2013 AMA Supercross an FIM World Championship Rulebook
2013 AMA Supercross an FIM World Championship Rulebook
2013 AMA Supercross an FIM World Championship Rulebook
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IntroductionThis <strong>Rulebook</strong> contains rules <strong>an</strong>d technical requirements governingall events that make up the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong>.The <strong>Rulebook</strong> is designed to provide the information you’ll need toprepare your motorcycle <strong>an</strong>d yourself for competition, plus <strong>an</strong>overview of rules that apply to the racing program, along with asummary of offenses <strong>an</strong>d penalties pertaining to rules violations.The intent of a specific rule will override a competitor’s interpretationof a rule. The intent of a rule will be determined by competentofficials. If <strong>an</strong>y rule is unclear to the competitor, the competitor isadvised to get written approval prior to <strong>an</strong>y modifications.The <strong>AMA</strong> in cooperation with the <strong>FIM</strong> will <strong>an</strong>swer <strong>an</strong>y requests forrule clarifications or interpretations. Requests must be submitted inwriting by riders <strong>an</strong>d teams to <strong>AMA</strong> technical staff. Any prior verbalapproval from <strong>AMA</strong> staff or officials without a written statement fromthe Technical Department with regard to the interpretation of a ruleor procedure will be deemed invalid.Please note that while every effort has been made to write theserules in a clear <strong>an</strong>d unambiguous fashion, it is impossible to<strong>an</strong>ticipate every circumst<strong>an</strong>ce. It will be the Race Director’sresponsibility to make decisions regarding rules enforcement.The 250SX class will abide by all rules <strong>an</strong>d regulations set forth inthe current <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> rulebookwith the exceptions listed inAppendix E.The Arenacross® <strong>an</strong>d Arenacross Lites® pro classes use selectrules <strong>an</strong>d technical requirements from this book as specified in theArenacross Supplemental Rules.New rules for the <strong>2013</strong> season are printed in bold italic type.Items that are indicated with a strikethrough are no longer valid.1
<strong>2013</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> *www.amasupercross.comJ<strong>an</strong> 5: Angel Stadium of AnaheimAnaheim, CA (250SX West)J<strong>an</strong> 12: Chase FieldPhoenix, AZ (250SX West)J<strong>an</strong> 19: Dodgers StadiumLos Angeles, CA (250SX West)J<strong>an</strong> 26: O.co StadiumOakl<strong>an</strong>d, CA (250SX West)Feb 2: Angel Stadium of AnaheimAnaheim, CA (250SX West)Feb 9: Qualcomm StadiumS<strong>an</strong> Diego, CA (250SX West)Feb 16: Cowboy StadiumArlington, TX (250SX East)Feb 23: Georgia DomeAtl<strong>an</strong>ta, GA (250SX East)Mar 2: Edward Jones DomeSt Louis, MO (250SX East)Mar 9: Daytona International SpeedwayDaytona Beach, FL (250SX East)Mar 16: Lucas Oil StadiumIndi<strong>an</strong>apolis, IN (250SX East)Mar 23: Rogers CenterOntario, C<strong>an</strong>ada (250SX East)Apr 6: Reli<strong>an</strong>t StadiumHouston, TX (250SX East)Apr 13: MetrodomeMinneapolis, MN (250SX East)Apr 20: CenturyLink FieldSeattle, WA (250SX West)Apr 27: Rice-Eccles StadiumSalt Lake City, UT (250SX West)May 4: Sam Boyd StadiumLas Vegas, NV (250SX West <strong>an</strong>d East Points)*Dates <strong>an</strong>d Locations Subject to Ch<strong>an</strong>ge4
Section 1General Equipment St<strong>an</strong>dardsThe motorcycles for use in <strong>Supercross</strong> competition requirehomologation. The <strong>AMA</strong> in cooperation with the <strong>FIM</strong> will gr<strong>an</strong>thomologation approval for <strong>Supercross</strong> competition motorcycles. Therules concerning these motorcycle components are intended to givefreedom to modify or replace some of the parts in the interest ofsafety <strong>an</strong>d research <strong>an</strong>d development, but with constraints imposedto limit cost. Superseded or redesigned parts must be submitted to<strong>AMA</strong> for review <strong>an</strong>d approval before their use in competition. Theseparts must be listed in the current OEM parts list supplied to <strong>AMA</strong>.SectionGeneral Equipment St<strong>an</strong>dards <strong>an</strong>dTechnical RulesPage1.1 Homologation of Motorcycles 61.2 Engines 61.3 Tr<strong>an</strong>smissions <strong>an</strong>d Primary Drive 71.4 Exhaust System 71.5 Sound Requirements 71.6 Frame 81.7 Swingarm 91.8 Forks <strong>an</strong>d Shocks 91.9 Fuel T<strong>an</strong>ks 91.10 Fuel Specifications 91.11 H<strong>an</strong>dlebars <strong>an</strong>d Controls 91.12 Brakes 101.13 Tires 101.14 Telemetry <strong>an</strong>d Traction Control 101.15 Weighing Procedures 101.16 Rider Apparel 111.17 Display of <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong> Logo 121.18 Special Technical Requirements 131.19 Rider Responsibility 131.1 Homologation of MotorcyclesOnly motorcycles homologated by <strong>AMA</strong> may be used incompetition. <strong>AMA</strong> will only accept applications for homologationfrom motorcycle m<strong>an</strong>ufacturers or their distributors.a. Once a motorcycle has been homologated, it may be used untilsuch time that the homologated motorcycle no longer complieswith the technical rules or a maximum of five years.b. Compli<strong>an</strong>ce with homologation requirements will not guar<strong>an</strong>tee<strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> homologation. The homologation may be withheld orwithdrawn for a just cause that the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the <strong>FIM</strong> deems inthe best interest of the sport.c. The homologation procedure <strong>an</strong>d information are availablefrom <strong>AMA</strong>.1.2 Enginesa. Engines are restricted to a single cylinder.b. Engine Displacement Measurement Calculation.1. Engine displacement shall be recorded in cubic centimeters.6
2. Displacement = B² (0.7854) HX B= Cylinder bore; H=Stroke; X= Number of cylinders (bore x bore x 0.7854 xstroke x number of cylinders)c. Supercharging or turbo charging is not permitted.d. Engine displacements are listed in the technical st<strong>an</strong>dardssections for each class. Class displacement limits are absolute,with no overbore allow<strong>an</strong>ce.e. Bore <strong>an</strong>d Stroke must remain the same as the homologatedmodel.f. Material <strong>an</strong>d castings of cylinders, cylinder heads <strong>an</strong>dcr<strong>an</strong>kcases must be the same as <strong>an</strong> originally approved modelof the same m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer. Material may be added or removedfrom these items. Cylinder liners or coating may be replaced oradded provided the original cylinder casting is utilized.g. Four-stroke cylinder head valve <strong>an</strong>gles must remain the sameas the homologated model.h. Type of intake, including the exhaust power valves, mustremain the same as the homologated model (rotary valve, casereed valve, poppet valve, etc.).i. Type of cooling system (water, oil or air) must remain ashomologated.j. Fuel injection is permitted only if it is st<strong>an</strong>dard equipment onthe homologated model.1.3 Tr<strong>an</strong>smissions <strong>an</strong>d Primary Drivea. Motorcycles are restricted to the use of rear-wheel drive only.b. Primary drive method must remain the same as thehomologated model.c. The primary drive must be completely enclosed by a cover orguard.d. The maximum number of speeds in the gearbox is six.e. Number of tr<strong>an</strong>smission gears must be the same as thehomologated model.1.4 Exhaust Systema. Exhaust pipes <strong>an</strong>d mufflers must fulfill all requirementsconcerning sound control.b. Must be securely attached together <strong>an</strong>d bolted to the frame.c. Mufflers must have internal mech<strong>an</strong>ical <strong>an</strong>d/or packed baffling.d. The discharge end of the exhaust pipe may not extend beyondthe rear edge of the rear tire.e. The inside of the exhaust discharge end must be a maximumof 5 inches from the outside edge of the tire or frame. Intent isto prevent <strong>an</strong>other rider's wheel or leg from being trapped.1.5 Sound RequirementsSound levels in the 450SX <strong>an</strong>d 250SX classes will be verified withthe 2 meter max method. See Appendix C for the details of thetesting procedures.GENERAL EQUIP.STANDARDS7
a. The maximum sound limit is set at:1. For pre-race inspectionMax. 115 dB/A2. For post-race inspectionMax. 116 dB/ANOTE: For 2014 thru 2017 the Maximum sound limit will be setat:1. For pre-race inspectionMax. 112 dB/A2. For post-race inspectionMax. 113 dB/Ab. All competitors entered may be sound tested at <strong>an</strong>y time.When directed by <strong>an</strong> Official, the rider must proceed directly tothe designated sound test area; failure to do so will result in apenalty.c. The normal penalty for violation of the post-race or qualifyingsound limit will be:1. Qualifying: Loss of fastest qualifying time.2. Heat races or LCQ: Loss of three positions3. Main Events: Loss of three positions in the final st<strong>an</strong>dings.Points <strong>an</strong>d purse will be adjusted accordingly.d. A fine may be added to the listed penalties at <strong>an</strong>y time.e. If, in the judgement of the Race Director, the post-race orqualifying sound limit violation was unintentional <strong>an</strong>d/or causedby <strong>an</strong> accident <strong>an</strong>d the violation did not enh<strong>an</strong>ce theperform<strong>an</strong>ce of the motorcycle, the penalty may be waived.1.6 Framea. The main frame must be the same as <strong>an</strong> originallyhomologated model of the same m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer.b. Cracked or broken frames are prohibited.c. Strengthening gussets or tubes may be added, but none maybe removed.d. All st<strong>an</strong>ds must be removed.e. All footrests must fold to a 45-degree <strong>an</strong>gle.f. The maximum length of the footrest from the pivot point is 5inches.g. Footrests may be raised or lowered, but c<strong>an</strong>not be lower th<strong>an</strong>the bottom frame tube.h. Accessory brackets (for radiator, coil, shock reservoir, etc.)may be ch<strong>an</strong>ged, relocated or removed.i. Engine mount location, steering head location <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>gle,swingarm pivot point, <strong>an</strong>d rear suspension linkage point mustbe the same as the homologated model.j. The use of offset bearing races for the purpose of altering thesteering <strong>an</strong>gle is permitted.k. Subframes may be replaced with aftermarket units of steel,aluminum or tit<strong>an</strong>ium provided they are similar in design to theproduction part <strong>an</strong>d utilize original mounting points.8
1.7 Swingarma. Swingarm must be the same as <strong>an</strong> originally homologatedmodel of the same m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer.b. Strengthening gussets or tubes may be added but none maybe removed.c. Chain guides may be removed or relocated.1.8 Forks <strong>an</strong>d Shocksa. The m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer's original concept of either single or doubleshocks must be maintained.See Appendix E for 250SX class specific forks <strong>an</strong>d shockrules1.9 Fuel T<strong>an</strong>ksReplacement t<strong>an</strong>ks may be utilized in place of originals providedtheir weight <strong>an</strong>d capacity are no less th<strong>an</strong> the approvedproduction t<strong>an</strong>ks they replace. Carbon fiber or carbon compositefuel t<strong>an</strong>ks are not permitted.1.10 Fuel SpecificationsAll motorcycles must use unleaded fuel corresponding topetroleum-based fuel as defined by the Americ<strong>an</strong> Society forTesting <strong>an</strong>d Materials (ASTM), designation: D4814, with thefollowing clarifications:a. The specific gravity must fall within the r<strong>an</strong>ge: 0.715 - 0.765 at60º F.b. The maximum oxygen content is 4.0% m/m.c. The maximum allowable level of lead is 0.025 g/l.d. The only allowable oxygenates are ether <strong>an</strong>d alcohols, aslisted <strong>an</strong>d characterized for oxygen mass fraction in ASTMD4814.e. Epoxides (i.e. propylene oxide) will not be considered ethers.Nitrogen-bearing compounds are not permitted.f. Lubrication additives are permitted provided the resultingmixture would meet all other requirements.g. Any infringement of the fuel specifications will automaticallyresult in the disqualification of the competitor from the entiremeet. The result of the riders' fuel sample <strong>an</strong>alysis that is morefavorable to the competitor (Whether it be the A or B Sample)will be taken into account. Riders c<strong>an</strong> appeal this decisionbefore the competent body.h. See Appendix D for “Fuel Test Procedures.”1.11 H<strong>an</strong>dlebars <strong>an</strong>d Controlsa. Cracked or broken h<strong>an</strong>dlebars are prohibited.b. Control levers must have minimum 1/2-inch diameter ball ends.c. All motorcycles must be equipped with a functional mech<strong>an</strong>icalengine kill device or ignition cut-off switch or button, mountedon the h<strong>an</strong>dlebar within reach of the rider’s h<strong>an</strong>d when placedon the grip.d. All motorcycles must be equipped with a self-closing throttlemech<strong>an</strong>ism.9GENERAL EQUIP.STANDARDS
1.12 Brakesa. All motorcycles must be equipped with adequate <strong>an</strong>d operatingfront <strong>an</strong>d rear wheel brakes.b. Brakes must be the same type as the production units. Discbrakes may only be replaced with disc brakes <strong>an</strong>d drum brakesmay only be replaced with drum brakes.c. Carbon fiber or carbon composite brake discs <strong>an</strong>d/or carriersare not permitted.d. Aluminum or tit<strong>an</strong>ium rear brake discs are prohibited.1.13 Tiresa. Studded tires, other th<strong>an</strong> rubber, are prohibited.b. Paddle (continuous radial rib) tires <strong>an</strong>d tires with lugs having aheight of more th<strong>an</strong> 3/4 inch are prohibited.1.14 Telemetry <strong>an</strong>d Traction Controla. Electronic devices designed specifically for traction control areprohibited. This includes sensors that c<strong>an</strong> determine frontwheel speed, <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>y electronic control to the brake systems.b. Electronic tr<strong>an</strong>smitting of information, including radiocommunication to or from a moving motorcycle, is prohibitedwith the following exceptions:1. Official tr<strong>an</strong>sponders utilized for scoring purposes(m<strong>an</strong>datory equipment assigned by Timing <strong>an</strong>d Scoring).2. Data or video tr<strong>an</strong>smitted or recorded for the sole use by theapproved event television production.3. Electronic lap timing devices are permitted. Tr<strong>an</strong>smitterbeacons must be in <strong>an</strong> approved area. GPS may be usedfor lap timing <strong>an</strong>d track mapping only.Receivers/<strong>an</strong>tennas shall not be mounted on the front areaof the front number plate.c. Data logging is permitted but the information may not bedownloaded in real time from a moving motorcycle.d. Information downloaded from the motorcycle may bereviewed by the Chief Technical Inspector at <strong>an</strong>y time. Anydata viewed by the Chief Technical Inspector will remainconfidential.1.15 Weighing Proceduresa. Weight limits may checked by race officials at <strong>an</strong>y time duringthe meet.b. The Chief Technical Inspector may require that motorcycles becle<strong>an</strong>ed of excess mud or dirt before weighing.c. The official scale will be available during the meet for weightchecking.d. No fluids may be added to the motorcycle, except water to theengine cooling system.e. The fuel must be drained from the fuel t<strong>an</strong>k.f. Ballast attached to motorcycles is not permitted.g. See weight requirements listed under each <strong>Supercross</strong> class.10
1.16 Rider Apparela. Riders must wear helmets at all times when riding on course.b. Helmets must be of the full-face type <strong>an</strong>d conform to one of thefollowing recognized st<strong>an</strong>dards. Which is certified by a labelaffixed to the helmet.1. United States: Snell M2010 or DOT FMVSS 2182. UNITED NATIONS: Regulation ECE 2205 P'3. United Kingdom: BSI 6658 Type A4. Jap<strong>an</strong>: JIS T 8133:2007c. All helmets used by riders in competition must be equippedwith the Eject emergency helmet removal system. Riders willbe responsible for ensuring that the device is properly installed<strong>an</strong>d operable during all on-track activities. Helmet removaldevices <strong>an</strong>d installation information are available at TechnicalInspection at all <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>events.d. The use of a portable music player or <strong>an</strong> on board/helmetcamera (other th<strong>an</strong> the one from the <strong>Championship</strong> promoter)is not allowed at <strong>an</strong>ytime during on-track competition, includingpractice, qualifying <strong>an</strong>d races.e. Face shields or goggles must be shatter resist<strong>an</strong>t. Gogglesmust be worn at the start of each event.f. Boots must be at least 8 inches high.g. Jerseys must be long sleeve. Short sleeves or ¾ sleeves notpermitted. Elastic cuffs may not be removed. Sleeves must beworn at full length (to the wrist) during competition.h. Jerseys must be made of durable material that will protect therider.i. The rider’s competition number must be displayed horizontallyacross the rider’s back <strong>an</strong>d legible at a dist<strong>an</strong>ce.j. The number on the rider’s back must be a minimum height of 8inches <strong>an</strong>d a width of 1 inch.k. Numbers must be printed in a contrasting color from the jerseycolor surrounding the placement of the numbers.l. The number may be outlined. However, the color of theoutlining must be in contrast to the jersey color as well as thenumber color. For example, a white jersey with or<strong>an</strong>genumbers could use a black outline.m. Mylar numbers (silver, gold or other) are not allowed, as theydo not meet the requirement of the numbers being ofcontrasting colors.n. All riders must display their last name on the back of theirjersey at the shoulder line.o. If a chest/back protector or neck brace is worn over the rider’sjersey, the rider’s name <strong>an</strong>d assigned number must be visibleeither on the jersey or on the chest/back protector.p. All riders competing in the 450SX class must display the <strong>AMA</strong>logo <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong> logo on the upper left front torso or left shoulderGENERAL EQUIP.STANDARDS11
area of their jersey. The minimum size of the logos is 2½inches wide by 2½ inches high.q. If the rider uses a chest/back protector, the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong>logos must be located in the center front on the chest/backprotector. This is in addition to the logo located on the jersey.r. P<strong>an</strong>ts must be full length <strong>an</strong>d made of a material that will helpprotect the rider.s. Riders must present a cle<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d neat appear<strong>an</strong>ce.1.17 Display of the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong> LogoNote: See section E5.1 for 250SX class logo informationa. All riders are required to have approved logos in placewhenever they are competing in <strong>an</strong>y part of <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> event.b. The following logos are the approved image to be displayed onthe front <strong>an</strong>d side number plates, <strong>an</strong>d rider apparel. The logois also a part of the front number plate design, which will alsoinclude the series title sponsor. The <strong>FIM</strong> logo is only to beused for the 450SX Class <strong>an</strong>d c<strong>an</strong> be obtained by contactingthe <strong>FIM</strong> at marketing@fim.chFront number plate:Side number plates <strong>an</strong>d jersey:c. How to obtain the logo <strong>an</strong>d/or logo artwork file:1. At each event, all number plate stickers <strong>an</strong>d adhesiveapparel patches will be available at Technical Inspection.12
2. If a third party produces number plates <strong>an</strong>d/or jerseys foryou prior to meets, they may request logo files fromkcrowther@ama-cycle.org. The request for artwork by athird party should include the rider's name.d. Disclaimer for use of <strong>AMA</strong> registered <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong> Trademarks:1. <strong>AMA</strong>, <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the other logos <strong>an</strong>d trademarks shownherein are trademarks of the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong>.2. Particip<strong>an</strong>ts are to use the approved logos on numberplates <strong>an</strong>d apparel only when participating in <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> events.3. Any further use of the marks (i.e., the <strong>AMA</strong> mark, the <strong>FIM</strong>mark, <strong>an</strong>d other <strong>AMA</strong> trademarks <strong>an</strong>d logos) outside ofthis capacity is prohibited without a license from or theexpress, written permission of <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d/or <strong>FIM</strong>.1.18 Special Technical Requirementsa. Where the rules permit equipment to be installed, replaced,altered or fabricated, it is the sole responsibility of the rider toselect components <strong>an</strong>d materials for the fabrication of thisequipment that will perform in competition properly.b. Any component of a motorcycle deemed by the ChiefTechnical Inspector as necessary for operation must be inplace, securely mounted, in proper working order <strong>an</strong>dstructurally sound.c. Regardless of previous approval, the permission to usespecific components or equipment, including tires <strong>an</strong>d fuel,may be withdrawn for <strong>an</strong>y reason the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the <strong>FIM</strong> deemsis in the best interest of competition.1.19 Rider ResponsibilityGENERAL EQUIP.STANDARDSIT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RIDER TOSELECT A HELMET AND APPAREL THAT WILLPROVIDE APPROPRIATE PROTECTION.ALTHOUGH <strong>AMA</strong> AND THE <strong>FIM</strong> APPROVEMATERIALS, NEITHER THE <strong>AMA</strong> NOR THE <strong>FIM</strong>ENDORSES OR GUARANTEES SPECIFIC PRODUCTSOR MANUFACTURERS.RIDERS MUST RELY ON THEIR OWN JUDGMENT INTHE SELECTION OF HELMETS AND APPAREL FORPROTECTION AND DURABILITY.13
Section 2450SX Class Technical St<strong>an</strong>dardsSection 450SX Class Technical St<strong>an</strong>dards Page2.1 Engines 142.2 Weight Limit 142.3 Numbers <strong>an</strong>d Number Plates 14450SX Class motorcycles are subject to the following requirementsin addition to the applicable requirements in General EquipmentSt<strong>an</strong>dards. Superseded parts controlled by these rules must besubmitted to <strong>AMA</strong> for review <strong>an</strong>d homologation before use incompetition. In addition, these parts must then be listed in thecurrent OEM parts list as supplied to <strong>AMA</strong>. Motorcycle componentsnot specifically controlled by these rules may be modified, removedor replaced.Note: See section E4 for 250SX Class Technical St<strong>an</strong>dards2.1 Enginesa. Engine Displacements:150 – 250cc 2-stroke249 – 450cc 4-strokeb. Material <strong>an</strong>d castings of the cylinders, cylinder heads <strong>an</strong>dcr<strong>an</strong>kcases must be the same as the originally approvedmodel. Material may be added or removed from these items.2.2 Weight LimitMinimum weight requirement:150 – 250cc 212 pounds251 – 450cc 220 poundsSee Weighing Procedures (Section 1.15)2.3 Numbers <strong>an</strong>d Number PlatesNote: See section E5 for 250SX class numbers <strong>an</strong>d number platesa. The current 450SX Class Champion must run a black number 1with a white background.b. The current point’s leader must run a red background withwhite numbers.c. At the first event of the season, the current 450SX ClassChampion will be considered the point’s leader <strong>an</strong>d will run thered number plate.d. Number Plate Colors:450SX ClassWhite plates, black numbers2012 450SX Champion White plates, Black number 1<strong>2013</strong> Current Points Leader Red Plate, White Numberse. Numbers must be a solid color.f. Excessive condensing or stretching of the numbers is notpermitted.14
g. Front numbers must be a minimum height of 6 inches.h. Side numbers must be a minimum height of 5½ inches.i. The current 450SX Class Champion using the number 1 isallowed to use a special-sized number.j. Number display area must be of adequate area to provideample space (approximately 1 inch) around <strong>an</strong>d betweennumbers.k. Front number plates must be mounted in such a m<strong>an</strong>ner as toprevent deflection of the plate during the event. Any attempt atstreamlining, such as curved plates, or plates that are notrigidly mounted, is prohibited, unless such plates are st<strong>an</strong>dardon the homologated model.l. Plastic or fiberglass number plates have a minimum thicknessof 1/16 inch.m. The striped area on the front number plate is reserved for thecurrent <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> titlesponsorship logo. The front number plate sticker must be aminimum height of 1 inch <strong>an</strong>d a minimum width of 8 inches.n. For the 450SX Class, the approved front number plate designwill contain the current <strong>AMA</strong> logo followed by the<strong>Championship</strong> Title Sponsor logo, followed by the current <strong>FIM</strong>logo.o. For the 450SX class the correct <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong>logos must be displayed on both side number plates. Theminimum size of combined logo is 2½ inches wide by 2½inches high.450SX CLASSTECH STANDARDSp. The areas indicated on both side number plates are reservedfor the current class specific logo(s).q. Only numbers <strong>an</strong>d the approved <strong>AMA</strong> logo, <strong>FIM</strong> logo or seriessponsorship logos are permitted on the number plate displayarea.15
Section 3Licenses, Eligibility, Entries <strong>an</strong>d CredentialsSection Licenses, Eligibility, Entries <strong>an</strong>dCredentialsPage3.1 Competition Licenses 163.2 <strong>Supercross</strong> License Regulations 163.3 National Numbers 173.4 450SX Class License Eligibility 183.5 <strong>Supercross</strong> Entries 193.1 Competition Licensesa. All riders participating in <strong>an</strong>y on-track practice, qualifying orracing must have a valid <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d/or <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>Motocross license of the appropriate classification.b. Licenses are not issued at the racetrack. For riders who wishto subscribe to <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> license, it is recommended thatprocessing of the license be completed through the <strong>AMA</strong> office30 days before the first event you wish to participate in.c. All <strong>Supercross</strong> meets are pre-entry. Entries close 14 days priorto each meet.d. If at <strong>an</strong>y point in time after the closing date of entries, the totalnumber of entries should not reach 80, <strong>AMA</strong> or the <strong>FIM</strong> isentitled to enter more riders to reach the number of 80 riders.These riders must be entered before the end of the technicalverifications prior to the riders meeting. All entry conditionscited in these regulations apply to the riders in question.e. Additional licensing information <strong>an</strong>d applications are availablefrom the <strong>AMA</strong> Competition Services Department.<strong>AMA</strong><strong>FIM</strong>Competition Services Motocross Commission<strong>AMA</strong>11, Route Suisse13515 Yarmouth Drive CH-1295 Mies (Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d)Pickerington, OH 43147 Phone: 41 (22) 950 9507Phone: (614) 856-1900 Fax: 41 (22) 950 9501Fax: (614) 856-1924 e-mail: dirk.deneve@fim.ch3.2 <strong>Supercross</strong> License Regulationsa. All license applic<strong>an</strong>ts must be at least 16 years of age at thetime of application.b. Prior to being accepted for entry for <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>meet, each rider must provide documentation that theyhave completed <strong>an</strong> ImPACT Concussion M<strong>an</strong>agementTest, which shall be used by the Chief Medical Officer, toassist in determining when a rider will be allowed to returnto competition after suffering a concussion.c. <strong>AMA</strong> licensed riders not competing in <strong>AMA</strong> s<strong>an</strong>ctioned eventsfor a period of two years may lose their prior classification.d. Applic<strong>an</strong>ts renewing a license that has been expired three ormore years must meet the present requirements for a<strong>Supercross</strong> License.e. Foreign riders applying for <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> license must submit arelease <strong>an</strong>d certification from their licensing federation.16
f. <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> licenses for riders, validfor the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> classare issued by the rider's FMN.g. In order to obtain a <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>license for riders, the applic<strong>an</strong>t must first hold a currentnational license of his respective FMN.h. Applic<strong>an</strong>ts must attach to their rider's <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong> license application a certificate of medicalfitness issued by a doctor.i. Applic<strong>an</strong>ts aged over 50 years must attach to their rider'slicense request a certificate of medical fitness (including <strong>an</strong>ormal exercise toler<strong>an</strong>ce electrocardiogram) issued by adoctor.j. The limit for the minimum age starts on the date of the rider'sbirthday <strong>an</strong>d the limit for the maximum age finishes at the endof the year in which the rider reaches the age of 50.k. All <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> licenses are issued at the discretion of<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d may be revoked at <strong>an</strong>y time.3.3 National Numbersa. All riders must use the competition number that has beenassigned for the current season. This includes the<strong>Championship</strong> number 1, career number or <strong>an</strong> earned nationalnumber.b. Number 11. Current Champion must run the #1.c. Numbers 2-91. Past Champions from the previous competition year maychoose a perm<strong>an</strong>ent single digit career number if available.d. Career Numbers1. Riders who finish in the top 10 in <strong>Championship</strong> points fromthe combined 450SX, 250SX, 250MX <strong>an</strong>d 450MX classesfrom the previous competition year will have priority for theselection of a National two digit available number for thetheir career number.2. Riders who fail to earn at least 25 championship point duringthe season preceding the new season will lose their careernumber <strong>an</strong>d be issued a new number based on currentpoints. Special consideration is given to a rider if he/she isconfirmed with a season long injury or other specialcircumst<strong>an</strong>ce which prevents him from competing thatseason.e. Numbers10-9991. Riders who finish outside the top 10 but in the top 100 willbe assigned consecutive two digit numbers until the supplyof two digit numbers are exhausted.2. The total combined points from the 450SX, 250SX, 450MX<strong>an</strong>d 250MX classes will be used to determine the order.National numbers are then issued according to highest tolowest total points. In case of riders having the same17LICENSES,ELIGIBILITY &ENTRIES
amount of total points the tie is broken by the best Motofinish for those riders. In the event you have a rider thatrode just SX <strong>an</strong>d one that rode SX <strong>an</strong>d Motocross, the tiewould go to the rider that rode both series.f. Lower 100 #’s1. Held for top riders from overseas that would like toparticipate in that year’s SX or MX.3.4 450SX Class License EligibilityNote: See section E1 for 250SX class license eligibilityguidelines.Requirements for a <strong>2013</strong> <strong>an</strong>d 2014 <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> 450SXlicense:a. All license applic<strong>an</strong>ts must be at least 16 years of age at thetime of application.b. Prior to being accepted for entry for <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>meet, each rider must provide documentation that theyhave completed <strong>an</strong> ImPACT Concussion M<strong>an</strong>agementTest, which shall be used by the Chief Medical Officer, toassist in determining when a rider will be allowed to returnto competition after suffering a concussion.In addition to the age requirements <strong>an</strong>d ImPACT test, riders mustmeet one of the following criteria to be eligible for <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> 450SXclass license.c. Qualified into the evening program in the 450SX class at leastone time during the 2010 thru 2012 <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> season.d. Qualified into the evening program in the 250SX class at leastone time during the 2012 thru <strong>2013</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> season.e. Earned at least one point in the 2011 or 2012 <strong>AMA</strong> Motocross<strong>Championship</strong> in the 250MX or 450MX classes.f. Riders who earned a 2012 <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> license may applyfor their <strong>2013</strong> license based on the criteria for which it wasearned in 2012.g. Hold a current <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> license.h. The <strong>AMA</strong> may issue a license to <strong>an</strong>y rider who does not meetthe above criteria if it determines, in its sole discretion, therider has adequate competition experience.****Requirements for a 2015 <strong>AMA</strong> 450SXlicense****a. All license applic<strong>an</strong>ts must be at least 16 years of age at thetime of application.b. Prior to being accepted for entry for <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>meet, each rider must provide documentation that theyhave completed <strong>an</strong> ImPACT Concussion M<strong>an</strong>agementTest, which shall be used by the Chief Medical Officer, toassist in determining when a rider will be allowed to returnto competition after suffering a concussion.18
In addition to the age requirements <strong>an</strong>d ImPACT test, riders mustmeet one of the following criteria to be eligible for <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> 450SXclass license.c. Qualified into the evening program in the 450SX class at leastone time during the 2010 thru 2012 <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> season.d. Qualified into the evening program in the 250SX class at leastone time during the 2012 thru <strong>2013</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> season.e. Earned at least one point in the 2011 or 2012 <strong>AMA</strong> ProMotocross <strong>Championship</strong> in the 250 or 450 classes.f. Riders who earned a 2012 <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> license may applyfor their <strong>2013</strong> license based on the criteria for which it wasearned in 2012.g. Hold a current <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> license.h. The <strong>AMA</strong> may issue a license to <strong>an</strong>y rider who does not meetthe above criteria if it determines, in its sole discretion, the riderhas adequate competition experience.3.5 <strong>Supercross</strong> EntriesNote: See section E3 for 250SX class entry procedures.a. Prior to being accepted for entry for <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>meet, each rider must provide documentation that theyhave completed <strong>an</strong> ImPACT Concussion M<strong>an</strong>agementTest, which shall be used by the Chief Medical Officer, toassist in determining when a rider will be allowed to returnto competition after suffering a concussion.b. <strong>Supercross</strong> will be pre-entry ONLY <strong>an</strong>d limited to 80 riders.Post entries will only be permitted under special circumst<strong>an</strong>ces<strong>an</strong>d at the sole discretion of <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the <strong>FIM</strong>. All postentries will require a minimum of a $50 administration fee.c. Pre entries close 21 days prior to the first event of the season.All other pre entries close 5 days prior to each event.d. If at <strong>an</strong>y point in time after the closing date of entries, the totalnumber of entries should not reach 80, <strong>AMA</strong> or the <strong>FIM</strong> isentitled to enter more riders to reach the number of 80 riders.These riders must be entered before the end of the technicalverifications prior to the riders meeting. All entry conditionscited in these regulations apply to the riders in question.e. Riders may only enter one class at <strong>Supercross</strong> (doubleclassing).f. Entries will be accepted for the 450SX class in the followingorder until the classes reach the 80-rider limit:1. Top 45 in points from 2012 in the 450SX class <strong>an</strong>d preenteredfor the entire season.2. Top 40 in points from 2012 in <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX class or <strong>an</strong>y2012 <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>an</strong>d pre-enteredfor the entire season.3. Riders earning points outside the top 45 in the <strong>Supercross</strong>class in 2012 or outside the top 40 in the <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX classLICENSES,ELIGIBILITY &ENTRIES19
or <strong>an</strong>y <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> in 2012 <strong>an</strong>d preenteredfor the entire season.4. After a rider earns championship points in the currentchampionship series, his or her entry for <strong>an</strong>y followingevents in the series is guar<strong>an</strong>teed, provided the entry isreceived before the closing date.5. No 2012 points in <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> 450SX or <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX class, or<strong>an</strong>y 2012 <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, but preenteredfor the entire season.6. Top 45 in points from 2012 in the 450SX class, but not preenteredfor the entire season.7. Top 40 in points from 2012 in the <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX class, or <strong>an</strong>y2012 <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, but not preenteredfor the entire season.8. Riders earning points outside the top 45 from 2012 in the450SX class or the top 40 in the <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX class, or <strong>an</strong>y2012 <strong>FIM</strong> Motocross <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, but not preenteredfor the entire season.9. For those with no points <strong>an</strong>d not pre-entered for the entireseason, the date on which the pre-entry was received at the<strong>AMA</strong> Office in Pickerington, Ohio will be the determiningfactor for accept<strong>an</strong>ce.g. Verification of the accept<strong>an</strong>ce of <strong>an</strong> entry may be checked bycalling the Competition Services Department at (614) 856-1900the Wednesday after the closing date (typically one week priorto the meet.)h. Accept<strong>an</strong>ce of entries may be gr<strong>an</strong>ted for specialcircumst<strong>an</strong>ces. All entries will be accepted at the discretion of<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the <strong>FIM</strong>.i. All entry fees are non-refundable once the closing date haspassed.j. Exceptions will be made only if <strong>AMA</strong> is notified 5 days prior tothe event with a legitimate medical excuse.k. To be considered as pre-entered for the entire season, acomplete entry form with total fees for the 17 450SX classevents must be received by Dec 14, 2012.20
Section 4Race Rules <strong>an</strong>d ProceduresSection Race rules <strong>an</strong>d Procedures Page4.1 The Racing Program 214.2 Particip<strong>an</strong>t Regulation 214.3 Credential Display 214.4 Bulletins <strong>an</strong>d Supplementary Regulations 224.5 Subst<strong>an</strong>ce Abuse Policy 224.6 Intravenous Hydration 224.7 Track Rentals 224.8 Inclement Weather / Unacceptable Track Conditions 234.9 Motorcycle Usage 234.10 Pit / Paddock Regulations 234.11 Rider Meetings 234.12 Mech<strong>an</strong>ics 244.13 Technical Inspections 244.14 On-Track Regulations 244.15 Flags <strong>an</strong>d Lights 254.16 <strong>Supercross</strong> Races 264.17 Qualifying 274.18 <strong>Supercross</strong> Staging 284.19 Starting Procedures 284.20 Red Flag Race Stops <strong>an</strong>d Restart Procedures 294.21 Restarts 294.22 Race Finishes 314.23 Official Race Results 324.24 <strong>Championship</strong> Points 334.25 M<strong>an</strong>ufacturers' <strong>Championship</strong> 334.26 <strong>Supercross</strong> Prize Giving Ceremonies 34RACE RULES &PROCEDURES4.1 The Racing Program<strong>Supercross</strong> events are composed of a 20-lap final race for 20riders in the 450SX class. The field is qualified through a series ofheat races staged throughout the event.4.2 Particip<strong>an</strong>t RegulationEvery club, association, comp<strong>an</strong>y, promoter, rider, <strong>an</strong>d all otherpersons participating in or in <strong>an</strong>y way connected with <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> race event, will beconsidered particip<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d therefore bound by the <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Rulebook</strong>.4.3 Credential DisplayAll Credentials provided by <strong>AMA</strong> are the property of <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d c<strong>an</strong>be revoked at <strong>an</strong>y time without refund of credential fees. Use <strong>an</strong>ddisplay of credentials are subject to the following:a. Credentials are issued for exclusive use by the person namedon the credential. The l<strong>an</strong>yard is considered part of thecredential <strong>an</strong>d must be worn with the credential around theneck.b. Tr<strong>an</strong>sfer, misuse of, or failure to display the credential asdescribed is cause for disciplinary action or revocation.c. A credentialed person without the proper issued credential inhis or her possession may be required to pay the applicable21
ace day rates to be issued the appropriate pass for access tothe meet.d. At all times, the <strong>Championship</strong> Promoter must have available aminimum of six “all access” passes/credentials for persons <strong>an</strong>dthree passes for parking as close as possible to the paddockfor <strong>FIM</strong> use.4.4 Bulletins <strong>an</strong>d Supplementary RegulationsCompetition Bulletins or Supplementary Regulations for thepurpose of implementing, interpreting <strong>an</strong>d enforcing theseCompetition Rules will be considered part of the Rules.4.5 Subst<strong>an</strong>ce Abuse Policya. 450SX <strong>an</strong>d 250SX class.1. The 450SX <strong>an</strong>d 250SX class riders will follow the terms <strong>an</strong>dconditions of the <strong>FIM</strong> Anti Doping Code.b. <strong>AMA</strong> Officials <strong>an</strong>d Crew credential holders.1. <strong>AMA</strong> Officials <strong>an</strong>d crew credential holders will follow theterms <strong>an</strong>d conditions of the <strong>AMA</strong> Subst<strong>an</strong>ce Abuse Policy.c. R<strong>an</strong>dom tests for drugs <strong>an</strong>d alcohol may be conducted at thediscretion of <strong>AMA</strong> the <strong>FIM</strong> or their respective drug-testingpartners.d. Compli<strong>an</strong>ce with the <strong>FIM</strong> Anti-Doping Code or <strong>AMA</strong>'sSubst<strong>an</strong>ce Abuse Policy is <strong>an</strong> essential precondition to theissu<strong>an</strong>ce of a Professional Competition license or eventcredential.e. Any violation of the policy or refusal to submit to testing asrequested by <strong>AMA</strong>, the <strong>FIM</strong> or their respective drug-testingpartners may result in the immediate suspension of thecompetitor’s license <strong>an</strong>d loss of all rights to compete in <strong>AMA</strong>Professional, <strong>AMA</strong> Amateur s<strong>an</strong>ctioned events, or <strong>FIM</strong>s<strong>an</strong>ctioned events.f. Both the <strong>AMA</strong> Subst<strong>an</strong>ce Abuse Policy <strong>an</strong>d the <strong>FIM</strong> AntiDoping Code are available upon request from the <strong>AMA</strong> office.4.6 Intravenous Hydrationa. At no time during the event will a rider receive <strong>an</strong>y type ofintravenous hydration unless such hydration is deemedmedically necessary by medical personnel as a result of <strong>an</strong>emergency medical situation (e.g. heat stroke) encountered bya rider, during, or as a result of competing in, <strong>an</strong> event,practices, heat races or qualifying sessions that are part of <strong>an</strong>event.b. Once a rider receives such hydration during the meet, the riderwill not be permitted to compete in <strong>an</strong>y further events at themeet including, but not limited to, <strong>an</strong>y further practicesessions, heat races, qualifying sessions or final eventscomposing <strong>an</strong>y event in the meet unless <strong>an</strong>d until the rider isreleased by the medical personnel who treats the rider for thespecific emergency medical situation at issue.4.7 Track RentalsExclusive race track rentals for the purpose of testing or practicewithin 72 hours of <strong>an</strong> event that will take place at the rentedfacility is not permitted.22
4.8 Inclement Weather / Unacceptable Track Conditionsa. Events may be conducted regardless of weather conditions.b. In the event of rain or other unfavorable conditions, it may benecessary for the Race Director to alter the order of the eventschedule, including, but not limited to: adjusting the length ofraces, practices <strong>an</strong>d qualifying sessions, <strong>an</strong>d delaying orstopping the program completely.c. Should a delay occur, the Race Director will make every effortto resume the schedule in a timely fashion if conditionssignific<strong>an</strong>tly improve.d. If <strong>an</strong> event is stopped due to weather or other conditions, riderswill be paid for purse-paying events that have been completed.4.9 Motorcycle Usagea. Riders must use the same motorcycle (same main frame) forqualifying <strong>an</strong>d the main program.b. If the motorcycle’s mainframe is damaged, the frame may bech<strong>an</strong>ged only with approval from the Race Director. Approvalmust take place prior to usage of the new frame.c. Riders must use the same motorcycle for parade or sightinglap as the race.4.10 Pit / Paddock Regulationsa. Riding of competition motorcycles, other th<strong>an</strong> on the racetrackor designated warm-up l<strong>an</strong>e, is discouraged. Helmets must beworn at all times in the warm-up l<strong>an</strong>es.b. Operation of a vehicle in the paddock must be at a very slow,acceptable speed (10 MPH 5 MPH maximum).c. A rider or mech<strong>an</strong>ic testing a motorcycle in the designated testarea must wear a helmet <strong>an</strong>d be dressed to offer someprotection (p<strong>an</strong>ts, shirt <strong>an</strong>d shoes).d. Persons less th<strong>an</strong> 16 years of age are not allowed inmech<strong>an</strong>ic’s area or other restricted areas.e. Pets are not allowed in the mech<strong>an</strong>ics’ area or other restrictedareas.f. Pets in the paddock must be on a leash or properly contained.g. All persons in the mech<strong>an</strong>ics’ area must be in proper dress.Shirts must have a collar. Open-toe shoes, cut-offs <strong>an</strong>dsleeveless shirts/t<strong>an</strong>k tops are not permitted.h. Before leaving a race facility, it is the responsibility ofriders/teams to deposit all of their waste fuel, fuel drums, motoroils, cool<strong>an</strong>ts, tires, batteries, black water <strong>an</strong>d all otherhazardous wastes in the proper hazardous waste disposalarea provided by the track. Should containers not be availableon-site, riders/teams must tr<strong>an</strong>sport such items from the facilityfor proper disposal.4.11 Rider Meetingsa. All riders entered in the event must attend the rider meeting.b. The Race Director may call roll or spot-check attend<strong>an</strong>ce.c. Failure to attend the riders meeting may result in a fine.RACE RULES &PROCEDURES23
4.12 Mech<strong>an</strong>icsa. Mech<strong>an</strong>ics’ must present a cle<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d neat appear<strong>an</strong>ce.b. Only appropriately dressed persons displaying propercredentials will be allowed in the pit, signaling <strong>an</strong>d startingareas.c. Mech<strong>an</strong>ics’ must be in uniform designating a rider or team.d. Cut-offs, sleeveless shirts <strong>an</strong>d open-toe shoes are prohibited inthe mech<strong>an</strong>ics area, starting area <strong>an</strong>d infield. Shirtlessindividuals are also prohibited in these areas.e. Shirts must have a collar.f. Mech<strong>an</strong>ics’ are encouraged to display the <strong>AMA</strong>/<strong>FIM</strong> Racingpatch on uniform shirts.4.13 Technical Inspectionsa. Technical inspections of motorcycles, equipment <strong>an</strong>d ridingapparel will be held prior to <strong>an</strong>d after a race event, or at othertimes as determined by the Race Director or Chief TechnicalInspector.b. Although the motorcycle, equipment or apparel passed priorinspections, the motorcycle, equipment or apparel must be incompli<strong>an</strong>ce with the rules at the post-race inspection.c. Only motorcycles having passed tech inspection will beallowed on the racetrack.d. Motorcycles must be class legal <strong>an</strong>d must meet all equipmentrequirements.e. More th<strong>an</strong> one motorcycle per class may be presented <strong>an</strong>dpassed through initial technical inspection provided framenumbers are properly recorded indicating race motorcycle <strong>an</strong>dpractice motorcycles. Motorcycles used for timed qualifying areconsidered race motorcycles <strong>an</strong>d must be used for the restof the meet.f. For the purpose of inspection <strong>an</strong>d conformity to the rules,the Race Director or Chief Technical Inspector may requirepost-race teardowns the disassembly of <strong>an</strong>y officiallyentered motorcycle at <strong>an</strong>y time during the meet. to beginfollowing the completion of the event. If <strong>an</strong> inspectionrequires a disassembly, consideration may be taken forthe event schedule. In these cases, parts may be sealedfor inspection at the conclusion of the event.g. During post-race technical inspections or teardowns, only twoworking mech<strong>an</strong>ics for each impounded motorcycle arepermitted in the inspection/impound area.h. Only the Race Director, Chief Technical Inspector ordesignated personnel may inspect impounded motorcycles orequipment.4.14 On-Track Regulationsa. No rider may ride in such a m<strong>an</strong>ner as to end<strong>an</strong>ger life or limbof other riders, officials or the public.b. No one, except riders officially entered, may ride or practice onthe racecourse on the day of the event.24
c. Unofficial practice on the day of the race is prohibited.d. Unless directed to do so by the Race Director or his designee,no one will be permitted to ride a motorcycle in the wrongdirection on the track.e. Except in the designated mech<strong>an</strong>ics’ area, no adjustment,repairs or refueling may be made to competing motorcycles bypit crews during a race. Riders must pull into the designatedmech<strong>an</strong>ics’ area <strong>an</strong>d be off the racetrack before receiving crewassist<strong>an</strong>ce.f. A rider may make repairs during a race, without assist<strong>an</strong>ce, ina suitable area, off the racetrack.g. Outside assist<strong>an</strong>ce to a rider on the course is forbidden at alltimes except when the assist<strong>an</strong>ce is given by flag marshals orofficials placed by the Race Director for the purpose of control<strong>an</strong>d safety with the following exceptions:1. Assist<strong>an</strong>ce by crewmembers is permitted only in thedesignated repair <strong>an</strong>d signaling zone.2. Assist<strong>an</strong>ce by crewmembers is permitted from the startinggate up through the first turn following the start of a race.(first lap only) These crewmembers must be wearing aspecial pass/armb<strong>an</strong>d.h. A rider leaving the course may continue the race by properlyre-entering the track at the closest safe point to where the riderleft the course without gaining <strong>an</strong> adv<strong>an</strong>tage. A rider may bedetermined to have gained <strong>an</strong> adv<strong>an</strong>tage without gaining aposition. It will be the duty of the Race Director or his designeeto make the determination as to whether a rider gained <strong>an</strong>adv<strong>an</strong>tage by leaving the racecourse <strong>an</strong>d re-entering.i. In programs that require qualifying races, a rider must attemptto start a qualifier in order to be eligible for the main event.j. A motorcycle that enters the paddock during a race will not bepermitted to return to the racetrack. A motorcycle that leavesthe stadium floor or infield of a speedway during a racewill not be permitted to return to the racetrack.k. Intentionally stopping on the racetrack during timed practice isprohibited. Every time a rider is found in violation of this rule heor she will have his or her fastest lap of that session removedfrom the official results. A stoppage on the racetrack resultingfrom a mech<strong>an</strong>ical issue or a fall down will not be consideredintentional. The Race Director or his designee will make thedetermination as to whether or not the stopping wasintentional.l. During a race, a rider must always attempt to succeed. If not,he or she shall not be allowed to continue the competition <strong>an</strong>dmay be penalized by the Race Director.4.15 Flags <strong>an</strong>d Lightsa. Operational Flags / Lights1. Green Flag: Indicates the start of a race or clear trackconditions.RACE RULES &PROCEDURES25
2. Checkered Flag: Indicates the end of a race or practicesession; proceed to the designated track exit.3. Red Flag: Indicates the practice, qualifying or race hasbeen stopped. Reduce speed <strong>an</strong>d proceed safely to thestaging area or as directed by a race official.4. Red Flashing Light: A red flashing light may be displayedat the beginning of a triple jump or a series of jumps. Ridersmust roll each jump individually with no passing <strong>an</strong>dexercise extreme caution until they are past the area ofconcern, this includes the sighting or cool down laps.5. Black Flag: Indicates a problem with a rider’s motorcycle ora disqualification. A number board displayed with the flagindicates the rider being signaled. The black flagged ridermust carefully reduce speed <strong>an</strong>d proceed around the courseto the mech<strong>an</strong>ics area. Black-flagged riders are notpermitted to return to the racecourse unless cleared by theRace Director.b. Warning Flags1. Yellow Flag Or Yellow Light:Waving Yellow Flag or Yellow Flashing Lights: Indicatesserious hazard on or near the track. This includes thesighting or cool down laps.• Passing is allowed• Proceed with extreme caution.2. Solid Blue Flag :• Indicates you are about to be overtaken by fasterriders.• When conditions allow, move out of the fast line.• Hold your line (don’t ride erratically) <strong>an</strong>d do notimpede the faster riders progress.• Riders disregarding this flag may be black-flagged atthe discretion of Race Director.3. White Flag with Red Cross:In <strong>Supercross</strong> this flag or a red flashing light may bedisplayed at the beginning of a triple jump or a series ofjumps. The riders must roll each jump individually with nopassing <strong>an</strong>d exercise extreme caution until they are past thearea of concern, this includes the sighting or cool downlaps.c. Courtesy Flags1. White Flag: Indicates the final lap of a race.2. White <strong>an</strong>d Green Flags Crossed: Indicates 1/2 total racedist<strong>an</strong>ce.4.16 <strong>Supercross</strong> RacesNote: See section E7 for 250SX class races.a. <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meetings areorg<strong>an</strong>ized according to <strong>an</strong> established procedure/model:• Free Practices• Timed Qualifying Practices• Two Heat Races26
• One Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier• One Final (main event)b. In the Heat Races, 1 st through 9 th will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to the mainevent; 10 th through 20 th will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to the Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ceQualifier.c. In the Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier, 1 st <strong>an</strong>d 2 nd will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to themain.d. The 450SX class Main Event will be 20 laps.e. The first rider across the finish line at the conclusion of a raceis the winner.f. The two Heat Races, Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier <strong>an</strong>d the Final(Main Event) may also be referred to as "the eveningprogram".g. A Heat Race, a Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier or the Final (Main Event)may also be referred to as "Race(s)".h. The "<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>" may alsobe referred to as "<strong>Championship</strong>".4.17 QualifyingNote: See section E6 for 250SX class Qualifying.a. All qualifying practices will be timed.b. Afternoon qualifying practices will be used to compile the 40fastest riders (the “Fast 40”) in the 450SX <strong>an</strong>d 250SX Classes.These 40 riders will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to the Evening program.c. If a rider or riders have qualified in the top 40 but are unable toparticipate in the evening program, <strong>an</strong> alternate rider thatqualified outside of the top 40 may be allowed into the heatraces. This will be done starting with the 41 st qualifier until allpositions for the evening program are filled.1. These riders will pick their gate position in the order in whichthey qualified after all riders in that heat race from the top 40have gated.2. Alternate riders allowed to the gate through thisprocess will not be considered officially in the race untilto the “three minutes before the 30 board” call fromRace Direction3. If a rider that has earned a top 40 qualifying positionenters the final staging checkpoint prior to the “threeminutes before the 30 board” call from Race Direction,that rider will be allowed to start <strong>an</strong>d the alternate willbe removed.4. If a rider that has earned a top 40 qualifying positionknows that they will not be able to make the start of theheat race but still intends on participating in the LCQ,they must inform the Race Director of their intent priorto the staging of the heat race.5. Once a top 40 qualified rider is officially replaced by <strong>an</strong>alternate, the qualified rider is no longer eligible toparticipate in <strong>an</strong>y further races at that meet.27RACE RULES &PROCEDURES
6. Riders outside of the top 40 may be denied this optionbased on lap times at the sole discretion of the RaceDirector.d. Afternoon qualifying practices will also be used to determinethe order for gate picks in the Heat Races. The fastest rider willbe the first gate pick in the second heat. The second fastestrider will be the first gate pick in the first heat race <strong>an</strong>d so onuntil all qualifying riders are placed in a heat race.e. In the 450SX class only, a rider who is currently in the Top 10in points who fails to make the Fast 40 in qualifying practiceswill be placed on the 21 stgate pick in the first heat race. Asecond (NQT10) in qualifying practices will have the 21st gatepick in the second heat race. Up to a maximum total of 2NQT10 riders c<strong>an</strong> be placed in each heat race. They will beplaced in their respective heat race in priority of their positionin the top 10. (For the first race of the season: according toprevious year's final st<strong>an</strong>dings).4.18 <strong>Supercross</strong> Staginga. Once a rider enters the staging area <strong>an</strong>d is called to thestarting gate, the rider or his motorcycle will not be permitted toreturn to the paddock. If the rider or his/her motorcycle leavesthe staging area after this point the rider will not be permitted tostart the race. The only exception to this is for the rider touse the officially designated restroom.b. Riders or crewmembers observed to be relieving themselves<strong>an</strong>ywhere other th<strong>an</strong> in a fixed or portable restroom will bepenalized.4.19 Starting Proceduresa. The <strong>Supercross</strong> starting area dimensions will be as follows:1. Starting gate minimum width: 80 feet2. Minimum length of the starting area: 120 feet3. Minimum width: 20 feet at the point the start area enters thetrackb. All starts will be made with a mech<strong>an</strong>ical backward-falling gate.With the exception of staggered restarts.c. When using a starting gate with 22 gates, the two outsidegates at either end will not be used for heats or main events.These outside gates will only be used when more th<strong>an</strong> 20riders are competing in the race.d. Jumping or fouling the gate may result in a penalty of one lapor disqualification.e. All starting gates must have a rear restraint a dist<strong>an</strong>ce of eightfeet behind the gate in the down position, for example, railroadties or 4 x 4 that will prevent riders from rolling back from thegate.f. The starting gate h<strong>an</strong>dle must be enclosed to prevent theriders <strong>an</strong>d team personnel from viewing the drop of the gate.g. Riders will be called from the staging area to line up on thestarting gate.28
h. Each rider may have only one crewmember accomp<strong>an</strong>y him tothe starting gate.i. The riders must quickly make their pick on the gate.j. Once a rider has taken his/her position at the starting gate,he/she c<strong>an</strong>not ch<strong>an</strong>ge it.k. Grooming may be done behind the gate, provided no shovels,tools, or other implements (foreign or natural) are used.l. Slamming of the gate is not permitted.m. Riders or their team members are forbidden to groom in frontof the starting gate or to water the starting lines. "Burn-Outs"prior to the parade sighting lap will be considered grooming infront of the starting gate. Any rider who is found in violation ofthis rule will have one lap of his race result removed.n. Only loose dirt found in the designated starting area may beused to form <strong>an</strong> elevated pad under the rider’s feet. The use ofstarting blocks, stones or other foreign elevating devices isprohibited.o. Ramps of <strong>an</strong>y kind may not be formed in the starting l<strong>an</strong>e.(The front <strong>an</strong>d rear tires must be level).p. Motorcycles must be centered in the starting gate. Riders maynot start at <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>gle.q. When the last rider is in the gate <strong>an</strong>d the track is cleared forthe start:1. The Race Director or his designee will direct the Starter tohold up a 30-second sign.2. The 30-second sign will be held upright for 30 seconds, <strong>an</strong>dthen turned sideways for at least five seconds, but not moreth<strong>an</strong> 10 seconds.3. During the 5-10 second interval, the gate will fall.4.20 Red Flag Race Stops <strong>an</strong>d Restart Proceduresa. Any race start or restart will be considered <strong>an</strong> official part of theevent even if the start or restart does not result in a lap beingcompleted by the leader. Therefore, <strong>an</strong>y infractions will bedeemed valid <strong>an</strong>d ruled upon accordingly.b. In the case of a false start (gate malfunction), a race will berestarted with the riders returning to their original startingpositions.c. Riders who are not present at the starting gate for the originalstart of a race are barred from <strong>an</strong>y subsequent restarts.d. Riders who are present at the gate but are unable to start dueto a stalled motorcycle may join the race from the starting areaat <strong>an</strong>ytime during the race.e. Riders who are unable to join the race by this procedure arebarred from <strong>an</strong>y subsequent restarts.4.21 Restartsa. The race is stopped (with fewer th<strong>an</strong> 3 laps completed by therace leader / whether it be a Heat, Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier orMain Event)29RACE RULES &PROCEDURES
1. A red flag will be displayed to the riders.2. The race will be considered null <strong>an</strong>d void.3. The riders will return to the starting area <strong>an</strong>d a re-start willtake place as soon as possible.4. The riders will keep their initial starting order.5. The riders will be restarted from the starting gate.6. Riders who were present at the starting gate for the originalstart of the race but were unable to start <strong>an</strong>d who did not jointhe race before the red flag was displayed are notauthorized to take the restart.7. The race will be run for the original number of laps.8. In the case of a Final, if it is found impossible to restart thenthis Final will be declared c<strong>an</strong>celled <strong>an</strong>d not count for the<strong>Championship</strong>.b. The race is stopped (with more th<strong>an</strong> three laps <strong>an</strong>d less th<strong>an</strong>90% of the total dist<strong>an</strong>ce completed by the race leader,rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps / whether itbe a Heat, Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier or Main Event)1. A red flag will be displayed to the riders.2. The riders will return to the starting area <strong>an</strong>d a re-start willtake place as soon as possible.a. A minimum of 10 minutes from the time that the red flag isdisplayed will be given to make repairs or adjustments.b. The race may be re-started before the minimum 10minute waiting time only if all riders indicate to the RaceDirector that they are ready to start.c. Repairs or adjustments may only be made in the startingarea.3. The starting order will be determined by each rider’s raceposition at the end of the lap preceding the stopping of therace.4. Riders will be restarted from a staggered st<strong>an</strong>ding start inthe starting area.a. Riders will be lined up in a staggered formation beginningon the starting straight at a start line located by the firstturn, starting with the rider that was in the first position<strong>an</strong>d continuing back towards the starting area.b. Riders not ready to take their position in line will be placedlast.c. Once all riders are in position, a yellow flag will bedisplayed to indicate that the start will be within 30seconds. Once the yellow flag has been removed, thestarter will then display a green flag to signal thestart.d. Riders may not overtake the rider in front of themuntil they pass the designated starting line.30
e. Any rider that does overtake the rider in front of thembefore the starting line will have been deemed to havejumped the start <strong>an</strong>d will be penalized a minimum oftwo positions in the final results.f. Eligible riders who are unable to participate in the re-startdue to a stalled motorcycle or continued repairs may jointhe race from the starting area at <strong>an</strong>ytime during the race.g. Riders who were no longer actively participating in race atthe time when the red flag was displayed are notauthorized to take part in the restart.5. The race will be run for the remaining number of laps.6. In the case of a Main Event, full championship points will beawarded.c. The race is stopped with more th<strong>an</strong> 90% of the total dist<strong>an</strong>cecompleted by the race leader, rounded down to the nearestwhole number of laps / whether it be a Heat, Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ceQualifier or Final)1. A finish flag will be displayed to the riders.2. The riders will return to the paddock.3. The race will be considered completed. In that case, theriders' position will be those at the end of the lap precedingthe stopping of the race.4. In the case of a Heat or Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier, the riders willqualify for the Main Event or be relegated to the LastCh<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier according to these results.5. In the case of a Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier, the top two riders willqualify for the Main Event according to these results. Theremaining riders are eliminated.6. In the case of a Main Event, full championship points will beawarded.4.22 Race Finishesa. Races are officially ended for all contest<strong>an</strong>ts at the completionof the lap in which the checkered flag is displayed to thewinner.b. The officially designated finish line is defined as theuppermost leading edge of the finish line obstacle.c. To be considered as having completed a lap, the rider <strong>an</strong>d hismotorcycle must cross the pl<strong>an</strong>e of the checkered flagofficially designated finish line. Under specialcircumst<strong>an</strong>ces <strong>an</strong>d at <strong>an</strong>y time other th<strong>an</strong> the checkeredflag lap, crossing outside of the designated finish lineobstacle c<strong>an</strong> be considered a completed lap, as long asthe rider continues the race for at least one morecompleted lap.d. Riders will be credited with all laps they complete during a raceunless a penalty has been assessed.e. Riders choosing to leave a race before its completion need notwait for the checkered flag to receive credit for laps they havecompleted.31RACE RULES &PROCEDURES
f. Should the checkered flag be displayed later th<strong>an</strong> the officialdist<strong>an</strong>ce, the finishing order will be decided on the basis of theofficial dist<strong>an</strong>ce.g. Under <strong>an</strong>y other circumst<strong>an</strong>ces, the winner is the leader at thetime the checkered flag is displayed.h. A motorcycle that enters the paddock during a race will not bepermitted to return to the racetrack. A motorcycle that leavesthe stadium floor or infield of a speedway during a racewill not be permitted to return to the racetrack.i. Should a rider be given the checkered flag ahead of the actualwinner, or with the winners, the rider will be scored as havingcompleted the race in the race position the rider was running atthat time.j. A video camera may be used at the finish line to aid thescorekeepers in determining the finishing order of a close race.Should video footage from <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>-designated camera beunavailable or inconclusive for <strong>an</strong>y reason, the scoring of thefinish will be based solely on the scorekeepers' decision.k. At the conclusion of the Main Event, the top five finishing riders<strong>an</strong>d their motorcycles must go directly to a staging arealocated at the podium. Other riders outside of the top 5 mayalso be directed to the podium staging area. Failure to go tothe designated podium staging area may result in a fine.l. At the conclusion of the Main Event, <strong>an</strong>d after the podiumceremonies are complete, the top three finishing motorcyclesmust go directly to the technical impound area located at the<strong>AMA</strong> trailer or other area as designated by the Chief TechnicalInspector. Other motorcycles may be directed to impound atthe discretion of the Chief Technical Inspector. Failure to godirectly to the technical impound area will result in a penalty.m. At the conclusion of the race <strong>an</strong>y riders who do not completethe same number of laps as the leader will be scored in orderof finish, laps completed <strong>an</strong>d the number of laps completedfirst.1. If more th<strong>an</strong> one rider starts the race but does not completeone full complete lap as per official scoring, those riders willbe placed in the final results based their qualifying time.n. A rider whose motorcycle is disabled before reaching the finishline may, by the rider's own unaided muscular energy, push orcarry the motorcycle in the proper direction of the track tocomplete the race by crossing the finish line, unless the rider isdetermined to be a hazard by the Race Director.4.23 Official Race Resultsa. No official <strong>an</strong>nouncement of race results will be given until allscoring materials are examined <strong>an</strong>d approved by the Timing &Scoring M<strong>an</strong>ager.b. Provisional results will then be posted <strong>an</strong>d will become officialif a rider does not protest against the results within 30 minutesafter they have been posted.c. If rechecks are required within the 30-minute time limit, a newposting time limit of 30 minutes will be required if ch<strong>an</strong>ges aremade to the previously posted results.32
d. The issuing of official results does not exempt riders whocompeted in the event from penalties for rules violationsdetermined by the Race Director following the protest period.e. In the case of a protest, riders are entitled to review theirscores with the Race Director <strong>an</strong>d/or the Timing & Scoringm<strong>an</strong>ager.4.24 <strong>Championship</strong> Pointsa. When the results of <strong>Supercross</strong> main events are declaredofficial, <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> pointswill be awarded down to a maximum of 20 places for theoverall results of the Main Events.b. In the event that a qualified rider is unable to make the start ofthe main event, they will be placed in last place in the finalresults. If more th<strong>an</strong> one qualified rider is unable to start theywill be placed in order of qualifying in the final results. In eithercase they will earn points <strong>an</strong>d purse based on the final results.c. Under special circumst<strong>an</strong>ces, if more th<strong>an</strong> 20 riders are in themain event, riders finishing 21 <strong>an</strong>d up will receive 1 point.d. The <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> Champion will be decidedbased on the total of series points accumulated from eachMain Event.e. In the event of a tie for the championship, the winner will bedetermined based on the number of Main Event wins.f. Should a tie still remain, finishes of second, third, etc, will betallied until the tie is broken.g. If a tie still remains, the best finish in the last race willdetermine the champion.h. <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> PointsSchedulePoints will be awarded for <strong>Supercross</strong> Main Events accordingto the following schedule:RACE RULES &PROCEDURESFinish PointsFinish PointsPositionPosition1 25 11 102 22 12 93 20 13 84 18 14 75 16 15 66 15 16 57 14 17 48 13 18 39 12 19 210 11 20 <strong>an</strong>d up 14.25 450SX Class M<strong>an</strong>ufacturers’ <strong>Championship</strong>a. For the M<strong>an</strong>ufacturers' <strong>Championship</strong>, only the highest placedmotorcycle of each m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer will gain points, according tothe rider’s position in each Final (Main Event) of the "<strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>".33
. The same 20 place <strong>Championship</strong> point schedule applies tom<strong>an</strong>ufacturers as it does to the riders in <strong>Supercross</strong>.c. In case of ties for the M<strong>an</strong>ufacturers' <strong>Championship</strong>, the sameconditions as for the riders will apply to determine the winner.d. In the case where a rider participates on motorcycles fromdifferent m<strong>an</strong>ufacturers, it is the make of the motorcycle withwhich he has obtained the most points that will appear next tohis name in the final st<strong>an</strong>dings, without, however, modifyingthe calculation for the M<strong>an</strong>ufacturers' <strong>Championship</strong>.4.26 <strong>Supercross</strong> Prize Giving Ceremoniesa. The <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> Champion <strong>an</strong>d <strong>AMA</strong> 250SXEast <strong>an</strong>d West Champions are obliged to attend the official"<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>" Prize-GivingCeremony, org<strong>an</strong>ized by the Promoter at the end of the <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>. Failure to attend willresult in <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> fine.b. The <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> Champion must also attendthe <strong>FIM</strong> Prize-Giving Ceremony org<strong>an</strong>ized by the <strong>FIM</strong> whichwill be held later in the year. Failure to attend the <strong>FIM</strong>ceremony will result in a <strong>FIM</strong> fine in accord<strong>an</strong>ce with Art. 60.7<strong>World</strong> Champions Awards Ceremony of the <strong>FIM</strong> SportingCode.34
Section 5250SX Class Specific RulesThe 250SX class will abide by all rules <strong>an</strong>d regulations set forth inthe <strong>2013</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> rulebookwith the exceptions listed in Section 5.Section 250SX Class Page5.1 250SX License Eligibility 355.2 250SX East/West <strong>Championship</strong> Guidelines 365.3 250SX Entries 375.4 250SX Technical St<strong>an</strong>dards 385.5 Engines 395.6 Forks <strong>an</strong>d Shocks 395.7 Weight Limit 395.8 Numbers <strong>an</strong>d Number Plates <strong>an</strong>d Logo’s 405.9 Display of the <strong>AMA</strong> Logo 415.10 Qualifying at 250SX Races 425.11 250SX Races 425.12 250SX Subst<strong>an</strong>ce Abuse Policy 425.1 250SX Class License EligibilityRequirements for a <strong>2013</strong> or 2014 <strong>AMA</strong> 250SXlicense:a. All license applic<strong>an</strong>ts must be at least 16 years of age at thetime of application.b. Prior to being accepted for entry for <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>meet, each rider must provide documentation that theyhave completed <strong>an</strong> ImPACT Concussion M<strong>an</strong>agementTest, which shall be used by the Chief Medical Officer, toassist in determining when a rider will be allowed to returnto competition after suffering a concussion.In addition to the age requirements <strong>an</strong>d ImPACT test, riders mustmeet one of the following criteria to be eligible for <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> 250SXclass license.c. Qualifying through the <strong>AMA</strong> Arenacross “Road to<strong>Supercross</strong>” program1. Earn 35 <strong>AMA</strong> Arenacross class points in the 2011, 2012or <strong>2013</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> Arenacross series.2. Earn 60 <strong>AMA</strong> Arenacross Lites class points in the 2011,2012 or <strong>2013</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> Arenacross series3. Finish in the top 10 overall in the <strong>AMA</strong> AmateurArenacross <strong>World</strong> Finals in 2011 or 2012 in the expertmain event class.4. Earn 1 “Road to <strong>Supercross</strong>” point from theArenacross class at a minimum of three separateArenacross events from the <strong>2013</strong>/14 season (for atotal of 3 points).d. Qualifying through other programs1. Earn at least 75 points (at the time of application) in the<strong>AMA</strong> Pro/Am Motocross Series.250SX CLASSRULES35
2. Finish in the top 15 overall at the <strong>AMA</strong> Amateur NationalMotocross <strong>Championship</strong> in 2011 or 2012 in <strong>an</strong>y of the250A or 450A or Pro Sport classes.3. Qualified into the evening program in the <strong>AMA</strong> 450SX or<strong>AMA</strong> 250SX class at least one time during the 2009 thru2012 <strong>Supercross</strong> season.4. Qualified in the top 40 in at least one round of the 2011 or2012 <strong>AMA</strong> Pro Motocross <strong>Championship</strong> in the 250MX or450MX class.5. Riders who earned a 2012 <strong>AMA</strong> 250SX license mayreapply for their 2012 license based on the criteria forwhich it was earned in 2012.****Requirements for a 2015 <strong>an</strong>d beyond <strong>AMA</strong>250SX license****a. All license applic<strong>an</strong>ts must be at least 16 years of age at thetime of application.b. Prior to being accepted for entry for <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>meet, each rider must provide documentation that theyhave completed <strong>an</strong> ImPACT Concussion M<strong>an</strong>agementTest, which shall be used by the Chief Medical Officer, toassist in determining when a rider will be allowed to returnto competition after suffering a concussion.c. Earn 1 “Road to <strong>Supercross</strong>” point from the Arenacrossclass at a minimum of three separate Arenacross eventsfrom the <strong>2013</strong>/14/15 season (for a total of 3 points).5.2 250SX East/West <strong>Championship</strong> Guidelinesa. Riders must designate the region in which they intend toparticipate prior to the first event of the season.b. Once a rider has designated their region, they may not tr<strong>an</strong>sferto the opposite region in the 250SX class unless the rider isinjured at the first event that they are competing in, <strong>an</strong>d failedto start <strong>an</strong>y part of the evening program. The request must besubmitted in writing to <strong>AMA</strong>. The rider must remain in the newregion for the rest of the season.c. Riders who have earned <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX class <strong>Championship</strong>,<strong>AMA</strong> 450SX class <strong>Championship</strong> or <strong>FIM</strong> MX1 <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong> are not eligible to compete in the 250SXEast/West <strong>Championship</strong>.d. Effective with the 2007 season points, riders earning at least135 250SX <strong>Championship</strong> points in <strong>an</strong> nine-race season, 120250SX <strong>Championship</strong> points in <strong>an</strong> eight-race season, or 105250SX <strong>Championship</strong> points in a seven-race season, in threeseasons of 250SX competition will be ineligible for the 250SXclass.1. If the number of events in each of the 250SX class regionsis different, the number of events used for points will bebased on the smaller number. (i.e. if there are eight Westevents <strong>an</strong>d seven East events, the West riders would throwout their worst finish for a maximum total of seven events)36
2. A rider may move to the 450SX class at <strong>an</strong>y time providedhe/she is eligible for the 450SX class, as outlined in the<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> licensing regulations.e. <strong>AMA</strong> 250SX Regional Champions may defend theirchampionship’s the following season, with the followingclarifications:1. Champions may ride either region the following year butmust only compete with the no. 1 plate when defending inthe region in which they won the <strong>Championship</strong>.2. A rider that wins a 250SX <strong>Championship</strong> will be eligible toparticipate in the 250SX class for a maximum of three yearstotal regardless of what year he/she won the title. (i.e. if arider wins the <strong>Championship</strong> in their third year of 250SXcompetition, they will be ineligible for the 250SX classregardless of points <strong>an</strong>d therefore not eligible to defend their250SX <strong>Championship</strong> title)3. After a rider wins a second <strong>Championship</strong>, in either region,the rider will be ineligible for the 250SX class, regardless ofpoints or number of years in class.f. Riders who are adv<strong>an</strong>ced to the 450SX class through points or<strong>Championship</strong>s won will not be eligible to return to the 250SXclass.g. Riders finishing inside the top 20 of the 450SX class points in2010, 2011 or 2012 will not be eligible to ride the 250SX class.h. Designated 250SX riders who competed in the 450SX class inselect 2012-13 events will remain eligible for the 250SX classin <strong>2013</strong>-14, regardless of where they finish in the 450SX classpoints, provided that after the completion of the <strong>2013</strong><strong>Championship</strong> season they are not adv<strong>an</strong>ced to the 450SXclass through 250SX points or 250SX championships won.1. A Designated 250SX rider is defined as a 250SX licensedrider who has declared a region <strong>an</strong>d is actively competing inthat region. <strong>AMA</strong> in its sole discretion will determine if a250SX rider meets the “designated 250SX rider” criteria.i. 250SX East/West riders may compete in the 450SX class,provided they are eligible for the 450SX class as outlined in the<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> licensing regulations. Riders may onlycompete in one class at each event.5.3 250SX Entriesa. Prior to being accepted for entry for <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>meet, each rider must provide documentation that theyhave completed <strong>an</strong> ImPACT Concussion M<strong>an</strong>agementTest, which shall be used by the Chief Medical Officer, toassist in determining when a rider will be allowed to returnto competition after suffering a concussion.b. <strong>Supercross</strong> will be pre-entry ONLY <strong>an</strong>d limited to 80 riders.Post entries will only be permitted under special circumst<strong>an</strong>ces<strong>an</strong>d at the sole discretion of <strong>AMA</strong>.c. Pre entries close 21 days prior to the first event of the season.All other pre entries close 14 days prior to each event.250SX CLASSRULES37
d. Riders may only enter one class at <strong>Supercross</strong> (No doubleclassing).e. Entries will be accepted for the 250SX class in the followingorder of priority until the classes reach the 80 rider limit:1. Top 45 in points from 2012 in the 450SX or 250SX class <strong>an</strong>dpre-entered for the entire season.2. Top 40 in points from 2012 in <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX class or 250MXclass <strong>an</strong>d pre-entered for the entire season.3. Riders earning points outside the top 45 in the 450SX or250SX class in 2012 or outside the top 40 in the <strong>AMA</strong>450MX or 250MX classes in 2012 <strong>an</strong>d pre-entered for theentire season.4. After a rider earns championship points in the currentchampionship series, their entry for <strong>an</strong>y following events inthe series is guar<strong>an</strong>teed, provided the entry is receivedbefore the closing date.5. No 2012 points in <strong>an</strong>y 450SX, 250SX or <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX or250MX class, but pre-entered for the entire season.6. Top 45 in points from 2012 in the 450SX class or 250SX, butnot pre-entered for the entire season.7. Top 40 in points from 2012 in <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX or 250MXclasses, but not pre-entered for the entire season.8. Riders earning points outside the top 45 from 2012 in the450SX or 250SX class or the top 40 in the <strong>AMA</strong> 450MX or250MX classes, but not pre-entered for the entire season.9. For those with no points <strong>an</strong>d not pre-entered for the entireseason, the date on which the pre-entry was received at the<strong>AMA</strong> Office in Pickerington, Ohio will be the determiningfactor for accept<strong>an</strong>ce.f. Verification of the accept<strong>an</strong>ce of <strong>an</strong> entry may be checked bycalling the Competition Services Department at (614) 856-1900the Wednesday after the closing date (typically one week priorto the meet.)g. Accept<strong>an</strong>ce of entries may be gr<strong>an</strong>ted for specialcircumst<strong>an</strong>ces. All entries will be accepted at the discretion of<strong>AMA</strong>.h. All entry fees are non-refundable once the closing date haspassed.i. Exceptions will be made only if <strong>AMA</strong> is notified five days priorto the event with a legitimate medical excuse.j. To be considered as pre-entered for the entire season, acomplete entry form with total fees for the 9 250SX classevents must be received by Dec 14, 2012.5.4 250SX Class Technical St<strong>an</strong>dardsa. 250SX Class motorcycles are subject to the followingrequirements in addition to the applicable requirements inGeneral Equipment St<strong>an</strong>dards. Superseded parts controlled bythese rules must be submitted to <strong>AMA</strong> for review <strong>an</strong>d approval38
efore use in competition. In addition, these parts must then belisted in the current OEM parts list as supplied to <strong>AMA</strong>.Motorcycle components not specifically controlled by theserules may be modified, removed or replaced.5.5 Enginesa. Engine Displacements:0 – 125cc 2-stroke0 – 250cc 4-strokeb. Material <strong>an</strong>d castings of the cylinders, cylinder heads <strong>an</strong>dcr<strong>an</strong>kcases must be the same as the originally approvedmodel. Material may be added or removed from these items.5.6 Forks <strong>an</strong>d Shocksa. The m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer's original concept of either single or doubleshocks must be maintained.b. In 250SX, the replacement <strong>an</strong>d modification of forks <strong>an</strong>dshocks are limited to the following:1. Forks <strong>an</strong>d shocks may be either stock or aftermarket unitslisted on the Approved Equipment List. This list is availablefrom the <strong>AMA</strong> Technical Department.2. Homologated inner <strong>an</strong>d outer fork tubes, axle lugs,cartridge, <strong>an</strong>d piston rod must be retained, modificationsare permitted. All other fork parts may be replaced.3. Homologated shock body, shaft <strong>an</strong>d reservoir must beretained, modifications are permitted. All other shock partsmay be replaced.4. The <strong>AMA</strong> must receive written notification from them<strong>an</strong>ufacturer of <strong>an</strong>y superseding of controlled parts beforethose parts may be used in competition. Them<strong>an</strong>ufacturer's parts list reflecting the superseded partmust accomp<strong>an</strong>y the notification.5. Approved forks, shocks, <strong>an</strong>d superseded parts must beavailable in the U.S. through dealers or distributors to <strong>AMA</strong>Pro-licensed 250SX riders for the entire current season. Adealer or distributor must fill legitimate orders,accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by a 50% deposit, within 15 business days ofreceipt. Failure to fill a legitimate order may result in thec<strong>an</strong>celing of the component m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer's homologation.6. Retail prices of approved forks <strong>an</strong>d shocks may not exceedthe following cost exclusive of all taxes. (The forks <strong>an</strong>dshock assemblies must be complete <strong>an</strong>d functioningassemblies, not only the controlled parts.)7. Both fork legs (less triple clamps) $5,1758. Shock assembly $2,0005.7 Weight Limita. Minimum weight requirement:0 – 125cc 194 pounds126 – 250cc 212 poundsb. See Weighing Procedures (Section 1.15)39250SX CLASSRULES
5.8 Numbers <strong>an</strong>d Number Plates <strong>an</strong>d Series Logo’sa. The current 250SX East <strong>an</strong>d West class Champions must runa white number 1 with a black background only whendefending the number 1 plate in their championship region.b. The current point’s leader must run a red background withwhite numbers.c. At the first event of the season, the current 250SX ClassChampion will be considered the point’s leader <strong>an</strong>d will run thered number plate.d. Number Plate Colors:250SX ClassBlack plates, white numbers2012 250SX Champion Black plates, white number 1<strong>2013</strong> Current Points Leader Red Plate, White Numbers(250SX Champion must be defending in their championship region)e. Numbers must be a solid color.f. Excessive condensing or stretching of the numbers is notpermitted.g. Front numbers must be a minimum height of 6 inches.h. Side numbers must be a minimum height of 5½ inches.i. The current 250SX Class Champion using the number 1 isallowed to use a special-sized number.j. Number display area must be of adequate area to provideample space (approximately 1 inch) around <strong>an</strong>d betweennumbers.k. Front number plates must be mounted in such a m<strong>an</strong>ner as toprevent deflection of the plate during the event. Any attempt atstreamlining, such as curved plates, or plates that are notrigidly mounted, is prohibited, unless such plates are st<strong>an</strong>dardon the homologated model.l. Plastic or fiberglass number plates have a minimum thicknessof 1/16 inch.m. For the 250SX Class, the approved front number plate designwill contain the current <strong>AMA</strong> logo followed by the<strong>Championship</strong> Title Sponsor logo, <strong>an</strong>d again followed by thecurrent <strong>AMA</strong> logo.n. For the <strong>AMA</strong> 250SX Class the correct <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> logomust be displayed on both side number plates. The minimumsize of the logo is 3 inches wide by 1¾ inch high.40
o. The area indicated on both side number plates are reserved forthe current class specific logo(s).p. Riders competing in the <strong>AMA</strong> 250SX Class must display the<strong>AMA</strong> logo on the upper left front torso or left shoulder area oftheir jersey. The minimum size of the logo is 3 inches wide by1¾ inch high.q. If the rider uses a chest/back protector, the logo must belocated in the center front on the chest/back protector. This isin addition to the logo located on the jersey.5.9 Display of the <strong>AMA</strong> Logoa. All riders are required to have approved logos in placewhenever they are competing in <strong>an</strong>y part of <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> event.b. The following logos are the approved <strong>AMA</strong> images to bedisplayed on the front <strong>an</strong>d side number plates, <strong>an</strong>d riderapparel. The logo is also a part of the front number platedesign, which will also include the series title sponsor.Front number plate:250SX CLASSRULESSide number plate <strong>an</strong>d jersey:c. How to obtain the logo <strong>an</strong>d/or logo artwork file:1. At each event, all number plate stickers <strong>an</strong>d adhesiveapparel patches will be available at <strong>AMA</strong> Tech Inspectionat each meet.2. If a third party produces number plates <strong>an</strong>d/or jerseys foryou prior to meets, they may request logo files to:kcrowther@ama-cycle.org. The request for artwork by athird party should include the rider's name.3. Disclaimer for use of <strong>AMA</strong> registered Trademarks:<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the other logos <strong>an</strong>d trademarks shown herein aretrademarks of the <strong>AMA</strong>. Particip<strong>an</strong>ts are to use the approved41
logos on number plates <strong>an</strong>d apparel only when participating in<strong>AMA</strong> events. Any further use of the mark outside of this capacityis prohibited without written consent from <strong>AMA</strong>. Any further use ofthe marks (i.e., the <strong>AMA</strong> mark, <strong>an</strong>d other <strong>AMA</strong> trademarks <strong>an</strong>dlogos) outside of this capacity is prohibited without a license fromor the express, written permission of <strong>AMA</strong>.5.10 Qualifying at 250SX Racesa. All qualifying practices will be timed.b. Afternoon qualifying practices will be used to compile the 40fastest riders (the “Fast 40”) in the 250SX class. These 40riders will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to the evening program.c. If a rider or riders have qualified in the top 40 but are unable toparticipate in the evening program, riders that qualified outsideof the top 40 may be allowed into the heat races. This will bedone starting with the 41 stqualifier until all positions for theevening program are filled. These riders will pick their gateposition in the order in which they qualified after all riders inthat heat race from the top 40 have gated. Riders outside ofthe top 40 may be denied this option based on lap times at thesole discretion of the Race Director or <strong>AMA</strong>.d. Afternoon qualifying practices will be used to determine theorder for gate picks in the heat races. The fastest rider will bethe first gate pick in the second heat. The second fastest riderwill be the first gate pick in the first heat race <strong>an</strong>d so on until allqualifying riders are placed in a heat race.5.11 250SX Racesa. The Evening Program in 250SX will consist of two Heat Races,one Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier, <strong>an</strong>d one Main Event.b. In the Heat Races, 1 st through 9 th will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to the mainevent; 10 th through 20 th will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to the Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ceQualifier.c. In the Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier, 1 st <strong>an</strong>d 2 nd will adv<strong>an</strong>ce to themain.d. The 250SX Main Event will be 15 Laps.e. The first rider across the finish line at the conclusion of a raceis the winner.f. The issuing of official results does not exempt riders whocompeted in the event from penalties for rules violationsdetermined by <strong>AMA</strong> investigations following the protest period.g. In the case of a protest, riders are entitled to review theirscores with the timing & scoring m<strong>an</strong>ager.5.12 250SX Class Subst<strong>an</strong>ce Abuse Policya. 250SX class riders will follow the terms <strong>an</strong>d conditions of the<strong>FIM</strong> Anti-Doping Code.b. R<strong>an</strong>dom tests for drugs <strong>an</strong>d alcohol may be conducted at thediscretion of <strong>AMA</strong> or their respective drug testing partners.c. Compli<strong>an</strong>ce with the Anti-Doping Code is <strong>an</strong> essentialprecondition to the issu<strong>an</strong>ce of Professional Competitionlicenses.42
d. Any violation of the policy or refusal to submit to testing asrequested by <strong>AMA</strong>, or their respective drug testing partners willresult in the immediate revocation of the competitor’s license<strong>an</strong>d loss of all rights to compete in <strong>AMA</strong> Professional orAmateur s<strong>an</strong>ctioned events.e. The Anti-Doping Code is available upon request from the <strong>AMA</strong>office.250SX CLASSRULES43
Appendix AOffenses, Penalties, Protests, <strong>an</strong>d AppealsSection Offenses, Penalties, Protests <strong>an</strong>d PageAppealsA1 General Information 44A2 General Offenses <strong>an</strong>d Penalties 44A3 Equipment Offenses <strong>an</strong>d Penalties 47A4 Protests 47A5 Appeals 48A1 General Informationa. Through the establishment <strong>an</strong>d enforcement of various rules<strong>an</strong>d procedures, <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the <strong>FIM</strong> strive to regulate the sportof professional motorcycle racing in the fairest possiblem<strong>an</strong>ner. By participating in <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong> meet, each particip<strong>an</strong>t agrees to abide by the<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> rules <strong>an</strong>dprocedures. In addition, riders are held responsible for theactions of their crewmembers. As part of entering a meet, arider assures the competent bodies that his/her crewmembersare <strong>AMA</strong> members in good st<strong>an</strong>ding. All parties involved in themeet are expected to conduct themselves in a professionalm<strong>an</strong>ner, respecting at all times the rights of others.Participation in these meets is a privilege afforded to license<strong>an</strong>d event credential holders, <strong>an</strong>d all such particip<strong>an</strong>tsunderst<strong>an</strong>d that violation of <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong> rules <strong>an</strong>d procedures c<strong>an</strong> lead to forfeiture oftheir competition licenses or event credential, fines, pointsdeductions, lap deductions, finishing position deductions, timepenalties (which must result in the loss of at least one finishingposition), disqualification <strong>an</strong>d other disciplinary actions asoutlined herein.b. Rules directed or related to safety are promulgated to make allpersons concerned with safety, but <strong>AMA</strong> or the <strong>FIM</strong> neither dowarr<strong>an</strong>t safety if the rules are followed nor compli<strong>an</strong>ce with <strong>an</strong>denforcement of rules. Each particip<strong>an</strong>t in competition has theresponsibility to assess the safety aspects of facilities <strong>an</strong>dconditions <strong>an</strong>d must assume the risk of competition.c. The Race Director has the competence to pronounces<strong>an</strong>ctions against riders, team staff, officials,promoters/org<strong>an</strong>izers <strong>an</strong>d all the persons involved in <strong>an</strong>ycapacity whatsoever in <strong>an</strong> event or in the <strong>Championship</strong>.d. The Race Director may pronounce the following penalties.• Warning• Fine• Lap deductions or finishing position deductions• Time <strong>an</strong>d/or point penalties• Disqualification• Suspension• Probation not exceeding 12 months from the date ofoffenceA2 General Offenses <strong>an</strong>d Penaltiesa. This section outlines actions that are deemed to be detrimentalto the sport of motorcycle racing <strong>an</strong>d which may result in a44
<strong>an</strong>ge of disciplinary actions. Unless otherwise specificallyprovided for in these rules, the Race Director may disqualify<strong>an</strong>y particip<strong>an</strong>t or motorcycle from the bal<strong>an</strong>ce of a race meetfor violation of these rules, insubordination or other actionsdeemed in the sole discretion of the Race Director to bedetrimental to the race meet <strong>an</strong>d the sport. Suchdisqualification includes the loss of <strong>an</strong>y rights with regard to theevent in question <strong>an</strong>d may result in expulsion from the meetsite. In addition, the Race Director is empowered to levy fines<strong>an</strong>d to recommend to <strong>AMA</strong> that a party or parties besuspended from participation in <strong>AMA</strong> s<strong>an</strong>ctioned activities.Unless otherwise specifically provided for in these rules, <strong>AMA</strong>is empowered to suspend from competition <strong>an</strong>y rider, crewmember or motorcycle for a period of one meet up to <strong>an</strong>indefinite suspension for violation of these rules,insubordination or other actions deemed, in the sole discretionof <strong>AMA</strong>, to be detrimental to the sport of motorcycle racing.<strong>AMA</strong> is also empowered to, in addition to or in lieu of asuspension from competition, suspend a rider's eligibility toearn points for one or more events including, but not limited to,the event in which the rules violation took place. In addition,<strong>AMA</strong> is empowered to levy fines, points deductions, finishingposition deductions, time penalties (which must result in theloss of at least one finishing position), <strong>an</strong>d lap deductions. Thebeginning <strong>an</strong>d ending dates of <strong>an</strong>y such suspension will be asdetermined by <strong>AMA</strong>.b. Any supplemental rules, regulations, instructions or proceduresestablished for the purpose of implementing, interpreting orenforcing these rules will be deemed to be part of the rules.c. The following offenses will be subject to disciplinary action bythe Race Director <strong>an</strong>d/or the competent bodies. This list isprovided as guid<strong>an</strong>ce to licensed competitors <strong>an</strong>d eventcredential holders but does not restrict <strong>AMA</strong> from invokingpenalties for other actions detrimental to the sport that are notspecifically contemplated herein.OFFENSES& PENALTIES1. Falsifying one's age or ability to meet <strong>an</strong>y of the variouseligibility requirements for the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong><strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, or in general, competing orattempting to compete in <strong>AMA</strong>/<strong>FIM</strong> s<strong>an</strong>ctioned activitiesunder false pretenses.2. Competing under a false name or in <strong>an</strong>y other wayattempting to gain <strong>an</strong> unfair adv<strong>an</strong>tage.3. Abetting or knowingly engaging in <strong>an</strong>y race in which theresult is "fixed" or prearr<strong>an</strong>ged.4. Giving, offering or promising, directly or indirectly, <strong>an</strong>ybribe in <strong>an</strong>y form to <strong>an</strong>y person in <strong>an</strong> attempt tocircumvent <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong> rules or procedures or to otherwise gain <strong>an</strong>unfair adv<strong>an</strong>tage.5. Accepting or offering to accept <strong>an</strong>y bribe in <strong>an</strong>y form from<strong>an</strong>y person in <strong>an</strong> attempt to circumvent <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>,<strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> rules or procedures or tootherwise gain <strong>an</strong> unfair adv<strong>an</strong>tage.45
6. Refusing to provide a factual statement regarding <strong>an</strong> itemunder appeal when requested by the Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el.7. Failing to ride in a meet after entering without givingproper notice of non-participation.8. Engaging in a rider boycott, public protest or other similarconcerted activity me<strong>an</strong>t to stop, delay or otherwise inhibitthe start or completion of <strong>an</strong>y portion of <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> event.9. Engaging in <strong>an</strong>y unfair practice, misbehavior or actiondetrimental to the sport of motorcycling in general,whether or not related to a specific competition.10. An attack on a racing official <strong>an</strong>d/or engaging in a fight.This includes <strong>an</strong>y person who attacks or is involved in afight <strong>an</strong>ywhere on the premises prior to, during or after <strong>an</strong><strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meet.There will be no maximum fine or suspension period forthis offense.11. Refusal to submit a machine for inspection. Any riderrefusing to immediately surrender his or her machine tothe Race Director or his designee upon dem<strong>an</strong>d, orrefusing to allow examination or measurement of amachine's components, will be in violation of these rules.12. Failure to re-enter the track at a point as close as practicalto the point at which the rider left the track; <strong>an</strong>d in sodoing gaining <strong>an</strong> unfair adv<strong>an</strong>tage.13. Receiving <strong>an</strong>y form of prohibited outside assist<strong>an</strong>ce,including, but not limited to, receiving radio tr<strong>an</strong>smissionswhile in competition, except as provided for in these rules.14. Failure to appear for scheduled registration <strong>an</strong>d/or pre- orpost-race tech inspection.15. Failing to immediately respect <strong>an</strong>d comply withoperational or warning flags/lights or other signals fromracing officials.16. Failure to attend riders' meetings.17. Riding at <strong>an</strong>y time in such a m<strong>an</strong>ner as to end<strong>an</strong>ger thelife or limb of other riders, officials or the public.18. Wagering by a particip<strong>an</strong>t on the outcome of <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong>s<strong>an</strong>ctioned race.19. Failing a test for drugs or refusing to submit to drugtesting as required from time to time by <strong>AMA</strong>, the <strong>FIM</strong> ortheir respective drug testing partners under its Subst<strong>an</strong>ceAbuse Policy or the <strong>FIM</strong> Anti Doping Code.20. Causing or attempting to cause a race to be stopped. Atthe sole discretion of the Race Director or his designee, arider who is judged to have intentionally caused a red flagmay be excluded from restarting the event in question.21. Failure on the part of a m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer/distributor to fulfillthe requirements of homologation agreements.46
22. Any other act or actions deemed by the Race Director tobe detrimental to the sport of motorcycle racing <strong>an</strong>d thecompetent bodies.A3 Equipment Offenses <strong>an</strong>d Penaltiesa. This section deals with violations of equipment regulations.Regardless of a motorcycle passing prior inspections,compli<strong>an</strong>ce with all applicable equipment rules must be madeat the post-race inspection. Any motorcycle found to be inviolation of equipment rules may be assumed to have been inviolation for the entire race meet. Passing a motorcyclethrough technical inspection does not warr<strong>an</strong>t that motorcycle'sadherence with all rules. Each particip<strong>an</strong>t assumes fullresponsibility for <strong>an</strong>y violation of equipment rules involving hisor her motorcycle.b. Equipment offenses are determined by the Race Director, athis/her sole discretion.c. Impounding of Motorcycles <strong>an</strong>d Components1. Motorcycles or components may be impounded for up to 45days following <strong>an</strong> event in which such motorcycles orcomponents were utilized in competition, to allow officials orother independent personnel authorized by <strong>AMA</strong> or the <strong>FIM</strong>to perform detailed inspections <strong>an</strong>d testing.2. In the case of <strong>an</strong> appeal, the competent body may retaincustody of impounded equipment until the appeal processhas been completed.A4 Protestsa. Protests must be lodged according to the following procedures<strong>an</strong>d be accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by a fee of US $800, returnable if theprotest is justified.b. If the protest entails dism<strong>an</strong>tling a motorcycle, the protest feemust be accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by <strong>an</strong> additional deposit of US $150.This fee must be paid by the losing party to the mech<strong>an</strong>ic ofthe rider who had to perform the dism<strong>an</strong>tling procedure.c. Protests entailing a fuel control must be accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by <strong>an</strong>additional deposit of US $1,000d. Unless specifically excluded herein, riders may lodge protestson <strong>an</strong>y matter regarding <strong>an</strong> event in which they were aparticip<strong>an</strong>t. Such matters may include, but are not limited to,the conformity of a machine with these rules or the eligibility ofa rider.e. There are two types of protests: technical <strong>an</strong>d administrative.Technical protests relate to the legality of motorcycles <strong>an</strong>dcomponents used in competition. All other protests will bedefined as administrative.f. Each protest must be made separately <strong>an</strong>d in writing. Eachprotest must specify the violation of the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong><strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> rules or procedures that is alleged,<strong>an</strong>d must be accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by the filing fee.g. All protests must be filed within 30 minutes of the posting ofresults of the event in question. The posting of provisionalresults begins the 30-minute protest period.OFFENSES& PENALTIES47
A5 Appealsa. Any person or org<strong>an</strong>ization affected by a disciplinary decisionof the <strong>Supercross</strong> Race Director has the right to appeal thisdecision. This appeal must be presented in writing to the<strong>Supercross</strong> Race Director 30 minutes at the latest after thenotification of that decision <strong>an</strong>d be accomp<strong>an</strong>ied by a fee of US$800, returnable if the appeal is justified.b. Appeals against a decision taken by the Race Director will bedealt with by the Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el (<strong>AMA</strong> Steward, <strong>FIM</strong> Steward<strong>an</strong>d FMNR Steward, if applicable, for meetings outside theUSA).c. The Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el will hear <strong>an</strong>y appeals against decision ofthe Race Director.d. Each Steward has one vote. Decisions are based upon asimple majority.e. If all the Members of the Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el confirm the decisionof the <strong>Supercross</strong> Race Director, the appeal is rejected. In thiscase, the decision of the Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el is final. No furtherappeal is possible.f. If one Member of the Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el does not confirm thedecision of the <strong>Supercross</strong> Race Director <strong>an</strong>d the otherMember(s) agree(s), the appeal is rejected. No further appealis possible.g. If all the Members of the Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el disagree with thedecision of the <strong>Supercross</strong> Race Director, this decision mustbe ch<strong>an</strong>ged.h. The Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el may confirm or pronounce the followingpenalties:• Warning• Fine• Lap deductions or finishing position deductions• Time <strong>an</strong>d/or point penalties• Disqualification• Suspension• Probation not exceeding 12 months from the date ofoffencei. The Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el must ensure that all parties concerned, aswell as the Race Director, receive written notification of <strong>an</strong>yjudicial decision pronounced by the Stewards as soon aspossible.j. Any particip<strong>an</strong>t who is fined under these rules will be deemedsuspended from all <strong>AMA</strong> s<strong>an</strong>ctioned activities until the fine hasbeen paid. The fined party is entitled to a receipt uponpayment. All fines <strong>an</strong>d other disciplinary actions levied by <strong>AMA</strong>must be explained in writing. A copy must be given or sent tothe disciplined party.k. Publication of protests, appeals <strong>an</strong>d the interim <strong>an</strong>d final results of saidprotests <strong>an</strong>d appeals, in Americ<strong>an</strong> Motorcyclist magazine, <strong>FIM</strong>Magazine, other magazines, <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>y other media is expressly agreed toby the particip<strong>an</strong>ts to <strong>an</strong>y protest or appeal. The particip<strong>an</strong>ts agree thatthey shall not bring a cause of action against <strong>AMA</strong>, the <strong>FIM</strong> or theirrespective directors, trustees, officers, employees, agents <strong>an</strong>d assignsas a result of such publication.48
Appendix BOfficials DutiesSection Officials Duties PageB1 Race Director 49B2 Clerk of Course 50B3 Chief Clerk / Registrar 50B4 Timing <strong>an</strong>d Scoring M<strong>an</strong>ager 50B5 Starter 50B6 Judges, Umpires, <strong>an</strong>d Observers 51B7 Pit Steward 51B8 Chief Technical Inspector 51B9 Equipment Steward 51B10 Stewards Appeals P<strong>an</strong>el 51B1 Race Directora. Ensure the racecourse is suitable <strong>an</strong>d discontinue race activityif conditions become unacceptable.b. Determine if all riders are qualified to properly negotiate thecourse <strong>an</strong>d prohibit <strong>an</strong>y riders not so qualified from competing.c. Direct the Starter to black flag riders off the track for <strong>an</strong>ycondition he deems to be unacceptable or in violation of <strong>an</strong>yrules.d. May direct the Starter to red flag/light a race that was startedimproperly.e. Provide for technical inspection of equipment being used bythe riders <strong>an</strong>d bar <strong>an</strong>y equipment that does not conform toequipment regulations.f. See that accurate time is kept for all races.g. To impose penalties for <strong>an</strong>y infringements of the Regulations.h. To impose penalties for <strong>an</strong>y voluntary or involuntary action ordeed accomplished by a person or a group of persons during ameeting, contrary to the current Regulations or instructionsgiven by <strong>an</strong> official of the meeting.i. To impose penalties for <strong>an</strong>y corrupt or fraudulent act, or <strong>an</strong>yaction prejudicial to the interests of the meetings or of thesport, carried out by a person or a group of persons occurringduring <strong>an</strong> event.j. To impose penalties on org<strong>an</strong>izers for having been unable toensure the smooth <strong>an</strong>d efficient running of the event or forserious breaches of the Regulations.k. The Race Director is empowered to measure engines or <strong>an</strong>yother components.l. Allocate a properly enclosed location for engine inspection.m. The Race Director is empowered to make <strong>an</strong>d enforcetemporary regulations necessary to cover emergencies orspecial conditions (not covered in the Rule Book), including<strong>an</strong>y unforeseen situation for the betterment <strong>an</strong>d in the interestof the program.n. The Race Director must consider all protests.49OFFICIALSDUTIES
o. The number of riders allowed to start in <strong>an</strong>y meet will besubject to approval of the Race Director <strong>an</strong>d the <strong>AMA</strong>.B2 Clerk of the Coursea. The Clerk of the Course is appointed by the FMNR.b. The Clerk of the Course c<strong>an</strong>not be a member of the <strong>FIM</strong>Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el.c. The Clerk of the Course must assist the Race Director inorg<strong>an</strong>izing <strong>an</strong>d supervising course officials.d. The Clerk of the Course must assist the Race Director in thepreparation <strong>an</strong>d/or mainten<strong>an</strong>ce of the course before <strong>an</strong>dduring the meeting.e. The Clerk of the Course must carry out <strong>an</strong>y other duties asmay be assigned by the Race Director.B3 Chief Clerk / Registrara. To exhibit a list of all events.b. To receive all entries <strong>an</strong>d check the riders' competitionlicenses.c. To provide the Pit Steward with two copies of the results forposting <strong>an</strong>d line-up in the pits as soon as possible after eachevent. At the end of the meet, insure that the final results areposted.d. To provide all line-up lists <strong>an</strong>d result lists to the promoter fordistribution to the press.e. Such other duties as may be assigned by the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>Series Director.B4 Timing & Scoring M<strong>an</strong>agera. To m<strong>an</strong>age timing <strong>an</strong>d scoring/information distributionoperations.b. Responsible for determining that official timing <strong>an</strong>d scoringprocedures are followed.c. To operate the official electric timing equipment <strong>an</strong>d keep <strong>an</strong>accurate record of all times <strong>an</strong>d report the same to the RaceDirector.B5 Startera. To provide a complete set of flags for use during the race.b. To assign extra flagmen, when required, at various pointsthroughout the course.c. To determine if scorers, timers, umpires, etc., are ready <strong>an</strong>d inplace before starting the race.d. To position riders at the starting line, start the race, givehalfway flags, last lap flags <strong>an</strong>d finish flags.e. To flag off the course <strong>an</strong>y disqualified riders <strong>an</strong>d otherwisedirect the progress of the race with flags, as instructed by theRace Director.f. To instruct the corner workers as to the perform<strong>an</strong>ce of theirduties, <strong>an</strong>d insure that each corner worker/flagm<strong>an</strong> has beensupplied with the necessary flags.50
g. Such other duties as may be assigned by the Race DirectorB6 Judges, Umpires <strong>an</strong>d Observersa. Judges may be assigned by the Race Director to determine theoutcome of <strong>an</strong>y meet.b. Umpires may be assigned by the Race Director <strong>an</strong>d whenassigned will watch the progress of the meet <strong>an</strong>d report <strong>an</strong>yinfractions of the rules to the Race Director.c. Line judges will be assigned by the Race Director to correlate acorrect start with official Starter.B7 Pit Stewarda. To notify riders to appear at the starting point in time for eachevent in which they are entered <strong>an</strong>d assign proper startingpositions.b. To maintain neat, suitable <strong>an</strong>d orderly pits where the riders c<strong>an</strong>work.B8 Chief Technical Inspectora. To provide a place for <strong>an</strong>d conduct a technical inspectionbefore a rider is allowed on the course for practice.b. To affix a sticker, mark or seal on each machine showing that ithas passed technical inspection.c. To make a list of machines <strong>an</strong>d riders that have beeninspected.d. To process all contingency approval <strong>an</strong>d tech inspection forms.e. During the day, be alert for <strong>an</strong>y unacceptable equipment <strong>an</strong>dreport the equipment to the Race Director.f. To conduct post race inspections to assure rule compli<strong>an</strong>ce.B9 Equipment Stewarda. Responsible for uniforms <strong>an</strong>d other equipment tr<strong>an</strong>sported onthe truck as assigned by the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> Series Director.B10 Stewards Appeals P<strong>an</strong>ela. The Stewards P<strong>an</strong>el is composed of two or three Stewards:1. One <strong>FIM</strong> Steward;2. One <strong>AMA</strong> Steward;3. One FMNR Steward, if applicable, for meetings outside theUSA only.b. The <strong>FIM</strong> M<strong>an</strong>agement Council appoints the <strong>FIM</strong> Steward.c. If the nominated <strong>FIM</strong> Steward is prevented from arriving at themeeting in time, the <strong>FIM</strong> may name a replacement, with firstpriority given to a CMS Member not from the FMNR.d. The <strong>AMA</strong> appoints the <strong>AMA</strong> Steward.e. If the nominated <strong>AMA</strong> Steward is prevented from arriving at themeeting in time, the <strong>AMA</strong> may name a replacement.f. The FMNR is limited to one FMNR Steward (for meetingsoutside the USA only).OFFICIALSDUTIES51
g. The Stewards have no responsibility for the org<strong>an</strong>ization of themeeting <strong>an</strong>d their only duty is to give a verdict in appealslodged against decisions of the Race Director.h. The authority <strong>an</strong>d duties of the Stewards include but are notlimited to:1. Adjudicating on <strong>an</strong>y appeal against the decisions of theRace Director.2. Ensuring that the decisions of the <strong>FIM</strong> Stewards P<strong>an</strong>elconform to the rules of the <strong>FIM</strong> Sporting Code, to theregulations <strong>an</strong>d bulletins published by the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>an</strong>d <strong>FIM</strong>.3. Ensuring that all parties concerned, as well as the RaceDirection, receive written notification of <strong>an</strong>y judicial decisionpronounced by them as soon as possible.52
Appendix CSound Test ProceduresSection Sound Test Procedures PageC1 The 2 Meter Max Test 53C2 The Preparation of the Sound Meter 53C3 Test Site And Position of the Sound Meter 53C4 The Positioning of the Motorcycle 53C5 The Operation of the Test 54C6 The Measurement of the Sound Level 55C7 Guidelines for Use of the Sound Meter 55This procedure may be used to test motorcycles as a prerequisitefor entry into <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>event.C1 The 2 Meter Max Testa. The 2 meter max method shows a very good correlationbetween the sound power level (LwA) issued by motorcycles infull acceleration, <strong>an</strong>d the maximum sound pressure levelsmeasured at proximity of the same motorcycles, with enginesat idle <strong>an</strong>d quickly taken to their maximum rotational speeds.C2 The Preparation of the Sound Metera. Calibrate the sound meter at 93,5 dB 94 dB or 114 dB 113.5dB to take into account the incidence of the wind foam ballb. Position the wind foam ball on the microphonec. Activate the ‘A’ weighingd. FAST time weighting must be activatede. Select r<strong>an</strong>ge High 80~130 dBf. Activate the function MAX MIN – set on MAXC3 Test Site <strong>an</strong>d Position of the Sound Metera. The sound levels will be measured with the soundmeter/microphone fixed on a tripod, in the horizontal position,at the rear of the motorcycle.b. For the place <strong>an</strong>d position of the motorcycle, ensure that thereare no solid obstacles within 33 feet around the microphone.c. The sound meter will be positioned at a dist<strong>an</strong>ce of 79 inchesbehind the motorcycle, with <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>gle of 45° away from thecenterline, on the exhaust side <strong>an</strong>d at a height of 53 inchesabove the ground, with the sound meter level.d. The 79 inch dist<strong>an</strong>ce is measured from the point where thecenter of rear tire touches the ground.e. It is preferred to make the tests on soft ground, notreverberating, i.e. grass or fine gravel.f. In other th<strong>an</strong> moderate wind, machines should face forward inthe wind direction.g. The ambient sound level must remain lower th<strong>an</strong> 100 dB/A.C4 The Positioning of the Motorcyclea. The reference points:53SOUND TESTPROCEDURES
1. For a motorcycle: the contact point of the rear wheel on theground.2. For motorcycles fitted with 2 exhaust outputs, themeasurement will be made on the side of the air intake. If acentral positioned air intake is used, both sides will betested.3. To make repetitive measurements, all motorcycles c<strong>an</strong> bepositioned into a small frame fixed on the ground.C5 The Operation of the Testa. The measurement is made with motorcycle on its wheels, witha hot engine.b. For the initial sound control <strong>an</strong>d technical inspection, a rider (orhis mech<strong>an</strong>ic) shall present only one spare silencer permachine.c. Other spare silencers may be presented after all particip<strong>an</strong>tshave presented their motorcycle.d. The technical steward will be positioned on the right side of themotorcycle, not to screen or st<strong>an</strong>d between the bike <strong>an</strong>d themicrophone. At no time should the technical inspector be in aposition in front of the h<strong>an</strong>dlebars during the test.e. The mech<strong>an</strong>ic presenting the motorcycle for testing will bepositioned on the left side of the motorcycle during the test <strong>an</strong>dis required to engage the clutch during the full throttle portionof the test.f. If a second steward is perm<strong>an</strong>ently attending the sound levelchecks, it is strongly advised for him to use earplugs, aheadset or ear protectors.g. During the sound test method, machines not equipped with agear box neutral must be placed on a st<strong>an</strong>d.h. The motorcycle may be tested in <strong>an</strong>y gear as directed bythe technical steward.i. The clutch MUST be engaged during the test.j. The Inspector shall open throttle as fast as possible until fullopen throttle (inst<strong>an</strong>tly, within 0.3 seconds). He will keep atmax engine ‘rpm’ for 1 second. To end, the inspector willrelease the throttle quickly.k. If the result exceeds the limit, including ‘after fire’, the Inspectorshall test the motorcycle, maximum 2 times more.l. For motorcycles equipped with <strong>an</strong> engine rpm limiter, openingthe throttle will be made - inst<strong>an</strong>tly, within 0.3 seconds - <strong>an</strong>dkept open until at least 1 second has evolved <strong>an</strong>d/or whenthere is <strong>an</strong> audible sign of over revving the engine.m. For motorcycles without <strong>an</strong> engine ‘rpm’ limiter, the opening ofthe throttle will have to be lower th<strong>an</strong> 2 seconds <strong>an</strong>d/or whenthere is <strong>an</strong> audible sign of over-revving the engine.n. If the engine tends to suffocate, close the throttle slightly <strong>an</strong>dre-open the throttle.o. If detonations appear, the measurement must be started again.54
p. For the sound level measurement, the h<strong>an</strong>dling of the throttleis limited only to the Inspector, who shall open the throttlehimself in order to minimize the influence by <strong>an</strong>other operator(for that, it is helpful to have the microphone equipped with <strong>an</strong>extension cable to the sound meter).C6 The Measurement of the Sound Levela. When the measurement is considered acceptable, write downthe result, then reset (push on the sideline) the MAX MINsetting until the disappear<strong>an</strong>ce of the previously displayedvalue.b. Push again on the sideline MAX MIN to arm the sound levelmeter.c. The sound level meter is then ready for the followingmeasurement.d. An attempt by a particip<strong>an</strong>t to prevent his/her engine to reachthe maximum published rpm figure will be considered a breachof the rules.e. Even after passing the sound control, if there is doubt, themotorcycle may be checked again.f. A noticeably lower engine speed is detected easily by hearing.If doubt, control of the value of the rpm limiter with atachometer.g. A machine which does not comply with the sound limits c<strong>an</strong> bepresented several times at pre-race control.h. The silencers will be marked when they are checked <strong>an</strong>d it isnot allowed to ch<strong>an</strong>ge them after the verification, except for<strong>an</strong>y spare silencer which has also been checked <strong>an</strong>d marked.i. The end opening of the silencer shall remain unmodified onceit has been checked <strong>an</strong>d marked.j. Silencers fitted with removable end cap/adapters aimed toreduce the sound levels shall be marked <strong>an</strong>d securelymounted to the silencer. If the removable end cap/adapterbecomes separated from the silencer during <strong>an</strong>ypractice/qualifying or race, the silencer will be deemedmodified <strong>an</strong>d the rider will be penalized.C7 Guidelines for Use of Sound Level Metersa. Sound level measuring equipment must include a compatiblecalibrator, which must be used immediately before testingbegins <strong>an</strong>d always just prior to a re-test if a disciplinarys<strong>an</strong>ction may be imposed.b. Two sets of equipment must be available in case of failure oftachometer, sound level meter or calibrator during technicalcontrol.c. Corrections1. Class 1 (Type 1) sound meter: deduct 1 dB/A2. Class 2 (Type 2) sound meter: deduct 2 dB/ANOTE: For 2014 thru 2017 the corrections will be:1. Class 1 or Class 2 sound meter: deduct 2 dB/ASOUND TESTPROCEDURES55
d. Ambient temperature1. No deductions.1. Below 50 degrees Fahrenheit: deduct 1 dB/A2. Below 32 degrees Fahrenheit: deduct 2 dB/Ae. Precision of the method (toler<strong>an</strong>ces)1. All corrections are cumulative.f. Action <strong>an</strong>d decisions will depend on decisions taken duringprior discussions with the <strong>AMA</strong>, Race Director <strong>an</strong>d/or the ChiefTechnical Steward.56
Appendix DFuel Test ProceduresSection Fuel Test Procedures PageD1 Fuel Testing 57D2 Containers for holding Samples 57D3 Fuel Test Procedures 57D4 Shipping from the <strong>AMA</strong> Office 58D1 Fuel Testinga. The <strong>AMA</strong> in cooperation with the <strong>FIM</strong> will carry out fuel tests at<strong>an</strong>y time during the course of <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong><strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meet.b. Any person or org<strong>an</strong>ization, being a potential supplier of fuel,may be requested to submit a sample for testing for conformitywith the required fuel specifications.c. The chief technical inspector, in consultation with the racedirector, has sole authority to direct the administration of fueltests during the course of <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong> event.d. The criteria for selection of the machines from which samplesare to be taken will be at the sole discretion of the chieftechnical inspector in consultation with the race director.e. The motorcycles selected for fuel sampling <strong>an</strong>d testing will beplaced in the impound area.f. The chief technical inspector will supervise the collection of thetest samples.g. Only officials under the supervision of the chief technicalinspector may take fuel test samples.D2 Containers for Holding Samplesa. Must be cle<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d constructed of robust, fuel non-reactive,impermeable material.b. Must be sealable.c. Must have provision for identification.D3 Fuel Test Proceduresa. The extraction of fuel from machines must be directly from thefuel t<strong>an</strong>k.b. Three (3) test samples will be collected from each selectedmachine.c. The containers must be immediately sealed <strong>an</strong>d identified byreference to the machine from which the sample was taken.d. This information must be entered on the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong><strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Fuel Sample Certificate, which mustcertify the date, place <strong>an</strong>d time of taking the sample, theidentity of the machine from which the sample was taken, <strong>an</strong>dthe identity of its rider.e. The samples (A, B <strong>an</strong>d C) must remain in the control of thechief technical inspector. The rider or a representative of therider/team must sign the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong>57FUEL TESTPROCEDURES
<strong>Championship</strong> fuel sample certificate acknowledging that asample was taken, <strong>an</strong>d rider or representative must receive acopy of the certificate.f. The chief technical inspector must arr<strong>an</strong>ge to deliver the samples(A, B <strong>an</strong>d C) along with the <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>, <strong>an</strong> <strong>FIM</strong> <strong>World</strong><strong>Championship</strong> fuel sample certificates to <strong>an</strong> express service fortr<strong>an</strong>sportation to the <strong>AMA</strong> office.D4 Shipping From the <strong>AMA</strong> Officea. Sample A <strong>an</strong>d its certificate will be sent by express service tothe official testing laboratory where the sample will be testedfor compli<strong>an</strong>ce to the fuel specifications in accord<strong>an</strong>ce withst<strong>an</strong>dard scientific procedures.b. Sample B <strong>an</strong>d its certificate will be safeguarded at the officialtesting laboratory, if Sample A is found to be in noncompli<strong>an</strong>ceto the fuel specifications, sample B will be testedfor verification.c. Sample C will be safeguarded at the <strong>AMA</strong> office for futuretesting if necessary.d. The results obtained from such testing must be attached to thelaboratory’s copy of the fuel sample certificate <strong>an</strong>d delivered tothe <strong>AMA</strong> as soon as practicable after the results have beenobtained.e. The <strong>AMA</strong> will appoint one or more laboratories for testing fuels.f. Upon receiving the report from the laboratory that a fuelsample or samples are not in compli<strong>an</strong>ce with the rules the<strong>AMA</strong> will inform the rider or team <strong>an</strong>d assess a penalty.g. The rider may request to carry out a test of the B sample toverify the results. The testing of the B sample will be at therider's expense.h. The <strong>AMA</strong> will receive the testing results of the sample B <strong>an</strong>dcompare with the testing result of sample A.i. Of these two testing results, the rider's more favorable testingresult (whether it be the A or B Sample) will be taken intoaccount.j. The independent testing laboratory in issuing the results of thetest must also verify that the samples were received in goodcondition <strong>an</strong>d with the seal intact.58
Appendix EGlossaryThe following definitions <strong>an</strong>d abbreviations are adopted for use inthese Rules.<strong>AMA</strong> - Americ<strong>an</strong> Motorcyclist Association.Aftermarket - Produced by a m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer or fabricator other th<strong>an</strong>the original equipment m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer.Bodywork - Seat/tail section, body p<strong>an</strong>els <strong>an</strong>d fenders.CC - Cubic centimeters.Last Ch<strong>an</strong>ce Qualifier (LCQ) - A final qualifying race for thoseriders who did not qualify from the heat race.Displacement - The volume swept by the piston(s) in each stroke.Disqualification - The forfeiture of all awards, prizes <strong>an</strong>d pointsearned in all events during that days meet.DOT - United States Department of Tr<strong>an</strong>sportation.Event - Any one of the races in a meet.Field - All of the riders that make up a race.<strong>FIM</strong> - Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme.FMNR - National Federation org<strong>an</strong>izing a meeting.Heat Race - A qualifying race that determines which riders adv<strong>an</strong>ceto the final event or LCQ.Homologation - <strong>AMA</strong> approval process initiated by m<strong>an</strong>ufacturersor distributors of motorcycles. Only approved motorcycles may beutilized in <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong> competition.M<strong>an</strong>ufacturer - The original m<strong>an</strong>ufacturer of a motorcycle, not thedistributor.Marshal – A flagger or observer placed by the race director aroundthe racetrack to assist him in the running of the meet.Meet - A meeting at which one or more events are held.Model - A reference to a particular year <strong>an</strong>d name assigned bym<strong>an</strong>ufacturers to certain motorcycles.Moto - A race held within a meet that awards championship points.Motorcycle - A rear wheel driven, two wheeled vehicle that ispowered by a single engine.OEM - Original Equipment M<strong>an</strong>ufacturer.Official Results - A listing of the final finishing order of <strong>an</strong> eventissued by scoring after the 30 minute protest period has expired.Paddock - Designated area primarily used for mainten<strong>an</strong>ce ofevent-entered competition motorcycles. May also include parkingarea for motorcycle tr<strong>an</strong>sport <strong>an</strong>d support vehicles.Particip<strong>an</strong>t - Every rider, club, association, comp<strong>an</strong>y, promoter <strong>an</strong>dall other persons participating or in <strong>an</strong>y way connected with <strong>an</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>race meet.59GLOSSARY
Pit Crew - Mech<strong>an</strong>ics <strong>an</strong>d/or assist<strong>an</strong>ts.Mech<strong>an</strong>ics Area - Designated area directly adjacent to the racetrack that may include staging <strong>an</strong>d signal zones. Access is limited tomech<strong>an</strong>ics, officials or those with appropriate track pass credentials.Program - The predetermined outline of events that make up ameet.Provisional Results - An initial listing of the finishing order of <strong>an</strong>event issued by scoring immediately following the race finish.Promoter - Any person or number of persons, comp<strong>an</strong>y,corporation or club holding, proposing to hold or org<strong>an</strong>izing a meet.Qualify - To adv<strong>an</strong>ce to a final event by timed qualifying or heatrace finish position.Race - Competition in which two or more riders compete againsteach other.Race Position - A rider’s position based on his dist<strong>an</strong>ce coveredrelative to the race leader.Race Track - The actual racing surface <strong>an</strong>d runoff areas, plus thepit road, grid <strong>an</strong>d a test track, when provided, along with <strong>an</strong>y otherarea where the riding of competition motorcycles is permitted.Rider - Any person who competes on the racetrack in a meet.Scoring - Officials who provide all timing information <strong>an</strong>d raceresults.Stadium Floor – The floor area in the open air part of a stadium.This does not include tunnels or ramps that provide access to thestadium floor area.Staging or Starting Area - The location where riders <strong>an</strong>d machinesare assembled prior to the start of <strong>an</strong> event.Starting Gate - Any of various types of movable barriers for liningup <strong>an</strong>d giving <strong>an</strong> equal start to the riders.Stock - Parts m<strong>an</strong>ufactured <strong>an</strong>d delivered by the OEM, which areidentical to the parts installed on the motorcycle by the OEM beforeretail sale.Superseded - This term refers to new OEM parts that replace oldparts for increased safety or durability but not to improveperform<strong>an</strong>ce.Suspension (with reference to penalties) - The loss of all rights tocompete as a rider or participate as a member of a pit crew for astated period.Technical Inspector - The technici<strong>an</strong> who inspects all motorcycles<strong>an</strong>d equipment of riders participating in a meet.Timed Qualifying Practice - A practice against time by <strong>an</strong>individual rider. Laps are electronically timed for each rider todetermine qualifying order.60
The following represents active, registered trademarks, trademarks<strong>an</strong>d service marks of Americ<strong>an</strong> Motorcyclist Association, Inc. (<strong>AMA</strong>).Usage of <strong>an</strong>y <strong>AMA</strong> trademark or registered trademark without ourpermission is prohibited.<strong>AMA</strong> U.S. <strong>Supercross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>®<strong>AMA</strong> <strong>Supercross</strong>®<strong>AMA</strong> 450SX<strong>AMA</strong> 250SX<strong>AMA</strong> SX Lites®<strong>Supercross</strong> Lites®Arenacross®<strong>AMA</strong> Arenacross Lites®<strong>AMA</strong> AX Lites®AX Lites®61GLOSSARY
13515 Yarmouth Drive, Pickerington, Ohio 43147<strong>AMA</strong><strong>Supercross</strong>.com11, Route Suisse, CH-1295 Mies (Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d)www.fim-live.com