Poisson-bracket approach to the dynamics of nematic liquid crystals

Poisson-bracket approach to the dynamics of nematic liquid crystals

Poisson-bracket approach to the dynamics of nematic liquid crystals


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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003<strong>Poisson</strong>-<strong>bracket</strong> <strong>approach</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> <strong>liquid</strong> <strong>crystals</strong>H. Stark 1 and T. C. Lubensky 21 Fachbereich Physik, Universität Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany2 Department <strong>of</strong> Physics and Astronomy, University <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USAReceived 2 January 2003; published 30 June 2003We use <strong>the</strong> general <strong>Poisson</strong>-<strong>bracket</strong> formalism for obtaining s<strong>to</strong>chastic dynamical equations for slow macroscopicfields <strong>to</strong> derive <strong>the</strong> equations that govern <strong>the</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> <strong>liquid</strong> <strong>crystals</strong> in both <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>nematic</strong>and isotropic phases. For uniaxial molecules, we calculate <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong> between <strong>the</strong> tensorial <strong>nematic</strong>order parameter Q and <strong>the</strong> momentum density g, as well as those between all pairs <strong>of</strong> conserved quantities. Weshow that <strong>the</strong> full nonlinear hydrodynamical equations for <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> phase derived in this formalism areidentical <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> nonlinear Ericksen-Leslie equations. We also obtain <strong>the</strong> complete dynamical equations for <strong>the</strong>slow <strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tensorial <strong>nematic</strong> order parameter Q valid both in <strong>the</strong> isotropic and <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> phase.They differ from those obtained by o<strong>the</strong>r techniques only in <strong>the</strong> values <strong>of</strong> kinetic coefficients and in <strong>the</strong> number<strong>of</strong> nonlinear terms in Q, which are present.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.061709I. INTRODUCTIONPACS numbers: 61.30.v, 47.50.dNematic <strong>liquid</strong> <strong>crystals</strong> are unique materials, since <strong>the</strong>yflow in all directions such as a homogeneous fluid and yet<strong>the</strong>y are optically anisotropic 1,2. Their low-frequency dynamicalproperties, which are characterized by orientationalrelaxation as well as by shear and compressional flow 3–5,are central <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> switching behavior <strong>of</strong> <strong>liquid</strong> crystal displays6. They give rise <strong>to</strong> interesting fundamental phenomenaincluding electrohydrodynamical pattern formation 7,instabilities under shear flow 1,2, orientational fluctuationsobservable in light scattering experiments 8, and <strong>the</strong> anisotropicand nonlinear S<strong>to</strong>kes drag on a particle embedded in a<strong>nematic</strong> solvent 9. Nematic <strong>liquid</strong> <strong>crystals</strong> raise fundamentalquestions about how broken symmetries affect lowfrequencyhydro<strong>dynamics</strong>, and it is not surprising that over<strong>the</strong> years <strong>the</strong>re have been a number <strong>of</strong> derivations 3–5,1 <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> equations governing nema<strong>to</strong>hydro<strong>dynamics</strong>. In this paper,we present a derivation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se equations, and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>equations governing <strong>the</strong> relaxation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> symmetrictraceless-tensor<strong>nematic</strong> order parameter Q 10–12,1 in both<strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> and <strong>the</strong> isotropic phase. We use <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong><strong>bracket</strong>formalism <strong>of</strong> classical mechanics 13 developed in<strong>the</strong> framework <strong>of</strong> s<strong>to</strong>chastic equations for fluctuating macroscopicfield variables 14–18 and applied <strong>to</strong> dynamical criticalphenomena 19.Using <strong>the</strong> formalism <strong>of</strong> rational mechanics, Ericksen andLeslie were <strong>the</strong> first <strong>to</strong> derive a full set <strong>of</strong> dynamic equations,commonly referred <strong>to</strong> as Ericksen-Leslie equations 3,4, for<strong>the</strong> velocity and direc<strong>to</strong>r field n specifying <strong>the</strong> direction <strong>of</strong><strong>nematic</strong> anisotropy. Later, <strong>the</strong> Harvard group argued that <strong>the</strong>interpretation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dynamic equation for <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r <strong>the</strong>so-called Oseen equation as <strong>the</strong> balance law for <strong>the</strong> angularmomentum is not well justified 20, and <strong>the</strong>y presented arigorous derivation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> linearized hydrodynamic equationsstarting from conserved and hydrodynamic Golds<strong>to</strong>ne variables5. The full nonlinear <strong>the</strong>ory based on this apprachwas developed by Pleiner and Brand 21. De Gennespointed out <strong>the</strong> common features <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> two <strong>approach</strong>es 1.Recently, Sonnet and Virga rederived <strong>the</strong> Ericksen-Leslieequations in <strong>the</strong> framework <strong>of</strong> a variational principle <strong>of</strong> Rayleighstarting from complex fluids with a general tensorialorder parameter 22.The low-frequency hydro<strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> phaseis determined entirely by <strong>the</strong> conserved densities, characterizingboth <strong>the</strong> isotropic and <strong>nematic</strong> phases, and <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>rn. There are, however, physical situations in which <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>ralone does not provide a complete description <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>nematic</strong> orientational order, and a description in terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>full <strong>nematic</strong> order parameter Q also called <strong>the</strong> alignmenttensor 23 is required. As a result, <strong>the</strong>re has been an increasinginterest in dynamical equations both in <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong>and <strong>the</strong> isotropic phases in which <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> order is describedby Q ra<strong>the</strong>r than by n alone. These equations necessarilyinclude nonhydrodynamic modes, which none<strong>the</strong>lesshave characteristic relaxation times that are slow compared<strong>to</strong> microscopic times. In conjunction with <strong>the</strong> Landau-Ginzburg–de Gennes free energy, <strong>the</strong>y provide a description<strong>of</strong> dynamical processes close <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong>-isotropic phasetransition 23–26, <strong>of</strong> processes in which <strong>the</strong> degree <strong>of</strong> orderingcan vary, e.g., by applying a shear deformation, or <strong>of</strong>processes in thin <strong>liquid</strong> crystal cells subject <strong>to</strong> large externalfields 27. They also provide a detailed description <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> line and point defects 28,29 whose cores exhibita complex biaxial ordering which is beyond <strong>the</strong> simpledirec<strong>to</strong>r picture 30.The first complete formulation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dynamic equationsinvolving <strong>the</strong> Q tensor was presented by Hess 23. Subsequentrefinements were carried out by Kuzuu and Doi, whostarted from a molecular kinetic equation 31, and by Olmstedand Goldbart 25, who set up <strong>the</strong> dynamic equations infull analogy <strong>to</strong> de Gennes’s derivation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ericksen-Leslie<strong>the</strong>ory in Ref. 1. In parallel, Edwards, Beris, and Grmelapioneered a derivation based on a Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian formulation<strong>of</strong> continuum mechanics 32. Fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>approach</strong>es <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Qtensor <strong>dynamics</strong> are introduced in Ref. 27 by Qian andSheng, in Ref. 22 by Sonnet and Virga, and in Ref. 33 byPleiner, Liu, and Brand. The latter though purely phenomenologicalis very close in spirit <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>approach</strong> we presen<strong>the</strong>re.The <strong>Poisson</strong>-<strong>bracket</strong> <strong>approach</strong> we adopt in this paper hasseveral advantages. First, it au<strong>to</strong>mates <strong>the</strong> derivation <strong>of</strong>1063-651X/2003/676/06170911/$20.0067 061709-1©2003 The American Physical Society

H. STARK AND T. C. LUBENSKY PHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003coarse-grained dynamical equations once <strong>the</strong> dynamic fieldvariables are defined. As we shall see in <strong>the</strong> following, this<strong>approach</strong>, however, requires more carefulness in <strong>nematic</strong> <strong>liquid</strong><strong>crystals</strong> than it does in o<strong>the</strong>r systems such as magnetsand superfluids. Second, <strong>the</strong> formalism applies <strong>to</strong> nonhydro<strong>dynamics</strong>low variables as well as <strong>to</strong> true hydrodynamic variables.Third, it gives easy access <strong>to</strong> nonlinear terms, as <strong>the</strong>yappear, e.g., in <strong>the</strong> convective derivative <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Navier-S<strong>to</strong>kes equations. The formalism has been applied <strong>to</strong> diversesystems such as antiferromagnets 19, quasi<strong>crystals</strong> 34,or <strong>to</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> polymers 35 which demonstrate its universality.In <strong>the</strong> literature, different methods are used <strong>to</strong> calculate<strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s. Volovik employs pure symmetry arguments36,37 that are not sufficient <strong>to</strong> provide a full description<strong>of</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> <strong>liquid</strong> <strong>crystals</strong> because it fails <strong>to</strong> properlytreat <strong>the</strong> degree <strong>of</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> ordering. Edwards, Beris, andGrmela on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand define <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s on acontinuum level 38.Here, in contrast, we start from a microscopic definition<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> field variables. Following <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> Forster 39, weintroduce such variables for model-<strong>liquid</strong>-crystal moleculesmade from point particles and employ <strong>the</strong> conventional definitionfrom classical mechanics <strong>to</strong> arrive at coarse-grained<strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s for <strong>the</strong> macroscopic field variables. A carefultreatment is needed <strong>to</strong> determine <strong>the</strong> central <strong>Poisson</strong><strong>bracket</strong> between <strong>the</strong> alignment tensor Q and <strong>the</strong> momentumdensity which extends <strong>the</strong> work <strong>of</strong> Forster 39. We <strong>the</strong>nrederive <strong>the</strong> Ericksen-Leslie <strong>the</strong>ory and rigorously justify <strong>the</strong>Oseen equation. The Onsager and Parodi relations for <strong>the</strong>Leslie viscosities are au<strong>to</strong>matically fulfilled 40. We derivegeneralized dynamic equations for <strong>the</strong> alignment tensor. Ourequations have <strong>the</strong> same form as those derived by Olmstedand Goldbart 25 and those obtained by Pleiner et al. 33.We obtain explicit forms for reactive coefficients that aremerely unspecified phenomenological coefficients in <strong>the</strong>se<strong>approach</strong>es. Our equations have terms not present in those <strong>of</strong>Olmsted and Goldbart, and those <strong>of</strong> Pleiner et al. containnonlinear terms that our equations do not.The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we introduce<strong>the</strong> general formalism. In Sec. III, we define <strong>the</strong> molecularmodel and calculate all relevant <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s. The fullsets <strong>of</strong> dynamic equations for <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r or <strong>the</strong> Q-tensor<strong>dynamics</strong> are derived and discussed in Secs. IV and V, respectively.II. GENERAL FORMALISMIn this section, we summarize <strong>the</strong> general formalism onwhich our derivation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dynamic equations in <strong>nematic</strong><strong>liquid</strong> <strong>crystals</strong> is based. Let us consider systems whose microscopic<strong>dynamics</strong> is determined by canonically conjugatevariables x and p for each particle and a microscopicHamil<strong>to</strong>nian Ĥ(x ,p ), where x x 1 , x 2 , . . . etc.Here, we focus on a set <strong>of</strong> macroscopic field variables (x,t) for 1,2,... obtained from microscopic fieldsˆ (x,x ,p ) by coarse graining over spatial fluctuationson <strong>the</strong> microscopic level; (x,t)ˆ (x,x ,p ) c ,where <strong>the</strong> symbol ••• c specifies <strong>the</strong> coarse-grained averages.The statistical mechanics <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> fields (x,t) is determinedby <strong>the</strong> coarse-grained Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian H ,which is a functional <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> macroscopic variables. It is constructedin such a way that <strong>the</strong> statistical averages <strong>of</strong> observablesin <strong>the</strong> microscopic and <strong>the</strong> macroscopic representationare identical. In formulas, this means f ˆ Dx ,p fˆ )e Ĥ/k B T f „ x,t… D x,tf „ x,t…e H/k B T ,where k B is <strong>the</strong> Boltzmann constant, T is <strong>the</strong> temperature,and D(x ,p ) and D (x,t) are integration measures. Theobservable f is a function <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> microscopic (ˆ ) or macroscopic( ) fields. In practice, phenomenological formsfor H are used.The macroscopic fields (x,t) describe <strong>the</strong> slow dynamicresponse <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> system, i.e., <strong>the</strong>y are ei<strong>the</strong>r hydrodynamicor quasihydrodynamic variables whose characteristicdecay times in <strong>the</strong> long-wavelength limit are much largerthan microscopic decay times. Then, following <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ory <strong>of</strong>kinetic or s<strong>to</strong>chastic equations, <strong>the</strong> variables evolve according<strong>to</strong> 17–19 x,tHVt x x ,where <strong>the</strong> reactive term V (x) is also called nondissipativeor streaming velocity and <strong>the</strong> second term introduces dissipativeeffects. These equations, which can be rigorously derivedfrom microscopic principles following <strong>the</strong> works byZwanzig 14, Kawasaki 15, and Mori, Fujisaka, andShigematsu 16, describe <strong>the</strong> low-frequency and <strong>the</strong> longwavelength<strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> system. When applied <strong>to</strong> an isotropicfluid, for example, <strong>the</strong>y correctly reproduce <strong>the</strong> fullynonlinear Navier-S<strong>to</strong>kes equations. Supplemented with anoise term (x,t), <strong>the</strong>y provide a powerful formalism forcalculating dynamical correlation functions in equilibriumand, especially, for treating effects due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> coupling betweenmodes. As such, <strong>the</strong> s<strong>to</strong>chastic equations are used extensivelyin <strong>the</strong> study <strong>of</strong> dynamical critical phenomena,where nonlinearities are important 19. In this paper, we aremainly interested in deriving <strong>the</strong> equations for <strong>the</strong> lowfrequency<strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> isotropic and <strong>nematic</strong> phases <strong>of</strong><strong>liquid</strong> <strong>crystals</strong>, and we will not give any fur<strong>the</strong>r consideration<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> noise. Disregarding noise in Eq. 1 means thatnonequilibrium averages <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> macroscopic field variablesare used 41.The concrete form <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> reactive term involves <strong>Poisson</strong><strong>bracket</strong>s which are <strong>the</strong> central quantity <strong>of</strong> this formalism; itcan be expressed asHV x d 3 xP x,x x ,12061709-2

POISSON-BRACKET APPROACH TO THE DYNAMICS OF ...where Einstein’s convention on repeated indices is unders<strong>to</strong>odandP x,x x, xP x,xdenotes <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> coarse-grained variables.It is defined as <strong>the</strong> coarse-grained average <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> microscopic<strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>:where 13 x, xˆ x,ˆ x c ,ˆ x,ˆ xiˆ x ˆ xp i ˆ xx ix i34ˆ x. 5p iEquation 2 can be rigorously derived from microscopicprinciples 14–16. Roughly speaking, it can be viewed as<strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong> H, which in classical mechanicsdescribes <strong>the</strong> time evolution <strong>of</strong> an observable 13. Applying<strong>the</strong> chain rule <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> derivatives <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian and notingthat is a field variable, <strong>the</strong> formal structure <strong>of</strong> Eq. 2results. However, since we only employ a restricted number<strong>of</strong> coarse-grained macroscopic variables, all <strong>the</strong> ‘‘neglected’’microscopic degrees <strong>of</strong> freedom give rise <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> dissipativeterm in <strong>the</strong> kinetic equation 1. It is proportional <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>generalized force H/ (x) which <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r with (x)forms a pair <strong>of</strong> conjugate variables. The quantity iscalled <strong>the</strong> dissipative tensor that, in general, may depend on<strong>the</strong> fields and that may also contain terms proportional <strong>to</strong>“ 2 . It is determined by three principles. First, /t canonly couple <strong>to</strong> H/ if it possesses a different sign undertime reversal, <strong>the</strong> signature <strong>of</strong> dissipation. Second, has<strong>to</strong> reflect <strong>the</strong> local point group symmetry <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong>ystem, and third, it has <strong>to</strong> be a symmetric tensor at zeromagnetic field <strong>to</strong> obey <strong>the</strong> Onsager principle 42.III. POISSON BRACKETS FOR NEMATICLIQUID CRYSTALSOur goal is <strong>to</strong> use <strong>the</strong> formalism outlined above <strong>to</strong> derive<strong>the</strong> dynamical equations for <strong>the</strong> long-lived fields in a <strong>nematic</strong><strong>liquid</strong> crystal and <strong>the</strong> isotropic phase from which <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong>phase develops. Our most important results are <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong><strong>bracket</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Eqs. 4 and 5, which we will derive in thissection starting from an explicit microscopic model for <strong>the</strong>constituent molecules.Conserved fields are always hydrodynamical variables because<strong>the</strong>ir frequencies necessarily tend <strong>to</strong> zero with wavenumber. In systems with a continuous broken symmetry,<strong>the</strong>re are additional broken-symmetry hydrodynamical variables.In addition, <strong>the</strong>re can be modes that have characteristicdecay times that are much longer than any microscopic timeseven though <strong>the</strong>y do not tend <strong>to</strong> infinity with wave number.The conserved variables <strong>of</strong> both <strong>the</strong> isotropic and <strong>nematic</strong>phases are <strong>the</strong> mass density (x,t), <strong>the</strong> momentum densityPHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003g(x,t), and <strong>the</strong> energy density (x,t), where <strong>the</strong> latter quantitywill not be considered fur<strong>the</strong>r in this paper. In <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong>phase, <strong>the</strong> Frank direc<strong>to</strong>r n(x,t) is <strong>the</strong> broken-symmetryhydrodynamical variable with two independent degrees <strong>of</strong>freedom. As long as <strong>the</strong>re are no <strong>to</strong>pological defects present,it is sufficient <strong>to</strong> describe <strong>the</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> orientationalorder by n(x,t). O<strong>the</strong>rwise, one has <strong>to</strong> resort <strong>to</strong> a more generalorder parameter that is able <strong>to</strong> quantify, e.g., <strong>the</strong> biaxialordering in <strong>the</strong> core <strong>of</strong> a <strong>to</strong>pological defect. We will describe<strong>nematic</strong> order with <strong>the</strong> conventional Saupe–de Gennessecond-rank symmetric-traceless tensor parameter Q(x,t)10–12,1, also called alignment tensor 23. In <strong>the</strong> isotropicphase, especially near <strong>the</strong> isotropic-<strong>to</strong>-<strong>nematic</strong> transition,Q(x,t) can be a slow variable whose relaxation <strong>to</strong> equilibriumis much slower than any microscopic collision time. In<strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> phase, it also contains slow, nonhydrodynamiccomponents in addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> hydrodynamic direc<strong>to</strong>r variable.The complexity <strong>of</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> order presents problems notencountered in many o<strong>the</strong>r broken-symmetry systems suchas magnets and superfluids. Nematic order is associated withlocal molecular rigidity, and it only arises if constituent moleculesare anisotropic. A central quantity in our formalismare <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s between <strong>the</strong> alignment tensorQ(x,t) or <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r n(x,t) and <strong>the</strong> momentum densityg(x,t). However, in <strong>the</strong> following it will become obviousthat <strong>the</strong> calculation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s is not straightforwardsince nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> order parameter Q nor <strong>the</strong>direc<strong>to</strong>r n can be defined as simple coarse-grained averages<strong>of</strong> microscopic quantities.A. Model molecule and dynamic variablesOur system contains a number <strong>of</strong> identical model-<strong>liquid</strong>crystalmolecules indexed by , which consist <strong>of</strong> a set <strong>of</strong>mass points with masses m and position vec<strong>to</strong>rs x .Wealso introduce position vec<strong>to</strong>rs x x x relative <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong> location <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> center <strong>of</strong> mass <strong>of</strong> each molecule at x (m x )/m 0 , where m 0 m is <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal mass <strong>of</strong> amolecule. In our derivation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s, it isimportant that <strong>the</strong> molecules are not rigid, but that <strong>the</strong>ir constituenta<strong>to</strong>ms be allowed <strong>to</strong> fluctuate around <strong>the</strong>ir averagepositions. For simplicity, we will assume that <strong>the</strong> moleculeshave a uniaxial shape in <strong>the</strong> sense that <strong>the</strong>ir moment <strong>of</strong> inertiatensor, <strong>to</strong> be defined below, is also uniaxial. Considering<strong>the</strong> fact that molecules perform fast rotations about <strong>the</strong>irlong axis on a time scale <strong>of</strong> 10 10 s 43, this is not a verysevere restriction. With our model we can describe a hugerange <strong>of</strong> possible molecules ranging from needlelike objects<strong>to</strong> molecules with prolate and oblate disklike shape. Evenglobular polymers with anisotropic shape are included.We employ <strong>the</strong> conventional microscopic definition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>density <strong>of</strong> mass and momentum:ˆ 1ˆ x m xx ,ˆ 24ĝx p xx ,67061709-3

H. STARK AND T. C. LUBENSKY PHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003which, after coarse graining, result in <strong>the</strong> macroscopic variables(x)ˆ (x) c and g(x)ĝ(x) c . Note that <strong>the</strong> function has <strong>the</strong> dimension <strong>of</strong> an inverse volume. We stressthat <strong>the</strong> definition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> momentum density in Eq. 7 includes<strong>the</strong> motion <strong>of</strong> all mass points, including, in particular,rotational motion about <strong>the</strong> centers <strong>of</strong> mass <strong>of</strong> anisotropicparticles.To describe <strong>the</strong> orientational order <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecules, wefollow <strong>the</strong> <strong>approach</strong> <strong>of</strong> Forster 39 who extracted <strong>the</strong> anisotropicpart from <strong>the</strong> density <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> moment-<strong>of</strong>-inertia tensorand used its negative part as an additional microscopic fieldvariable:Rˆ ij x where for each molecule we haveRˆ ij xx ,8The <strong>nematic</strong> order parameter Q ij (x) must reduce <strong>to</strong> n i n j 1 3 ij when all local axes ˆ are aligned along <strong>the</strong> spatiallyuniform direc<strong>to</strong>r n, and all molecules have <strong>the</strong> same value <strong>of</strong>R . It is straightforward <strong>to</strong> verify that <strong>the</strong> tensor Q ij (x) definedin Eq. 12 satisfies this constraint. Note that <strong>the</strong> fieldsQ ij (x) constitute <strong>the</strong> fields 59 (x) in our formalism.The parameter R can easily and usefully be related <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>anisotropy in <strong>the</strong> molecular moment-<strong>of</strong>-inertia tensorI ij m x 2 ij x i x j , 14whose components parallel and perpendicular <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> localanisotropy axis ˆ in a uniaxial system are, respectively,I m x 2 , 15Rˆ ij m x i x j 1 3 x k 2 ij . 9The coarse-grained variable R(x)Rˆ (x) c is a symmetricand traceless tensor <strong>of</strong> second rank, as demanded for <strong>the</strong><strong>nematic</strong> order parameter Q(x), but it also depends on <strong>the</strong>density <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecules and, more important, it includes <strong>the</strong>fast fluctuations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecules around <strong>the</strong>ir average configuration,which we are not interested in. To arrive at anexpression for Q(x), we note that Rˆ ij is a tensor that for anyparticular a<strong>to</strong>mic configuration can be represented in a basisin which it is diagonal. Since this tensor is traceless, it hasonly two independent eigenvalues, one <strong>of</strong> which describesmolecular biaxiality. Here, we will consider only moleculesthat are, on an average, uniaxial. In any real molecule, <strong>the</strong>rewill be fluctuations in which it becomes momentarily biaxial.We assume, however, that <strong>the</strong>se fluctuations relax rapidly innonhydrodynamic times. In this case, Rˆ ij is characterized bya single parameter in addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> unit vec<strong>to</strong>r ˆ itslargest-eigenvalue principal axis. ThenwhereRˆ ij R Q ij ,Q ij ˆ i ˆ j 1 3 ij1011is <strong>the</strong> local molecular alignment tensor and R will be givenbelow. When this form <strong>of</strong> Rˆ ij is valid, we can define <strong>the</strong>coarse-grained position dependent Saupe–de Gennes orderparameter viaR ij x Rˆ ij xx RxQ ij x, 12cwhereRxRˆ xc R xx . 13cI m x 2 /2x 2 , 16where x and x are, respectively, <strong>the</strong> component <strong>of</strong>x parallel and perpendicular <strong>to</strong> ˆ . The anisotropy I distinguishes between prolate (I 0) and oblate (I 0) molecules. For uniaxial systems, we findR I I I .17Only after calculating <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s see Sec. III C,can we safely replace R by its averaged value I, since, inmicroscopic times, R <strong>of</strong> different molecules relax <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>same value I. In this case, we can replace R(x) withRx Ix.18m 0Then, Eq. 12 results in <strong>the</strong> conventional definition <strong>of</strong>Q ij (x), where Q ij see Eq. 11 is averaged over many molecules.In what follows, we will also useTr I II 2I ,19where <strong>the</strong> final form is in <strong>the</strong> uniaxial case we consider whenall fast modes have relaxed.We stress that our <strong>approach</strong> is a generalization <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> onedescribing a simple flexible dia<strong>to</strong>mic molecule in which <strong>the</strong>principal moments <strong>of</strong> inertia fluctuate and <strong>the</strong>refore have anonvanishing <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong> with <strong>the</strong> momentum density.Our quantity Rˆ (x) incorporates <strong>the</strong>se fluctuations for a morecomplex molecule. As we will see below, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s<strong>of</strong> Rˆ (x) with <strong>the</strong> momentum density will give rise <strong>to</strong> oneadditional term in <strong>the</strong> analogous <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Q(x).This essential contribution was not taken in<strong>to</strong> account byForster 39 who considered R(x) as a constant. Instead,Rˆ (x) is a dynamic quantity since it depends on <strong>the</strong> massdensity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecules through <strong>the</strong> functions in Eq. 13and, more importantly, also reflects <strong>the</strong> fluctuations in <strong>the</strong>anisotropy R <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecular moment <strong>of</strong> inertia tensor.Whereas <strong>the</strong> dependence on <strong>the</strong> mass density only produces061709-4

H. STARK AND T. C. LUBENSKY PHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003Q ij x,g k x 1Rx R ijx,g k x Q ijxRx Rx,g kx.Calculating <strong>the</strong> single <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s, we employx ix j ij mm 0,2526Rˆ x,ĝi x i Rˆ xxxOx 2 2 From Eq. 10, wefind3 Rˆ I ik Rˆ kj I6 Rˆ ijxx j xx.Rˆ ik Rˆ kj 1 3 I Rˆ ij 2 9 I 2 ij .3435xx x j l xx m ,m 027where, in <strong>the</strong> course <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> manipulations, m /m 0 ei<strong>the</strong>rsums up <strong>to</strong> one or gives a vanishing term due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> definition<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> center <strong>of</strong> mass: m x 0. We also use aTaylor expansion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> function,xxx xxx l l xxOx 2 2 ,28where O¯ means ‘‘order <strong>of</strong>.’’With <strong>the</strong>se comments, <strong>the</strong>evaluation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong> for Rˆ ij (x) is straightforwardand <strong>the</strong> coarse-grained result readsR ij x,g k x k R ij xxxOx 2 2 So after coarse graining, Eq. 34, and replacing I by I andI by I, we obtainRx,g i x i RxxxOx 2 2 12I IR ij x 1 3ij Rx j xx.36Finally, combining Eqs. 29 and 36 in Eq. 25 leads <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong> Q ij (x),g k (x) <strong>of</strong> Eqs. 22 and 23.IV. DERIVATION OF DIRECTOR DYNAMICSIn <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> phase, <strong>the</strong> orientational order is uniaxialand <strong>the</strong> alignment tensor assumes <strong>the</strong> formR ij x kl 2 3 R kl x ijQ ij xQˆ ij x c Sxn i xn j x ij /3,37whereR t x 1 6 R jl x ik R il x jk l xxR t x ik jl jk il 2 3 ij kl l xx,29Tr I xx . 30cwhere, on an average, <strong>the</strong> molecules point along <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>rn(x). Projecting Q on n i n j in <strong>the</strong> definition Rˆ ij (x) cR(x)Q ij (x), and using Rˆ ij from Eq. 10 and R(x) fromEqs. 18 gives <strong>the</strong> conventional Maier-Saupe order parameterSx m 0 3x 2 cos 2 3 1 xx , 38cAs we discussed earlier, <strong>the</strong> components <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> moment-<strong>of</strong>inertiatensors I relax in microscopic times <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>irmolecule-independent value I with components I and I .Inthis limit, we haveR t xI6I Rx.31To complete our calculation <strong>of</strong> Q ij (x),g k (x), we need <strong>to</strong>evaluate R(x),g k (x). To do so, we use <strong>the</strong> relation<strong>to</strong> calculateRˆ ij Rˆ ij 2 3 R 2R ,p k 3 2 R 1 Rˆ ij Rˆ ij ,p k .Using this result and R I , we obtain3233where is <strong>the</strong> angle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> principal axis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecule relative <strong>to</strong> n(x) and m 0 is <strong>the</strong> molecular mass. Note that••• c means coarse graining over distances much largerthan <strong>the</strong> molecular scale so that S is defined by averagingover many molecules. The prefac<strong>to</strong>r m 0 /ϱ has <strong>to</strong> appear,since S should not depend on <strong>the</strong> number density <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>molecules.A. <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s for <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>rTo derive <strong>the</strong> dynamic equations in <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong> phasewith its constant S(x), we need <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s for <strong>the</strong>direc<strong>to</strong>r. However, a direct microscopic definition <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>rsuch that n(x)nˆ(x) c does not exist. The direc<strong>to</strong>r isonly defined via <strong>the</strong> alignment tensor Q in Eq. 37. We<strong>the</strong>refore employ <strong>the</strong> macroscopic <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>Q ij (x),g k (x), insert <strong>the</strong> uniaxial alignment tensor <strong>of</strong> Eq.37, and apply <strong>the</strong> product rule for <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s:061709-6

POISSON-BRACKET APPROACH TO THE DYNAMICS OF ...Q ij x,g k xn i xn j x 1 3 ij Sx,g k xSxn i xn j x,g k xSxn j xn i x,g k x.39Taking <strong>the</strong> trace <strong>of</strong> this equation with respect <strong>to</strong> i, j and projectingit on n i (x) and n j (x), respectively, we obtain <strong>the</strong>relations2Sxn i xn i x,g k x0,2Sx,g k xQ ij x,g k xn i xn j x.40a40bTaking <strong>the</strong> dot product <strong>of</strong> Eq. 39 with n i (x) and using Eqs.40 give <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r-momentum <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>wheren i x,g j x 1 S ikT Q kl x,g j xn l x, T ij ij n i n j4142is <strong>the</strong> projec<strong>to</strong>r on <strong>the</strong> space perpendicular <strong>to</strong> n(x). It has <strong>to</strong>appear since <strong>the</strong> derivative n/t has <strong>to</strong> be perpendicular <strong>to</strong>n itself due <strong>to</strong> n 2 1. After insertion <strong>of</strong> Eq. 22 in<strong>to</strong> Eq.41, we arrive at <strong>the</strong> final expressionn i x,g j x j n i xxx ijk x k xx,43withwhere ijk T il n m lmjk /S 1 2 T ij n k T ik n j 1 2 T ij n k T ik n j , 1 3 1 I 1I S4445denotes a reactive coefficient. It depends on <strong>the</strong> Maier-Saupeorder parameter and, in addition, on <strong>the</strong> molecular parametersI and I. It agrees with Forster’s result so <strong>the</strong> additionaldynamic variable R(x) does not affect its value 39.In <strong>the</strong> case <strong>of</strong> needlelike molecules, I/I2 and (12/S)/3. If, in addition, all <strong>the</strong> molecules are completelyaligned (S1), we obtain 1 and ijk T ij n k . Thisagrees with Volovik’s result, who derived <strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>for <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r on pure symmetry arguments 37, but it alsodemonstrates that <strong>the</strong> symmetry arguments are not sufficientfor determining <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong>s in complex media. Finally,<strong>the</strong> <strong>Poisson</strong> <strong>bracket</strong> that enters <strong>the</strong> momentum balance readsg i x,n j x i n j xxx k xx jik x.46B. Nondissipative velocitiesTo calculate <strong>the</strong> nondissipative velocities from Eq. 2, weneed <strong>the</strong> Hamil<strong>to</strong>nianH g2 x2x d3 xFx,nx. 47It consists <strong>of</strong> a kinetic part and a free energy F(x),n(x) f (,n,“n)d 3 x, which is Frank’s free energy plus a termpurely depending on .In Sec. III B, we have already calculated <strong>the</strong> nondissipativevelocity for <strong>the</strong> density <strong>of</strong> mass as V div g(x). For<strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r, we obtain with Eq. 43,V i n vx•n i x ijk x k v j x.48The first term on <strong>the</strong> right-hand side is <strong>the</strong> convective derivative<strong>of</strong> n and <strong>the</strong> second term introduces a reactive coupling<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> deformation rate. Note that n•V n 0, as it should besince n is a unit vec<strong>to</strong>r. The most complex term is <strong>the</strong> nondissipativevelocity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> momentum density. It employsEqs. 24a, 24c, and 46 <strong>to</strong> getV g i j g ixg j xFxx ix Fin j xn j x kF jik xn j x.49The divergence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> momentum flux tensor originates from<strong>the</strong> kinetic part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hamil<strong>to</strong>nian; a surface term has beendropped since we are only interested in bulk properties. Thefourth term introduces an elastic coupling <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecularfield F/n. The second and <strong>the</strong> third term can be rewrittensuch see <strong>the</strong> Appendix that <strong>the</strong> pressureand <strong>the</strong> elastic stress tensorp f f 0 ij f j n i n k ,k5051known from <strong>the</strong> Ericksen-Leslie equations, appear. The nondissipativevelocity finally readsV g i j g ixg j x x i p j ijPHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003C. Dissipative terms0 kF jik xn j x.52In this section, we collect <strong>the</strong> dissipative terms for <strong>the</strong>dynamic equations following <strong>the</strong> rules outlined in Sec. II.For <strong>the</strong> mass density no such term appears since it obeys aconservation law.The time derivative n/t couples <strong>to</strong> conjugate forceswith a different sign under time reversal. A possible terminvolving H/ cannot occur since <strong>the</strong> dissipative tensor is061709-7

H. STARK AND T. C. LUBENSKY PHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003a vec<strong>to</strong>r pointing along n due <strong>to</strong> symmetry, thus violating <strong>the</strong>requirement that n/tn. A second dissipative term introducesa coupling <strong>to</strong> H/n i F/n i : 1 T Fij ,53n jwhere is a rotational viscosity.The time derivative <strong>of</strong> g can only couple <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> velocityv i H/g i . Pure couplings <strong>to</strong> v i are forbidden since <strong>the</strong>ywould break <strong>the</strong> Galilean invariance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> equations. Thus,we are led <strong>to</strong> j ijkl k v l j ij where we have introduced<strong>the</strong> viscous stress tensor ij . The tensor <strong>of</strong> viscosities ijklpossesses two permutation symmetries: 1 ijkl jikl since ij should be symmetric 44 and 2 ijkl klij since it isassociated with <strong>the</strong> dissipative energy ijkl i v j k v l d 3 x.Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, it has <strong>to</strong> obey <strong>the</strong> local D h symmetry <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>nematic</strong> phase. It can <strong>the</strong>refore be written as a sum <strong>of</strong> termsthat only contain ij and n i : ijkl ¯1n i n j n k n l 42 ik jl il jk ¯5¯6n4 i n k jl n j n k il n i n l jk n j n l ik 1 ij kl 2 ij n k n l n i n j kl .The viscous stress tensor <strong>the</strong>n takes <strong>the</strong> form 1 ¯1n i n j n k n l A kl 4 A ij ¯5¯6n2 i A jk n j A ik n k ij 1 ij A kk 2 ij n k n l A kl n i n j A kk ,5455where <strong>the</strong> symmetrized velocity gradient A ij (“ i v j“ j v i )/2 is also called strain rate tensor. The last two termsonly appear in compressible fluids renormalize <strong>the</strong> pressure.Therefore, <strong>the</strong>y do not occur in <strong>the</strong> Ericksen-Leslie equations.We will comment on <strong>the</strong> bars <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> viscositiesin <strong>the</strong> following section.D. Final equationsCollecting <strong>the</strong> reactive and dissipative terms, we arrive at<strong>the</strong> final equations. We first obtain <strong>the</strong> conservation law for<strong>the</strong> density <strong>of</strong> mass: ijk k v j T ij n k A jk n with 1 2 curl v58and introduce <strong>the</strong> rate <strong>of</strong> change <strong>of</strong> n relative <strong>to</strong> a vortex in<strong>the</strong> fluid,N dndt n,59we arrive at <strong>the</strong> Oseen equation well known from <strong>the</strong>Ericksen-Leslie <strong>the</strong>ory: 1 N i 2 T Tij A jk n k Fij ,n j60where 1 and 2 . Note that <strong>the</strong> ratio <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> twoviscosities 2 and 1 is <strong>the</strong> reactive coeffcient which onlydepends on S and <strong>the</strong> two molecular parameters I and I, asfirst derived by Forster in Ref. 39 and later by Kamien 35.This coefficient determines <strong>the</strong> angle between <strong>the</strong> flow directionand <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r in a shear field; a phenomenon calledflow alignment.Finally, for <strong>the</strong> momentum balance equation we obtaing itj g ig j i p j 0 ij jF kijn k j ij .61The first two terms correspond <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> familiar material derivativedv i /dt. Our dynamic equation for <strong>the</strong> momentumdensity completely agrees with <strong>the</strong> momentum balance <strong>of</strong>Ericksen and Leslie. We have already identified <strong>the</strong> elasticstress tensor 0 ij in Eq. 51. The two terms in <strong>the</strong> second linegive <strong>the</strong> complete viscous stress tensor EL ij <strong>of</strong> Ericksen andLeslie. To show this, we replace F/n k by <strong>the</strong> Oseen equation60, use Eq. 55 for ij , and, after some manipulations,arrive at EL Fij kij n ijk 1 n i n j n k n l A kl 2 N i n j 3 n i N j 4 A ij 5 n j n k A ik 6 n i n k A jk 1 ij A kk 2 ij n k n l A kl n i n j A kk ,62where <strong>the</strong> Leslie viscosities i are related <strong>to</strong> our viscositiesbyt “•g.The equation for <strong>the</strong> direc<strong>to</strong>r readsn it v•“n i ijk k v j 1 T Fij ,n j5657 1 ¯1 2 , 2 1/2, 3 1/2, 4 4 ,63a63b63c63dwhere ijk and <strong>the</strong> reactive coefficient are given in Eqs.44 and 45. Note that dn i /dtn i /tv•“n i is <strong>the</strong> materialderivative <strong>of</strong> n i . If we write061709-8 5 ¯5¯6/21/2, 6 ¯5¯6/21/2.63e63f

H. STARK AND T. C. LUBENSKY PHYSICAL REVIEW E 67, 061709 2003It is evident that <strong>the</strong> viscous stress tensor <strong>of</strong> Eq. 71 containsseveral shear viscosities which need <strong>to</strong> be worked out.C. Final equationsIn discussing our final equations, we will compare <strong>the</strong>m <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong> set <strong>of</strong> equations derived by Olmstedt and Goldbart wh<strong>of</strong>ollowed <strong>the</strong> path outlined by de Gennes in Ref. 1 <strong>to</strong> derive<strong>the</strong> Ericksen-Leslie equations.The density <strong>of</strong> mass obeys <strong>the</strong> mass-conservation law.The dynamic equation for <strong>the</strong> alignment tensor readsQijQ ijv•“Qtij ijkl l v k 1 FWith ijkl (x) from Eq. 23, we obtain explicitlyst. 73 ijkl l v k Q il W lj W il Q lj 1 I3 I A st ij 2 3 Q ijA kk2QA st ij 1I IQ ij Q kl A kl , 74where W ij ( i v j j v i )/2 is <strong>the</strong> antisymmetric part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>velocity gradient. The commuta<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Q and W on <strong>the</strong> righthandside <strong>of</strong> Eq. 74 describes a rotation <strong>of</strong> Q due <strong>to</strong> a fluidvortex. With this in mind, we introduce, in <strong>the</strong> spirit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Ericksen-Leslie equations, <strong>the</strong> new dynamic variable for <strong>the</strong>rate <strong>of</strong> change <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> alignment tensor:and reformulate Eq. 73 asK ij dQ ijQdt il W lj W il Q lj K ij 2 3 Q ijA kk 1 I3 I A ijst st2QA ij 1I IQ ij Q kl A kl 1 FQijst75. 76This result is essentially <strong>the</strong> same as that obtained by Pleineret al. 33, except that <strong>the</strong>ir result has additional terms quadraticin Q ij and linear in A ij . It is also very close <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>result <strong>of</strong> Olmsted and Goldbart who derived <strong>the</strong>ir equationby a linear expansion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dissipative flux (K) in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>stgeneralized forces A ij and F/Q st . The first term on<strong>the</strong> right-hand side vanishes for an incompressible fluid(A kk 0) and, <strong>the</strong>refore, does not appear in <strong>the</strong> Olmsted-Goldbart <strong>approach</strong>. The second term has a reactive naturewith a known coefficient (I/3I); it appears in <strong>the</strong> Olmsted-Goldbart treatment with an arbitrary coefficient 3 . The thirdand fourth term do not appear in <strong>the</strong>ir treatment but, in <strong>the</strong>irspirit, could be regarded as reactive terms <strong>of</strong> higher order inQ. They necessarily appear in our <strong>approach</strong> with calculablecoefficients. The last term has a dissipative nature in both<strong>approach</strong>es.Finally, <strong>the</strong> momentum balance equation takes <strong>the</strong> formg itj g ig j i p j 0 ij jF klijQ kl j ij ,77where <strong>the</strong> elastic ( 0 ij ) and viscous ( ij ) stress tensors aredefined in Eqs. 67 and 71, respectively. Here, we alsohave a close resemblance with <strong>the</strong> result <strong>of</strong> Olmsted andGoldbart. The first line <strong>of</strong> Eq. 77 is identical <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir expression.To investigate <strong>the</strong> second line, we write explicitly klijQklQikII Q F stijF 2 Q kl 3 ijQ kl F st2Q jk F st 1 3 12I IQ ij Q kl F st. 78QklThe first term on <strong>the</strong> right-hand side renormalizes <strong>the</strong> pressureand, <strong>the</strong>refore, does not exist in <strong>the</strong> Olmsted-Goldbart<strong>approach</strong>. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, only <strong>the</strong> antisymmetric part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>second term appears in <strong>the</strong>ir paper. They had <strong>to</strong> introduce itin order <strong>to</strong> obtain <strong>the</strong> proper dissipation functionstst Fd3 x, 79T dSdt ijA ij 1 Q FijQijwhere 1 F/Q st is <strong>the</strong> dissipative flux introduced in Eq.69 in connection with <strong>the</strong> generalized force F/Q st .The third tensor on <strong>the</strong> right-hand side <strong>of</strong> Eq. 78 with itsreactive coefficient I/3I again corresponds <strong>to</strong> a dissipativeterm with <strong>the</strong> viscous coefficient 3 in <strong>the</strong> Olmsted-Goldbart<strong>approach</strong>. The fourth tensor, <strong>of</strong> second order in Q, is new.Finally, Olmsted and Goldbart only introduced <strong>the</strong> isotropicpart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> viscous stress tensor ij in Eq. 71, since <strong>the</strong>ywere close <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>nematic</strong>-isotropic phase transition.In conclusion, we find a remarkable agreement betweenour formalism and <strong>the</strong> <strong>approach</strong> by Olmsted and Goldbart.By identifying <strong>the</strong> reactive character <strong>of</strong> two <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> terms, weare able <strong>to</strong> give a concrete value for <strong>the</strong> viscous coefficent 3in <strong>the</strong> Olmsted-Goldbart paper in terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> molecular parametersI and I. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, we arrive quite naturally atadditional terms with a reactive nature whose consequencesneed <strong>to</strong> be worked out.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors thank R. Kamien for helpful discussions andH. R. Brand and H. Pleiner for bringing Refs. 21,39,33 <strong>to</strong>our attention. H.S. acknowledges financial support from <strong>the</strong>Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Grant No. Sta 352/5-1. T.C.L. was supported by <strong>the</strong> U.S. National ScienceFoundation under Grant No. DMR00-96531.APPENDIX: PRESSURE AND ELASTIC STRESS TENSORTo introduce <strong>the</strong> pressure p <strong>of</strong> Eq. 50 and <strong>the</strong> elasticstress tensor 0 ij <strong>of</strong> Eq. 51 in Eq. 49, we rewrite <strong>the</strong> secondterm on <strong>the</strong> left-hand side as061709-10

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