The DRAGONMagazine - Bishop O'Dowd High School
The DRAGONMagazine - Bishop O'Dowd High School
The DRAGONMagazine - Bishop O'Dowd High School
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60 Wonderful Years Celebrated<br />
Alumni from throughout the decades,<br />
past and current faculty and staff, as well<br />
as current students and their families,<br />
gathered on the <strong>Bishop</strong> O’Dowd <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong> campus on March 25 to celebrate<br />
the school’s 60th anniversary.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> whole event was first class. So<br />
many alums kept telling me how grateful<br />
they were for the gift of their O’Dowd<br />
education, both academically and for its<br />
values and the self discipline it instilled.<br />
It was clear that O’Dowd’s reputation<br />
of excellence and care came in large part<br />
from the lives and skills of our graduates,”<br />
President Steve Phelps said.<br />
<strong>The</strong> day began with a Mass held in<br />
the large gymnasium concelebrated by<br />
former faculty member and O’Dowd<br />
Regent Fr. Jay Matthews, former faculty<br />
member Fr. Leo Dummer, OMI, and<br />
former principals Fr. Frank Wagner,<br />
OMI, and Fr. Ronald Schwenzer, CSB.<br />
Deacon Earl JOHson ’61 and Boyer and<br />
Joan August, both members of the Class<br />
of 1956, also participated.<br />
<strong>Bishop</strong> John Cummins, a former<br />
O’Dowd teacher and dean, and<br />
<strong>The</strong> 60th anniversary Mass was concelebrated by former faculty member and <strong>O'Dowd</strong> Regent<br />
Fr. Jay Matthews, former faculty member Fr. Leo Dummer, OMI, and former principals<br />
Fr. Frank Wagner, OMI, and Fr. Ronald Schwenzer, CSB. Deacon Earl JOHson ’61 and<br />
Boyer and Joan August, both members of the Class of 1956, also participated. Photo by Briana<br />
Loewinsohn.<br />
Enrollment is 120<br />
Tuition and fees $100<br />
4 THE DRAGON<br />
1951 – O’Dowd is established as a co-institutional<br />
high school by the Archdiocese of San Francisco and<br />
opens in facilities provided by St. Louis Bertrand,<br />
with a staff of two diocesan priests and four Adrian<br />
Dominican Sisters. Fr. Mark J. Hurley serves as the first<br />