Waste to Energy optimization.pdf - Siemens

Waste to Energy optimization.pdf - Siemens

Waste to Energy optimization.pdf - Siemens

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OptimizingWASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANTSReal-Time In-Situ Gas Analysis

Protect your environment!EnvironmentaldemandsHigher outputLess maintenanceLower process cost

<strong>Siemens</strong> Laser Analytics’ solution is based on aunique, patented concept that makes it possible <strong>to</strong>perform measurements in extreme environments.This creates new opportunities for process control,process <strong>optimization</strong>, and emission measurement.Less damage <strong>to</strong> the environmentWith the incineration process optimized so that itis close <strong>to</strong> a complete combustion level, emissionsdecrease. Increased incinera<strong>to</strong>r efficiency meanslower NO x emissions and reduced ammoniaconsumption.Optimize your processwith real-time gas control<strong>Siemens</strong> Laser Analytics offers a unique solutionfor the <strong>optimization</strong> of waste incinera<strong>to</strong>r processes.Our solution enables you <strong>to</strong> measure and analyzegases in-situ and receive responses in seconds fromthe most critical parts of the process. Obtainingthese highly precise measurements directly fromthe process allows your incinera<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> attain higherefficiency at lower cost and with less impact on theenvironment.Higher outputSimply put, combustion <strong>optimization</strong> means higherprocess efficiency enabling higher output with lowerinput.Less maintenanceThe reduced amount of ammonia means thatcleaning demands are also reduced and the riskof corrosion in the incinera<strong>to</strong>r - and the facility asa whole - is minimized. Thanks <strong>to</strong> the real-time insitu measurements, lime consumption will decreasesubstantially. The amount of lime and fly ash thatneeds <strong>to</strong> be removed and deposited also decreases.Lower process costsAll in all, the <strong>Siemens</strong> Laser Analytics solution savesmoney. Not only because this solution requiresless purchase of lime and ammonia, but because itrequires less maintenance as well.

Three places in the waste-<strong>to</strong>-energyprocess where we make a differenceThere are three places in a waste incinerationprocess where our solution can dramaticallyreduce your costs. By measuring differentgases in the incinera<strong>to</strong>r, at the filters, and inthe stack you can optimize the entire facility.The <strong>Siemens</strong> Laser Analytics solution savesmoney and reduces costs in numerous ways. Itallows you <strong>to</strong> examine your gases in situ and inreal-time and <strong>to</strong> control your process with thehighest possible degree of accuracy.The Incinera<strong>to</strong>rO 2 and TempControlling combustion airand temperature enablesincineration <strong>to</strong> be optimized,which results in:1. Increased efficiency.2. Lower emissions.NH 3Optimizing the ammoniasupply enables:1. Reduced ammoniaconsumption.2. Minimized ammonia slip.3. Reduced occurrence ofcorrosion problems.4. Lower emissions.CO 2HClH 2 OO 2NH 3COHFHClHFNH 3HCl

The StackNH 3HCIHFH 2 OCOEmissions can be measured at very lowconcentrations, and these measurements canserve as confirmation of the optimized process.HClMeasurements of the amount of hydrogen chloride leads <strong>to</strong>:1. Reduced lime comsumption.2. Fewer by-products.3. Better control of filter status.4. Lower emissions.COMeasuring the carbon monoxide at the electrostatic precipita<strong>to</strong>rmeans that the process is under continuous surveillance andcontrol, which minimizes the risk for explosions.The Filters

In situ with response in secondsCentral unitLoop cableTransmitterRecieverHybrid cableThe hear<strong>to</strong>f thesolutionThe LDS3000 is the gas analyzer that measures and processesthe incoming real-time signals from the three different processsegments. The LDS3000 is built upon established and well-testedtechnologies. This analyzer contains a unique combination ofdiode laser technique, fiber optics, and patented signal control.

Unique technology <strong>to</strong> improve your riskmanagementThe <strong>Siemens</strong> Laser Analytics solution cuts costs onseveral levels of your operations. It functions as a management<strong>to</strong>ol with which <strong>to</strong> minimize the risks that canarise in your process and at your waste-<strong>to</strong>-energy plant.The use of in situ, real-time measurements will result innew risk reduction opportunities, as well as providing aboost <strong>to</strong> your entire business process.Profits in controlling your processThe split-second in-situ response form the perfect <strong>to</strong>olwith which <strong>to</strong> control the entire process. Incineration<strong>optimization</strong> generates positive effects throughout theentire process. WtE-plant output increases and emissionsare reduced.Reduce ammonia consumptionOptimized incineration alone leads <strong>to</strong> a reduced needfor ammonia. Ammonia consumption can be reducedeven more with the aid of the real-time measurements.Always knowing the exact gas concentration allowsthe supply of ammonia <strong>to</strong> be dramatically lowered.Reduce lime consumptionJust as the ammonia measurement entails savings,real time control of HCl leads <strong>to</strong> better control of limeconsumption.Reduce maintenanceThe improved incineration level generates a loweramount of by-products and fly ash. The decreased levelof ammonia results in a more environmentally friendlyprocess at the facility. Overall maintenance at the plantcan therefore be reduced – both in terms of time andcosts.Cleaner emissionsBy optimizing incineration, minimizing ammonia slip,and attaining a more efficient process, final emissionlevels are both lower and cleaner across the board.Measuring emissions provides immediate proof of your<strong>optimization</strong> efforts for your entire WtE-facility.

Better control of your process<strong>Siemens</strong> Laser Analytics AB develops and supplies unique gasanalyzers for industrial process control. Our patented methodsenable you <strong>to</strong> measure one or more gases directly in the criticalparts of your process – even under extremely harsh conditions.The <strong>Siemens</strong> network encompasses more than 450,000 peoplein 190 countries. We take pride in our in-depth knowledge ofcus<strong>to</strong>mers’ requirements and the expertise we have in creatinginnovative industrial engineering solutions. Our globalnetwork includes approximately 55,000 researchers anddevelopers and our R&D investments for the 2001 fiscal yearamounted <strong>to</strong> 5.6 billion Euros.<strong>Siemens</strong> Laser Analytics ABPostal address:Box 5065SE-402 22 GöteborgOffice address:Östergårdsgatan 2-4SE-431 53 GöteborgPhone: +46 31 776 86 00Fax: +46 31 776 89 47info@lds3000.comwww.siemens.se/sla

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