exploring.Favex – Finnish Film & Audiovisual ExportKalevankatu 39–43, FI-00180 HelsinkiTel. +358 40 752 7777petra.theman@favex.fiwww.favex.fiPetra Theman, CEOMobile +358 40 752 7777petra.theman@favex.fiIn Berlin: February 10–<strong>12</strong>F I N N I S H P R O D U C E R S I N B E R L I N 2 0 1 2 27

The Finnish Film FoundationThe Finnish Film FoundationMartin-Gropius Bau | Scandinavian Stand 28www.ses.fi28 All Hallows’ F I NWeekN I S H P R OCanned D U CDreamsE R S I N B E Iris R L I N 2 0 1 2Rat KingBrothersWhere Once We Walked

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