Local Bank Financial Constraints and Firm Access to External Finance

Local Bank Financial Constraints and Firm Access to External Finance

Local Bank Financial Constraints and Firm Access to External Finance


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months, pˆ it-T Ĉ it-T . Intuitively, this elasticity would measure the marginal sensitivity of bank loansat time t induced by an expansion in external financing occurred at t-T. The cumulativepercentage impact of a change in sources of capital on lending after s periods can be estimatedby adding the lagged elasticities β 1 through β s . Cumulative elasticities represent the <strong>to</strong>talpercentage increase in lending at time t+s relative <strong>to</strong> loans at time t, as a proportion of apercentage point increase in sources of capital at time t. Table V shows the estimated marginal<strong>and</strong> cumulative effects, st<strong>and</strong>ard errors <strong>and</strong> significance levels for up <strong>to</strong> 24 months (shown onlyfor each quarter for conciseness). The marginal effect with zero lags corresponds <strong>to</strong> thecontemporaneous elasticity reported in the baseline results.The estimates confirm that an expansion in external financing has a positive <strong>and</strong> significantinstantaneous effect on lending. The result also indicate that there is an additional incrementaleffect up <strong>to</strong> around three months after the expansion. The point estimate of β 3 in column 1(0.48, significant at 17% confidence) implies that lending exp<strong>and</strong>s by an additional $0.42 atmonth t+3 for each dollar of external financing received at t. The estimated cumulative effectsare all positive <strong>and</strong> remain significant up <strong>to</strong> 21 months after the expansion in available financing(columns 3 <strong>and</strong> 4). The average cumulative elasticity throughout the two year period is 1.3,which implies that <strong>to</strong>tal lending exp<strong>and</strong>ed on average by more than $1.2 per dollar of additionalexternal finance.The results taken <strong>to</strong>gether suggest that an expansion in the availability of finance will have asubstantial positive effect on the supply of credit of constrained banks. The lending response isquick: the bulk of the credit supply response occurs within one quarter of the shock <strong>to</strong> availablefinance. The lending response is also persistent <strong>and</strong> involves a multiplier effect, in the sense that<strong>to</strong>tal lending increases more than dollar for dollar with the expansion of available funds. 1328

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