Zoning Regulations - The Town of Hinesburg

Zoning Regulations - The Town of Hinesburg

Zoning Regulations - The Town of Hinesburg


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<strong>Hinesburg</strong> <strong>Zoning</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> – October 17, 2011 Article 3structure on the lot.(10) Campgrounds for temporary accommodation for tourists with tents and/or traveltrailer provided, however, that the owner <strong>of</strong> such established camp site shall provideadequate sewer disposal facilities and potable water supply, and provided furtherconditions or restrictions as are necessary to insure the proper disposal <strong>of</strong> sewage andthe safe provision <strong>of</strong> water usage.(11) If within 2500 feet <strong>of</strong> the North Road or Route 116, the excavation and processing <strong>of</strong>sand and gravel subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> Section 5.13.(12) Home occupations and cottage industries as defined in Sections 5.1.2, 5.2 and 5.3.(13) Commercial cordwood operations (not including logging or processing <strong>of</strong> wood cuton-site, which are considered agricultural operations).(14) Cemetery with on-site crematory servicesSection 3.5 VILLAGE DISTRICTPURPOSE: To encourage a vibrant mix <strong>of</strong> commercial, residential and civic activities in thecompact, pedestrian-oriented existing village core that maintains its historic character, and isintegrated with the other growth area districts.A mix <strong>of</strong> residential and non-residential (including retail) uses are envisioned for the northwestportion <strong>of</strong> this district (west <strong>of</strong> Route 116), which is currently undeveloped. Development proposalsin this area should be consistent with this mixed-use vision, which is typical for the existing villagecore as a whole. <strong>The</strong> LaPlatte River, Patrick Brook, and other LaPlatte tributaries shall be protectedwith adequate building setbacks and vegetated buffers to allow for naturally occurring channelrealignment and water quality protection. North/south connectivity across Patrick Brook should beplanned for, although the type <strong>of</strong> connection (street, path, etc.) will depend on developmentproposals for the area, permitting issues, and the overall public interest.3.5.1 DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AND LIMITSThis district is generally bounded by and follows parcel lines as depicted on the 2010 TaxMap (as depicted on Village Growth Area <strong>Zoning</strong> District Map), except as noted in the morespecific description that follows. Starting at the southeast corner <strong>of</strong> parcel 09-01-52.000,proceed to northeast corner and then west to northwest corner. Proceed north along easternboundary <strong>of</strong> parcel code COM.006 (formerly taxmap #20-50-73.000 on the 2008 taxmap) tonortheast corner <strong>of</strong> parcel. Proceed due north (true north as shown on map), across parcel#09-01-50.000 to the southern property line <strong>of</strong> parcel 09-01-01.700 at a point approximately300’ east <strong>of</strong> the southwest corner <strong>of</strong> parcel 09-01-01.700. Proceed west and then northwestalong the boundary <strong>of</strong> parcel 09-01-01.700, and then northwest along the western side <strong>of</strong> theThornbush Road right <strong>of</strong> way to a point opposite the south corner <strong>of</strong> lot 1 <strong>of</strong> the Thistle Hillsubdivision (plat/mylar recorded on slide 167B). Cross Thornbush Road and proceednortheast along the lot 1 boundary to the south corner <strong>of</strong> parcel 17-22-73.100. Proceednorthwest along the parcel 17-22-73.100 boundary line to Mechanicsville Road. CrossMechanicsville Road to the southeast corner <strong>of</strong> parcel 16-20-60.000, and proceed northwestalong the parcel boundary to the Canal. Proceed southwesterly down the western bank <strong>of</strong> theCanal (downstream) across parcel 16-20-61.000 and across Commerce Street to the northeastcorner <strong>of</strong> parcel 20-50-01.000. Proceed south (near Canal) along the boundaries <strong>of</strong> parcel 20-50-01.000 and then 20-50-02.100 to the southwest corner <strong>of</strong> parcel 20-50-02.100. Proceednorth along parcel lines to the northeast corner <strong>of</strong> parcel 20-50-02.200. Proceed west along- Page 18 -

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