Plasson Electrofusion Installation Guide - Incledon
Plasson Electrofusion Installation Guide - Incledon
Plasson Electrofusion Installation Guide - Incledon
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1231415INSTALLATION STEPSThe pipe ends must have a square, even cut.Remove any burrs or shavings from the pipe ends.Clean pipe ends inside and out with authorizedcleaner to remove any dirt or contaminants, andallow to dry.Measure the insertion depth of the fitting. Add 20mmto this and mark this length on the pipe end.Scrape pipe up to measurement mark to remove alloxidation andcontaminants. Usepreferably a <strong>Plasson</strong>Rotational Scraper.One pass (or shown in table)of pipe surface is tobe removed. Do notuse metal files oremery paper.41617Clean withauthorized cleanerand allow to fullydry beforeproceeding. Donot touch theprepared surfaces.Note: Fittingsspigot ends canbe scraped andmust be cleaned.d Scraping Depth20 - 25 0.2 mm32 - 75 0.25 mm90 0.3 mmRemove fitting from plastic bag. Slide fitting ontopipe until it reaches the center stops of the fitting.Check measurement mark for proper insertion depth.If the fitting cannot be correctly inserted on to thepipe due to ovality, the pipe will need to be reroundedusing rerounding clamps. Use a <strong>Plasson</strong>Rotational Scraper to reduce oversize pipe.Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the opposite end ofthe fitting.
<strong>Installation</strong> Instructions - ElectroFusion SaddlesThe <strong>Plasson</strong> Tapping Saddles have a patented under-pressure leak tight tapping system.Cleaning & Preparation Instructions1 Clean with authorized cleaner to remove dirtand contaminants and allow to fully dry.12Mark area on the pipe where saddle is to fit - atleast 150mm in length. Mark a center line.Mark lines on the pipe surface, perpendicular toscraping direction, 20mm beyond the saddlesurface. Scrape pipe surface preferably with<strong>Plasson</strong> Rotational Scraper for one pass or to adepth of about 0.3mm.Marking for rotational scraperWhen using hand scraper - make long, evenscrapes starting from outside the marked areato avoid “cratering” in the fusion zone, until allmarks are removed. Approx. 0.3mm of pipesurface should be removed. Do not use metalfiles or emery paper. Clean with authorizedcleaner and allow to dry.6
12Operation of Cutter in <strong>Plasson</strong>ElectroFusion Tapping ValveFollow the Saddle <strong>Installation</strong> Instructions as shownon pages 6-7.Carry out the branch outlet pressure test (followthe installation company procedures) after thefollowing cooling time has elapsed:4To open the valve, turn the spindle counterclockwiseto the valve top position (a significant resistancewill be felt at this point) and turn back about 1/2a turn.NOTE: The number of turns between closed andfully open positions is approximately 32.d minutes40 -180 20200-250 303To perform the tapping, turn the spindle* clockwiseuntil a resistance is felt and keep turning until theresistance drops significantly (the tapping throughthe pipe is now done), keep turning until a secondresistance is felt, the valve is now closed.*Spindle dimension is 14 mm square, use a suitable spanner.10
Please ask for our new catalogues at:www.plasson.comPLASSON Ltd.Maagan Michael D.N. Menashe 37805 IsraelTel: +972-4-6394711, Fax: +972-4-6390887E-mail:, www.plasson.comGrowth Hormone B2B 06/06-2380 H