The Full-Spectrum Correlated-k Distribution for Thermal Radiation ...

The Full-Spectrum Correlated-k Distribution for Thermal Radiation ...

The Full-Spectrum Correlated-k Distribution for Thermal Radiation ...


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Michael F. ModestFellow ASMEe-mail: mfm6@psu.eduHongmei ZhangMem. ASMEDept. of Mechanical Engineering,Penn State University,University Park, PA 96802<strong>The</strong> <strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k<strong>Distribution</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>The</strong>rmal <strong>Radiation</strong>From Molecular Gas-ParticulateMixturesA new <strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong> has been developed, which provides anefficient means <strong>for</strong> accurate radiative transfer calculations in absorbing/emitting moleculargases. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong> can be used together with anydesired solution method to solve the radiative transfer equation <strong>for</strong> a small number ofspectral absorption coefficients, followed by numerical quadrature. It is shown that theWeighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases model is effectively only a crude implementation of the<strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong> approach. Within the limits of the <strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong><strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong> model (i.e., an absorption coefficient obeying the so-called‘‘scaling approximation’’), the method is exact. This is demonstrated by comparison withline-by-line calculations <strong>for</strong> a one-dimensional CO 2 -N 2 gas mixture as well as a twodimensionalCO 2 -H 2 O-N 2 gas mixture with varying temperature and mole fraction fields.DOI: 10.1115/1.1418697Keywords:Combustion, Gaseous, <strong>Radiation</strong>IntroductionRadiative heat transfer in gases has important applications fromcombustion systems to modeling atmospheric processes. <strong>The</strong>magnitude of radiative heat fluxes can have profound effects oncombustion per<strong>for</strong>mance and environmental impact. Radiativeheat transfer calculations in combustion gases may be looselygrouped into the following three methods in order of decreasingcomplexity: 1 line-by-line calculations; 2 band models; and3 global models.Line-by-line calculations are the most accurate to date, but theyrequire vast amounts of computer resources. This is undesirableeven with the availability of powerful supercomputers, since radiativecalculations are only a small part of a sophisticated fire/combustion code. Many studies have been devoted to narrow andwide band models, such as the Malkmus narrow band model, thecorrelated-k CK model and many others. <strong>The</strong> CK method isbased on the fact that inside a spectral band , which is sufficientlynarrow to assume a constant Planck function, the preciseknowledge of each line position is not required <strong>for</strong> the computation1–7. In this paper the CK approach is extended to the wholespectrum by defining a Planck function weighted cumulativek-distribution function.<strong>The</strong> most common global method is the so-called Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases model. <strong>The</strong> concept of the WSGG approachwas first presented by Hottel and Sarofim 8 within the frameworkof the zonal method. <strong>The</strong> method could be applied to arbitrarygeometries with varying absorption coefficients, but waslimited to nonscattering media confined within a black-walled enclosure.Modest 9 has shown that this model may be generalized<strong>for</strong> use with any arbitrary solution method. In this method thenongray gas is replaced by a number of gray gases, <strong>for</strong> which theheat transfer rates are calculated independently by solving theRTE with weighted emissive powers <strong>for</strong> each of the gray gases.<strong>The</strong> total heat flux is then found by adding the fluxes of all grayContributed by the Heat Transfer Division <strong>for</strong> publication in the JOURNAL OFHEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer Division November 28,2001; revision received June 1, 2001. Associate Editor: J. P. Gore.gases. <strong>The</strong> different absorption coefficient i and emissive powerweight factor <strong>for</strong> each gas are found from total emissivity data.Denison and Webb 10–15 have improved on the WSGGmodel and have developed the Spectral-Line-Based Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases SLW model based on detailed spectral linedata. <strong>The</strong>y also extended the SLW model to nonisothermal andnonhomogeneous media by introducing a cumulative distributionfunction of the absorption coefficient, calculated over the wholespectrum and weighted by the Planck function. <strong>The</strong> absorptiondistribution function ADF approach 16–18 is almost identicalto the SLW model and differs from the SLW only in the calculationof the gray-gas weights. <strong>The</strong>se weights are chosen in such amanner that emission by an isothermal gas is rigorously predicted<strong>for</strong> actual spectra. This method has been further generalized 17by introducing fictitious gases ADFFG employing a joint distributionfunction that separates the into two or more fictitiousgases, and is designed to be more suitable <strong>for</strong> the treatment ofnonhomogeneous media.In this paper, the <strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong> approachis developed based on Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases arguments.This approach provides a smoother—and, there<strong>for</strong>e, moreeasily integrated—set of weight functions than the ADF method.Through these arguments the Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gasesmodel is shown to be simply a crude implementation of the FSCK<strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong> developed here. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e,it is clear that the WSGG method, like the correlated-k approach,is not limited to black-walled enclosures without scattering9, but can accommodate gray walls as well as gray scatteringparticles. This is also shown through direct WSGG arguments.<strong>The</strong>oretical FormulationConsider an absorbing/emitting medium inside a black enclosure.For simplicity, we will first assume here that the mediumdoes not scatter, and that it consists primarily of molecular combustiongases such as H 2 O and CO 2 mixed in air with theirthousands of spectral lines, plus perhaps some non-scattering particles,such as soot, all enclosed by opaque black walls. However,30 Õ Vol. 124, FEBRUARY 2002 Copyright © 2002 by ASME Transactions of the ASME

dI gds kuaI bku s I g sI4 g ŝŝ,ŝd, 4(26)whereI g 0I kk d f T ref ,k,(27a)a 1 II b kk bd f T ref ,k f T,k/ f T ref ,k,0(27b)subject to the boundary conditionat a wall, I g I wg w a g I b T w 1 w 1 nˆ •ŝ0I g nˆ•ŝd. (28)This reordering process requires that any factors accompanyingradiative intensity I —with the exception of k itself—must beindependent of wavenumber; i.e., like any global model the FSCKmethod is limited to gray surfaces and/or gray scattering properties.Evaluation of Weight Function a. Note that expressing thetransmissivity in terms of the correlated-k distribution f (T,k)second <strong>for</strong>mulation in Eq. 14 also satisfies the RTE, replacingthe aI b in Eq. 19 by f (T,k)I b , in which case the resultingintensity has to be integrated over k-space, i.e., I 0 I k dk 17.<strong>The</strong> advantage of the present <strong>for</strong>mulation—besides demonstratingthe equivalence between k-distribution and the WSGG model—isthe fact that the weight function a(T,g) is much smoother andbetter behaved than the k-distribution, and thus requires fewerquadrature points i.e., gray-gas evaluations <strong>for</strong> the accurate determinationof full spectrum results such as heat flux. It remains todetermine the k(T,g) distributions <strong>for</strong> a given gas mixture followedby trans<strong>for</strong>mation to k(T ref ,g ref ), i.e., the evaluation of thea(T,g ref ). This can be done in a number of ways, the two mostextreme ones being calculation from i total emissivity transmissivitydata, and ii from line-by-line data such as the HITRAN23,24 or HITEMP 25 databases. In this paper, we will limit ourconsideration to high-resolution databases.HITRAN92 23 has been used successfully in meteorologicalapplications, but is known to be inaccurate <strong>for</strong> combustion scenariossince many hot lines are missing in that database. HIT-RAN96 24 has remedied this problem to some extent and maynow be used with confidence <strong>for</strong> up to 600K, although many hotlines are still missing. Very recently, HITEMP 25 has becomeavailable <strong>for</strong> carbon dioxide and water vapor and should be accurate<strong>for</strong> up to 1000 K. However, it has many times the number ofspectral lines than HITRAN96, requiring substantially more computertime, and is limited to carbon dioxide and water vapor mixtures.In either case k(T,g) is determined from Eqs. 14 or 24<strong>for</strong> a fixed reference condition. Recall that the temperature dependencein k(T,g) originates from the fractional Planck function i,not from the absorption coefficient, which is evaluated at the referencecondition which remains fixed. <strong>The</strong> trans<strong>for</strong>mation functiona(T,g) is best determined by ratioing the slopes of the preferablyslightly smoothened g distribution functions <strong>for</strong> the actualand the reference temperature <strong>for</strong> the same k, since a may havediscontinuities if f (T,k)/f (T ref ,k) is employed since the f mayhave singularities, albeit at identical k-values. Once thecorrelated-k distribution and the weight function have been determined,the temperature and additional pressure dependence givenby the function u(T,p,x ) in Eq. 5 must be postulated and/ordetermined in some optimal way.<strong>The</strong>re are several different ways to obtain k(T,g) from line-bylinedata as described in several papers 2,3,21,26. We prefer thefollowing method, which is simple, quick, adaptive and particularlywell-suited <strong>for</strong> full-spectrum calculations: the spectrum0 is subdivided into N equal subintervals, and N1equally spaced spectral locations. Similarly, the k-range is subdividedinto J ranges because of the large order-of-magnitude rangeof the absorption coefficient, the k-range is subdivided equally ona log 10 k-basis. A set of temperatures T i can be considered simultaneously.A scan is now made over the N1 spectral locations,the local value of k is calculated, and the j th k-bin <strong>for</strong> the i thtemperature T i is incremented by the corresponding fractionalPlanck function if k j kk j1 , i.e., I b , with a resolution fineenough that I b (T i ) is constant across . At the end of the scanall bin values are multiplied by /T 4 i , after which they reflectthe calculated values <strong>for</strong> f (T,k j )k j and the cumulativek-distribution <strong>for</strong> each temperature follows fromjgT,k j j1 f T,k j k j gT,k j1 f T,k j k j . (29)Note that the number of k-bins as well as temperature bins can bemade arbitrarily large without any appreciable increase in computationtime. While that may result in empty bins, the g(T,k) distributionwould simply remain constant <strong>for</strong> adjacent j-values. Aftereach scan the number of N is doubled, resulting in N additionalknot points, and N additional k-values are calculated and placed inthe f (T,k j ) bins, until such time when the g j no longer changebeyond some criterion. Note also that, in the limit of k→0,→0, it follows that f (T,k)→ wherever k is maximum orminimum, resulting in small discontinuities <strong>for</strong> a(T,k) at thesepoints. Thus, the smoothness of f and a are strongly affected bythe numerical implementation.By making a trans<strong>for</strong>mation from f (k)dk to the weight functiona(T,g)dg it was hoped to obtain a smoothened function <strong>for</strong> easierquadrature similar to the trans<strong>for</strong>mation from f (k)dk to dg, withk(g) being a much smoother function than f (k). This is demonstrated<strong>for</strong> two extreme temperatures in Fig. 2a, showingf (T cold ,k), f (T hot ,k), and a(T cold ,k), using the hot gas temperatureas the reference state. <strong>The</strong> corresponding k(T,g), togetherwith a(T cold ,g) are shown in Fig. 2b. While the weight functiona(T,g) is not as smooth as the k(T,g) function, a is considerablybetter behaved than the f (T,k): high frequency oscillations arereduced from approximately 25 percent of maximum to about 5percent as discussed earlier, maxima of f and, there<strong>for</strong>e, a, dependon the numerical implementation; values given are <strong>for</strong> ourpresent calculations. Low frequency oscillations are also muchless severe. As the temperature moves closer to the referencevalue, a becomes progressively smoother hovering around an averagevalue of a1. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, accurate numerical quadrature ofEq. 20 becomes relatively easy. Efficient quadrature can be furtherimproved by smoothing the weight function throughwhere01agkgdg00111ggagkgdgdgāgkgdg, (30)ā 1agdg (31)ggsince k(g) is essentially constant across a small interval g. Inthis expression (k) is any function that depends on g through thefunction k(T,g), such as I g . <strong>The</strong> smoothened weight function āis also indicated in Fig. 2b along with typical quadrature pointsused in later examples. Also indicated are typical step values k i<strong>for</strong> the WSGG trapezoidal integration.Scaling of Absorption Coefficient. <strong>The</strong> FSCK method is exactas compared to LBL calculations that use the same scaledJournal of Heat Transfer FEBRUARY 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 33

Planck Mean Temperature. P T 4 ref 1 VV P T 4 dV (33d)Emission Weighted Temperature.T ref VT4 P T,p,x T 4 dV A TT 4 /dA V 4 P T,p,x T 4 dV A T 4 /dA(33e)Fig. 2 „a… Comparison of k-distributions at different temperaturesand the weight function a, „b… Planck function weightedcumulative k-distribution g, and the weight function aabsorption coefficient. Errors arise only from the fact that actualgas mixtures do not obey the scaling approximation. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e,optimal scaling methodology is extremely important <strong>for</strong> the accuracyof the FSCK method, although this remains somewhat of ablack art. While the FSCK method is, in principle, valid <strong>for</strong> arbitrarygas mixtures, we will limit ourselves here to systems withconstant total pressure, which reduces the determination of ascaled absorption coefficient distribution from a line-by-line databaseto two steps. First, a reference condition must be chosen.Assuming constant total pressure throughout, it appears natural totake a volume average as the reference mole fraction distribution,orx ref 1 VVx dV. (32)Choosing an optimal reference temperature is less obvious; differentpossibilities are listed and discussed as follows:Maximum Temperature in System.T ref T hotMinimum Temperature in System.T ref T coldVolume Averaged Temperature.(33a)(33b)T ref 1 VVTdV (33c)Since at the reference state the absorption coefficient is set tocoincide with that of the database, an intermediate temperaturemay be expected to do better than choosing the maximum Eq.33a or minimum temperatures Eq. 33b as the reference temperature,such as a spatially averaged temperature Eq. 33c.However, straight volume averaging neglects local variations inmole fractions, as well as the fact that emission from hot regionsoften dominates the radiative field. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, using a Planckmean temperature based on overall emitted energy or anemission-weighted temperature can be expected to give better results.<strong>The</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance of different reference temperatures will betested later within this paper.Once a reference state has been established, an appropriate spatialvariation function u(T,p,x ) must be found. If we assumeconstant total pressure throughout the system and neglect pressureeffects on the line half widths b j generally a good approximation<strong>for</strong> systems with roughly constant total pressure, then spectrallines become temperature and pressure dependent through onlythe line intensities S j , which, <strong>for</strong> a linear absorption coefficient, islinearly proportional to the partial pressure of the absorbing gas,times a function of temperature only.Since radiative heat fluxes from a layer are governed by emissionrates attenuated by self absorption, the scaling function <strong>for</strong> agas mixture with only one participating gas u(T,x) is found herefrom the implicit relation0I b T em exp T,xL m d0I b T em expk uT,xL m d, (34)where k (T ref ,x ref ) and L m is the mean beam length of thevolume under consideration. Note that there are two temperaturesinvolved in Eq. 34, an emission temperature T em and the referencetemperature T ref . Using an emission temperature differentfrom T ref may give better results, but will involve a larger amountof precalculations and interpolations. For simplicity, one may considerthe use of the reference temperature also as the emissiontemperature. For optically thin situations, Eq. 34 ensures that thescaling produces the correct Planck-mean absorption coefficient atall locations weighted by T em . For optically thick situations, Eq.34 ensures that the scaling produces the correct heat flux escapinga layer with a thickness of L m . For gas mixtures with morethan one participating gas specie, we use here an assumed shapeofNuT,x n1 x n u n T, (35)where x n u n (T) is the scaling function <strong>for</strong> the n th gas specie and isevaluated, independently <strong>for</strong> each specie, using Eq. 34. Thissimplification has the disadvantage that it neglects line overlapbetween species in the function of optimal scaling parametersonly, not in the heat transfer calculations. It has the advantagethat the volumetric scaling function can be databased independently<strong>for</strong> each specie.34 Õ Vol. 124, FEBRUARY 2002 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 3 Local radiative flux in an isothermal N 2 –CO 2 mixture„TÄ1500 K, pÄ1 bar, x CO2 Ä0.1, LÄ1 cm and LÄ1 m… boundedby cold, black wallsSample Calculations<strong>The</strong> validity of the present model, its application to non-blackwalls and scattering media, and its limitations due to the scalingapproximation will be shown through a number of relativelysimple one-dimensional examples in which CO 2 -N 2 mixtures confinedbetween two infinite parallel walls are considered. Also, atwo-dimensional practical combustion problem will be studied totest the model, with more than one participating gas coexisting ina cylindrical axisymmetric combustion chamber. <strong>The</strong> P 1 approximationis employed in the following examples, since it is a popularmethod with reasonable levels of ef<strong>for</strong>t and accuracy. Since theFSCK method is a spectral model that can be used with any RTEsolution method, comparison of the LBL benchmark with FSCKdemonstrates the accuracy of the FSCK method as long as thesame RTE solver is employed in both cases. Any other solutionmethod than the P 1 approximation would also be acceptable. <strong>The</strong>HITEMP as well as HITRAN96 databases are used in the followingcalculations to validate the new approach, and methods todetermine optimally scaled absorption coefficients will bediscussed.One-Dimensional Slab. First an isothermal medium confinedbetween two parallel, cold and black plates is considered. Sincethe medium is homogeneous, the k-distribution at only one temperatureis needed, i.e., at the temperature of the medium, so thata1 in this case. <strong>The</strong> medium is a nitrogen-carbon dioxide mixtureat 1500 K, 1 bar total pressure, with a 10 percent mole fractionof CO 2 . Using the HITEMP database <strong>for</strong> the evaluation ofabsorption coefficients, benchmark line-by-line results are comparedin Fig. 3 with the <strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong>FSCK method <strong>for</strong> two slab widths demonstrating that the FSCKmethod is indeed exact <strong>for</strong> homogeneous media. Using 10 Gaussianquadrature points, the FSCK results essentially coincide withthe LBL results <strong>for</strong> which approximately 600,000 quadraturepoints were needed. Using only 6 quadrature points shows slightdiscrepancies <strong>for</strong> optically thick cases (L1 m). Similar to LBLcalculations, more accurate results can be obtained by using morequadrature points. Within numerical accuracy, the wall heat fluxpredicted by the FSCK is exact <strong>for</strong> the homogeneous and isothermalcase.Taine et al. 22 have shown that the scaling approximationmay produce substantial errors when radiation emitted in a hotregion travels through a cold layer, since i k-distributions alwayssort absorption coefficients according to magnitude assuming thatthis produces consistent wavenumber sorting, while ii inFig. 4 Radiative flux exiting from the cold column of atwo-column CO 2 -nitrogen mixture at different temperatures„T hot Ä2000 K, l hot Ä50 cm; T cold Ä300 K, l cold variable; uni<strong>for</strong>mpÄ1 bar, x CO2 Ä0.1, cold and black walls… using HITEMP andHITRAN96 databases; the relative errors shown are <strong>for</strong> HITEMPresultsstrongly non-isothermal media this ordering consistency is violatedby ‘‘hot lines,’’ which have large absorption coefficients athigh temperatures, while being essentially negligible at low temperatures.We will consider two types of non-isothermal media.First, we will look at the extreme case of an isothermal hot layeradjacent to an isothermal cold layer. This extreme test will allowus to find out optimum ways to determine accurately scaled absorptioncoefficient distributions from the HITEMP database. Figure4 shows the radiative heat flux arriving at the cold black wallofaN 2 -CO 2 mixture with a step in temperature. Pressure and CO 2mole fraction are constant throughout at 1 bar and 10 percent,respectively. <strong>The</strong> hot layer is at T2000 K and has a fixed widthof 50 cm, while the cold layer is at 300 K, and is of varying width.<strong>The</strong> LBL results obtained from both the HITEMP and the HIT-RAN96 databases are compared with various scaling approximations.Note that heat fluxes predicted from the HITEMP databaseare more than double no cold layer to five-fold thick cold layerof those predicted from the HITRAN96 database: while the HIT-RAN96 database can be used with confidence up to about 600 K27, <strong>for</strong> temperatures beyond that level it appears to be missingmany hot lines, which are estimated in the HITEMP database.Since FSCK requires quadrature over a single monotonically increasingfunction and needs about 10 quadrature points, whileLBL calculations require about 1 million quadrature points, theFSCK method will greatly speed up the calculations. In this example,based on a well-established absorption coefficient database<strong>for</strong> both FSCK and LBL, the FSCK calculations required less than0.05 second 10 quadrature points on an SGIO200 single processorR10000 at 150 MHz, while the LBL calculations required25 minutes, or a factor of approximately 100,000:1.Journal of Heat Transfer FEBRUARY 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 35

Fig. 6Geometry of the cylindrical combustorFig. 5 Same as Fig. 4, but <strong>for</strong> medium bounded by gray wallsas well as <strong>for</strong> gray scattering mediaFrom Fig. 4 it can be seen that using two temperature scalingT hot as T em in Eq. 34, plus a Planck mean reference temperaturegives the best results with a maximum error of only 8 percent.In this problem, the emission weighted temperature is veryclose to the hot temperature of 2000 K and, using it <strong>for</strong> both T emand T ref , gives a maximum error of 9 percent. Using the spatiallyaveraged temperature and the cold temperature 300 K as T ref andT em gives maximum errors of 13 percent and 19 percent, respectively.Using the Planck mean temperature <strong>for</strong> both T ref and T emproduces a maximum error of 25 percent <strong>for</strong> this extreme temperaturecase because, with increasing cold layer, the Planck-meanreference temperature moves closer to the cold temperature,greatly overpredicting emission from the hot layer. Although producinglarge errors in this extreme example, we feel that thePlanck mean temperature, together with the emission-weightedtemperature, are the best choices <strong>for</strong> reference temperature. Aswill be shown later, Planck mean and emission-weighted temperaturesare actually very close in more realistic combustion systems.Denison and Webb 11 have already shown that the WSGGmethod is applicable to gray boundaries. To demonstrate that theFSCK method and, there<strong>for</strong>e, also the WSGG method is equallyvalid not only <strong>for</strong> media bounded by gray walls, but also <strong>for</strong>gray scattering media, heat fluxes through the mixture of theprevious example were also calculated <strong>for</strong> the cases of gray walls0.5, the addition of a gray scattering medium scattering coefficient s 1/(l hot l cold ), and the combination of both. <strong>The</strong>choice of s here is arbitrary, and is chosen to give an opticalthickness of unity, where one would expect scattering to have thelargest effects. Representative calculations using line-by-line calculationstogether with the scaled absorption coefficient confirmedthat the FSCK method produces exact results <strong>for</strong> the scaled absorptioncoefficient, even in the presence of non-black walls andgray scattering. In all cases using the emission-weighted temperatureas the reference value gave again the most accurate results.Inspection of Fig. 5 shows that with the presence of a nonblackwall the heat flux to the wall is reduced and the maximum relativeerror remains approximately the same. <strong>The</strong> influence of scatteringand combined effects are also shown in Fig. 5. Qualitatively, thetrends remain the same, with maximum errors at l cold 10 cm of9.5 percent and 10.4 percent, respectively. Again, HITEMP resultsas compared to HITRAN96 results are higher by a factor of 2 nocold layer to about 6 thick cold layer.<strong>The</strong> previous examples with a step change in temperature weredesigned to be a worst-case scenario, i.e., to understand the limitsof the scaling approximation, and as a tool to find methods todetermine optimum scaling parameters <strong>for</strong> a gas mixture. Onedimensionalnitrogen-carbon dioxide mixtures with smoothlyvarying temperature and/or mole fraction profiles, such as onemay expect to occur in actual combustion applications, make LBLand FSCK results virtually coincide 28.Two-Dimensional Gas Mixtures. <strong>The</strong> model will now betested further by applying it to a practical combustion problem. Amixture of combustion products i.e., CO 2 and H 2 O as well asfuel i.e., CH 4 in a cylindrical axisymmetric geometry is studied,as shown in Fig. 6. A small nozzle at the center of the combustorintroduces methane at high speed and ambient air enters the combustorcoaxially at a lower speed. Fuel and air mix and are allowedto react using a simple eddy dissipation reaction model.<strong>The</strong> liner wall is assumed black and insulated, and its temperatureis equal to the local gas temperature. Since fuel is injected fromthe inlet together with cold air, temperatures near the inlet arerelatively low 300 K. <strong>The</strong> combustion reaction produces abell-shaped flame sheet with high downstream outlet temperatures.Temperature levels inside the chamber range from 300 K toaround 1700 K, as shown in Fig. 7a. <strong>The</strong> mole fraction distri-Fig. 7 Temperature and mole fraction distribution in a twodimensionalcylindrical combustion chamber, „a… temperaturedistribution; „b… mole fraction distribution of CO 2 and H 2 O; and„c… mole fraction distribution of CH 4 „gas mixtures with methaneand without methane are both considered….36 Õ Vol. 124, FEBRUARY 2002 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 8 Two-dimensional cylindrical combustion chamber witha gas mixture containing CO 2 and H 2 O: „a… LBL calculations <strong>for</strong>the radiative heat source “"q „WÕcm 3 …; „b… relative error ofFSCK results, „“"q LBL À“"q FSCK …Õ“"q LBL,max .Fig. 9 Two-dimensional cylindrical combustion chamber witha gas mixture containing CO 2 ,H 2 O and CH 4 : „a… LBL calculations<strong>for</strong> the radiative heat source “"q „WÕcm 3 …; „b… relative errorof FSCK results, „“"q LBL À“"q FSCK …Õ“"q LBL,max .bution of the combustion products basically follows the pattern ofthe temperature change, as shown in Fig. 7b, with x H2 O2x CO2 everywhere using a simple global reaction <strong>for</strong> methane.<strong>The</strong> fuel, on the other hand, has large mole fractions near the inletwhere it has not yet been consumed, and is barely present beyondwhere combustion has taken place, as shown in Fig. 7c. LBLcalculations were carried out as a benchmark. Since three emittingand absorbing gases coexist in this chamber in this case, methane,carbon dioxide and water vapor, the FSCK approach needsnow to be applied to a gas mixture of more than one participatinggas. In the following calculations, the reference and emission temperaturesin Eq. 34 are taken as the Planck mean temperature.Choosing the emission weighted temperature from Eq. 33e instead,yields essentially the same results, since both temperaturesare very close to each other.We will first consider the case of CO 2 and H 2 O being the onlyradiatively participating gases, with the temperature distributionshown in Fig. 7a and mole fraction distribution shown in Fig.7b. Although the mole fractions of the combustion products varythroughout the volume, the mole fraction ratios of CO 2 to H 2 Ois0.5 everywhere. <strong>The</strong> radiative heat source •q determined fromLBL calculations <strong>for</strong> this case is shown in Fig. 8a and the relativeerror of the FSCK method with respect to the LBL benchmark,defined aserrorpercent) •q LBL•q FSCK100 (36)•q LBL,maxis shown in Fig. 8b. It can be seen that the maximum errors arearound 4 percent across the sharp gradients just outside theflame sheet, and 3 percent in the hot downstream section. Thus,one may conclude that the FSCK method predicts heat transferrates very well in situations where gases have constant ratios ofmole fraction. In this problem, the CPU time required <strong>for</strong> LBLcalculations is about 60 h, while that <strong>for</strong> the FSCK method is 5sec.Next we consider the same mixture of CO 2 and H 2 O, but willalso include the radiative participation of CH 4 . Since methane, asthe fuel, has large mole fractions only near the inlet as shown inFig. 7c, the gases in the mixture no longer have the same molefraction ratio throughout the combustion chamber. Again, LBLcalculations are carried out as a benchmark and are shown in Fig.9a. <strong>The</strong> distribution of the radiative heat source differs from theprevious problem only in the inlet region because of the presenceof CH 4 . Shown in Fig. 9b, the maximum error of the FSCKapproach now increases to 50 percent in the inlet region with itsmole fraction discontinuity, although the error remains well below10 percent throughout most of the combustion chamber. It can beseen that non-constant ratios of mole fraction of participatinggases have a big effect on the accuracy of the method, since at onelocation gas ‘‘a’’ may be prominent, and gas ‘‘b’’ at another, causingsevere breakdown of absorption coefficient scaling. To overcomethis problem we have also developed a multi-scale FSCKmethod 29.Summary and ConclusionsA <strong>Full</strong>-<strong>Spectrum</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k <strong>Distribution</strong> FSCK has beendeveloped, which—within its limitations gray walls, gray scattering,spectral absorption coefficient obeying the scalingapproximation—allows very efficient ‘‘exact’’ evaluation of radiativefluxes <strong>for</strong> arbitrary molecular gas mixtures, using any desiredRTE solver. Nongray surfaces and/or nongray scatteringwould require a multi-band approach rather than full-spectrum.It has been shown that the popular Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-GasesWSGG method is simply a crude implementation of the FSCKmethod; there<strong>for</strong>e, it is implied that the WSGG method can alsobe applied to gray enclosures as well as gray scattering media.Limitations of the scaling approximation have also been investigatedand procedures to find optimally scaled distributions havebeen discussed. Comparison of results using the HITRAN96 andHITEMP databases shows that, beyond 1000 K, HITEMP radiativefluxes are several times larger than those from HITRAN, thusindicating the application limits of HITRAN96.Acknowledgments<strong>The</strong> authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of theNational Science Foundation under the contract CTS-9615009.Temperature and mole fraction profiles <strong>for</strong> the axisymmetric combustionproblem in Fig. 7 were provided by Mr. G. Li.NomenclatureA weight function <strong>for</strong> WSGG methodJournal of Heat Transfer FEBRUARY 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 37

a weight function <strong>for</strong> FSCK methodb line half-width, cm 1f k-distribution function, cmg cumulative k-distributionI radiative intensity, W/m 2 sri fractional Planck functionk absorption coefficient variable, cm 1k spectral absorption coefficient at reference state, cm 1l geometric length, mL m mean beam length, mp pressure, barq radiative heat flux, W/m 2S line intensity, cm 2s, s distance along path, mT temperature, Ku spatial dependence function <strong>for</strong> absorption coefficientV Volume, m 3X weighted path length, mx, x mole fraction, mole fraction vectorGreek Symbols absorptivity emissivity wavenumber, cm 1 scattering phase function absorption coefficient, cm 1 solid angle, sr s scattering coefficient, cm 1 transmissivitySubscripts0 reference conditionb blackbody emissionem emissioni gray gas in WSGGj line or binP Planck meanw wall spectralReferences1 Goody, R., West, R., Chen, L., and Crisp, D., 1989, ‘‘<strong>The</strong> <strong>Correlated</strong>-k Method<strong>for</strong> <strong>Radiation</strong> Calculations in Nonhomogeneous Atmospheres,’’ J. 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