Workshop Brochure - Lifeline WA
Workshop Brochure - Lifeline WA
Workshop Brochure - Lifeline WA
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What some dads have saidabout our service“The advice gained at the workshopworked brilliantly and I now have far moreaccess to my kids than I thought possible”“Insightful - deals with you as an individual”“I was in a really bad place, suicidal andhad lost all hope of seeing my kids. Theservice was terrific and helped me put mylife back together”Where Dads Matter9261 <strong>Lifeline</strong> <strong>WA</strong> Services24 hr Telephone Crisis SupportOur comprehensively trained and supervisedvolunteer counsellors provide a vital 24-hour,7-days a week, Telephone Crisis Support servicefor the cost of a local call: 13 11 14<strong>Lifeline</strong> Education ServicesCommunity Education forumsWorkplace Information SessionsApplied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)safeTALKRead the SignsHandling Challenging Behaviours & SituationsGrief and LossVolunteering OpportunitiesAdministration, Human Resources,retail and warehouse and telephone counselling.<strong>Lifeline</strong> Shop255 Railway Avenue, KelmscottShop: 9399 3685Pick ups: 9399 6257<strong>Lifeline</strong> <strong>WA</strong> Head OfficePostal Address:GPO Box K765, Perth <strong>WA</strong> 6842Street Address:7 Aberdeen Street, PerthT: (08) 9261 4444F: (08) 9421 1247E: 43 517 756 699Donations can be made by calling9261 4444or on<strong>Lifeline</strong> <strong>WA</strong> values your privacy and is bound by the National PrivacyPrinciples in our handling of personal information.© July 2009Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong>Where Dads MatterDads<strong>Lifeline</strong>Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong>Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong>Connecting dads & kidsafter separationDealing with bereavement9261 4451
“I was in a really bad place,suicidal and had lost allhope of seeing my kids.The service was terrific andhelped me put my lifeback together”Who is Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong> for?Bereaved or separated dads who:• have contact with their kids• do not have contact with their kids• share parenting• want to consolidate or change theirarrangements, establish or re-establishcontact with their kids• want to be a better parent to their kids• have lost their partner or childthrough bereavementWhen can I get an appointment?Appointments are usually available within a fewdays and are generally one hour long.What does it cost?Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong> charges fees on a sliding scale.However if you are experiencing severe hardshipplease call to discuss options.What can Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong> offer?• Face to face counselling and assistance• Help with navigating the Family Law andChild Support systems• Group <strong>Workshop</strong>s1. Developing a Parenting Plan2. Negotiating for Better Outcomes• Specific personalised consultations1. Compile your own personalised Parenting Planimmediately in a one-on-one session2. Learn how to present your Parenting Plan inMediation in a one-on-one sessionYour appointment isDads<strong>Lifeline</strong>9261 4451Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong>Are you a bereaved or separateddad who is:• Having trouble sorting things out withthe other parent?• Not able to see your kids?• Not sure what to do next or where to gofor help?• Feeling depressed and alone?Not coping?• In need of assistance with referrals forformal legal advice?• Having Child Support Agency issues?• In need of help to prepare Family Courtdocuments?• Wanting more contact with your kids?• Having trouble controlling your anger?• Dealing with Violence RestrainingOrder issues?Dads<strong>Lifeline</strong> can assist you with allthese issues and help you get your lifeback on track.